Thursday, April 2, 2020

Is Bill de Blasio part of the reason for New York's massive outbreak?

Under 50 and healthy? Very little threat here. Common cold. Go about your lives!
Mass school closings? That's not on the menu here!



Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

He must have been following Trump's lead.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Here is a timeline of Trump’s comments on coronavirus:

Feb. 7 (tweet): ”… as the weather starts to warm & the virus hopefully becomes weaker, and then gone.”

Feb. 10: “I think the virus is going to be — it’s going to be fine.”

Feb. 14: “We have a very small number of people in the country, right now, with it. It’s like around 12. Many of them are getting better. Some are fully recovered already. So we’re in very good shape.”

Feb. 19: “I think it’s going to work out fine. I think when we get into April, in the warmer weather, that has a very negative effect on that and that type of a virus. So let’s see what happens, but I think it’s going to work out fine.”

Feb. 24 (tweet): “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”

Feb. 25: “You may ask about the coronavirus, which is very well under control in our country. We have very few people with it, and the people that have it are … getting better. They’re all getting better. … As far as what we’re doing with the new virus, I think that we’re doing a great job.”

Feb. 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done.”

Feb. 28: “I think it’s really going well. … We’re prepared for the worst, but we think we’re going to be very fortunate.”

Feb. 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

Feb. 28: “This is their new hoax.”

March 4: “Some people will have this at a very light level and won’t even go to a doctor or hospital, and they’ll get better. There are many people like that.”

March 9 (tweet): “So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!”

March 10: “And it hit the world. And we’re prepared, and we’re doing a great job with it. And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.”

March 11: “I think we’re going to get through it very well.”

March 12: “It’s going to go away. ... The United States, because of what I did and what the administration did with China, we have 32 deaths at this point … when you look at the kind of numbers that you’re seeing coming out of other countries, it’s pretty amazing when you think of it.”

March 15: “This is a very contagious virus. It’s incredible. But it’s something that we have tremendous control over.”

March 16: “If you’re talking about the virus, no, that’s not under control for any place in the world.”

March 17: “I’ve always known this is a, this is a real, this is a pandemic … I’ve felt that it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”

Anonymous said...

God you are such a freaking boring sub-human.

Anonymous said...

Bought my forward contracts for fuel.
$1.43 unleaded
$2.15 Diesel

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

You should not be calling Trump a subhuman just because he lied.

Anonymous said...

James, please attempt today not to be you.
Because being you sucks.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

You mean I shouldn't hide the truth all the time the way you do?

Anonymous said...

My Farming and Ranching friends have yet to get Details from the Democrat Kansas Governor oh her Rules of "stay at Home" and movement of live stock to markets and for planting fields.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump dismissed coronavirus pandemic worry in January — now claims he long warned about it

President Trump now claims he believed the coronavirus outbreak was “a pandemic, long before it was called a pandemic.”

But in January he had explicitly played down such concerns when asked about that specific word, “pandemic,” saying: “We have it totally under control.”

Trump’s revisionist claim came as he discussed aggressive measures to stem the progress of a pandemic that has rocked financial markets and led to widespread restrictions on travel, schools, restaurants and retailers.

President Donald Trump claimed on Tuesday he has believed the coronavirus outbreak was “a pandemic, long before it was called a pandemic” — but in January, he explicitly played down concerns when asked about it.

“No, not at all,” Trump told CNBC in a Jan. 22 interview on CNBC when “Squawk Box” co-host Joe Kernen asked him if there were worries about an outbreak of the novel coronavirus in China becoming a “pandemic.”

“It’s going to be just fine,” Trump assured Kernen during the interview at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

“We have it totally under control.”

Ah but that was then. Now is now.

This PANDEMIC has rocked financial markets and led to widespread restrictions in the United States on travel, schools, restaurants, theaters, shopping centers and other gathering places.

You should have taken it seriously MUCH sooner, Mr. President. Your experts kept trying to tell you that.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Correction to 9:20:
You mean I should hide the truth all the time the way you do?

Anonymous said...

Trump dismissed coronavirus pandemic worry in January

by restricting travel from china... in JANUARY.


Myballs said...

Still waiting to hear what Trump was supposed to have done in the 8 years obama was president.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Poor Rat. You can't erase the imbecilic things Trump said.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Still waiting to hear what Trump was supposed to have done in the 8 years obama was president.

Glad to oblige. For one thing, he kept claiming Barack was not born in Hawaii.

