Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Liberals will not accept this travesty

Our southern border is a pipeline for vast quantities of illegal drugs including meth, heroin, cocaine, and fentanyl. Every week, 300 of our citizens are killed by heroin alone. Ninety percent of which floods across from our southern border. More Americans will die from drugs this year than were killed in the entire Vietnam War.
In the last two years, ICE officers made 266,000 arrests of aliens with criminal records including those charged or convicted of 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes, and 4,000 violent killings. Over the years, thousands of Americans have been brutally killed by those who illegally entered our country and thousands more lives will be lost if we don’t act right now.
This is a humanitarian crisis. A crisis of the heart, and a crisis of the soul. Last month, 20,000 migrant children were illegally brought into the United States, a dramatic increase. These children are used as human pawns by vicious coyotes and ruthless gangs. One in three women are sexually assaulted on the dangerous trek up through Mexico. Women and children are the biggest victims, by far, of our broken system.
This is the tragic reality of illegal immigration on our southern border. This is the cycle of human suffering that I am determined to end.

The travesty, of course, has nothing to do with heroine, murders, assaults, raping of women, or the raping of children. The travesty is that Trump actually made a case for a wall that has nothing to do with racism, when every good liberal understands that racism is always the justification for everything Trump does.

Of course, I am probably having to "remind" the Trump haters that he made this case, because their cognitive dissonance would have already forced them to forget anything having to do with drugs, murder, assaults, and rapes. Cognitive dissonance and bias confirmation no doubt has them concentrating on something entirely different.


Anonymous said...

Roger, is your "Live Feed" today?

After others have written your opinion .

Anonymous said...

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) accused both President Donald Trump and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement of “systematically violated human rights.”

No they don't . She is the face and mind set of the Democrats .

Commonsense said...

There is no doubt Trump made a persuasive argument last night and there's no doubt the Chuck and Nancy show made a mockery of the Democrats position.

anonymous said...

Our southern border is a pipeline for vast quantities of illegal drugs including meth, heroin, cocaine, and fentanyl.

And how will the wall prevent this Lil Scotty....since you are the acknowledged expert on all things trump.....

Anonymous said...

MSDNC's ralph maddow trotted out assholio fucktardio cortez in advance of the president's speech.

it went about as well as you'd expect:

anonymous said...

No they don't

Yes they do... open you goat fucking eyes....

anonymous said...

There is no doubt Trump made a persuasive argument l

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!! Only to you sycophants who already slurp uncontrollably LOLOL

Commonsense said...

MSDNC's ralph maddow trotted out assholio fucktardio cortez in advance of the president's speech.

it went about as well as you'd expect:

No doubt she knows entertainment when she sees it.

Commonsense said...

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!! Only to you sycophants who already slurp uncontrollably LOLOL

Cognitive dissonance.

Anonymous said...

bozo's post:

‘266,000 aliens arrested in the past two years’: The number is right but misleading

fucking hilarious. "trump's right BUT!!!..."

Anonymous said...

The Five that decided in favor of the New Castle Case.
Majority :Stevens, joined by Kennedy, Souter, Ginsburg, Breyer

Anonymous said...

Michael Moore pretty sure Trump’s Oval Office address is a setup for a coup

anonymous said...

Cognitive dissonance.

fucking hilarious. "trump's right BUT!!!..."

Trump is extremely right except for facts...

Commonsense said...

Trump won the night. Schumer and Pelosi lost.

He pointed out the human cost of our broken system to illegal migrants themselves, expressing compassion for the “children [who] are used as human pawns by vicious coyotes and ruthless gangs” and the “women [who] are sexually assaulted on the dangerous trek up through Mexico.” He shared heartbreaking stories of Americans killed by criminal aliens who had no right to be here — including a police officer in California who was murdered, a 16-year-old girl who was brutally stabbed in Maryland, and an Air Force veteran who was raped and beaten to death.

“I’ve held the hands of the weeping mothers and embraced the grief-stricken fathers,” Trump declared. “I will never forget the pain in their eyes, the tremble in their voices, or the sadness gripping their souls.”

