Friday, January 11, 2019

So walls are immoral, don't work, and cost too much money?

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, illegal crossings in San Diego have dropped 92% in the 23 years since the wall went up there. Illegal traffic dropped 95% in the 22 years following Mr. Clinton’s wall in El Paso, Texas. After the Tucson, Ariz., sector wall was finished, illegal traffic dropped 90% over 15 years. And once the Yuma, Ariz., sector wall was in place under President George W. Bush, illegal traffic dropped 95% over nine years. (Link)

Oh... and this coming year, France, Iraq, Lithuania, Estonia and Norway are putting up walls. Perhaps Pelosi and Schumer can talk them out of it? Explain to them, that just because they work, doesn't mean that they should build them. It's immoral after all.

I think we need to go no further than the Obama stimulus law (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of  2009)  where we spent somewhere in the vicinity of $40 billion on energy and green technology, only to see almost nothing tangible coming out of all those billions.

The truth is that there is nearly no logical reason to believe that spending five billion on a southern border wall expansion is the sort of colossal waste of money that requires anyone to shut down the entire government in protest over it.   

We have nearly 90% of border agents, as well as the recently fired former head of the border agency who all believe that the wall would be an effective tool in combating illegal border crossings on the southern border. Not to mention, many of the Democrats currently arguing against the wall, at one time or another supported a border barrier.


Anonymous said...

HUNTINGTON STATION, Long Island (WABC) -- Police said a teenager was stabbed in an attack by three MS-13 members from his high school behind a Long Island Burger King.


According to police, Lopez entered the United States illegally on December 8, 2016. He was picked up by the Department of Homeland Security in October 2017, but a federal judge released him from custody in June.

Zuniga and Molina entered the country illegally as unaccompanied minors. Molina was picked up by DHS in July 2017 but released by a federal district judge in November 2017.

Anonymous said...

In most towns in the US solid barriers are required for dogs to be off lead.

Anonymous said...

A million of people will die IF we dont build the border barrier.Right Roger?

Myballs said...

San Diego news station disinvited by CNN because they found that the wall there was working.

They're not even news anymore. They're an advocacy activist org.

Anonymous said...

Keep the US Government partly shutdown.

Anonymous said...

Money flows from the US Congress, they control the National Purse.
US House Democrat held makes history by denying 800,000 federal workers pay.

Myballs said...

Obama walked out of a meeting with congressional leaders in 2011. The news media called it impassioned. But when Trump does it, it's called a tantrum.

Double standard anyone?

Anonymous said...

Trump 2020 campaign manager Brad Parscale said Thursday that the "number one reason" swing voters are inclined to vote for the New York Republican in 2020 is because of his crusade in favor of strengthened border security and construction of a wall.

Parscale said that the 2016 election was "very grassroots" but that the 2020 bid includes "new technology" and a "much larger ground game."

He said that his team is very closely monitoring "swing voters" who disapprove of the president for reasons of tone, personality and the like, but may be inclined to support some of his policies.

"The number one reason they will vote 'for' him is because of his stance on border security," Parscale said.

Anonymous said...

Democrats are floating Moochelle for 2020.

Run on her husband's economic record.

Anonymous said...

Roth IRA under Trump goes up to $6,000 we just fully funded ours.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If Trump’s border wall gets funding, construction would not begin for at least six months — and likely longer, Zarenski said.

Land along the border still needs to be acquired.

Soil and environmental studies need to be done.

The first thing a construction firm would build is not a wall but a road. A roadway running parallel to the border would be needed to allow the backhoes, dumptrucks and cement trucks to reach the remote construction sites.

Finding enough skilled workers in the current tight labor market also would be difficult.

And the project’s massive price tag comes with its own constraints. The construction industry’s rule of thumb, Zarenski said, is it takes 5,000 to 6,000 workers a year to build $1 billion worth of construction. But you cannot fit them all on one job site. For a project like the border wall, you would want to have dozens of different sites going at once.

Zarenski calculated how fast the work could go — assuming 10,000 workers spread equally over 50 sites. Then, they could build 37 feet of border wall each workday at each site — about 1,850 feet each workday across all the sites.

Even if these huge crews broke ground today, they would finish just 86 miles of border wall by year’s end. By Election Day 2020, 161 miles of border wall would be done. It would take 11 years to reach 1,000 miles. And that is assuming 10,000 workers going all at once, five days a week.

Cut that to 5,000 workers and a 1,000-mile long wall would take more than 20 years, Zarenski said.

About 700 miles of the 2,000-mile-long U.S.-Mexico border already has some form of fence or wall.

In October, the Trump administration touted the completion of about two miles of steel-slat and concrete border wall near Calexico, Calif., as the first section of the president’s hoped-for border wall. The project had been planned since 2009 and replaced an existing barrier. And it still took eight months from contract award to completion.

