Monday, June 11, 2018

Manafort charged with obstruction of justice for hiring an attorney to wage a defense...

Manafort should not legally be allowed to claim innocence
 and wage a defense. It's obstruction pure and simple!!

Meanwhile, Mueller charges someone else with a process crime who cannot afford a defense, in order to force them to testify to what he wants them to say. This, of course, is considered perfectly ethical, and in no way should be considered "tampering" with a witness. 


James said...

Interesting use of words. But then you often have a way of using words distortingly.

James said...


Justin Trudeau’s former policy adviser called Donald Trump ‘pathetic’!

Trudeau and Trump are in the midst of a tariff dispute that came to a head during the G7 summit. Trudeau saying he wouldn’t be ‘pushed around’ after Trump slammed Canada for charging ‘massive tariffs’ to US businesses.

Trump called Trudeau out for acting ‘very dishonest and weak’ when Trudeau slammed him at a press conference during the G7 summit - AFTER Trump left.

After this, Trudeau’s former policy adviser Roland Paris jumped into the fray, calling Trump ‘a pathetic little man-child.’

He wrote:

'Big tough guy once he’s back on his airplane. Can’t do it in person, and knows it, which makes him feel weak. So he projects these feelings onto Trudeau and then lashes out at him. You don’t need to be Freud. He’s a pathetic little man-child.'

Canada’s foreign minister also commented that Trump’s attacks on Trudeau aren’t ‘appropriate or useful.’

Trump has yet to respond.

When he does, it will be like a pathetic little man-child.

Trump's mishandling of the G-7 summit is being compared to his firing of Comey. MAJOR misstep.

Loretta said...

Like clockwork, James is too stupid to stay on topic and debate CH.

So, he spams.

American Voters said...

Trump didn't mishandle anything. He is right. Trudeau was his buddy until Trump was on his plane. Only then did he start talking tough.

And Trump is right about the high dairy tariffs on US farmers.

Loretta said...

Trudeau is a little man with a big mouth which is the case with all liberals!

C.H. Truth said...

James -

Imagine you were charged with a criminal act. Falsely accused of say... oh I don't know... some sort of sexual assault.

You are, by all legal means innocent until proven guilty. You are allowed a jury trial. You are allowed by constitutional law to be represented in your case. You are allowed to provide a rigorous defense of your position.

The Prosecution cannot (by law) hide anything from you. Your team is allowed to talk to and interview all of the prosecution witnesses. You are allowed to interview, and even go through mock cross examinations with your own key witnesses. The idea of preparing a witness is an everyday occurrence, and part of the rights of the accused to wage a defense.

In your case, your defense would even have the right to talk to and interview (pre-trial) your accuser.

But suddenly, the defendant is someone tied to Trump, and he should have no rights. He isn't allowed to have conversations with anyone associated with the case? He should be charged with a crime for having a minute and a half call with associates who may be called as a witness?

Suddenly people act as if there is something inherently illegal or inherently unethical with a defendant or the defendant's attorney using their constitutionally and legally protected right to talk to and interview every witness out there?

Think about it James. Really think about it. How far has your "expectations" changed in terms of what should be considered "normal" activity in this sort of deal.

commie said...

Process crimes, a code word for CH for permitting a person to lie with impunity.....

And loretta is loud mouth trump lover who thinks truedeu should lie like she does at trumps beckoning . The only back stabber is trump who adores dictators and tyrants....what ever happened to not negotiating with terrorists?????

Anonymous said...

TRUMP charges?

Loretta said...

"Informally, in criminal procedure, process crime is an offense charged by a prosecutor alleging criminal conduct related to an investigation of a crime, but not to the crime itself. Examples include obstruction of justice, perjury before a grand jury and misprision of a felony."

Poor Denny.

Anonymous said...

Notice how oppressed jane, wp, opie, not-An Indy and Alky have been since 3 am Nov, 9th, 2016.

Loretta said...

"what ever happened to not negotiating with terrorists?????"

Like Iran? The Taliban? Cuba?

Hmmmm, seems like Obama set precedence again.

Anonymous said...

