Monday, January 14, 2019

So here is the Monday morning question...

So prior to the "bombshell" reports from the NYT about McCabe and others in the FBI who apparently thought that the President was a Russian agent, there was another bombshell report in the NYT about how Paul Manafort was sharing information back and forth with Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska.

Association with Deripaska has not been retracted by the NYT

The very idea that someone tied to the Trump campaign sharing information with Oleg Deripaska was apparently some sort of smoking gun evidence of Trump/Russian collusion. Of course, that portion of the story was later retracted, and it turned out that Manafort was sharing polling data with Ukrainian business partners with the intent of making them believe he had clout within the Trump circle, not with Deripaska and not with any sort of intent to collude with the Russians.

But the irony here is that it is a fairly well known fact that Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska had been working with paid Democratic operative and foreign agent Richard Steele. There is speculation that there was relationship not only between Deripaska and Steele, but that Fusian GPS's Glenn Simpson was also in the mix, and that there was almost certainly overlap between Steels work for the DNC and Clinton and his association with Deripaska. This relationship may have also been known to the FBI (investigators have uncovered that Bruce Ohr has an entire email chain associated with this).

So the question is simple.

Why is the idea of Paul Manafort having and association with Oleg Deripaska front page news. Why is it some sort of evidence of collusion had a Trump associate been sharing information back and forth with Deripaska.

But the idea that the DNC, Clinton campaign, and the FBI may have all been actually paying people who were sharing information back and forth with Deripaska is not anything to even raise an eyebrow about? For all we know, information in the Steele dossier may have even come from Deripaska.

Why is it that what is good for the goose, apparently is not good for the gander here.


cowardly king obama said...

And while the FAKE NEWS chases FAKE TRUMP BOMBSHELLS we have this:

Missing: Key Documents About Alleged Misconduct By Robert Mueller’s Lead Prosecutor

Andrew Weissmann, the lead prosecutor for Special Counsel Robert Mueller, has a history of questionable conduct. But the full extent of Weissmann’s alleged prosecutorial misconduct is unclear because some of the most serious charges were hidden behind redactions and secreted in sealed court filings
Two months ago I sued to have these records released, but late Friday federal Judge Sim Lake’s case manager confirmed that several of the sought-after documents are missing from the court record.

I'm sure the usual suspects here are fine with that, nothing to see here and will not get any mainstream press coverage. Their motto is now "All the news we see fit to print, and fits our agenda" ...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"I believe it is vitally important that the special counsel be allowed to complete his investigation,"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I watched his unhinged press play before he took off .

You are taking your orders like every good Nazi

Anonymous said...

comment three breaks godwin's law.

that could be a new record.

good job alky, you child rapist-loving piece of shit, you.

Anonymous said...

Russia is the international equivalent of an internet troll keyboarding from their Mom’s basement. It has the GDP of New York state. It’s military is incompetent on a very good day. It spent $100,000 in direct expenditures on the US election and the Washington Post’s investigation of that effort said it was ridiculously inefficient. The linkage of this to Comey’s firing is ridiculous. A week after Comey was fired, a special counsel was appointed so no action was needed by the FBI. And we know from since revealed text messages, that the FBI detailed some of its most virulent Trump-haters to Mueller’s team. Russia is not the most dangerous threat to our way of life. The most dangerous threat is the existence of a non-elected cabal of law enforcement and intelligence officials conspiring to overturn an election.

Why did they do it? I think Sean Davis hits the nail on the head:

Sean Davis

Translation: Comey’s firing signaled that McCabe’s corrupt head was next on the chopping block, so the FBI cooked up yet another extortion scheme masquerading as an “investigation” to insulate the agency from political accountability. …

Michael S. Schmidt

EXCLUSIVE: Trump’s actions so alarmed FBI after Comey firing that it began investigating if he was working for Russia @adamgoldmanNYT @npfandos …

9:01 PM - Jan 11, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy
7,878 people are talking about this

And why are they bringing it up now? They are inoculating themselves for the inevitable official disclosure of what happened. They ran to a couple of their favorite reporters in the most friendly major publication for NeverTrump stories and the are giving their rationalization.

All of this calls into question exactly what the hell Christopher Wray has been doing since his appointment. Anyone who saw any of the correspondence or received any instructions to participate in this idiocy and didn’t immediately inform the DOJ IG should be fired as they can’t be trusted to act with the Constitutional limits on their power.

C.H. Truth said...

Well Rog...

Very sorry that you got "triggered" again by the President being the President. Perhaps you could just stop following his twitter feed, and you could stop being so damned angry all the time.

Then, you could spend more time jacking off while thinking about illegal immigrants raping underage children.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Well Scott, you can be sued for your comments.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You are projecting your own feelings for sex with children.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Anonymous said...

