Monday, January 28, 2019

Have you noticed the subtle shift in all of this?

So Roger Stone is known as a Republican strategist who specializes in opposition research. He has worked for the Presidential campaigns of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Jack Kemp, Bob Dole, and most recently did some consulting for Donald Trump.

To be clear, unlike Richard Steele (who is a foreign agent who illegally gathered opposition research for the DNC and Clinton), Roger Stone is an American citizen and can legally work to influence any sort of political campaign he wants.

Now as has been noted in our courts and history, there is nothing illegal about the media printing information that was otherwise gathered illegally. As long as these members of the media were not personally complicit in whatever crime was associated with the collection of the information, it remains perfectly legal for them to print it. There is no exception that states that publishing this type of information can be a crime just because that information might harm or help a political candidate.

So that makes this pretty simple here folks. The information hacked from John Podesta and the Hillary Clinton campaign and then published is fair game for political use, just as the information gathered by Richard Steele and his Russian connections was fair game for political use. Certainly nobody from Mother Jones was charged with a crime for printing stories about the dossier back in October of 2016 (an October surprise) - even though the information was gathered by a foreign agent.

But it seems like to some member of our illustrious media has been driven to to the point of suggesting that anyone associated with Trump, who sought to influence the election (even if influencing elections is their job description) should be arrested as part of a conspiracy. The conspiracy (of course) was attempting to prevent President-to-be Hillary Clinton from garnering her throne and attempting to install Trump in her place.

Because that is all that was being done here. Once those emails were hacked, and they were out of wikileaks, there is nothing in the law that states that a political strategists paid to help a campaign cannot use that known material. There would be nothing illegal about either speculating, wondering, or attempting to find out if there was more damaging information to come.

It's a certainty that Hillary and the Democrats had their sources knee deep in all of this trying to figure out what was going, as did every media outlet in the country. Doing so is not a criminal action.

But make no mistake. The media and the left are 99% of the way to believing  that any sort of campaign attempt to help Donald Trump win the election should be treated as a crime... even if it had nothing to do with Russia. Next thing you know, they will be coming after Trump donors and anyone who attended his rallies as well. Because they were all part of this grand conspiracy to get Donald Trump elected President!


Anonymous said...

I hope he is kidding.

I Asked Roger how Harris pays for both Free College and Medicaid For All his answer.

"The 70% tax on the top 1%."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Stone himself has said that there would be nothing illegal about working with WikiLeaks. Yet he allegedly went to great lengths to obscure it.


Paul Dykstra said...


Every Republican that tells you Mueller is a good guy and needs to be allowed to finish his Witch Hunt is a liar a coward or both. No “honest man” has a #2 as sadistic and corrupt as Andrew Weissmann.

Anonymous said...


try reading and understanding the actual indictment. it should only take you 4 to 5 days since it's only 24 pages long.

Anonymous said...

Democratic Rep. Ted Lieu from announcing an early endorsement Monday for fellow Californian, Sen. Kamala Harris, for president."

And "live feed" Alky she is going to win the nomination and beat Trump.

Anonymous said...

Roger You Said you where slut fucking your current Skank while "legally separated" from your 1st wife. 
Did at the time they know about each other?

Anonymous said...

Mueller did not charge Stone in connection with his denial that he had had any contact with Assange during the campaign.

Mueller did charge Stone on his testimony about using an intermediary — the radio host Randy Credico — to attempt to contact WikiLeaks. Quigley and ranking Democrat (now chairman) Adam Schiff asked Stone about that intermediary, and the resulting testimony formed the basis of one of Mueller's charges against Stone. Here is the entirety of the passage published in the Democratic report:

and here's the actual indictment for those who can think for themselves and not rely upon the opinions of others.:

C.H. Truth said...

Well Roger...

He didn't go to much lengths to conceal much of anything.

He was charged for saying he spoke with (but otherwise did not correspond with) Corsi for instance, when it turned out he both spoke and had email correspondence. The fact that he didn't state there were email and/or text messages (and turn them over) was part of the obstruction charges.

The fact that he said he spoke to the head of Wikileak, when instead he had spoken to an intermediary was another part of the charge.

He got dates wrong on when he stated for the record he spoke to certain people. Another count.

Other things were whether or not he made any requests of his intermediary, which he said he didn't (but he had quite obviously asked to be told if there was a variety of specific things regarding Clinton). Another charge.

Lastly, he was charged with witness tampering for suggesting that someone take the fifth... warning him that talking to the Feds (ironically) would probably get him charged with perjury or other obstruction crimes. Of course, Stone probably realized that "he" would get charged because they were not going to have the same facts.