RRB, Alky will Sue you. He has four the 3rd time said he will Sue me for posting names and $$$$$$$$$ they are bilking tax payers that is ALL PUBLIC INFO.

"Trump is attempting to help Roger's family, and he's pissed off about it.

that's because in this particular case, in addition to his irrational hatred for all things trump, the alky has found himself commenting on a topic which he knows absolutely nothing about.

canadian dairy tariffs HAVE been in place for quite some time. and the canadians have been much smarter regarding how they regulate their dairy industry than we have. canadian dairy producers are assigned strict production quotas. produce one pound over your quota assignment and the penalties are swift and fierce. these quotas serve to keep supply in line with demand, and the tariffs keep US dairy from flooding north across the border.

here in the US our dairies are under no such restrictions and as a result supply always overwhelms demand. as recently as 2014 US milk prices were $25/hundredweight. (that's how your relatives are paid for their "milk cattle" production alky, by the hundredweight.) today milk prices struggle to remain around $15/cwt. with the average cost of production hovering around $20/cwt, US dairy farmers are losing $$$ every single day. and their only recourse to remain viable is government $$$ from uncle sugar. what would fix the US dairy situation would be a framework like canada's with a strict production framework, and the wholesale slaughter of about 10M dairy cows. the american dairy farmer has felt so entitled to the lifestyle for so long, they've essentially become their own worst enemy. when milk prices are up they expand their herd to reap the additional profits. when prices are down they expand their herds to try and outrun the low prices. it's fucked up six ways from sunday, the solution is devastatingly harsh, therefore no one wants to address it as it should be addressed. the law of supply and demand is like the law of gravity. you can't fight it, but that hasn't stopped the american dairy farmer from trying, especially with the aid of US dairy price supports."

commie said...

like Obama set precedence again.

Sure he did......typical loretta BS of they did it one but the afghans negotiated with the taliban....Cuba....sorry has not been a terrorist state since 2015....Iran was dealt with by 7 other countries including Putin, the terrorist trump fawns over and you ignore.....nice try though your rational once again proves you are a good little trump sycophant......idiot...

Loretta said...

"John Kerry’s bid to save one of his most significant accomplishments as secretary of state took him to New York on a Sunday afternoon two weeks ago, where, more than a year after he left office, he engaged in some unusual shadow diplomacy with a top-ranking Iranian official."


Loretta said...

"Although there’s no recent history of terrorism in Cuba, attacks can’t be ruled out.

There’s a heightened threat of terrorist attack globally against UK interests and British nationals, from groups or individuals motivated by the conflict in Iraq and Syria. You should be vigilant at this time.

Find out more about the global threat from terrorism, how to minimise your risk and what to do in the event of a terrorist attack"

Loretta said...

Havana, Cuba (CNN) Some of the 21 US diplomats believed to have been impacted by mysterious acoustic attacks in Cuba were targeted multiple times, CNN has learned from a senior US official.

There were nearly 50 attacks in total, the official said.


commie said...

Nice of you to post from the UK govmt travel site.....Can't rule out terrorism in london or paris either.....Asshole... Traveling overseas it is always wise to be vigilant or attending high school in the US!!!!....something anyone with a working brain knows.....Nice try to support your post, but you get another fail....LOLOLOL

Loretta said...

Denny, since you're really aren't up-to-date on current events or world affairs perhaps you'd be more comfortable on a foodie blog.

commie said...

Havana, Cuba (CNN) Some of the 21 US diplomats believed to have been impacted by mysterious acoustic

Yeah, another big maybe since the cause has still not been determined. BTW a bunch of people serving in china have had the same mysterious symptoms......

commie said...

And you'd be more comfortable on your back servicing trump....idiot,.

commie said...

Speaking of not keeping up with current missed posting the mysterious cause in cuba...Typical loretta bullshit...TRY AGAIN, DIP SHIT...

a will remove families of diplomats posted at its embassy in Cuba as the cause of unusual health symptoms is still unknown, though information received from medical specialists has raised concerns of a new type of acquired brain injury, a senior Canadian government official said on Monday.

Canada is continuing to investigate the cause of the symptoms that were first reported by Canadians connected to the Havana embassy in 2017 and have also affected US diplomats in Cuba.

