Wednesday, January 2, 2019

2018 Losers of the year:

Honorable mention:

Hillary Clinton – Yeah, I know. She did nothing to deserve this in 2018. But her loss and refusal to accept defeat still just continues to spill over.

Harvey Weinstein – While the allegations came out in 2017, the arrest(s) came in 2018. This has been a tough stretch for many Hollywood icons accused of sexual harassment (or just plain rape). But good old Harvey is the poster child of the whole deal. 

Wall Street – The DJIA lost 1657 points for the year, after being up at one time by over 2100 points. But let’s be clear. Wall Street is not Main Street, and right now Wall Street is not exactly “stable”. In spite of the FED and most everyone else predicting another year of growth, Wall Street looks like they are jumping up and down on a DJIA trampoline. That being said, for most investors none of this matters. Zero sum averaging and other ways to use market volatility to an advantage means that many people are still coming out ahead (or otherwise are not affected).   

Goofy Elizabeth Warren  – So there you go. She's 1/1024th American Indian.

Runners up:

Weekly Standard – So the once mighty conservative (or should I say neoconservative) magazine is no more. This is almost entirely due to the choice to become both an “anti-Trump” and “conservative” magazine at the same time. Sort of a difficult thing to pull off. Oddly, most conservatives are not that attracted to constant, over the top, mind numbing, TDS induced, attacks on the President. 

Christine Ford – Make no mistake. This was a binary win/lose proposition for Christine Ford and Brett Kavanaugh. There was always going to be a winner and a loser, and it was always going to be determined by whether Ford’s allegations prevented the confirmation of Kavanaugh. So it really doesn’t matter if some people felt Ford displayed courage, or if she was admired for coming forward… ultimately her allegations were found to be not credible by a great deal of people, and no doubt set back the #metoo movement. 

Paul Manafort and Michael Cohenn – Both men will do some substantial time in jail, primarily for their association with Donald Trump. Make no mistake, they did commit crimes. But these were not crimes that were otherwise going to be investigated (much less prosecuted) had it not been for them getting caught up in the Robert Mueller Special Counsel probe. 

2018 loser of the year!

Michael Avenatti (the creepy porn lawyer)  – You look up the word “loser” today in the dictionary and this guy’s picture just might be posted there. 


From the Stormy Daniels lawsuit losses, to representing the most stunningly ridiculous Kavanaugh attacker, to pretending to be a bona-fide Presidential candidate while acting like a complete jerk, Avenatti has put on a “how to lose all credibility” seminar in 2018. 


anonymous said...

2018 group loser of the year.....


The days of Ryans submitting to trumps whims are over....time to pay the piper....

Myballs said...

How can the GOP be loser of the year when they gained seats in the senate?

We don't call you dopie for nothing.

James said...


Harry Reid:
Trump is 'the worst president we've ever had'

Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) did not mince words about President Donald Trump, declaring him “without question the worst president we’ve ever had” in a rare interview published Wednesday, his first since being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last year.

“We’ve had some bad ones, and there’s not even a close second to him,” Reid told The New York Times Magazine’s Mark Leibovich. “He’ll lie. He’ll cheat. You can’t reason with him.”

Reid also questioned why former attorney general Jeff Sessions — his Senate colleague — and former White House chief of staff John Kelly did not leave Trump’s administration sooner.

“Why in the hell didn’t Sessions leave?” he said. “Same with Kelly,” referring to the departing chief of staff. “I’d say, ‘Go screw yourself.’ I could not look my children in the eye.”
And who was it called Trump both a liar and immoral?

Anonymous said...

thanks pederast.

you left out the very best part of the reid article:

Reid, who is 79, does not have long to live. I hate to be so abrupt about this, but Reid probably would not mind. In May, he went in for a colonoscopy, the results of which caused concern among his doctors. This led to an M.R.I. that turned up a lesion on Reid’s pancreas: cancer. Reid’s subdued and slightly cold manner, and aggressive anticharisma, have always made him an admirably blunt assessor of situations, including, now, his own: “As soon as you discover you have something on your pancreas, you’re dead.”

James said...

People facing death have no reason not to tell the absolute truth.

James said...


"In 2018 people stepped up and showed up like never before. Keep it up in 2019. We’ve got a lot of work to do, and I’ll be right there with you. Happy New Year, everybody!”
— Barack Obama, on Twitter.

Anonymous said...

yeah, so? all reid did was offer an opinion. truth didn't enter into it.

he hates trump. he hated romney. he hates everyone not a democrat.

he hates like it's his job. and trump? he doesn't even care.

i wouldn't look for trump at reid's funeral. unless it's just so he can spit in the casket before they close the lid.

anonymous said...

e GOP be loser of the year when they gained seats in the senate?

Parroting the idiot in chief???? The GOP also lost 2 senate streets in deep red AZ and semi able utah.....and you wonder who plants the stupid in your mind?????

Anonymous said...

James just called Harry Reid a habitual Liar.


Myballs said...

Good grief what a stupid dopie. I'm parroting the fact sheet called reality. GOP gained seats in the senate. Are you saying they didn't?

Anonymous said...

"We’ve got a lot of work to do" chimp

Yes, we are still cleaning up your messes.

All is going well, 2019 is off to an amazing start.

Anonymous said...

Ugly Opie

"uneducated men vets".

Myballs said...

