Thursday, April 2, 2020

Do Dr Fauci and Dr Birx and the head of FEMA need Pelosi and members of "the squad" to oversee their response?

Pelosi: We’re Launching A “Bipartisan” Select Committee To Oversee Coronavirus Response — Not Investigate It

Can we chalk this up to one of the dumbest things that Nancy Pelosi has ever suggested? That the congressional body that tried to hold up our nation's stimulus package over airline emissions and voting standards should be "overseeing" the experts on the task force as they battle with a once in a lifetime epidemic? 

I wouldn't trust this body of the Government to collectively get together and organize a simple laundry pick up. How is it that Pelosi believes they are qualified to oversee world renown  epidemiologists and lifelong specialists during an epidemic? 


Myballs said...

Pelosi announces a bipartisan committee but never discussed it with the house minority leadership. She's not fooling anyone.

Anonymous said...

just what we need.

a denture-sucking asshole and her traitorous squad "overseeing" the covid response.

might as well give ISIS "oversight" for chrissakes.

Commonsense said...

This is playing politics with a crisis.

Commonsense said...

If fat ass Nadler and shitty Schiff are on the committee then you know it's not serious.

anonymous said...

Blogger Commonsense said...
This is playing politics with a crisis.

You Mean like trump has with his BS of doctors and nurses using too many masks or selling that asshole??????

Commonsense said...

You Mean like trump has with his BS of doctors and nurses using too many masks or selling that asshole??????

This is the rant of a lunatic.