Anonymous said...

Omg, New low of stupid clock in by Sub-human James.

Anonymous said...

Biden refuses to agree to 3 Debates with Pres. Trump.

Caliphate4vr said...

Hey stupid old man

World Health Organization (WHO)

Verified account

Follow Follow @WHO
Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China🇨🇳.

The world was LIED to by CHINA

Myballs said...

Gee James, I don't recall anyone here discussing Obama's birth place. We were talking about Trump's virus response. Yes?

Anonymous said...

The Three Socialist Stooges of CHT have sided with China over America , again.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Gee James, I don't recall anyone here discussing Obama's birth place. We were talking about Trump's virus response. Yes?

Oh, excuse, me. I thought we were also talking about Trump's tendency to lie egregiously.

Anonymous said...

Has Pelosi and Schumer Thanked The Truckers and frontline stockers and other boots on the ground workers?

Myballs said...

No James. Your post said Trump should have taken the virus mire seriously. You were discussing his response. Try to stay on topic or else just go away.

Anonymous said...

Here is a timeline of Trump’s comments on coronavirus:

the timeline of his comments is meaningless. the timeline of his actions matters.

you're basically just jerking off, pederast.

nothing you post matters. not even a little.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

LOL Then you should have framed your sarcastic, non serious question better:

Still waiting to hear what Trump was supposed to have done [about the (non existent) coronavirus] during the eight years of Obama's presidency.

So I gave you a sarcastic, non serious answer.
Live with it.

Caliphate4vr said...

And Dr Fauci says the pederast is an unknowing ass

In a perfect world, it would have been nice to know what was going on [in China],” Fauci responded. “We didn’t, but I believe Jim, that we, we acted very, very early in that.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

nothing you post matters. not even a little.

It matters to a lot of people that once again Trump's flagrant lying has been made irrefutably clear.

Anonymous said...

1960's Democrats promised to end Poverty and Homelessness and hungry.
None of that has happened.

Anonymous said...

Which Democrats warned us about Coronis Virus by name earlier then Trump did?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Why haven't the Republicans ended poverty, homelessness and hunger?

Why hasn't Trump increased taxes on the wealthy as he promised he would do in his campaign?

anonymous said...

Nothing ever happened with you either goat are a momma's boy with no discernible skills other than lying.....BWAAAAAAAA!!!!! And trump promise mexico would pay for the wall and would have have a balanced budget in 4 years.....and best health care evah.....none of that happened yet!!!!

Myballs said...

Live with what? Your asinine posts? I live with it quite well. Mostly by ignoring about 90% of what you post here. You impress yourself. No one else here holds you in any regard. You live with that.

Anonymous said...

James , noted, you admit Democrats Have not solved those issues.

Here, I will feed you troll one more time.
"Why haven't the Republicans ended poverty, homelessness and hunger?"

Answer:Because it can't be done. My Bible says so.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Kansas Dimwit asked:
Which Democrats warned us about Coronis Virus by name earlier then Trump did?
New York Intelligencer: APR. 1, 2020

Republicans: ‘Nobody Expected’ the Coronavirus Pandemic.

So Joe Biden Is Nobody?

By Jonathan Chait

President Trump, having stopped dismissing the threat of the coronavirus and calling criticism of his laggard response “their new hoax,” has begun insisting everybody was shocked. “It’s something that nobody expected,” he has said. Conservative pundits have picked up this revisionist history. “Armchair Quarterbacks Try to Rewrite History on Coronavirus,” argues National Review’s David Harsanyi. “Generalized ‘Trump didn’t take this seriously enough!’ stuff is ignoring the timeline, wherein every major Democrat didn’t take it very seriously until early March either,” insists Ben Shapiro.

One example of a major Democrat who took this seriously would be Joe Biden, who, as the party’s presumptive presidential nominee, is arguably the major Democrat. Biden wrote an op-ed on January 27 warning that Trump had left the country unprepared to handle the coronavirus outbreak, and proposing steps to counter it. One of his main advisers, Ron Klain, wrote an op-ed making similar points five days before that.

The primary defense made of Trump is to compare his laggard response against the straw-man alternative in which the only alternative was to close down everything three months ago. “Now we’re going to act as if politicians were negligent for failing to try to lock down the entire economy in early January?” writes Harsanyi mockingly. Obviously, there were numerous steps available short of a total lockdown. Indeed, the massive lockdown was only necessary because Trump failed to take any advance steps, like mobilizing an effective testing system, stockpiling masks and ventilators, and reconstituting some kind of structure to replace the pandemic response team he DISMANTLED in 2018.

