Thursday, January 3, 2019

2018 Winners of the year

Honorable mention:

Adam Thielen – A hometown boy who was an unrecruited walk-on at my alma-mater, Minnesota State of Mankato. He was an undrafted professional free agent (not even invited to the NFL combine) who first made the Vikings as a practice player, later making the active roster as a special teams player. This year he set the NFL records with eight consecutive 100 yard receiving games to start the season, and nine 100 yard games over the full season.  A story of an underdog whose hard work and determination paid off. Now he has been etched in NFL lore.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – She may be the butt of a lot of jokes, but the fact remains that she is one of the highest profile first time Congress members in recent memory. Possibly taking advantage of a Democratic Party desperate for star power, she is already making an impact (good, bad, or indifferent).

Lindsey Graham – The Senator decided to show some passion during the Kavanaugh hearings, and went from zero to hero in the ranks of conservatives. While Graham may still not be everyone’s favorite, he most definitely saw his conservative reputation grow more in one day than it had through the rest of his political career. He is now showing courage in other place as well, and he seems poised to used that newfound cred to establish himself as a true leader moving forward.

Susan Collins – The speech. Enough said.

Runners up:

Beto O’Rourke – Like Ocasio-Cortez you get the feeling that the meteoric rise of this Irishman with the Hispanic nick-name is sort of void filling. But make no mistake, his rise is truly a big story. He may even run for President based on his current momentum. I suspect that he is a long shot to actually garner the Democratic nominee in 2020, but will be on the short list for most every Democrat as a running mate.

Nancy Pelosi – Proves she still holds the reigns of the Democratic caucus. Seems like for a while there everyone and their brother was hoping to take her spot. But at the end of the day, Pelosi somehow managed to close the ranks, hold things together, and ultimately prevail as the next speaker of the house. Speak softly, but carry a big stick? How about speak in dazed confusion, but carry a big riding crop?

Justice Brett Kavanaugh – While it was obviously a tough, bittersweet, hard fought confirmation, Kavanaugh kept on going (when many would have quit). It’s quite likely that our most recent USSC nominee was going to make the winner/loser list one way or the other. Had the extreme allegations brought down his confirmation, he would have been a big 2018 loser. Instead, he persevered and became an ultimate winner. Chalk it up to his willingness to stand firm in the eye of the storm.

2018 Winner of the year!

Conservative Judiciary – As of December 31st 2018, Donald Trump had gotten one Supreme Court Justice, eighteen Appeals court Judges, forty-seven District Court Judges, and four other judges on specialty courts confirmed during the year.  This was one of the most productive years in history in confirming Judges and Justices.

Add that to the one Supreme Court, twelve Appeals Court, and nine-teen District Court Justices confirmed in 2017 and you have an impressive start. On top of all of that, there are currently twelve more Appeals Court, and fifty-seven more District Court Justices ready to go when the Senate gets back into session. This is truly long lasting legacy material here folks.


Commonsense said...


Myballs said...

Pelosi and schumer are digging in for one penny of every $10 in the federal budget. And both previously supported far more funding for the same purpose.

Anything to oppose Trump.

Myballs said...

Pelosi, now the face of the DRM party, says there's no law saying a sitting president can't be indicted. Except that there is.

She's mentally impaired, senile, unstable and dangerous in power.

See how easy this is.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

U.S. stocks fell sharply on Thursday after Apple warned fiscal first-quarter sales would be less than it previously expected. The iPhone maker blamed a slowing Chinese economy for the shortfall, intensifying fears that the global economy may be slowing down.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 657 points as Apple shares led the decline. The S&P 500 pulled back 2.4 percent as the tech sector fell 4.7 percent. The Nasdaq Composite slid 2.8 percent as Apple's stock dropped 9.8 percent.

A weaker-than-expected economic reading on manufacturing sent the Dow to its lows of the day. ISM's manufacturing index fell to 54.1 in December, economists polled by Refinitiv expected 57.9.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

there's no law saying a sitting president can't be indicted.

No there is not a law forbids the indictment of a sitting President.

cowardly king obama said...