Fresh row over mysterious sickness affecting US diplomats in Cuba
Read more
The symptoms, which include dizziness, headaches and nausea, have been found in 10 of the 27 Canadian personnel and family members that initially received medical testing, the official said.

While there have been no new incidents since the autumn of 2017, diplomatic families that have returned to Canada have continued to experience symptoms. In some cases, the symptoms have lessened in intensity before returning, the official said.

Canada has also recently received information from Canadian and American medical specialists that raised concerns of a possible type of acquired brain injury, the official said, adding that initial theories of a sonic attack first raised by US officials last year or mass psychosomatic causes are now considered to be improbable.

Air and water quality tests of staff quarters in Havana did not indicate a cause for the health problems, the official told reporters.

commie said...

Loretta the skank once again slithers away when confronted by her own stupidity.....nothing new there!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Alky and other Liberals are on AT*.

History did not exist BT *.

After Trump =AT
Before Trump = BT

commie said...

And KD goes through life with his thumb stuck up trumps ass.....idiot..

Loretta said...

"Loretta the skank once again slithers away when confronted by her own stupidity.....nothing new there!!!!!!"

Such an angry little man.

Loretta said...

"Think about it James. Really think about it. How far has your "expectations" changed in terms of what should be considered "normal" activity in this sort of deal."

LOL. No one really thinks James comes here to debate or discuss anything...

James said...

Ch, here's the ending of a long and complicated article in which the language used does not mesh well with yours.

The article concludes:

The new obstruction charges — which include one obstruction of justice count and one conspiracy to obstruct justice count — add a potential of up to 40 years to the already lengthy prison time Manafort, 69, could face.

However, some lawyers said the significance of the new indictment wasn't so much on how it would affect Manafort, but on how it undercut President Donald Trump's regular claims that Mueller is on a "witch hunt" that's straying far from his assigned focus on alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

“If this isn’t ‘collusion,’ what is?” said Renato Mariotti, a former federal prosecutor who argued that Mueller’s latest charge marks the first time an American and a Russian have been charged together for conspiring to commit a crime.

“The lasting legacy of this indictment could be its political impact,” he added. “Specifically, he charged the former chair of Trump’s campaign and a suspected Russian intelligence operative with conspiring to obstruct justice.”

That makes Ch feel sorry for Manafort.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Nice try.

It's more evidence that you should never have been a lawyer.

The Sixth Amendment guarantees the right to legal counsel at all significant stages of a criminal proceeding. This right is so important that there is an associated right given to people who are unable to pay for legal assistance to have counsel appointed and paid for by the government. The federal criminal justice system and all states have procedures for appointing counsel for indigent defendants.

What Is Covered Under the Sixth Amendment?
The Sixth Amendment right to counsel has been extended to the following:

The interrogation phase of a criminal investigation
The trial itself
At least an initial appeal of any conviction.

It's not unethical nor is it obstruction of justice.

Loretta said...



Too stupid to debate on his own.


Just another troll.

James, laughing, again said...

“If this isn’t ‘collusion,’ what is?”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Look he's trying to claim that Muller is using unethical tactics. It's again his opinion despite the law is not on his side.

Putting pressure upon a person who can't afford a lawyer to be a potential witnesses is used hundreds of times a day. In gang related crimes witnesses including those who face mortal danger are pressured by prosecutors and police to testify against people being charged with criminal acts.

Do you think that it's collusion against an African American gangster?

A crime is a crime violent or otherwise it's still a crime.

Loretta said...

"Meanwhile, Mueller charges someone else with a process crime who cannot afford a defense, in order to force them to testify to what he wants them to say."

It worked with Arthur Andersen.

Anonymous said...

so alky, rather than challenge CH on the content of his post you reflexively copy/paste the sixth amendment from findlaw.

is your implication that mueller is following the sixth to the letter and is not intentionally fucking with manafort? i'm trying to understand what you're debating.

you copy/pasted an amendment. big fucking deal.

C.H. Truth said...

Ethical vs unethical is a matter of opinion, Roger...

