Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Democratic reaction to the Trump border speech

Small, petty, partisan, uninspired... were just some of the words used to describe the so called "reaction"from Democrats. They would likely have been better off not reacting.


James said...

Democratic Response Got Higher Ratings Than Trump
January 9, 2019 at 12:14 pm EST

“President Trump’s televised Oval Office address on immigration Tuesday drew a big audience. The response from Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer drew a slightly bigger audience, at least according to preliminary figures,” according to the Hollywood Reporter.

“The quarter hour (9-9:15 p.m. ET) containing the president’s speech drew a combined 28.1 household rating in metered markets on ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC, CNN, Fox News and NBC. The following 15 minutes, including analysis and the Pelosi-Schumer rebuttal, averaged 29.3 across those same networks, a bump of about 4 percent.”

James said...

Trump Threatens to Declare National Emergency on Border
January 9, 2019 at 1:04 pm EST

President Trump said “he may declare a national emergency to circumvent Congress and build a border wall if spending talks fail, raising the stakes for negotiations set to resume later in the day,” The Hill reports.

Said Trump: “I think we might work a deal, and if we don’t we might go that route.”

The president said he has the “absolute right” to declare an emergency, even though some legal scholars and Democratic lawmakers say he does not.

Playbook: “Crazy enough, this might be the only way out of this shutdown right now.”

Top Republican Opposes Declaring Emergency for Wall
January 9, 2019 at 9:05 am EST

Rep. Mac Thornberry (R-TX), the top Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, told Defense News that declaring a national emergency and using military dollars for President Trump’s border wall would be “damaging” to military readiness.

He added: “In short, I’m opposed to using defense dollars for non-defense purposes.”

First Read: “Declaring a state of emergency might have provided a way to break the stalemate, but now we’re wondering if Trump may not have the internal support from Republicans he’d need for it.”

caliphate4vr said...

Anti-Wall Extremist The Kool-Aid Man Leads Campaign Against Trump

WASHINGTON, D.C.—President Donald Trump’s campaign to put a wall on the southern border of the U.S. has long been opposed by a number of different groups, but it’s now gained an extremely vocal new opponent: noted anti-wall extremist the Kool-Aid Man.

The large red entity known as the Kool-Aid Man is long known for his hostility to walls, smashing through even brick walls to deliver his concoctions of water, food coloring, and sugar. Estimates put the property damage he’s caused in the tens of millions, and he shows no signs of slowing down.

“Walls are nothing but obstacles between me and kids in need of refreshment,” the Kool-Aid Man told a cheering crowd. “I pretend like they’re not even there.” The Kool-Aid Man then vowed to smash through any wall that would be placed between the U.S. and Mexico, his devotion to rescuing thirsty kids recognizing no borders.

Trump dismissed the Kool-Aid Man’s words, though he was clearly flustered by this new opposition. “He can’t smash through our wall, because it will be made of steel slats,” Trump told the press. “If he tries, he will shatter and die. SHATTER AND DIE!” Standing behind Trump on the building of the wall and against the Kool-Aid Man are now a mixture of security hawks, xenophobes, and moms who don’t want their kids to have a lot of sugar.

The Kool-Aid Man did not mince words in his new campaign against Trump, though. When asked if the president should be impeached, he had a simple response.

“Oh yeah!”

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good to see spam duty has been passed on to Jane.

Anonymous said...

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said immigrants attempting to enter the U.S. illegally are "more American than any person who seeks to keep them out ever will be."

Anonymous said...

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said immigrants attempting to enter the U.S. illegally are "more American than any person who seeks to keep them out ever will be."

what the fuck does this even mean?

caliphate4vr said...

CBS deletes there fact check

The fact check read:
Fact check: 1 in 3 women sexually assaulted while traveling to cross the border

CLAIM: The president claimed one in three women have been sexually assaulted traveling to the border.

FACT: Between 60 percent and 80 percent of female migrants traveling through Mexico are raped along the way, Amnesty International estimates.
CBS News deleted this fact check from their own article "fact checking" Trump's speech on Tuesday night. You can see an archived copy which includes the fact check here.

caliphate4vr said...



C.H. Truth said...

The CBS fact check only found one thing to say was untrue... that was the statement where Trump said that Democrats had called for a steel fence rather than a concrete wall.

However, when they passed the spending package back in 2018, it was the Democrats who insisted that any money put forward towards Trump's wall was called a "border barrier" and that the bill allocated only funds for pedestrian graded fencing.

So while it may or may not be true that Democratic leadership denies wanting to build a fence rather than a wall, it's totally untrue to deny that Democrats have not (in the past) been willing to fund "fencing" as long as it wasn't a wall.

Anonymous said...

Democratic operatives funded by left-wing tech billionaire Reid Hoffman ran a widespread campaign using misleading Facebook pages in the run-up to the 2018 midterm elections, The Daily Caller News Foundation has found.

American Engagement Technologies (AET), which was founded by former Obama administration official Mikey Dickerson, bought ads for two Facebook pages, “The Daily Real” and “Today’s Nation,” encouraging Republican voters to stay home in the midterm elections, Facebook’s ad archives show.

Both pages appear to be designed to give the impression that they were operated by frustrated conservatives rather than by Democratic operatives.

The American flag-adorned pages encouraged conservative voters to either stay home in November or vote for Democrats to punish Republicans for being insufficiently conservative. Other ads called polls predicting a “blue wave” in the 2018 elections “unreliable” and downplayed the election’s importance.

The misleading ads collectively garnered millions of impressions on Facebook, The DCNF’s review of Facebook’s archives found.

the democrats never stop accusing the GOP of that which they are guity of themselves in fucking spades.

i'm sure lil adam schitt is all over this.

Anonymous said...

...and that the bill allocated only funds for pedestrian graded fencing.

i'd prefer a 30 ft. concrete wall, but if it must be a fence please let it be electrified enough to kill a herd of fucking elephants in one jolt...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He had a temper tantrum and walked out of the room.

Anonymous said...

