Saturday, January 12, 2019

Republicans are starting to embrace the shut down...

So Reagan fired all of the government air traffic controllers and replaced them with military air traffic controllers. Canada has privatized their air traffic controllers and most people suggest that they do a better job at a much lower cost.

Imagine the travesty of someone bringing this into an airport?

How about TSA? Perhaps it's times for airport security to scale back. Obviously nobody has brought down an airplane with a 6 oz bottle of perfume or a swiss army knife. Is it worth the extra two hours to make sure someone is not carrying on a metal nail file?  Why not just have a few metal detectors and a few retired police officers and strip the whole thing down.

Volunteers are already picking up garbage and cleaning national parks. Someone locally could open and close a restroom or a gate. What real purpose does this huge government department actually serve? Obviously everyone wants their tax returns, but isn't the IRS sort of a too big for their own britches government mammoth?

The reality is that outside of some people not getting paid, the majority of Americans are not going to miss the 25% of the government that is not funded. In fact, we may figure out that we don't need them, or might even be better off without them.

Hey, if it goes on too long, perhaps these federal employees will go get private sector jobs and become Republicans? Then we can outsource the previous government work to private contractors at a fraction of the cost and likely with better results.


Anonymous said...

like i've said many times on other threads, this is the perfect opportunity for a wholesale evaluation of each government agency, every department within, and every job title and function on the federal payroll.

we've shuttered fully 25% of the government and outside of DC no one has really noticed.

oh yeah, there was the alky's meltdown catastrophe at the miami airport, shutting down one gate affecting 3% of the flights. (*clutching pearls*) oh the humanity.

and there have been reports of "SHITTER'S FULL!!!" at a couple of national parks.

but in reality - no big deal.

trump needs to assign a team to go through our governmental structure with a fine toothed comb. let's make that 25% a permanent reality and look for even more.

if you say you're going to drain the swamp then DRAIN THE FUCKING SWAMP.

anonymous said...

How about TSA? Perhaps it's times for airport security to scale back

Perhaps it is time for lil Scotty to come out of his trump induced coma.....yeah reduce airport security....that will save lots of money to put up the vanity wall.....Con men like trump all have the gift of gab, talk fast and make shit up as they talk....the hallmarks of PT Barnum as you all keep slurping

Obviously nobody has brought down an airplane with a 6 oz bottle of perfume or a swiss army knife

OKAY, another subject you are an expert on.....those 9-11 got their jobs done with a small box cutter....which takes your abject bullshit to an new extreme of stupidity ......No perfume doesn't blow up airplanes, but 6 oz's of HE can.....too stupid even for rat hole....

Commonsense said...

Privatizing TSA would be a good move.

anonymous said...

Privatizing TSA would be a good move.

Good move? Like privatizing prisons????? That argument was hashed out when TSA was formed....Congress went with government....even if it goes still reports to individual airports can currently go private if they choose.

anonymous said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Privatizing Social Security didn't work out very well for George W. Bush.

You are heartlessness in regard to 800,000 government employees without their pay checks is a symptom of the Trump coma.

Or the danger of flying in unregulated airspace.

Or the sailors in the Coast Guard sailors who are attempting keep the border secure.

The brain damage is irreversible.

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

Privatizing Social Security didn't work out very well for George W. Bush.

it was an outstanding idea not given a chance because it would've reduced people's dependence upon government.

i've done the math on the potential ROI invested privately of all i've paid in FICA taxes and it's heartbreaking.

democrats require fealty to the government at the barrel of a gun.

that's fucked up.

Anonymous said...

Or the sailors in the Coast Guard sailors who are attempting keep the border secure.

The brain damage is irreversible.

thanks for sharing your diagnoses alky.

anonymous said...

it was an outstanding idea not given a chance because

Because humans are inherently stupid and given their chance, most would squander what they privately put away like 401k's today where people I worked with could not put anything away even though they got up to 4% match and saved nothing....that's fucked up because it is the truth...

Anonymous said...

Paul Mirengoff at powerline does an excellent job of unpacking the old gray whore's latest russia - trump fairytale:

Myballs said...