So here come the democrats. The party whose top two presidential candidates and incoming speaker are all pushing 80 years

Anonymous said...

Nancy Polosi calling Democrats in the US House "misogynists".

anonymous said...

I'm parroting the fact sheet called reality. GOP gained seats in the senate

So they didn't cover Az and Nv flips.....seems rather obvious even to a loser like you.....Trump broad cast the 2 seat pick up as a monumental win....just like you dd so of course with your inability to post anything but bias.....the odds are you got it from him and now claim it as your own.....some fact sheet....seems you don't read the news do you.....asshole

anonymous said...

Nancy Polosi calling Democrats in the US House "misogynists".

You posted that tripe yesterday and everyone ignored you.....this your attempt to prove you didn't lie about having an f-250????

incoming speaker are all pushing 80 years

Just like trump and Jowls, Hatch, Grassley,Shelby, Inhofe, Roberts, etc, ?????

Anonymous said...

When does Polosi put to a vote:
1, tax cuts for the middle income earners. 

2, abolishing ICE

3, Free Medicaid For All 

4, Impeachment

5, Green New Deal

anonymous said...

"uneducated men vets".

You forgot who support the old white man party.....LOLOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

"this your attempt to prove you didn't lie about having an f-250????"



Myballs said...

Hey stupid, please list for us all the senate seats GOP picked up.

anonymous said...

Blogger KD said...
When does Polosi put to a vote:

This the fourth time posting this same list and no bites other than me?????/ Such a liar and fraud....still no answer on why you lied about having an F250....why is that goat fucker????

anonymous said...

s all the senate seats GOP picked up.

You got the fact sheet, use it......

Anonymous said...

I own 4 on road Vehicles.
Our 2017 6 cylndar Nissain Maxima , mpg 21 city, 34 highway.
My wife drive a Nissan Ultima .
Our Farm Trucks are:
F250 4x4 Diesel
F150 4x4 V-6 Gasoline flex fuel

C.H. Truth said...

Trump broad cast the 2 seat pick up as a monumental win.

Biggest mid-term pick up for the Party of the President since...

1970 (Nixon) gained 2


1974 (Ford) lost 5
1978 (Carter) lost 2
1982 (Reagan) lost 1
1986 (Reagan) lost 8
1990 (Bush 41) lost 1
1994 (Clinton) lost 8
1998 (Clinton) even
2002 (Bush 43) won 1
2006 (Bush 43) lost 5
2010 (Obama) lost 6
2014 (Obama) lost 9

In the past 11 elections the Party of the President has averaged a loss of four Senate Seats. Your hero and his magic campaigning lost 15 seats during his two mid-term elections.

So yeah, Denny a President's Party winning seats in the midterms (any midterms) is both an achievement and of historical significance.

Myballs said...

GOP flipped four seats - MO, ND, FL, IN. Dems flipped two and dopie the dumbass wants to boast about it. Lol

Anonymous said...

wait until the alky rolls out of the rack and sobers up.

Anonymous said...

tell me again why i was supposed to be upset when khasshogi was chopped up...

Video surfaces of WaPo op-ed contributor chanting ‘Death to America’

Myballs said...

Time mag person of the year.

That's today's media

Anonymous said...

The Three Stooges of CHT believed.
khasshogi was a horrid person.

Anonymous said...

Anyone seen a Shutdown?

Anonymous said...

My Biggest Loser
The degrading of Human Life.
"Abortion Leading Cause of Death in 2018 with 41 Million Killed"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Will he resign if he and his family are pardoned before the end of 2019?

The United States will get the best REWARDS!


The Trump campaign is legally responsible under principles of vicarious liability for the statements of its head, and so could be indicted. The Russia solicitation could be included in an indictment featuring other counts, such as charging the campaign and the Trump Organization for the separate alleged hush money violations described by Cohen.

No Justice Department policy prohibits prosecutors from naming the president as an unindicted co-conspirator in such an indictment. And with a five-year statute of limitations, he could still be prosecuted for these alleged knowing and willful 2016 offenses should he fail to seek or secure re-election in 2020.

Campaign finance laws are enacted to protect the American people. They do not exist for candidates to choose whether to comply with the laws or not, as they see fit. No one is above the law — not an ordinary citizen and not the president of the United States. President Trump must be held accountable for his allegedly illegal activities — for his apparently knowing and willful violations of the nation’s campaign finance laws.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

2,382 days racist Republican bastard

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Thanks asshole

anonymous said...

"Abortion Leading Cause of Death in 2018 with 41 Million Killed"

Too bad your parents didn't help......asshole...

Abortion Leading Cause of Death in 2018 with 41 Million Killed
Abortion was the number one cause of death worldwide in 2018, with more than 41 million children killed before birth, Worldometers reports. As of December 31, 2018, there have been some 41.9 million abortions performed in the course of the year, Worldometers revealed.

Yep.... keep reading the same tripe....your side lost.......idiot

anonymous said...

Biggest mid-term pick up for the Party of the President since...

A monumental win, Lil and your side got an ass can post whatever you like, the fact remains your liar in chief took it up his old fat white ass with a 9 million vote plus drubbing....Starting tomorrow, his days of unfettered protection from Ryan the deficit hawk, will come to an abrupt end.....And I will be smiling as he squirms under subpoena's from the house!!!!

Anonymous said...