And he laid out his solution, which he explained was “developed by law enforcement professionals and border agents” and includes funds for cutting-edge technology, more border agents, more immigration judges, more bed space and medical support — and $5.7 billion for a “physical barrier” that he called “just common sense.” Without naming her, Trump responded to the absurd charge from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) that a wall is “immoral.” Democrats voted repeatedly for physical barriers until he was elected president, he noted. If a wall is immoral, Trump asked, “why do wealthy politicians build walls, fences and gates around their homes? They don’t build walls because they hate the people on the outside, but because they love the people on the inside.”

The president did not unilaterally declare a national emergency. Instead, he called for compromise and said, “To those who refuse to compromise in the name of border security, I would ask: imagine if it was your child, your husband, or your wife, whose life was so cruelly shattered and totally broken?”

He was, in short, presidential.

Commonsense said...

Democrats insisted on equal time, which is highly unusual for presidential addresses other than the State of the Union. It was a mistake. In contrast to Trump, Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.) came across as small and intransigent.

While Trump spoke calmly and rationally from behind the Resolute Desk, the Democratic leaders accused him of “pounding the table” and having a “temper tantrum.” While Trump told human stories, they complained about process. They accused him of arguing that the women and children at the border were “a security threat” when he had just explained to the American people that they were victims, too. They charged him with using the “backdrop of the Oval Office to manufacture a crisis, stoke fear and divert attention from the turmoil in his administration.” They were partisan and petty, while Trump came across as reasonable and even compassionate.

To normal Americans watching in the heartland, and who are not steeped in Trump hatred, the president must have seemed like the adult in the room.

And, most important, Pelosi and Schumer failed to use the one word that millions of Americans were longing to hear — compromise. But Trump did. That is why the president won the night. Schumer and Pelosi appealed to their base, while Trump made an effective appeal to persuadable Americans.

Until now, Trump has owned the 18-day government shutdown that prompted this address, because he’s the one who started it. But if Democrats continue to attack him, and won’t entertain any compromise, soon the shutdown will be all theirs — because they’re the ones who have refused to end it.

How's that for a copy/paste Roger?

Commonsense said...

fucking hilarious. "trump's right BUT!!!..."

Misleading because it included all types of crime. This is why people hate so-called "fact checkers".

anonymous said...

So the numbers add up, but they’re misleading. The total covers all types of offenses, including illegal entry or reentry. ICE does not break down arrests by type of crime, but 16 percent of the total charges and convictions (not arrests) in 2016 were strictly immigration offenses.

IOW's lots of double counting of those picked up a second time for re entering......sad that went over our rat holes pointed head....BWAAAAAAAAA!!!

C.H. Truth said...

Rat - from that WaPo story

So the numbers add up, but they’re misleading. The total covers all types of offenses, including illegal entry or reentry. ICE does not break down arrests by type of crime, but 16 percent of the total charges and convictions (not arrests) in 2016 were strictly immigration offenses.

So their basic issue is that only 84% of the 266,000 arrested committed crimes "on top of" the simple crime of illegal immigration, and that only about 70% had past criminal offenses.

So in essence they are pointing out that of the 266,000 arrests that:

- 223K committed crimes above and beyond just crossing the border illegally
- 186K of those arrested at or around the border already had criminal records

One might argue that these clarifications are more damning that Trump led on. Unlike the picture that Democrats want to paint for you, the majority of people arrested by ICE at or around the border are not innocent people just looking for a good job, but rather people with criminal records, and people who have committed additional crimes since garnering access to our country.

Commonsense said...

IOW's lots of double counting of those picked up a second time for re entering......sad that went over our rat holes pointed head....BWAAAAAAAAA!!!

Cognitive dissonance.

anonymous said...

This is why people hate so-called "fact checkers".

You hate them because they usually shove trumps lies up yours and his fat old white ass!!!! Sure can't rely on trump for truth!!!!

anonymous said...

Cognitive dissonance.

