Thursday, February 7, 2019

Not quite sure how to deal with farting cows or airplanes

Yes - this is a real quote from her latest green proposal!

 "we aren't sure that we'll be able to fully get rid of
 farting cows and airplanes" in the next ten years.

But of course, that's the goal, huh? Who wants to eat beef anyways? No more burgers, steaks, beef tacos, roasts, etc. Oh, and like Cousin Eddie stated in the first Vacation movie, not sure why they call it hamburger helper, it does just fine on it's own.  

Oh, and let's get rid of gas powered cars, replace them with electric cars that need to be charged every couple hundred miles, at the very same time we are getting rid of airplanes. Better use all of those travel miles over the next 10 years, before Ocasio-Cortez bans airplanes (and farting cows). 

You can't make this shit up!


Commonsense said...

And the media says Republicans are afraid of her.

Commonsense said...

The money quote.

"My green new deal will provide economic security for those who are unable or unwilling to work."
Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez

That's a relief, because we were so worried about those unwilling to work.

(You can almost see Nancy Pelosi roll her eyes, and she thought Trump would be her biggest problem.)

caliphate4vr said...

R.I.P. Frank Robinson

Commonsense said...

Great ball player, great manager.

Commonsense said...

Roger is upset because not everyone bowed and genuflected at the feet of his plastic jesus.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Commonsense said...

Roger is upset because not everyone bowed and genuflected at the feet of his plastic jesus.

i can barely even remember that jug-eared fuck with the shit-fingered midas touch.

what con is he currently running? have they started construction on the skeets hussein 0linsky community organizing center and soup kitchen at cabrini green?

Anonymous said...

I bet ozone has flown and eaten meat.

Double standard Socialist .

Democrat Party is gone.

Anonymous said...

the best part of this green new deal is that pelosi is losing control. several of the 2020 democrat hopefuls are on board with this madness.

assholio fucktardio cortez really IS the de facto speaker of the house.


oh, and btw rog, no one gives a shit that paul ryan took a nap during 0linsky's SOTU.

so did i. it was a fucking snoozer, just like skeets' economy.

Anonymous said...

Roger, your FB spans are boring.

Every thread today you have been off topic and wrong.

Commonsense said...

the best part of this green new deal is that pelosi is losing control. several of the 2020 democrat hopefuls are on board with this madness.
assholio fucktardio cortez really IS the de facto speaker of the house.

This really is driving the clown car over the cliff.

I will note for the record however, not one spam from Roger has been on-topic. He can't even find an argument to support this insanity.

Anonymous said...

Her idea of how to pay for Medicaid for all, free College and green new deal?

C.H. Truth said...

Her idea of how to pay for Medicaid for all, free College and green new deal?

Just think how much money we will save by eliminating farting cows.

Anonymous said...

He could tell us how she intends to pay for it.

Will he stop eating low grade meats for the cause?

Anonymous said...

This really is driving the clown car over the cliff.

if you didn't know better you could almost think that all of these democrat assclowns were working for a "TRUMP 2020" campaign.

just look at the alky. he's been reduced to spamming 5 posts on this blog with the same gibberish.

hopefully mail order is keeping the drool wiped off of his chin.

Anonymous said...

Just think how much money we will save by eliminating farting cows.

and here's the best part -

i grew up on a dairy farm. or as the alky would call it - a milk cattle farm.

i've been around both beef and dairy cows most of my life. to this day one of my weekend side hacks is helping a friend on his beef and crop farm.

anyway, cows mostly expel what would be considered greenhouse gases - CO2 + methane from their nose and mouth, not from their ass.

iow's they belch a helluva lot more than they fart.

i would expect our betters in the elite class to master the fucking basics before they start legislating yet again on shit they know nothing about.

Anonymous said...

Just think how much money we will save by eliminating farting cows." CHT


If only Socialist would live in line with their teachings.

