Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Shutdown - day 18

So depending on which pundit you listen to, Trump is either hopelessly on the losing end of the government shut down issue, or he has masterminded a major political coup. Ultimately, the only thing that matters is whether or not Trump gets money for his wall. If congress approves funding (any funding) and any additional construction takes place, Trump will justifiably declare victory. If he ends up signing a budget that (once again) does not fund his signature campaign pledge, then he will be the loser (without argument).

The problem for both sides is that the government shutdown has simply not provided the sort of political drama that you might otherwise believe would unfold. For many (probably most) the wall is nothing more than a political "symbol". It sort of calls us all back to the 2016 election, and all of the Trump campaign bluster. For those who supported the President, the wall would represent a validation of the election (once and for all). For those who did not support the President, preventing the wall from being built is another attempt to undermine the entire election and continue their false pretence that Trump isn't a real President.

But at this point in time, the government shutdown has literally provided nobody with any real leverage. Both sides have some reason to want the government back up and running, but it's neither side really feels any pressure to do so. As long as Trump holds his base (and conservative punditry) he can hold out. After all, those who are ultimately affected (government workers) are mostly Democrats anyways. But as long as the media continues to tell us that Trump is to blame, Democrats will feel no pressure to make a deal.

The difference in this shutdown is that Trump doesn't seem too terribly concerned that he is getting blamed. As a President who has never seen 50 percent in approvals or favorability, he is used to working with the idea that a "majority" will oppose him. But as long as he maintains his reliable 40-45 percent, he feels like he is winning. In many ways this is a fairly significant paradigm shift. We have a President who doesn't necessarily follow the polls, and I am not sure that the media or the Democrats completely recognize this. In their minds, as long as 51 percent of the public agrees with them, they believe they are winning.

So this is the main reason that this seventeen days could end up being a hundred and seventeen.

My only prediction is that both sides will come to the table at some point in time and decide to fund TSA in order to not disrupt air travel. The rest of it is not going to cause any major concerns with the public. Ultimately, the longer we go without the country "missing" the government, the better it will be for Trump and the GOP.  That might be the "only" thing that eventually draws anyone out. The need (from Democrats) for people to believe that our excessive spending on our government is actually necessary.


anonymous said...

But all those furloughed workers support the wall.....Trump


And he can relate to those not getting paid???? All those people just need to adjust!!!! I'm sure they can submit to the trump BS and will be just fine....LOLOLOLO

C.H. Truth said...

Well Denny...

Again, those government workers rely on the Democrats to keep them afloat. Very few Trump voters are living off the government, so very few will be affected.

Neither side will ultimately show much compassion (or pay much lip service) for the unpaid workers. Because showing compassion will just highlight the concept that this entire shutdown is being waged over 5 billion dollars.

which is approximately 0.125 percent of our overall spending.

If I was a government employee who voted Democrat my whole life, I might be a little pissed off that I am just considered some sort of pawn to sacrifice in a personal political squabble.

anonymous said...

the alky must be expecting a "landslide" of trump lie

No they rely on a fucking paycheck asshole.....Trump won't sign them....as to your statement very few trump voters living off the govmt.....That is just pure bullshit......as to compassion....you are trumps water holder.....keep slurping Lil Scotty it is what you do best....The rest is just BS......especially it's only 5 billion....another fucking lie.....asshole....If you were a democrat, you wouldn't be slurping trumps fat old white ass like you do....so sad....

anonymous said...

A little fact about trump voters....they a inordinately poor.....kinda blows your BS up your ass Lil Scotty....


anonymous said...

CH the liar gets caught again....LOLOLOL


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

So, those "Democrats", who live from pay check to pay check who will not get paid next Friday are just irrelevant. They are just parasites sucking off the government's tit.

The President said that most of the furloughed employees support the wall anyway, so who gives a s**t. They can't feed their children and you don't care.

In order to prove that we have excessive spending on our government, in your opinion, it doesn't matter to you.

Trump took responsibility for the government shutdown. But with every tweet he blames the Democrats. Those 800,000 people are happy with the President and his wall. They are just parasites anyway.

You're heartless son of a bitch.

Anonymous said...

actually alky, those government tit sucklers should have no problem finding employment in the private sector if they actually possess any skills to begin with.

i suspect otherwise though since if a gov worker, with the sweet pay and benefits package they receive is stupid enough to live paycheck to paycheck, then they're too stupid to have any value to a private sector company.

i know several people who work in government, mostly for NYS, and we pay them handsomely. very handsomely. and we don't require them to break a sweat to earn the paycheck. and as a government employee you have a better chance of winning the lottery than you do of getting fired.

the point is - the deck is stacked in favor of government employees in a BIG way. they do little, get paid lots, get platinum plated insurance bennies and sweet pensions. iow's they usually sacrifice nothing in exchange for their taxpayer funded lifestyle. and in terms of competence, well...

...these fucking simpletons aren't getting any sympathy from me.

we should use this shutdown to see just how many of these non-essential parasites we can permanently furlough.

Commonsense said...

So, those "Democrats", who live from pay check to pay check who will not get paid next Friday are just irrelevant. They are just parasites sucking off the government's tit.

They can always get the job Hillary Clinton suggest coal miners get.

Wal-mart greeters.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"For those who did not support the President, preventing the wall from being built is another attempt to undermine the entire election and continue their false pretence that Trump isn't a real President."

He is the real President. In the opinion of most Americans he is not a good person or President. If he had not inherited a strong economy that has been working out for most Americans, his base, including Vladimir Putin and you, his popularity would be as low as George W. Bush at the end of his administration.

He is conceding the influence of the Russians and the Chinese as the preeminent powers in the world. Dismantling NATO, and the alliances that kept us from another World War will likely trigger conflicts we haven't seen since the end of World War Two.

Anonymous said...

My only prediction is that both sides will come to the table at some point in time and decide to fund TSA in order to not disrupt air travel.

this is a problem that needs a permanent solution. TSA, as incompetent as they are, are required for air travel. we've structured it that way. we need to classify all of the homeland security dept. as essential, and guarantee their pay like we do the military.

caliphate4vr said...

In the realm of deniers, skeptics, and believers, science has been compromised. I usually don’t bother with pseudo-scientists, media, and ignorant people abusing the freedom of the Internet by writing and posting nonsense comments.

