Sunday, April 12, 2020

Fauci says millions may have died had Clinton been President!

by Gaegan Toddard

It's no secret that Dr Fauci has been impressed with the President's leadership in this crisis. He has pushed back on every claim that there is either tension between him and the President or that the President is not listening to him. He has told anyone who would listen that the President's handling of the crisis has been impressive and the Dr has gone out of his way to complement the work ethic and dedication that Trump has been showing throughout this.

Sources confirm that Fauci believes Trump handled this better than Clinton would have

In fact, when asked recently if we would have been better off with a President Clinton handling the crisis, he scoffed at the suggestion and stated that he thought "millions" probably would have died. The difference according to Fauci is that the real President is someone who knows how to put together a plan, delegate authority to the proper people, and is results orientated. He reminded people that Clinton couldn't figure out how to properly work a blackberry, couldn't understand simple security classifications, and that she was always two steps behind on everything.

"It would have been a disaster" he stated. "She probably would have just gotten around to being bothered enough to understand what Covid-19 was".


Anonymous said...

at this point what difference would it make

Myballs said...

So after hidin the virus, China put out false data

The WHO tells the world there's nothing to worry about

NY has more cases than the bottom 44 states combined

But everything is Trump's fault

This spin, from the same people who want Joe Biden to be president, loved hope in 2008 but hate it now, want the economy to stay shut down, and encourage all Americans to be miserable. Good grief.

anonymous said...

It's no secret that Dr Fauci has been impressed with the President's leadership in this crisis.

And trump still ignores and talks over the expert like the obese asshole trump is!!!!!!!!

And ballz is shocked that china was lying like trump.....AMAZING!!!!!!!!! And the dumb fuck ballz still does not get that the NY met area has the highest density population in the country with 30 million of so living in the immediate NY are....toss in northern NJ, LI and CT and the number is considerably higher....But don't let a fact get in the way of you being a stupid fuck!!!!!

Commonsense said...

The news media would have a cow it that were to happen. I can see Acosta doing his remote from the white lawn breathlessly telling his ever shrinking viewership that Fauci is the greatest traitor since Benedict Arnold. (If he knew who Benedict Arnold was).

C.H. Truth said...

Sorry Denny...

But Gaegan has "multiple sources" on this one.

You cannot discount multiple sources.

anonymous said...

Ballz the dumb fuck lies again with

The WHO tells the world there's nothing to worry about


anonymous said...

Hey Lil Schitty.....BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Multiple lines of bullshit is all you got!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Is there a doubt in your mind that Fauci would keep his mouth shut and keep his criticism of the king to himself???? Knowing the lies he has said about the vaccine and drug....Fauci's body language told the whole story, which went over your limited intellect!!!

Commonsense said...

But Gaegan has "multiple sources" on this one.
You cannot discount multiple sources.

We like to call it a "deep dive analysis".

Or if you prefer "extensive revew".

Commonsense said...

Blogger anonymous said...
Is there a doubt in your mind that Fauci would keep his mouth shut and keep his criticism of the king to himself???? Knowing the lies he has said about the vaccine and drug....Fauci's body language told the whole story, which went over your limited intellect!!!

Should somebody tell him? Naaaaa, too fun.

anonymous said...

We like to call it a "deep dive analysis".

My preference is muff diving......might get some satisfaction from that!!!!!!!

Tell you what cramps.....refute my statement about fauci and trumps lying!!!!! Got church services????? BWAAAAAAAA!!!!

Commonsense said...


In a recent survey, most physicians worldwide considered that hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and azithromycin (AZ) are the two most effective drugs among available molecules against COVID-19. Nevertheless, to date, one preliminary clinical trial only has demonstrated its efficacy on the viral load. Additionally, a clinical study including 80 patients was published, and in vitro efficiency of this association was demonstrated.

>> COVID-19: Existing Effective Treatment Today, or Maybe a Vaccine in 18 Months or More?

The study was performed at IHU Méditerranée Infection, Marseille, France. A cohort of 1061 COVID-19 patients, treated for at least 3 days with the HCQ-AZ combination and a follow-up of at least 9 days was investigated. Endpoints were death, worsening and viral shedding persistence.