He had a temper tantrum and walked out of the room.

no he didn't.

he simply asked if they were prepared to fund the wall. they said no. he turned and walked out. simple as that.

schumer added the drama because he's a liar like you, alky.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Donald Trump walked out of a meeting with congressional leaders on Wednesday amid a clash over his proposed border wall, according to Sen. Chuck Schumer. The president confirmed he left, saying on Twitter he told House Speaker Nancy Pelosi "bye-bye, nothing else works!" A partial government shutdown is now on its 19th day with Trump and Democrats at an impasse over border security. In the tweet, however, Trump suggested that he would be willing to re-open the government before getting wall funding.

Anonymous said...

no tantrum alky.

it was a tweet. not a tantrum. it's not trump's fault that every one of his utterances triggers you.

Anonymous said...

Alky , real men don't act like you. You act like a 13 year old girl all emotional all the time. The president has better things to do than entertain those two children either come with a plan or don't waste his time.
The problem with attempting to negotiate when Nancy and little Chuck is that they are so dug-in with a 0 number that they they have nowhere to go there in a corner self-made one.

cowardly king obama said...

Roger Amick said:
In the tweet, however, Trump suggested that he would be willing to re-open the government before getting wall funding.

Donald J. Trump

Just left a meeting with Chuck and Nancy, a total waste of time. I asked what is going to happen in 30 days if I quickly open things up, are you going to approve Border Security which includes a Wall or Steel Barrier? Nancy said, NO. I said bye-bye, nothing else works!

Anonymous said...

Both Williams and Carville openly mocked the Democrats during a late-night segment Tuesday. Williams flat out called the response "so bad" and Carville noted that he's looked more enthused to get "colonoscopies" than Schumer looked at that podium.


"Tell me why responses are so bad," Williams said to Carville. "Tonight, this Chuck and Nancy visual tonight launched 1,000 memes while they were still talking. There was an American gothic meme. There was 'your mother and I are very upset you stayed out so late' meme."

anonymous said...

Both Williams and Caravelle openly mocked

Seems the D's at least have the fortitude to say the leadership looked bad...You and the R congress just suck on trumps dick on whatever he says and do nothing but slurp his stupidity without question....sounds of sheeples in the background as you lemmings jump into the sea....sad...very sad....

anonymous said...

Donald J. Trump The expert in everything can't hold a simple negotiation without stomping his feet and hold his breath.....Yeah he's a true genius and leader!!!! BWAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Commonsense said...

If there is one president who will keep vetoing bills until he get wall funding come he'll or high water it is Donald Trump.

And he's got enough allies from safe districts to uphold all of those vetos.

I think the Democrats mis-read their man.

Commonsense said...

Liberals are trying to run with the Schumer lie. That's why Trump was correct to open the meetings to the press in the first place.

anonymous said...

Trump is having his captain Queeg moment looking for his strawberry's all we need are some ball bearings to fondle...

Commonsense said...

Per source familiar with exchange:

Trump: [looks at Pelosi]: "In 30 days, will you be in favor of a wall?"

Pelosi: No

Trump: "what's the point?" [slams hands on table] "Bye bye"

The Boss.

anonymous said...

The Boss.


Commonsense said...

No, Pelosi and Schumer lost another exchange. They have no legitimate reason to not build the wall. Everybody is seeing it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Waaaaay waaaaay I'm so mad that i won't talk to you again soon until you give me my wall!

WASHINGTON — President Trump slammed his hand on a table and stormed out of a White House meeting with congressional leaders on Wednesday after Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California said she would not fund a wall along the southern border, dramatically escalating the confrontation over the government shutdown.

Stunned Democrats emerged from the White House meeting declaring that Mr. Trump had thrown a “temper tantrum.” The president’s allies accused Democrats of refusing to negotiate. Then he tweeted that the meeting was “a total waste of time.”

Donald J. Trump

Just left a meeting with Chuck and Nancy, a total waste of time. I asked what is going to happen in 30 days if I quickly open things up, are you going to approve Border Security which includes a Wall or Steel Barrier? Nancy said, NO. I said bye-bye, nothing else works!

12:34 PM - Jan 9, 2019

The majority of Americans don't support the wall.

Anonymous said...

"Liberals are trying to run with the Schumer lie. That's why Trump was correct to open the meetings to the press in the first place." CS

Yep, no filters.

I see the fact check meme failed , went down in flames.

Anonymous said...

"Live Feed" what a simpleton

Anonymous said...

President Trump fell on the live grenade that was Hillary thrown by President Lost Years of Obama .

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Economy & Politics
Trump walks out of meeting with congressional leaders over border wall
By Robert Schroeder
Published: Jan 9, 2019 3:42 p.m. ET


President Donald Trump walked out of a meeting with congressional leaders on Wednesday amid a clash over his proposed border wall, according to Sen. Chuck Schumer. The president confirmed he left, saying on Twitter he told House Speaker Nancy Pelosi "bye-bye, nothing else works!" A partial government shutdown is now on its 19th day with Trump and Democrats at an impasse over border security. In the tweet, however, Trump suggested that he would be willing to re-open the government before getting wall funding.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump was acting like a baby boy when he slammed his hand onto the table and stalked out of the room. Then within minutes he gave Scott his marching orders.

Donald J. Trump

Just left a meeting with Chuck and Nancy, a total waste of time. I asked what is going to happen in 30 days if I quickly open things up, are you going to approve Border Security which includes a Wall or Steel Barrier? Nancy said, NO. I said bye-bye, nothing else works!

Anonymous said...

Nanny-Chuck , was to give a rebuttal , what they did was befuddled.

anonymous said...

KD said...
President Trump fell on the live grenade that was Hillary thrown by

That's #4 goat fucker....too bad the grenade was a dud.....

James said...

In the tweet, however, Trump suggested that he would be willing to re-open the government before getting wall funding.

You mean... you mean he actually has BALLS enough to defy Anne Coulter?

Anonymous said...