But I have grown wary of what is going on with the debate on the overblown and misdirected issue of global warming — a case in point is “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd saying he will no longer give time to global warming “deniers” and also that the “science is settled.” (SEE ALSO: Chuck Todd Gets Schooled By Climatologist)

The fact that scientists who show results not aligned with the mainstream are labeled deniers is the backward mentality.

We don’t live in the medieval times when Galileo had to admit to something that he knew was wrong to save his life. Science is all about proving, not believing.

In that regard, I am a skeptic not just about global warming but also about many other aspects of science.

All scientists should be skeptics. Climate is too complicated to attribute its variability to one cause. We first need to understand the natural climate variability (which we clearly don’t; I can debate anybody on this issue).

Only then we can assess the magnitude and reasons for climate change. Science would have never advanced if it were not for the skeptics.

All model projections made for the 21st century failed to predict the slowdown of the planet’s warming despite the fact that carbon dioxide emissions kept on increasing.

Science is never settled. If science were settled, then we should pack things up and go home.

• Anastasios Tsonis is an emeritus distinguished professor at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He is the author of more than 130 peer-reviewed papers and nine books.

Anonymous said...

If he had not inherited a strong economy...

LOL. alky, you peddle this bullshit like a broken record.

we had 0linsky tell us to get used to the "new normal" of a shitty, declining economy, and he even went so far as to mock trump for "needing to wave a magic wand" to bring back certain sectors of the economy. he also insisted that we couldn't drill our way to lower energy prices or energy independence. the list goes on and on.

so... skeets admits defeat, but now that things are booming, wants to take credit.

liberals are so cute when they want to have it both ways.

sorry alky, but 0linsky didn't build that. and you're a liar for insisting that he did. over two trillion dollar$ sat on the sidelines until the asshole was safely out of office.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Virtually every employee with the Secret Service involved in investigations, security and the protective division, which protects Mr. Trump and dozens of other current and former government officials and their families, is required to work during the shutdown. And 6,000 of the organization’s roughly 7,000 employees will not be paid.

Irrelevant employees

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

As Government Shutdown Persists, Americans Feel the Bite https://nyti.ms/2RAGMnj

All this at politicalwire.com , James said...

Networks Agree to Carry Trump’s Address Live

Trump’s Timing Is Suspect

Air Travelers Begin to Feel Impact of Shutdown

White House Braces for ‘Team of Vipers’

U.S. Spends Twice as Much on Health Care

U.S. Carbon Emissions Surged in 2018

Trump Eyes Untested Emergency Power to Fund Wall

Trump Now Claims ‘Humanitarian Crisis’ at Border

Pelosi Cranks Up Pressure on Republicans Over Shutdown

“Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and House Democrats are ramping up pressure on President Trump and Republicans to open the government amid a prolonged impasse over border wall funding that shows no signs of abating,” The Hill reports.

“Sensing a winning hand, Democrats this week will repackage a handful of uncontroversial bills funding a number of shuttered agencies — excluding Homeland Security, which covers the proposed wall — and send them off to the Senate one by one, forcing GOP leaders to explain their promised inaction on measures they supported just weeks ago.”

Playbook: “There is a growing fear that Republicans will begin getting frustrated with the White House’s position, and will vote with Democrats to open government. Pence said the administration is in touch with Republicans, and he’ll be on the Hill briefing people today.”

Trump Wages Lonely Campaign for His Border Wall
“Fighting a virtual one-man messaging battle for his border wall, President Trump is growing frustrated that he doesn’t have more public defenders in his shutdown fight with Congressional Democrats,” Politico reports.

“The result is a manic, one-man public-relations effort to sell the shutdown that has left some White House officials scrambling to catch up. Trump has griped to associates that hasn’t seen enough administration officials on the airwaves defending him during the shutdown fight, according to three people close to the president. He is also angry that he didn’t get more backup for his mid-December decision to pull U.S. troops out of Syria.”.

Commonsense said...

This will backfire on the Democrats.

People will ask why not just build the damn wall.

Commonsense said...

James is shilling for Goodard again. Real classy.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The wall was nothing but a campaign promise. It's not going to improve our national security. The underlying reason for the wall in the first place was an appeal to the racist percentage of
the Republican base.

The second rationale was that the immigrants from Mexico and other Central American countries who would become citizens, would vote Democratic.

This is not a National Security emergency. He could trigger a Constitutional crisis. The use of military forces for political purposes is Unconstitutional and even the conservative Supreme Court will not support the use of military forces for political purposes.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Virtually every employee with the Secret Service involved in investigations, security and the protective division, which protects Mr. Trump and dozens of other current and former government officials and their families, is required to work during the shutdown. And 6,000 of the organization’s roughly 7,000 employees will not be paid.

you're making my point.

this shutdown should be treated as an exercise to determine essential and non-essential employees. something that, if government was smart, we would already know.

should the secret service be paid? of course.

should some clerk at the US dept. of asshattery & dumbfuckery?


in fact, there's no better time to streamline our federal government than in a booming economy where jobs are plentiful and tax revenues are high. those who need to keep working can find private sector employment, and those close to retirement can get a buyout package like verizon has just extended to their workforce.

government is a leviathan that's bigger than it needs to be, and has ultimately become a jobs program for democrats. that shit needs to end.

Anonymous said...

It's not going to improve our national security.

ok, have it your way. let's demand the removal of all walls. the ones that keep people out as well as the ones that keep people in.

some democrat needs to sponsor legislation demanding the removal of all walls at all federal facilities including federal prisons, military installations, and federal buildings.

they obviously don't improve security.

oh, and alky... please remove all the locks from your doors and windows. they're not improving your security.

James said...

Trump Has No Credibility on Immigration

James Hohmann: “As he prepares to make the case for a wall during a televised speech from the Oval Office tonight and with a trip to Texas on Thursday, President Trump has already made more false or misleading claims about immigration than any other subject.

“Through the end of 2018, The Washington Post Fact Checker team documented 7,645 false or misleading claims made by Trump since taking office. Of those, 1,130 were about immigration. Claims about foreign policy and trade tied for second, with 822 claims, followed by claims about the economy (768).