"Roger Amick said...
U.S. stocks fell sharply on Thursday after Apple warned fiscal first-quarter sales would be less than it previously expected. The iPhone maker blamed a slowing Chinese economy for the shortfall, intensifying fears that the global economy may be slowing down."

While it may be painful for us we are actually winning this non-declared trade war with China. Chinese stocks were down 25% last year and are off 50% from their highs. Much like the way Reagan won the cold war with Russia, Trump is holding a strengthening hand by weakening China much more than us. In comparison to China the Dow should be down another 10,000 points to equate.

Sure glad Trump is actually doing something to address this long standing problem. This could lead to a very positive long-term outcome for America.

Anonymous said...

hank johnson went full racist retard again.

don't hold your breath waiting for dem leadership to condemn the piece of shit.

James said...

Anne Coulter is saying Trump will cave on the wall.

Anonymous said...

During a 1998 Georgetown Law School conference on what would turn out to be the dim prospects of renewing the independent counsel law, moderator Mark Tuohey (who hired Kavanaugh onto the staff of independent counsel Ken Starr) put a question to the panel:

"How many of you believe, as a matter of law, that a sitting president cannot be indicted during the term of office?" Tuohey asked.

Kavanaugh's hand went up, as did more than half of the experts on the panel, including some with liberal political outlooks.

Kavanaugh's stance—or his stance at that time— is not an unusual or outlandish one. In fact, it's the official position of the Justice Department, formally articulated in a 1973 opinion under President Richard Nixon and reaffirmed in 2000 under President Bill Clinton. But it could be that there's less nuance to Kavanaugh's view than his supporters are suggesting.

Earlier in the panel discussion, helpfully preserved for eternity by C-SPAN, Kavanaugh refers to the issue as "a question that has been a lurking constitutional issue for a long time which at some point here should be resolved so we can determine whether the Congress or an independent counsel should investigate the president when his conduct is at issue."

"I tend to think it has to be the Congress," Kavanaugh added, presaging the views he would offer in more detail in his law review article a decade or so later. Democrats are expected to press Kavanaugh hard on the topic at his confirmation hearings, arguing that Trump picked him as a kind of insurance policy against potential negative developments in special counsel Robert Mueller's Trump-Russia probe.

Some scholars are of the view that a president could be indicted while in office, but could not be tried until he vacated the office, whether by impeachment, resignation or because his term expired. But the most recent Justice Department opinion, which is likely binding on Mueller's office, says that even a sealed indictment of the president would be impermissible.

so go ahead and request an indictment. first, i hope you have grounds... and then good luck getting the DOJ to fulfill the request.

one of the more entertaining aspects of the new dem house will be to watch the TDS increase exponentially.

hank "guam" johnson kicked it off. let's see who the next nitwit is to up the ante.

caliphate4vr said...

While it may be painful for us we are actually winning this non-declared trade war with China. Chinese stocks were down 25% last year and are off 50%

China allows first-ever U.S. rice imports ahead of trade talks

He's selling rice to the Chinese that's like selling ice to Eskimos

Myballs said...

Some point to the Federalist Papers for support that lotus cannot be indicted.

James said...

Watch this video, more important than the article on impeachment.

See how Pelosi has Trump by the balls.

There's a new sheriff and she's smarter than the old sheriff.

Anonymous said...

Nancy is senile

Anonymous said...

See how Pelosi has Trump by the balls.

sure she does.

she doesn't even have GROUNDS for indictment or impeachment, yet she has him by the balls... completely dependent upon mueller.

good one pederast.

trying to wrestle the TDS crown away from the alky i see.

Anonymous said...

we're going off the rails on the crazy train!!!

Rep. Brad Sherman plans to introduce articles of impeachment against President Trump on Thursday, the first day of Democratic control of the House.

Sherman (D-Northridge) is reintroducing a measure that he first rolled out in 2017. But this year it carries more political significance: The decision of whether to act on it rests with Democrats — not Trump’s Republican allies.

Sherman’s articles of impeachment accuse Trump of obstructing justice by firing former FBI Director James B. Comey, among other wrongdoing.

James said...

Lol )
Every time rrb (republican rat bastard) calls me a pederast, he shows himself to be as big a liar as Trump is.

rrb didn't look at that video which last 15.5 minutes, a video that makes it crystal clear how vulnerable Trump has been outsmarted by Pelosi.