It is also increasingly clear Mexico is not going to foot the bill for the border wall, despite Trump’s insistence Tuesday night that it would pay “indirectly. LOL

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

rrb is upset because she's not dead.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's recovery from surgery to remove malignant nodules from her left lung is "on track," a Supreme Court spokesperson said Friday, but she will continue to work from home and miss oral arguments at the court next week.

"Her recovery from surgery is on track. Post-surgery evaluation indicates no evidence of remaining disease, and no further treatment is required," said spokesperson Kathy Arberg.

In November, Ginsburg was hospitalized after suffering fractured ribs from a fall in her office at the court. Tests done during that trip to the hospital led to the incidental discovery of the nodules on her lung, which were removed in December.

Commonsense said...

Finding enough skilled workers in the current tight labor market also would be difficult.

Good stone layers and concrete men south of the border

Commonsense said...

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's recovery from surgery to remove malignant nodules from her left lung is "on track," a Supreme Court spokesperson said Friday,

That would be good news for her and her family but she still ought to think about retiring.

anonymous said...

ly but she still ought to think about retiring.

Why, to make you happy????? BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!

And for lil Scotty, the wall works in urban areas with heavy patrol presence...thinking that will be the same for the rest of the border is both naive and trumps brainwashing you....sorry....

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...
If Trump’s border wall gets funding, construction would not begin for at least six months — and likely longer, Zarenski said.

ask the haiku poet to write a poem telling trump not to bother with the wall because of the insurmountable burden of starting 6 months out.

you've become a clown on this issue, alky.

Myballs said...

Time to build the wall
But it won't start for six months
After then, strong and tall

Commonsense said...

Why, to make you happy?????

No, to make her happy in the time she got left.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

he hard-line House Freedom Caucus is urging President Donald Trump against the explosive step of declaring a national emergency to build his wall.

Multiple Republicans in the conservative group have privately raised their concerns with the Trump administration, fearing it would lead to a years-long legal standoff that Democrats could win while setting a dangerous precedent for the presidency, according to more than a dozen lawmakers and GOP aides. They want Trump to hold out for a deal with Democrats, regardless of how long the partial government shutdown drags on.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The government shutdown has shaved about $3.6 billion off the U.S. economy as of Friday, according to estimates by S&P Global Ratings.

Commonsense said...

They want Trump to hold out for a deal with Democrats, regardless of how long the partial government shutdown drags on.

The let the Democrats cry for their mama.

Commonsense said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
The government shutdown has shaved about $3.6 billion off the U.S. economy as of Friday, according to estimates by S&P Global Ratings.

Wow, you could have paid for the wall. So tell us why the Democrats shut it down again?

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

rrb is upset because she's not dead.


politics doesn't define my existence like it does yours alky.

she's a dead man walking and probably doesn't live to see the 4th of july. i will admit that it's hilarious to watch liberals offer up a day of their life to keep her alive though.

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

The government shutdown has shaved about $3.6 billion off the U.S. economy as of Friday, according to estimates by S&P Global Ratings.


as cs said, that would've been a good start for the wall, and out of a $4 TRILLION economy it's a fucking rounding error.

thanks for admitting the dems are so petty to shut down part of the government for so little.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

At stake is the longest organized Democratic government in history.

No, Mr. President. It is not just “criminals” who oppose your racist border wall. It’s the majority of the American people. We will not waste $5 billion of taxpayer money on the border wall at a time when we have a crumbling infrastructure, when our veterans sleeping out on the streets and 30 million of our people have no health insurance. It is irresponsible to spend billions to fulfill a campaign pledge borne of the president’s divisive, xenophobic political posturing. We have got to get our priorities right.

Bernie Sanders

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I will take full responsibility for the government shutdown!

President Trump

Anonymous said...

So tell us why the Democrats shut it down again?" RRB


Anonymous said...

Look how much 5 Billion will forever solve.

IF only Hillary and the dnc. Had not cheated Pres. Socialist Sanders.

Anonymous said...

5 Billion according to Alky and 30 million people in the USA get Health care, no veteran is homeless ever again and our roads and bridges are fixed.

Got to love simpletons like alky.

Anonymous said...

Bernie Sanders

3 homes, $300,000 in private jet travel, and a staff that was playing some #metoo grab ass on his last campaign.

if you're looking for a beacon of hypocrisy alky, you couldn't do any better than the bern.

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

At stake is the longest organized Democratic government in history.

only to the drama queens.

the rest of us barely notice the partial shutdown.

Anonymous said...

Lol, damn Roger is Stoooopid.

No the Republic is just fine.
So is Mother Earth.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We are being invaded!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

When is the moment we can say that Trump has clearly gone over the line in erasing democratic and constitutional restraints on his personal power?

I’d say declaring a national emergency when there isn’t one to fund a project he can’t get through Congress pretty obviously qualifies. Wouldn’t you?

