Saturday, January 12, 2019

Check out those poll results from the President's speech and Democratic response

Did anyone see that CNN snap poll?
How about that CBS/NYT poll?
Frank Luntz and his voter reactions?

Did you see the WaPo poll?
How about the Quinnipiac poll?
How did the usual online MSNBC poll go?
Politico morning consult?

Funny how nobody bothered to release any poll results... and of course, only a fool would suggest that nobody bothered to set up any polling on the subject.


Anonymous said...

Davis Police Department, California

End of Watch Thursday, January 10, 2019


Police Officer Natalie Corona was shot and killed after responding to a report of a three-car vehicle crash near the intersection of 5th and D streets.

As Officer Corona was conducting an investigation at the collision scene, one of the persons involved opened fire, striking Officer Corona. 

Officer Corona was transported to UC Davis Medical Center, where she died from her wounds.

The subject fled into a nearby home and committed suicide."

"Authorities still have not released the gunman’s name, saying they may not do so before next week."

Why not Chief, is the murder an Illegal?

Commonsense said...

You'd think somebody would of paraded a focus group in front of a camera by now.


Anonymous said...

we can be damn sure that the president polled very high, and the response from bevis and butthead paled in comparison.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump tweets this AM (so far)
* 4 attacking NYT report
* 1 false claim that he has been tougher on Russia
* 1 attacking ex-FBI officials
* 3 attacking Dems over shutdown
* 1 on undocumented immigrant crimes
* 1 attacking WaPo reporter
* 1 claiming he has a shutdown strategy

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Poll Date Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 12/11 - 1/10 42.0 54.1 -12.1
Economist 1/6 - 1/8 44 53 -9
Rasmussen 1/8 - 1/10 45 54 -9
Reuters 1/2 - 1/8 40 55 -15
Harvard-Harris 12/24 - 12/25 44 56 -12
Gallup 12/16 - 12/22 40 55 -15
USA Today 12/11 - 12/16 42 54 -12
Quinnipiac 12/12 - 12/17 39 52 -13

cowardly king obama said...

Steve Milloy

Hard to choose between which is the biggest threat to America -- illegal aliens or the FBI.

I'd say they would be third and fourth. Main threats are main stream media and entrenched liberal teachers.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The shooting in Davis was not illegal.

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

The shooting in Davis was not illegal.


gavin newsome declared it legal to shoot cops in CA?

color me surprised. not.

Anonymous said...

so the alky has just informed us that he has been triggered by a dozen trump tweets so far today.

C.H. Truth said...

Roger Amick said...
Trump tweets this AM (so far)

Sorry for your anguish Rog...

at least you can feel better knowing that at least on minor will be sexually assaulted by an illegal this weekend in the state of Texas.

Perhaps you can jack off to the thought of an illegal butt fucking a 12 year old girl. That will be right up your demented sexual assault loving alley.

Anonymous said...

Roger told us of his lust for underage girls at the playgrounds he visits.