Judicial watch just won a lawsuit against LA county because their voter registration rate is 112%, forcing them to clean it up and obey the law.

You won't see it reported in the big media though.

Anonymous said...

Because humans are inherently stupid and given their chance, most would squander what they privately put away

thank you denny for validating what i've been saying for YEARS -

namely, that our ruling class always legislates to a least common denominator - the most stupid among us. it's akin to churchill's description of socialism: the equal distribution of misery.

because there is an underclass of truly dumb fucks that comprises the majority of the democrat party, those of us who possess an IQ higher than room temp and are not prone to making galactically stupid decisions must suffer.


give a democrat $1000 and he'll come back with a new iphone.

give a republican $1000 and he'll come back with 10 grand.

or, as a former colleague used to say - "give a poor man a horse and he'll ride it straight to hell."

Anonymous said...

Myballs said...
Judicial watch just won a lawsuit against LA county because their voter registration rate is 112%, forcing them to clean it up and obey the law.

You won't see it reported in the big media though.

i hear ya, but with election theft being legalized in mexifornia via ballot harvesting, it's really a moot point. one or two more election cycles and a republican will never win another seat at any level in the state.

i almost wish judicial watch would've expended their limited resources elsewhere.

it's time to write california off completely like so many who are fleeing the state have done.

leave it to the rich, the sick and indigent like the alky, the poor and the illegals. it'll implode. we just need to make sure not a single federal dollar is spent to clean up the mess.

Anonymous said...

manufactured crisis:

GASTON COUNTY, N.C. (FOX 46 CHARLOTTE) - Gaston County police say they arrested three illegal aliens with $200,000 worth of methamphetamine in their possession.

Christian Cabrea-Rivas, 36, Silvia Hernandez-Iturralde, 29 and Marco Tulio Ramos Garcia, 35 were taken into custody on Monday, Jan. 7 after authorities found them in possession of two kilograms of meth.

there was no mention of whether or not a prominent democrat donor had procured any of the meth to give to his black male prostitutes.

anonymous said...

namely, that our ruling class always legislates to a least common denominator

And the ruling class is voted into office by whom?????? Nice try though....Not everyone is as smart as you rat hole....I'm not sure that is a good thing or a detriment?????

Commonsense said...

You are heartlessness in regard to 800,000 government employees without their pay checks is a symptom of the Trump coma.

Or the danger of flying in unregulated airspace.

Or the sailors in the Coast Guard sailors who are attempting keep the border secure.

If you're so damn concerned, write Nancy Pelosi and tell her to end the shut down. Otherwise, go fuck yourself.

anonymous said...

GOPUSA Staff Washington Times 6:45 am January 9, 20195 comments
Los Angeles County has agreed to conduct a purge of its voting rolls, in a move that could strip perhaps 1.5 million inactive voters from the lists of those eligible to cast ballots.

The county made the deal in a settlement last week with Judicial Watch, a conservative public interest firm, saying that under a recent Supreme Court ruling, it has a duty to remove names of people who appear to have either died, moved from the county or lost interest in voting.

The county committed to mailing hundreds of thousands of voters already deemed inactive to see whether they are still eligible voters, and to removing names of people who don’t respond to notices and who miss two subsequent federal elections. The county also agreed to try to weed out dead people still on the rolls.

Gee whiz, doing what they should be doing as a course of business.....another huge YAWN since the is no evidence whatsoever of harvesting votes....that allegation is speculation from an east coast loser.... How come such little coverage of florida felons who have served their time getting their right to vote back...that is a major victory for AMERICA!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The President owns the government shutdown. Not Pelosi or Schumer.

The New York times bombshell is not going away either.

the idea of the sitting U.S. president being probed as a possible agent of a foreign nation, especially one like Russia, has former senior government officials and former prosecutors grasping for the right words to describe the news.

It’s mind-blowing and even though it’s separate from criminal inquiry, any determination that the president of the U.S. had been or was a Russian agent would be out of The Manchurian Candidate.