Very sorry that you got "triggered" again by the President being the President.

you know, 0linsky will go down in history as the worst president in my lifetime. virtually everything he touched turned to complete shit. but i never let him get to me like trump does to the alky.

when skeets would appear on tv, the biggest reaction he got out of me was to change the channel. the only one in my house who would react aggressively was the black lab who would attack the tv. out of instinct; i didn't train him to do it.
the golden retriever appeared amused as golden retrievers always do.

the jug-eared fuckstick was a failure of galactic proportions, but he never influenced me the way trump influences the left. all the more reason to view liberalism as a mental illness.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

You are projecting your own feelings for sex with children.

we're the ones who want to prevent their entry into the country.

you're the one who wants to let them in.

and i would shoot them on sight, so i'm hardly a guy who could be seen as their advocate.

Anonymous said...

speaking of child rapists, senator bob menendez is on the beach in puerto rico while his supporters suffer with no pay.

i like the optics of that.

Anonymous said...

Admit you’re wrong" Cali to Roger.

Roger put on a dress and has been dancing ever since.

Still Alky is in drag.

Anonymous said...

Look, Roger put on a new dress to dance in;

"Very sorry that you got "triggered" again by the President being the President. Perhaps you could just stop following his twitter feed, and you could stop being so damned angry all the time.

Then, you could spend more time jacking off while thinking about illegal immigrants raping underage children.


Roger AmickJanuary 14, 2019 at 10:37 AM

Well Scott, you can be sued for your comments.

Oh good Roger is butt hurt and files a lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

LA teachers strike against their students.

Commonsense said...

speaking of child rapists, senator bob menendez is on the beach in puerto rico while his supporters suffer with no pay.

All that's missing are his buddies Epstein and Clinton. Geez and the people of New Jersey re-elected this pervert.

Anonymous said...

“There you go again,” Ronald Reagan famously joked in 1980 when President Jimmy Carter painted an inaccurate picture of one of his policies. Perhaps he’d say the same of those who are distorting the history of the Electoral College today.

New York’s newest congresswoman, Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, has been quick to jump onto this bandwagon, recently labeling the Electoral College a “shadow of slavery’s power on America.” Others have called it a “living symbol of America’s original sin,” an “antiquated relic of slavery,” or even a “pro-slavery compromise.”

Commonsense said...

antiquated relic of slavery,”

That would be the House of Representatives where "3/5 of all others" gave the slave states enormous power.

It was the senate that equalized the power of the slave states.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A conservative-leaning poll released Monday showed President Trump with his lowest approval ratings in almost a year.

The Rasmussen poll found that 43 percent of likely voters polled approve of Trump's job performance, his lowest mark in the poll since January of 2018, when his approval was at 42 percent.

The poll also found that 55 percent of respondents disapprove of Trump's performance, including 46 percent who strongly disapprove. Another 32 percent strongly approve the job Trump is doing.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The electoral college was designed to protect the slave states.

The Senate members used to be selected by the state legislatures, giving the slave state the ability to continue slavery.

Commonsense said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
The electoral college was designed to protect the slave states.

Your ignorance is painfully obvious. It was the senate that balanced out the power of the slave states. As I said the "3/5 of all others" gave the slave states in ordinate power in the house as only wealthy land owners were the only one who could vote. Slave did not have the vote nor any hope of having the vote.

Let see, that statement now demonstrates your ignorance of history, to go along with your ignorance of geography and civics.

Your batting a thousand there Roger.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump, you didn't get $5 billion to carry out your ill advised election promise & now you want to declare an emergency. The only emergency facing our country is the need to impeach you before you destroy our country, our ideals, & leadership in the world. Trump, go home. Bye bye!

Maxine Waters

C.H. Truth said...

Roger - the Electoral college, as well as the design of the Senate, were both created at the bidding of smaller states, who otherwise may not have joined the Republic (for fear of becoming pawns of large states).

The original electoral college provided for the state delegates to choose the President. the idea was to have independent ways of choosing the various office holders. Senate was voted by state. House was a popular vote. President was electoral college. Justices were appointed. In many ways it was a way to protect "democracy" from itself.

This is not to be confuse with the 3/5 compromise where southern slave state wanted to include slaves as part of their population in determining representation, whereas others wanted them considered "property". They compromised and counted slaves as 3/5 of a person.

That had nothing to do with the electoral college. Nor does it make any sense that slavery would have anything to do with the electoral college. In fact, only white men who were land owners were allowed to vote at first. How does that have anything to do with slavery?

Just another example of liberal "gas lighting" and revisionist history.

caliphate4vr said...

and this has been explained to Roger cray-cray before

C.H. Truth said...

The problem with cognitive dissonance is that you can explain the same thing over and over, and it will go in one ear and out the other.

The reality and truth don't really matter here. What matters is that demanding that the electoral college has something to do with "slavery" makes for a better argument for abolishing it...