He couldn’t manage to get his wall funded when his own party controlled the entire government. He even turned down a bipartisan offer to build a “wall” in return for a path to citizenship for Dreamers last year, because he wanted a reduction in legal immigration as well. He petulantly refuses to accept greater funding for border control and immigration enforcement if his symbolic wall isn’t part of the package. He says he intends to use the military to do what a civilian border force is constitutionally designed for. He even intends to seize private land in order to construct the Great Wall of America, using a military version of “eminent domain.” And he says he has the power to do all this anyway and is only negotiating with congressional leaders because he feels like it. His benchmark for when an emergency begins? When Nancy Pelosi refuses to budge. Which is proof that this “emergency” is pulled out of his giant, shapeless ass.

Anonymous said...

Ok, we lost Roger again.

Spamzilla is back.

Anonymous said...

give queen andrew the credit he is due, alky.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

And for all this, he has shut down much of the federal government as leverage to get his way, jeopardizing public safety and health, disrupting the lives (and now paychecks) of millions.

The words he has used to justify all of this are an assault on liberal democratic norms and the rule of law. Emergency powers do exist in the event of a national security crisis — but, as David French has noted, they only apply in an actual national emergency that “may require” the use of the military and even then only for “already authorized” construction projects “essential” to “national defense.” These laws were designed to restrain the executive through the law, not to give him carte blanche to appropriate funds Congress has designated otherwise. The laws were never designed to enable the president to do things the Congress had never authorized (the 2006 funds for border fencing have already been used up), and which the Congress actively, indeed strongly, opposes.

There is indeed a crisis at the border — caused by a big increase in the numbers of families with children from Central America applying for asylum. But they are not trying to evade a wall, and even if they were, you couldn’t build one fast enough to stop them. Regular economic migration from Mexico is way down. The overwhelming majority of drugs come through routine ports of entry, not the open border, or, like fentanyl, through the mail from China. Almost everything the president has said about all of this is a lie — from his disgusting demonization of illegal immigrants as criminals and animals to the alleged record number of apprehensions at the border this year to his ludicrous insistence that he never actually said that Mexico would directly pay for the wall. He just wants his goddamn wall, and he will shut down the government and violate the Constitution if he cannot get it.

Andrew Sullivan

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He could have been quoting me.

He just wants his goddamn wall, and he will shut down the government and violate the Constitution if he cannot get it.

Anonymous said...

poor queen andrew.

she really seems to have her tampon in a twist this time.

alky, why don't you and queenie go down to the local spa for a nice relaxing vagina steam, eh?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Congress is effectively not functioning, elections merely rearrange the tribal deadlock, and reasoned discourse has been tweeted out of existence in the wider public space. This democracy has no effective means to govern itself, except through bitter paralysis or executive fiat.

Now we’ve added an instinctive tyrant to this equation, and the last two years have been blinking bright red for constitutional corrosion and collapse. And now we’re seeing Trump’s tyrannical instincts in a new, post-midterm light: another party controls the House. It was bad enough when he was fighting his own party, his own Cabinet, and all of our allies. Now he’s lost the House and fired everyone who disagreed with him in his own Cabinet. He runs the country by impulsive, often contradictory diktat, and grips other tyrants— from MBS and Sisi to Putin and Bolsonaro — more closely to his chest. With the Mueller report pending, a docile new attorney general in the wings, and a majority on the Supreme Court inclined to give the executive the benefit of the doubt, we are about to enter Act III of this tragedy.

We all knew this was coming. Our liberal democracy is in abeyance. We now wait to see what the replacement will be. It could come sooner than we think.

He is a true conservative. Not a Trumpet like Scott.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Jimmy is suppressing his feelings towards Andrew Sullivan.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

" I don’t have to agree with what somebody thinks, who they vote for, what they voted for, what they think, but I will back their right to say or believe it. That’s democracy,” Johnson told The Daily Star.

“So many good people fought for freedom and equality – but this generation are for a reason to be offended. "

“If you are not agreeing with them then they are offended – and that is not what so many great men and women fought for.” 

Anonymous said...

The US House controls who gets paid. The US Constitution give them the sole power.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Jimmy is suppressing his feelings towards Andrew Sullivan.

the only feeling i have towards him is that i wonder how he would be "feeling" right now if one of his loved ones was murdered by an illegal alien.

if i was trump i would bring every angel mom and angel dad to DC and march them up to capitol hill and let the democrats tell them to their faces that their loved one's deaths don't matter, and that the crisis is manufactured.

as a parent i cannot imagine the depths of the pain these parents must feel every single day. and the fact that scumbags like pelosi and schumer would basically tell these folks "FUCK YOU" is particularly disgusting.

karma keeps me from wishing great harm and great pain to the loved ones of every democrat in DC. but i'm getting closer. the pure evil i've been witnessing from the democrats - all for votes for chrissakes - is beyond sickening.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The United States Revenue Act of 1978, Pub.L. 95–600, 92 Stat. 2763, enacted November 6, 1978, amended the Internal Revenue Code.
President Jimmy Carter signed it ending US Pensions as we knew them and ushering in the failed 401k system.