Anonymous said...

venice beach: slathered in human shit, needles and homeless people.

from my perspective the solution is obvious. elect more democrats.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Pelosi has gotten two bills passed to end the government shutdown, including 10 Republicans support.

McConnell is not visible right now. The New York "fake news" story bombshell might just be the final blow.

Anonymous said...

The New York times bombshell is not going away either.

the old gray whore's 'bombshell' is a popcorn fart, alky.

more indicative of FBI corruption than trump-russia collusion.

but hey, everyone has to have a dream, so you keep clinging to yours.

anonymous said...

Funny,,,,,just picking on LA is most disengneous as Judicial Watch appears to be doing the same thing nation wide including deep red states....

California and Los Angeles County to Remove 1.5 Million ...
In addition to its settlement agreements with Ohio and win in Kentucky, Judicial Watch filed a successful NVRA lawsuit against Indiana, causing it to voluntarily clean up its voting rolls, and has an ongoing lawsuit with the State of Maryland.

Commonsense said...

The New York times bombshell is not going away either.

Buried in the 7th paragraph of the story.

No evidence has emerged publicly that Mr. Trump was secretly in contact with or took direction from Russian government officials. An F.B.I. spokeswoman and a spokesman for the special counsel’s office both declined to comment.

This is nothing more than a sleazy hit job. And since you keep repeating the lie and can only assume you are a stupid alcohol sodden hack.

Anonymous said...

On Venice Boulevard in front of Vice Media's offices, a chain-link fence was erected to prohibit tents from going up.

now why would they do this, alky?

fences don't work.

obviously this is a manufactured crisis to discriminate against the homeless in venice beach.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If Trump was an agent of a foreign nation hostile to American interests, knowingly or not, he has committed high crimes and misdemeanors.

The language in the FBI inquiry is very specific.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

No evidence has emerged publicly

You got that from Breitbart's website. Publicly matters.

All you have are personal insuts.

Fuck you

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
If Trump was an agent of a foreign nation hostile to American interests, knowingly or not, he has committed high crimes and misdemeanors.

The language in the FBI inquiry is very specific.

a complete fabrication. but you just keep on being you, alky.

i mean, who knows? in another 3 or 4 years of investigating, mueller, if he doesn't die of old age by then, might just come up with some more tenuous innuendo, and maggie haberman can fake another orgasm for you.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

2,392 days

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
No evidence has emerged publicly

You got that from Breitbart's website. Publicly matters.

wrong again, alky.

it's actually contained in the old gray whore's story.

No evidence has emerged publicly that Mr. Trump was secretly in contact with or took direction from Russian government officials. An F.B.I. spokeswoman and a spokesman for the special counsel’s office both declined to comment.

paragraph NINE to be exact.

stop lying, alky.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

2,392 days

has the mueller investigation been going on for that long, alky?

it sure seems like it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The inquiry required approval from the Federal Department of Justice at the top level. They carefully contemplated the ramifications and decided to continue the investigation under Robert Mueller Jr.

anonymous said...

from my perspective the solution is obvious. SHOOT ALL POLS!!!!!

Anonymous said...


try this -

the next time you see a "BOMBSHELL!!!11!" story from the haberman times, sit down and actually read the fucking thing yourself. all of it. every word. use a highlighter. take notes.

in other words, try reading, thinking and interpreting for yourself instead of taking ralph maddow's or steve benen's or kevin drum's word for it. they're known liars - all of them. and when you trust in known liars you inevitably make yourself look like a fucking imbecile.

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...
The inquiry required approval from the Federal Department of Justice at the top level.

yeah, mr. "top level" rosen-shitstain just left DOJ. after offering to wear a wire in an attempt to set a 25th amendment trap for a sitting president. all because of a hillary sore loser temper tantrum.

he belongs in prison.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The New York times story is really getting into what little of left his mind.

Lyin’ James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter S and his lover, agent Lisa Page, & more, all disgraced and/or fired and caught in the act. These are just some of the losers that tried to do a number on your President. Part of the Witch Hunt. Remember the “insurance policy?” This is it!

