Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The person removed from the investigation for anti-Trump bias...

was the person who interviewed General Flynn...
A supervisory special agent who is now under scrutiny after being removed from Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel’s Office for alleged bias against President Trump also oversaw the bureau’s interviews of embattled former National Security advisor Michael Flynn, this reporter has learned. Flynn recently pled guilty to one-count of lying to the FBI last week.
FBI agent Peter Strzok was one of two FBI agents who interviewed Flynn, which took place on Jan. 24, at the White House, said several sources. The other FBI special agent, who interviewed Flynn, is described by sources as a field supervisor in the “Russian Squad, at the FBI’s Washington Field Office,” according to a former intelligence official, with knowledge of the interview.
McCabe told Flynn “some agents were heading over (to the White House) but Flynn thought it was part of the routine work the FBI had been doing and said they would be cleared at the gate,” the source said.
“It wasn’t until after they were already in (Flynn’s) office that he realized he was being formerly interviewed. He didn’t have an attorney with him,” they added.

While it would have been almost impossible for Mueller to have sent an objective person over to interview Flynn, it turns out that it was the same person who had to be removed for making anti-Trump statements through social media.

As it turns out, this same person was also the one who changed Comey's original wording on the Clinton email scandal from "grossly negligent" to "extremely careless" effectively using semantics to change her behavior from illegal to legal.

So not only was this pro-Hillary anti-Trump person working with James Comey on probably his most important political case, he was also assigned to help investigate the Trump administration within the Special Counsel.

Ultimately this blatantly partisan investigator is responsible for General Flynn (through a surprise interview outside of counsel) having told misleading statements to the FBI. Without reading the entire interview to know for sure how it all played out, we cannot know for sure to what degree there was some liberties taken. But it certainly looks like Flynn was likely bullied into a criminal plea that might otherwise been tossed out of court had it gone that far.

Ultimately, the Mueller team attempted to hide this from the public eye.
The credibility of the Mueller special counsel just took another major hit.


Myballs said...

It's time for a special counsel to investigate the fbi.

Anonymous said...

Lawyer Strzok, was in charge of the Bill Clinton - AG Lynn tarmac meeting?

I am asking, also hear he was part of the Hillary Email issue and those of Hillary's on Felon Pedophile Winner and abbbadabado's laptop.

commie said...

It's finally time to admit hillary lost and pursuing her is nothing but trump the showman trying to change the subject.....

Anonymous said...


It is your side, you shouting helplessly at the sky, #resist ran and Funded by Hillary , the antifa and Blacklivesmurders that will not let go.

So pleazzzz

Anonymous said...

John Conyers to "Retire" today,keeping his Federal Pension.

It should be take sway.

Myballs said...

If Trump family bank records are to be subpoenaed, they damn well better do the same for the clinton foundation

Trump is right in that this is a very one sided witch hunt

wphamilton said...

Evidently there is no "if" - Trump's personal banking records HAVE been turned over by Deutsche Bank.

It's really intriguing to me that the Deutsche Bank sued Trump for $40 million in debt payments, settled, and then got new loans from the private banking side. No other bank will loan Trump anything. We may never know what unusual arrangement Trump has with this Bank, but I for one would like to.

I wonder if the US is still considering a $14 Billion fine for that bank, for selling faulty mortgage-backed securities in the run up to the financial crisis. Somehow, I doubt it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He was removed for inappropriate behavior.

You have a problem with that?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Two complete falsehoods.

Ultimately, the Mueller team attempted to hide this from the public eye.

The credibility of the Mueller special counsel just took another major hit.

A hit in your Trumpism damaged eyes.

Anonymous said...

Waive bye to John "take the money and run" john CONyers, Democrat.

Anonymous said...

Sexual misconduct.

Anonymous said...

Sure, do the same to GM and Chrysler, right?

Commonsense said...

Ultimately, the Mueller team attempted to hide this from the public eye.