Even though Justice is unlikely to change its mind on charging Trump, next best options are available. The Trump campaign is legally responsible under principles of vicarious liability for the statements of its head, and so could be indicted. The Russia solicitation could be included in an indictment featuring other counts, such as charging the campaign and the Trump Organization for the separate alleged hush money violations described by Cohen.

pretty weak op/ed, alky.

hardly worth the plagiaristic effort.

Commonsense said...

Yep.... keep reading the same tripe....your side lost.......idiot

Considering that the vast majority of babies killed are non-white, your side "winning" now constitutes the greatest on-going genocide of the 21st century.

cowardly king obama said...


Barack Obama weaponized the IRS, the State Dept, the DOJ, and the FBI. He targeted citizens, journalists and political organizations via corrupt law enforcement, and oversaw a conspiracy to spy on a presidential candidate.

Now Mitt Romney is worried about our ‘institutions’?

Commonsense said...

Even though Justice is unlikely to change its mind on charging Trump, next best options are available. The Trump campaign is legally responsible under principles of vicarious liability for the statements of its head, and so could be indicted.

Weak? It's nothing short of a deranged fantasy.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
2,382 days racist Republican bastard

that's nice alky.

days for me with someone else's liver: 0

how long has it been since you swapped yours out for one that was cirrhosis-free?

Blogger Roger Amick said...


i'm old enough to remember when folks on the public tit knew shame, and hung their heads in embarrassment for taking far less $$$.

you're indicative of how far we've fallen as a society and as a culture, alky. what used to cause pain and emotional distress is now to be boasted about, like you've put one over on your fellow Americans by being such a drunk and irresponsible piece of shit.

and the ultimate irony? if you had to rely upon your beloved 0linsky-care for your transplant, you'd be in the fucking ground right now.

show a little humility and stop being such a boorish hack, alky.

Commonsense said...

It's a safe bet none of those idiots who wrote the op-ed ever heard of the 1st amendment.

What is does tell is they are conceding there's no statutory case to impeach or prosecute Trump on.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

His 90 minute conversation with the press today was fucking angry and full of lies.

Myballs said...

Great line from Newt to Romney...

The senate doesn't care who you used to be.

Mitt just arrived and he's already torched his goodwill into ashes.

Myballs said...

Oh please. Trump could read the phone book and you would conclude the same thing.

Anonymous said...

His 90 minute conversation with the press today was fucking angry and full of lies.

and it triggered you.


skeets never had the same effect on me alky. oh sure, virtually everything he said i disagreed with, and virtually all of it was lies, but i never allowed the guy to get to me like trump enrages you.

you must have a gift, alky.

or an affliction.

a mental illness perhaps.

you really should block him on twitter. just to be safe.

anonymous said...

Dow up today by 14 points....Lil Scotty will declare that to be a massive rally and prove it when compared to last week!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous said...

Great line from Newt to Romney...

The senate doesn't care who you used to be.


ironically, they should care. mitt's a loser. twice over, the second time not even making it out of the primary.

if i was mitt i'd be being very polite and conciliatory these days. talk about starting off on the wrong foot.

leave the rookie mistakes to the actual rookies.

anonymous said...

hung their heads in embarrassment for taking far less $$$.

Like the cadillac welfare queen, rectum breath??? Sure hope some day you don't have the same prognosis and all you got is medicare coverage and no money......

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I get kick out of looking at his tweets. The mental meltdown is getting more obvious.

cowardly king obama said...

Video surfaces of WaPo op-ed contributor chanting ‘Death to America’

The Washington Post contributor chants, “Allah is the greatest. Death to America. Death to Israel. Curse the Jews. Victory to Islam.”

What's next, Obama's pastor shouting Goddamn America?

Anonymous said...

The Russia solicitation

alky, you and the two bozo's who wrote that op/ed must be the only dumb fucks in America who won't admit that trump was joking when he told russia to release the hag's emails.

and the joke's on you.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump could declare himself as President forever myballs would fall in love even more.

anonymous said...

mitt's a loser. twice over, the second time not even making it out of the primary.

Of course he is a loser....he has a conscience and didn't pay off hookers to keep quiet.....unlike your amoral hero fat old white man trump....He's going to be a thorn in trumps dick and it will be fun to see how many R's finally grow a set and stand up to the bully in the oval orifice !!! LOL

Anonymous said...

The mental meltdown is getting more obvious.

no shit. your meltdowns are coming rapid-fire lately.

Anonymous said...

Rather then Blather, actually discuss topics you bring to this blog.

anonymous said...

america who won't admit that trump was joking when he told russia to release the hag's emails.

JOKING MY ASS!!! That alone should be grounds for him to removed from office...the next would be his Helsinki blunder of saying Putin was correct and our intel was wrong....looking out for himself is all he does...could care less about you or your idiot spawn.....LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

Stupid Roger wrote the following. 
No more Jews!

White people are the best humans!

Fuck the ni****s!"

Anonymous said...

alky, you and the two bozo's who wrote that op/ed must be the only dumb fucks in America who won't admit that trump was joking when he told russia to release the hag's emails." RRB

Not so fast. Denise just fainted, add her too.

anonymous said...

And again proving low brow idiot coward needs to find a new suicide....

Meet Mohammed al-Houthi, a leader of the Houthi movement. The Washington Post recently gave him space to write an oped about "peace."