From March 3rd to April 9th, 2020, 59,655 specimens from 38,617 patients were tested for COVID-19 by PCR. Of the 3,165 positive patients placed in the care of our institute, 1061 previously unpublished patients met our inclusion criteria. Their mean age was 43.6 years old and 492 were male (46.4%). No cardiac toxicity was observed. A good clinical outcome and virological cure was obtained in 973 patients within 10 days (91.7%). Prolonged viral carriage at completion of treatment was observed in 47 patients (4.4%) and was associated to a higher viral load at diagnosis (p < 10-2) but viral culture was negative at day 10 and all but one were PCR-cleared at day 15. A poor outcome was observed for 46 patients (4.3%); 10 were transferred to intensive care units, 5 patients died (0.47%) (74-95 years old) and 31 required 10 days of hospitalization or more. Among this group, 25 patients are now cured and 16 are still hospitalized (98% of patients cured so far). Poor clinical outcome was significantly associated to older age (OR 1.11), initial higher severity (OR 10.05) and low hydroxychloroquine serum concentration. In addition, both poor clinical and virological outcomes were associated to the use of selective beta-blocking agents and angiotensin II receptor blockers (P<0.05). Mortality was significantly lower in patients who had received > 3 days of HCQ-AZ than in patients treated with other regimens both at IHU and in all Marseille public hospitals (p< 10-2).

>> Sign this Petition Calling for the Quebec Government to Authorize Doctors to Prescribe Hydroxychloroquine to COVID-19 Patients

The HCQ-AZ combination, when started immediately after diagnosis, is a safe and efficient treatment for COVID-19, with a mortality rate of 0.5%, in elderly patients. It avoids worsening and clears virus persistence and contagiosity in most cases.

Myballs said...

Hey dopey the dumbfuck, the WHO has been China's propaganda mouthpiece through call of this. How can you be this stupid?

C.H. Truth said...

Is there a doubt in your mind that Fauci would keep his mouth shut and keep his criticism of the king to himself?

I wouldn't expect Fauci to come out and praise the President or push back on media reports that Trump isn't listening or that there is a problem between the two.

If he really didn't think the President was doing a good job or if he thought that the President wasn't listening or if there actually was a problem.

That would make him a liar.

Fauci seems like nothing but a straight shooter to me. Not a liar.

So I trust that when Fauci says Trump is listening that Trump is listening. I trust that when he praise the President's leadership it's because he thinks that the President has been leading on this one.

Trump has a history of "getting things done". Putting together this task force and giving it the tools it needs to do the job is exactly the sort of leadership we needed right now.

We didn't need someone who demanded that they know more than everyone else or doesn't listen to the experts because they always see themselves as the experts.

Trump was the right person at the right time for this job. It really doesn't matter how much 20-20 hindsight criticism that the dishonest and hateful media wants to make up.

Anonymous said...

Tell you what cramps.....refute my statement about fauci and trumps lying!!!!! Got church services????? BWAAAAAAAA!!!!

you know denny, you might not be the dumbest fuck on the planet, but you should hope he doesn't die.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The man Ch calls "the right person at the right time" for this crisis wanted to know why we couldn't just let the virus "wash over" our country, a notion which shocked Dr. Fauci into saying,
"Mr. President, many people would die."

Oh wait. That didn't happen. The two who reported it do not exist. Or if they do, they must be never Trumpers.

Strange though, it's been widely publicized and Fauci hasn't denied it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous sources are concerned.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Every State Is Now Under a Major Disaster Declaration
April 12, 2020 at 11:42 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 150 Comments

“The entire country is now under a major disaster declaration for the coronavirus pandemic after the U.S. death toll reached the highest in the world on Saturday,” CNBC reports.

“All 50 states as well as the U.S. Virgin islands, the Northern Mariana Islands, Washington, D.C., Guam and Puerto Rico have received a federal disaster declaration.”

Trump’s Shadow Task Force Sows Confusion
April 12, 2020 at 10:54 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 77 Comments

“For weeks, Trump has resisted pressure to use the full power of his office to temporarily turn the private sector into an arm of the federal government in a national emergency. But he and his lieutenants instead have used the crisis to make federal assets and personnel ancillary to industry,” NBC News reports.

“In doing so, the vice president’s coronavirus task force — mostly through a supply-chain unit led by Admiral John Polowczyk and heavily influenced by White House adviser Jared Kushner — has favored some of the nation’s largest corporations and ignored smaller producers of goods and services with long track records of meeting emergency needs.

“They have also operated almost entirely in the dark,
releasing few details of their arrangements with the big companies;
created a new and convoluted emergency response system;
and sown confusion and distrust in the states
and among the people who need medical supplies.”

Big Government always BAD. Big Industries always GOOD.
St. Reagan said so.

Not this time.