It's true, they shuttle him off to HR and we still don't know the contents of his text messages.

The credibility of the Mueller special counsel just took another major hit.

It certainly did. You can tell that by the deafening silence from the left-stream media and the editorial in the WSJ.

Anonymous said...

No other bank will loan Trump anything. We may never know what unusual arrangement Trump has with this Bank, but I for one would like to.

why must you assume trump needs a bank to borrow $?

there's plenty of private equity out there to underwrite trump's next adventure.

"I wonder if the US is still considering a $14 Billion fine for that bank, for selling faulty mortgage-backed securities in the run up to the financial crisis. Somehow, I doubt it."

at the time, selling mortgage backed securities was not illegal. that's what used to crack me up about those furious that not one of the "banksters" went to jail. make sure it's illegal first. then you get to charge, try, and convict.

Anonymous said...


wphamilton said...

why must you assume trump needs a bank to borrow $?

Maybe the fact that the bank loaned him $300 million? That was after the 600 million or so that he'd already borrowed from them.

His family wouldn't stake him back when he was bankrupting casinos. Of course he needs banks to borrow.

wphamilton said...

Fraudulent securities were illegal (still are, though Trump is trying ...)

Geeze, don't you guys remember any details about the financial collapse?

Anonymous said...

You're blaming Trump for that meltdown, Jesus.

Myballs said...

Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills both lied to the fbi. Neither has been charged.

Hillary too. And Mueller's team had everything to do with it. This investigation is so tainted, dems like it. But the rest of the country does not.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous wphamilton said...
Fraudulent securities were illegal (still are, though Trump is trying ...)

Geeze, don't you guys remember any details about the financial collapse?


angelo mazillo at countryside got busted for fraudulent MORTGAGES.

bundling the mortgage notes into CDO's and securities was not illegal.

"Of course he needs banks to borrow."

i know for a fact he has access to a mountain of private equity.

he may have needed banks for a time, or perhaps they needed him, but that's not his only access to capital. far from it.

Anonymous said...

This Comey investigation is based on the Clinton/FBI joint fake ass file on President Trump.

That is the fondation, Comey Leaked to his press buddies, to get a special investigator, Mueller.

james said...

Removed for improper behavior?

And yet Moore will be kept for his improper behavior?

Anonymous said...

Don't forget barney fag,err, flanks role in loosening banking regs, looking the other way and allowing "liar loans".

WP has the housing meltdown now being Pres. Trumps fault.

Commonsense said...

We are seeing more and more evidence of a conspiracy to obstruct justice.

However, evidence is for collusion between certain FBI agents and former members of the Obama Administration and the Clinton campaign.

Anonymous said...

Hi James.

Charge him, like you said of US here, you have a duty to file criminal charges.

Hint: aclu can help you.

Like they helped you sue me, wait, never happned.

Anonymous said...

Those dots have been conected.

the joint funding of the pee pee file by Hillary and the Obama\Comey FBI has been established.

Myballs said...

All these dots seem to keep coming back to the very corrupt clinton campaign.

If she had won none of this would have come out.

Anonymous said...

Yep, obama/FBI needed Hillary to win to keep this hidden.

Anonymous said...

Sen Chuck Schumer and little Botox bitch polosi threatened to shut down the US GOV. over DACA.

Well, they caved.

Pres. Trump Winning ... again.

wphamilton said...

he may have needed banks for a time,

You agree now that he needed Deutsche Bank for loans.

or perhaps they needed him, but that's not his only access to capital. far from it.

Who cares? I am intrigued by his special arrangement with Deutsche bank.

bundling the mortgage notes into CDO's and securities was not illegal.

Sure it was, rrb, when the CDO's were fraudulently valued at AAA and were bundles of fraudulent loans.

(No the financial meltdown wasn't Trump's fault. LOL@KD. He did cheer it along however, and the only bank that will do business with him WAS heavily involved, which does make his special arrangement intriguing.)