Yep, it is true.....but I doubt the whole story is found in the trash the asshole posted.....

anonymous said...

KD the goat fucker again posted....

Gee I love the taste of trumps makes me feel really important.....LOLOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

Wrong always.
"Dow up today by 14 points." Denise

cowardly king obama said...

Approval rating with own party at end of 2nd year (Gallup):

George W. Bush 97%
Donald Trump 88%
Barack Obama 85%
George H.W. Bush 84%
Richard Nixon 79%
Ronald Reagan 76%
Bill Clinton 75%
Jimmy Carter 62%

looks like Hillary didn't make the list. And where's all the Republicans abandoning Trump Roger keeps talking about?


cowardly king obama said...

I see lo iq commie has been chewing his dick pacifier to the bone

Apparently he has quite the appetite for that.


Anonymous said...

That is funny, Obimbo the banana man lost to orange man.

Anonymous said...

"2018 Ratings: Fox News Is the Most-Watched Network on Cable for the Third Straight Year."


Commonsense said...


Well if you didn't have a sense of humor yourself then everybody in the audience laughing at it should have given you a clue.

Shit for brains.

Anonymous said...

2019 is going to be Amazing.

"NFL Suffers Worst Average Attendance Numbers in Nearly a Decade"

Anonymous said...

Well if you didn't have a sense of humor yourself then everybody in the audience laughing at it should have given you a clue.

yep. anyone who's watched it on TV at least once got the joke and heard the laughter.

only an insufferable hack or TDS-infected imbecile could've missed it.

the alky and the d0pie check off both boxes.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

No deal until Friday.

Nancy Pelosi

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

anonymous said...

"NFL Suffers Worst Average Attendance Numbers in Nearly a Decade"

WHO GIVES A FUCK!!!! And the DOW had its worst year in a decade.....And trump blames D's!!!!

Commonsense said...

Does that mean Nancy is so unsure of her election that she can't deliver the Democrat caucus.

Or is she just posturing to hold support of the left-wing of her party and she'll deal for the wall after she's safely elected.

What exactly did Pelosi's daughter meant when she said "She'll cut your head off and you won’t even know you’re bleeding".

Most people think that was aimed at Trump but it might be very well aimed at her left-wing insurgencey.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Too many beaners are drug dealers and rapist and murderers. Some rag heads are sneaking around too.

President Trump on Wednesday torched a compromise that his own vice president floated with Democrats last month to stave off a government funding lapse, saying $2.5 billion in border security spending was insufficient as he renewed calls for $5 billion for his border wall amid a shutdown that has stretched into its 12th day.

He also rejected suggestions from Republican senators that negotiators revive a compromise that would twin border-wall money with legislation to shield young immigrants brought to the country illegally as children from deportation and grant them legal work permits.

The comments ahead of a meeting with congressional leaders set back any notion that the shutdown could be nearing a negotiated end. They were a remarkable public rejection of a plan that Vice President Mike Pence broached with Democrats behind closed doors 12 days ago, in the hours before a midnight deadline to avert a shutdown, and which his team has quietly continued to push in the days since.


And they confirmed the concerns of Democratic leaders who had privately questioned whether they could trust senior White House officials to broker any compromise that could then be rejected by a mercurial president who has often shifted his position at the last moment, especially when it comes to immigration.

Fake News


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He left Pence hanging in the wind.

They were a remarkable public rejection of a plan that Vice President Mike Pence broached with Democrats behind closed doors 12 days ago.

anonymous said...

everybody in the audience laughing at it should have given you a clue.

The only ones laughing are low brow idiots like yourself....the only laugh he got was when he made a fool of himself at the UN.....idiot....

Feed from fox news....I sure did not hear any chuckles on the tapes......idiots...Maybe you can gin one up with a dubbed in laugh track like they do on TV,,,,

Anonymous said...

"Dow up today by 14 points." Denise


anonymous said...

Sean Spicer started the joke about the e-mails......I bet trump told him to say it.....and the rectum of NY and cramps our idiot buy into the troll....and still keep slurping....either of you 2 idiots going to wake up????? .

Remember when an American presidential candidate called for a hostile foreign power to conduct espionage against his opponent? It's easy to lose track in an avalanche of Russia news, but in September, Donald Trump asked Vladimir Putin's ace hackers to "find the 30,000 emails that are missing" from Hillary Clinton's infamous private server. Since Trump and his allies were also alleging those emails contained classified information that Clinton had mishandled and wanted to cover up, Trump was in effect asking the Russians—again, not our friends—to acquire highly sensitive U.S. national security and diplomatic information and release it publicly—and, you know, look at it themselves.

Except apparently that was all a joke, at least according to Sean Spicer. In his Double Secret Press Briefing today (No cameras allowed!), the White House press secretary explained his boss was only kidding about that whole espionage-for-political-gain thing:

Anonymous said...


Madam President Cover.

So good.

Myballs said...

Roger just gave us a NY times article. The same NY times whose former editor just admitted their anti trump fame news biased hatred of trump.

Anonymous said...

Roger is actually getting dumber.

anonymous said...

he same NY times whose former editor just admitted their anti trump fame news biased hatred of trump.

Sure would like to see that quote, ballz....or is it just another piece of made up bullshit you are so noted for.....LOLOLOLOL

anonymous said...