Anonymous said...

No it doesn't

James said...

Oh yes it does. And HOW it does. :)

Anonymous said...

rrb didn't look at that video which last 15.5 minutes, a video that makes it crystal clear how vulnerable Trump has been outsmarted by Pelosi.

i sure did.

and here's the clip where maerose prizzi falls flat on her ass:

the feckless old cunt has a mini-stroke every time she opens her mouth. watch her make a fool of herself to NBC.

Anonymous said...

There seems to be confusion on both ends of this conversation. Pelosi gave a non-sequitur response to Guthrie’s question about indicting a sitting president. Pelosi then responds that a president can be indicted once out of office, a point which literally no one disputes. (It’s why Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon after the latter’s resignation.) Guthrie then presses Pelosi a couple of times about the possibility of Robert Mueller indicting a president who’s still in office but then says there’s no law determining the question, to which Pelosi agrees and says it’s an open question.

Except that there is law, and it’s not an open question. The 1973 opinion from the Office of Legal Counsel that a sitting president cannot be indicted — most recently affirmed during Bill Clinton’s administration — has the force of policy. The law governing the special counsel only give Mueller the authority of a US Attorney, an office which is subject to those policies and OLC findings. Furthermore, the statute explicitly states that a special counsel has to abide by DoJ policies and regulations, and only an Attorney General can waive that requirement:

§ 600.7 Conduct and accountability.
(a) A Special Counsel shall comply with the rules, regulations, procedures, practices and policies of the Department of Justice. He or she shall consult with appropriate offices within the Department for guidance with respect to established practices, policies and procedures of the Department, including ethics and security regulations and procedures. Should the Special Counsel conclude that the extraordinary circumstances of any particular decision would render compliance with required review and approval procedures by the designated Departmental component inappropriate, he or she may consult directly with the Attorney General.

So there is in fact a law preventing Mueller from indicting Trump while in office. Don’t expect William Barr to issue Mueller a waiver on it, either. The appropriate remedy for dealing with a president who has broken the law in a significant manner is impeachment, not indictment. What does Pelosi plan to do now that she can control an impeachment process? Wait and see, of course:

Anonymous said...

Ilhan Omar

Verified account

Follow Follow @IlhanMN

Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel. #Gaza #Palestine #Israel

9:15 AM - 16 Nov 2012

the house of pelosi has decided to put their anti-semitism front and fucking center.


cowardly king obama said...

New Documents Suggest The Steele Dossier Was A Deliberate Setup For Trump
A trove of recently released documents sheds further light on the scope and logistics of the information operation designed to sabotage an American election. Players include the press, political operatives from both parties, and law enforcement and intelligence officials. Their instrument was the Steele dossier, first introduced to the American public two years ago.

A collection of reports compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele, the dossier is now engraved in contemporary U.S. history. First marketed as bedrock evidence that Donald Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election, the dossier’s legitimacy took a hit after reports showed the Hillary Clinton campaign paid for the work.

The revelation that the dossier was used to secure a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant on Trump campaign adviser Carter Page compromised the integrity of the investigation the FBI had opened on Page and three other Trump associates by the end of July 2016. Nonetheless, that same probe continues today as the special counsel investigation.
The dossier plays a central role in Robert Mueller’s probe. In the unredacted portions of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s memo outlining Mueller’s scope are allegations that Trump adviser Paul Manafort colluded with Russian government officials interfering in the 2016 race. That claim is found in no other known document but the dossier. It is unclear whether further dossier allegations are in the redacted portions of the scope memo.

Further, with Mueller in charge, the dossier-won warrant on Page was renewed a third, and final, time in June 2017. It expired in September, when confidential human source Stefan Halper reportedly broke off regular communications with Page.


Comey and his merry men are responsible for the biggest scandal in political history and it goes all the way to Obama

and the MSM are scared to death to cover it

it's like Watergate on steroids with no liberal press

James said...

Constitutional experts agree that whether a sitting President can ever be indicted is an open question. Pelosi was dead center correct.

James said...

