Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Listen to the experts... Liberal style?

This is one of those things that liberals love to suggest. That someone (generally a Republican) did not listen to the experts or listen to the science. Never before have we seen such a rash of accusations against this particular President for not listening to the experts.

Yet, the coronavirus task force is made up of exactly the sort of experts that everyone should be satisfied with. Dr Fauci isn't just one of the top epidemiologists in the world, he quite literally is the top epidemiologist in the world. Dr Birx is one of the leading researchers on communicable and infectious diseases, being appointed by President Obama to head up the United States research on Aids.

More to the point, the President has bent over backwards in listening to these particular experts. To date, every action he has taken has either been in line with what was being recommended, or as with the case of the travel ban regarding China and Europe he went above and beyond what the experts suggested.  

So what appears to be the problem? 

Apparently, according to liberals, he listened to the wrong experts. As in out of the 327 million armchair experts and several million who probably have some "actual" claim at being an expert, there were some who possibly saw an epidemic coming a while ago and warned someone. That should have been the person Trump should have listened to. Apparently. 

To be clear, the best experts relying on the best information in the world have been guided our overall efforts. Therefore the President himself would have gotten guidance from multiple high level experts who were pushing the consensus of  the entire community of real experts. But there will always be one medical person "over there" and other "over there" who see something different. Quite obviously we have to pick and choose. The best consensus, or the guy or gal "over there". 

According to liberals, he should have ignored them all, and listened to the one person who "saw it coming".

Now imagine for a second that the President (or any President for that matter) did not decide to listen to the consensus of the best experts in the world, using the best scientific or medical information available... but instead decided to listen to one person who had some other opinion that was quite frankly off in left field.

Even if the President and his one off handed expert turned out to be correct (Trump would probably call it a hunch) he would have been crucified for not listening to the actual experts that were tasked to guide out country. Yes... he would have been criticized at every turn, even if he turned out justified.

Let's face it. There are millions of "experts" today on coronavirus. They had opinions anywhere from us having less than 500 deaths from Covid-19 to us seeing tens of millions of deaths. Somewhere in the middle of all of these millions of "experts" there is likely going to be one who guessed everything pretty damned close to correct across the board. 

Was that the person that we should have been listening to all along? Well sure. If we had a real time machine or actual hindsight. In the liberal world, the fact that we didn't listen to this one in a million expert means we didn't listen to "experts" or "science" in general. Yes, folks, they are that irrational and illogical.


Anonymous said...

New York City auctioned off hundreds of city-owned ventilators at least five years ago under Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio’s administration, according to an investigation by ProPublica.

The city acquired the ventilators in 2006 under former Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s administration, when a new strain of the flu was circulating in Asia, according to a report from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene obtained by the news outlet.

The city began to acquire ventilators and "stockpile a supply of facemasks," which were later auctioned off because the machines broke down and the health department "couldn't afford to maintain them," according to ProPublica.

Years later, the city has become the epicenter of the novel coronavirus in the U.S., with 72,324 confirmed cases and at least 5,489 deaths throughout the five boroughs, the mayor reported Tuesday.

The 14-year-old report obtained by ProPublica shows the city was keenly aware of the consequences of a potential pandemic, almost predicting the exact scenario that played out this year, according to the investigative outlet.

“Since the pandemic will be widespread in the United States, the supplies from the federal Strategic National Stockpile may not be available and local caches will need to be relied upon,” the 2006 report said.

The news from ProPublica comes as states and cities scramble to gather ventilators and other medical supplies — often competing with one another for such equipment — as the pandemic grips the country.

Anonymous said...

Susan Crabtree


Breaking: Trump is firing 7 IGs in one fail swoop, sources confirm to

. Most likely will be the IGs that were appointed by Pres. Obama or beforehand. He wants his own people in those positions now. Trump during his briefing said he has "put in 7 names" for IGs.

6:49 PM · Apr 7, 2020·Twitter Web App

anonymous said...

Susan Crabtree....a bigger fucking asshole than the brave rat hole.....BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Aides Plan to ‘Reopen’ Country Next Month
April 8, 2020 at 3:41 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

“Officials said the options being discussed on reopening the country vary widely in scope, from recommendations on benchmarks for when individual states can begin easing restrictions to a nationwide ‘big bang’ that Trump previewed Tuesday evening on Fox News. The officials said the conversations were still preliminary and would likely evolve over the course of the next weeks.

