Thursday, January 3, 2019

Can anyone guess

Which of these world leaders has the highest approval rating in their country?


Commonsense said...


The only one whose last name doesn't begin with "M".

Commonsense said...

This kind of goes here because the three world leaders with abysmal approval ratings have bought into climate change hook, line, and sinker.

Environmentalists make good movie villains because they want to make your real life worse

Environmentalists make a useful villain because their malevolence can be obscured by a patina of reasonableness. Global warming and other manmade problems are going to end the world if we don’t do something — so just about anything is justified! But their villainy resonates with the masses because they actually do want to make life worse for people, for the most part.

There’s a reason France convulsed in recent weeks, as middle-class protesters angered by taxes pushed for by environmentalists took to the streets. Environmentalists want to increase the costs of everyday goods and services by taxing carbon. They want you to fly less and to pay more, via offsets, when you do fly. They want you to stop eating meat. They want you to stop having kids. They want to deprive you of disabled-friendly plastic straws — and they’re coming for your delightful balloons next. They want to turn your corpse into food for plants because even the sweet release of death cannot save you from the environmentalist menace.

There is no aspect of your life that environmentalists don’t want to tinker with, no realm immune from their meddling: just think of those poor small-businessmen whose livelihoods were destroyed by a deranged EPA bureaucrat in the 1984 classic “Ghostbusters.” On the plus side, this makes them pretty solid villains. Expect to see more of them in our big-budget films going forward.

Anonymous said...

The Bavarian town of Amberg is in shock after a group of asylum seekers from Afghanistan and Iran rampaged through the city Saturday night. Four attackers aged 17 to 19 randomly beat exiting passengers at the train station, and then moved to the city center to continue their rampage.

According to reports, the attackers shouted "kafir" (a derogatory term meaning "non-Muslim," "unbeliever") and "n*****" at some victims.

In all, 12 victims ranging from ages 16 to 42 needed medical attention. A 17-year-old victim was treated for severe head wounds.

German authorities announced that at least two of the attackers have already had their asylum claims rejected, and that at least one should have already have been deported. This has prompted German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer to demand changes to deportation laws, as Deutsche-Welle reports:

Germany's Interior Minister Horst Seehofer said asylum-seekers who commit violent crimes must leave the country, after a group of apparently drunken teenagers attacked a dozen people in the Bavarian town of Amberg.
"If existing laws are not sufficient, they must be changed," Seehofer told Wednesday's edition of Germany's Bild newspaper. "The events in Amberg are very troubling. This is excessive violence, which we cannot tolerate."

Seehofer -- the leader of Bavaria's Christian Social Union (CSU) party, the Bavarian sister party to Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats -- said that he would make suggestions to the federal government. Seehofer had already made similar proposals in mid-December for the beginning of this year.


The accused are currently being held in pretrial detention on charges of causing dangerous bodily harm.

Rainer Wendt, the head of Germany's police union, called on the federal government to make a statement with this case.

"The federal government must take a stand on this case," Wendt told Bild.

He also criticized authorities for saying the motive of the four suspects was unknown. "I'll tell you the motive," he told Bild. "It is deep disdain for our nation and the people who live among us."

anonymous said...

have bought into climate change hook, line, and sinker.

Because it is not happening in your fantasy land....others have seen the light and realize there just may be a problem....but why have no kids who will have to put up with your stupidity and short sighted blindness....

As for PJ media....another POS opinion piece that proves all immigrants are horrible and should be killed...just ask scrotum breath.....

Anonymous said...


you can jerk off to pics of al gore and bill mckibben til the cows come home for all i care.

just stop trying to convince others to believe your warmyl cooling fantasy.

anonymous said...

he cows come home for all i care.

Like I give a shit what you care about.....being a prick, an idiot and a trump dick sucker are not traits that I aspire to....Convincing idiots like you that GW is not fantasy just proves why you flunked out of AG school....Thats fine....I am patient as global disasters mount that clearly show the environment we live in is changing....Stupid as deeply imbedded as yours cannot be change....It doesn't matter as events will over come your stupidity... Don't worry, rat'll be long dead as the earth changes...

Anonymous said...

you'll be long dead as the earth changes...

we'll all be long dead as our 4.5 BILLION year old earth keeps changing.

that's the point. the earth and its climate is bigger than us and our ability to change it.

it is the height of arrogance - and fraud - to believe we can actually affect a change in climate trajectory via man-made means. maybe one more blast of unicorn farts and a trillion tons of fairy dust will do the trick.

that's why i'm calling bullshit. it's a fucking con.

anonymous said...

we'll all be long dead as our 4.5 BILLION

Again you prove you have no grasp of the subject....Yes the climate is big, but it is fragile CO2 hits record after record with no end in sight....the earth will continue to warm....that is fact, not conjecture....Maybe if we could get you to stop breathing will help...The evidence of temperatures rising is irrefutable and the lines coincide with the increased CO2 concentration...There is nothing arrogant that humans are causing the rise with the amount of fossil fuel consumed....Like I said, I can't fix your deep seated stupidity.....and like I said, you'll be long dead when the real consequences start manifesting in earths climate, but why should you'll be dead....typical imbecilic group think of the R party......

anonymous said...

Some fake science for the science illiterate rat hole.....take your time...there is lots to absorb....

Anonymous said...

Denise, you are at a minimum 15 years older then any of us.