BP just discovered a billion barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico

BP discovers 1 billion barrels of oil at its Thunder Horse field in the Gulf of Mexico.The oil giant also says it will spend $1.3 billion to develop a third phase of its Atlantis offshore field south of New Orleans.BP credits its investment in advanced seismic technology for speeding up its ability to confirm the discoveries.

Tom DiChristopher | @tdichristopher

Published 12:52 PM ET Tue, 8 Jan 2019"

Anonymous said...

too bad the grenade was a dud"

Hillary called a"dud" by Denise

James said...

8 House Republicans Break with Trump on Shutdown

Eight House Republicans broke with President Trump on his shutdown strategy and backed the Democrats’ plan to reopen the Treasury Department without adding money to fund the president’s proposed border wall, the Washington Post reports.

James said...

Trump Claims ‘Unwavering’ Support from Republicans

President Trump said that support among Republican lawmakers was “unwavering” for the tough stance he has taken to try to secure funds for a border wall, Reuters reports.

Said Trump: “The Democrats have lost support. There is tremendous Republican support, unwavering.”

Asked how long he was willing to keep the federal government shut, Trump replied: “Whatever it takes."

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
James said...

“I feel like there’s a Monty Python and the Holy Grail moment here. People pretend they’re winning when they’re having their arms and legs hacked off.”
— Former Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA), quoted by The Hill, on his party’s handling of the government shutdown.

Anonymous said...

James steps up and spams for alky

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

And this is a nation emergency? People are on the verge of losing their homes and not being able to feed their children, he is just wanting his way at the expense of America.

"TRUMP: I have the absolute right to do national emergency if I want.

REPORTER: What’s your threshold for when you might make that decision?

TRUMP: My threshold will be if I can’t make a deal with people that are unreasonable."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Rush Limbaugh complains Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is too "uppity"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Rush to is an opioids junkie.

Anonymous said...

You admit your addiction.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I'm clean

caliphate4vr said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Rush to is an opioids junkie.

No doubt, hence the cochlear implant(s)

Why do you, as an alkie, have an issue with it?

James said...

Trump’s Negotiating Tactics Not Working

“President Trump has long believed that keeping opponents off balance is the best way to win a negotiation. But nearly three weeks into a partial government shutdown, his usual playbook doesn’t seem to be working,” the Washington Post reports.

“In his fight for a section of border wall, the president has dispatched aides to negotiate with lawmakers only to undercut their offers. He has declared a ‘crisis’ at the U.S.-Mexico border but abruptly dropped a talking point about an influx of terrorists after it was proved false. And he has vacillated between threatening to declare a national emergency and professing to prefer a negotiated deal with Democrats.

“Trump’s approach is a hallmark of a president who eschews strategic planning and preparation in favor of day-to-day tactical maneuvering and trusting his gut. But as he digs in against an emboldened Democratic opposition, Trump has found that his go-to arsenal of bluster, falsehoods, threats and theatrics has laid bare his shortcomings as a negotiator — preventing him from finding a way out of what may be the biggest political crisis of his presidency.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The President is getting deeper into the swamp. He has hired 17 lawyers to protect him from the Muller investigation objection of justice charges.

Growing Trump legal team crafts aggressive plan on Mueller probe

President Trump is taking steps to keep the investigation into the Russian intervention into the election from becoming public new.

A beefed-up White House legal team is gearing up to prevent President Trump’s confidential discussions with top advisers from being disclosed to House Democratic investigators and revealed in the special counsel’s long-awaited report, setting the stage for a potential clash between the branches of government.

The strategy to strongly assert the president’s executive privilege on both fronts is being developed under newly arrived White House Counsel Pat Cipollone, who has hired 17 lawyers in recent weeks to help in the effort.

He is coordinating with White House lawyer Emmet Flood, who is leading the response to special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s report on his now-20-month-long investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 campaign. Flood is based in White House Counsel’s Office but reports directly to Trump.

Trump aides say White House lawyers are focused on preserving a legal protection routinely invoked by presidents of both parties.

But any effort to fight investigators is likely to further inflame Trump’s relationship with Democratic leaders and could lock the administration and Congress in protracted legal standoffs that may ultimately go to the Supreme Court.

Of particular concern to Democrats: whether the White House will seek to use executive privilege to keep private any portions of Mueller’s report that addresses alleged obstruction of justice by the president.

Dictators in history keep declaring national emergencies and put soldiers on the streets to keep the President safe from the law.

Growing Trump legal team crafts aggressive plan to limit public knowledge on Mueller probes.

Anonymous said...

Cortez voted to fund ICE.

WTF, Broken promises.

Anonymous said...

Roger, pearl clutching Nancy prissy sissy boy.

Anonymous said...

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will miss a third day of oral arguments "..

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The description of the situation in the White House is Total F***g Chaos in the Fake News accounts today.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Pelosi should never let him build his wall.

This could lead us to a Democratic party blue Wave. Taking the land from Trump supporters is going to explode.

HIDALGO, Texas (AP) — As President Donald Trump travels to the border in Texas to make the case for his $5.7 billion wall, landowner Eloisa Cavazos says she knows firsthand how the project will play out if the White House gets its way.

The federal government has started surveying land along the border in Texas and announced plans to start construction next month. Rather than surrender their land, some property owners are digging in, vowing to reject buyout offers and preparing to fight the administration in court.

“You could give me a trillion dollars and I wouldn’t take it,” said Cavazos, whose land sits along the Rio Grande, the river separating the U.S. and Mexico in Texas. “It’s not about money.”

Trump is scheduled to visit the border Thursday in McAllen, a city of 143,000 on the river.

Congress in March funded 33 miles (53 kilometers) of walls and fencing in Texas. The government has laid out plans that would cut across private land in the Rio Grande Valley. Those in the way include landowners who have lived in the valley for generations, environmental groups and a 19th century chapel.

Many have hired lawyers who are preparing to fight the government if, as expected, it moves to seize their land through eminent domain.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I am so happy that I got this!