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!! Seems that is all you have anymore cramps.....that plus willful ignorance...LOLOLOLOL

Commonsense said...

I don't have a problem with them pointing out the figure includes all types of crime. I have a problem with the "but they’re misleading" part. That's a value judgement and betrays a political bias and should have no place in "fact checking".

And it's the chief reason why people don't believe the fact-checkers.

anonymous said...

“Every week, 300 of our citizens are killed by heroin alone, 90% of which floods across from our southern border.” –President Trump

In 2017, more than 15,000 people died of drug overdoses involving heroin in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That works out to about 300 a week.

But while 90 percent of the heroin sold in the United States comes from Mexico, virtually all of it comes through legal points of entry. “A small percentage of all heroin seized by CBP along the land border was between Ports of Entry (POEs),” the Drug Enforcement Administration said in a 2018 report. So Trump’s wall would do little to halt drug trafficking. Trump’s repeated claim that the wall would stop drug trafficking is another Bottomless Pinocchio claim.

Commonsense said...

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!! Seems that is all you have anymore cramps.....that plus willful ignorance...LOLOLOLOL

Na, it's not all that I have, but it's all you are putting out.

anonymous said...

And it's the chief reason why people don't believe the fact-checkers.

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! No cramps it is because you are willfully ignorant of reality....LOL

Commonsense said...

Mexico, virtually all of it comes through legal points of entry. “A small percentage of all heroin seized by CBP along the land border was between Ports of Entry (POEs),”

No, all that is seized comes through legal points of entry. The drugs smuggled across are almost never seized. They are getting through.

Have you ever stop to considered that the reason illegal drugs are seized at legal points of entry because there are guards and custom agents there?

Myballs said...

Being reported that Rosenstein to leave doj as soon as Barr is in.

anonymous said...

Cramps with his willingful ignorance makes up the following...

No, all that is seized comes through legal points of entry. The drugs smuggled across are almost never seized.

Your unfounded opinion.....

Whatever you say cramps is usually complete bullshit...!!!!!!

cowardly king obama said...

I think the only way the Democrats response could have been any worse is if Nancy Pelosi had borrowed a prop from Kathy Griffin

Pelosi/Schumer are being widely mocked on social media.
and are now playing with a losing hand.

caliphate4vr said...

With Government Shut Down, Citizens Forced To Interfere In Their Own Lives

U.S.—With the government shutdown in effect, life has felt incomplete for many Americans. “Everything is just too easy—it’s boring,” said restaurant owner Gloria Morgan, “and I realized it’s because we’re missing an essential challenge in life: soulless bureaucrats posing arbitrary rules on us.”

One of the primary functions of the government is to ignorantly muck around in the business of others, but the shutdown has hampered that. Thus citizens have been forced to try to fill that void themselves. “Today I just suddenly decided large sodas weren’t allowed,” said Morgan. “It was an annoying, pointless obstacle the whole day—it was like the government was still around.”

“I arbitrarily decided I couldn’t use plastic bags in school lunches,” said Arlene Williams, mother of three. “It was really irritating to deal with. It really made me feel like there was still some bureaucrat out there not caring about me.”

Not everyone found it easy to take the government’s place, though. “I tried imposing random rules on myself, but it wasn’t the same,” said business owner Patrick Stanley. “The problem is I understand my business too well, so a lot of the rules actually made sense. I really need someone with no understanding of my company or economics making these rules, or it just doesn't feel right.

Anonymous said...

Blogger C.H. Truth said...

Rat - from that WaPo story

i noticed what you pointed out and considered it obvious on its face. i guess i would give the wapo partial credit for not trying to distort the facts but simply trying to rush past them as if we wouldn't notice.

politico otoh has been flatly dishonest, peddling this tired and misleading trope:

"Thousands killed"

"Over the years, thousands of Americans have been brutally killed by those who illegally entered our country."