If Roger and the left tell the truth... that the Electoral College (and Senate rules) are designed to protect small states from becoming irrelevant in the big picture... then that concept still exists today.

Anonymous said...

He is incapable of learning.
Low IQ.

Anonymous said...

"the electoral college has something to do with "slavery" "

Socialist brain Trust Cortez believes so Alky believes, they are the same IS and dress size?

Anonymous said...

"Let see, that statement now demonstrates your ignorance of history, to go along with your ignorance of geography and civics. " CS
Alky has no knowledge on finances or Economic.

Anonymous said...

Warren, who is out and about running for president right now, celebrated New Year’s Eve with a live stream from her kitchen. At one point, she awkwardly attempted to look like regular folk by popping open a bottle of beer.

“Hold on a sec,” she says. “I’m gonna get me a beer.” She toddles off-screen for a beat, returns with a beer, pops it open, and offers one to her husband, who politely declines. After introducing her husband to the viewing audience, she says to him, “Thank you for being here.”

Just like this loser.

"Mr. Kerry’s Ohio hunting adventure started last Saturday, when the senator, campaign entourage in tow, went into a grocery store and asked the owner: “Can I get me a hunting license here?” Even the phraseology sounded staged. Mr. Kerry ordinarily doesn’t talk this way, and his language sounded fake and patronizing — as if he was pretending to talk like someone from rural Ohio."

Commonsense said...

Alky has no knowledge on finances or Economic.

He's just channeling Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

The electoral college was designed to protect the slave states.

parroting assholio fucktardio cortez, rog?

man, have you hit rock bottom or what?

caliphate4vr said...

Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams (D) said she "wouldn't oppose" non-citizens voting in local elections.

Thank the lord Kemp was just sworn in

Commonsense said...

Yeah, Georgia dodged a bullet. So did Florida.

anonymous said...

Now I know why rat hole flunked out of ag school.....had a problem passing history 101

parroting assholio fucktardio cortez, rog?

The real reason we have an Electoral College: to protect slave states

“In a direct election system, the South would have lost every time.”

There is an idea that democracy doesn't work continentally because there are informational problems. How are people on one part of the continent supposed to know how good someone is on another part of the continent? But once political parties appear on the scene, they have platforms. And ordinary people know what they stand for, and presidential candidates are linked to local slates of politicians. So that problem is solved.

So what's the real answer? In my view, it's slavery. In a direct election system, the South would have lost every time because a huge percentage of its population was slaves, and slaves couldn't vote. But an Electoral College allows states to count slaves, albeit at a discount (the three-fifths clause), and that's what gave the South the inside track in presidential elections. And thus it's no surprise that eight of the first nine presidential races were won by a Virginian. (Virginia was the most populous state at the time, and had a massive slave population that boosted its electoral vote count.)

Anonymous said...

"He's just channeling Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez." CS


Anonymous said...

LOL@Denise daily.

anonymous said...

Trump heading south....latest gaggle of poles on RCP

Monday, January 14

President Trump Job Approval IBD/TIPP Approve 42, Disapprove 54 Disapprove +12
President Trump Job Approval CNN Approve 37, Disapprove 57 Disapprove +20
President Trump Job Approval Rasmussen Reports Approve 43, Disapprove 55 Disapprove +12
Direction of Country Rasmussen Reports Right Direction 36, Wrong Track 58 Wrong Track +22
Direction of Country IBD/TIPP Right Direction 41, Wrong Track 58 Wrong Track +17

anonymous said...

Blogger KD said...
LOL@Denise daily.

The goat fucker fucks some more....what an asshole 24/7 worthless pile of stupid....!!!! Prove that article can't ....go burn a tree for christ....

anonymous said...

Seems the only ones to pass history in are AOC and Roger....CH and the rest of the trump idiots just post excerpts they like....

Another source confirming AOC and roger......keep digging goat lose again as usual...

anonymous said...

Gee, Mitch finally opens up his jowls protect mouth and says something appropriate about our racists in the open....

Mitch McConnell: Rep. King’s comments about race ‘unwelcome and unworthy of his elected position’
The Senate majority leader became the highest-ranking Republican to speak out against Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) following a series of racially charged comments.

But Cruz will still protect him.....soo sad...wonder what the goat fucker has to say with such a dirt bag so close to his home....probably nothing since he is a worthless brainwashed old white man set in his stupid ways......BWAAAAAA!!!

C.H. Truth said...

Denny -

Congressional approval

Econom/YouGov 12 70 -58
Reuters/Ipsos 23 66 -43
CNN 19 71 -52
Monmouth 23 65 -42
Gallup 21 74 -53
CBS News 17 75 -58
FOX News 22 66 -44

Good thing the Democrats took over, huh?

What is 19.6% compared to the President's approval?

Funny how Trump is more than twice as popular as Congress!

caliphate4vr said...

Ah yes, fatty goes to Vox the paragons of the journ-O-listers