IF they did the demand for oil, beef, and air planes would drop like a rock. IF they drove less the roads would be clear of traffic. CA would stop having the worst air in the lower 48 ((or is that 54, lime Obimbo stated)

caliphate4vr said...

anyway, cows mostly expel what would be considered greenhouse gases - CO2 + methane from their nose and mouth, not from their ass.

iow's they belch a helluva lot more than they fart.

when you got 4 stomachs....

my grandparents kept about 30 head

Anonymous said...

when you got 4 stomachs....

ta da! give that man a cigar.

the largest stomach - the rumen - is basically a massive fermentation vat and the first level of digestion.

research farms and universities have been conducting ruminant research for decades.

if you ever get a chance to see a cow with a fistula it's pretty cool, however you might want to hold your nose.

if governments really want to help from a green perspective they could extend some grant $$$ to larger farms with massive manure lagoons. that's where most of the manure generated methane comes from. not the cow's ass.

bovine manure can be used to generate energy via the use of an anaerobic digester which extracts the methane and burns it for fuel to generate electricity.

cattle CAN play a role in a legitimate green strategery, but our government asshats are destined to fuck it up.

Anonymous said...

CHT, ozone Cortez is monitoring your blog.


"We set a goal to get to net-zero, rather than zero emissions, in 10 years because we aren’t sure that we’ll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast,” reads the initial version of the resolution’s fact-sheet. However, Ocasio-Cortez staffers have since removed “farting” from fact-sheet."

Anonymous said...

So now the goal is to get rid of all beef , what about other grass to meat animals, are they spared?

Commonsense said...

You can't help but think these are high school kids playing "If I were a member of Congress".

Anonymous said...

...because we aren’t sure that we’ll be able to fully get rid of farting cows and airplanes that fast

and good luck getting rid of all those gulfstreams and lears that the hypocrite class use to fly to davos for their champagne and caviar asshat conventions.

Anonymous said...

assholio fucktardio cortez needs to watch this every day:

anonymous said...

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she has no qualms about acknowledging a so-called “Green New Deal

Good Girl!!!!!!! Funny how afraid you and trump are about this 28 year old freshman congress critter.....She sure has your she is a beaner, a women with a brain....and a fearless politician....all things that scare assholes like you shitless!!!!

are high school kids playing "If I were a member of Congress".

She sure has in her short life done magnitudes more than you will in your shitty existence of being a cultist dog walker loser....Still looking for your CBS link from the other thread....what's taking you so long?????

anonymous said...

More inconvenient science for the idiots of this phony blog....

New research finds that previous estimates of methane emissions from livestock were off by as much as 10%. The new calculations take into account changes in the ways people are using and keeping livestock.

Methane is a natural byproduct of digestion, made by that microbes in an animal’s gut that breakdown and ferment the food we eat. A gas, methane is a principle component of farts, though it’s not the one that makes them smell—sulfur-containing molecules are the biggest culprit there.

Farts are funny. Global warming is not.Unfortunately, methane is a big contributor to the greenhouse effect, helping to trap heat within Earth’s atmosphere and contributing to climate change. Carbon dioxide usually gets the blame for global warming, but methane is about 85 times more powerful when it comes to trapping heat, although it breaks down faster than carbon dioxide.

Now, a new calculation of methane produced by cows, swine and other livestock shows we may have underestimated their inputs. Researchers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Joint Global Change Research Institute and the U.S. Department of Energy say the previous figures, which served as a basis for the 2006 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, were off by 11%.

caliphate4vr said...

Burp by Burp, Fighting Emissions from Cows
A new compound may help slow climate change by reducing the methane belched by cattle.

Stupid the point rat made is belching is more problematic than farting.

Put down the pie and bong

Try to keep up

anonymous said...

Stupid the point rat made is belching is more problematic than farting.

And once again the black face UGA salesman backs the wrong tenet......idiot...

BTW,,,,the largest source of natural methane is termites, swamps and if you read the fortune piece....manure settling pools .....keep playing !!!!