Status Report on the Mueller Investigation
January 3, 2019

NBC News:

“The Mueller probe has led to criminal charges against 33 people, including three of those original four [Manafort, Flynn, Papadopoulos], and engulfed the Trump administration in a legal and political morass unlike anything the country has witnessed since the impeachment of President Bill Clinton, and before that, Watergate.

“But a central question remains unanswered, and it’s one that could hold the key to what happens over the next few months: What did FBI officials know in the summer of 2016 that dissuaded them from telling Trump they were investigating his top aides? The world may soon know the answer. Government officials and others familiar with the situation tell NBC News that Mueller is nearing the end stages of his investigation, and a report by the special counsel is expected to be submitted to the Justice Department as early as mid-February.”

cowardly king obama said...

FAKE NEWS continues to avoid...

IG and unclassifying documents could blow this up in Comey and Mueller's faces.

And Trump holds the key

Should be a GREAT YEAR for Trump and America

we'll wait for another fake shoe to drop in 3- 2- 1


Commonsense said...

there's no law saying a sitting president can't be indicted.

No there is not a law forbids the indictment of a sitting President.

There is also no law forbidding the president from pardoning himself.

There's also the doctrine of sovereign immunity.

Anonymous said...

James said...

Constitutional experts agree that whether a sitting President can ever be indicted is an open question. Pelosi was dead center correct.

uh, pederast, it matters not what constitutional experts 'think' when we have a statute on the books that directly addresses the issue.

pelosi's mini-stroke was nothing more than a preview of coming attractions. and i suppose you're telling us that palsi has already applied for the required AG waiver, eh?

she was wrong. flat wrong.

Anonymous said...

What did FBI officials know in the summer of 2016 that dissuaded them from telling Trump they were investigating his top aides?

what they "knew" and what dissuaded them was that they were conducting a highly illegal and fraudulent investigation. spying in fact. complete with a phony dossier, which led to fraudulent FISA docs. even isikoff's circular reporting was fraudulent. ALL of it was fraudulent. how many FBI scumbags got fired?

i won't expect to see THAT in mueller's bird cage liner because it's the only truth that cannot be allowed to come out.

and it was approved by 0linsky himself.

Myballs said...

Pelosi says constitution says speaker is equal to president.

The face of the dems party is senile

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is a violation of the standards by CH

the feckless old cunt

Commonsense said...

It's obvious to anyone with half a brain the remedy for a malfeasent president is impeachment not indictment.

Even Bill Clinton who was plainly guilty of first degree rape could only be impeached (and should have been removed from office if it weren't for the criminal Democrats) not indicted.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

This is a violation of the standards by CH

the feckless old cunt

take it up with samantha bee, alky.

i never used the phrase around here until she officially inserted it into our lexicon as acceptable prose. and for that i thank her.

in fact, there is no more accurate term to describe her performance on NBC with that guthrie chick.

Anonymous said...

hey alky,

i know it's only day 1 but i was wondering your opinion on the impeachment front.

you really got him this time?

no lesser light than brad sherman thinks so.

what say you?

Anonymous said...

Patrick Lavon Mahomes II 

caliphate4vr said...

Another American citizen — this one a young 22-year-old Tennessee man — has been killed because of the country’s inability to properly secure its overwhelmed southern border.

“Franco Cambrany Francisco-Eduardo, 44, was driving a Chevrolet truck north on Chapman Highway Saturday evening when … he veered into the southbound lane near the 4700 block and hit a Honda Civic driven by Pierce Kennedy Corcoran,” the Knoxville News Sentinel reported.

Corcoran was the son of Knoxville Fire Department Capt. DJ Corcoran. He and his passenger, 21-year-old Jade Damecia Adams, were reportedly transferred to a hospital. He died shortly thereafter.

The young man’s killer, Francisco-Eduardo, is, on the other hand, a criminal alien who’s been found to have no driver’s license and no insurance. His arrest records show that he also has an unfulfilled detainer request on him from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

While the details of his prior arrests remain unknown, Knoxville had been a so-called “sanctuary city” up until last year, when the legislature approved a proposal banning “sanctuary cities.”

It’s possible Francisco-Eduardo had previously been arrested for other crimes prior to the implementation of this ban, meaning local authorities would have been forced to release him back into the public instead of transferring him into the custody of federal immigration authorities.