In my opinion (and the opinion of many others on both sides of the aisle) Mueller is bringing dubious charges in order to create more pressure on Manafort, because he apparently still feels that Manafort is holding out on him.

It's also my opinion that it's not up to the prosecutor to threaten the defense with charges of obstruction for behavior that can be argued is generally protected under the legal regulations of a trial.

Again, this is entirely my opinion based on what Mueller wrote on the subject. He basically wants to put someone in jail (today) for making a 84 second phone call (that Mueller has no transcript for) - on the basis that it should be basically illegal for a person accused of a crime to speak to anyone who might be a witness about anything having to do with the case. That concept is ridiculous at it's core.

If he can eventually show tangible evidence of real tampering (his indictment relies entirely on the opinion of a second hand witness) - then go ahead and make the charge. But this really "feels" like Mueller attempting to intimidate and bully Manafort at this point.

C.H. Truth said...

“If this isn’t ‘collusion,’ what is?” said Renato Mariotti

Does anybody really fall for this?

Two people supposedly "colluding" in 2018 to commit a process crime, regarding an upcoming trial that has absolutely nothing to do with the 2016 election?

Does this person "really" believe that this proves the 2016 election collusion?

What an idiot!!

Anonymous said...

Putting pressure upon a person who can't afford a lawyer to be a potential witnesses is used hundreds of times a day.

i would be to differ and here's why:

You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions.

Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future.

If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish.

If you decide to answer questions now without an attorney present, you will still have the right to stop answering at any time until you talk to an attorney.

Knowing and understanding your rights as I have explained them to you, are you willing to answer my questions without an attorney present?

what you're looking at alky is a standard miranda warning. one of the very first things that happens when being placed under arrest. and you'll notice that it specifically addresses a defendants ability to afford a lawyer and how one will be provided to them.

so no...

putting pressure upon a person who can't afford a lawyer to be a potential witnesses is NOT used hundreds of times a day. you can't simply compel a person to testify while at the same time withholding their right to an attorney.

Nice try.

It's more evidence that you should never have been a lawyer.

well, you should take your own advice. it turns out you know as much about the law as you do "milk cattling."


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Putting pressure upon a person who can't afford a lawyer to be a potential witnesses is used hundreds of times a day. In gang related crimes witnesses including those who face mortal danger are pressured by prosecutors and police to testify against people being charged with criminal acts.

Often times they can't afford a lawyer.

Under CHT "logic" gangbangers are being charged unethically.

Anonymous said...

Under CHT "logic" gangbangers are being charged unethically.

not if they're being read and they understand their miranda rights.

the shit mueller is pulling is WAAAAAY outside the scope of that and you know it. well, you would know it if you weren't so fucking intellectually dishonest.

in many ways mueller is a lot like you. he's such a fucking hack that even though he knows FULL WELL that there's no path to taking down trump via manafort, he's going to ruin manafort anyway, just out of spite.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Mr Beaner bigot and let them rot doesn't have one ounce of intellectual honesty or credibility.

Loretta said...

"in many ways mueller is a lot like you."

A traitor.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Mr Beaner bigot and let them rot doesn't have one ounce of intellectual honesty or credibility.

boy, you surrendered quite easily today.

thanks alky.

Loretta said...

"Does this person "really" believe that this proves the 2016 election collusion?

What an idiot!!"

A never-Trumper.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Loretta said...
"in many ways mueller is a lot like you."

A traitor.

well yeah, that too. 'hack' and 'asshole' were the first things that came to mind.

Anonymous said...


