Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Are the numbers leveling off?

So there has just been "sort of a feeling" over the past couple of days that we might actually be leveling off on this covid-19 crisis. The numbers coming out of New York have been promising, the overall numbers country wide have been remaining "fairly" level, the models have been reducing their total projected amount of deaths, and the Task force doctors (Fauci and Birx) have both appeared a little more positive about our efforts and hopeful that we can avoid catastrophe.

That being said, there is still a big chance that we will see some other hot spots creep up around the country as we move forward. While we don't have anywhere else nearly as ripe as New York city (with 10 million people living on top of each other), we have several metropolitan areas all have the potential to see a bigger outbreak of cases. Worldometer just this morning, has added a reported 65 deaths from Georgia, presumably from the Atlanta area. Whether that all happened this morning or was reported in some sort of catch up is not certain, but it represents about a 25% increase in their state deaths.

If you look at yesterday's numbers you start to see how one problem area can make things look bad across the board. Here are the reported amount of deaths from yesterday:

  • New York - 599 deaths
  • Michigan - 110 deaths
  • New Jersey - 88 deaths
  • 17 states reported between 10-50 deaths
  • 11 states reported between 3-10 deaths
  • 9 states reported 1 or 2 deaths
  • 10 states reported no deaths

In other words, nearly 40 percent of the states are reporting 0,1, or 2 deaths. 60% are reporting under 10 deaths a day. In fact 700 of the 1255 deaths reported yesterday came from three hot spot states. Once we look at these numbers it becomes clear that either the entire county is not going to suffer the way that other parts have, or that the virus has not worked it's way through certain areas. I suspect that it might be a little bit of both. This is a very large and very diverse country and not all things are created equal. Places like New York, Seattle, and San Francisco where you have more international travel and just more population will likely be hit differently than Billings Montana, Minot North Dakota, and Boise Idaho. 


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


From your own sidebar: cases and deaths TRENDING UP:

Coronavirus numbers from the CDC
Updated through end of day 4/5/2020

Total Cases: 330,891 (+26,065) trending up
Total Deaths: 8910 (+1294) trending up

Coronavirus numbers from Worldometer
Updated through end of day 4/6/2020

Total Cases: 367,004 (+30,331) trending up
Total Deaths: 10,871 (+1255) trending up

The COVID Tracking Project
Updated 4/7/2020

Total Tests Provided: 1,945,441
Total Negative Test Results: 1,582,221 (81%)
Total Positive Test Results: 363,220 (19%)
Total Deaths: 10,847 (2.9%)

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I know, those are world-wide numbers
and you are talking USA numbers.

I hope there ARE good signs in the USA numbers,
and if there are, that they will continue.

Anonymous said...

James can't stand that death is not getting to his post of "400,000".

Anonymous said...

So painfully wrong.
The Science failed.
"Appearing Monday on AM 1030 KVOI Radio, Dr. Robert Redfield, the Director of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), predicted that the death toll from the Chinese coronavirus will be “much, much, much lower” than the models have projected due to Americans following social distancing recommendations."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Oh, I hope that is so!
I much, much, much hope it is so!

Anonymous said...

So Pres. Trump uses his Faith and Hpes for best outcomes and James Trashed him.

C.H. Truth said...

From your own sidebar: cases and deaths TRENDING UP:

Sorry Reverend... if your hopes and dreams of 2 million plus dead Americans that you could blame on Trump is fading...

Actually I don't really feel sorry for your sick dreams being dashed.

These numbers may be marginally trending "up" but falling well short of the steep increased that the models suggested we would be seeing right now. That is why I suggested that they remain "fairly" level.

New cases according to the CDC:


The last number only trended up because the previous number was so low. But as you can see, Sunday's number wasn't much different than what we were seeing the middle of last week.

I know this is disappointing for you. But try to maintain some sense of dignity.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

You who believed Trump have the dignity problem:

He kept trying to tell everyone that the coming virus crisis was nothing but a Deep State deception intended to mislead us.

That didn't work, as it became ever clearer that HE was the deception trying to deceive us into believing there was nothing, really, to worry about.