I will be addressing the nation tonight at 9 PM EST on the Humanitarian and National Security crisis on our Southern Border.

Just look at the facts:
Drugs are poisoning our loved ones
MS-13 gang members are threatening our safety
Illegal criminals are flooding our nation
I want to make one thing clear to Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi:
Your safety is not a political game or a negotiation tactic!

The American people have signed over 2,OOO,OOO petitions demanding Democrats finally put America First and BUILD THE WALL....but Chuck and Nancy simply won’t listen.

That’s why I want to do something so HUGE, even Democrats and the Fake News won’t be able to ignore.

We need to raise $5OO,OOO in ONE DAY.

I want to know who stood with me when it mattered most so I’ve asked my team to send me a list of EVERY AMERICAN PATRIOT who donates to the Official Secure the Border Fund.

anonymous said...

Rush is an opioids junkie.

And the titular head of the trump proud losers!!!!

anonymous said...

Bet he announces a national emergency today......Our liar in chief now will practice autocracy and the slurpers will want more!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coast Guard families told they can have garage sales to cope with government shutdown.
Donald J. Trump

Just left a meeting with Chuck and Nancy, a total waste of time. I asked what is going to happen in 30 days if I quickly open things up, are you going to approve Border Security which includes a Wall or Steel Barrier? Nancy said, NO. I said bye-bye, nothing else works!

Commonsense said...

Do you bother to check before you lie? The Coast Guard is getting paid.

Anonymous said...

Many have hired lawyers who are preparing to fight the government if, as expected, it moves to seize their land through eminent domain.


so... the USSC ruled in Kelo that a private business can seize a private home via imminent domain to build a strip mall no problem, but you think the federal government is going to be stopped from seizing a sliver of land for national security reasons?


pop another oxycodone, alky.

oh, and here's your stolen link -

Anonymous said...

Roger stole my post on this subject.
What a pos.

Anonymous said...

CommonsenseJanuary 10, 2019 at 7:09 AM

Do you bother to check before you lie? The Coast Guard is getting paid."

He never has the facts, just so emotional .

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

F U.S. Secretaries of State Colin Powell and Madeleine Albright both questioned the dramatic negative effects the Trump administration has had on the United States and its people.

Speaking with CNN's Fareed Zakaria on October 7, Powell criticized Trump's various attacks on the news media, close U.S. allies and even the country's own citizens. Powell lamented that his three favorite words in the U.S. Constitution had long been "We the people," but Trump's short time in office has morphed the famous founding fathers' line into "me the president."

“You see things that should not be happening,” Powell told Zakaria. “How can a president of the United States get up and say that the media is the enemy of Americans? Hasn’t he read the First Amendment? You are not supposed to like everything the press says, or what anyone says…that’s why we have a First Amendment, to protect that kind of speech.”

Powell reiterated why he became a voice against a Trump presidency during the 2016 campaign.

“I hope the president can come to the realization that he should really stop insulting people,” Powell continued. “I used this two years ago when I said I could not vote for him in the 2016 election. Why? He insulted everybody. He insulted African-Americans, he insulted women, he insulted immigrants. He insulted our best friends around the world—all of his fellow candidates up on the stage during the debates. I don’t think that’s what should be coming out of a president of the United States. But I don’t see anything that’s changed in the last two years.”

Powell asked Americans and Congress to "take a hard look at yourself" to realize what "you're doing to keep these forces in check." He ridiculed not just what the Trump administration was doing but also what others "are not doing as the United States of America. What are we doing? We’re walking away from agreements, we’re walking away from alliances.”

He has not grown into the job.

Anonymous said...

The Defense Department has relinquished over $27 billion to the U.S. Treasury since 2013 simply because it couldn’t spend the money quick enough, according to a DOD Inspector General report released Tuesday.


Legal analysts say Trump would have the authority to leverage unused DOD funds to construct a wall in the event he declares a national emergency.

“My instinct is to say that if he declares a national emergency and uses this pot of unappropriated money for the wall, he’s on very solid legal ground,” Harvard law professor Mark Tushnet told NBC News.

sounds good to me. border security = national security

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

F U.S. Secretaries of State Colin Powell and Madeleine Albright both questioned the dramatic negative effects the Trump administration has had on the United States and its people.

that's nice.

two opinions as valid as ours.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Members of the Coast Guard last month received their final paycheck of 2018 despite the shutdown, after the service had announced that paychecks would be delayed.

The next paycheck is scheduled for Tuesday. The Post also reports that many Coast Guard families are not receiving their housing allowances during the shutdown.

"Coast Guard uniformed personnel will continue to perform their duties during a partial government shutdown and will provide essential services such as search and rescue, port and homeland safety and security, law enforcement and environmental response," Chief Warrant Officer Chad Saylor, a spokesman, said in a statement to The Hill in December. "However, with a government shutdown, they will likely not have the full support that they need in order to maintain mission readiness."

The Homeland Security Department is one of several government agencies that shut down after funding lapsed on Dec. 22.

The shutdown was in its 19th day on Wednesday as White House negotiators and Democratic leaders have been unable to come to an agreement over President Trump's demand for more than $5 million in border wall funding. Democrats have offered $1.3 billion for border security measures.

Some 800,000 federal workers are set to miss their first full paycheck starting Friday as a result of the shutdown.

Earlier in the shutdown, the Office of Personnel Management faced pushback for releasing a similar memo to its employees, suggesting that they barter with their landlords as they seek extensions.

Myballs said...

Maybe this is why Matti's is gone?

Anonymous said...

Here again is Socialism fighting against America .

"environmental groups" Alky bets against America every time.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

rrb believes that his personal opinions and as valid as Former U.S. Secretaries of State Colin Powell and Madeleine.

anonymous said...

sounds good to me. border security = national security

National security good... Wall ...unadulterated bullshit that makes non thinking idiots like you rat, feel good....simple concepts for simple minds....LOLOLOLOL

Myballs said...

They should tell chuck and Nancy to let them get back to work.

Anonymous said...

Roger, are we to believe your sudden shift to support our Military?

