Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Sure, they "could". But do they want to?

The Five Best Ideas From the Democratic Debates 
Democrats can win the mainstream with this agenda.
Are Democrats moving too far to the left? That’s what Bret Stephens, David Brooks, and other right-leaning pundits are saying after last week’s presidential debates. In some ways, I agree. But the dichotomy between left and right—the idea that you have to go one way or the other—has grown stale. The best course for Democrats, in elections and in government, is to develop a new agenda that synthesizes progressive values with conservative wisdom. They can start by adopting the best ideas from the debates. Here are some of them.

So, this is an interesting read. What it does is pretty much replaces the mainstream liberal thinking on five major areas (Healthcare, Economy, Immigration, Environment, Family Values) with an idea shared by the minority of candidates (or in some cases, just by one). In other words, it picks and chooses and creates the perfect "mainstream" Democrat Frankenstein monster made up from various parts of each candidate. Picture Biden's head, Warren's torso, Buttigeig's arms, Harris's leg's and Sander's hair, or something like that.

The first idea is the thought process of creating a "medicare for all" government option to compete with private insurance, rather then ram "medicare for all" down people's throats and threaten to do away with private insurance. Of course, this is nothing new. The same flaws that exist still exist. Without massive amounts of subsidies, incentives, and a willingness to lose money, the Government simply does not compete well with the private sector. Never has. Never will. Which is why it is actually important to do away with private insurance if you want to push a single payer government plan.

The second idea is to stop pushing socialism, and instead push "healthy capitalism". This of course is nothing more and nothing less than the liberal idea that you need more government intervention into the economy. Higher taxes on business, higher taxes on capital gains, more regulation, and of course a push to punish the well known evil industries like "pharmaceuticals".  Again, nothing new here. But the problem isn't the plan, but the semantics. Many mainstream Democrats simply like calling any liberal economic idea a Democratic socialism. It's out there. You cannot get away from it. Trump will use it regardless of the candidate.

The third idea is to stop pushing for open borders. The author wants them to forget about decriminalization of immigration crossings and other ideas being presented, and instead focus on the underlying issues of Central America. He suggests merging the immigration problem with foreign policy in the area. Certainly he would not get any argument from Republicans, who have been pushing for aid to these countries that can be specifically used to help prevent the migration northward for some time. But I think he underestimates the long term goal of Democrats to increase immigration into the country, and create more incentive (not less) to have people come here.

The fourth idea is a modified carbon tax that includes a carbon credit. Enough said. Almost nobody in this country seriously wants to have the government monitoring and controlling their carbon use.

The last idea is for Democrats to push values, religion, and patriotism. Seriously. He believes that Pete Buttigeig talking about religion (and assigning it liberal values) is a winner. I seriously doubt it. Not sure which Christians are listening to Buttigeig, but I doubt many are going to have their mind changed about what makes a good Christian, because a Democratic Presidential nominee is making a case. Same would be true for other values and the overall concept of patriotism. People have hard core ideas about what constitutes religion and patriotism. That's not going to change because liberals want to redefine the words to their liking.

Bottom line is that this is an interesting article. The author is basically making the case that the future nominee should abandon pretty much every mainstream liberal cause, and defer to the ideas of many of the people who are probably going to be long gone from the process by the time we get too far into the primary voting. He's probably right that the nominee would do better pushing the more "traditional" liberal political talking points, but I don't see that being the case in 2020. They are just too "woke" to go back to their previous roots.


Commonsense said...

It can be distilled down to this.

Democrats want to bamboozle voters into thinking the alternative to Trump is acceptable. I don't think it will work.

caliphate4vr said...

An honest donk, who knew?

Hickenlooper: Hard to Fundraise When You Don’t Promise Free Stuff
Struggling 2020 hopeful calls top Democratic ideas 'pie in the sky'

"The bottom line is for a small campaign like us from a, you know—Colorado's about 6 million or a little less than 6 million people—it's harder to raise money because we don't—we're not promising free health care or, you know, free tuition for everyone, forgive student debt," Hickenlooper said. "We're trying to present a picture of this country and what it can be in the future that will resonate with everyone, and that has, you know, that's a harder vehicle by which to get small donors."