"It will all just go away soon," he promised. "Treat it as you would the ordinary flu. Don't believe the Deep State, the government. Believe me."

Commonsense said...

What fantasy land do you live in James?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I live in the land where Trump's experts FINALLY managed to convince him to avoid the tragedy that would have hit us if he had opened our country up for Easter, as he was bragging-ly suggesting.

The only reason things MAY be looking better now (and we hope they are) is because those experts finally convinced him that doing that would have been a REAL disaster, and that we must continue to insist that people follow the sensible social distancing recommendations that the experts, not Trump, were emphasizing.

That's the land I live in.

And THAT and THAT ONLY is why we can now HOPE that things are indeed beginning to improve due to Americans following the social distancing recommendations which Trump at one time was trying to undo.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And that is why Rr. Robert Redfield, the Director of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) can predict that the death toll from coronavirus will be “much, much, much lower” than the models have projected.

Why? "Due to Americans following social distancing recommendations."

C.H. Truth said...

Reverend 2 million dead Americans has a selective memory.

He forgets that Democrats said his January Travel ban to China was racist and unnecessary, or that pne day after the Travel Ban was ordered Joe Biden said the President was leading through hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering.

James forgets that Nancy Pelosi was telling people to go to China Town, or the Bill de Blasio was telling people to ride the subway and go out to eat, or that Governor John Edwards decided against any restriction for Mardi Gras.

In the Reverend's mind... Democrats encouraging people to not take the virus seriously was justified, while he simultaneously keeps a list of things that the President said that he feels undermined the seriousness..

it's a complete double standard.

The reality is that nobody knew (not even Fauci or Birx) how serious it was going to be until it was. Most logical people can accept that such an attitude was widespread and forgivable based on what we thought we know coming out of China.

But not Reverend 2 million dead Americans... he wants to hold the "bad orange man" to task, even as he was the only one taking action early on.

Commonsense said...

LOL Whoopie Goldberg today on the View said that Dr. Jill Biden would make a wonderful surgeon general.

You can't make this up.

C.H. Truth said...

Why? "Due to Americans following social distancing recommendations.

Of course... they are following the recommendations of the PRESIDENT'S Task force on Covid-19.

You just admitted that the President and his task force have saved thousands (if not hundreds of thousands of deaths).

Kudo's to the Presidential guide to handling the Covid-19 outbreak!

Commonsense said...

And that is why Rr. Robert Redfield, the Director of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) can predict that the death toll from coronavirus will be “much, much, much lower” than the models have projected.
Why? "Due to Americans following social distancing recommendations."


An incredible chart: three countries had earlier and more effective “social distancing” than any others: France, Italy, and Spain - the three countries with the WORST epidemics. Wonder why. (Maybe because most transmission is intrafamilial and nosocomial? Just spitballing here.)

cowardly king obama said...

Sean Davis

PSA: The IHME model already assumes "full social distancing," so you can go ahead and delete whatever response you were typing about how social distancing explains why the model was wrong.


Too late...social distancing thru Aug and this is the model being used...

cowardly king obama said...

Sean Davis

From the beginning, IMHE's model assumed "full social distancing"--stay-at-home orders, closed schools/businesses, restricted travel--so you can't claim that the disparity between the IMHE model and reality is due to recent lockdowns. The model is wrong.

Anonymous said...

Woopie is a dope. Thanks CS
"Goldberg enthused, “I’m hoping Dr. Jill becomes the surgeon general, Joe Biden’s wife, he would never do it, but she’s a hell of a doctor. She’s an amazing doctor,”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"You just admitted that the President and his task force have saved thousands (if not hundreds of thousands of deaths)."

No, I just admitted that the saner portion of the task force were able to drag Trump almost kicking and screaming into a recognition that his political ambitions were about to run so badly afoul of scientific and medical realities that it would cost numerous lives and thus be politically disastrous for him vis a vis his political ambitions.

When he finally got cleared away on that,
then and only then,
did he FINALLY change his tune.