“The last week has brought a stream of additional falsehoods on the topic that’s defined his term as much as any other — and prompted a partial government shutdown now in its 18th day.”
First Read: “Being president may give you the right to ask networks for time for an Oval Office address. But on immigration — perhaps more than on any other issue — Trump is far from having earned the benefit of the doubt from the American people.”

caliphate4vr said...

It's not going to improve our national security.

Yer as=n idiot. Ask the Israelis if walls don't work

Commonsense said...

The wall was nothing but a campaign promise. It's not going to improve our national security

It it is in effective as you say then why not spend 5 billion on the wall? Why shut down the government over a measly ineffective project just so someone can check off a box.

Why should it matter to you?

I know why. It's because Trump.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott your racist supporter is going off the deep end.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Why shut down the government over a measly ineffective project just so someone can check off a box?

You support it because Trump told you that the Mexicans were murderers, rapists and terrorists.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

No one believes that the comparisons between the wall in Israel is comparative to the Trump campaign promise.

Commonsense said...

You support it because Trump told you that the Mexicans were murderers, rapists and terrorists.

Well some of them are very much murders, rapists, and terrorists.

See Guzman, Joaquin (El Chapo).

Commonsense said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commonsense said...

BTW you still haven't answer the original question.

Don't think I know when you are deflecting by calling me a racist

Commonsense said...

Still no response from the sage of mahogany ridge?

The last thing the Sinaloa Cartel wants are walls and tighter border controls. They make a tidy profit smuggling guns, drugs, and humans across the border. The humans are mules for the drugs and guns are actually pay for the privalage.

If Guzman was an American citizen he would definently vote Democrat.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I am not calling you a racist. I just stated the fact that the original intent was to appeal to the racists in the Republican party.

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

No one believes that the comparisons between the wall in Israel is comparative to the Trump campaign promise.

except for the israeli's and everyone who voted for trump.

here's a riddle for you alky...

since i have an inground pool, the state of NY requires me to have a six foot barrier fence around my yard.

since i think it's safe to assume that a stockade fence is not required as an attractive landscape feature, why in the world would they require me to have the fence?

anonymous said...

The last thing the Sinaloa Cartel wants are walls and tighter border controls.

Funny how all you R idiots speak for everyone but yourself......you naive snough to think those guys will be slowed down by a wall???? They already have their trade routes well established and it is not restricted to breaching walls....coming straight through legal entry points and ports....

Anonymous said...

You support it because Trump told you that the Mexicans were murderers, rapists and terrorists.

office Singh, a LEGAL immigrant, is dead. murdered by an ILLEGAL immigrant.

trump didn't tell me about it. officer Singh's commanding officer did, accompanied by a close relative crying hysterically.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Two children are dead because they were taken to the United States for asylum. The zero tolerance policy has been effective for killing kids who might vote for Democrats in the future.

Anonymous said...

Good morning meatless dOpie.

Anonymous said...

The last thing the Sinaloa Cartel wants are walls and tighter border controls. They make a tidy profit smuggling guns, drugs, and humans across the border. The humans are mules for the drugs and guns are actually pay for the privalage.

they've already smuggled across enough fentanyl to kill every person in the US.

between the drugs, the murders, the human trafficking and the other violent crimes, you really have to question the motives of every leftist who opposes a wall.

it's chilling to think that a permanent democrat majority is worth it to democrats at the prospect of so much suffering and death of American citizens.

everytime i think to myself - "nah, democrats can't be THAT sick and evil" i quickly come to the realization that, to paraphrase 0linsky - yes they can.

i guess my only question to democrats is -

is there a price in human lives you're NOT willing to pay? is there a body count that's simply so high that even you guys can't stomach it?

feel free to answer that alky. i'm genuinely interested in your perspective. how many dead americans is too many?

Anonymous said...

They can't feed their children " emotionally broken Alky.

Good news, Cortez said those people are working two jobs.

Anonymous said...

Nancy better not go all stroke victim Barbie tonight.

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

Two children are dead because they were taken to the United States for asylum.

yup. caring parents would not have put them at risk.

so anyway alky, that's 2.

what's the 2018 body count of American citizens directly at the hands of illegal immigrants?

here's a hint -

it's a number much, much greater than 2.

btw, your "logic" reminds me of a story out of tulsa i just read:

Three Oklahoma teenagers were killed last week when they broke into a house and were met by a homeowner with an AR15. Now the grandfather of one of the teenagers is speaking out about his grandson's death.

According to KTUL-TV, Leroy Schumacher, grandfather of 17-year-old Jacob Redfearn, believes the death of Redfearn was unjustified because the homeowner's AR15 gave him an unfair advantage over the three burglars.


In addition to Redfearn, 19-year old Maxwell Cook and 16-year old Jake Woodruff were also shot and killed in the home invasion.


just think, had they not invaded that home, they'd still be alive.

can you tell us what the lesson is there, alky?

and no, it's not that the dead teens were entitled to the contents of that tulsa home.

Anonymous said...

Roger, is this Part of Your Award winning "Live Feed"?

anonymous said...

Well some of them are very much murders

Define some of them.....is that like the 4000 terrorists that have snuck in?????

Anonymous said...

Roger AmickJanuary 8, 2019 at 10:45 AM

I am not calling you a racist."


Anonymous said...

So green this morning. Sold 8 steers, private treaty sale.

Anonymous said...

41 million children killed by Abortions.
Making it alone the leading cause of Human death in the World.

Anonymous said...

Most immigrants arrested by ICE have prior criminal convictions, a big change from 2009


Immigrants with past criminal convictions accounted for 74% of all arrests made by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents in fiscal 2017, according to data from the agency. The remainder were classified as “non-criminal” arrestees, including 16% with pending criminal charges and 11% with no known criminal convictions or charges.

Roger always so Stupidly Wrong.

Anonymous said...

Goddamn it.

the NYSE is up 195.

anonymous said...

they've already smuggled across enough fentanyl to kill every person in the US.

Which comes from our great friends in China....Maybe trump should put tariffs on that crap....

The Sinaloa cartel smuggled cocaine across the border in every conceivable way: from tunnels under the border fence, to submarines, to their own airliners, to dune buggies crossing the border over sandbag bridges and in factory-sealed cans of food.

As the Sinaloa cartel perfected its prowess as a distributor, bringing in $3 billion a year by one estimate, it expanded its heroin operation.