KD said...
"Dow up today by 14 points." Denise


Sorry numb nutz....some last minute trades got put in ....It was up a colossal 18 points, not 14.....thanx for the correction goat fucker....feel like another slurp is on the way????

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

His only goal is to appeal to Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham and Rush Limbaugh.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

+18.78 (0.081%)

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

+18 is colossal!

The -400 just ignored by the kput'z

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump Rejects Potential Shutdown Compromise as He Prepares to Meet Congressional Leaders

Anonymous said...

How much wall funding ?

Anonymous said...

I ignore neither the ups or downs of the Markets.

Just be correct on the actual numbers.

anonymous said...

KD said...
How much wall funding ?

How much will you donate??? Yeah, you ingore the vagrancies of the market like you don't fuck goats...

Anonymous said...

Harry Ried takes a dust nap.

Take Ruthie G. With him.

Amazing 2019.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Can any one help Denise understand.

I said : I ignore neither the ups or downs of the Markets.

He puked.
"you ingore the vagrancies of the market "

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Pelosi has a message for Trump: 'Nothing for the wall'
"We can go through the back and forth," the incoming House speaker told NBC News in an exclusive interview. "No. How many more times can we say no?"

Anonymous said...

She ran on working With The President.

I love it. She lied.

Commonsense said...

Trump Rejects Potential Shutdown Compromise

If there's no money for the wall, then it's not a compromise.

Anonymous said...

I am happy she is keeping the Government shut down.
"Asked by NBC's Savannah Guthrie if she was willing to give up any money specifically for the border wall, Pelosi said "no.".

Red line. Cool.

Myballs said...

Trump showing the whole country that pelosi and schumer prolonging the shutdown. They're not going to win this.

Anonymous said...

Schumker/polousy shutdown.

Their number to Protect and Defend Americans.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You are ignoring the polls that have been showing that the President is being blamed for the government shutdown.

Most Americans don't want the wall.

The President is going to be facing a Congress that will be able to subpoena his tax returns and so much more.

His statement that said he is Proud of the government shutdown is not going away.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"Democrats $1.3 billion. For strong borders using high tech equipment and increased security personnel. The wall is increasingly unlikely. "If he doesn't get the wall, the Democrats will get elected in 2020." Ann Coulter

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

His life is going to be hell.

Donald Trump may not realize it totally yet, but today was the last easy-ish day of his presidency.

By noon (or so) Thursday, Nancy Pelosi will become the new speaker of the House of Representatives -- formalizing the Democratic majority her side won in last November's election. And that will change everything.

Trump has sought to look on the bright side of divided control of government to date -- insisting that maybe he will be able to make deals with the new Democratic majority in the House. "It really could be a beautiful bipartisan situation," he said at a press conference the day after the 2018 election.

But the early returns are not promising. The federal government has been shut down for the past 12 days -- and there's little reason to believe that will change at any point soon. Trump has dug in on his demand for $5 billion to fund construction of his border wall. Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, of New York, are equally dead-set on providing zero dollars for Trump's wall.

And this is only the beginning. Starting tomorrow, Democrats in the House will make Trump's life a living hell. Efforts are already underway to bring a number of his Cabinet officials before Congress, to extricate his tax returns from his grip and to more deeply probe his business dealings both before and during his presidency.

Trump, a political neophyte prior to the 2016 race, has never had to deal with this sort of opposition before. Sure, Democrats have never been willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. But he never really needed Democrats to do much of anything, either. The Republican majorities in the House and Senate ensured Trump got his tax cuts and two Supreme Court picks. There was no real political penalty for his total unwillingness and inability to work with Democrats.

Those days are now over. Democrats can now do Trump real political damage using the official means of their House majority. While they may not be able to, say, force his tax returns into public view (the jury remains out on that), they can make sure the issue is front and center and create major distractions for a White House that has already shown it can distract itself very well, thank you very much.

Trump claims to understand this, likely with his self-professed titanic intellect. To me, that's like when people who are about to have a baby say they are totally ready for it. As evidence, they point to their nursery being all set up, the Diaper Genie being up and running, and so on and so forth. Then the baby comes -- and they realize, like every parent that has gone before them, that no amount of planning or bracing could fully prepare them for their new reality.

That's Trump and the new Democratic House majority.

Anonymous said...

He will get the wall so Republicans will get elected in 2020.

Anonymous said...

Things look very good for Trump. He is on the right side of the issue.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"I could have been a great general."

I know that you won't watch it with open eyes. He was acting like a senile old man.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

While talks of a wall between the U.S. and Mexico border have led to televised shouting matches between national leaders, the rest of America is less divided. More than two-thirds of Americans don’t think the wall should be a priority, according to a new poll by NPR, PBS News Hour and Marist.

Only 28% of those polled answered that the border wall should be an immediate priority, while 19% replied it shouldn’t be an immediate priority, and 50% said it shouldn’t be a priority at all.

Of those polled, a vast majority of Democrats—91%—said they didn’t think the wall was an immediate priority or said it was not a priority at all, while 35% of Republicans held that view. Sixty-three percent of Republicans thought the wall was of immediate concern compared to 7% of Democrats.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Donald Trump claimed Wednesday he "essentially" fired his former Pentagon chief James Mattis, despite a resignation letter in which Mattis wrote he was departing because he didn't share Trump's worldview.

