Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Anyone remember Sandra Day O'Connor?

Contrary to popular belief, Ruth Bader Ginsburg was not the first women USSC Justice

Obviously there is a new found infatuation with our oldest USSC Justice. We have seen her glorified in a recent movie, and there is talk that there may even be a second movie about her life. The modern take on Ginsburg is that she was the trailblazer of the USSC, and shattered the glass ceiling as a women on the Supreme Court. 

But the reality is that Ronald Reagan shattered that ceiling when he nominated Sandra Day O'Connor to the high court in 1981. That was a full twelve years before Ginsburg was nominated and confirmed. I bet if you asked most millennials about the subject, they would be sure it was Ginsburg (rather than some Reagan appointee) who was the first  woman on the court. 

O'Connor was the original "swing vote" back in the day when Justice Kennedy was a little more conservative. A well respected Supreme Court justice who might be curious as to why people seem to act like it was Ginsburg who should be honored for being a women on the high court.


Anonymous said...

ginsburg is the most over-rated supreme court justice since thurgood marshall.

Anonymous said...

Has the "smart Latino" written anything of note?

American Voters said...

Main stream media are working hard to put out the dems spin that GOP Is cracking. They're not because Trump has the voters behind him.

Commonsense said...

Indeed. They concentrate on the usual senate suspects Collins, Mukowski, and Gardner.

Soon we will hear quotes from the Mittster himself.

anonymous said...

They're not because Trump has the voters behind him.

Especially those 9 million votes that drubbed him in the mid terms.....yeah he's 9 million behind....LOLOLOL

Commonsense said...

As oppose to the 64 million that put him on office.

anonymous said...

He only lost the popular vote by 6 million in yes

He only lost the popular vote in that one by only 6 million.....grand total 15 million more didn't vote for him than did....I'm sure you are not bright enough to think that's not significant...LOLOLOL


Anonymous said...

Still don't understand the rules.

Anonymous said...

How many states did he win?

Thought so.

Commonsense said...

Reports are coming out that Justice Ginsberg is near death. Trump administration is creating a short list in preparation.

Commonsense said...

He only lost the popular vote in that one by only 6 million....

But he won the electoral vote by a landslide. When you guy figure out how to win a presidential election rather than whining about losing you'll let us know right?

anonymous said...

But he won the electoral vote by a landslide.

Your idea of a landslide is the size of your 2 pebble brain....BWAAAAAAA!!!!! As our christian fraud cramps rooting for a Justice to die...what a sick fucking asshole he is!!!!