Yeah, the wall will stop this from happening.....next will be drones.....LOLOLOLOL

anonymous said...

the NYSE is up 195.

Been a real volatile all day....BTW,,,,,what does that 195 get us back to?????

Anonymous said...

Goddamn it.

the NYSE is up 195." RRB

The day Fed. Res. Chairman Powell took both feet off the Brake and listened to President Stocks began to rebound. And that rocking 315 k jobs report.

Anonymous said...

Which comes from our great friends in China...

dumb fuck,

if it crosses the southern border to get here, where it's made is irrelevant.

that's the fucking point.

anonymous said...

where it's made is irrelevant.

Speaking of dumb fucks.... If they don't make it, it don't get here does it....Is that too complicated for your simplistic mind??????

C.H. Truth said...

The wall was nothing but a campaign promise.

So politicians are not supposed to fulfill their campaign promises?

Commonsense said...

Yeah, the wall will stop this from happening....

The most cost effective way to smuggle drugs is to put on the backs of people who pay for the privalige of being smuggled across the border.

A wall will make it harder and more expensive then just walking across.

Get it?

caliphate4vr said...

Get ready for more flight from NYC

New York City will begin guaranteeing comprehensive health care to every single resident regardless of someone's ability to pay or immigration status, an unprecedented plan that will protect the more than half-a-million New Yorkers currently using the ER as a primary provider, Mayor Bill de Blasio said.

It's not health insurance, his spokesman clarified after the surprise announcement on MSNBC Tuesday morning.

Russian Lawyer in Trump Tower Meeting Charged in Unrelated Case
"This is the city paying for direct comprehensive care (not just ERs) for people who can't afford it, or can't get comprehensive Medicaid — including 300,000 undocumented New Yorkers," spokesman Eric Phillips tweeted.

C.H. Truth said...

You support it because Trump told you that the Mexicans were murderers, rapists and terrorists.

Well once again, you project because you are incapable of paying attention.

I wrote multiple posts regarding the wall, and my justification has always been to shut down the drug, weapons, and human trafficking that exist down there. Not to mention prevent the influx of M13 and other gangs that are migrating from Mexico to the U.S.

Absolutely nobody can deny that these things are taking place.

Let me repeat that...

Absolutely nobody can deny that these things are taking place.

There are always going to be decent, honest people who want to come to America, but there are legal ways for them to do so.

The logical concept that you should simply allow all of the drugs, all of the weapons, and all of the human trafficking to continue to exist, simply because....

Well... Rog, perhaps you can explain why you would ever want to allow drugs, weapons, and human trafficking to pour across our borders?

Is it because you are able to use your enormous cognitive dissonance to pretend that there are really no bad people engaging in illegal behavior at the border?

Or do you have another valid reason why you are in full support of peopele bringing heroine and weapons in the country, gang members migrating to the United States, and children being sold as sex playthings?

Please explain why you believe we should encourage heroine, illegal guns, gang members, and sexual assault of children?

Anonymous said...

So politicians are not supposed to fulfill their campaign promises?

you see, trump has no experience as a politician, making his campaign promises and actually fulfilling them is meaningless. politicians aren't supposed to keep the promises they make. like, DUH.

professional political prognosticators like the alky will tell you that vapid campaign slogans like "hopey changey; yes we can!" is where it's at.

trust the alky.

he's been a student of politics since ted cruz's dad shot JFK.

Commonsense said...

they've already smuggled across enough fentanyl to kill every person in the US.

Which comes from our great friends in China....Maybe trump should put tariffs on that crap....

The Sinaloa cartel pays tariffs now do they? Shit for brains,

Anonymous said...

Cali, wait. Obimbocare sees another lie and failure. Socialist assured us Obimbocare would end Trips to the ER as a doctor visit to provide primary care.
"more than half-a-million New Yorkers currently using the ER as a primary provider, Mayor Bill de Blasio said. "

Socialist on Socialist crime.

Anonymous said...

The wall was nothing but a campaign promise.

So politicians are not supposed to fulfill their campaign promises?"

Pres. Trump keeping Promises has today's socialist spinning.

Is Roger done calling you a Racist?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous caliphate4vr said...

Get ready for more flight from NYC


There will be no tax hikes to fund it, the mayor said.

It'll cost at least $100 million, accordinng to the release.

so here's how this goes -

they'll launch this shitshow and it will be managed as poorly as the public school system. and like the PS system, when it gets to the point of imminent collapse, the city will sue the state to fund it, putting the rest of us NY'ers on the hook for their idiocy.

one thing that could fuck that up is that cuomo and deblasio hate each other. but prince andy is also gfoing apeshit with a progressive agenda, so who knows.

Anonymous said...

Russian Lawyer Who Worked With Fusion GPS and Met With Trump Jr. Charged With Obstruction of Justice
—Ace of Spades

Nowhere in this Washington Post article does it mention that Veselnitskya worked with Fusion GPS to both roll back the Magnitsky Act and entrap Trump Jr.

Because of course it doesn't. They're all part of the same lie.


Anonymous said...

"Ruth Bader Ginsburg Misses Second Day of SCOTUS Arguments"

The grim reaper needs to make a visit.

Anonymous said...

Taking the time to educate the Three Socialist Stooges of CHT .
"National Emergency Definition: A situation beyond the ordinary which threatens the health or safety of citizens and which cannot be properly addressed by the use of other law. In the United States, powers were interpreted from constitutional documents to vest in the President to declare a national emergency."

President Trump is right, he has the power.

Anonymous said...

Quiet preparations are underway within conservative legal circles and the White House counsel’s office in the event that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg retires (or takes the big dirt nap), two sources familiar with the process tell The Daily Caller.


caliphate4vr said...

You can get away with anything if you're Donk

The body of another young black man has been found at the West Hollywood apartment of Ed Buck — a prominent Democratic donor who allegedly has a fetish for drugging sex workers — reports Wehoville.

Buck, a white man in his 60s, was investigated previously by authorities after the death of Gemmel Moore, who died of a methamphetamine overdose in Buck's home in July 2017. Since Moore's death was classified as an accidental overdose, numerous young black gay men have alleged that Buck has a fetish for shooting drugs into black men he picks up off the street or on hookup sites. Moore had written about Buck injecting him with dangerous drugs before his death.

anonymous said...