"Look, Mrs. Merkel, I don't know who you think you're dealing with, but I'm telling you this borderless global world order garbage you're trying to sell me is a non-starter. That's just not happening. And you're trying to get America to fund it, too. Did George Soros tell you you could do that? That's rich. Well, we're not falling for it. You thought maybe you could roll me like Obama got rolled? Yeah, right. Just ask the Iranians, they had him over a barrel saying thank you as the mullahs pantsed him and poked him one after the other. He was a disgrace, a complete disgrace, and America is better off with him out of the picture. Oh, and the little runt spied on my campaign, you know that? I'll bet you didn't. Well, it's true. Anyway, from now on, I'm looking after America's interests first, and by America's interests, I don't mean the interests of the GOPe donor class and their cronies in the Chamber of Commerce. So I won't be signing on to any bad trade deals that do nothing but increase our unemployment and debt while you euro-commies reap the benefits. America is not the world's piggy bank. Those days are over. Bill Kristol is going to have to pay full price for his pool boy. No, don't listen to him, he's an idiot, a complete moron who is still living off of his daddy. So you can talk to the 'Stache here. He's a helluva guy. You may not like John, but you know something? He doesn't like you, either. I didn't bring him here to win a popularity contest. Come to think of it, John probably doesn't like me very much either. But we both of us love America, and that's what counts."

C.H. Truth said...

So Roger...

Is it actually your argument that people are not entitled to an attorney or the protections of the variety of constitutional amendments that apply to the accused... because you believe that such practice in law enforcement is widespread?

Seems our founding fathers had a much different attitude about balancing law enforcement and individual liberties.

Loretta said...



Anonymous said...

Roger pulls out his White flag.

"Roger AmickJune 11, 2018 at 12:25 PM
Mr Beaner bigot and let them rot doesn't have one ounce of intellectual honesty or credibility."

US runs a $15 billon dollar Deficit with Canada. Alky cheers.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is something unique and entirely incorrect.

Scott said

So Roger...

Is it actually your argument that people are not entitled to an attorney or the protections of the variety of constitutional amendments that apply to the accused... because you believe that such practice in law enforcement is widespread?

your argument that people are not entitled to an attorney or the protections of the variety of constitutional amendments that apply to the accused...

Is 100% unconstitutional. I quoted find law the constitutional requirements for those of accused of a crime.

Your not being honest Scott.

You are acting like this President who is a pathological liar.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Our racist rodent bastard has an opinion on the scope of the Muller investigation based upon the opinion pages of the KGB of the United States. Fox, Breitbart, etc. and not one ounce of knowledge about the Constitution . He's convinced that the President was not a subject of intervention of the Russian government. Therefore he doesn't understand why this investigation has to pressure people to testify as to whether or not the candidate Trump cooperated with the Russians.

If the President is innocent there's no reason to worry about.

Truth is the object of the investigation, not a deep state conspiracy to destroy the President.

Loretta said...

"Truth is the object of the investigation, not a deep state conspiracy to destroy the President."


Anonymous said...


once again CH and i managed to clean your fucking clock without breaking a fucking sweat.

Our racist rodent bastard has an opinion on the scope of the Muller investigation based upon the opinion pages of the KGB of the United States. Fox, Breitbart, etc. and not one ounce of knowledge about the Constitution .

i'm the one who made you look like a fool and all it took was posting the miranda warning.

He's convinced that the President was not a subject of intervention of the Russian government. Therefore he doesn't understand why this investigation has to pressure people to testify as to whether or not the candidate Trump cooperated with the Russians.

all i'm convinced of alky is that everyone involved in this circle jerk needs to follow the fucking law, and be treated fairly under the law. mueller has a history of not doing that so that would be a problem. mike flynn was railroaded and ruined by mueller and now mueller thinks he can do the same to manafort. i don't think he counted on manafort saying "FUCK YOU".

the fact is alky is that your coup attempt is collapsing. i have no opinion or preconceived notion as to trump's guilt or innocence. but at this point i am inclined to start calling bullshit on the whole sordid affair. mueller has been burning through million$ per month and he has pathetically little to show for it.

this coup attempt is becoming like you alky - a fucking joke.

milk cattle, eh?


you are a fucking stooge and the waste of a perfectly good donor liver. go fuck yourself you drunken sot.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This will get praise here!

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is making an aggressive new move to crack down on illegal immigration, announcing Monday that the Trump administration will no longer accept asylum claims based on fear of domestic violence, gang violence or other “personal crime.”

“Our nation’s immigration laws provide for asylum to be granted to individuals who have been persecuted, or who have a well-founded fear of persecution, on account of their membership in a ‘particular social group,’ but most victims of personal crimes do not fit this definition — no matter how vile and reprehensible the crime perpetrated against them," a Justice Department statement said.