Melvin said it sounded like Hickenlooper was describing two key Democratic proposals—canceling student debt and free health care—as "pie-in-the-sky" ideas.

"Yeah, I think they'd be very hard to implement," Hickenlooper said. "One of the points I've tried to make is as Democrats I think we've very clearly got to say that we're not socialists, and many people view those large, you know, large expansions of government as in some way socialist. I'm not saying they are, I'm just saying that the Republicans are going to say we're socialists and I think we've very clearly got to say socialism is not the solution. I can say that."

Commonsense said...

He'll be out before the second debate.

anonymous said...

onlooker: Hard to Fundraise When You Don’t Promise Free Stuff

Now I understand why the Free Beacon has a readership of 25 and originally funded the Fusion GPS dossier!!!!!!!!........BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! What a fucking loser!!!!

caliphate4vr said...

Imperial AT-ATs Begin Arriving In Capital For Military Parade

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Ahead of Trump's planned July 4 military parade, several dozen Imperial walkers began to arrive in Washington throughout the week.

The AT-ATs were dropped off by U.S. Space Force Star Destroyers just outside the city and then slowly marched toward the capital (rather than being dropped right next to their target, for some reason). Military bands solemnly played the Imperial March in honor of their arrival. Trump was seen at the White House, pointing excitedly at the looming all-terrain armored transports through an Oval Office window.

"Wow, look at those guys!" he said while gleefully clapping his hands. "Do you think President Xi has any of those? I bet he doesn't. Ha! Guy is probably sooooo jealous right now. And North Korea only has those little chicken walkers! This is definitely the best military parade on the planet!"

He quickly added that he "loves democracy" however.

Some light Antifa resistance attempted to milkshake the walkers but were crushed.

Commonsense said...

Babylon Bee, I don't even have click on the link.

Anonymous said...

Still Funny.

Commonsense said...


Who had the Democratic Party coming up with “our flag is racist” on the Fourth of July on their Self-Destruction Bingo card?

Sometimes you just have to wonder if they are deliberately throwing the election.

Myballs said...

Even gail king is questioning this flag is racist thing. She knows it's just liberals wanting to create more division.

Anonymous said...

So the Socialist Stooges of CHT are Upset with this President celebrating the Birth of this Nation.

Ok. Run with it.

Anonymous said...

CNN openly worries that President Trump is setting a trap for the 23 Socialist Dwarfs.
Trumps cleverly traps them by Celibrating America.

caliphate4vr said...

Joe Biden is reporting that he raised $21.5 million for his presidential campaign in the second quarter. That has the former vice president trailing Pete Buttigieg (BOO'-tuh-juhj), who was virtually unknown a few months ago.

Biden's campaign announced his second quarter fundraising total on Wednesday.

Buttigieg, the South Bend, Indiana mayor, reported taking in $24.8 million for the quarter, $3 million more than Biden.

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders says he raised $18 million.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

US SUPREME COURT in effect said to Trump: "Look, you can lie to the American people, you can lie about the wall and others things, but don't you dare lie to the Federal Judiciary, and that's what you did in this case."

Jesse Kelly said...


I always thought Trump calling the media “enemy of the people” was a little too far. He was right and I was wrong and if anything, he was being kind. There’s now a concentrated effort to turn our Border Patrol agents into the guards at Auschwitz. Flatly unAmerican. And dangerous.

can't tell the media and the dems apart

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Watch the video for a number of laughs.

Anonymous said...

Be like Trump, set that "trap" Celibrate this, the Greatest Nation under God.

I ordered my Betsy Ross Flag from American Flag Company. Because of demand it is on back order. Set to Arrive July 23 rd, 2019.

Donald Trump Jr. said...


BREAKING: Dow, S&P 500, Nasdaq all close at new record highs as markets closed early for the Fourth of July holiday


Donald Trump Jr. Retweeted Breaking911
Happy birthday America. Thanks @realDonaldTrump

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Watch the video for many laughs and then read this.

WASHINGTON, July 3 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday said his administration had not dropped its efforts to add a contentious citizenship question to the 2020 U.S. census, contradicting statements made by his own officials including Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.