Chuck in Nancy can open the Government. They just have to act like adults.

Myballs said...

Hollywood thinks they're opinions are just as valid. Why not rrb?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I'm still hoping that sometimes soon, that the Republicans will finally say that they have had enough and they follow the example of Barry Goldwater in 1974.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Powell asked Americans and Congress to "take a hard look at yourself" to realize what "you're doing to keep these forces in check." He ridiculed not just what the Trump administration was doing but also what others "are not doing as the United States of America. What are we doing? We’re walking away from agreements, we’re walking away from alliances.”

anonymous said...

Kilo that a private business can seize a private home via imminent domain to build a strip mall no problem

First of all, a private business did not make a land was the municipal govmt.....Typical rat hole logic....getting half the story and running with it....

In a victory for cities, a divided Supreme Court concluded Thursday that local governments have the authority to seize private land and turn the property over to private developers for economic development.
But Tuesday's 5-4 ruling found that local officials can use their "eminent domain" power to condemn homes in a working-class neighborhood for private development in hopes of boosting tax revenue and improving the local economy.

Anonymous said...

Or that the Socialist that have seized the party of JFK start acting like Adults.

Anonymous said...

Some 800,000 federal workers are set to miss their first full paycheck starting Friday as a result of the shutdown.

oh, so all of the heart wrenching stories i've been hearing about people going without pay so far have been complete bullshit?

huh? you don't say?

“I just had a furloughed worker come visit me in my office. ‘I work for HUD,’ he said. ‘My family is hurting now that I’m three weeks without a paycheck, but please — please don’t give into a wall. I don’t want the political tool of withholding my paycheck to be legitimized,’” Queens Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wrote in a tweet.

so she lied. we had better get used to that.

i'm old enough to remember when government employees were actual civil servants, you know, working to actually serve the citizenry. pay was fair, not extravagant, benefits were good, and the draw was job security.

fast forward 40 years and we're looking at a bunch over lazy, overpaid, union hacks who are so fucking stupid they have exactly zero dollars saved in case of an emergency.

like i've said before, we need to use this time to evaluate who's employed and why, and seize the opportunity to cut 25% of the federal workforce.

these people are parasites, and the taxpayers are the host.

Anonymous said...

Oh "eminent domain" , a subject Denise knew nothing about two days ago is now an expert on the subject.

Anonymous said...

Powell asked Americans and Congress to "take a hard look at yourself"

and i would ask the colon to go fuck himself.

i don't take kindly to being lectured to by some clown sitting at home suckling on a fat government pension teat.

have some respect for the people who are picking up your fucking tab.

and that includes us deplorables.

you sanctimonious asshole.

anonymous said...

i'm old enough to remember when government employees were actual civil servants

Which means you are older than dirt and soon will be on the govmt tit getting SS and medicare to help you survive since you will not be a pensioner or have sufficient assets to live.......LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

Every one should read Chris Hogan's new book "Everyday Millionaiers" and Dave Ramsey's "The total money make over".

anonymous said...

subject Denise knew nothing about two days ago

Really goat fucker.....too funny even for an asswipe like you!!!!

Followed that case closely and thought the decision sucked....basically saying if you live in a shitty house in a shitty neighborhood, you can lose your home because you are poor....very sad...!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oldest members of this blog

Anonymous said...

Lol @ Denise

Sure you did gramps.

anonymous said...

Dave Ramsey's

Another fucking asshole that the goat fucker thinks is smart....a self help guru making money on assholes like you!!!!

Anonymous said...

First of all, a private business did not make a land was the municipal govmt....

who gifted it to a private developer.

i know the story, dumb fuck. and i also know how the process works.

for private development in hopes of boosting tax revenue and improving the local economy.

yeah, lives were thrown into upheaval so some greedy dumb fucks on a city council could put a plan into action that resulted in exactly zero new tax revenue for the city.

this is a microcosm example of just how fucked CT is. and NY, and IL, and CA, and everywhere liberals whose greed is inversely proportional to their intellect can completely destroy something for no good reason at all.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The "National Emergency" is a manufactured crisis of a demented President.

Figures released by the Department of Homeland Security show nationwide apprehensions of migrants entering the country without authorization are at some of their lowest numbers in decades. The U.S. Border Patrol states on its website that these numbers do not include individuals met at ports of entry looking to enter legally, but are determined to be inadmissible, or individuals seeking humanitarian protection under U.S. law.

U.S. Border Patrol took just over 400,000 people "beaners" illegally entering the United States into custody in 2018, down from the second-high of 1.67 million in 2000.

The Washington Post Fact Checker Salvador Rizzo reported that most of these declines have come, “partly because of technology upgrades; tougher penalties in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks; a decline in migration rates from Mexico; and a sharp increase in the number of Border Patrol officers.”

anonymous said...

not action that resulted in exactly zero new tax revenue for the city.

You have no proof that is true....As to your tirade...I said it was a horrible decision even worse than the corporations are people decision for campaign financing...Has nothing to do with liberals in states you don't was a city trying to survive....Oh well you don't like it but it has nothing to do with the wall....But since you hate eminent domain. then you must support those texas landowners who will lose land to make you feel safe......well rat hole, the wall is great but republican's grabbing land for a fake crisis is fine with you....Really rat, you really need to be more consistent in your outrage.....too funny!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Trump Wrecks ABC Reporter Jon Karl When He Asks About Signing Deal To Open The Government

Completely owned.

this was fucking beautiful...

Anonymous said...

You have no proof that is true..

except for the fact that after the kelo home was seized nothing happened with it -

In spite of repeated efforts, the redeveloper (who stood to get a 91-acre (370,000 m2) waterfront tract of land for $1 per year)[citation needed] was unable to obtain financing, and the redevelopment project was abandoned. As of the beginning of 2010, the original Kelo property was a vacant lot, generating no tax revenue for the city.[2] In the aftermath of 2011's Hurricane Irene, the now-closed New London redevelopment area was turned into a dump for storm debris such as tree branches and other vegetation.[19]

As of the beginning of 2010, the original Kelo property was a vacant lot, generating no tax revenue for the city.[2]

you fucking imbecile. go steam your daughter's snatch.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Smart people learn from everything and everyone, average people from their experiences, stupid people already know all the answers.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The usual suspects (rrp, kput'z and ballsless) are examples of stupid people.

