Everybody in the room and all the non TDS nares media understood it to mean "to abolition of slavery to civil rights". Only the TDS idiots are lapping it up.
Still am not 100% sure why this was anything important
because when you get your ass as thoroughly kicked as the democratics did on tuesday night, you're left trying to declare victory by clinging to childish shit like this. i mean, just look at the alky. he's spamming the entire blog with a single trump gaffe.
democrats in general are a fucking dumpster fire right now.
A new Morning Consult poll found that President Trump last month had the worst monthly approval rating of his presidency.
The data from Morning Consult's Trump Tracker, released Thursday, found a record-low 40 percent of respondents saying they approved of the president.
A majority, 55 percent, said they disapproved, which was also a record.
Though a large majority of Republicans in the poll, 83 percent, said they approved of Trump, that number was the lowest in months, according to Morning Consult.
The survey was conducted among 156,104 people throughout the month of January, while the longest-ever government shutdown was taking place, a new Democratic-controlled House was sworn in and Trump clashed with intelligence leaders on foreign policy. The margin of error ranged from 1 to 4 percentage points, varying by state.
A majority of voters in 27 states said they disapproved of Trump, with a majority in just 12 states saying they approved.
At least two other polls taken in January, including one from conservative-leaning Rasmussen, showed Trump with his lowest approval rating in at least a year.
you mean the same democrats who have been trying to throw him out of office since inauguration day? where lil schitt and golden corral nadler are leading a fresh charge just to fuck with trump? where democrats like chuckles schumer insult him 10 times a day and the hamas caucus dems call him a motherfucker before they've even been sworn into office?
THOSE democrats, alky?
yeah, i cannot imagine why trump isn't trying to work with the democrats.
"Everybody in the room and all the non TDS nares media understood it to mean "to abolition of slavery to civil rights". Only the TDS idiots are lapping it up."
Just two weeks ago we were told my all the media that pelosi was oh so powerful by making trump delay the SOTU. Fast forward to today as and we have her having lost the narrative not only to Trump, but within her own party, referring to this new socialist wish list as "the green dream or whatever they call it". Lol
Give AOC some credit for at least pushing pelosi off the stage.
Stacey Abrams has $228,000 in unattached debt. She maxed out her credit cards. Has student loans. And is on a payment plan with the IRS. At age 45 years old. Pitiful.
Democrats view Mueller as a true patriot, conducting a nonpartisan investigation into a foreign power trying to influence our elections. Republicans, led by the President of the United States, see it as a witch hunt, a hoax, a nothingburger.
Except -- they agree on whether they want the actual final report by Mueller to be released! According to new CNN/SSRS polling, 87% believe Mueller's investigators "should produce a full, public report on their findings." 87%! Bipartisanship!
Even when you dig into the numbers, it's clear that every side wants to see the report. Nine in 10 Democrats (92%) and independents (88%) favor public release of the report. Even 8 in 10 Republicans feel the same way!
'Many of our greatest strides,from gaining our independence to abolition of civil rights have been led by people of faith'
the GOP have trump and an excellent SOTU speech...
and the democrats have the clap.
got it.
and i'm actually ok with this.
hey alky,
want to go gaffe for gaffe; 0linsky vs. trump?
Everybody in the room and all the non TDS nares media understood it to mean "to abolition of slavery to civil rights". Only the TDS idiots are lapping it up.
apparently Rat...
This was more than just a clap. It was THE statement of the evening. THE event. THE only thing that matters.
As least if you read the NYT and WaPo.
Still am not 100% sure why this was anything important, but then again I am just out of that loop I guess.
Faux News and the right wing websites have been posting this.
She has said that she wasn't being sarcastic. She was applauding the specific comment in his devisive state of the union address.
He didn't even try to work with the Democrats. This was the first speech of his campaign for President in 2020.
Still am not 100% sure why this was anything important
because when you get your ass as thoroughly kicked as the democratics did on tuesday night, you're left trying to declare victory by clinging to childish shit like this. i mean, just look at the alky. he's spamming the entire blog with a single trump gaffe.
democrats in general are a fucking dumpster fire right now.
a clap? pelosi?
to quote COONMAN'S Lt. Gov: Fuck Dat Bitch.
an' shit yo.
You have been out of the loop since he was elected President by a minority vote.
A new Morning Consult poll found that President Trump last month had the worst monthly approval rating of his presidency.
The data from Morning Consult's Trump Tracker, released Thursday, found a record-low 40 percent of respondents saying they approved of the president.