The U.S. Supreme Court last Thursday blocked Trump's plan to add the citizenship question, saying administration officials had given a "contrived" rationale.

Administration officials including Ross said on Tuesday that the census forms were being printed without the citizenship question.

Critics have called the citizenship question a Republican ploy to scare immigrants into not taking part in the decennial population count and engineer an undercount in Democratic-leaning areas with high immigrant and Latino populations. That would benefit non-Hispanic whites and help Trump's fellow Republicans gain seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and state legislatures, the critics said.

THE TWEETER IN CHIEF: "The News Reports about the Department of Commerce dropping its quest to put the Citizenship Question on the Census is incorrect or, to state it differently, FAKE! We are absolutely moving forward, as we must, because of the importance of the answer to this question."

White House and Commerce Department officials had no immediate comment on Trump's tweet.

"There's nothing fake about the Department of Justice writing us saying printing is starting without the citizenship question," the American Civil Liberties Union, which had challenged the citizenship question in court, wrote on Twitter.

Trump's hardline policies on immigration have been a key element of his presidency and 2020 re-election campaign.

Trump last Thursday also said he is exploring whether the census, which the U.S. Constitution requires be carried out every 10 years, can be delayed.

But Ross, a key figure in the controversy, said in a statement on Tuesday, "The Census Bureau has started the process of printing the decennial questionnaires without the question."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

At the same time, the Justice Department told a judge in Maryland presiding over an ongoing court battle over the citizenship question that the administration had made a final decision not to proceed, according to two lawyers involved in the litigation.

U.S. District Judge George Hazel asked for the administration to submit its declaration in writing by next Monday, according to one of the lawyers. So far, the court docket shows no such filing.

Trump's administration had told the courts that its rationale for adding the question was to better enforce a law that protects the voting rights of racial minorities. Critics called that rationale a pretext for partisan motives.

Although the Supreme Court left open the possibility of the administration adding the question in the future, there was little time left for officials to come up with a new rationale. The administration had said in court filings that it needed to finalize the details of the questionnaire by the end of June.

The census is used to allot seats in the U.S. House and distribute some $800 billion in federal funds. Opponents have said the citizenship question would instill fear in immigrant households that the information would be shared with law enforcement, deterring them from taking part.

Citizenship status has not been asked of all households since the 1950 census. Since then, it was included only on questionnaires sent to a smaller subset of the population.

A group of states including New York and immigrant rights organizations challenged the legality of the administration's plan.

Manhattan-based U.S. District Judge Jesse Furman ruled on Jan. 15 that the Commerce Department's decision to add the question violated a federal law called the Administrative Procedure Act. Federal judges in Maryland and California also have issued rulings to block the question.

Furman said the evidence showed that Ross had concealed his true motives for adding the citizenship question and that he and his aides had convinced the Justice Department to formally request its addition to the census.

Evidence surfaced in May - documents written by a Republican strategist before he died last year - that those challenging the question said it showed the administration's plan to add a citizenship question was intended to benefit Republicans and non-Hispanic white people in redrawing electoral districts based on census data.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

KDJuly 3, 2019 at 3:06 PM

I see the Pedifile is spamming his Version of Hate .

Donald Trump Jr. said...


Weird that no one had a problem with The Betsy Ross Flag when it flew over Obama’s inauguration. Now it’s not patriotic... ok got it. #morons

Anonymous said...

It comes down to The Socialist War on Women continues. Betsy Ross is their latest target.

cowardly king obama said...

The far-left fake news outlet CNN came in 15th place in primetime during the previous quarter and lost nearly 20 percent of its already pathetic viewership.

Matt Walsh said...


We were always told that Kaepernick wasn't protesting the flag. He was protesting police brutality, allegedly. But apparently it was about the flag all along. What a shocking twist.
For many Americans the "swoosh" is now a symbol of hate - time to abolish?

anonymous said...

I am sure breitbart with its own crash in numbers, is a credible source of no news....Bwaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Cowardly King Obama . CNN could reporting the news at a 50% pro Trump spin and maybe get more viewers.

anonymous said...

Only the goat fucking idiot would say that......