Pushback from immigration groups was swift.

“The Attorney General’s decision — if permitted to stand—will no doubt result in sending countless mothers and children back to their abusers and criminal gangs. Turning our backs on victims of violence and deporting them to grave danger should not be the legacy sought by any administration," Beth Werlin, Executive Director of the American Immigration Council, said in a release.

This has been in place since 1951.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Now it's a coup de ta.

Six years on June 25th

You're hate must be a terrible issue for your family.

commie said...

Loretta said...

Above top secret of the right!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is what passes as rational discussion here despite the request from the host to be thoughtful and without persanal insulting.

all i'm convinced of alky is that everyone involved in this circle jerk needs to follow the fucking law, and be treated fairly under the law. mueller has a history of not doing that so that would be a problem. mike flynn was railroaded and ruined by mueller and now mueller thinks he can do the same to manafort. i don't think he counted on manafort saying "FUCK YOU".

the fact is alky is that your coup attempt is collapsing.

commie said...

Sessions, another flunky who should resign....his ruling is about as christian as the devil.....and of course, the sycophants think this is a holy edict......My grandparents got in because of they being persecuted by civil strife of the russian, in his eyes is not an excuse....sad, very sad....same with the irish, poles, czech's slav's etc......I guess beaners don't count because they are brown......

Anonymous said...

The U.S. investigates and determines if people who claim asylum has "credible fear" and then if it is determined they do, according to U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services, they are brought in front of an immigration judge for a hearing on whether they'll be granted asylum.

The number of credible fear screenings has risen more than a thousand percent between 2008-2016.

USCIS says screenings have gone from 5,100 in 2008 to close to 92,000 screenings in 2016.

so 0linsky was letting these fuckers run a con, abusing the system to the hilt, claiming asylum for no good reason at all.

Turn out the lights
The party's over
They say that
All good things must end
Call it tonight
The party's over
And tomorrow starts
The same old thing again

sorry beaners. let's just say we're doing our best to keep you and your families together by making you all just stay the fuck home. or you could head south. i hear venezuela is beautiful this time of year. and we're talking a 100% socialist government. free shit for as far as the eye can see...

...if there's anything left, that is. check with sean penn on that. he'd know the latest on where that stands.

good luck beaners!

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Now it's a coup de ta.

no alky.

it's a coup d'é·tat.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In your native language from your family that escaped investigation or your Nazi history.

Es ist ein Coup d'état.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

rrb has a post guaranteed to remain on the top of the legacy blog until 2020.

good luck beaners!
good luck beaners!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You're a liar again and again and again and again and again .

Roger AmickJune 11, 2018 at 3:45 PM
Our racist rodent bastard has an opinion on the scope of the Muller investigation based upon the opinion pages of the KGB of the United States. Fox, Breitbart, etc. and not one ounce of knowledge about the Constitution . He's convinced that the President was not a subject of intervention of the Russian government. Therefore he doesn't understand why this investigation has to pressure people to testify as to whether or not the candidate Trump cooperated with the Russians.

If the President is innocent there's no reason to worry about.

Truth is the object of the investigation, not a deep state conspiracy to destroy the President.

Anonymous said...

Truth is the object of the investigation, not a deep state conspiracy to destroy the President.

you keep telling yourself that, alky.

just like you constantly tell yourself you didn't drink your way to a second hand liver.

commie said...

so 0linsky was letting these fuckers run a con, abusing the system to the hill

Yeah, those silly women running to keep their kids from being raped and abused by terrorists is a fucking scam... The scam is nobody has hurt you growing up because of your asshatery and stupidity...I'm sure your spawn had the same problems especially with a parent who turned in teachers for watching TV in their lounge....dayum you got a big mouth for such a loser I am surprised you still have teeth.....

Loretta said...

"rrb has a post guaranteed to remain on the top of the legacy blog until 2020."