That distorts the truth. Several studies show that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than native-born Americans. A June 2018 report by the libertarian Cato Institute found that legal immigrants were roughly one-fifth as likely to be incarcerated as native-born Americans. Undocumented immigrants were half as likely to be incarcerated, according to the report, which drew on 2016 data from the American Community Survey. Do undocumented immigrants commit crimes? Of course — but at lower rates than their native-born counterparts.

immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than native-born Americans.

no one is complaining about "immigrants."

it's the ILLEGAL ones who are causing the bulk of the problems.

this is the kind of intellectual dishonesty practiced by the leftists on this board.

anonymous said...

Anonymous caliphate4vr said...
With Government Shut Down, Citizens Forced To Interfere In Their Own Lives

About as humorous as your drinking.....

anonymous said...

Pelosi/Schumer are being widely mocked on social media.

You mean like trump and pence are??????

anonymous said...

Maybe our willfully ignorant cramps will like the fact checkers at FOX!!!

Sure called bullshit on his speech....LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

Pelosi/Schumer are being widely mocked on social media.

Old and whorish

Anonymous said...

President Trump brought all Americans together .

anonymous said...

KD said...
President Trump brought all Americans together .


Now that is funny!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

90% of the drugs that come into the United States at the points of entry.

I knew that you were going to ignore the reality of how the drugs and children are smuggled into the country.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

But while 90 percent of the heroin sold in the United States comes from Mexico, virtually all of it comes through legal points of entry. “A small percentage of all heroin seized by CBP along the land border was between Ports of Entry (POEs),” the Drug Enforcement Administration said in a 2018 report. So Trump’s wall would do little to halt drug trafficking.

The money should be spent far more on ways to screen every single truck load entering into the country through the ports and entry.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Instead of addressing the real solutions that people on both sides have been trying to get done, you resorted to accusations of cognitive dissonance in any one who disagrees with the President and Scott the former seeker of the truth.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The fact that the majority of people arrested by ICE at or around the border are not innocent people just looking for a good job, but rather people with criminal records, and people who have committed additional crimes since garnering access to our country. are the people who are criminals who are attempting to enter the country illegally to commit crimes.

They constitute approximately 10 percent of the people who are seeking asylum from their home countries.

Your cognitive dissonance since Donald Trump was elected President has gotten incurable.

Commonsense said...

Maybe our willfully ignorant cramps will like the fact checkers at FOX!!!

Oh please Shepard Smith is the most dishonest newsman on Fox. His "fact checks" on Trump are a joke. They are nothing more and regergatating Democrat talking points.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The people arrested are are 10% of the people seeking asylum

C.H. Truth said...

Instead of addressing the real solutions that people on both sides have been trying to get done

There are lots of things that can be done to slow down the variety of issues at the border.

Considering 89% of Border Agents support the idea of a barrier/fence/wall - there is no reason why it should not be part of the solution.

Other than the fact that people who used to support the idea now do not because... well because Trump got elected President.

cowardly king obama said...

Roger you do know the difference between "seized" and "coming through" don't you?

And if 10 % of my neighbors were criminals that would be 3,000 people and let me tell you that would be a HUGE PROBLEM.

But TDS hides reality from you.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Approximately 10% of the ILLEGAL ones are criminals.

You don't have the ability to be intellectual honest

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The barrier, not the wall, is a waste of money.

cowardly king obama said...

"Roger Amick said...
Approximately 10% of the ILLEGAL ones are criminals.

You don't have the ability to be intellectual honest "

I'm using your percentage as the point, you apparently don't have the ability to be intellectual

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

people who used to support the idea now do not because of the words and actions by the President.

Most Americans don't support the President or his "barrier" because of him. Not TDS or cognitive dissonance. But because of his actions.

The speech was boring repetition of the same rhetoric from three years ago! He didn't try to unite the country behind him because he's not capable of performing his duties as President .

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The president doesn't seem to understand that the majority of the country is opposed to him on this issue, as all public polling shows that Americans are against a border wall, blame the president for the shutdown and are supportive of the Democrats position of reopening the government. Until the president understands that, or enough Republicans in Congress finally get the religion of reality, this shutdown will go on.