Anonymous said...

I am the greenest person on this blog.

James said...

Pelosi Says Trump’s Wall Is ‘Immoral’
January 3, 2019 at 10:50 pm EST

Newly elected House Speaker Nancy Pelosi criticized President Trump’s proposed border wall as “a waste of money” and “an immorality” during a news conference hours after reclaiming the gavel in the new Congress, CNN reports.

Said Pelosi: “We’re not doing a wall. Does anybody have any doubt? We are not doing a wall.”

Unknown said...

When did Minnesota get over run with Muslims ? That POS in Congress and the one from Michigan represent the Taliban.

American Voters said...

House dems are already outdoing themselves in angry obnoxious hatred. Voters will very quickly get fed up with it all.

American Voters said...

In 2006, Obama, Hillary and Schumer all supported 700 miles of additional reinforced double layer border barriers from Texas to California.

This is all about opposing Trump. More surprising, CBS just ran a full story on it.

Commonsense said...

Pelosi Says Trump’s Wall Is ‘Immoral’

So what does that make the wall around the Vatican?

Or the wall around Pelosi's estate in California?

anonymous said...

KD said...
I am the greenest person on this blog.

BWAAAAAAAA!!!!!!C Driving an F250 is not green,,,,,,raising cattle is about as dirty a farm can be....they waste thousands of gallons of water which they piss out.....emit huge volumes of greenhouse gases, the manure is also an environmental problem,, calling your self green is like calling rat hole a humanitarian....LOLOL

anonymous said...

So what does that make the wall around the Vatican?

It makes the Vatican a city designed in the middle ages to prevent the hordes from getting in......idiot..

Or the wall around Pelosi's estate in California?

You mean lie the wall around the Obama estate??????

anonymous said...

Anonymous American Voters said...
In 2006, Obama, Hillary and Schemer all supported 700 miles of additional reinforced double layer border barriers from Texas to California.

Another who listens to talk radio without checking....A frigging lie once again posted as fact which it is not....Oh well, can't fix stupid!!

anonymous said...

Trump was apparently referring to personal calls he has received. Neither the White House switchboard nor the call-in phone line to leave recorded comments is functioning because of the government shutdown. “We apologize, but due to the lapse in federal funding, we are unable to take your call,” a recorded message on the switchboard states.

But no poll has found that a majority of Americans support the wall or funding for the wall, or see it as a priority.

A Quinnipiac poll of 1,147 voters reached on landlines or cell phones from Dec. 12-17 found that 54 percent of respondents opposed the wall and 43 percent supported it. A Harvard CAPS/Harris online survey of 1,407 registered voters conducted Dec. 24-26 found that 56 percent of those surveyed did not support a wall, while 44 percent did.

Just 35 percent of those surveyed supported including money for the wall in a federal spending bill, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll of 2,440 adults conducted online Dec. 21-25.

Commonsense said...

It makes the Vatican a city designed in the middle ages to prevent the hordes from getting in..

You just made Trump's case for him.

Commonsense said...

Another who listens to talk radio without checking....A frigging lie once again posted as fact which it is not....Oh well, can't fix stupid!!

Without even looking it up you can guess Politifact was quibbleing over the definition of a wall vs a fence. And that's just what they did when they rated it half-true.

That is why no one takes Politifact seriously anymore and derisively calls them Politibias.

Anonymous said...

"Tlaib's First Day in Congress: 'We’re Gonna Impeach the Motherf**ker.'

Tlaib was fetted at a raucous reception later in the day by left wing advocacy group Her closing remarks there were, “We’re gonna impeach the motherfucker.”

Yes, let's get going."

Good morning to The Humanitarian RRB from ME, the Greenies Person on this blog.

anonymous said...

Politifact was quibbling over the definition of a wall vs a fence

The is nothing to quibble about the definition....only idiots like you who slurp the trump BS.....and again, they voted for border security, not a wall asshole....try again....

Anonymous said...


"It makes the Vatican a city designed in the middle ages to prevent the hordes from getting in..

You just made Trump's case for him."

Dopie sure did.

anonymous said...

You just made Trump's case for him.

Sure cramps....a moat will also help.....idiot......

Anonymous said...

The Wall is a pure definition of "all of the above".

Rivers and mountains, desert all are part of the wall. As are wire, concrete, drones, cameras and of course the ground troops.

anonymous said...

KD said...
The Wall is a pure definition of "all of the above".

And you are the personification of pure stupid.....!!!

Anonymous said...

What is not working is what we are currently sowing to keep the hides of interlopers out.

$53 billion drain from the US Economy.

Myballs said...

A reinforced double layer fence to stop illegals from entering. That's what the wall was called in 2006 you stupidass.

A rose by any other name...

anonymous said...

That's what the wall was called in 2006 you stupidass.

Hey dipshit.....they called it a fence!!! Why did they not call it a wall???? Because it was a fence, idiot!!!!! No wonder why you slurp trumps man hood....they have you brainwashed!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

$53 billion drain from the US Economy.

That 53 billion of labor is included in the GDP asshole...

Anonymous said...

Denise is simply to Stupid to understand how and why the $53 billion leaving the US hurts our economy.

Myballs said...

I guess dopie thinks they wanted a double layer reinforced fence from Texas to California just for landscaping beauty.

We don't call him dopie for nothing.