Anonymous said...

WP, I am now in your mind a "prepper" and I live in a "compound".

So cute.

wphamilton said...

That this is the guy responsible for changing Hillary's "gross negligence" into "extreme carelessness" is reason all by itself to fire him. We (specifically every person who comments about this) don't actually know the contents of the text messages. Private text messages, not social media. CH. Making fun of Trump is probably no less than most Federal employees were doing at that time. It's weak, so I suspect that it was a pretext - a good one and justified but still a pretext - to sideline a blatant Hillary operative from the investigation. Mueller cannot afford to have someone like that involved in the final product.

wphamilton said...

If the Branch Davidians had had an underground escape tunnel they might have survived Janet Reno back in the day. Some of the family at Ruby Ridge might have survived. I would think it would be a priority for the compound, right after scout platforms and hidden tank traps. Indulge me, do you have a camouflaged escape route and if not, why not?

Commonsense said...

You agree now that he needed Deutsche Bank for loans.

Most of the time it's a smarter financial move to borrow rather than tie up your own assets. That would especially true if you are using real estate for collateral and the interest rates are reasonably low.

And what special relationship other than borrower and lender?

It's pretty streightforward and typical.

Commonsense said...

CH. Making fun of Trump is probably no less than most Federal employees were doing at that time.

I don't think "most federal employees" were in charge of investigating both Trump and his political opponent.

Anonymous said...

Anyone know why WP is concerned about construction of compounds?

Commonsense said...

Judicial Watch: New Justice Department Records Show Strong Support by Mueller Deputy Andrew Weissmann, Other Top DOJ Officials for Yates’ Refusal to Enforce President Trump Travel Ban

Judicial Watch today released two productions (335 pages and 44 pages) of Justice Department (DOJ) documents showing strong support by top DOJ officials for former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates’ refusal to enforce President Trump’s Middle East travel ban executive order. In one email, Andrew Weissmann, one of Robert Mueller’s top prosecutors and formerly the Obama-era Chief of the Justice Department’s Criminal Fraud Section, applauds Yates writing: “I am so proud. And in awe. Thank you so much. All my deepest respects.”

Judicial Watch obtained the documents through a May 2017 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed after the Justice Department failed to respond to a February FOIA request seeking Yates’ emails from her government account (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:17-cv-00832)) for the time period she served as Acting Attorney General for President Trump.

The emails, several sent from official Justice Department email addresses, show strong support for Yates, who was fired for disobeying a direct order from the President:

Thomas Delahanty, then the United States Attorney for Maine wrote: “You are my hero.”

Liz Aloi, a career service employee and Chief of the Justice Department’s Special Financial Investigations Unit told Yates she was “Inspirational and heroic.”

Emily Gray Rice, then the U.S. Attorney for New Hampshire and an Obama appointee said: “AAG Yates, thank you, as always, for making us proud. It is truly an honor to work for you.”

Obama appointee Barbara McQuade, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan told Yates, “Thank you for your courage and leadership. This is wonderful news.”

DOJ Civil Division Appellate Attorney Jeffrey Clair wrote: “Thank you AG Yates. I’ve been in civil/appellate for 30 years and have never seen an administration with such contempt for democratic values and the rule of law. The President’s order is an unconstitutional embarrassment and I applaud you for taking a principled stand against defending it.”

“This is an astonishing and disturbing find. Andrew Weisman, a key prosecutor on Robert Mueller’s team, praised Obama DOJ holdover Sally Yates after she lawlessly thwarted President Trump,” stated Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton. “How much more evidence do we need that the Mueller operation has been irredeemably compromised by anti-Trump partisans? Shut it down.”

cowardly king obama said...

the "resistance" is trying overthrow a legitimate president.

shameful and unpatriotic

and criminal in itself

Anonymous said...

You agree now that he needed Deutsche Bank for loans.

i said "banks." not deutsche specifically.

