Saturday, January 12, 2019

Polling update!!

Ironically a poll did come in from CBS - but it only asked whether or not people saw the speeches, not what they thought of them. What the poll does show is that nobody is very pleased with anyone right now.

The good news for the President is that almost nobody (11%) wants to see the border situation written off as not important (a third see it as a crisis), and that a very strong percentage of Republicans feel he is doing the right thing (almost 90%). 

The bad news for the President is that a plurality of people blame the President (47%). However, a larger 50% believe that Democrats hold at least partial blame for the border shut down (30% blame them specifically and 20% believe there is a shared blame). So they are not getting off on this one.

The longer this goes on, the dynamic will change, and it will change in Trump's favor. Currently Trump wants $5.7 billion and is willing to compromise. The Democrats are offering nothing, and are unwilling to compromise. 

In fact, Trump has continued to tweet, talk, and promote the concept of compromise. That is what the public is going to continue to hear from him. His willingness to compromise. 

Of course any sort of compromise that includes any wall/barrier funding will end up being a win for him and his base. Democrats "only" win if they do not move one red cent towards the President on this. Ultimately that might be difficult position to hang onto long term.

While pollsters have asked whether Trump should compromise, I have yet to see any pollster publish any numbers on if Democrats should compromise. I suspect that is because a vast majority of Americans believe that "both" sides should compromise. The media doesn't want to promote that narrative.

That ultimately means "some" money for a wall to reopen the government or money for the wall in exchange for something like DACA protection will become the default position of Americans. Then we will see if Pelosi and Schumer can stand up to their crazy base as it becomes clear that they start losing on their unwillingness to compromise.


James said...

You quote polls very selectively, Ch. Ha ha ha.

White House Can’t Keep Its Story Straight
January 12, 2019 at 10:23 am EST By Taegan Goddard 35 Comments

Playbook: “Washington has been wrestling with this funding mess for more than a month now. White House aides have been making it up as they go along. They’ve said the president would be fine with spending bills without wall money, then he threatened to veto them, putting the government in shutdown.”

“The president has said he wants this fight. But this week he said he didn’t, and it’s the Democrats’ fault. The White House has been on every side of whether they’d be interested in a DACA-for-wall trade. There’s one guy who matters here, and it’s the president, and even he is shifting.”

New York Times: “Inside the White House, officials privately acknowledge that the president dove into this fight with no clear end game.”

When Nancy Pelosi Says ‘No’
January 12, 2019 at 10:19 am EST By Taegan Goddard 41 Comments

Playbook: “People in the White House ranging from President Trump to Vice President Pence have made clear they want to negotiate with Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the wall. She has said no. She doesn’t believe the U.S. needs the wall, as described by the president, and has now kept that position for three weeks. They keep asking when she’ll put an offer on the table, but why would she? She doesn’t want what the president wants.”

The Backstory Into the FBI Investigation of Trump
January 12, 2019 at 9:02 am EST By Taegan Goddard 154 Comments

Benjamin Wittes writes that the New York Times had been working on their bombshell story about the FBI investigating President Trump for weeks.

“Observers of the Russia investigation have generally understood Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s work as focusing on at least two separate tracks: collusion between the Russian government and the Trump campaign, on the one hand, and potential obstruction of justice by the president, on the other. But what if the obstruction was the collusion—or at least a part of it?”

Trump Rants About Report He Was Working for Russians
January 12, 2019 at 8:37 am EST By Taegan Goddard 136 Comments

President Trump unleashed a Twitter tirade in a response to a bombshell story that said the FBI opened an investigation into whether Trump was secretly working for the Russians.

Said Trump: “Wow, just learned in the Failing New York Times that the corrupt former leaders of the FBI, almost all fired or forced to leave the agency for some very bad reasons, opened up an investigation on me, for no reason & with no proof, after I fired Lyin’ James Comey, a total sleaze!”

And more: “The FBI was in complete turmoil (see N.Y. Post) because of Comey’s poor leadership and the way he handled the Clinton mess (not to mention his usurpation of powers from the Justice Department). My firing of James Comey was a great day for America. He was a Crooked Cop.”

Shutdown Proves Trump Is a Terrible Dealmaker
January 12, 2019 at 8:32 am EST By Taegan Goddard 24 Comments

Timothy O’Brien: “Trump, in reality, was never a peerless or even a particularly skillful dealmaker, and many of the most significant business transactions he engineered imploded. Instead, he made his way in the world as an indefatigable self-promoter, a marketing confection and a human billboard who frequently licensed his name to buildings and products paid for by others.”