C.H. Truth said...


You forget that the House passed a funding bill (prior to January) that included the funding for the wall, and that the Senate had over 50 votes for a spending bill that funded the way, and that the President was willing to sign it.

The Democrats in the Senate filibustered that spending bill.

If Democrats had just allowed the spending bill to come to a vote, our government would be up and running.

But you see it as the President is the only person to blame.


C.H. Truth said...


It's probably not as much TDS...

as it is that Rog is susceptible to media brainwashing. If the NYT, WAPO, and CNN tell Rog that it is Trumps fault.

He is helpless to resist.

anonymous said...

ushering in the failed 401k system.

You really are dumber than a box of rocks goat fucker...Just because you have to burn wood to because you don't have savings to buy fuel, doesn't mean others having 401ks have have not had great success......Yep, your an idiot....

anonymous said...

If Democrats had just allowed the spending bill to come to a vote,

The senate passed a spending bill unanimously.....and your filibuster argument like the rest is bullshit....Funny you also had both houses for 2 years and got nothing funded....and lets not blame the D's since that seems to be all you got....LOLOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

Really, you feel.that a 401k is better then a defined benefit retirement?

DO tell.

anonymous said...

401k is better then a defined benefit retirement?

When a defined plan is not available, absolutely and with a defined plan a great way to save tax free for retirement.......;BTW, since you don't work and haven't tried to find a job for years, there are very few companies that offer defined plans anymore....I believe the number is about 15% give or take.....IOW's 401's and SS are your only options...... I can't believe I responded to your posit, and some how you will try to extract some stupid point shortly.....I know I'll be sorry....

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He said he he will take the responsibility for the government shutdown. You are a victim of Trumpism stage four cancer. It's not the "fake News". Those were his words Scott.

Hypocrisy is Coldheartedtruthlessness

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is a fucking lie.

The Democrats in the Senate filibustered that spending bill.

The President said that he would not sign the bill passed by the Senate majority party with almost every single Democrat

Anonymous said...

You never say anything of value.

anonymous said...

Roger once again shows us why the goat fucker is a worthless pile of shit.....can't recognize a fact if it was shoved in his face like the 4;42 sad, but so normal for the willfully stupid...

Anonymous said...

"The percentage of workers in the private sector whose only retirement account is a defined benefit pension plan is now 4%" CNN

anonymous said...

The scum of the earth from Iowa, needs to be censured......but, the base keeps slurping this indignity with gusto....wonder why droves of women are leaving your is a primary reason....idiots like King....!!!

The last election was a wake-up call’: Why GOP leaders are turning on Steve King
The top three Republicans in House leadership each rebuked the congressman from Iowa after he wondered aloud how the terms “white nationalist” and “white supremacist” became “offensive” during an interview with the media.

Wondering aloud how this fuck keeps his job??????

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Rasmussen1/8 - 1/10 Approval 45 Disapproval 54 -9

Anonymous said...

Ted Benna says Denise is so wrong, again.

anonymous said...

My stat was for fortune 500 companies.....4% really sucks.....imagine without 401K's how little people would save and many companies don't match beyond 2% of savings....IOW's young kids are sad....

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

My defined pension plan will never end no matter how long I live.

a 401k ends when it reaches zero dollars.

anonymous said...

Rasmussen1/8 - 1/10 Approval 45 Disapproval 54 -9

WOW!!!!!!! And the sycophants here keep slurping away....seems like our little group of voters are like the idiots who supported nixon even after he sad there are so many dolts!!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Republicans have been challenging the President finally.

ANCHORAGE (KTUU) - As the shutdown of the federal government ties for the longest in U.S. history, a group of Republican senators, including senior Alaska senator Lisa Murkowski, are proposing a bill that would permanently prevent shutdowns of this kind from ever happening again.

The bill, called the End Government Shutdowns Act, was introduced Friday by U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Rob Portman (R-OH), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Steve Daines (R-MT), Johnny Isakson (R-GA), Mike Enzi (R-WY), John Barrasso (R-WY), Jim Risch (R-ID), and Mike Lee (R-UT).

According to them, the bill will "permanently prevent the federal government from shutting down, ensuring that essential government services aren’t disrupted and protecting taxpayers who must bear the resulting cost."

The bill was promoted back to attention due to the current shutdown, which began overfunds for a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico, for which President Donald Trump wants $5 billion included in the spending budget to pay for. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democrats opposed this.

The shutdown has impacted thousands of federal employees and their families, as many are working furloughed or without pay, including here in Alaska.

In a statement Friday, Murkowski said of the shutdown: “The ripple effect of a government shutdown has consequences for all Alaskans-- most directly on the thousands of federal employees and tens of thousands more that rely on our federal agencies."