On Friday, the length of this shutdown will set a record for longest one in U.S. history. And that is definitely not a point of pride for anyone. Soon, a large number of Americans will miss a paycheck and be in real pain. When that becomes readily and vocally apparent, this issue will be addressed.

In the meantime, it might be a good idea for the president to invest in a new script, new creative people, and refrain from relaunching a rejected movie. For a man who seems to crave ratings wins, the president might not want to stick with this immigration box office failure much longer.

Matthew Dowd is an ABC News analyst and special correspondent. Opinions expressed in this column do not necessarily reflect the views of ABC News.

I have refrained from copying and pasting but this sums it up

Anonymous said...

Most Americans don't support the President or his "barrier" because of him.

An Associated Press poll taken just before the shutdown shows that border security is among the top five concerns for the American people.

A recent Gallup Poll — seen as the gold standard in polling — also reported that border security had moved into the top-two concerns for Americans just after the 2018 midterm elections.

A Rasmussen Poll shows that nearly one-fourth of Americans would contribute their own money to build a border wall.

An Economist/YouGov poll shows that a whopping 62 percent of Americans view illegal immigration as either a “very serious problem” or a “somewhat serious problem” — with only seven percent of Americans believing that illegal immigration is “not” a problem.

because of "him" eh?

he announced his candidacy on this issue. he beat 15 other candidates for the nomination on this issue, and this issue was front and center during his campaign, and obviously was a major contributing factor for his victory.

if you can't be intellectually honest about the basics on this topic, you're wasting everyone's time.

cowardly king obama said...

Actually Trump's stand on the border reminds me of Reagan's stand against the air traffic controllers. It was widely attacked by the press and liberal Democrats.

And we all know how that turned out for him and America.

And now many of Reagan's initially mocking detractors claim to have voted for him all along. I suspect the same thing will happen to Trump, bring on 2020.


Anonymous said...

so much for your LIVE FEED, eh alky?

just more stolen shit from other asshats.

Anonymous said...

The speech was boring repetition of the same rhetoric from three years ago!

oh, you're talking about what got him elected when he beat your feckless cunt by a landslide.

that's right alky.

what you call three year old rhetoric we call a campaign promise. one that he intends to keep as the democrats are powerless to stop him.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

$5,675,000,000 would pay for the technology to properly screen the vehicles entering into the country through the ports and entry. This is where almost every bit of heroin and cocaine and other drugs, entering the country.

As well as drones and other technologies to protect the open borders.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

he beat your feckless cunt by a landslide.

She got almost three million more votes than he did.

cowardly king obama said...

**** BREAKING NEWS !!! ****

Democrats approve border wall after "shocking" photo of Mexican smuggling straws into California


C.H. Truth said...

Most Americans don't support the President or his "barrier" because of him. Not TDS or cognitive dissonance. But because of his actions.

Most Americans should choose to support or not support a national security idea based on what that idea is...

Not based on who is the President, what the President says, or what the President does.

The fact is that the border already includes many areas where there is a wall/barrier/fence and that these same politicians who are currently "against" adding additional wall/barrier/fencing have approved funding in the past.

The fact that you would decide to change your mind about an issue, simply because a politician you don't like now supports it... is the pure definition of a derangement syndrome.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

the democrats are powerless to stop him.

Put your money where your mouth is rrb and kput'z and bet on him getting his "barriers" approved.

Anonymous said...

As well as drones and other technologies to protect the open borders.

and there it is. what this is really all about.

protecting OPEN borders so the undocumented democrats can continue their invasion.

but we'll make sure we have drones and HD cameras so we can watch the invasion on Tee Vee!


Anonymous said...

Put your money where your mouth is rrb and kput'z and bet on him getting his "barriers" approved.

i'm betting on him keeping the government shut down, dumb fuck.

democrats are powerless to stop him on THAT, and his base is loving every minute of it.

cowardly king obama said...