“Still, some officials have even begun mulling the type of event Trump may want to mark the day when nationwide restrictions are lifted after he suggested a ‘big celebration’ when the crisis is over…

“Multiple officials said this week the discussions could lead to a clash between health and economic advisers, who have disagreed over the past month on the extent and length of distancing recommendations for Americans.”

Well, Ch, if Trump has to decide between listening to his HEALTH advisers OR to his ECONOMIC advisers, who do you think he will listen to?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

How will we KNOW when it's time to reopen our country?

The NYT offers four benchmarks:

C.H. Truth said...

The NYT offers four benchmarks:

That ought to make some good TP when supplies run completely out.

Anonymous said...

“Multiple officials said this week the discussions could lead to a clash between health and economic advisers, who have disagreed over the past month on the extent and length of distancing recommendations for Americans.”

let's completely destroy what's left of the economy - every single shred of it - so no one has anything to return to when the "experts" say it's finally safe to leave your fucking house.

note that all the "experts" like bill gates or ezekiel emanuel (who said we need to remain shut down for 18 months) are flush with cash and resources to ride this thing out pretty much forever.

fuck the little people. they get to survive the virus but die from poverty, starvation, and maybe suicide so that democrat politicians like asshole cuomo can look 'smart."

that's what's great about democrats. always willing to sacrifice their fellow citizens to "solve a problem."

Anonymous said...

That ought to make some good TP when supplies run completely out.

seen on the internet the other day -

trump should pull the ultimate troll on the NY Times and WaPo and order them to begin TP production.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The NYT offers four benchmarks:

That ought to make some good TP when supplies run completely out.

Maybe you better read it, ch, before wiping your bum with it.

Sorry the TP is so scarce where you are.
We have plenty in IL.

C.H. Truth said...

Well, Ch, if Trump has to decide between listening to his HEALTH advisers OR to his ECONOMIC advisers, who do you think he will listen to?

Well so far he has listened to the health advisers...

But eventually the country actually does (gasp) have to reopen for business.

This is a big fucking country with a lot of different regions and quite frankly different ways of life.

I understand this confuses liberals...

Who don't seem to understand that there is a difference between New York City, San Francisco and Minot North Dakota or Cheyenne Wyoming... and that a "one size fits all solution" is pretty much childishly stupid.

But since a National lock down was literally one of the very few steps that Trump had not taken... (because it actually makes sense that Cuomo might need to do something slightly different than Governor Gordon of Wyoming because Cuomo has hundreds dying a day and Gordon has had... um zero deatjs so far)... Liberals figured it was something to "attack him for".

Someday people will look back on this and use this as a case study of how people lose their collective marbles over crisis situations and basically revert back to third grade antics.

C.H. Truth said...

Maybe you better read it, ch, before wiping your bum with it.

No... that's okay. I'm good.

You go ahead. You can lose enough brain cells for the two of us.

anonymous said...

Well so far he has listened to the health advisers.

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! You fucking lying sack of shit.....DId he listen to Fauci and close down the country????? He didn't even read the Navarro memo!!!! Or the intel in November!!!! Just more bricks in the wall of your lies....!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Someday people will look back on this and use this as a case study of how people lose their collective marbles over crisis situations and basically revert back to third grade antics.

i've been saying that for over a month. some of the responses i've gotten were priceless. and those are the folks who deserve a huge 'i told you so.'

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Oh, I am not opposed to a reopening of our country if and when it makes sense.


I just don't trust Trump to be the judge of that.
Not with the numerous idiocies he has uttered,
and his obvious inflated concern with himself:
how he looks,
how he polls,
what he can get out of it for himself.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Briefings Attempt to Rewrite History
April 8, 2020 at 5:15 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 7 Comments

David Zurawik: “Ignorance, arrogance and petulance ― that’s the Trump administration from the president on down. And it has been that way since the inauguration.”

“But the burning media question now is how much longer can we stomach heaping TV helpings day after day of the president’s reckless behavior as thousands die horrible deaths due to the COVID-19 virus. When are enough lies, spin and disinformation every night on TV enough?”

Commonsense said...

David Zurawik: “Ignorance, arrogance and petulance

That my friends is what projection looks like. You can't have a better example than that.

Commonsense said...