Peter S and his lover, agent Lisa Page had nothing to do with the initiation of the investigations. They were fired from irresponsible emails, not because they were involved in the initiation of the investigation of the agent of the Russian government, Donald J. Trump.

anonymous said...

he belongs in prison.

Right....He's the only person that has a shred of integrity in this pile of BS.....why do you think trump hasn't done anything to him other than bad mouth him like you......sad, it is all you got, innuendo and not a single fact....but facts in your world are only dispersed by the liar trump......Nothing in the article surprises me about trump....he's the consummate fast taking con man that preys on weak minded ag school drop outs like you......

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He still can't get over the idea that Hillary Clinton got almost three million more votes than he did.

Anonymous said...

Peter S and his lover, agent Lisa Page had nothing to do with the initiation of the investigations.

clever choice of words, alky.

they didn't initiate. they simply CONDUCTED the investigations, constructing a failed "insurance policy" to protect against trump's election.

mccabe and comey initiated it, genius. stroke and his gummy bear whore simply did the dirty work.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

He still can't get over the idea that Hillary Clinton got almost three million more votes than he did.

and better yet - SHE still can't get over the fact that he's president and she's NOT.

the feckless old cunt is bitter. that bitterness comes out in every interview.


anonymous said...

constructing a failed "insurance policy" to protect against trump's election.

Another alleged pile of bullshit fabricated by trump and his slurpers.....There is no evidence of that...there offense was texting each other on the government nickel....probably a bj or 2 and got caught.....

Anonymous said...

There is no evidence of that.

except for stroke's texts to his gummy bear whore.

that would be evidence, denny.

Aug. 8, 2016

Page: “[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!”
Strzok: “No. No he’s not. We’ll stop it.”

Aug. 15, 2016

Strzok: “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way he gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.”

anonymous said...

. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.”

Doesn't prove a thing.....other than you think it means something....having an excerpt from a conversation is just that....Please explain what they could do to stop anything???? Two adulterers have as much pull as you on trumps dick....LOLOLOLOL

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The tweet echoed Trump’s April 2018 assertion — “I did you a great favor when I fired this guy” — at a rally in Michigan.

“He was a Crooked Cop,” Saturday’s tweetstorm concluded, “who is being totally protected by his best friend, Bob Mueller, & the 13 Angry Democrats – leaking machines who have NO interest in going after the Real Collusion (and much more) by Crooked Hillary Clinton, her Campaign, and the Democratic National Committee. Just Watch!”

C.H. Truth said...

You are heartlessness in regard to 800,000 government employees without their pay checks is a symptom of the Trump coma.

Well Roger...

I put safety ahead of government employees.

If you put government employees ahead, then dial up Diane Feinstein and the rest of the Democrats who represent you, and tell them to make a deal, fund the wall, and put your 800,000 government employees back on the payroll.

But my best guess is in spite of the fact that Obama, Bush, Schumer, Clinton, and most everyone else has supported a southern barrier for the past 15 years....

You would still rather see people suffer than to see Trump follow through on his campaign promise to expand a barrier that Bush and Obama started.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Stupid choice of words.

The investigation was not initiated prior to the election as you are claiming.

they didn't initiate. they simply CONDUCTED the investigations, constructing a failed "insurance policy" to protect against trump's election.

The investigation was triggered by the firing of Comey after he was sworn in.

You must be on PBR already

C.H. Truth said...

Roger -

are you actually suggesting that the FBI did not use the Steele dossier to start an investigation (while Comey was still FBI director)?

are you suggesting that Carter Page was not put under surveillance?

are you suggesting that Comey did not brief Trump on the dossier (and then had someone leak it to the press)?

What fucked up shit hole of a reality do you live in?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Well Scott the people who have been trying to seek asylum do not pose a threat to you or your family.

I put safety ahead of government employees.

You have been pathologically overwhelmed with your desire to support the President despite being the biggest liar in the history of the United States.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

the FBI did not use the Steele dossier to start an investigation.

It was a drunken conversation.

What fucked up shit hole of a reality do you live in?