“In Trump’s professional life, his inept dealmaking often came home to roost in unmanageable debts and serial bankruptcies. In his more recent political and presidential life it has revealed itself through bungled, hapless efforts to overturn the Affordable Care Act; forge a nuclear agreement with North Korea; wage trade wars with China, Mexico and Canada; retain control of the House of Representatives; turn military and diplomatic strategy on its head; lay siege to sensible immigration policy; and, now, force a government shutdown to secure funding for a prized project — a wall along the U.S.’s southern border.”

James said...

Trump Criticized as ‘Disturbed’ Man Who ‘No One Trusts’
January 12, 2019 at 8:23 am EST By Taegan Goddard 30 Comments

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman slammed Donald Trump in a CNN interview, calling him a “disturbed” president who lies so often that “no one trusts this man.”

Said Friedman: “If we face a crisis with a president who no one believes who’s surrounded by a C-team in a dysfunctional White House, then God save us.”

He added that the “core problem” is that “we have a president without shame who is backed by a party without spine that is supported by a network called Fox News without integrity. Fasten your seatbelt.”

Quote of the Day
January 12, 2019 at 8:19 am EST By Taegan Goddard 29 Comments

“We’ve really never had ― and if we have, it’s classified and lost to history at least so far ― a president of the United States who is considered to be possibly an asset of a foreign government. This is what the founders were worried about in the 1790s.”

— Historian Jon Meacham, quoted by the HuffPost, commenting on last night’s bombshell report revealing the FBI had investigated whether President Trump was working as a Russian agent.

White House Planning for Long Shutdown
January 12, 2019 at 7:00 am EST By Taegan Goddard 88 Comments

“The U.S. government shutdown over President Trump’s demand for border wall funding became the longest in the modern era as it stretched into its 22nd day Saturday with no end in sight,” Bloomberg reports.

“Negotiations are at a standstill and no more talks are scheduled for the weekend or early next week. The White House scuttled efforts to reach a deal on Capitol Hill on Thursday, and Trump’s budget team is drawing up contingency plans for a shutdown that extends through the end of February.”

Axios: “This could go on for a long time. Early in the 1995 shutdown, Clinton and Republican leaders were already talking about a deal to end their budget battles. But Trump isn’t talking to Democrats anymore.”

Democrats Prepare for Possible Lawsuit Over Wall
January 12, 2019 at 5:41 am EST By Taegan Goddard 29 Comments

“House Democrats are aggressively exploring a possible legal challenge should President Trump declare a national emergency to build a U.S.-Mexico border wall, scouring federal law and court precedents — including a recent attempt by a Republican-controlled House to undermine the Obama-era health-care law,” the Washington Post reports.

“The preparation comes as leaders of both parties become increasingly convinced that Trump will see a national-emergency declaration as the only possible way to secure the billions of taxpayer dollars he is seeking to build the wall and end the three-week partial government shutdown, which has become the longest in U.S. history.”

FBI Probed Whether Trump Was Working for Russia
January 11, 2019 at 8:24 pm EST By Taegan Goddard 656 Comments

“In the days after President Trump fired James Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests,” the New York Times reports.

“The inquiry carried explosive implications. Counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president’s own actions constituted a possible threat to national security. Agents also sought to determine whether Mr. Trump was knowingly working for Russia or had unwittingly fallen under Moscow’s influence.”

“The investigation the F.B.I. opened into Mr. Trump also had a criminal aspect, which has long been publicly known: whether his firing of Mr. Comey constituted obstruction of justice.”


Not only can't the POS "pastor" not follow a thread, defend any of his positions or do anything but cut-n-paste, he tries to snark the host.

Throw another log on the fire, and I know you know what I mean.



Will Chamberlain

Imagine if some of Obama’s FBI officials investigated him for suspected collusion with Iran

I know, utterly implausible

Because they would have been fired for even thinking about it

And that actually had a factual basis


The FBI under Comey and McCabe were obviously out of control and going rouge

Shameful and appalling.

and Indefensible. except to those with TDS

Trump must be WINNING


Lastly this "bombshell" shows Comey lied under oath as he testified multiple times Trump was not under investigation

Absolutely no credibility

Comey should be criminally charged

anonymous said...