Caliphate4vr said...

Why? "Due to Americans following social distancing recommendations."

No stupid it’s a Novel virus, meaning NEW, they don’t know the infection or mortality rate. They were pulling numbers from their ass. As more information becomes available the models are undated.

There was no range for the uncertainty

Caliphate4vr said...


Caliphate4vr said...

Italy and Spain shutdown and implemented social distancing long before anyone else and have had the worst outcomes

anonymous said...

social distancing long before anyone else and have had the worst outcomes

Is that a fact or your own loser opinion you dumb fuck!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

James has posted his range of US Citizen death of 400,000 to 1.2 Million.
He called it "thinning the herd".

He also called it the China Approved name "Trump Virus".

Anonymous said...

Lordie, the gal using the moniker anonymous is really uninformed.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Kansas Dimwit says:
James has posted his range of US Citizen death of 400,000 to 1.2 Million.
He called it "thinning the herd".
He also called it the China Approved name "Trump Virus".

KansasDim is slipping. I only counted four lies in that one.

Anonymous said...

James you have Bidenitis

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"Appearing Monday on AM 1030 KVOI Radio, Dr. Robert Redfield, the Director of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), predicted that the death toll from the Chinese coronavirus will be 'much, much, much lower' than the models have projected due to Americans following social distancing recommendations."

See KD's 11:15AM. Also Ch's 12:29.

Well now, that's interesting. I basically agree with that.

Caliphrate does not

(see his 1:47, 1:48, and 1:50PMs).

Anonymous said...

James was against this, is she still?

'"As many as 4,000 seriously ill coronavirus patients in New York are being treated with the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine, state health officials say."


Caliphate4vr said...

Well now, that's interesting. I basically agree with that.

Caliphrate does not

This was explained to your stupid ass numerous times.

We didn’t lower the infection but we didn’t overload hospitals. As I stated it’s not worth collapsing the economy to save a few 1000 old people

anonymous said...

The asshole SECNAV who fired the captain....just resigned......Trump and our Ga Loser cry!!!!!!

anonymous said...

As I stated it’s not worth collapsing the economy to save a few 1000 old people

I'm sure your mother in the nursing home would love for you to read that comment to her....Be proud!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Driver says he has been driving her around the city .

anonymous said...

And you are posting idiocy because why ????????

Anonymous said...

We didn’t lower the infection but we didn’t overload hospitals. As I stated it’s not worth collapsing the economy to save a few 1000 old people

life is so simple for the stupid.

anonymous said...

life is so simple for the stupid.

Especially for people like you who have their heads stuck up their own ass and don't know it......BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! BTW.....you have any living parents asshole......??????

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Caliphrate and rrb (ReppublicanRatBastard) say

"As I stated it’s not worth collapsing the economy to save a few 1000 old people"

"life is so simple for the stupid"

Well now, you guys and Trump could simply have let the old people be the ONLY ones who practiced social distancing by staying inside and keeping away from contact with other people
----and just let everybody else go on ahead about their business...

It IS simple.

Trouble is, it wouldn't have worked.

Too many younger people would have sickened and died,
for which you and Trump would get the blame.

Caliphate4vr said...

Herd immunity is already occurring you dumbass


The shock to the system would have been better than elongating the curve, which your stupidass is incapable of understanding

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Yeah letting "a few thousand older people die" would have made a GREAT plank for the GOP convention.

Even Republican political leaders aren't THAT stupid.

Caliphate4vr said...

The aged and sick always die, I get that you fatty and the liver are desirous of other outcomes but it’s the way it is, the response to this is ridiculous

Anonymous said...

That is why the Three Socialist Stoogez of CHT are living in fear.
They are in the target age and crappy health.

anonymous said...

Anonymous Caliphate4vr said...
The aged and sick always die

More proof why you are a loser graduate and salesman from UGA!!!!!! You really need a life lesson to affect your loved ones..... Funny that the a major portion of the aged and sick are old white R's,,,,,,promoting the extinction of the GOP!!!! Thanx for rooting for their demise!!!!!