“This legislation permanently ends government shutdowns with a commonsense solution to avoid a funding lapse, ensuring the jobs and livelihoods of federal workers and contractors are not held hostage during political disputes," she said. "For the sake of our federal employees, their families, and our nation, I’m proud to support the End Government Shutdowns Act.”

Ohio Sen. Portman has introduced this legislation in every Congress since he was first elected to the United States Senate in 2010, but with this new support and in light of the continuing turmoil of the shutdown, this year it could be realized.

ANCHORAGE (KTUU) - As the shutdown of the federal government ties for the longest in U.S. history, a group of Republican senators, including senior Alaska senator Lisa Murkowski, are proposing a bill that would permanently prevent shutdowns of this kind from ever happening again.

The bill, called the End Government Shutdowns Act, was introduced Friday by U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Rob Portman (R-OH), Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Steve Daines (R-MT), Johnny Isakson (R-GA), Mike Enzi (R-WY), John Barrasso (R-WY), Jim Risch (R-ID), and Mike Lee (R-UT).

According to them, the bill will "permanently prevent the federal government from shutting down, ensuring that essential government services aren’t disrupted and protecting taxpayers who must bear the resulting cost."

The bill was promoted back to attention due to the current shutdown, which began overfunds for a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico, for which President Donald Trump wants $5 billion included in the spending budget to pay for. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democrats opposed this.

The shutdown has impacted thousands of federal employees and their families, as many are working furloughed or without pay, including here in Alaska.

In a statement Friday, Murkowski said of the shutdown: “The ripple effect of a government shutdown has consequences for all Alaskans-- most directly on the thousands of federal employees and tens of thousands more that rely on our federal agencies."

“This legislation permanently ends government shutdowns with a commonsense solution to avoid a funding lapse, ensuring the jobs and livelihoods of federal workers and contractors are not held hostage during political disputes," she said. "For the sake of our federal employees, their families, and our nation, I’m proud to support the End Government Shutdowns Act.”

anonymous said...

KD said...
Ted Benna says

WHY WOULD I GIVE A FUCK WHAT TED BEANER SAYS....Like I predicted....sorry to have tried to be civil with the goat fuckerl...all it wants to do is bang its head against the wall....asshole......

C.H. Truth said...

Rog -

the problem is that you don't pay attention:

December 20, 201810:10 AM ET

Updated at 10:48 p.m. ET

The House passed a short-term funding bill Thursday night that includes the money for additional border security President Trump wants — but the measure is unlikely to pass the Senate, raising the likelihood of a partial government shutdown that would begin Friday night at midnight.

However, the House bill is expected to be dead on arrival in the Senate, where Republicans have only a two-seat majority and any legislation needs 60 votes to move forward. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's office said the Senate would begin consideration of the House version on Friday, which would require consent for expedited consideration — something Democrats could block.

Senate Advances House Spending Bill with Wall Funding
21 Dec 2018

The Senate advanced the House-passed spending bill that contains $5.7 billion in wall funding on Friday.
The Senate passed a motion to proceed on the House-passed continuing resolution (CR), 48-47, that includes $5.7 billion in border wall funding, which will put the spending bill to a full floor vote soon. Vice President Mike Pence broke the tie on the motion to proceed, which will allow the Senate to vote on the legislation.

McConnell’s spokesman, David Popp, released a statement on Friday, contending that he will not drop the filibuster. Popp said:

The Leader has said for years that the votes are not there in the Conference to use the nuclear option. Just this morning, several senators put out statements confirming their opposition, and confirming that there is not a majority in the conference to go down that road.

Retiring Sens. Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), and Lamar Alexander (R-TN) all released statements on Friday, opposing the nuclear option to fund the wall.

C.H. Truth said...

So Rog - The house got a vote passed, and the Senate got a procedural vote to allow debate on the house bill. McConnell had 50 votes, but did not want to go "nuclear".

You really, really need to pay attention, so you are not constantly wrong, over and over and over and over and over again...

Anonymous said...

And over, again

Anonymous said...

IF only you had a proper education you would know that Ted Benna is th "Father" of the 401k.

Ted Benna says Denise is so wrong, again.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

McConnell would not allow it to come to a vote.

You really, really need to pay attention, so you are not constantly wrong, over and over and over and over and over again...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

McConnell would not allow it to come to a vote.

You really, really need to pay attention, so you are not constantly wrong, over and over and over and over and over again...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Kput'z admitted engaging in sexual acts with two calves near his mother has been sentenced to serve 60 days in jail and spend five years on probation.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

On a tour of a patrol station in McAllen, Texas, this week, Trump gathered 15 agents, dressed in uniforms and tactical gear, to stand next to him as he filmed a minute-long video.

“They have done an incredible job,” said Trump, sporting a “Make America Great Again” campaign hat. “But we all want to see a wall or a barrier because that will make your job even easier . . . Everybody knows we need a barrier; we need a wall,”

The agents remained silent, but the visual message was clear: Trump wanted viewers to believe Customs and Border Protection, an agency of 59,000 employees, is firmly behind him in a political skirmish that has resulted in a partial government shutdown.