Start YOUR own blog chicken shit.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Polycystic Liver Disease: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
Polycystic liver disease (PLD or PCLD) is a rare condition that causes cysts -- fluid-filled sacs -- to grow throughout the liver. A normal liver has a smooth, uniform appearance. A polycystic liver can look like a cluster of very large grapes. Cysts also can grow independently in different parts of the liver. The cysts, if they get too numerous or large, may cause discomfort and health complications. But most people with polycystic liver disease do not have symptoms and live a normal life.

What Causes Polycystic Liver Disease?
The majority of people with polycystic liver disease inherit the condition, but PLD can occur randomly with no genetic link. It's common on my family.

Most people don't discover they have PLD until they are adults, when the cysts become large enough to detect. Cysts can vary in size from no bigger than a pinhead to almost 4 inches wide. Likewise, your liver can stay its normal size or become extremely enlarged. No matter the number or size of cysts, polycystic livers continue to function normally and, in most cases, the disease is not considered life threatening.

Because it's most often inherited, if you or someone in your immediate family has PLD, other family members should be tested for it. Doctors can diagnose polycystic liver disease with imaging studies, such as ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI.

What Are the Symptoms of Polycystic Liver Disease?
Most of the time, people with polycystic liver disease have no symptoms. However, if the liver becomes very enlarged and bulky with cysts, symptoms may include:

Bloating or swelling in the abdomen
Abdominal pain
Feeling full
Shortness of breath
Only about one out of every 10 people with PLD has problems associated with it. In addition to severe abdominal pain, other complications may include:

Bleeding into a cyst
Infection of a cyst
Bile duct obstruction and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes)

How Is Polycystic Liver Disease Treated?
Treatment is usually not needed unless you have symptoms. Mild pain associated with PLD can be treated with pain medication. However, if the cysts cause significant discomfort or other complications, there are a number of treatment options. Which option is best for you will depend on the extent of your pain, the location of the cysts, and other complications. Treatments may include:

Cyst aspiration: If a cyst is blocking a bile duct or if it has become infected, your doctor may recommend draining it. During cyst aspiration, your doctor, guided by ultrasound or CT imaging, will use a needle or catheter to drain the fluid in the cyst or cysts. Unfortunately, cyst aspiration offers only temporary relief. Cysts often fill up with fluid again. Sclerotherapy -- a procedure done after aspiration in which the cyst is injected with a hardening substance -- may be performed to destroy the cyst wall and prevent fluid from collecting again. If you have an infection, antibiotics will be prescribed.
Cyst fenestration: If you have large cysts on the surface of your liver, your doctor may suggest you have surgery to remove the wall of the cyst - a process called cyst fenestration or de-roofing.
Liver resection: If the majority of cysts are in a particular area of the liver, your doctor may be able to surgically remove that part of the liver to provide pain relief and reduce the size of the liver. Or, if you have a few large cysts, your doctor may be able to surgically remove those. However, if you have thousands of small cysts spread all over the liver, liver resection will probably not work.
Liver transplantation: In the most severe cases, a liver transplant may be an option. This treatment is typically reserved for people who are experiencing severe abdominal pain, having trouble eating, and whose overall quality of life is suffering. Liver transplant for polycystic liver disease is rarely performed. Less than 100 people a year in the U.S. require a liver transplant as a result of polycystic liver disease.

Kiss my sober ass.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In short, there is no serious argument that Special Counsel Mueller’s appointment violates the Appointments Clause specifically or the separation of powers generally.

* * *

A final observation: It isn’t very surprising to see the president tweet a meritless legal position, because, as a non-lawyer, he wouldn’t know the difference between a good one and a bad one. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with lawyers making inventive and novel arguments on behalf of their clients, or on behalf of causes or people they support, if the arguments are well-grounded in law and fact, even if the arguments ultimately turn out to be wrong. But the “constitutional” arguments made against the special counsel do not meet that standard and had little more rigor than the tweet that promoted them. Such a lack of rigor, sadly, has been a disturbing trend in much of the politically charged public discourse about the law lately, and one that lawyers—regardless of their politics—owe a duty to abjure.

It's not unconstitutional

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
rrb has a post guaranteed to remain on the top of the legacy blog until 2020.

2020 alky?

i thought i had that fucker set to expire on 2050?


i'll have to fix that.

meanwhile, how's YOUR blog coming along?