2008 Democratic National Platform: “We cannot continue to allow people to enter the US undetected and undocumented. We need to secure our borders, and support additional personnel, infrastructure, and technology on the border”

Guess that was before TDS

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

these same politicians who are currently "against" adding additional wall/barrier/fencing have approved funding in the past.

The past Presidents who support this barrier according to the President? Every single one of the surviving past Presidents have denied any support for this "barrier"

You created a scenario that doesn't exist. And never has.

Anonymous said...

She got almost three million more votes than he did.

is she in the white house, alky?

didn't think so.

you know why?

she didn't get the votes WHERE IT ACTUALLY MATTERED.

hence your cries to dispense with the electoral college.

typical liberal - when you lose, change the rules.

cowardly king obama said...

and actually if the border wall is racist shouldn't the Democrats be demanding that we tear existing infrastructure down?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We need to secure our borders, and support additional personnel, infrastructure, and technology on the border”

The Democrats and myself support this position. Not the "barriers" that are a waste of money.

Anonymous said...

The past Presidents who support this barrier according to the President? Every single one of the surviving past Presidents have denied any support for this "barrier"

You created a scenario that doesn't exist. And never has.

bill clinton - on the record during a SOTU calling for an end to illegal immigration.

same with his cunt wife. same with 0linsky, schumer, and pelosi.

nice try alky.

i saw that same story about the four former presidents not favoring a wall. put that straw man out before the smoke alarm goes off.

cowardly king obama said...

Lori Hendry

I don’t get it. If a fence or wall doesn’t work, why am I required by law to have one around my pool?

cowardly king obama said...

Democrats Funded a 287 Mile Wall in Jordan – LAST YEAR! But Won’t Fund Border Wall in US!

The 2018 omnibus provides just enough funds to build 33 miles of fencing on the Texas border — but it also provides $500 million to help Jordan build a wall and defense line against jihad terrorists trying to cross its 287-mile border with Iraq and Syria.

Anonymous said...

walls work. and have for a very long time. in fact, one exists that can actually be seen from space. it's even been described as "great." the chi-coms were really on to something.

this is not a new concept.

israel likes theirs. so does the vatican.

celebrities and the wealthy the world over enjoy safety and security behind a wall.

it's only us little people deemed by the ruling elite to not be worthy of the same safety and security they themselves enjoy.

the only question i have is - how many citizens need to die in order for the ruling elite to have their permanent democrat majority?

can you help us out with that, alky?

i'm sure you can dredge up a copy/paste from somewhere.

Anonymous said...

I don’t get it. If a fence or wall doesn’t work, why am I required by law to have one around my pool?

i asked this very question just yesterday.

one a side note, just to show you how fucked in the head the liberals are here in NY, if someone scales my six foot fence, gets into my pool and drowns, their survivors can sue me.

the alky would advocate letting the undocumented democrats sue if there's not a picnic basket waiting for them when they hop the fence.

Anonymous said...

The Great Wall of Jordan: How the US Wants to Keep the Islamic State Out

The wall, which began as a $20 million project in 2008 to erect a set of surveillance towers along a 30-mile (50 km) stretch of the border with Syria, has since expanded into a program costing half a billion dollars, according to defense officials who spoke to VICE News. Called the Jordan Border Security Program or JBSP, the wall is ostensibly meant to stop weapons of mass destruction from getting out, but since 2013 has refocused on detecting Islamic State fighters and arms smuggling, as well as refugees, on both sides of the border.

When completed later this decade, the border wall will have a camera-studded high-security fence, plus a network of ground sensors and a set of fixed and mobile surveillance towers that will be able to see and detect activity five miles away on either side of the fence. The entire system funnels into a joint US-Jordanian command center, where the United States also shares additional intelligence with Jordan about external threats to the kingdom.

that's awesome.

what do we have to do to get one of those on the southern border? anyone?

Anonymous said...

The first phase of the JBSP, the erection of the towers, was completed in September 2009. Phase 1B, the beginning of the fence, was completed in March 2014. Phases 2 and 3, the building of a fully integrated and networked fence running along a 275-mile(442 km) stretch of Jordan's borders with Syria and Iraq and costing some $300 million, are scheduled to be fully operational this year. Further phases will extend the fence along the entire border and improve surveillance and detection gear. Mobile surveillance stations and quick reaction forces will be stationed at vulnerable points or emerging hot spots.