By Friday afternoon, the clip had received 2.4 million views on Trump’s personal Twitter account and 1.5 million more on his personal Instagram account.

For Trump, the episode offered the latest example of his willingness to stretch the boundaries of using law enforcement agencies for political messaging. Last week, he brought leaders of unions for Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement to the White House briefing room to tout the wall.

Scott believes that the President has the support of the men who remind silent.

anonymous said...

IF only you had a proper education you would know that Ted Benna is th "Father" of the 401k.

IF only you had a proper education you would know that Ted Benna is th "Father" of the 401k.


Myballs said...

Main stream media not reporting it. But dems are now speaking out against chuck and Nancy's shutdown, wanting them to give trump some funding.

anonymous said...

But gems are now speaking out against chuck and Nancy's shutdow

BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! They got Jowls and trump by the short is the emergency or nothing....

Myballs said...

Hardly. Schumer and pelosi are eating it on this. Dems are breaking ranks.

anonymous said...

Schemer and pelosi are eating it on this.

Yep...they stole his lunch money and enjoying the meal!!!!

Dems are breaking ranks.

Bullshit loser...@!!!!!

Myballs said...

Tulsi gabberd announces she's running for president in 2020. The clown wagon is filling up.

Anonymous said...

29 so far.

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

McConnell would not allow it to come to a vote.

and do you know why, alky???

However, the House bill is expected to be dead on arrival in the Senate, where Republicans have only a two-seat majority and any legislation needs 60 votes to move forward. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's office said the Senate would begin consideration of the House version on Friday, which would require consent for expedited consideration — something Democrats could block.

admit you're wrong, you drunken fucking sot.

Myballs said...

I think she's preferable to the other stupid asses.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Denise and Alky are dumber and dumbest.

Anonymous said...

I think she's preferable to the other stupid asses.

easy on the eyes and not nearly as stupid as assholio fucktardio cortez.

Anonymous said...

In just two years, the Trump Administration has rolled back 78 environmental regulations, directly putting the health and safety of Americans at risk."
Tulsi gabberd
She is a nut.

Anonymous said...

Has Hillary still on here Stadium tour?

Anonymous said...

Susan Glasser at The New Yorker has an interesting article on Representative Eliot Engel of New York, who is now the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Quite surprisingly, as least to me, Engel is going to turn what has traditionally been a policy shop into more of an investigatory committee.

As often happens when a new chairman takes over in Congress, Engel is reorganizing the subcommittees on Foreign Affairs. He’s eliminating the committee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade and replacing it with a panel that will devote all its time looking into Donald Trump. We don’t yet know who will chair this subcommittee, but we do have some idea of what will be on their agenda.


Chairman Engel is willing to fight other committees for the jurisdiction to investigate these matters. The traditional investigatory committees are Judiciary, Intelligence, and Oversight & Government Reform, although many committees do maintain oversight subcommittees. In some ways, the Intelligence Committee is better armed to look into foreign affairs because they and their staff have preexisting clearances and protocols for dealing with classified materials. To do this job correctly, Engel will need to transform the Foreign Affairs Committee into something it has has never been in the past.

so much for the rise of ISIS in syria. we heard those phony cries just a couple of weeks ago.

Anonymous said...

Ruth Ginsburg to miss next week on the bench.

Rip .

C.H. Truth said...

Roger actually believes that McConnell didn't want a vote on the budget agreement? In spite of the fact that he voted it through procedurally?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Following President Trump’s firing of James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, the bureau grew increasingly concerned about whether the president’s actions constituted anti-American activity.The New York Times
By Adam Goldman, Michael S. Schmidt and Nicholas Fandos
Jan. 11, 2019
WASHINGTON — In the days after President Trump fired James B. Comey as F.B.I. director, law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests, according to former law enforcement officials and others familiar with the investigation.

The inquiry carried explosive implications. Counterintelligence investigators had to consider whether the president’s own actions constituted a possible threat to national security. Agents also sought to determine whether Mr. Trump was knowingly working for Russia or had unwittingly fallen under Moscow’s influence.

The investigation the F.B.I. opened into Mr. Trump also had a criminal aspect, which has long been publicly known: whether his firing of Mr. Comey constituted obstruction of justice.

Agents and senior F.B.I. officials had grown suspicious of Mr. Trump’s ties to Russia during the 2016 campaign but held off on opening an investigation into him, the people said, in part because they were uncertain how to proceed with an inquiry of such sensitivity and magnitude. But the president’s activities before and after Mr. Comey’s firing in May 2017, particularly two instances in which Mr. Trump tied the Comey dismissal to the Russia investigation, helped prompt the counterintelligence aspect of the inquiry, the people said.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He didn't let it come to a vote because he knew he President would veto it. It would have put the Republicans in awkward position with the base.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Based upon the behavior of the President law enforcement officials became so concerned by the president’s behavior that they began investigating whether he had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests.