The “nobody could have known” defense hides the fact that Democrats and Republicans were fiercely debating whether the government should be doing more in the very recent history. Trump’s stance, which he repeated constantly, was that the coronavirus had been contained, was likely to fizzle out, and would not be very harmful. The whole Republican position for weeks was that Democrats and the media were “doing everything they can to instill fear in people,” as Trump put it.

The Conservative Political Action Conference featured Mick Mulvaney, Trump’s chief of staff, assuring everybody the virus was being overhyped to scare people into blaming Trump. (Trump probably suspected this because Republicans had used this exact strategy to whip up hysteria against President Obama before the 2014 midterms.) “This is not Ebola. It’s not SARS. It’s not MERS. It’s not a death sentence; it’s not the same as the Ebola crisis,” Mulvaney declared. “The reason you’re seeing so much attention to it today is that they think this is going to be the thing that brings down the president,” Mulvaney said. “That’s what this is all about.”

The Democrats’ position was that the coronavirus was a real threat and the government should actually prepare for it. “For Mick Mulvaney to suggest that Americans turn off their TVs and bury their heads in the sand when they’re worried about a global health pandemic is Orwellian, counterproductive, dangerous and would be repeating China’s mistake,” said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer in February. (Presumably Schumer would also qualify as a “major Democrat.”)

Myballs said...

Oh boy! A new reason to I investigate the bad orange man! Woo hoo!
-Nancy Pelosi

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Doesn't sound like something she would say.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Ex-FDA Chief Warns Disruptions Will Continue In Fall
April 2, 2020 at 12:18 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 33 Comments

Former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb told CNBC the coronavirus will continue to disrupt daily life in the fall unless there is an effective drug to treat it.

Said Gottlieb:
“If we don’t have it, this virus is going to come back in the fall and it’s going to continue to shut down parts of our lives This is going to circulate in the background. The consumer is not going to bounce back. People are going to be afraid to go out and we’re going to continue to see people succumb to this virus.”

Caliphate4vr said...

At least some world leaders are catching on, but that excludes the donks in this country

Japanese VP says WHO should be renamed to CHO Chinese Health Organization

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden Refuses to commit to Debate Trump.

Anonymous said...

Jane, you lie like it is your job.
I pulled up the Slow Joe USA Today Opinion Piece you cited.
Joe wrote it after Trump had made America Aware of the China Virus.
Joe spoke post Notification by Trump.
Your Epic Fail is noted.

Anonymous said...

Mass Transit in NY contributed to the Spread of thru NY City.

I drove my tractor today. No problem.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Morning Joe: There Can't Be A Patchwork Approach To A Pandemic | MSNBC

Anonymous said...

DNC Pushes Convention to late August.
Delaying the Confirmation of the Canidate.

Why did Joe Biden stop giving his Daily Briefibmng?

Commonsense said...

Morning Joe: There Can't Be A Patchwork Approach To A Pandemic | MSNBC

The same Joe who said he could see the coronavirus from his cottage in Connecticut. 😊😏🙄

C.H. Truth said...

Morning Joe: There Can't Be A Patchwork Approach To A Pandemic | MSNBC

Well finally Reverent...

The world renown epidemiologist that you have been valiently searching for that understands covid-19 better than Dr Fauci and Dr Birx!!

It's none other than Joe Scarborough!!!

Congratulations on finally citing a real name.

btw... when did he get his medical license anyways?

Always thought he was a loser political guy who ran a bad television show?

Commonsense said...

Of course we have a whole bunch of Democrats giving bad advise. James never mention that. Hack that he is.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

bad advice
The word is advice

advise is a verb
advice is a noun

"I advise you" means "I give you advice."

And the word mention
should have been mentions or mentioned,
whichever you meant to say.

I just gave you some advice. I was advising you.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Did I say Scarborough was an epidemiologist?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

By the way, the advice those Democrats gave was definitely
very, very BAD.

Had they been listening to expert pandemic ADVICE of the guy at 19:13 AM above?

C.H. Truth said...

Did I say Scarborough was an epidemiologist?

Well you said you knew of epidemiologists who are much more qualified to talk about the appropriate response to Covid-19 and obviously so much more qualified that we should listen to them over Fauci and Birx...