It's all paid for by the United States taxpayer. The JBSP is loosely part of a wall-building program to stop weapons of mass destruction sponsored by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, focused not just on Jordan but also on the borders of Turkey, Iraq, and Lebanon. Raytheon Intelligence, Information and Services of Tucson, Arizona, a division of the Raytheon Company — one of the largest US defence companies — is the prime contractor.

Kenneth A. Myers III, who heads the United States Center for Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction, told Congress last year that "the system is designed to detect a person from five miles away and provides the Jordanians with a capability to safely detect, inspect, and apprehend someone suspected of smuggling WMD," he said.

It's all paid for by the United States taxpayer.

you don't say?

C.H. Truth said...


Schumer, Hillary, and even Obama voted for this

Anonymous said...

Today, President Bush Signed The Secure Fence Act - An Important Step Forward In Our Nation's Efforts To Control Our Borders And Reform Our Immigration System. Earlier this year, the President laid out a strategy for comprehensive immigration reform. The Secure Fence Act is one part of this reform, and the President will work with Congress to finish the job and pass the remaining elements of this strategy.

The Secure Fence Act Builds On Progress Securing The Border

By Making Wise Use Of Physical Barriers And Deploying 21st Century Technology, We Can Help Our Border Patrol Agents Do Their Job And Make Our Border More Secure. The Secure Fence Act:

Authorizes the construction of hundreds of miles of additional fencing along our Southern border;
Authorizes more vehicle barriers, checkpoints, and lighting to help prevent people from entering our country illegally;
Authorizes the Department of Homeland Security to increase the use of advanced technology like cameras, satellites, and unmanned aerial vehicles to reinforce our infrastructure at the border.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform Begins With Securing The Border. Since President Bush took office, we have:

More than doubled funding for border security - from $4.6 billion in 2001 to $10.4 billion this year;
Increased the number of Border Patrol agents from about 9,000 to more than 12,000 - and by the end of 2008, we will have doubled the number of Border Patrol agents since the President took office;
Deployed thousands of National Guard members to assist the Border Patrol;
Upgraded technology at our borders and added infrastructure, including new fencing and vehicle barriers;
Apprehended and sent home more than 6 million people entering America illegally; and
We are adding thousands of new beds in our detention facilities, so we can continue working to end "catch and release" at our Southern border.

Anonymous said...

What are the demands of the Left to reopen the government?

caliphate4vr said...

Hey Palsi FU

Trump orders FEMA to block wildfire disaster aid for California

caliphate4vr said...

a lot on antivaxers in Messifornia

Border authorities are referring 50 people a day for urgent medical care, including tuberculosis, flu and even pregnant women about to give birth, a top official said Monday, saying it’s unlike anything they’ve ever seen before.

Most of those in need of care are children, and a staggering 28 percent are under age 5, having been dragged along for the trip by parents who in many cases are hoping to use the children as a shield against speedy deportation from the U.S.

The numbers were released after a full review was done of all children in the custody of Customs and Border Protection in the wake of two illegal-immigrant children who died in U.S. hospitals in December.

CBP Commissioner Kevin McAleenan said most of those needing help were ill when they arrived at the border, and some appear to have made the initial decision to leave even while ailing.

“Many were ill before they departed their homes,” the commissioner said. “We’re talking about cases of pneumonia, tuberculosis, parasites. These are not things that developed urgently in a matter of days.”

Myballs said...

Dems say Trump is manufacturing a crisis. Funny they didn't think that when Obama pushed a healthcare solution absent a crisis in need of one.

Myballs said...

Trump should tell dems that all he wants is a portion of what they votes for previously.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

James said...

Trump’s Speech Was Like a Doomed Hollywood Remake

Matthew Dowd: “The Hollywood equivalent of President Trump’s speech Tuesday night on immigration would be releasing a movie for the 12th time after it bombed at the box office a little over two months ago.