Anonymous said...


No shoes?

Myballs said...

Yeah right. McCabe and gang did that.

Fired for cause

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The most important words in this investigation are that Donald J. Trump was under investigation by the FBI.

It could not have been allowed to proceed without the approval of the Department of Justice.

Of course I am certain that if he says anything about this bombshell, Scott will say that it's just more evidence of the Deep State conspiracy to destroy Donald J. Trump, because he defeated Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Agents and senior F.B.I. officials had grown suspicious of Mr. Trump’s ties to Russia during the 2016 campaign but held off on opening an investigation into him, the people said, in part because they were uncertain how to proceed with an inquiry of such sensitivity and magnitude. But the president’s activities before and after Mr. Comey’s firing in May 2017, particularly two instances in which Mr. Trump tied the Comey dismissal to the Russia investigation, helped prompt the counterintelligence aspect of the inquiry, the people said.

The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, took over the inquiry into Mr. Trump when he was appointed, days after F.B.I. officials opened it. That inquiry is part of Mr. Mueller’s broader examination of how Russian operatives interfered in the 2016 election and whether any Trump associates conspired with them. It is unclear whether Mr. Mueller is still pursuing the counterintelligence matter, and some former law enforcement officials outside the investigation have questioned whether agents overstepped in opening it.

The criminal and counterintelligence elements were coupled together into one investigation, former law enforcement officials said in interviews in recent weeks, because if Mr. Trump had ousted the head of the F.B.I. to impede or even end the Russia investigation, that was both a possible crime and a national security concern. The F.B.I.’s counterintelligence division handles national security matters.

If the president had fired Mr. Comey to stop the Russia investigation, the action would have been a national security issue because it naturally would have hurt the bureau’s effort to learn how Moscow interfered in the 2016 election and whether any Americans were involved, according to James A. Baker, who served as F.B.I. general counsel until late 2017.
He privately testified in October before House investigators who were examining the F.B.I.’s handling of the full Russia inquiry.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The decision to investigate Mr. Trump himself was an aggressive move by F.B.I. officials who were confronting the chaotic aftermath of the firing of Mr. Comey and enduring the president’s verbal assaults on the Russia investigation as a “witch hunt.”

Myballs said...

No. The important fact is that the investigation was opened by the deep staters who plotted to remove him from office.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is what Trump is going to face. The counter intelligence inspectors were not motivated by partisan politics. They are the first responders where the country is at risk.

Mr. Trump had caught the attention of F.B.I. counterintelligence agents when he called on Russia during a campaign news conference in July 2016 to hack into the emails of his opponent, Hillary Clinton. Mr. Trump had refused to criticize Russia on the campaign trail, praising President Vladimir V. Putin. And investigators had watched with alarm as the Republican Party softened its convention platform on the Ukraine crisis in a way that seemed to benefit Russia.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I knew that you would believe it's just more evidence of the Deep State conspiracy to destroy Donald J. Trump, because he defeated Hillary Rodham Clinton.

You used to drink Bush's bathwater. You have an IV on your vagina full time.

Myballs said...

It was. Who the hell do you think opened the investigation?

Here's a hint. They're all terminated.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The people who initiated the investigation were not fired. Two lower level investigators were fired . But you are lying again.

Anonymous said...

"Joe Lieberman says the party will lose voters in the long term if her ideas become its bread and butter 'I certainly hope she’s not the future and I don’t believe she is,' Lieberman saidOcasio-Cortez fired back on Twitter:  'New party, who dis?'

I love her so much.
Her voice is truth to power

Anonymous said...

Two lower level investigators" Roger

Name them?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The F.B.I. counterintelligence agents were not the two secret lovers who exchanged emails inappropriate to the investigation by Muller.

Anonymous said...

Roger got his ads kicked a lot as a boy.

"You have an IV on your vagina full time."


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The story doesn't name the F.B.I. counterintelligence agents who were wondering about the behavior of the President before he fired Comey.

After he fired Comey Muller was called in to investigate the allegations against Donald J. Trump.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I was over six feet tall at 15. Nobody kicked my ass

Anonymous said...

Repeatly whipped

Anonymous said...

#30 climbs aboard the crazy TrAin.

"WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is moving aggressively toward an expected presidential bid, filling out key staff positions, traveling to key states and nearing a choice on the location for a campaign headquarters, according to multiple people familiar with the discussions."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If the president had fired Mr. Comey to stop the Russia investigation, the action would have been a national security issue.

Trump has all but confirmed that he fired Comey for refusing to terminate the investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Prior to the Helsinke meeting with Vladimir Putin he was advised that the Russians had intervened into the election. After the two hour secret meeting with Putin he said that Putin denied any interference in the election.