Absolutely no credibility

You should stop talking about yourself like that asshole....You should be arrested for being a dumb fuck....Going to hold my breath in anticipation of another sophomoric retort from the fucking idiot....LOLOLOLOLO

Anonymous said...

“I always tell the truth. I don’t do sneaky things. I don’t leak” Comey

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He's running!

Castro, the former mayor of San Antonio, has been considering a bid for nearly two years and announced a presidential exploratory committee in December. He has long been viewed as a rising star in the Democratic Party since he first landed on the national scene by delivering the keynote speech for President Barack Obama at the 2012 Democratic National Convention.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If the Republicans can't stand up to their crazy base of the President, they will face a blue wave of Reaganistc proportions.

C.H. Truth said...

If the Republicans can't stand up to their crazy base of the President, they will face a blue wave of Reaganistc proportions.

Kerry in a landslide!!

Myballs said...

I thought roger said 2018 would be a blue wave. GOP gained in the senate.

Commonsense said...

If the Republicans can't stand up to their crazy base of the President

Otherwise called 45% of register voters and 90% of the Republican Party.

Sure Rog.


Unknown said...
Absolutely no credibility

You should stop talking about yourself like that asshole....You should be arrested for being a dumb fuck....Going to hold my breath in anticipation of another sophomoric retort from the fucking idiot....LOLOLOLOLO

You just self-owned yourself but you're too lo iq to even realize it

and you'll probably do it again

Jim Acosta must be your mentor



Julie Kelly

A reminder that not one journalist has yet asked Obama what he knew about the FBI investigation into the Trump campaign, if he had a copy of the dossier, and how much of this was directed by the White House


Chuck Ross

-Rod Rosenstein issues letter recommending Comey be fired
-Comey is fired
-FBI (and DOJ/Rosenstein?) opens a CI investigation of Trump based on Comey's firing
-Mueller is appointed by Rosenstein, who oversees all aspects of investigation.
-Mueller takes over the CI investigation

Unfuckingbelievable timeline

American Voters said...

Off topic but...

I just went into Netflix.

One new movie is about catholic nuns being raped and impregnated during WWII.

One is another about catholic nuns being tempted by a gardener.

One new show is Ellen Degeneres.

Last but not least, there's a new multi episode show all about teaching sex education in schools.

We read months ago that the Obamas are being paid millions to produce programming for Netflix.

Is this coming from them I wonder?

James said...

the “core problem” is that “we have a president without shame who is backed by a party without spine that is supported by a network called Fox News without integrity. Fasten your seatbelt.”

Anonymous said...

Hi James. How you been?
Having a great 2019?

Anonymous said...

He's running"


He is #32 on the Amtrac Cray Cray Train.

Anonymous said...

If the Republicans can't stand up to their crazy base of the President, they will face a blue wave of Reaganistc proportions.

Kerry in a landslide!!"


"Hillary by 10 %" electoral college votes.

Myballs said...

The core problem is that the left still cannot accept that Hillary lost.

Bernie likely would have won. But the party screwed him royally.

Anonymous said...

Thomas Friedman author of the bleeding pussy James clip.


Anonymous said...


"The core problem is that the left still cannot accept that Hillary lost.

Bernie likely would have won. But the party screwed him royally."

56% of Self Identify Democrat call themselves "Socialists".

Anonymous said...

"Julián Castro has never won an election for statewide or federal office." CNN

anonymous said...

-Rod Rosenstein issues letter recommending Comey be fired

Which was directed be written by trump to he and sessions.....nice how you change history to suit your own stupid needs.....LOL

anonymous said...

FBI (and DOJ/Rosenstein?) opens a CI investigation

FBI opened the investigation on their own....

anonymous said...

Daddy the fucking asshole posted
You should stop talking about yourself like that asshole.

Wow, I see you can't even come up with an original insult on your own.....too funny loser and consummate douche nozzle....BWAAAAAAAA!!!!


As I posted, I was right again about lo iq commie

Unknown said...
Absolutely no credibility

You should stop talking about yourself like that asshole....You should be arrested for being a dumb fuck....Going to hold my breath in anticipation of another sophomoric retort from the fucking idiot....LOLOLOLOLO

You just self-owned yourself but you're too lo iq to even realize it

and you'll probably do it again

Jim Acosta must be your mentor