Bottom line is that Roger Stone denied very little in terms of what he was actually doing. He lied about how he corresponded (and did not turn over emails). He lied about dates (or just got them wrong). He misrepresented who he spoke to. He tried to get another person to not give any testimony.

Process crimes? Yeah, sure.

Was anything he was testifying about against the law?

Well if it was, then he would have been charged with those crimes, not just process crimes.

Anonymous said...

Was anything he was testifying about against the law?


nor did any of it have to do with russia.

every crime mueller has charged anyone with was committed after his fishing expedition began.

even carter page - patient zero of this entire clusterfuck - is laughing his ass off.

yet the alky furiously pleasures himself to a life-sized portrait of mueller while reading about 37 meaningless indictments.

Anonymous said...

Warren has a new plan to become President. Do bother taxing wealth, that takes to long. Here plan is to seize accumulate wealth.

Socialist Democrats importing Venezuela .

Anonymous said...

Did anyone watch the NFL pro Bowl?

When did it become two hand touch ?

C.H. Truth said...

I watched one play. A pass to the flat.

They blew the whistle before the defender even tackled the receiver. Had literally just made contact. I turned it off.

James said...

GOP Lawmaker Says Trump Can’t Claim Emergency
January 28, 2019 at 3:39 pm EST

Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) slammed President Trump on Twitter for suggesting he might declare a national emergency to direct construction of a border wall, saying that Trump “can’t claim emergency powers” when Congress doesn’t pass legislation he wants.

Amash was commenting on a tweet from Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) who said Trump “must” declare a national emergency for construction of a border wall if there’s no deal with lawmakers.

Anonymous said...

CHT I DVR it. Watch Patrick QB the AFC to two touchdowns. Fast forward thru everything else.

The NFL should thank Trump for saving the league.

Anonymous said...

Socialist Jane always so angry.

Cheer up dude, you're Winning,right?

Anonymous said...

Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) slammed President Trump on Twitter for suggesting he might declare a national emergency to direct construction of a border wall, saying that Trump “can’t claim emergency powers” when Congress doesn’t pass legislation he wants.

well, fortunately for trump and unfortunately for amash, the national emergency act was written so broadly and vaguely trump will have no issue declaring a national emergency at the border.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone watch the NFL pro Bowl?


a total waste of time...

caliphate4vr said...

The Pro Bowl was on?

Who knew

Anonymous said...

and i'm going to be hard pressed to watch the patriots bowl this sunday.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

RIDDLE OF THE DAY: How do you break Newt Gingrich’s nose? (ANSWER: Kick Donald Trump in the ass.)

Anonymous said...

RRB , you know there will be a call or two that could go either way, but will go Patriots way.

Did you see Brady has A MAGA hat in his locker.

Let's see 1/0001 marine Ranger Indian shit head step up to Tom.

C.H. Truth said...

Imagine if Tom Brady wins the Superbowl, then accidently puts on his MAGA cap rather than the Super Bowl cap they give them. Wouldn't that be a hoot!

Anonymous said...

It would be priceless.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker said the special counsel investigation is nearing its completion during a press conference on Monday, the first official on the record confirmation.

Over the course of his nearly two-year-long probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, Mueller and his team of prosecutors have now indicted 34 individuals and three Russian businesses on charges ranging from computer hacking to conspiracy and financial crimes.

Those indictments have led to seven guilty pleas and three people sentenced to prison. Four former Trump campaign officials – including his onetime national security adviser Michael Flynn and campaign chairman Paul Manafort, also a former associate of Stone -- are among those who have pleaded guilty.

C.H. Truth said...

Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker said the special counsel investigation is nearing its completion during a press conference on Monday, the first official on the record confirmation.

Two points:

Perhaps he is trying to get done before Barr takes over and while Rosenstein still technically oversees him. Perhaps he is afraid Barr would not allow him to release the report he wants to release.

What ever happened to the idea that Mueller would subpoena the President? Obviously that would take weeks, if not months of legal back and forth, eventually ending up in the USSC. No way you could suggest that the probe is nearing an end if that still hung out there.

Anonymous said...

The Feckless Cunt has invited The President to give the SOTU speech next Tuesday.

She is a proud Socialist Ideologue .

Trump is a pragmatic man.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

‘The Truths We Hold’

She will get the voters who didn't vote for Hillary Clinton.