His fashion with dictators was evident during the news conference after their meeting.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The very day after Trump canned Comey he invited the Russian FM and ambassador to the Oval Office and said the heat was off now that he canned the head of the FBI.

If true. OMG

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Making up more crap.
Damn you got rag dolled ass kicked in school.

cowardly king obama said...

Shoes dropping right and left. Too funny. Biggest political scandal ever and Roger still thinks it's about Trump/Russia...

James said...

Anonymous Myballs said...
Obama walked out of a meeting with congressional leaders in 2011. The news media called it impassioned. But when Trump does it, it's called a tantrum.

Double standard anyone?

Obama is cool.
Trump isn't.

James said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani told the Times that he had no knowledge of the inquiry but said that since it was opened a year and a half ago and they hadn't heard anything, apparently "they found nothing."

He didn't deny anything.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

What we learned today:

✅ Trump’s campaign chair Paul Manafort shared political data with Russia in 2016.

✅ Russia used this data to interfere in the election & put @realDonaldTrump in office.

✅ This is direct evidence of a conspiracy between Trump’s campaign and Russia.

Commonsense said...

Pretty much all of Roger's statements are flat out lies except the Russians "interfering" with the US presidential election.

The Russians did interfere with the election but it was on behalf of Hillary Clinton at her bidding.

Commonsense said...

He didn't deny anything.

Maybe because there was nothing to deny. There is however, an open question as to whether certain senior leaders in the FBI abused their power.

Commonsense said...

@Byron York
James Comey bungled Hillary Clinton investigation. Then started sketchy Trump probe. Then did a dossier-based, Moscow hookers, J. Edgar Hoover-style 'we know about you' routine with Trump before Trump became president... 1/4

Then Comey told Trump three times he wasn't under investigation while leaving public impression that he was. Trump understandably angry. Then, when Trump fired Comey--as some advisors had advocated for months--FBI saw it as treason. 2/4

Now, NYT reports FBI reacted to justified firing of Comey by opening counterintelligence investigation, probing 'whether [Trump] had been working on behalf of Russia against American interests.' 3/4

Investigation result: 'No evidence has emerged publicly that Mr. Trump was secretly in contact with or took direction from Russian government officials.' Is NYT story about Trump, or about FBI malfeasance? 4/4 End.

Good question. My theory is that some TDS liberals at the New York Times are trying the keep the Russian collusion narrative alive. If nothing else it's pretty good click bait.

Anonymous said...

"The Federal Reserve is now projected to keep interest rates steady in the first quarter, instead of raising them, before two increases total this year -- down from four moves in 2018."

Raised rates right after President Trump was Elected.
Never raised rates in 8 years be for Trumps Election.

Anonymous said...

Fed Chair Powell has finally listen to President Trump.
Powell's radical unwarranted rate hikes nearly killed the Trump Recover .

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

He didn't let it come to a vote because he knew he President would veto it.

as trump would say - WRONG.

he didn't let it come to a vote because he couldn't get to 60 votes.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Trump had caught the attention of F.B.I. counterintelligence agents when he called on Russia during a campaign news conference in July 2016 to hack into the emails of his opponent, Hillary Clinton.

this makes me laugh every time you post it.

Anonymous said...

Roger Amick said...

The people who initiated the investigation were not fired. Two lower level investigators were fired . But you are lying again.

deputy director mccabe was FIRED, alky. his fingerprints were all over the impetus for the investigation, and the little weasel was even responsible for issikoff's 'circular reporting' used as justification.

pop another oxycodone.

Anonymous said...

Today I will be nice to my minions , Alky, Denise and even Jane.

Commonsense said...

The counter intelligence inspectors were not motivated by partisan politics.

"We have an insurance policy in case he [Trump] is elected."

Former Special Agent Peter Stark text to his then lover Lisa Page

Anonymous said...

Roger, we do really try to educate you.
It is up to you to learn.
Dennis called Hillary a "dud".

C.H. Truth said...

He didn't let it come to a vote because he knew he President would veto it. It would have put the Republicans in awkward position with the base.

The bill had the wall funding, Roger...

and nearly 100% GOP support.

Why would the President veto it?

You're wrong, wrong, wrong... and just keep digging your hole.

Anonymous said...

Roger has moved into full blown troll ville.

Anonymous said...

True test that President Trump is Winning.

The deep State is pisses off and vocal.

Keep yelling blue ballers.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Davis Police Department, California

End of Watch Thursday, January 10, 2019



Police Officer Natalie Corona was shot and killed after responding to a report of a three-car vehicle crash near the intersection of 5th and D streets.

As Officer Corona was conducting an investigation at the collision scene, one of the persons involved opened fire, striking Officer Corona. 

Officer Corona was transported to UC Davis Medical Center, where she died from her wounds.

The subject fled into a nearby home and committed suicide."

"Authorities still have not released the gunman’s name, saying they may not do so before next week."

Why not Chief, is the murder an Illegal?