Saturday, April 4, 2020

Glad James Woods is back on Twitter!


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Thanks for that.

I got to see some delightful AOC videos.
Stunningly intriguing and attractive (even if I am a happily married man.)

I loved the poster of her labeled, "Putting An End to Dumb Blonde Jokes."
So true! A brunette as intelligent as she is could never be labeled dumb!

Which brings me to the video I still like the best:

(And I like her SO much better when she's wearing a not-so-dark shade of lipstick).

Anonymous said...

James April 4, 2020 at 12:51 PM

Tell me James where do you think your food will come from if you lock down the rural states.

I've looked at the documentation for two rural states under lockdown orders and there are exemptions for food producing entities.


KansasDemocrat April 4, 2020 at 1:08 PM

Really, which two states?

Caliphate4vr said...

Intellectual titans

Greta Thunberg Slams Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal

anonymous said...

AND LILSchitty forwards another POS conspiracy theory about the virus.....while the inept trump and his mob fiddle away blaming everyone but themselves.....seems there are plenty of masks and the fake news should not be listened to.....Sad how this presser has become a campaign speech for trump.....Now 3M is a miserable vender and they should get their act together and do something for the country...>!!!!!! WHATTAS DOUCHE!!!!!!!!!! Noe pushing his drug for the virus based on his opinion!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Hey! Some MORE delightful AOC videos! I like her even with dark lipstick when she wears white! Thanks, Rat!

Commonsense said...

Stupid bimbos would be your style James.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

A Silver Alert is a public notification system in the United States to broadcast information about missing persons – especially senior citizens with Alzheimer's disease, dementia, or other mental disabilities – in order to aid in locating them."

One has been issued For Joe Biden

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Stupid bimbos would be your style James.

Stupid she ain't. Bimbo she ain't.

Commonsense said...

Yes, stupid she is. Just go look at your videos.

Anonymous said...

The Union Lied and A Federal Investigation is on going.
"A failed deal in California for millions of N95 respirators has drawn the attention of a federal task force investigating coronavirus-related fraud, according to a report.

The health-care provider Kaiser Permanente says it is cooperating with the probe.

The deal fell through after a California health care workers’ union announced last month that it had found a supplier with 39 million N95 masks, according to the Los Angeles Times.


Service Employees International Union - United Healthcare Workers West went looking for the masks amid a growing shortage at hospitals treating coronavirus patients.

Kaiser spokesman Marc Brown told the Times Kaiser had growing questions about the supplier and backed out of an agreement to purchase 6 million of the masks.


“We learned shortly afterward that the supplier never had possession of the masks,” Brown said, according to the paper. “We are cooperating with federal law enforcement in their investigation of suspected fraud in this case.”

Anonymous said...

This Bingo does know the US Tax code.
IF the Parent takes her advise they can not deduct any tuition, books, lodging , good and other deduction paid for by the Parent, and the Parent losses the Deduction of the Dependant College Student.

"But Ocasio-Cortez offered some tips for a potential workaround. If a family hasn't filed 2019 taxes yet, they should consider not claiming their older children as a "fix."

"My personal piece of advice would be that if ... you have not yet filed in 2019, talk to the person who is claiming you as a dependent and figure out if your personal situation would be better if you all filed separately, or if it ends up being still being the best thing to do to file together. So make sure you have that conversation," Ocasio-Cortez said.

"If you think that that's a problem ... and you have not yet filed your 2019 return, you can fix it by filing your 2019 return as soon as possible," she added."

She is telling people to cheat on their taxes.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

COMMENSA SAID: Yes, stupid she is. Just go look at your videos.

JAMES SAYS: If you think the person talking on the video linked at 3:55PM above is a stupid person talking, you are the really stupid one. The people in that chamber were both amused and amazed by the cleverness of the case she built and the way she built it. :-)

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Top Sanders Advisers Urge Him to Drop Bid
April 4, 2020 at 7:03 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 161 Comments

“A small group of Bernie Sanders’s top aides and allies — including his campaign manager and his longtime strategist — have encouraged the independent senator from Vermont to consider withdrawing from the presidential race,” the Washington Post reports.

“Sanders himself has become more open to the prospect of dropping out, especially if he suffers a significant defeat in Tuesday’s Wisconsin primary, which polls suggest Joe Biden will win handily.”

Anonymous said...

administration, “Everybody saw this coming in early January.”

If Scarborough knew that a deadly, once-in-a-century pandemic was about to descend on the nation in early January — I assume he considers himself part of “everyone” — why on God’s earth didn’t he warn his susceptible viewers that they should begin social distancing? Why didn’t his producers book a single expert who could beseech his viewers to start wearing masks, to shutter their non-essential businesses, and to avoid church and sporting events? Why didn’t he mention coronavirus at all? Even in late January, nearly a full month after “everyone knew,” Scarborough’s show was dominated by the Donald Trump impeachment trial.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Number of people who have no health insurance:

South Korea: 0
Canada: 0
Taiwan: 0
Japan: 0
Germany: 0
Singapore: 0
United States: 30,000,000

C.H. Truth said...

Well Reverend...

I will take up a collection.

Which of those 6 countries would you like to move to?

Commonsense said...

JAMES SAYS: If you think the person talking on the video linked at 3:55PM above is a stupid person talking, you are the really stupid one.

Then your just as stupid as she is.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Oh that's great. Love it or leave it.
No, I will stay here and try to improve it.
I don't expect much help from fascistic Republicans who want the rich to rule.