Betsy Ross is their latest target.

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!! You really are dumber than a truck load of rocks!!!!! No one has bad mouthed betsy ross......only the symbolism of that early flag.....which BTW you endorse.....dope...

Ryan Saavedra said...


Trump drives Democrats so insane that he is getting them to burn the American flag on the 4th of July — while he is running for re-election.

His best talent is getting his enemies to expose who they really are

Jack Posobiec said...


According to her family, there will be no futher MiniAOC posts due to doxxing and death threats her family received from @AOC supporters

Stefan Molyneux Retweeted Jack Posobiec

Death threats against cute funny children.

Imagine what happens when they get supreme political power.

Actually, you don’t have to - just read history.

anonymous said...

Anonymous Ryan Saavedra said...

Hey goat one other than Mrs Ryan Saavedra and you gives a shit what he thinks.....Stop with the BULLSHIT!!!!! Go plant some wheat.....futures are crashing......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

anonymous said...


BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!! What a douche nozzle.....

Posobiec was one of the biggest promoters on social media of the Pizzagate conspiracy theory, which falsely claimed that high-ranking officials were involved in a child-sex ring centered at a Washington, D.C. pizzeria.[5] He live-streamed an investigation of the pizzeria and was asked to leave after attempting to broadcast a child's birthday party being held in a back room.[19] Posobiec later said he had always thought the Pizzagate theory was "stupid" and had filmed his visit to debunk it.[5]
In December 2016, Posobiec claimed without evidence that Disney had re-written scenes in the Star Wars movie Rogue One to add "Anti Trump scenes calling him a racist", and called for a boycott of the Star Wars franchise. Disney denied the allegations.[20]
Posobiec falsely said that former FBI director James Comey, at a United States Senate hearing on May 17, 2017, "said under oath that Trump did not ask him to halt any investigation". The claim was later repeated by conservative personalities and media outlets, including Rush Limbaugh and the InfoWars website.[18]
Posobiec promoted the discredited conspiracy theory that Seth Rich had leaked e-mails from the Democratic National Committee to WikiLeaks.[21]

Commonsense said...

symbolism of that early flag..

What symbolism is that Denny? The symbol for the proposition that all men were created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

Without that proposition our flag symbolizes, slavery would have never been abolished. Indeed there would be no country as we know it today.

Donald J. Trump said...


S&P 500 hits new record high. Up 19% for the year. Congratulations!

Commonsense said...

WASHINGTON, July 3 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday said his administration had not dropped its efforts to add a contentious citizenship question to the 2020 U.S. census, contradicting statements made by his own officials including Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross.

The ruling conceded that the Trump administration has the power the put the question on the census. They just have the clean up the paperwork.

James is going to be disappointed.

Dov Hikind said...


America has the dubious distinction of running the only “concentration camps” in the world that people flee to instead of from

anonymous said...

They just have the clean up the paperwork.

BWAAAAAAA!!!! IOW's make up another contrived pile of shit that will be knocked down......Whatta douche.....!!!!

Commonsense said...

Trump is delaying the census until the question is in.

Anonymous said...

So does the current 53 state flag bother the Left?

anonymous said...

Trump is delaying the census until the question is in.

Gee, Lord God trump rewriting the constitution is most amusing.....ya think that will happen without going to court?????? ASSHOLE!!! And you bitched about Obama and his abuse of power......BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Anonymous said...

Does Obama's 57 State flag trigger the left?

Commonsense said...

Gee, Lord God trump rewriting the constitution is most amusing.....ya think that will happen without going to court??????

The Constitution only specifies it has to be done every 10 years. it doesn't specify when it starts.

And if the courts are so worried about it, they can get off their ass and decide.

Anonymous said...

Excellent Move.
"Trump is delaying the census until the question is in." CS

Commonsense said...

Serves the court right for meddling into the executive branch.

Anonymous said...

Roger hopes for more Electorial Votes going to Illinois, New York and California is not going to happen. They should actually lose Votes.

Commonsense said...

California is projected to lose 1 seat. Illinois 1 seat, New York 2 seats.

The Electoral College is red-shifting to Republicans this time.

anonymous said...

