Wednesday, December 6, 2017

You can't make this shit up

74% of Millennials believe the term  "snowflake" can have a negative effect on mental health 
The phrase, which originated in America, has particularly come to refer to universities and students who use "trigger warnings" to alert readers or listeners to potentially distressing material, and "safe spaces", which are meant to be free of certain opinions or ideas. It is also used to imply that young people are less resilient than older generations and quicker to take offence.
Almost half of adults between 16 and 24 said they had experienced stress or anxiety, compared to just over a third of all UK adults.
The firm's medical expert, Dr Doug Wright, said the term could cause problems. “Our findings suggest that young adults are more likely to be experiencing mental health problems, so using a phrase which criticises this age group could add to this issue". 

So the term snowflake is now a trigger warning, forcing millennials to escape to their safe spaces where they can stress themselves out being offended in private.  Of course, I am quite certain, none of those offended by the term, see the irony of this particular sensitivity.


Anonymous said...

self-awareness and situational awareness is not their strong suit. if they analyzed their own behavior, they'd understand why they've been tagged with the term to begin with.

Anonymous said...

felonia von pantsuit:

"we came, we saw, we turned the place to shit":

LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) -- Some knelt and placed their foreheads to the ground in prayer. Several carried small children. After being stranded in Libya on a failed attempt to reach Europe, more than 250 Nigerian migrants were brought home and began sharing stories of abuse and fear.

"If they lock you up in a room, you hardly eat, that's number one," Ejike Ernest, one of the returnees, told The Associated Press on arrival late Tuesday in Lagos. "You'll urinate there, you'll defecate there and every morning, let me say three times a day, you will be severely beaten" until you can pay the money to be freed.

Nigeria's government, its president appalled by recent CNN footage of a slave auction in Libya where migrant Africans were "sold like goats," has committed to bringing its citizens home, along with a number of other African nations.

wphamilton said...

“Our findings suggest that young adults are more likely to be experiencing mental health problems, so using a phrase which criticises this age group could add to this issue".

This is key, in my opinion. They already have a mental health problem if the phrase disturbs them. Consequently they need to work to correct their mental issues, and our accommodating their mental illness by refraining from using accurate descriptive phrases would not be helpful. You generally do NOT want to normalize the mentally ill person's false perceptions.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Since you are ignoring the biggest mistake in his administration, let's talk about a mentally distributed President and her his decision on the location of the embassy of the United States in Jerusalem, contrary to decades of policies developed by responsible and experienced diplomats and Presidents.

Jerusalem has long been the seat of power in Israel, but the capital is in Tel Aviv.
His only motivation allows the President keep one of his biggest campaign promises and it's being cheered by his political base here and by many Israelis. The Israeli government has not spoken out yet.

His total ignorance on most issues can be handed by some competent people in the cabinet and the White House staff. But this decision, if implemented, will cost thousands of lives.

Most Americans don't wish for deaths. A rare exception is someone will cheer out loud, when "mooselimbs" and "rag heads" die.

Anonymous said...

Gov Moonbeam is a failure, his state is again on fire, blames global whatever.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump passed a deadline Monday for his decision on moving the U.S. embassy. A 1995 U.S. law requires the U.S. Embassy in Israel to be located in Jerusalem, but allows for a presidential waiver, something each U.S. leader has signed. Aides said Mr. Trump would sign another waiver.

Mr. Trump signed a relocation waiver in June, but became frustrated during a National Security Council meeting last week in which another waiver deadline was discussed, U.S. officials said.

Mr. Trump promised to move the embassy as part of his presidential campaign. By declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel now, Mr. Trump can delay the formal embassy relocation while still fulfilling part of his campaign pledge.

He got frustrated. So in a fit of anger, he launches the worst foreign policy change in history.

He's mentally ill, and he's not a millennial. Crazy baby boomer.

Anonymous said...

Ww2 soldiers called our enimies, "nips:, "slants" our goverment had posters showing them as sub-humans.

HB ,knows nothing.

Anonymous said...

Some good news, Millennias are going into small and medium scale farming/ranching. That number in that age are up 1 % this year

Anonymous said...

Alky, your link says President Trump did what past presidents have done, what both Dems and Rep. have repeatedly voted to do.

Look in their mirror to find them insane person

C.H. Truth said...

Roger - how many threads are you going to spam the Embassy issue on?

Myballs said...

Trump aids lie to fbi, get charged

Clinton aids lie to fbi, no charges

Mueller's top team all supported hillary.

It doesn't take a half baked genius to see a problem with this investigation.

Anonymous said...