Throughout, there are unmistakable echoes of the kind of inclusive tone often struck by former President Obama. “For all our differences, for all the battles, for all the fights, we are still one American family,” she writes, “and we should act like it.” But at other moments, she hints at a harder edge than the “no-drama” former president. During her time as California’s attorney general, during the worst of the economic downturn, she found herself in a battle with the biggest mortgage bankers. “They seemed to be under the misimpression that I could be bullied into submission,” she scoffs. Later, she expresses her hope to be “a joyful warrior,” a phrase that harkens back to the last century, and perhaps foreshadows a fierce fight for the country’s top office.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Barr will not block the release of the investigation results to the public.

Scott you and I can speculate about what we will see.

Because he has kept a tight grip on the investigations paths.

James said...

Mueller Probe Is Nearly Completed

Acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker said that he has been “fully briefed” on special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of Russian interference in the 2016 election and that, “right now, the investigation is close to being completed,” the Washington Post reports.


Unless, that is, Mueller says it isn't.

Anonymous said...

former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz " might run as an Independent . He is a life long Democrat. But said Democrats suck.

Anonymous said...

Alky, when you reported that the Economy do to the shutdown was 11 Trillion, why did you leave out that CBO. Report said. $9 Billion was going to be recovered.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A federal judge Monday canceled former Trump campaign chief Paul Manafort's sentencing in his Virginia case, which was scheduled for Feb. 8, according to a filing.

U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis wrote that Manafort's "current dispute" in a separate federal case in Washington, D.C., makes it "prudent and appropriate to delay sentencing in this case."

Mueller's team had previously aimed to delay Manafort's sentencing in Virginia until the special counsel determined that he had finished cooperating with special counsel Robert Mueller's investigators.

The timing is very interesting.

The Muller investigation is about due.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Sometime after the July 22 email release, “a senior Trump Campaign official was directed to contact STONE” about what else Wikileaks had, according to the Stone indictment.

The number of people in a position to direct a senior campaign official — apart from the candidate — is extremely limited.

It is also not clear when exactly that direction was handed down to the official. But “thereafter,” Stone “told the Trump Campaign about potential future releases of damaging material” from Wikileaks, the indictment says.

Anonymous said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The question remains on this whole thing is


Anonymous said...

Just following the lead of the Dems

Anonymous said...

You lie every day

Anonymous said...

Roger, when challenged flees.

C.H. Truth said...

Sometime after the July 22 email release, “a senior Trump Campaign official was directed to contact STONE” about what else Wikileaks had, according to the Stone indictment.

I also heard that sometime after July 22nd that a Sr Trump campaign official was directed to pick up donuts and coffee...

Which, of course, is just as illegal as finding out what Wikileaks had.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If the candidate directed to coordinate the release of the Wikileaks campaign against Clinton in collusion with the Russians, it's not a joke.

I heard that you can't get your head out of Trump's ass.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Key Mueller witness outs Roger Stone for attempted Wikileaks collusion

One of two witnesses named in Bob Mueller’s indictment of Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi, reveals that Stone contacted him on “the day that Wikileaks” began releasing John Podesta’s emails to talk about a “timing issue” and that Mueller’s team were “absolutely” interested in that information.

I'm absolutely certain that you're extensive legal expertise is going to dismiss as meaningless. We'll see.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I also heard that sometime after July 22nd that a Sr Trump campaign official was directed to pick up donuts and coffee...

I also heard the President changed his story about the Gold Tower meeting three times. And that a drunken meeting lead to an increase.

Anonymous said...

Kamala Harris wants to eliminate all private health insurance plans. Good grief.

Commonsense said...

Democrats covering up a conspiracy.

New details of 2016 meeting with Trump dossier author conflict with Dems’ timeline

However, congressional Democrats have asserted many of the contacts occurred later in the year.

In February, in response to a Republican report on the surveillance-warrant process, Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee accused Republicans of overstating Bruce Ohr’s role.

The Majority mischaracterizes Bruce Ohr's role, overstates the significance of his interactions with Steele, and misleads about the time frame of Ohr's communication with the FBI. In late November, Ohr informed the FBI of his prior professional relationship with Steele and information that Steele shared with him (including Steele's concern about Trump being compromised by Russia)," the Democrats' statement said. “He also described his wife’s contract work with Fusion GPS, the firm that hired Steele separately. This occurred weeks after the election and more than a month after the Court approved the initial FISA application.”

There appeared to be another discrepancy.

The emails showed Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson was in contact with Ohr in August 2016. However, Simpson's November 2017 transcribed interview before the House Intelligence Committee showed him saying he worked through Bruce Ohr "sometime after Thanksgiving."

Fox News recently asked the FBI, Justice Department and special counsel's office whether the meetings with Ohr over Steele and the dossier were consistent with -- or in conflict with -- existing DOJ or FBI rules, including chain-of-custody procedures for handling evidence. In addition, the special counsel's office was asked whether Weissmann and Ahmad had fully disclosed their contacts with Bruce Ohr and others over the dossier.