Roger hopes for more Electoral Votes going to Illinois

And the goat fucking dick head wishes trump wins the popular vote....

Commonsense said...

No matter what Democrats can do Homeless people are not likely to be counted nor would illegal aliens. Only citizens and legal resident aliens will be counted.

Anonymous said...

With every game, the one that knows the rules of the game the best wins. I 2016 Trump win was historic in many ways. The one that it was not any different at all was he won what mattered, the Ellectorial Votes.

Commonsense said...

Trump drives Democrats so insane that he is getting them to burn the American flag on the 4th of July — while he is running for re-election.
His best talent is getting his enemies to expose who they really are

As I said not a brain among them. Just reflexive ganglia.

Anonymous said...

I did read on Huffpo that this question and the debate is causing the illegals to be less likely to answer the US Census. That was seen by the angry Huffers as a down side.

anonymous said...

Blogger KD said...
I did read on

Wow, the goat fucking asshole can read....will wonders never cease!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Just reflexive ganglia.

Just like you and your moronic women hating cult.....BWAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is a happy time in the USA on the Eve of our Nations Birthday.
Parties tomorrow with friends, great food and cold drinks. Flags and fireworks. Also, wood fire pit.

anonymous said...

Only citizens and legal resident aliens will be counted.

Why not fetus's which you consider lives........asshole...

Anonymous said...

Remember Obimbo use of AF 1 over NYC for his Campaign photo op?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I believe if we have $92MILLION to spend on a parade, we shouldn’t have one single homeless veteran on our streets and the VA would be the model for excellent healthcare and forward planning for all our veterans.
This parade is for one.
I’m disgusted by anyone supporting this colossal waste of our taxes.

God said...

Mr. @realDonaldTrump,

Weather forecast says heavy rain predicted in D.C. on the 4th of July.

Sorry to rain on your parade, but I’m gonna make it rain on your parade.

- God

Adolf Hitler said...

WASHINGTON — A day after pledging that the 2020 census would not ask respondents about their citizenship, the Justice Department reversed course on Wednesday and said it was hunting for a way to restore the question on orders from President Trump.

Officials told a federal judge in Maryland that they thought there would be a way to still add the question, despite printing deadlines, and that they would ask the Supreme Court to send the case to district court with instructions to remedy the situation.

Adolf Trump had been frustrated with Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross for mishandling the White House’s effort to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census, according to an administration official, and said on Wednesday that he was “absolutely moving forward” with plans to add it despite a Supreme Court decision last week that added barriers to the move.

It was the second time that Mr. Trump said he was directing the Commerce Department to move forward with the plan, which critics contend is part of an administration effort to skew the census results in favor of Republicans. On Tuesday, the Justice Department said that the census forms were being printed without the citizenship question and Mr. Ross said that he was heeding the court’s ruling.

You have been following my path to overturn the Constitution.

Anonymous said...


Commonsense said...

Now anything that Roger doesn't like violates the Constitution.

He's a funny guy.

Myballs said...

Curious that Roger is worried about 92M but couldn't care less about obama flushing 500M on Solendra.

Anonymous said...

Roger is against this President Celebrating the Birth of this Great Again Nation.

Happy to know it pisses you off lonely Broke and Broken Rog.

Anonymous said...

If fake news says it will cost 92 million it is probably more like 9.2 million. With so many of the fake news stations not carrying it there will be a ratings bonanza for those stations that do.

Caliphate4vr said...

I believe if we have $92MILLION to spend on a parade, we shouldn’t have one single homeless veteran on our streets and the VA would be the model for excellent healthcare and forward planning for all our veterans.
This parade is for one.

But you supported Obunghole sending pallets of cash to the mad mullahs in Iran, fuck you hack

Donald Trump Jr. said...

The Fake News is not going to cover the celebration of his term in office!

ABC, CBS and NBC will not show Donald Trump's 'Salute to America' on the Fourth of July instead of their nightly newscasts.

Hail to the Chief!

Thomas Sowell said...


The endlessly repeated argument that most Americans are the descendants of immigrants ignores the fact that most Americans are not the descendants of illegal immigrants.