Menstral our cramp posted...

The Sinaloa cartel pays tariffs now do they? Shit for brains,

You are dumber than a box of rocks....The suggestion I made was tongue in cheek....went right over your head....As I said the problem is our friends in china and a group who have perfected the way to smuggle drugs into the US....as to the backs if women and children is as absurd as your hatred of gays and women....LLOLO

expensively, Central American middlemen, Mexican cartels could produce methamphetamine from relatively inexpensive dual-use precursor chemicals. So, though the cartels had been making good money in the cocaine trade, methamphetamine was even more profitable, since the cartels could control the lion's share of the profit pool. And groups that had strong connections to Chinese chemical providers and could oversee the flow of chemicals through Mexico's ports had a competitive advantage. Indeed, the rise of Tierra Caliente organized crime groups such as La Familia Michoacana, the Knights Templar and the Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generacion occurred largely because they controlled Mexico's ports and the methamphetamine trade.

Anonymous said...

You can get away with anything if you're Donk

i think it was so nice of governor moonbeam to not press charges in exchange for generous campaign donations.

Anonymous said...

Rep. John Yarmuth, the new House Budget chairman, said his chamber’s budget blueprint will aim to claw back lost revenue by boosting the corporate tax rate from its current 21 percent to as high as 28 percent, with rate increases also possible for high-earning individuals.


democrats -




Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


WASHINGTON ― Attorneys for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort accidentally revealed in a court filing Tuesday that the special counsel team led by Robert Mueller has alleged their client lied about sharing polling data with a Russian operative.

Manafort’s lawyers ― in a poorly redacted court filing responding to the special counsel’s claim that Manafort broke his September 2018 plea agreement by lying to investigators ― inadvertently revealed that Mueller’s team alleged that “Manafort lied about sharing polling data with [Konstantin Kilimnik] related to the 2016 presidential campaign.”

Kilimnik, who worked closely with Manafort, is believed to have close ties to Russian intelligence.

Anonymous said...

kellyanne conway just stomped jim acosta into a puddle and walked it dry -


in other CNN fucktardedness, don lemon wanted to broadcast the president's speech with a delay so they could edit it. even fredo cuomo thought he was fucking insane.

Anonymous said...

yeah alky, collusion.

collusion everywhere! everywhere collusion!

knock knock!

who's there?




James said...

Trump Looking to Save Face on Shutdown

“In a private meeting with aides at Camp David on Sunday, Mr. Trump said he wanted them to come up with a resolution without him appearing to have capitulated to Democrats,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

“White House officials disputed that account and said the president didn’t make such a statement.”

Commonsense said...

kellyanne conway just stomped jim acosta into a puddle and walked it dry -


I was wondering whether Acosta was blindfolded and had a rubber ball in his mouth.


Obama Looking to Save Face on Shutdown

“In a private meeting with aides at Camp David on Sunday, Mr. Obama said he wanted them to come up with a resolution without him appearing to have capitulated to Republicans,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

“White House officials disputed that account and said the president didn’t make such a statement.”

Anonymous said...

A young Arab boy asks his father “What is that strange hat you are wearing?”

The father said: "Why, my son, it is a 'chechia.' In the desert it protects our heads from the intense heat of the sun.”

"And what is the long flowing robe you are wearing?” asked the boy.

“Oh, my son!” exclaimed the father “It is very simple. This is a 'djbellah.' As I have told you, in the desert it is not only very hot, but the sand is always blowing. My djbellah protects the entire body,”

The son then asked: "But Father, what about those ugly shoes you have on your feet?”

"These are 'babouches' my son,” the father replied. You must understand that although the desert sands are very beautiful, they are also extremely hot. These babouches' keep us from burning our feet.”

"So tell me then," added the boy.

"Yes, my son…”

"Why are you living in Minnesota and still wearing all this shit?

h/t - maggies farm

anonymous said...


What a feckless lying cunt.....her and her alternate facts.....yeah cramps, she is an embarrassment to this country....her mouth probably looks real good around trumps dick....which she does with gusto...!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott I never accused you of this.

You support it because Trump told you that the Mexicans were murderers, rapists and terrorists.

It was used to get the votes of racists like rrb.

We have been getting better at stopping people who smuggle drugs and children who are used as sexual tools.

The Coldheartedtruth is that we have better ways to stop the drug dealers and rapist and murderers since 2002.

Not giving the President his campaign promises will encourage heroine, illegal guns, gang members, and sexual assault of children?

To accuse me of supporting heroine, illegal guns, gang members, and sexual assault of children is beyond a reasonable doubt of cognitive dissonance.

anonymous said...

Pauline now posting from gsy sites....Shocking, I didn't know he was a belligerent gay, just a drunkard...

he body of another young black man has been found at the West Hollywood apartment of Ed Buck — a prominent Democratic donor who allegedly has a fetish for drugging sex workers — reports Wehoville.

Advocate. com.....

anonymous said...

I've got a good drinking game for tonight....a shot for every lie trump tells tonight....my guess you amateurs have a good shot at being plastered in 8 minutes....Good luck....My over under for lies is 16,.......

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

New stories are coming out every day that detail the increasing damage of the Trump Shutdown.

From our national parks being overwhelmed and understaffed to TSA agents facing the prospect of working without pay, it's clear that the ramifications are only going to get worse the longer Trump's Shutdown lasts.

Some of his Secret service protection people are not getting paid.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I will take that bet and raise you to +20.

But I take shots of Coke Zero

anonymous said...

But I take shots of Coke Zero

You get a pass on that Roger....can't help to notice that not s single trump sycophant is playing....seems they know it is going to be ugly and don't want to give their hands away.....such a sorry group of idiots.....LOL

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Every serious Republican, in Congress and out, should say publicly today that there is no basis for the president declaring a national emergency, and that if he does so they will join bipartisan efforts to defend the constitutional order and overturn his usurpation of power.

Bill Kristol

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Maybe I will go to the open blog on CHT and keep a running list of his lies.

Anonymous said...

Is this the beginning of your "Live feed"?

cowardly king obama said...

Why is Roger Amick posting Bill Kristol's lies now?

Anonymous said...

Roger AmickJanuary 8, 2019 at 10:45 AM

I am not calling you a racist."


Anonymous said...