“The president’s speech from the Oval Office provided no new information for this debate we are in over the government shutdown and border security, did not expand the audience who would be receptive to the president’s message and will not move a single swing voter in America or in Congress to the president’s position.

“Other than all that, it went well.”

ha ha ha ha HA HA HA

Anonymous said...

oger Amick said...

ol' nate predicted hillary for president too.

Anonymous said...

Matthew Dowd:

pay attention, pederast.

the alky already posted this half-wit.

James said...

So did everybody. Even Trump thought she would win.

James said...

ol' nate predicted hillary for president too.

So did everybody. Even Trump thought she would win.

anonymous said...

CH comparing apples to tennis sneakers posted....

Schemer, Hillary, and even Obama voted for this

Hey Lil Scotty.....How does this cover his wall one is questioning security except you and the trump wall......

Anonymous said...

.H. TruthJanuary 9, 2019 at 11:06 AM


Schumer, Hillary, and even Obama voted for this."

No morals

Anonymous said...

President Trump fell on the live grenade that was Hillary thrown by President Lost Years of Obama .

Anonymous said...

James, always good to see ya. How ya been?

anonymous said...

KD said...
President Trump fell on the live grenade that was Hillary throw

How many more times are you going to post this tripe, goat your memory shittier than I thought?????

Anonymous said...

"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said immigrants attempting to enter the U.S. illegally are "more American than any person who seeks to keep them out ever will be."

I love her.

Anonymous said...

Stating facts is a common thing I do here daily.

I have been moving dried season firewood to my woodburner that is the primary heat for my green home and my green life style.

anonymous said...

D said...
Stating facts is a common thing I do here daily.

You wouldn't know a fact if it bit you in the ass, goat fucker....being delusional is your specialty....asshole

Anonymous said...

Hi Denise , you errored .
I posted the USSC CASE.
here I will help you further.

"em·i·nent do·main



the right of a government or its agent to expropriate private property for public use, with payment of compensation."

cowardly king obama said...

Benjamin Netanyahu

President Trump is right. I built a wall along Israel's southern border. It stopped all illegal immigration. Great success. Great idea

C.H. Truth said...

Actually Denny...

President Trump's proposal has much more in it than just the wall. He is asking for more border agents, money to increase the screening technology, and several other budgetary increases.

In those regards it is precisely the same sort of comprehensive proposal that was passed in 2006.

The only clear difference is who is President.

anonymous said...

President Trump's proposal has much more in it than just the wall.

NO SHIT SHERLOCK.....You really are a condescending asshole...It is not the same thing that was passed in 2006 because you say so.....the faux wall was not in it and that is the difference to the bi partisan bill that was on the table and rejected by trump...not today lil Scotty, your bullshit is sinking in the abyss of bad ideas....LOLOLOLOL The clear indication is trumps dick is stuck in your throat...!!!!

anonymous said...

. I built a wall along Israel's southern border

Apples and tennis sneakers.....

However, they warn against generalizing that the fence is the sole reason for the drop and raise objections in comparing Israel’s border issues to those in the United States.

The success of barriers such as a wall or fence depend on their scale and how heavily guarded they are, said Reece Jones, a political geography professor at the University of Hawaii-Manoa and who has written about money spent on border security projects and their consequences.
On a small scale and with many guards, walls can effectively stop movement, Jones said.

But Israel and the United States’ southern borders are significantly different.

Thanx for passing along the israeli bullshit....!!!!

C.H. Truth said...


The law was called the Secure Fence Act of 2006.

Of course the 2006 included funding for a barrier between Mexico and the U.S. It was the cornerstone and namesake of the law.

Commonsense said...

Dennis is confused with the facts.

caliphate4vr said...

2 1/2 years ago journOlisters at Vox thought the TSA a waste

The TSA is a waste of money that doesn't save lives and might actually cost them

Today with orange man president they are vital

To build the wall, Trump is sacrificing airport security during the government shutdown