"I wish him well. I hope he does well. But, as you know, President (Barack) Obama fired him and essentially so did I," Trump said.

C.H. Truth said...

Well Rog,

People have to be affected, in order for this to matter. The longer the shutdown lasts without any impact, the better it is for those who want less government.

Only government employees (vote Democrat anyways) will feel anything. They don't expect Trump to protect them. They will not get paid till a deal is made.

Anonymous said...

So Mattis was going to leave Feb 28th. What is it called when you tell someone their job is over months earlier? I guess essentially that they are fired.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump also told reporters that if not for his trade policies, he “could be the most popular person in Europe. I could run for any office if I wanted to. I don’t want to.”

Senility is apparent

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Let's see how this works out for the President. He's never been President when the house is in Democratic control.

If he doesn't understand that just appealing his base and Rush to ... Pelosi is an experienced politician. He is not.

He's still claiming that Obama has a ten feet tall wall around his house. This is completely delusional. He said that the generals all looked better than Tom Cruise. Seriously Scott, look at this meeting with the Cabinet members sitting and trying not to shake their heads in response to his comments.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

So it's ok to not pay thousands of people their wages, because a lot of them (might) be Democrats? Or the Coast Guard sailors are not getting paid?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"I think I would have been a good general, but who knows?"

Myballs said...

I've seen good people go senile. You insult them all with your bullshit.

Pelosi and Hillary have both shown more signs of senility than trump.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He's not senile

"I think I would have been a good general, but who knows?"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Lest government is going to help Trump out......

If Californians ever wondered how the state’s most majestic open spaces would fare without adult supervision, the partial federal government shutdown is offering a grim picture.

At Joshua Tree National Park, champagne bottles were left strewn on the desert floor on New Year’s morning, along with a prom dress. Someone had kicked one of the iconic trees, perhaps to see how sturdy it was. Human waste was piling up.


At Yosemite, Death Valley, Joshua Tree and beyond, the nearly two-week-long shutdown has taken a toll. Reports of vandalism, illegal camping and off-road driving have led to restricted operations.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"I was here on Christmas evening, I was all by myself in the White House. That’s a big, big house,” .. “Except for all the guys out on the lawn with machine guns…I was waving to them. I never saw so many guys with machine guns in my life. Secret Service and military, these are great people. And they don’t play games, they don’t like wave. They don’t even smile. But I was there all alone with the machine gunners and I felt very safe Ben… I was hoping that maybe somebody would come back and negotiate.”

Completely sane?

Anonymous said...

If there's no money for the wall, then it's not a compromise.

that's our alky. sharp as a fucking billiard ball. that you have to point this out to him explains why he needed a union to negotiate on his behalf just to insert 'tab A' into 'slot B'.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

So it's ok to not pay thousands of people their wages, because a lot of them (might) be Democrats? Or the Coast Guard sailors are not getting paid?

in answer to your first question - yes. they're employees. not indentured slaves. they can find other work.

newsflash to you and to them: they're not ENTITLED to the fucking job. especially as we learn it's not essential anyway.

OMB and OPM should be working to understand just how many of these fucking parasites we can afford to furlough permanently.

and the coast guard IS getting paid. at least for now. i know this for a fact as a close family friend is in the CG, having joined fresh out of college a couple of years ago. a permanent rule change should be sought to keep these folks paid in times like these. i never understood just how many vital and essential services they perform until recently.

Commonsense said...

Completely sane?

No, you are not. Get help.

Anonymous said...

Legal and illegal migrants sent $53.4 billion in remittances back to Mexico and Central America in 2018, or more than double the cost of building a border barrier on the U.S.-Mexico border, according to a World Bank report.

Remittances to Mexico reached $33.7 billion in 2018, up 21 percent from roughly $27.8 billion in 2016, the bank reported.

turn off that $53.4B spigot and that's how mexico et. al. pays for our wall.

essentially what trump has been saying from day one that his detractors are too fucking stupid to comprehend.

Anonymous said...

“Democrats in the room either don’t care that there is a humanitarian crisis on the border or just prefer ignorance. It was incredibly disheartening that they don’t want to know the facts when making policy,” DHS Spokeswoman Katie Waldman said in a statement to TheDC.

wrong on both counts ms. waldman.

democrats DO care that there is a humanitarian crisis on the border.

they care for one specific reason - politics.

what democrats don't care about are those americans murdered by illegals.

what democrats don't care about is people like Ronil Singh, and the family he leaves behind.

on this issue democrats are evil, and only support policies that would exacerbate the number of deaths of americans at the hands of illegal murderers because VOTES.


americans must die so democrats can garner VOTES.

Anonymous said...

Advantage President Trump

"Pelosi is an experienced politician. He is not. "

Admitting that Polosi/Schumer look at it as 100% political .

Your team is on the wrong side of history.

Anonymous said...

Alky because you California's are filthy pigs are not our fault.

Anonymous said...

cocaine mitch to maerose prizzi:

"don't waste my fucking time."


Anonymous said...

Wait, this is non-sense
It is not "Prom" time.

Alky , think , never mind, you are a cut n past clown.

"champagne bottles were left strewn on the desert floor on New Year’s morning, along with a prom dress. " 2nd Generation Alky

Anonymous said...