Since this is the first actual person you quoted... I figured it must be your expert?

C.H. Truth said...

Otherwise Reverend...

Are ready to list the epidemiologists who are so much smarter than Fauci and Birx?

Or are you just full of all consuming shit?

Commonsense said...

By the way, the advice those Democrats gave was definitely
very, very BAD.
Had they been listening to expert pandemic ADVICE of the guy at 19:13 AM above?

19:13 AM? The Blog is timestamp in AM/PM so no time is greater than 12:00. If you're talking about military time, 19:13 is 7:13 PM which hasn't happen yet. Time challanged much?

As far as listening to "experts" one of those Democrat's was the head of the NYC health commission.

I think I'll take Trump's "experts" over DeBlasio's. (And I think DeBlasio would too.)

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I meant Trump's ravings in the post at
April 2, 2020 at 9:13 AM above, Commensa.
But of course you knew that.

Anonymous said...

What did After the Fact Joe Biden say on his most recent China Flu Update?
I am sure Millions watch him Live?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Did I say Scarborough was an epidemiologist?

Well you said you knew of epidemiologists who are much more qualified to talk about the appropriate response to Covid-19 and obviously so much more qualified that we should listen to them over Fauci and Birx...

Since this is the first actual person you quoted... I figured it must be your expert?

Otherwise Reverend...

Are you ready to list the epidemiologists who are so much smarter than Fauci and Birx?

Or are you just full of all consuming shit?

Well, Ch, I just went back and watched THIS again.
Morning Joe: There Can't Be A Patchwork Approach To A Pandemic | MSNBC

Nowhere in that video did Joe Scarborough claim to be an epidemiologist or a pandemic expert. Instead he defended those very experts in their tireless attempts to talk sense into a resistant Trump but, they said, they "couldn't get him to focus on the pandemic." Trump wouldn't listen to his own intel committee and when Azar finally got to talk to him, Trump discussed trivia.

Even the Democratic governor Cuomo and especially the Democratic mayor de Blasio messed up earlier, Scarborough admits, and then goes on to argue that now that it seems even the President is finally listening to his experts, his top scientists, we ALL now need to get on the same page with them.

Why should some Republicans still want to disregard expert advice and open up the country up to the pandemic too soon? Why don't more Republican governors and mayors listen to those experts? As Trump says, "We are at war," and Scarborough points out that we need to try to help governors and mayors make the right decisions on how to handle that war.

Trump got the intel information way back in January and didn't take the lead in admitting the gravity of the situation until much later -- now -- after his experts finally got him to listen.

So now Trump is saying we must do war against this pandemic, but he still isn't really taking charge of it, Scarborough claims. It's as if he's afraid to. His PATCHWORK approach is inadequate and is causing a lot of chaos in the country.

This war can't just be left in the hands of state houses and city halls, Scarborough warns, yet Trump is still not mobilizing the full force of the government to do what needs to be done. What's wrong with him? Is he afraid to take real charge, afraid to take real responsibility? He said he had it "under control" back when he didn't, so he sure needs to do a better job of trying to get it under control now.

anonymous said...

Blogger C.H. Truth said...
Did I say Scarborough was an epidemiologist?

Looks like to me that Lil Schitty has lost his fucking mind!!!! Now arguing over who is an expert or not....All he needs to do is follow his stable genius through the gateway of hell as long as trump wind.....he don't give a flying fuck what is going on....only if it affects or inconveniences him does he care....sad how the might Lil Schitty has fallen into the bowels of trumps obese fat white ass and has become one of those white supremacists So sad!!!!!

anonymous said...

Wonder how cramps feels that those cruise ships are going to dock in his area with all them foreigners that don't belong here??????

Commonsense said...

Blogger James said...
I meant Trump's ravings in the post at
April 2, 2020 at 9:13 AM above, Commensa.
But of course you knew that.

Annoyed there James? That's too bad.

Take my advice as I advise you; get over it.

Commonsense said...

Wonder how cramps feels that those cruise ships are going to dock in his area with all them foreigners that don't belong here??????

Nothing at all. They have to dock somewhere.

You on the other hand are banned from Florida. You're Georgia's problem.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

@5:06 PM
Funny how annoyed you and KansasDim seem to think I am when I am not.

It DELIGHTS me to point 5:06 out to you, which of course you already knew.

Gives me yet another opportunity to stress it. Thank you!