Friday, April 17, 2020

Idiot liberals believe that three phase road map was a last minute change of plan...

Liberals convinced that Trump was going to order economy open on May 1st 

Yes, this intricate three phase plan, complete with complicated benchmarks for testing, analysis, and feedback was apparently put together late yesterday afternoon, only after reasonable people convinced the President that his simpleton plan to go full open on May 1st was wrong.

Or so certain morons would have you believe...

Of course the President never suggested that he was going to order any full reopening as of May 1st. Never. Not once. In fact, I am not sure he ever hinted at any sort of May 1st full reopening. But somewhere, somehow, liberals got it in their heads that the obstinate President was bound and determined to push his constitutional limits and order everyone back to work. 

The reality is that it has been widely reported over the past ten days or so that the President was working with a variety of people to come up with a phased plan to reopen at least parts of the economy by the end of April. The President on multiple occasions has stated that he did not believe that any one size fits all plan (either a shut down or reopen) was a correct model for a country of our size. He has always suggested that these decisions were regional and best left to the Governors. The idea of a phased reopening had been mentioned by Trump and others more times than I can remember. 

Yet, here we are today... and liberals are shocked that there is a three phase plan in place that most everyone (doctors, economists, and Governors) agree on. Where on earth did that come from?  


Anonymous said...

But somewhere, somehow, liberals got it in their heads that the obstinate President was bound and determined to push his constitutional limits and order everyone back to work.

these same idiot liberals insisted that the president had the power to CLOSE DOWN the nation when this shitshow began... and they insisted. they would not take no for an answer.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Stupid People? No, a stupid President. And a stupid Ch.
More proof that Ch only hears what he wants to hear.

FORTUNE headline: [FORTUNE has a right-center conservative bias]
Trump wants to reopen the U.S. economy by May 1. But what can he open?
April 16, 2020 3:10 PM CDT

As the U.S. wrestles with how to contain the coronavirus while also saving the economy, President Trump declared this week he wants to implement “a very powerful reopening plan” in coming days—"maybe even before the date of May 1."

The call for "reopening" is a response to governors in a large majority of states who have ordered most businesses to close. But already some governors have suggested May 1 is too soon to end their shutdowns, raising the specter of a collision between the White House and state leaders.

It also raises the question of what spaces in the country the President can or can't open. On Monday, Trump declared he had "total authority" over when the states can restart their economies.


When the President declares he has total authority, Ch hears "suggested."

When he says, "maybe even before the date of May 1," Ch says he never even hinted at that. Yet Trump himself labeled it a "very powerful reopening plan" he wanted to implement "maybe even before the date of May 1."

Ch hears only the echoes bouncing around in his own head.

Myballs said...

So James is opposed to Trump wanting to open the economy? Not sure why. He's put out some hopeful dates. Easter, May 1. He's given no order. So typical James sees a Trump problem that doesn't exist.

C.H. Truth said...

Hey Reverend...

Why are you not reading the three phase plan that the President actually put in place to see what it is that he is actually recommending?

Could it be that because the truth doesn't further your cause?

Only media lies further your cause?

btw... you are quoting an article that was posted "prior" to the three phase plan was put in place. It's not even a valid article anymore.

You should really pay attention, ace!

Commonsense said...

DeSantis gives green light to opening some beaches in Florida.

Commonsense said...

Duval county beaches are already open. Other localities to follow suite. Gold coast beaches will probably be the last to open.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Myballs said...
So James is opposed to Trump wanting to open the economy? Not sure why. He's put out some hopeful dates. Easter, May 1. He's given no order. So typical James sees a Trump problem that doesn't exist.

The only reason Trump has "given no order"
is because each time he starts talking about an Easter or Mary 1 date for "opening up" the country,
he gets push back from
both his medical-science task force
AND his economic-business task force including business CEOs!,
and all the governors,
and from anybody with any sense
that it would be a DISASTER to start trying to open up the country before adequate TESTING is in place.