Lori Hendry said...


What kind of people protest a parade that’s honoring our military, our soldiers, our veterans and all America loving Americans!

I love that President Trump is recognizing Patriotic America!


Donald J. Trump said...


Mexico is doing a far better job than the Democrats on the Border. Thank you Mexico!

anonymous said...

What kind of people protest a parade that’s honoring our military,

Because it is honoring the egoist trump. not the military.....they are just a pawn in donnie's play at being king for the day....fuck you lori, wherever the goat fucker found you;.....probably in a pile of manure.....LOLOLOL

anonymous said...

certainly some interesting WEATHER in ice box alaska......wonder if it means anything?????

ad 34 days in a row of above-average temperatures.CreditCreditJoshua Corbett for The New York Times
By Mike Baker
July 4, 2019

In more than 100 years of Anchorage history, weather stations have never recorded a single 90-degree reading. If current forecasts hold, it could happen multiple times in the coming days.

With the combined forces of climate change that has disrupted temperature trends around the state, a remarkable dearth of ice in the Bering Sea and weather patterns generating a general heat wave, Alaska is facing a Fourth of July unlike any before. Anchorage has canceled its fireworks display because of wildfire concerns, city officials are worrying about air quality and forecasters expect temperatures to rival those in Miami.

“This is unprecedented,” Anchorage’s mayor, Ethan Berkowitz, said in an interview. “I tease people that Anchorage is the coolest city in the country — and climatically that is true — but right now we are seeing record heat.”

By any measure, the numbers are unusual. Alaska had its warmest March on record — in some places 20 degrees above normal. Once all the data is tabulated, it is likely to be the second-warmest June on record.
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The highest temperature ever recorded at Anchorage’s official station was 85 degrees, while other stations in the area have gone a couple of degrees higher. Bob Clay, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service, said forecasters expected a high-pressure system to push temperatures well into the 80s starting on Thursday and potentially reach the 90-degree threshold in parts of the Anchorage area on Friday, Saturday or Sunday.

anonymous said...

As I predicted last week....june will become a record month for temperature.....wonder if Lil Scotty will question the statistics like he did 2 years ago when he complained the record was not statistically significant, but the census question......LOLOLOLOL

By Henry Fountain
July 3, 2019

The heat wave that smothered much of Europe at the end of June helped raise average global temperatures to a record for the month, a European weather forecasting agency has said.

The European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts said Tuesday that global temperatures for June were about 0.2 degrees Fahrenheit, or 0.1 degree Celsius, higher than the previous record for the month, set in 2016. Europe itself was even warmer, about 2 degrees Fahrenheit higher than the 2016 record.

During the last week of June temperatures spiked by as much as 18 degrees Fahrenheit above normal across Central and Western Europe. It was 115 degrees in a village in southern France on Friday, the hottest temperature ever recorded in the country.

Research groups are studying whether the hot weather in Europe was linked to climate change. In many previous heat waves in Europe and elsewhere, analyses have determined that climate change increased the likelihood that the events would occur.
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A preliminary analysis of the heat wave in France found that climate change had made it at least five times more likely than a heat wave would have been otherwise.

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But even without a full analysis, scientists say, periods of extreme heat like the one last week, as well as record monthly and annual averages, are generally in keeping with the overall warming of Earth that has occurred because of human-caused emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.

When the 2016 records were set, the world had just experienced a strong El Niño, a series of changes in ocean temperatures and winds in the equatorial Pacific that can affect weather patterns around the world. El Niño conditions returned this year, although they are weaker, meaning that they would be expected to have less influence on regional weather.

Commonsense said...

certainly some interesting WEATHER in ice box alaska......wonder if it means anything???

Yes, it means it's summer.

anonymous said...

Why does your stupidity grow by the day? Cramps.? How'd you enjoy the 98 degree miami records the last 2 days???? Typical summer or was it uncomfortably warm......I You really are an amusing idiot......LOLOLOLOL

C.H. Truth said...

Meanwhile Minnesota went 260 days without going over 80 degrees, something that never had happened before. I guess we have our own little "mini-climate" or something, or is it weather when it is unseasonably cold, but climate when it is hot?