We will know old broken spin cycle Roger opinion as soon as he finds it in another person's writings.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You may not be a racist. But you are the dumbest person i've ever seen before.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Denny none of the regulars will ever take this bet.

Online gamblers can place up to $500 per bet on how many “false statements” Trump will make by logging onto BookMaker.Eu, where the over-under is 3.5. That means bettors who believe the President to be a man of integrity can win money by wagering the Trump makes fewer than three and a half statements that are demonstrably untrue. Skeptics who want a piece of the action — which represents an overwhelming majority of BookMaker’s clients so far — can claim a cash prize by betting the President makes more than that number of false claims.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Roger AmickJanuary 8, 2019 at 9:58 AM
The wall was nothing but a campaign promise. It's not going to improve our national security. The underlying reason for the wall in the first place was an appeal to the racist percentage of
the Republican base.

The second rationale was that the immigrants from Mexico and other Central American countries who would become citizens, would vote Democratic.

This is not a National Security emergency. He could trigger a Constitutional crisis. The use of military forces for political purposes is Unconstitutional and even the conservative Supreme Court will not support the use of military forces for political purposes.

cowardly king obama said...

So far Roger is 1 for 1 on posting lies. What is the over under on him for the night???

Anonymous said...

"Job openings in durable goods manufacturing rose to a seasonally adjusted 324,000, the Labor Department said Tuesday. That is an increase from 318,000 in October and the highest number since January of 2001."

Pres. Delivered.
President Trump fell on the live grenade that was Hillary thrown by President Lost Years of Obama.

anonymous said...

$50 ON THE OVER!!!!!!

anonymous said...

And the goat fucker still can't find work....what a sorry sack of shit he has become....lying all day and polluting the earth with his shitty cattle he can't give away....LOLOLOLOOL

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He doesn't fuck his goats anymore. Because he's out of Viagra.

Anonymous said...

Lol@ The Three Stooges of CHT

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden, I like him for 2020.
I will be sure to vote for him in the Primaries.

Looks like 26 Dems are running .
Iowa is already seeing some of them.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous cowardly king obama said...

So far Roger is 1 for 1 on posting lies. What is the over under on him for the night???

in alky-land, everything that trump says that the alky disagrees with is a "lie."

so any game you play with him tonight is a 'heads i win-tails you lose' proposition for him.

the irony is that tonight trump will recites stats, facts and data all sourced from various agencies in the government that liberals love so much, demand we fund, and demand more of... MOAR GUBMINT.

we'll hear quips sourced from DHS, State, ICE, CBP, and others.

all that the alky will require to call any of it a "lie" will be some incredulity from that fag queen don lemon, or some pushback from maerose prizzi and chuckles in their rebuttal.

nothing will satisfy the opponents of the wall, even though skeets, cankles, chuckles, and a whole slew of other democrats were alllllll for it a decade ago.

hypocrisy and cheap political pandering rules the party before country democrats, and as long as they hate trump more than they love the country, this is where we'll be.

Anonymous said...

Bill Kristol

so how IS lil billy since his weakly standard went tits up, alky?

no more cruises for him for a while, eh?

who's next on your quote parade?

max boot, or jen rubin? how about THE rick wilson?


feckless cunts, all.

good one alky.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The actual number of Gangs and other drug offenders are far lower than the President is currently claiming.

Trump warned about the horrors of the spread of MS-13 across the country, implying frequently that members of that gang enter the United States by crossing the southern border illegally.

The gang members (“including MS-13”) apprehended at the border — and removed from the country by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. According to a Homeland Security spokesman, about 5,000 of those 6,000 gang member arrests/apprehensions happened somewhere besides the southern border. Only 1,019 were apprehended at the southern border, about a fifth of them at designated ports of entry.

In other words, the figure for gang members attempting to enter the United States by crossing the border with Mexico illegally isn’t 6,000, it’s about 800.

We need more high technology to catch the people even before they approach the border. We don't need 5th century technology to catch the people who are attempting to smuggle weapons and drugs into the country.

A simple solution for one of the problems is to legalize marijuana. The drug dealers will be forced to attempt to smuggle heroin and cocaine and young women. The stupid fucking wall is not the best way to address the problem.

James said...

Lawmakers from Border Districts Reject Trump’s Wall

CBS News: “Eight congressional representatives serve the districts that line the 2,000-mile southern border. They are men, women, freshman politicians and Washington veterans. The Democrats among them span liberal ideologies, while one of them is a Republican.

“But they all have one thing in common: each is against President Trump’s border wall.”

Just a Third Support Trump’s Border Wall

A new Reuters/Ipsos poll finds that only 35% of American adults support a congressional spending bill that includes funding for President Trump’s proposed border wall and only 25% support Trump’s decision to keep the government closed until Congress approves funding for the wall.

Anonymous said...

"Roger AmickJanuary 8, 2019 at 4:33 PM

Maybe I will go to the open blog on CHT and keep a running list of his lies"

"Live Feed"

Going off line.

Anonymous said...

20 % of the Adult Population in US Prisons are Illegals.

Anonymous said...

BOP required Reporting
"According to the report, 46 percent of these aliens committed drug trafficking or other drug-related offenses, which was the largest crime category committed by aliens in BOP custody. The remaining 25 percent committed a variety of other criminal offenses, including fraud, weapons charges, racketeering, and sexual crimes. Clearly, the large population of aliens in BOP custody cannot simply be explained away by immigration crimes.".

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I didn't see anything new in the speech.

His speech today was a campaign speech for the 2020 campaign.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The border wall would very quickly pay for itself. The cost of illegal drugs exceeds $500 billion a year, vastly more than the $5.7 billion we have requested from Congress.

The wall will also be paid for indirectly by the great new trade deal we have made with Mexico.
Senator Chuck Schumer, who you will be hearing from later tonight, has repeatedly supported a physical barrier in the past, along with many other Democrats. They changed their mind only after I was elected president.

Democrats in Congress have refused to acknowledge the crisis, and they have refused to provide our brave border agents with the tools they desperately need to protect our families and our nation.

The federal government remains shut down for one reason and one reason only: because Democrats will not fund border security.

A bipartisan bill to keep the border secure and fund the government was rejected by the President .

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. "LIVE FEED" What happened?
No interests.

Anonymous said...