Trump world. Not reality but the world of Trumpism. It's irreversible and a tragedy.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

the FBI did not use the Steele dossier to start an investigation.

The New York times reported that the behavior of the President after he fired Comey initiated the investigation.

anonymous said...

I'd like to tell a little tale of why you should never text at work....In my other life, used to trade barbs with a couple of guys with similar of them included in his text the words..."kill a commie for christ which became the reason for disciplinary letters to all recipients....Seems there was an admin filed a complaint against the author for alleged harassment....the admin was a holy roller whack job, but the company followed through as required....Found that text and made accusations that he was anti-christian!!!! Long story short....nothing became of that charge, but we all got letters in our files for inappropriate use of company property ....the line was a joke, meant nothing but because of other circumstances became the basis for rat hole, the lesson learned that day long ago....don't put anything in writing because you never know who will read it and misconstrue your aside you do with stozk and his squeeze....

Commonsense said...

the FBI did not use the Steele dossier to start an investigation.

Bullshit, there's absolutely no doubt the Steele dossier was the crentral part of the investigation. Without them there would have been no FISA warrants.

The New York Times is no longer a credible source when it comes to things having to do with Trump. At best they get their facts wrong on stories at worse they outright lie.

Commonsense said...

Central. God I hate auto-correct.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Well Scott the people who have been trying to seek asylum do not pose a threat to you or your family.

the family of Officer Singh and the angel families of every other American Citizen killed by an illegal undocumented democrat would beg to differ.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The FBI was so distressed by President Donald Trump’s behavior in the second week of May 2017, when he fired FBI Director James B. Comey, that it opened criminal and counterintelligence investigations to determine if the president was acting on behalf of Russia against the United States or had fallen under its sway, the New York Times reported on Friday night. Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III soon assumed control of and merged the FBI investigations into his own, and no evidence has surfaced publicly to show that Trump had become a willing Russian dupe. But even so, the Times account pulses like a John le CarrĂ© thriller as the FBI works to determine if the country has fallen to the Russians in a silent coup.

FBI antennae began twitching in summer 2016 during the campaign, the Times reports, when Trump urged the Russians to find and release Hillary Clinton’s missing emails. Trump seemed never to criticize Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Republican Party platform went soft on the Russians over the Ukraine invasion. Later, as the Steele dossier gained circulation inside higher Washington circles, directly claiming that Trump had been compromised, worries inside the bureau became palpable. But it was the firing of Comey, buttressed by the interview Trump gave to NBC News’ Lester Holt in which he said he sacked the director because of the Russia investigation, that prompted the FBI to act.

It was not the dossier. It was Donald J. Trump.


Anonymous said...

For RRB socialist insecurity replaced by these cities.

Anonymous said...

The New York times reported that the behavior of the President after he fired Comey initiated the investigation.


the old gray whore has had to correct so many stories since trump has been president i've lost count. the latest earlier this very week.

and to reiterate:

No evidence has emerged publicly that Mr. Trump was secretly in contact with or took direction from Russian government officials. An F.B.I. spokeswoman and a spokesman for the special counsel’s office both declined to comment.

paragraph NINE to be exact.

so they drop that in the story nine paragraphs deep just to cover their ass as they publish yet another chapter in the trump/russia porn diaries.

anonymous said...

Bullshit, there's absolutely no doubt the Steele dossier

To you cramps....there is a whole lot of data that says chose your sides view because it supports what you want....can't fix bias that deep....

Anonymous said...

post it fifty more times, alky.

it still doesn't prove a thing.

the old gray whore is no longer the 'paper of record.'

even jill abramson just published a book stating that they went anti-trump to boost subscriber revenue.

they're giving their readers what their readers have demanded: trump-russia fantasy porn.

that doesn't make it true or right. it just makes them $$$

ironically, you are perfectly emblematic of their target audience.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Working without pay is much like slavery. Trump shutting down government to get his way is extortion and blackmail.

Commonsense said...

Working without pay is much like slavery.

With Nancy Pelosi as the slave mistress.