Anonymous said...

Rep. Brad Sherman plans to introduce articles of impeachment against President Trump on Thursday, the first day of Democratic control of the House."

He does so with the Blessing of the feckless cunt or IF you prefer dust bowl front hole speaker Nancy Pelosi .

Winning Socialist Style.

Anonymous said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I'm not going along with the #impeachment process yet.

I want to see the results of the investigation into the Russian intervention into the election.

C.H. Truth said...

Rep. Brad Sherman plans to introduce articles of impeachment against President Trump

Deja vu all over again, huh?

He already has introduced articles of impeachment at least once before.

caliphate4vr said...

He already has introduced articles of impeachment at least once before.

yep, after he fired Comey

Commonsense said...

Personally I just think they should pass it and watch it go down to humiliating defeat in the senate.

Anonymous said...

Commonsense said...

Personally I just think they should pass it and watch it go down to humiliating defeat in the senate.

and call it an in-kind campaign contribution to the Trump 2020 campaign.

Anonymous said...

Another American citizen — this one a young 22-year-old Tennessee man — has been killed because of the country’s inability to properly secure its overwhelmed southern border.

man o' man, the democrats have just been hitting the fucking lottery all over the nation lately when it comes to illegal beaners slaughtering Americans.

nancy, chuck et. al. must be grinning from ear to ear.

Anonymous said...

"I'm not going along with the #impeachment process yet."

Lol , really, Halfbaked is the singularly most gutless o called "Man" I have ever been aware of in my life time.

Anonymous said...

Incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Feckless Old Cunt, Calif.) said in an interview with the New York Times that the Constitution considers her to be President Donald Trump's equal.

Commonsense said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commonsense said...

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

Artical I section 2. It is the only time a Speaker is mention in the Constitution. No powers are delegated to her. She doesn't even have to be a member of Congress. Only that the members must chuse her.

What an ego she has.

Anonymous said...

an ego inversely proportional to her intellect, just like the alky.

She doesn't even have to be a member of Congress.

brindisi voted for slow joe biden for speaker.

Commonsense said...

Her blather about bipartisanship was especially amusing since HR-2 is articles of impeachment against Donald Trump.

Anonymous said...

Commonsense said...

Her blather about bipartisanship was especially amusing since HR-2 is articles of impeachment against Donald Trump.

she's a cold-blooded imbecile lacking any sense of self-awareness or irony who has absolutely no familiarity with the truth. and that's a feature for democrats, not a bug.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

His press conference today was a fucking disaster. He handed the Democrats a present.

The biggest imbacile here has no self awareness of how disgusting he is. He hates beaners and rag heads and anyone who isn't respectful for the Constitution.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

She’s raised more money than any congressional Democrat

Since becoming the Democratic House leader, Pelosi has raised more than any other leader in history. She has long been known for her talent at fundraising, which has cemented her as a necessary figure in the party.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

She’s raised more money than any congressional Democrat

so she's the bestest money-grubbing prostitute in DC.

you're actually proud of that?

rhetorical question.

of course you're proud of that. whores like her want dead Americans at the hands of illegals to pile up the votes and the ca$h.

fundraising on the backs of dead American's.

if that doesn't make you want to puke nothing will.

thank God we have cocaine mitch to tell the feckless old cunt to shut the fuck up every day.

Anonymous said...

Confused Pelosi botches Speaker speech: ‘I think I skipped a couple of pages. I’m not sure.’

JANUARY 3, 2019"


Anonymous said...

Roger is bo-polar. He is against Money in Politics, until.

"She’s raised more money than any congressional Democrat"

Anonymous said...

...and anyone who isn't respectful for the Constitution.

open border/sanctuary city advocacy is in direct conflict with our Constitution, alky.

a legal immigrant police officer is dead thanks to an illegal immigrant scumbag.

and you laugh and cheer as moonbeam rubs the blood of that legal immigrant police officer all over his hands with glee.

Anonymous said...