Anonymous said...

The Washington Post Fact Checker Salvador Rizzo

was he at Officer Singh's funeral?

just curious.

and while we're on the subject, is there a number that you guys have in mind of dead Americans that we have to achieve before this DOES become a national emergency?

is it a number, or is it based upon the status of the citizen?

what i mean is, say some random cop gets murdered on christmas, that's like no big deal, right?

so does a pelosi or a schumer, or some other elite democrat have to lose a family member at the hands of an illegal before someone takes this situation seriously?

what if your mail order bride gets killed by an illegal, alky? i mean, you a guys are up to your eyeballs in illegal beaners so the odds are higher for you.

if she's murdered does THAT get your attention?

here's an analogy, alky...

for years the adirondack northway (I-87) between lake george and plattsburgh ny had no cell service. a group of liberals called the adirondack park association viciously fought the installation of cell sites in the adirondack park. reason given was some enviro-nazi - forever wild bulshit. and so for years, especially in winter, there would be accidents, and people would die since no one could call 911.

about 10 years ago a wealthy and politically connected guy and his wife slid off the road, and if memory serves she died on impact, he died later. suddenly because of the elite status and political connections of these poor folks, legislation was passed and new cell sites went up in record time. today there is only one brief dead spot around the high peaks rest area.

moral of the story - someone rich, powerful, and politically well connected needs to die, before the little people like us are served...

...and it's the exact same situation with the murderous undocumented democrats.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The ongoing government shutdown is about to turn into the longest one in U.S. history, and that's raising questions about what will happen next.

By Friday, most of about 800,000 federal workers are expected to have missed their first paycheck since the shutdown began three weeks ago. And by Saturday, the funding lapse will be the longest in history at 22 days, surpassing the 21-day holiday shutdown that stretched into 1996.

The missing paychecks are likely to trigger at least some unemployment claims with states, as well as possible resignations by federal workers who have grown tired of the instability. That could include air traffic controllers and airline security personnel, prison guards, food inspectors, Coast Guard personnel and border patrol officers.

Already, an estimated 4,500 people have filed for unemployment in the nation's capital.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
The usual suspects (rrp, kput'z and ballsless) are examples of stupid people.

says the asshole who can only contribute copy/pastes including the opinions of others...

...colon says orange man bad.

so alky the parrot says "orange man bad! squawk!, orange man bad! squawk!"

Commonsense said...

Well I guess Democrats better get busy funding that wall.

If can be done in 15 minutes.

Whether they get paid or not is up to them.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In the case of Jimmy the beaners hater and racist rodent bastard believes that the people who are seeking asylum are murderous undocumented democrats.

Anonymous said...

stolen link:

alky the parrot says "orange man bad! squawk!, orange man bad! squawk!"

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

In the case of Jimmy the beaners hater and racist rodent bastard believes that the people who are seeking asylum are murderous undocumented democrats.

Officer Singh has a five month old son who will never know his dad because an undocumented democrat murdered him.

the fact that you cheer that is disgusting and should sicken any decent person.

you know alky, i could say that you're a piece of shit, but even pieces of shit have value as fertilizer.

you on the other hand have no value. none.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I will gladly accept the responsibility for the government shutdown.

President Birther J. Trump

anonymous said...

As of the beginning of 2010,

A little dated fuck nut...from wiki....BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!! BTW.... a vacant lot still has value and is taxed....Your stupidity is only exceeded by trumps dick in your mouth....LOLL

Anonymous said...

Commonsense said...
Well I guess Democrats better get busy funding that wall.

If can be done in 15 minutes.

Whether they get paid or not is up to them.


and here's the irony and indicative of the tone deafness of the media...

it's no secret that government employees at EVERY level of government get paid a LOT for doing very little. trying to make these parasites sympathetic to the rest of us who pick up their tab is actually very funny.

they need to be reminded that they're civil servants who signed up for this.

instead they act like a bunch of entitled welfare queens.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The two children who died in American custody are meaningless to Jimmy the beaners hater and racist rodent bastard believes they deserved to die before they could become United States citizens and vote Democratic.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

the two beaner tots didn't need to die. and they died from parental neglect, not as a result of "being in custody." if anything their BEST chance for survival was once they were in American hands, but by then it was too late.

just because you parrot the lie doesn't make it true, alky.

you should be able to relate. your original liver died from neglect AND abuse. it didn't need to happen either but it did.

Anonymous said...

a vacant lot still has value and is taxed....


taxes are assessed.

they're just not collected.

the "collected" part is key to actually realize the revenue.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The people who keep our airwaves safe, inspect our food supply and provide border protection, per Jimmy the beaners hater and racist rodent bastard are a bunch of entitled welfare queens.

Commonsense said...

Any child who dies is a tragedy. But no one seems to care about the ones who die in the desert trying to get to the US. Or the ones who are being trafficked for sex.

Especially the sanctimonious asshole trying you use it as a moral cudgel because he doesn't have a rational argument.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

My liver did not die from neglect AND abuse. I had Polycystic liver disease, an inherited medical condition.

Jimmy Hitler has a death wish from anyone who has to disagree with his racist beliefs.

Anonymous said...

Dan Crenshaw


Ah yes, the tunnel myth. Because it’s so easy to build tunnels. No one would ever notice. Might as well just do nothing, now that the tunneling option has been exposed.

Can we have a serious conversation now? That’d be great.

Jonathan Swan

Per source in the room: Pelosi talked a lot about tunnels. She kept saying that a wall won't stop people coming through tunnels.

10:34 PM - Jan 9, 2019

Commonsense said...

I know that Donald Trump cares far more about these children than the Democrats and liberal who oppose.