He will spam 5x, and then tell all us normal married men that we are jealous that he has spammed so many.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Here you go.

Six female senators have called on Sen. Al Franken to resign after several women have come forward to accuse him of sexual impropriety.

Sen. Kristen Gillibrand wrote in a Facebook post, "While Senator Franken is entitled to have the Ethics Committee conclude its review, I believe it would be better for our country if he sent a clear message that any kind of mistreatment of women in our society isn’t acceptable by stepping aside to let someone else serve.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It's a matter of war and peace. You have ignored it. Probably because you haven't got the memo from the White House. Here goes your hero on tv

Commonsense said...

1. None of the topics you posted to had to do with the embassy relocation.

2. You spammed it over and over again so I can't see how you can possibly say people ignored it.

3. You make the same arguments over and over again. You are tiresome.

4. You were perfectly free to post and entire topic on the legacy blog.

And you know why you didn't? Because you know perfectly well no one would read it.

You've become nothing more than a useless troll. Like James you should just go away.

Loretta said...

"You've become nothing more than a useless troll. Like James you should just go away."

Both creepy creepers.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Blogger Commonsense said...
1. None of the topics you posted to had to do with the embassy relocation. A blatant lie.

2. You spammed it over and over again so I can't see how you can possibly say people ignored it. I posted links from across the world. Your obsession with ignorance on Trump's impulsive behavior. This is your mind not mine.

3. You make the same arguments over and over again. You are tiresome. Not repeating the sources.

4. You were perfectly free to post and entire topic on the legacy blog. I will not post on a blog with a picture of the ass of rrb as the locked post on the top.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The speech was written by others because he's not informed on reality.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He attacked Clinton and W.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

His bubble is fully inflated.

Loretta said...

"I will not post on a blog with a picture of the ass of rrb as the locked post on the top."

Start your own blog, you ungrateful chicken shit.

Anonymous said...


according to "alky logic", the capitol of israel cannot be jerusalem because the palestinians and hamas will start blowing shit up.


how about we let israel be a sovereign nation and if the moose-limbs get their feewings hurt we say "fuck 'em."

what's most interesting to me on this whole deal alky is that those most vocal in their opposition to the move are virulent anti-semites/anti-state of israel.

interesting company you keep.

Anonymous said...

I will not post on a blog with a picture of the ass of rrb as the locked post on the top.

well chief, i would say that does not bode well for your "clear and present danger" post scheduled for new year's day.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Blogger Commonsense said...
1. None of the topics you posted to had to do with the embassy relocation.

A blatant lie.

a blatant truth, alky. you spent so much time bitching and trump bashing you failed to realize that nothing you posted had anything to do with the embassy. it was all about negative world reaction to trump's decision.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

What you don't know and will never understand. I won't post on the Legacy blog because CH allows you to lock a post on the top. If it was just regular blogging. But it's his decision, and unless you or CH eliminate that picture of your fat ass, I will continue to provide opinions that aren't from the Cult.

Second, I hope that this decision actually works, he will go down in history as a huge success. But I wouldn't bet a dime on that.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The decision to put the fucking embassy in Jerusalem is the whole story, you racist idiot. That's why almost every government around the world think that he's fucking crazy.

You 87 IQ is on display every single day.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
The decision to put the fucking embassy in Jerusalem is the whole story


yet you focused solely on selected criticisms of trump.

your TDS is becoming rather boorish, alky.

as for the legacy blog, the post on top has 48 comments.

you haven't mustered 48 comments all fucking year. you can't even get your drunk tank buddies to show up. or even that person who looks like marvin the martian in that halloween photo.

blogger is an open platform sport. start up your own blog, show CH how it's done, and take us all to school why don'tcha?

Anonymous said...

I will continue to provide opinions that aren't from the Cult.

i prefer to read "your" opinions (LOL) from the original authors. so you really don't need to copy/paste every fucking word you post.

commie said...

Wow....awesome poll with an unbelievable conclusion by the renowned Dr. Wright!!...Probably the best survey and news I have ever seen posted by our esteemed faux statistician......Dayum!!!

Commonsense said...

.@nikkihaley on #Trump's Israel announcement: "President after president were told 'don't do it, don't do it, you'll mess up the peace process. Well 22 years later we haven't had a peace process."

Never a truer word has been said.

Anonymous said...

Clear thought cutting thru the fog of liberalism.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Demonstrations are starting. rrb can't wait to see dead rag heads.

Anonymous said...

You are Globally stupid.

Anonymous said...

"$162,000 medical bill would have bankrupt us.

Or this HB

Today you told us your networth is over $2,000,000.00