Even now, Trump is tweeting encouragement to protesters in states with Democratic governors, encouraging them to LIBERATE VIRGINIA! LIBERATE MINNESOTA! LIBERATE MICHIGAN!

New York Times: “Mr. Trump’s tweets were a remarkable example of a president egging on demonstrators.”

Meanwhile, governors and EVEN BUSINESS CEOs keep telling him, "We can't stop social distancing and rescind stay at home orders until we enough TESTING capabilities in place to make it safe."

Can't he get that through his thick skull?

No, because this would-be tyrant tries to put himself before anyone or anything else.

cowardly king obama said...

Fortune has a right-center conservative bias ??? I stopped getting it because of it's politics though I guess it depends who is doing the "rating"

With Fortune, ostensibly a business magazine, always seems to feature leftist political commentary to the exclusion of compelling stories or meaningful business insight.

October 2017

Anonymous said...

here in NY cuomo's boot will remain on our necks until may 15th.

cowardly king obama said...


What scientific study was done to establish 6 feet "social distancing" and its worth?

What scientific study was done that established it more effective than facemasks?

Thanks in advance.

C.H. Truth said...

Even now, Trump is tweeting encouragement to protesters in states with Democratic governors

Better not protest... so un-American!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Yeah, go out and raise a ruckus to get all social distancing stopped, and stay at home orders rescinded, regardless of how deadly that might be for human lives, and regardless of what the governors and Trump's own tasks forces, both health and economic, are warning him, and regardless of what even the business CEOs are saying about the desperate NEED FOR MORE TESTING first.

So American!

Anonymous said...

So American!

actually it is.

the brits oppressed us for a while.

then we started shooting the fuckers. and we kept shooting the fuckers.

it didn't end well for them.

when i have some fucking asshole governor telling me the Bill of Rights is 'above his pay grade', i have a problem with that. a HUGE problem with that.

these wannabe tyrants need to watch their fucking step. when the American people decide this bullshit is over, it's over.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Somehow I don't feel oppressed when I am told that I cannot go out on the highway and drive 130 miles an hour just because I want to.

I guess Rat does.

C.H. Truth said...

Somehow I don't feel oppressed when I am told that I cannot go out on the highway and drive 130 miles an hour just because I want to.

So you believe there is no difference in the right to work and support your family and the right to drive 130 MPH?

When did you become about disagreeing with the medical experts on the Task Force? I thought we were supposed to be listening to them?

Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...

Somehow I don't feel oppressed when I am told that I cannot go out on the highway and drive 130 miles an hour just because I want to.

goddamn, you ARE a fucking retard.

only an imbecile finds a legal equivalent between driving 130 mph and going to, say, church services.

in a parking lot.


with their windows closed.

what we have here is a classic textbook case of psychological projection...


while it's the DEMOCRAT governors running the most oppressive regimes in the nation, shredding the constitution, ignoring a Bill of Rights that's above their pay grade, and loving every minute of it.

in response to the protest, that cunt whitmer threatened to EXTEND the shutdown in MI, just because she can.

the American people are going to decide when this shutdown ends.

Commonsense said...

Somehow I don't feel oppressed when I am told that I cannot go out on the highway and drive 130 miles an hour just because I want to.

There's no natural right to drive 130 miles an hour and you agreed to be bound by laws the state legislature you elected passed.

Where did you agree to give up your rights to worship God as you see fit, speak, associate, peacefully assemble and keep and bear arms.?

We'll wait.

cowardly king obama said...

Alicia Smith

Good afternoon everyone! The IHME model just updated again. As always, models are fed new info as it comes in to recalibrate its predictions. Let's see what has changed since its last update on Monday:

State: FL (some big moves here):
-Peak hospital use expected to be on 4/14 instead of 5/3
-Peak daily death toll expected to be on 4/2 instead of 5/6
-Total deaths now projected to be 1,363 instead of 4,748
-Under 20 deaths per day projected to be 5/3 instead of 6/1
Great job by the governor, but what an unreliable model. If I read this right these drastic model movements were done in just 4 days.