A majority, 55 percent, said they disapproved, which was also a record.
Though a large majority of Republicans in the poll, 83 percent, said they approved of Trump, that number was the lowest in months, according to Morning Consult.
The survey was conducted among 156,104 people throughout the month of January, while the longest-ever government shutdown was taking place, a new Democratic-controlled House was sworn in and Trump clashed with intelligence leaders on foreign policy. The margin of error ranged from 1 to 4 percentage points, varying by state.
A majority of voters in 27 states said they disapproved of Trump, with a majority in just 12 states saying they approved.
At least two other polls taken in January, including one from conservative-leaning Rasmussen, showed Trump with his lowest approval rating in at least a year.
He didn't even try to work with the Democrats.
you mean the same democrats who have been trying to throw him out of office since inauguration day? where lil schitt and golden corral nadler are leading a fresh charge just to fuck with trump? where democrats like chuckles schumer insult him 10 times a day and the hamas caucus dems call him a motherfucker before they've even been sworn into office?
THOSE democrats, alky?
yeah, i cannot imagine why trump isn't trying to work with the democrats.
good job, alky.
hack, hack, hack...
Roger Amick said...
A new Morning Consult poll found that President Trump last month had the worst monthly approval rating of his presidency.
and then in FEBRUARY he delivered a SOTU speech that garnered 76% approval.
welcome to the present day, alky.
what's next? are you going to give us the winning lottery numbers from last month too?
Roger Amick said...
You have been out of the loop since he was elected President by a minority vote.
still bitterly clinging to the popular vote totals alky?
Electoral College 2016 -
Trump: 304
Feckless Old Cunt: 232
Roger are you seriously spamming a gaffe on every thread?
You are fucking pathetic
2020 Dems see danger in the Mueller probe
Behind the scenes, the candidates, campaign aides and consultants are already plotting how to publicly pick up the Mueller turd from the clean end.
"Everybody in the room and all the non TDS nares media understood it to mean "to abolition of slavery to civil rights". Only the TDS idiots are lapping it up."
CS, Roger spammed every thread today with it.
As I said KD, only the TDS idiots were lapping it up an Roger is exhibit A fucking 1.
Muller dropped the ball, shifty Shiff is picking it up.
Agree CS.
Just two weeks ago we were told my all the media that pelosi was oh so powerful by making trump delay the SOTU. Fast forward to today as and we have her having lost the narrative not only to Trump, but within her own party, referring to this new socialist wish list as "the green dream or whatever they call it". Lol
Give AOC some credit for at least pushing pelosi off the stage.
"My green new deal will provide economic security for those who are unable or unwilling to work."
Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez
That's a relief, because we were so worried about those unwilling to work.
(You can almost see Nancy Pelosi roll her eyes, and she thought Trump would be her biggest problem.)
Muller dropped the ball, shifty Shiff is picking it up.
That's exactly what this is all about. The Democrats are worried the Mullier report will be a big nothing burger or worse exonerate the president.
Stacey Abrams has $228,000 in unattached debt. She maxed out her credit cards. Has student loans. And is on a payment plan with the IRS. At age 45 years old. Pitiful.
She can up her freight rate
Please refer to Stacey as Tank or Boxcar
"the green dream or whatever they call it". Lol
Give AOC some credit for at least pushing pelosi off the stage."
Stroke victim granny Nancy = "Old n busted"
Ozone Cortez= "New Hotness"
Cli, you got it.
Tank Abrams it is.
Roger, please, please keep to cunt n paste. Because Ever single time you attempt to talk money you fuck it up.
"A majority vote from the committee would be required to publicly release the returns, if obtained.
Then we will see exactly how did this self proclaimed master negotiator perform economically over the last few years."
A person does not "perform Economically" an economy does.
A person performs Financially.
You being broke, I understand why you don't understand the difference.
Democrats view Mueller as a true patriot, conducting a nonpartisan investigation into a foreign power trying to influence our elections. Republicans, led by the President of the United States, see it as a witch hunt, a hoax, a nothingburger.
Except -- they agree on whether they want the actual final report by Mueller to be released! According to new CNN/SSRS polling, 87% believe Mueller's investigators "should produce a full, public report on their findings." 87%! Bipartisanship!
Even when you dig into the numbers, it's clear that every side wants to see the report. Nine in 10 Democrats (92%) and independents (88%) favor public release of the report. Even 8 in 10 Republicans feel the same way!
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