Anonymous said...

Earning his oDopie moniker everyday.

You should be ashamed and apologize .

Anonymous said...

Speeker Ozone Cortez is a full blown No borders gal.

Please Demedia keep covering her.

Anonymous said...

No white European that is in America has property rights.

"“We have to have … respect for the right of human mobility,” Ocasio-Cortez told a press conference on Capitol Hill.

She continued, “It is a right. We are standing on native land, and Latino people are descendants of native people. We cannot be told and criminalized simply for our identity or our status.”

Commonsense said...

More inconvenient science for the idiots of this phony blog

Just curious Dennis. Did anyone make a study of the excess methane you produce after one of your binge sessions at the Golden Corral?

And was it off by 10%?

Anonymous said...

Imagine IF fatty stopped eating beef for a year!
Will he do it, because he believes deeply in Speaker Ozone goals.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The New Green Deal

WASHINGTON — Liberal Democrats put flesh on their “Green New Deal” slogan on Thursday with a sweeping resolution intended to redefine the national debate on climate change by calling for the United States to eliminate additional emissions of carbon by 2030.

The measure, drafted by freshman Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Senator Edward J. Markey of Massachusetts, is intended to answer the demand, by the party’s restive base, for a grand strategy that combats climate change, creates jobs and offers an affirmative response to the challenge to core party values posed by President Trump.

The resolution has more breadth than detail and is so ambitious that Republicans greeted it with derision. Its legislative prospects are bleak in the foreseeable future; Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California has no plan to bring the resolution in its current form to the floor for a vote, according to a Democratic leadership aide with direct knowledge of her plans.

But as a blueprint for liberal ambition, it was breathtaking. It includes a 10-year commitment to convert “100 percent of the power demand in the United States” to “clean, renewable and zero-emission energy sources,” to upgrade “all existing buildings” to meet energy efficiency requirements, and to expand high-speed rail so broadly that most air travel would be rendered obsolete.

The initiative, introduced as nonbinding resolutions in the House and Senate, is tethered to an infrastructure program that its authors say could create millions of new “green jobs,” while guaranteeing health care, “a family-sustaining wage, adequate family and medical leave, paid vacations and retirement security” to every American.

“Climate change and our environmental challenges are the biggest existential threats to our way of life,” Ms. Ocasio-Cortez said on Thursday. “We must be as ambitious and innovative in our solutions as possible.”

Mr. Markey added, “We will save all of creation by engaging in massive job creation.”

This has already triggered cries of Socialism!

I have always been a believer in moderately controlled capitalism. We need to keep the rich people from controlling our government. The middle class grew much faster and had more of the percentage of the GDP when we had higher taxes on the top 1% with some deductions. JFK reduced the top level income tax rates. But the middle class continued to grow.

Things changed when Ronald Reagan was President. The supply side economics theory was debunked in the later period of the Reagan administration when he raised taxes to reduce the deficit spending.

Bill Clinton generated the greatest increase in employment by 21 million jobs, despite raising taxes.

Then came George W Bush. He cut the taxes and started the worst war in history and by the end of his second term, we were in the middle of the deepest Recession since 1929. And he generated more national debt, despite the fact that Clinton administration had almost balanced the budget.

President Obama inherited the Big Recession and he initiated the longest economic recovery in history. President Trump has been saying that he and he alone is responsible for this economy, most non partisan economists say that the Obama economic recovery is the foundation of the current strong economy.

The New Green Deal is going to do well and may make the MAGA slogan a bookmark in the history books that will show us how dangerous to the country the Trump administration was since the Civil War.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Republicans seized on the proposal with relish, portraying the entire resolution as absurd.

“The socialist Democrats are off to a great start with the roll out of their ridiculous Green New Deal today!” said Bob Salera, a spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee, the political arm of House Republicans, who called the idea “zany.”

The Republican National Committee derided it as “a socialist wish list.”