How did the Chuck in Nancy show go.

I heard Chuck had a "bobble head " thingy going on and Nancy's face was painted like a San Fran hooker.

Anonymous said...

"1930 American Gothic painting"

Too mock the image of Chuck in Nancy.

Anonymous said...

Nancy Polosi rocked that "Dr. Evil" top.

Omg too funny.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

What the president didn't mention is that the vast majority of those drugs enter through ports of entry along the border, not the vast stretches in between where he wants to erect his border wall. According to data from Customs and Border Protection, during the first 11 months of the 2018 fiscal year, 90 percent of the heroin intercepted at the border, 88 percent of the cocaine, 87 percent of methamphetamine, and 80 percent of fentanyl, are captured at a legal port of entry.

Anonymous said...

You have no idea where the drugs you don't intercept are coming through else you would stop them.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


Hmmm... I didn’t know twins from The Shining was on immediately following ⁦@POTUS⁩ message to the nation abt border security. #Scared


8:20 PM - Jan 8, 2019"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I watched it live. I was kind of hoping that he would change his behavior and actually look like a President. He didn't make it happen. He basically started the campaign in 2020. He didn't offer any alternatives to his barrier, he never used the word wall. Instead of owning up to his previous comments in the Oval office meeting with Pelosi and Chuck Schumer where he said that he was proud to support the government shutdown.

He looked like a caged rabbit.

Anonymous said...

And you are only going to intercept drugs where border people are working which is far and away at points of entry

Anonymous said...

The president looked very presidential, Pelosi and Schumer looked cartoonish

Anonymous said...

"the president decided to hold the paychecks of everyday Americans hostage so that he can fulfill a campaign, I can’t call it a campaign promise, a fantasy" Cortez

Really. Wow. She is the perfect clueless face of Socialism

Myballs seeing America become great again said...

Only the pitch fork missing from chuck and Nancy still photo. Lol

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I don't think that most people will find his speech helpful. The response is not important. Unlike the President, they did not lie or distort the facts.

In a national address, President Donald Trump called on Congress to provide $5.7 billion for a border wall to address what he called a “crisis” on the border. The president made some false and misleading claims, and provided some facts without context:

Despite the president’s claims of a “crisis,” the number of apprehensions at the Southwest border remains historically low.
Trump made the misleading claim that Customs and Border Protection agents “encounter thousands of illegal immigrants” every day trying to enter the U.S. The average number of apprehensions at the border is less than 2,000 a day.
Trump suggested that 20,000 children were illegally brought into the country last month by “vicious coyotes and ruthless gangs,” but there’s no evidence of that in the available statistics.
The president falsely claimed “the border wall would very quickly pay for itself” by stopping the flow of illegal drugs. But the majority of illicit drugs is smuggled through legal ports of entry in cars and tractor-trailers, and would not be stopped by a wall.
Trump continued to claim Mexico would pay for the border wall “indirectly” through a new international trade agreement. Economic experts told us the new trade pact won’t generate enough additional federal revenues to pay for a border wall.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He didn't want to make the speech or go to the border. Yeah the New York Times fake news reports.

“It’s not going to change a damn thing, but I’m still doing it,” Mr. Trump said of the border visit, according to one of the people, who was in the room. The trip was merely a photo opportunity, he said. “But,” he added, gesturing at his communications aides Bill Shine, Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Kellyanne Conway, “these people behind you say it’s worth it.”

It was apparent that he was not comfortable. He tried to make it into a heart braking problem. But his own policies have contributed to the heart breaking picture of children in cages and separated from their parents.

The networks won't cover any more of these live on prime time. He was only speaking to his Fox News friends who are already converted into supporting the President.

American Voters said...

Democrats supported a border barrier when Obama proposed it.

Trump has the voters on his side.

anonymous said...

Trump has the voters on his side.

NO HE DOESN"T!!!! All he has is a pipe dream....at least he now calls it a humanitarian crisis instead of an invasion...!!!

anonymous said...

He sure convinced me that he is totally incompetent, rather than just being an idiot.....

Anonymous said...

so CNN trots out resident fudge packer the heiress anderson vanderbilt to give a "prebuttal."

something about trump "fudging" the facts.

i see what you did there andy...

good one.

Commonsense said...

Democrats would have been far better off to not have a response.

Made Trump's competent but run of the mill speech sound like a masterpiece.

anonymous said...

Some inconvenient facts about trump and his BULLSHIT!!!!!


TRUMP: "Our southern border is a pipeline for vast quantities of illegal drugs, including meth, heroin, cocaine and fentanyl. Every week, 300 of our citizens are killed by heroin alone, 90 percent of which floods across from our southern border."

THE FACTS: A wall can't do much about that when drug trafficking is concentrated at land ports of entry, not remote stretches of the border.

The Drug Enforcement Administration says "only a small percentage" of heroin seized by U.S. authorities comes across on territory between ports of entry. The same is true of drugs generally.

In a 2018 report, the agency said the most common trafficking technique by transnational criminal organizations is to hide drugs in passenger vehicles or tractor-trailers as they drive into the U.S. though entry ports, where they are stopped and subject to inspection. They also employ buses, cargo trains and tunnels, the report says, citing other smuggling methods that also would not be choked off by a border wall.

Trump recently denied that traffickers use entry ports at the southern border, contradicting the evidence and assertions of his drug enforcement personnel.

Trump stretched credulity even more by comparing the wall money he wants from Congress to the cost of the entire drug problem in the U.S.: "The border wall would very quickly pay for itself. The cost of illegal drugs exceeds $500 billion a year, vastly more than the $5.7 billion we have requested from Congress."



TRUMP: "Democrats will not fund border security."

THE FACTS: That's not true. They just won't fund it the way he wants. They have refused his demand for $5.7 billion to build part of a steel wall across the U.S.-Mexico border

Democrats passed legislation the day they took control of the House that offered $1.3 billion for border security, including physical barriers and technology along the U.S. southern border.

Senate Democrats have approved similar funding year after year.

Democrats have also supported broader fence-building as part of deals that also had a path to legal status for millions of immigrants living in the country illegally.

In 2013, Senate Democrats voted for a failed immigration bill that provided roughly $46 billion for a number of border security measures — including new fencing — but that legislation would have created a pathway to citizenship for some of the estimated 11 million immigrants living in the U.S. illegally.

anonymous said...