‘I think I skipped a couple of pages. I’m not sure.’

every time she opens her mouth she has a mini stroke.

now that she's speaker again those strokes will be coming fast and furious.

ironic, seeing as she would be gleeful over the death of brian terry like 0linsky and holder were.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Pelosi raises money from smaller contributions instead of super pacs.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

U.S. Unauthorized Immigrant Total Dips to Lowest Level in a Decade
Number from Mexico continues to decline, while Central America is the only growing region

Number of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. declined over the past decade
The number of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. fell to its lowest level in more than a decade, according to new Pew Research Center estimates based on 2016 government data. The decline is due almost entirely to a sharp decrease in the number of Mexicans entering the country without authorization.

But the Mexican border remains a pathway for entry by growing numbers of unauthorized immigrants from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Because of them, Central America was the only birth region accounting for more U.S. unauthorized immigrants in 2016 than in 2007.

There were 10.7 million unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S. in 2016, down from a peak of 12.2 million in 2007, according to the new estimates.

The total is the lowest since 2004.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You keep saying that I am crazy because I think that the President is a fucking mess.

You keep saying that Pelosi is a cunt and is having a stroke.

Grow up

Anonymous said...

There were 10.7 million unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S. in 2016, down from a peak of 12.2 million in 2007, according to the new estimates.

nice try alky...

Yale Study Finds Twice as Many Undocumented Immigrants as Previous Estimates

Generally accepted estimates put the population of undocumented immigrants in the United States at approximately 11.3 million. A new study, using mathematical modeling on a range of demographic and immigration operations data, suggests that the actual undocumented immigrant population may be more than 22 million.

Read the study: The Number of Undocumented Immigrants in the United States: Estimates Based on Demographic Modeling with Data from 1990 to 2016

We apply standard demographic principles of inflows and outflows to estimate the number of undocumented immigrants in the United States, using the best available data, including some that have only recently become available. Our analysis covers the years 1990 to 2016. We develop an estimate of the number of undocumented immigrants based on parameter values that tend to underestimate undocumented immigrant inflows and overstate outflows; we also show the probability distribution for the number of undocumented immigrants based on simulating our model over parameter value ranges. Our conservative estimate is 16.7 million for 2016, nearly fifty percent higher than the most prominent current estimate of 11.3 million, which is based on survey data and thus different sources and methods. The mean estimate based on our simulation analysis is 22.1 million, essentially double the current widely accepted estimate. Our model predicts a similar trajectory of growth in the number of undocumented immigrants over the years of our analysis, but at a higher level. While our analysis delivers different results, we note that it is based on many assumptions. The most critical of these concern border apprehension rates and voluntary emigration rates of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. These rates are uncertain, especially in the 1990’s and early 2000’s, which is when—both based on our modeling and the very different survey data approach—the number of undocumented immigrants increases most significantly. Our results, while based on a number of assumptions and uncertainties, could help frame debates about policies whose consequences depend on the number of undocumented immigrants in the United States.

i can can almost understand how the government's temptation to lie was so great.

look at that sea of new voter's out there, eh alky?

that's a tsunami of undocumented democrats rolling in and the alky is shouting "SURF'S UP!!!"

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

You keep saying that I am crazy because I think that the President is a fucking mess.

You keep saying that Pelosi is a cunt and is having a stroke.

correct on both counts, rog.

i often think trump is a mess. not a 25th amendment mess. i just want him to tone down the rhetoric a little.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Donald Trump on Thursday made a surprise appearance in the White House briefing room to discuss border security and abruptly left without taking any questions.

This was Trump's first appearance in the White House briefing room. He wanted to take away the attention Pelosi.

"I have never had so much support as I have in the last week over my stance for border security, for border control, and for frankly, the wall or the barrier," Trump said.

During the brief appearance, Trump also claimed that "nobody" knows more about drones than he does.

The president's insistence on obtaining funding for the border wall has pushed the US government into a partial shutdown that has lasted nearly two weeks and has no end in sight.

President Donald Trump on Thursday made a surprise appearance in the White House briefing room to discuss border security, but he abruptly left without taking any questions.

This was the first time Trump stood in front of the podium in the briefing room as president. The appearance lasted less than 10 minutes.

"It's a beautiful place," the president said after looking around the room.

Then left.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The rate of immigrations is lower than decades.

Indy Voter said...