But Democratic candidates for the presidency did not shy away from it once details emerged. Senator Kamala Harris, Democrat of California, quickly sent out a fund-raising appeal, declaring: “For too long, we have been governed by lawmakers who are beholden to Big Oil and Big Coal. They have refused to act on climate change. So it’s on us to speak the truth, rooted in science fact, not science fiction.”

Senators Kirsten Gillibrand, Democrat of New York; Cory Booker, Democrat of New Jersey; and Bernie Sanders, independent of Vermont, also co-sponsored the measure, which has early support from about 60 House and Senate Democrats.

For all of the resolution’s audacity, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez and Mr. Markey also steered clear of several thorny issues, and there were even signs of concessions to moderate Democrats and Republicans interested in working on clean energy issues.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Liberal Democrats Formally Call for a ‘Green New Deal,’ Giving Substance to a Rallying Cry

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I'm hoping that the Democrats will move to the left side.

The right candidate has a different path, but unless things change he or she will be competing with a President who has only about 40% approval.

The socialist Democrats are off to a great start!

But this is different from the usual.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Chief Justice Roberts has joined the liberals. Again

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday blocked Louisiana from enforcing a law that women's groups said would leave only a single doctor legally allowed to perform abortions in the state.

By 5-4 vote, the court said the restrictions must remain on hold while challengers appeal a lower court decision in favor of the law. Chief Justice John Roberts voted with the court's liberal members.

Myballs said...

You ignored what pelosi thinks of the socialist proposal. Its a nonstarter if the house speaker hates it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

No I didn't ignore her views.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California has no plan to bring the resolution in its current form to the floor for a vote, according to a Democratic leadership aide with direct knowledge of her plans.

This is just a little trouble, people in the Congress have different ideas, but I think the left side is going to prevail eventually.

Anonymous said...

Roger AmickFebruary 7, 2019 at 9:21 PM

I'm hoping that the Democrats will move to the left side." Roger is blind.

The former Democrat Party is the new Socialist Party .
Obama transformed the Party.
The trip is complete.

Anonymous said...

The Socialist Party must bring this to floor vote. Soon.

But where is that Middle class expanding tax cut?

Is it with The $2,500 per year per family Obama care saving?

Anonymous said...

Thing is the Three Socialist Stooges of CHT were faking concern for the ranchers/Farmers of the USA.

Tell us how the Green New Deal helps in profitability and increase production ?

Ty. This Rancher looks forward to your well thought out plan.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Socialism is the government control of all businesses actively. There is no privately held companies, including manufacturing, and every other companies are governed owed and controlled.

Kput'z shut up because you don't know shit about anything.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Didn't take Roger to be wrong.

Best look up Socialism again their boy.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Kput'z shut up because you don't know shit about anything.

You're a useful idiot.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

🔹Editor-in-Chief Harvard Law Review🔹Harvard Law grad🔹Constitutional Law Scholar🔹Former State & US Senator🔹2-term POTUS🔹Nobel Peace Prize Winner🔹#1 POTUS 🔹Not a kleptocrat🔹Honest Man🔹NOT a serial adulterer pussy grabber who has 5 kids with 3 women🔹NOT a Putin-Puppet

President Barack Obama

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Donald Trump thrives on divisiveness. It’s how he keeps himself the center of attention, fuels his base and ensures that no matter what facts are revealed, his followers will stick by him. There’s another reason Trump aims to divide—and why he pours salt into the nation’s deepest wounds over ethnicity, immigration, race and gender.

He wants to distract attention from the biggest and most threatening divide of all: the widening imbalance of wealth and power between the vast majority, who have little or none, and a tiny minority who are accumulating just about all. “Divide and conquer” is one of the oldest strategies in the demagogic playbook: keep the public angry at each other so they don’t unite against those who are running off with the goods.

Anonymous said...

Roger, no need to get emotional like a little girl.
You are simply wrong on your definition of Economic Socialism.