And Trump owning the shutdown is bullshit. All Pelosi and Schumer has to say is "we will deal on the Wall".

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Working without pay is much like slavery.

not even close there drama queenie.

federal employees are not indentured servants nor are they property, like the democrats of the old south kept their black slaves.

of the current employees impacted by the shutdown, with the exception of the USCG and perhaps a small group of others, the rest are free to resign and find other jobs in the private sector. with unemployment at historic lows, and demand for workers at historic highs, it should pose no problem at all.

now, i can see why they find that unappealing. the private sector requires folks to do actual WORK. the benefits, while good, are probably not the platinum plated bennies that fed union parasites enjoy. and traditionally there's no lavish taxpayer funded pension. the smart set contributes to an employer matching 401K.

oh, and one other thing - in all my years in the private sector i've never really encountered an entitlement mentality like we see at all levels of government employment. perhaps that's the draw.

so in reality, working for the government is about as far away from actual slavery as a person can get.

but it sure sounds real good to the stupid people, eh alky?

Commonsense said...

Nancy and Chuckles should have learned that if you mess with the man with the big stamp you better have to votes to override. Otherwise, you're going to have to deal.

Anonymous said...

true, but they're kinda fucked. a trump victory on the border issue significantly boosts trump's re-election chances. and they know this.

that's why trump can sit tight. this is much more punishing for democrats than it is for trump.

and mitch can just keep swatting those house bills away like so many flies.

C.H. Truth said...

Well Scott the people who have been trying to seek asylum do not pose a threat to you or your family.

And you actually believe that those are the only people crossing the border?

I accept that there are some who just want to seek asylum or find a job. However, there are legal avenues to do both. None of those legal avenues involve sneaking across a border.

But, unlike you, I am not daft enough to believe that those are the only people crossing the border.

There are plenty of statistics and examples of criminals crossing the border and committing violent crimes. As the President pointed out, over a quarter of a million illegals have been arrested in the past two years. How many committed crimes who were never caught?

or are you suggesting that those illegals who were arrested for criminal acts don't exist?

C.H. Truth said...

Roger -

Since July 2016, the FBI has been investigating the Russian government’s attempt to influence the 2016 presidential election, including whether President Donald Trump’s campaign associates were involved in those efforts.

Anonymous said...

Roger mental state has him in a time warp.

Anonymous said...

What did the troll just say.

"Trump shutting down government to get his way is extortion and blackmail."

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Well Scott the people who have been trying to seek asylum do not pose a threat to you or your family.

"In the last 7 years (in Texas), over 4,000 illegal aliens have been incarcerated for sexual assault. 62% of them are sexual assault against children." - John Jones, Chief of the Intelligence Counter-terrorism Division with the Texas Dept. of Public Safety

C.H. Truth said...

"In the last 7 years (in Texas), over 4,000 illegal aliens have been incarcerated for sexual assault. 62% of them are sexual assault against children.

Roger supports sexually assaulting children...

Kids being raped is a small price to pay for standing up to Trump and his campaign promises.

Anonymous said...

Roger supports sexually assaulting children...

Kids being raped is a small price to pay for standing up to Trump and his campaign promises.

so is cops being murdered by illegals. also a pastime wholeheartedly supported by the alky.

it's a party before country thing.

anonymous said...

This is most amusing....searched for this an

In the last 7 years (in Texas), over 4,000 illegal aliens have been incarcerated for sexual assault. 62% of them are sexual assault against children.

And only place covering story is twitter....with 3 others quoting the exact quote....and no one picking up 4000 illegals in texas in with my limited search and lack of any credible agency picking up the story....I call bullshit on you and your post.....asshole too lazy to vet what you post ...The willfully lazy CH just posts whatever suits his opinion,....

Anonymous said...

You want vote harvesting rat have to look no further than NC 9 to see what party got caught.....

Justice officials were briefed months ago on allegations against operative at center of N.C. election fraud scandal
A meeting in January 2018 and a follow-up email are the first public indications that the Justice Department’s main office was made aware of allegations against Leslie McCrae Dowless.