"Sure it was, rrb, when the CDO's were fraudulently valued at AAA and were bundles of fraudulent loans."

the rating agencies were at fault. not the banks. there was no law against creating those particular financial investment instruments.

Anonymous said...

nice try, wp:

Chief White House Correspondent for Fox News, John Roberts reported, “A source with knowledge of the investigation tells @FoxNews that there has been no subpoena from Robert Mueller’s office sent to Deutsche Bank asking for information on @realDonaldTrump finances”


wphamilton said...

That would be disappointing if true. I've got a feeling that a slow dribble of leaks about Trump's banking practices would provide months of amusement.

Since that Fox story is based on statements from Trump's lawyers, who are already Baghdad Bob level, I'll take it with a grain of salt.

Anonymous said...

good trolling, wp. not quite grandmaster level yet, but good trolling nonetheless.

wphamilton said...

Blogger KD said...
Anyone know why WP is concerned about construction of compounds?

Come on, I'm not going to rat you out to the Feds. I'm one of the Good Guys, just want to know why there are never any secret escapes in those compounds.

wphamilton said...

good trolling, wp. not quite grandmaster level yet, but good trolling nonetheless.

You know me better than that - we go waay back. If I'm trolling it would be Grandmaster level, if not better.

Anonymous said...

Special Counsel Robert Mueller's office revealed Tuesday that the first few months of his Russia investigation cost taxpayers a total of nearly $7 million.

The sum includes $3.2 million in direct investigation expenses covering things like pay, supplies and rent; $1.7 million was for salary and benefits.

Then there are the $3.5 in “indirect expenses,” covering expenses like agents working on raids or interviews and other government contractors. The office said those expenses would have been incurred “irrespective of the existence of the SCO.“

The report covers the period from May 17, the date of Mueller's appointment, through Sept. 30, the end of the federal fiscal year.


nice. and nothing to show for it.

wphamilton said...

Weeding out crooks and keeping the rest honest - or at least cautious - is cheap for the price. I think we should make it permanent.

Anonymous said...

Weeding out crooks and keeping the rest honest - or at least cautious - is cheap for the price. I think we should make it permanent.

erik price has a blackwater proposal in front of pompeo offering to root out the deep state 0linsky loyalists. it reports directly to trump and pompeo and hopefully would "disappear" these traitors.

harsh perhaps, but if this is the kind of games the left wants to play, then drastic measures are necessary.

Anonymous said...

Weeding out crooks and keeping the rest honest - or at least cautious - is cheap for the price.

$7 MILLION to get flynn to cop to the lowest level procedural crime on the books?

a liberal would think that worth it.

just plant another money tree on the white house lawn.

Anonymous said...

WP, your sudden construction interest in cult compounds seems wierd and really out of the blue.

Best of luck with your search.

wphamilton said...

erik price has a blackwater proposal in front of pompeo offering to root out the deep state 0linsky loyalists. it reports directly to trump and pompeo and hopefully would "disappear" these traitors

After they root out the 97% of the Justice Department who voted for the unapproved candidate, Blackwater could staff the vacancies as private contractors. Breathtaking scope of concept, and since it's a "free market" solution I could see Trump going for it. The potential for kickbacks would keep his staff happy also. I think you've found a winner here!

wphamilton said...

OK I get it KD, you never know who's watching here. Justice Department full of liberals like it is, I wouldn't want to get in their cross-hairs either.

Anonymous said...

You are concerned, not I.

Anonymous said...

HB, I know we give each other a lot of shit, but, I hope the CA fires are NOT threatening your home and family.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The credibility of the Mueller special counsel just took another major hit.

Here. Nowhere else.

C.H. Truth said...

Here. Nowhere else.

Well other than multiple articles in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Sun, New York Post, American Spectator, Washington Post, Fox News, Daily Wire, etc...

I guess if you simply don't read... well anything.

You could make that claim.