Commonsense said...

He wants to distract attention from the biggest and most threatening divide of all: the widening imbalance of wealth and power between the vast majority, who have little or none, and a tiny minority who are accumulating just about all.

I don't consider your wealth envy the biggest problem in the Unitited State. The conditions you describe is not even close to being true. The vast majority of Americans have quite a bit. They have homes of their own, food, disposable income for luxury items and can travel and vacation once a year. They can even afford to go out and socialize or take in a movie once a week.

No, to get even close to the conditions you describe, you would have to go to Venezuela under the socialist regime of Nicolas Maduro.

Anonymous said...

He has had wealth Envy since the Bush Soars Boards.

Anonymous said...

"They have homes of their own,"

Roger does not.
He is not on the deed or the mortgage on the home he lives in.
I can post his address and the .CA Open records site, but I will not.

Anonymous said...

I don't consider your wealth envy the biggest problem in the Unitited State.

neither do most sane, rational americans.

what the alky fails to remember is that donald trump got elected while bragging to the rally crowds just how rich he is. he often used his trump-emblazoned 707 as a backdrop. his audiences didn't envy his wealth, they applauded it. and they wished the government to leave them to their own devices to pursue their own.

the only people the government has ever made wealthy are those who get elected to run it. a scumbag like harry reid can arrive in DC without a pot to piss in, and leave a multi-millionaire.

this is the fatal conceit of liberal class warfare. it only ever delivers for those calling for the war.

and the alky is just stupid enough to fall for it.

anonymous said...

and the alky is just stupid enough to fall for i

Just like you fall for every lie and pile of shit coming out of trumps mouth and asshole....

anonymous said...

used his trump-emblazoned 707

Funny you would think that his 757 is a 1960's vintage boeing airplane which the only examples still flying are the US Air Force Joint STARS and John Travolta's plane he pilots for fun.....LOLOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

oh gosh. i stand corrected. it's a 757.


anonymous said...

Funny how you always demand perfection and can't identify different aircraft LOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

So even a more expensive job creating Jet.

The type Ozone wants to end.
If only she would never fly and never eat meat.

Anonymous said...

Roger is funny he is all in for Socialism. Yet, he posted an incorrect definition of socialism .

He is not very bright.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Unknown said...

Funny how you always demand perfection and can't identify different aircraft

well denny, unlike you, i've never tried to pass myself off as an aircraft expert, an indy car driver, an astronaut, or a nuclear physicist.

Anonymous said...

When do we see a dramatic collapses of US Beef Consumption?

anonymous said...

When do we see a dramatic collapses of US Beef Consumption?

Probably right after you develop a brain...BWAAAAAAA!!!!!

anonymous said...

i've never tried to pass myself off as an aircraft expert,

Funny ass breath...I worked in the industry for 35 years and my old man worked for Lockheed....IOW's been around aeroplanes my entire life.....You pass yourself off as a republican and conservative to which it takes no experience or life lessons to be.....LOLOLOL

Never said anything about being an Indy driver or astronaut or whatever else you think...You want to go one on one ...please, I'd kick your scrawny white ass down any intellectual rat hole you think you have expertise in.....Idiot... BTW the only thing you claim is hate of beaners, any democrat and lack any education to ....I imagine like Pauline, your spawn are just as fucked up as you are...Be proud!!!!

anonymous said...

Hey ass breath....this is part of my career legacy....worked on this program since 1992....what's yours??? Being a trump slurper don't count....BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!

caliphate4vr said...

None our spawn have nasty vagina's listed as a Superfund site

Fatty and as always you started it

anonymous said...

..maybe you can show your son to wear black face as a joke....!!!!!

Such an arrogant asshole without substance....LOLOLOLOL Once again a perfect troll for a perfect asshole!!!!!

Commonsense said...

All they had to do was NOT be crazy! Latest general election polls spell a big ol’ WOMP WOMP for Democrats