The FBI and special counsel declined to comment; the DOJ did not immediately respond.

As the liberals like to say. More to come.

Anonymous said...

Chlamydia Harris is a "NO" vote on any wall funding ever.

Seems Nancy Polosi and Chuck Schumer will Fail within their own part to negotiate a signable bill as promised to President Trump.

Commonsense said...

Cold enough for you KD? I'm sitting in Florida in flannels with a blanket around me. Can't imagine what it's like in Kansas.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

If the candidate directed to coordinate the release of the Wikileaks campaign against Clinton in collusion with the Russians, it's not a joke.

and the ultimate irony of that comment is that the statement trump made for russia to release the emails WAS a fucking joke, you clod.

alky, pause to consider that a significant portion of your claims of illegality by trump hangs on that particular wisecrack.

also, possessing the wikileaks material is not a crime. if you or i were in possession of it, it would not be a crime.

Sometime after the July 22 email release, “a senior Trump Campaign official was directed to contact STONE” about what else Wikileaks had, according to the Stone indictment... not a crime.

every single indictment handed down by mueller has been over criminality that occurred AFTER his investigation began.

number of indictments issued for trump campaign personnel colluding with russia to win the election: ZERO.

at this point you're just jerking off. but since mueller answers to no one, and isn't required to ever end his charade, this shit can go on ad infinitum, and nothing can be done to stop it.

Anonymous said...

CS, he'll is freezing. Woke up to 6 above zero. Wind chill. -15.

Anonymous said...

I'm sitting in Florida in flannels with a blanket around me. Can't imagine what it's like in Kansas.

it's a balmy 10 degrees here in upstate NY.

Commonsense said...

Mueller Probe Is Nearly Completed

Acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker said that he has been “fully briefed” on special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of Russian interference in the 2016 election and that, “right now, the investigation is close to being completed,” the Washington Post reports.

When the report comes back to say there is no impeachable crime we are going to have to commit Roger to a mental facility.

Anonymous said...

Only Alky hadn'tbpickled his liver, damaged his brain and cheat on his ex wife with his current dirty leg.

Commonsense said...

it's a balmy 10 degrees here in upstate NY.

Balmy 48 degrees here.

Anonymous said...

CS, it gets worse. More Gorebal Warming 5hits tomorrow real temp -5 Wind chill artic cooled -25

Anonymous said...

Axelrod not kind to Chameleon Harris..

Anonymous said...

When the report comes back to say there is no impeachable crime we are going to have to commit Roger to a mental facility.

i don't see it ending soon because it simply doesn't need to. mueller answers to no one, and he has an unlimited budget. the fact that zero indictments have been handed down for what he was originally charged with investigating is neither here nor there. this "investigation" remains a mission for the sole purpose of fucking with the trump administration, and it there is a political advantage to keep it going all the way to the 2020 election, it will continue.

mueller can continue to pick off trump acquaintances on ginned-up process crimes and there's nothing anyone can do about it. mueller might as well be officially under the employ of the DNC for all intents and purposes. for example - what's to stop mueller from going after whoever within the trump organization hired the illegals at his resort? it's another trump scalp, another life to ruin, and more masturbatory fodder for the left.

i sincerely hope i'm wrong, but don't be so quick to expect an end to this shitshow. it will continue for as as long as it provides political advantage to democrats.

Commonsense said...

Yeah, they're now talking about 2019 being the coldest year on record.

This is ice age stuff.

anonymous said...

Yeah, they're now talking about 2019 being the coldest year on record.

BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Who is they? Idiots like you and the goat fucker.......Seems ironic this cold weather follows the 4th warmest year on record from a month ago......BTW.....The southern hemisphere is having record warmth......asshole

Commonsense said...

i don't see it ending soon because it simply doesn't need to. mueller answers to no one, and he has an unlimited budget.

Well there's a couple of things to considered.

1. There will a new AG in place that is not necessarily sympathic to the special council and will be able the exercise his full powers without political or ethical considerations.

2. A new poll out still shows a majority of people supporting the investigation but also a majority that has no confidence the investigation will be thorough or fair.

Bottom line is that Muellar has a shelf-life and he's rapidly spoiling.

Commonsense said...



anonymous said...


HORSE SHIT CRAMPS.... Another fabrication on your part.....asshole....

Anonymous said...

Roger You Said you where slut fucking your current Skank while "legally separated" from your 1st wife. 
Did at the time they know about each other?

Anonymous said...

Just put in 4 long big logs into my outside wood furnace. So clean and renewable.

Anonymous said...