Made Trump's competent

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!! See above cramps....yep nancy sucked.....but trump sucked on a donkey.....LOL

Anonymous said...

Trump suggested that 20,000 children were illegally brought into the country last month by “vicious coyotes and ruthless gangs,” but there’s no evidence of that in the available statistics.


the very same people who absolutely worship government as the savior for all that ails us now claims that their very same precious government has not provided them with enough evidence. as if a DHS and border patrol report is suddenly not "evidence."

so we can conclude the following -

on an issue of fundamental disagreement there is no pleasing these idiots


like maerose pelosi, they can simply 'reject the facts' they don't like.

cognitive dissonance of steroids.

gosh, i fear what might happen if someone tells these clowns that it was 0linsky who built the kiddie cages.

Commonsense said...

TRUMP: "Democrats will not fund border security."
THE FACTS: That's not true.

Facts: It is true it's not they they just don't want to fund the border security the way Trump's wants it. They just don't want to fund border security at all..

In fact the AOC wing of the party wants to abolish ICE. In other words, border security altogether.

In the past the Democrats have voted for every security measure that Trump wants for the border. Including the wall.

But now they are against all of it because Trump.

American Voters said...

New Morning Consult/Politico poll says 79% think illegal immigration is a problem. Trump has the voters on his side.

Anonymous said...

the very same people who absolutely worship government as the savior for all that ails

And precisely who are those same people....do you feel threatened in you Albany basement that a coyote is going to bring a beaner to your neighborhood???? The statement that there is no evidence is correct....maybe you can link the report you cite so we can all see WTF you are making up.....funny rat, facts are not your strong suit....


sted that 20,000 children were illegally brought into the country last month by “vicious coyotes and ruthless gangs,” but there’s no evidence of that in the available statistics.

Trump, Jan. 8: Last month, 20,000 migrant children were illegally brought into the United States, a dramatic increase. These children are used as human pawns by vicious coyotes and ruthless gangs.

The data from Customs and Border Protection show that 25,172 family units were apprehended by the Border Patrol in November. “Family units” are individuals, including children and parents or legal guardians, that were caught with a family member.

We wrote about the issue of adults trafficking children to the border in June, when Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen claimed there had been a “314 percent increase” in such fraudulent cases over the previous five months. That sounded like a large increase, but not so much when the raw numbers were revealed.

DHS confirmed to us that there were 191 suspected fraudulent cases in the first five months of fiscal 2018. That was 0.61 percent of the total family unit apprehensions in that time period.

Similarly, the Washington Post reported in November that CBP had separated 170 such fraudulent “families” between April 19 and Sept. 30 last year. In September alone, there were 16,658 family units apprehended, so the 170 figure is a small fraction of the families stopped trying to illegally cross the border.

As for parents traveling with children overall, those numbers have increased in recent years. We only have data going back to fiscal 2013, when 14,855 people apprehended on the Southwest border were part of a “family unit.” The number jumped significantly in fiscal 2014 to 68,445. For fiscal 2018, 107,212 family units were apprehended.

anonymous said...

They just don't want to fund border security at all..

Sure cramps....that is why in the bills going through they included the same amount that was in the bills that the R senate passed which included monies for a secure border...That is fact unlike your idiotic opinion,,,,,

Commonsense said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commonsense said...

sted that 20,000 children were illegally brought into the country last month by “vicious coyotes and ruthless gangs,” but there’s no evidence of that in the available statistics.

In other words, they don't know so why bother mentioning It?

And a 191 suspected cases of child sexual trafficking is 191 cases too many.

anonymous said...

191 cases too many.

Wow...pure genius cramps....so are mass shooting with assault rifles which you have no problem with except for praying for the lost souls....

Commonsense said...

New Morning Consult/Politico poll says 79% think illegal immigration is a problem. Trump has the voters on his side.

This is what made Nancy Pelosi's "fake crisis" comment so politically devestating for the Democrats. It exposes them as being out of touch.

Anonymous said...

.maybe you can link the report you cite so we can all see WTF you are making up


Commonsense said...

Wow...pure genius cramps....so are mass shooting with assault rifles

Sure but the border problem can be solved without trampling on anyone constitutional right. All you need is a little brick and mortar.

Even showing the will to build the wall will discourage people from making the dangerous trip to cross border illegally.

anonymous said...

Sure but the border problem can be solved without trampling on anyone constitutional right.

Really....talk to those ranchers in texas who will lose land via eminent domaine....do you ever think things through or just have visceral reactions????

Anonymous said...

It exposes them as being out of touch.

i'm not convinced they're out of touch on this issue as much as they're dedicated to denying trump a victory on the issue.

it is ironic however that they enjoy the safety and security of walls and armed guards around their residences and places of employment. in other words, "they've got theirs" so they have absolutely no incentive to give a shit about the rest of us.

it's like one of the angel parents said in an interview last night - someone like pelosi will need to lose a child or a grandchild to an illegal murderer. only then will it become personal enough for the elite to understand.

like every other issue the democrats dig in their heels on - this is not about the people. this is about raw political power.

anonymous said...


Maybe you can point out the chart you are using. to support something.....not sure what!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!..My guess you are just seeing what will stick....ain't gonna work.....trump lied and you are swearing to it.....asshole....

Anonymous said...

.talk to those ranchers in texas who will lose land via eminent domaine.

those guys have been interviewed. it's helpful if you actually watch the networks doing the interviewing. they have no problem with losing what ultimately becomes a couple of hundred feet of land in exchange for stopping the flow of illegals and drug cartels.

there are some ranchers who have been silent on the issue. they're the ones murdered by illegals.

After he was shot, the 58-year-old Krentz managed to drive away in his all-terrain vehicle before losing consciousness and dying from his wounds. Nothing had been stolen from him, and his gun was still in its holster. His dog was killed, too.


i used to think that this was a numbers game. that some number of Americans would have to die before something was done. now it's become apparent that it's not about how many, but WHO they are. and whether they are connected well enough to political power. once THOSE people start to die at the hands of illegal murderers something will change. until then, not so much.

Anonymous said...

Hi meatless Dopie.

"eminent domaine" is Constitutional.
Kelo v. City of New London, 545 U.S. 469 (2005),[1]