Commonsense said...

You improve nothing James.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Which of those 6 countries would you like to move to?

I lived in Germany as a teacher of English. The first time I was there, around 1974, their per capita standard of living surpassed that of the United States. And I certainly enjoyed the medical advantages I had there.

But I stay here as a sort of missionary, trying to bring such enlightenment to our own country, despite regressions like Trump and his ilk.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

President Donald Trump dismissed as "alarmist" warnings back in January from Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar about the threat posed by the novel coronavirus, reported The Washington Post Saturday.

In an investigation into the series of wasted opportunities in government agencies and the Trump administration to mitigate the impact of the outbreak, the Post reported that Azar called Trump back on January 18 while the president was staying at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida to brief him about the disease.

According to the report, the president cut Azar off before he could begin to renew criticism of him over a botched federal vaping ban.

At the time, the virus was rapidly spreading in China but Trump's attention was fixed on the ongoing impeachment trial being conducted in the US Senate.

It was on January 18 that the US introduced screening procedures for people travelling from China who showed signs of the illness.

The health secretary, who was involved in the federal government's response to 9/11 and the 2002 SARS outbreak, told several associates that the president believed his warnings were "alarmist," and asked one confidante for advice as he struggled to get the president to focus on the issue.

Some officials told the Post that in retrospect Azar could've been more forceful in stressing the urgency of the threat facing the US.

The HHS did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The US now has more than 200,000 recorded cases, the highest number in the world, and hospitals are struggling to obtain crucial equipment to treat victims and protect front-line health workers from infection.

Trump according to the Post was warned in a January intelligence briefing about the threat posed by the virus as well as by his health secretary, but in public statements for weeks continued to downplay the likely impact of the disease.

Days after receiving the warning from Azar, Trump told reporters that "we have it [the coronavirus] totally under control. It's one person coming in from China, and we have it under control."

By mid-February he was claiming that the virus would be gone by April, and at a campaign rally in South Carolina on February 28 described the coronavirus as the Democrats' "new hoax."

It was a lack or urgency from the White House, the failure to formulate a coherent chain of command and bureaucratic delays that meant that the US was unable to formulate a mass testing program in the early weeks of the outbreak to effectively track and isolate it, according to critics.

It was only in March — more than two months after being briefed by Azar — that Trump finally realised the scale of the problem facing his administration, and that his legacy would be defined by his response, according to the Post.


Commonsense said...

Whose the Post?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

See the beginning of the first 8:35, Sherlock.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And that SHOULD be, Who's the Post?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump says the fired Navy commander's letter pleading for help for his coronavirus-stricken ship 'looked terrible' and was 'not appropriate.'

President Donald Trump told reporters on Saturday he agreed "100%" with the Navy's decision to fire the commander who sent a letter pleading for help with the coronavirus outbreak on his ship.

Trump was viciously, spitefully critical of Capt. Crozier, although the captain's crew gave him strong shouts of approval and appreciation as he exited the ship, and their parents surely approved of his determination to look out for them.


Biden Calls Navy Captain’s Ouster ‘Close to Criminal’

Joe Biden sharply criticized the firing of Capt. Brett Crozier, who was removed from his post as commander of the USS Theodore Roosevelt after speaking up in a leaked letter to his superiors about the handling of a coronavirus outbreak aboard the vessel, the Washington Post reports.

Said Biden: “I think it’s close to criminal, the way they’re dealing with this guy. … The idea that this man stood up and said what had to be said, got it out that his troops, his Navy personnel, were in danger, in danger — look how many have the virus.”



Ousted Navy Captain Tests Positive

Capt. Brett Crozier, the Navy captain who was removed from command of the coronavirus-stricken aircraft carrier U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt, has tested positive for Covid-19, the New York Times reports.


Commonsense said...

Trump was viciously, spitefully critical of Capt. Crozier

Trump: "I agreed "100%" with the Navy's decision to fire the commander who sent a letter pleading for help with the coronavirus outbreak on his ship.".

It wasn't so much sending the letter outside the chain of command (that was bad enough) as it was making it public. One of the several things it did:

1. Was to panic love ones of the Roosevelts crew as they couldn't find out what was going.
2. Notified our adversaries that an entire carrier battle group was out of commission and non-operational.

That couple that with a liberty port of call in Vietnam was, to put mildly, and unwise decision.

Crozier must have really pissed off flag group commander, CICPAC and the joint chiefs to be sacked so fast,

Caliphate4vr said...

Why did this stellar naval officer, send his ship on liberty is DA NANG one month ago in the midst of a global pandemic?

You’re a fucking pederast

anonymous said...

y is DA NANG one month ago in the midst of a global pandemic?

Because trump did not think it was serious......!!!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

A simple answer from a simple fatman

Thanks for playing chubs

anonymous said...

And a simple reply to another loser UGA graduate......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! I am sure you are a lot smarter than that captain, loser....that's why you are a salesman and not leading real men....!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

pissed off flag group commander, CICPAC and the joint chiefs to be sacked so fast,

No cramps.....trump had him fired!!!!!!! As to the reasons.....your opinion again is duly noted....BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

And you’re a fat accountant with delusions of grandeur

Anonymous said...

"the joint effort between Ford and General Electric might have produced lifesaving equipment sometime in mid- to late April.” Stupid Old Man

The Detroit Press.
The Official Paper of the UAW .
"Miracle in Plymouth: UAW worker celebrates Ford making 1M face shields in 13 days"

First week of April.