Pelosi is an experienced politician. He is not.


that's funny.

he was experienced enough to beat your feckless 'landslide' cunt.

experienced enough to ADD to the GOP senate majority.

and experienced enough to trigger your geriatric ass 50+ times a day.

i'm looking forward to the next two years, alky. all pelosi can do is fuck with trump. she can't get her agenda passed because all of her legislative bullshit is DOA in the senate. so let's see... we'll have lil adam schitt and golden corral nadler cranking out subpoena's. THOSE can be ignored. psycho autie max scene can be ignored. assholio fucktardio cortez and her merry band of freshman mental midget's can be ignored.

let nancy pour through trump's taxes. trump can use that to keep her occupied like a cat with a laser pointer. i'm sure she'll find YEARS of wrongdoing that the tax experts at the IRS completely overlooked.

yeah, that's the ticket!

stick with that 'trump is no match for pelosi's political acumen' alky. it's a winner.

anonymous said...

experienced enough to ADD to the GOP senate majority.

And lose the congress with a 9 miliion vote drubbing while having a picture of himself right in front during a about self aggrandizing assholes....he surely fits the bill as a megalomaniac who needs praise 24/7...

Anonymous said...

i think pelosi is going to have her hands full running the house daycare center:

WASHINGTON – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is going to defy Nancy Pelosi as soon as she is sworn in as House speaker.

Ocasio-Cortez plans to vote against the Democrats’ rules package because it includes a “pay-go” provision that she says will hinder getting progressive legislation passed.

The rule would require that all new spending be paid for – either by increasing taxes or by budget cuts.

Anonymous said...

And lose the congress with a 9 miliion vote drubbing

dumb fuck...

the popular vote in the house is like warmyl cooling. it is not a thing. it never was. it never will be. it's fake. made up to make certain assholes feel better about themselves. assholes like you.

pass that along to the alky when you get a chance, too. thanks

Anonymous said...

Ocasio-Cortez plans to vote against the Democrats’ rules package because it includes a “pay-go” provision that she says will hinder getting progressive legislation passed."

Yep, the green new deai 5 Trillion and Medicaid For all.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

the popular vote in the house is like warmyl cooling. it is not a thing. it never was. it never will be. it's fake. made up to make certain assholes feel better about themselves. assholes like you.

Irrational behavior.

You're out of your mind.

Anonymous said...


ny times crossword genius will shortz includes the word "beaner" in one of the puzzles.

hilarity ensues.

Anonymous said...

Yep, the green new deai 5 Trillion and Medicaid For all.

both DOA in the senate.


Anonymous said...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says she paid twice as much for insurance as a waitress as she will in Congress

Abigail Hess | @AbigailJHess

10:52 AM ET Tue, 4 Dec 2018"

Socialist Democrat Solution.
Medicaid for all.


anonymous said...

KD said...
Ocasio-Cortez plans to vote against the Democrats’

Elections have consequences, goat fucker....and now is they time for assholes like you to pay up for the ineptitude in the oval office.....keep slurping losers....

anonymous said...

both DOA in the senate.

Funny how that many times did the repeal of the ACA pass congress before McCain voted no?????

Anonymous said...

Alky and Dopie have a common problem. They believe their vote matters outside of thier, city , country, state in local elections.

Anonymous said...

Ugly Opie

"uneducated men vets".

anonymous said...

. it is not a thing. it never was.

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Hey jag off it is a 9 million vote utter drubbing and an indictment the population has had enough of the lying sack of shit lout you suck on.....LOLOOL

Anonymous said...

like you to pay up" Denise

Do tell. I will check with ya to see how you do on this assigned task.

anonymous said...

"uneducated men vets".

Yep,,,,that's the fourth time you repeated that post....You do know short term memory loss is the first sign of age and senility,,,,I sure wish you would post my whole post so all know what I was really saying....goat fucking asshole....

anonymous said...

will check with ya to see how you do on this assigned task.

What ever your delusional post means......goat fucker....old white man with his head stuck up another old white mans fat ass.....LOLOLOLOL

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Border Security is the primary reason why the President insists that we need a secure border. This is how he is handling the situation.

Tens of thousands of U.S. immigration officers and agents are showing up for work each day to guard the Mexico border, where President Trump insists on putting a wall. But the government is shut down, so no one is getting paid.

According to the President and Scott insist that the majority of the federal employees are Democrats and who care.

These people have been working without pay since the President shutdown the government.

Commonsense said...

All the Democrat have to do is agree to a wall and it will be done. Believe me, ICE agents know who to blame. And it' not the bad orange man.

Anonymous said...

buying votes. literally:

ALBANY — New York paid the fees for 768 immigrants applying for citizenship in 2018, the third year of the NaturalizeNY program.

In 2018, 6,100 New Yorkers applied for a lottery to get a voucher to cover the $725 naturalization application fee, according to a press release from Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo's office Wednesday. The state paid fees for more than half of the 1,400 eligible lottery applicants — adding up to more than $550,000 — and pointed 4,700 more to the federal fee waiver program.

"In New York, we welcome immigrants with open arms to join our communities, help grow our economy and enrich the cultural life of our state," Cuomo said in a release. "The record-breaking number of New Yorkers participating in the NaturalizeNY program (in 2018) sends a clear message to the federal government that while they try to build walls, we will always break down barriers to inclusion and help those who come here looking to achieve the American dream."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The President is the uneducated leader of the United States. He said that the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan to combat terrorism.