If Democrats and liberals really care about these people they wouldn't sponsor caravans and lure desperate people to them with false promises.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You don't care care about the ones who die in the desert trying to get to the US. Or the ones who are being trafficked for sex.

You want his fucking wall. TSA officials are not getting paid. According to the racist rodent bastard they are welfare queens.

Anonymous said...


Godwin's Law!

I Win!


you can lie to yourself as much as you want, alky. but don't think for one minute that any of us has to believe you.

Commonsense said...

Per source in the room: Pelosi talked a lot about tunnels. She kept saying that a wall won't stop people coming through tunnels.

The scary part is that she's suppose to be the smart one.

Anonymous said...

25% of our federal government is shut down.

without the media whining about it non-stop 24/7, we would never know.

think about that.

this is an excellent opportunity to re-structure the government. smart people would, for example, created logical classifications for essential and non-essential personnel, and ensure that DHS employees (that would be USCG and TSA to you alky) are classified as essential and get paid.

the assholes watching porn at the GSA for example would be realized as non-essential and would be fired.

we could easily reduce the fed workforce by 25% and realize a zero impact on the citizens who pay the bills around here.

and while we're at it, outlaw federal employee unions. even FDR though they were unnecessary.

liberals should be in favor of this considering how focused they are on deficits and debts with a republican in the white house.

Myballs said...

Right on cue, roger posts the phrase manufactured crisis. What a brainless parrot.

Commonsense said...

You don't care care about the ones who die in the desert trying to get to the US. Or the ones who are being trafficked for sex

Projecting again Roger? You know damn well I was right about you. You're so transparently predictable.

cowardly king obama said...

Per source in the room: Pelosi talked a lot about tunnels. She kept saying that a wall won't stop people coming through tunnels.

Guess what, they could also come in boats and planes. They could parachute in or take hot air balloons.

Of course a wall is still the most effective deterrent.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The steel wall idea is ineffective. It is made up of approximately four inch by four inch steel columns.

Anyone who has an easily purchased saw can cut the steel columns and cut an opening through the wall.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

She is my early favorite candidate for President in 2020.

Sen. Kamala Harris has decided to seek the 2020 Democratic nomination for president, sources close to her told KCBS Radio. She'll announce her candidacy on or around Martin Luther King Day, probably at a campaign rally in Oakland, the sources said.

Harris, 54, has been making the rounds of television talk shows and appearing at several events this week as part of a brief tour to promote her new book, "The Truths We Hold: An American Journey."

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

You don't care care about the ones who die in the desert trying to get to the US. Or the ones who are being trafficked for sex.

You want his fucking wall.

dumb fuck,

look at what you just posted.

i want the wall because i DO care. if they can't get in they won't die trying. and no one gets trafficked for sex.

you see alky, this is where your side has devolved to on this argument. your position is completely devoid of logic and reason. you're left running on pure emotion, and you're not even making any sense anymore.

when a barrier, wall, fence, whatever get's built and word get's out south of the border, attempts to enter illegally will slow to a trickle. oh sure, there will still be some idiots who will try. there are idiots everywhere. you guys just sent 40 to congress. but rational folks with IQ's higher than room temp won't try.

or if they insist on coming to the US they will use the LEGAL process, of which i wholeheartedly approve. all are welcome provided they come here LEGALLY.

you see, you might have a sympathetic case to make to get us to feel sorry for the kids, and the sexually exploited, and those dying in the desert...

except for one thing -

Americans have died at the hands of illegals. shot, died in car accidents by drunk driver's, hacked to death with machetes by ms-13, beaten to death with fucking hammers.

and these examples ARE LEGION.

so you will never get us to see it your way. not with all of that blood on your hands. until you start caring about American citizens more than you care about the votes to get you to a permanent democrat majority we will NEVER share your view.

Anonymous said...

oh boy. willie brown's side snatch has declared. yippee.

and she's the alky's early fave. shocker.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Welfare Queens.

The Food and Drug Administration has postponed routine domestic food safety inspections of many high-risk foods this week due to the ongoing partial government shutdown, the agency’s commissioner said Wednesday. 

Scott Gottlieb, the head of the agency, said in a series of tweets that the FDA would normally inspect about 160 domestic manufacturing and food processing plants each week, about a third of which are associated with high-risk foods (like seafood, soft cheeses, and fresh fruits and vegetables). But such inspections have not been scheduled as usual due to the shutdown.

“FDA’s professional staff remain fully dedicated to our mission,” Gottlieb said in a tweet Wednesday. “We’re taking whatever steps we can to support our colleagues as they fulfill our commitments to the American people under challenging circumstances.”

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...
The steel wall idea is ineffective. It is made up of approximately four inch by four inch steel columns.

Anyone who has an easily purchased saw can cut the steel columns and cut an opening through the wall.

like CBP would never notice. not with all those motion cameras and drones you assholes are begging for.

alky, just stop.

just fucking stop.

you're beyond making a fool of yourself.

go pop an opioid and have mail order put you down for your nappy time.

Myballs said...

Liberal media not sold on Harris. They're pushing Michelle.

What's the over under for number of liberal minorities running for president in 2020?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Jimmy, you're running on pure racism, and have never made any sense.

Anonymous said...

“FDA’s professional staff remain fully dedicated to our mission,” Gottlieb said in a tweet Wednesday.

as you should mr. gottlieb. and thank you for providing yet another example to bolster my case. i would consider you essential. you should be paid and your workflow should not be interrupted.

your federal peers watching porn and playing solitaire at the US dept. of circle-jerks and clusterfucks?

not so much.

and the alky is so fucking stupid he can't make the distinction.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Myballs said...

Liberal media not sold on Harris. They're pushing Michelle.

and the irony is that they're both running on the same platform -

black vagina.

we should all be excited about that.

intersectionally speaking it's an upgrade from old white vagina.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I'm as clean as a baby. The only time I ever use the prescribed pain medication is when I work out at the 24Hour Fitness center six blocks away. 5 Milligrams 3 times a week are not an addiction.

cowardly king obama said...