Much better than your losers list...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Indy, I was surprised by this post. It was more like the previous to the election of Donald Trump.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Representative Ted Lieu (D-CA) declared that “Democrats will never cave to Donald Trump’s demands in a government shutdown.” He also said that while he would be open to a comprehensive plan on immigration, “we cannot talk about wall funding in the context of a government shutdown.”

Stand Your Ground. $0.00 for U.S. Border Security.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You're not getting a wall
The majority a Americans are against the wall
You are the most unpolular president in history
You have failed
You, your kids, your businesses, your foundation, your campaign, and your inaugural committee are ALL under investigation.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

There is a substantial amount of money for border security improvements. Better technology and drones. The wall is a symbol of security, but not nearly as effective as modern technology can provide.

Commonsense said...

For something that's just "a symbol" the Democrats are sure willing to shut down the government for months to keep from building it.

Or maybe the Democrats are so TDS infected that they will oppose anything that even looks like a compromise to Trump. Even if it means the government will be shut down.

I don't think that is what voters voted for.

Commonsense said...

The majority a Americans are against the wall

What the CBS poll doesn't tell is how strongly the people are against wall. If you go behind the numbers only 20% strongly oppose the wall. The rest lightly oppose the wall but not enough to shut down the government over. In other words it's not a priority with them and they really don't much care whether it's built or not.

Meanwhile nearly all who support the wall strongly support it enough to shut the government down over. And they will hold Trump and the Republicans feet to the fire to get it built.

This is a classic case where the top poll's top line doesn't tell the entire story nor did CBS bother to go behind the numbers since it didn't fit their narrative.

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

There is a substantial amount of money for border security improvements. Better technology and drones. The wall is a symbol of security, but not nearly as effective as modern technology can provide.

flatly false.

a massive permanent barrier, once in place, is there for keeps. paid for and done.

the democrats know full well that technology and drones can be funded one year and de-funded the next, so any talk of border security via technology is a lie.

democrats have made it crystal clear that they intend to stand firm with the illegals who continue to murder American citizens.

walls work. examples of this are legion, and to deny this fact is peak intellectual dishonesty.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

The rate of immigrations is lower than decades.

immigration or ILLEGAL immigration? the folks at yale and MIT have laid waste to the lies that poured out of the 0linsky regime.

the truth is we have 22 million illegals shipping $53.4 BILLION back to beanerville each and every year.

$53.4B. over ten times what trump is requesting.

gee, if we stop the outflow of all that tax-free cash, we've just paid for the wall plus some. which is what trump has been saying since day one.

anonymous said...

$53.4B. over ten times what trump is requesting.

At least they earn the money....unlike trump...BTW all he wants is a measly 5.6 billion.....and you were complaining NPR a couple years ago was getting $20 million or so and complain scientists are getting too much to do research.....So sad how little you care about anything but to tax free flowing have no proof that is occurring other than your bigoted opinion,...

BTW Trump yesterday claimed the market is still up 30% since he was in office....Guess what that must be trump math......since the actual percentage is half that....and KD will celebrate the incompetent trump!!!

Commonsense said...

At least they earn the money....unlike trump...BTW all he wants is a measly 5.6 billion.....and you were complaining NPR a couple years ago was getting $20 million or so and complain scientists are getting too much to do research.....So sad how little you care about anything but to t

Good Idea!! We can pay for the wall by cutting PBS and NPR.

It's the first smart thing you ever said.

anonymous said...

We can pay for the wall by cutting PBS and NPR.

What is this we shit, cramps.......its only money which donnie doesn't have and doesn't add spit to 5 billion

Anonymous said...

Delete the worthless USDA and food stamp program. Americans are a bunch of porkers.

Anonymous said...

Nancy Polosi do not Negotiate with Donald Hitler.
Stand Your Ground. $0.00 for U.S. Border Security.

Anonymous said...

"the truth is we have 22 million illegals shipping $53.4 BILLION back to beanerville each and every year."

That cash drain is unacceptable .

Anonymous said...

Tlaib's First Day in Congress: 'We’re Gonna Impeach the Motherf**ker.'

Tlaib was fetted at a raucous reception later in the day by left wing advocacy group Her closing remarks there were, “We’re gonna impeach the motherfucker.”

Yes, let's get going.

Commonsense said...

G O F O R I T !