“Russia used to be the Soviet Union. Afghanistan made it Russia because they went bankrupt fighting in Afghanistan, Russia…. The reason Russia was in Afghanistan was because terrorists were going into Russia, they were right to be there. The problem is it was a tough fight and literally they went bankrupt. They went into being called Russia again as opposed to the Soviet Union. You know a lot of these places you are reading about now are no longer a part of Russia because of Afghanistan.”

The coldhearted truth is that the Russians aka the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan was to support a failing Communist regime.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Believe me, ICE agents know who to blame. And it' not the bad orange man.

The majority of federal employees are Democrats according to the uneducated President.

anonymous said...

buying votes. literally:

Unlike R's who just steal ballots and fill them out for their candidate.....BWAAAAAAAA!!!!

anonymous said...

federal employees are Democrats according to the uneducated President.

That's exactly what he said and was parroted by our rat hole within an hour.....such a low intellect troll whose whole reason of being is to fellate donnie whom is hated in NY except for losers from colonie, sad...

Anonymous said...

Nancy Polosi wall = $0.00 for Border Security.

Ok, Stand Your Ground .

Anonymous said...

Tens of thousands of U.S. immigration officers and agents are showing up for work each day to guard the Mexico border, where President Trump insists on putting a wall. But the government is shut down, so no one is getting paid.

those are the same folks who overwhelmingly support the wall. they're at ground zero of the problem, and a wall helps them do their jobs better and works to better ensure their physical safety.

border security starting with a wall was trump's leading campaign issue and he owes his election in large part to the wall. and preventing $53.4B in remittances back to messico means messico pays for the wall by proxy.

CB&P wants it, ICE wants it, and the American people want it.

who doesn't want it?

murderous illegals.

guess whose side the democrats are on?

anonymous said...

federal employees are Democrats according to the IGNORANT President.

FIFY Roger

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

anonymous said...

nd a wall helps them do their jobs better and works to better ensure their physical safety.

And how is that asshole???? I sure would like to know other than hiding behind a concrete wall, makes their job safer?????

Anonymous said...

More than seven in 10 federal employees oppose the current partial government shutdown, though some civil servants support President Trump’s proposed wall along the U.S.-Mexico border so strongly they are willing to see agencies shutter.

About 71 percent of federal workers oppose the shutdown—which crawled into its 10th day on Monday—according to a new survey by Government Business Council and, while 22 percent support it. Nine in 10 of those supporting the shutdown do so because they support Trump’s fight for wall funding, though a small handful feel so opposed to the wall that they want agencies to close in order to block the wall from being built.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

“I know more about drones than anybody,"

Anonymous said...

KDJanuary 3, 2019 at 7:06 AM

like you to pay up" Denise

Do tell. I will check with ya to see how you do on this assigned task.

Oh, oh, Denise failed .

It was as if he was making stuff up again.

Anonymous said...

2019 news that keeps getting better.

"About 71 percent of federal workers oppose the shutdown".


Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

“I know more about drones than anybody,"

what's the matter alky? does it bother you that trump likes to tout his intelligence - making himself sound like the smartest guy in every room - like 0linsky did every fucking 5 minutes?

Commonsense said...

The drones used by ICE can only fly in good wheather.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Dow drops 550 points after weak manufacturing reading

Anonymous said...

apple needs new leadership. when all you have to offer is being gay, you need to go.

cook thinks he can buck the trend of falling prices with rising tech adoption. greed's not cool and no one is willing to cough up a grand for the latest iphone.

and their mac books? old news.

anonymous said...

when all you have to offer is being gay, you need to go.

How white of you rat hole.....maybe one of your spawn is gay and you don't know it....what hoot that would be..

anonymous said...

Hey assholes...especially you goat fucker....DOW down 600..... offsetting that massive 14 point gain of yesterday by what 400 times or so......WOW......and its just cook's fault because rat hole says so.....BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Weak" wrong alky

anonymous said...

does it bother you that trump likes to tout his intelligence

He also touts the size of his hands.....and you are fine with that, more to suck on.....LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

"DOW down 600.." Denise

Dow drops 550 points " 2nd Generation Alky

Ok, and is your sky falling?

anonymous said...

More than seven in 10 federal employees oppose the current partial government shutdown

Since they are all voters....maybe they should vote the POTUS out......but according to your asshole in chief and rectum breath, they are all D's anyway and who gives a fuck what they think!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Hiring by U.S. companies surged in December.

Private sector payrolls added 271,000 new positions in the month, according to the ADP/Moody’s Analytics survey released Thursday. Economists had estimated just 178,000.

That’s the best monthly performance since the surge of February 2018, when the economy added 280,000. The monthly average gain for the last year rose to 206,000."

Pelosi/Schumer , please stand your ground . $0.00 for US Border Security.

C.H. Truth said...

Since they are all voters....maybe they should vote the POTUS out......but according to your asshole in chief and rectum breath, they are all D's anyway and who gives a fuck what they think!!!!

Couldn't have said it better myself!

There is no downside for Trump and the GOP.

But it's sort of hypocritical for those who think we should spend a couple trillion more a year on our wonderful government... but are still willing to shut it all down over a whopping $5 billion.

Anonymous said...

"DOW down 600.." Denise

Dow drops 550 points " 2nd Generation Alky 

Ok, and is your sky falling?