Roger Amick said...
She is my early favorite candidate for President in 2020.

She must have been great on Dancing With The Stars but it is very doubtful that in the present environment a politician from California can win the Electoral College.

But hey, she may win 120 % of the California vote.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

black vagina.

old white vagina.

A winning political strategy. 🤗

Anonymous said...


now i see where the alky has come up with his latest line of bullshit -

Test of steel prototype for border wall showed it could be sawed through

A photo demonstrated that the steel columns could breached with a common industrial tool.

good job, alky. at least you're consistent. you need others to do your thinking for you 100% of the time.

Anonymous said...

But hey, she may win 120 % of the California vote.

only 120%?

why would you sell her short?

with all the harvesting she should be able to get to at least 150%.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

But such inspections have not been scheduled as usual due to the shutdown.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I own a saw capable of cutting the steel columns of Trump's wall. I just need a steel cutting blade.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Home Depot is three miles away

Anonymous said...

Kamala Harris’ New Book Tries to Massage Her Record as a Prosecutor, But the Facts Aren’t Pretty

The book neglects to mention all the times Harris' office appealed cases that were thrown out for gross prosecutor misconduct.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Home Depot is three miles away

pushing your walker you can probably make that round trip in a day.

pack a lunch, alky.

anonymous said...

if they can't get in

Big...IF asshole...the wall won't stop shit rat....a worthless campaign promise you think is important...!!!! Like mexico paying for it....fixing the ACA and this will be broken....get over it....!!!!!!

anonymous said...

rb said...
“FDA’s professional staff remain fully dedicated to our mission,

And doing 10% of their normal inspections...that should kill KD the fake farmers ability to sell beef.....sad you have been impacted...go buy some romaine lettuce and enjoy your salad....LOLOLOL

anonymous said...

Donnie maybe losing faux news....NO COLLUSION!!!!!!

Fox News Anchor, Legal Analyst See Evidence of ‘Collusion’ Between Trump Campaign and Russia
Jon Levine Jon Levine 1 hour 38 minutes ago

Fox News legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano says the evidence appears to increasingly show that the Donald Trump presidential campaign did collude with Russia during the height of the 2016 race and that Special Counsel Robert Mueller can prove it. During an appearance with anchor Shepard Smith, Napolitano said that court papers, which Paul Manafort’s defense team forgot to fully seal, revealed that the former campaign chairman had been accused by federal prosecutors of lying about handing over confidential polling data during the campaign to a Putin-aligned Russian oligarch. “This shows that Bob Mueller can demonstrate to a court without the testimony of Paul Manafort that the campaign had a connection to Russian intelligence and the connection involved information going from the campaign to the Russians,” Napolitano said. “The question is, was this in return for a promise of something from the Russians, and did the candidate, now the president, know about it?” Also Read: Fox News Leads Coverage of Trump's Border Wall Speech With 8.2 Million Viewers “If this is collusion — though collusion isn’t a crime — this would be collusion,” Smith said. “Yes,” Napolitano agreed. “Conspiracy is an agreement to commit a crime … Whether or not the thing of value arrives. The agreement is what is the crime.” Once one of President Trump’s most stalwart boosters on the channel, Napolitano has turned sharply negative toward the billionaire in recent months with commentary that has increasingly electrified Trump critics. In December, the judge said it was possible the president has already been indicted by Mueller, but that it currently remains under seal. Also Read: 1950s TV Show Had Villain Named Trump Who Promised to Save World by Building a Wall (Video) “There’s ample evidence … to indict the president,” Napolitano said. “The question is do they want to do it. The DOJ has three opinions on this. Two say you can’t indict a sitting president, one says you can but all three address the problem of what do you do when the statute of limitations is about to expire. All three agree in that circumstance you indict in secret, keep the indictment sealed and release it the day they get out of office.” In the past, Trump has lauded Napolitano’s legal acumen and even supposedly once considered him for appointment to the Supreme Court. Read original story Fox News Anchor, Legal Analyst See Evidence of ‘Collusion’ Between Trump Campaign and Russia At TheWrap

anonymous said...

Did'n donnie say this morning that Fed workers are behind his shut down for a wall.....seems most workers don't see it that way!!!

Trump’s go-to dealmaking tactics fall short in standoff over border wall
Lawmakers of both parties are frustrated by President Trump’s vacillating approach as he demands a portion of his border wall in exchange for reopening the government.
By David Nakamura and Seung Min Kim
In the comments: ‘This is going to get far uglier before it's over’
Federal workers to demand end to shutdown at White House protest
The Daily 202: Wall fight underscores Trump’s weaknesses

Leading from the idiots....LOLOLOL

caliphate4vr said...

hell of source there fatty was busy?

fucking idiot

TheWrap is an entertainment and media news website founded by Sharon Waxman in 2009.[1]

With an editorial staff of more than 19 regular contributors and with commentary from industry heavyweight guest "Hollybloggers", TheWrap covers the industry of entertainment and media from its headquarters in Santa Monica, California with additional editorial staff in New York City, then moved to Los Angeles, California

caliphate4vr said...

the author is up to speed on everything

Jon Levine
It’s been brought to my attention that Beto O’Rourke is at the dentist


anonymous said...


Like you thinking wining a vacation is better than salary.....LOL

I can predict what you will post....BWAAAAAAA!!!!!

anonymous said...

Anonymous caliphate4vr said...
hell of source there fatty was busy?

Scintillating comment asshole...!!!

Sure babylon bee poster....headlines on the Wa Post....wanna try again dummy????

anonymous said...

Link for the willfully stupid....LOLOLOLOL

anonymous said...

Hundreds of Govmt workers rallying outside the WH!!!! But assholio trump declares the workers are behind him.....ready to push him under a bus!!!!!!

caliphate4vr said...

liar here is the link

And you sure did respond to me when i called you out but you've failed to get me to respond when i posted Babylon Bee. Gotcha fatty, you're so easy