But the burning media question now is how much longer can we stomach heaping TV helpings day after day of the president’s reckless behavior as thousands die horrible deaths due to the COVID-19 virus. When are enough lies, spin and disinformation every night on TV enough?”

Translation: He's looking to good and presidential in those daily briefings, he must be shut down.

It must be painful to be so irrelevant.

Commonsense said...

DId he listen to Fauci and close down the country??

Is Fauci a legal and constitutional expert as well as an epidemiologist?

Just asking for a friend.

anonymous said...

Is Fauci a legal and constitutional expert as well as an epidemiologist?

Try to keep up cramps....Lil Schitty alleged that trump listened to his experts.....He did not listen to fauci, Navarro, or the CIA IOW's showing the Lil Schitty is a fucking lying sack of shit and you can;t read@|!!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Commonsense said...

Fauci is not an expert on constitutional law or federalism.

Just because he's an expert in one area doesn't mean he's an expert in everything.

The federal government can only supersede states' authority in case of rebellion.

Do we have a rebellion here Denny?

Get back to me when you catch up.

Anonymous said...

He did not listen to fauci, Navarro, or the CIA

you're a liar, dumb fuck.

fauci is on the record in several interviews stating quite clearly that trump has deferred to fauci on all things medical and scientific.

trump also listened to navarro on 01/30 which prompted trump to cut off travel from china on 01/31.

i'm not sure what the CIA has to do with anything and i'm sure you don't either.

so let's just conclude that you're a liar and a DUMB FUCK, dumb fuck.

Caliphate4vr said...

i'm not sure what the CIA has to do with anything and i'm sure you don't either.

The double ought accountant knows foggy bottom

Commonsense said...

And again Trump nails it on the daily bteifing.

James is quickly looking at Gaegan Toddard's site for another cut & paste,

Commonsense said...

President Trump just did an amazingly balanced and factual report covering a very wide range of topics. It was real leadership delivered with facts, clarity and thoughtful understanding of how complex this moment is

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump’s Approval Bounce Is Gone
April 8, 2020 at 8:02 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

“Even as the country confronts the greatest disruption to daily life since World War II, a series of new polls released this week show Trump’s approval ratings plateauing in the mid-40s, roughly where his approval rating stood a month ago, before the coronavirus shuttered much of the nation’s economic and social activity.

“In other words, public views of Trump’s leadership in the coronavirus crisis are now breaking down along familiar lines of polarization: Americans view his performance during the pandemic about the same way they view his performance generally.”

Anonymous said...

The many faces of James.

Or this face.
"because I am not weak and immature like you, I do it without having to call you names. "


KansasDemocrat April 8, 2020 at 2:33 PM

James proves he is "weak" and "immature".

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I don't call people names all that much, and I did reply to Cali without having to call him names, as I said (see how I pinned his ears back on the Future of Elections thread without calling him names) but I did respond to Ch's immature calling me numbnuts by throwing it back at him.

But it is amusing to be lectured on name calling by KanDem who called Obama "a black monkey in the White House" and his wife "a cheap Chicago whore." --Knee slapping funny, that.

Anonymous said...

"Ford Motor Company has announced plans to produce roughly 50,000 ventilators at one of its Michigan plants over the next 100 days in an effort to arm those on the front lines with equipment to fight COVID-19.

The ventilator design, cleared by the Food and Drug Administration and licensed by General Electric's healthcare unit, doesn't need electricity and can service the needs of most COVID-19 patients who may have difficulty breathing due to the virus."

Anonymous said...

Not sure we need them.

Anonymous said...

How cheap of a whore is Obama's wife?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of cheap whore's, Camel-toe is being tapped by Biden as his VP.

anonymous said...

Speaking of goat fucking assholes......


Commonsense said...

Once again the media makes an ass of itself.

Defense official says media reports about November coronavirus intel assessment are false

A defense official on Wednesday issued a rare denial of reports by ABC News and others that claimed a November intelligence assessment warned about a rapidly spreading coronavirus in China that posed a threat to American forces in the region.

The official said no such assessment existed.

ABC News cited unnamed officials with knowledge of the assessment by the military's National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI) that raised concerns of the coronavirus and highlighted how it was disputing daily life and business in the area.

Col. R. Shane Day, the director of the NCMI, a component of the Defense Intelligence Agency, refuted the ABC News report in a statement.

"As a matter of practice the National Center for Medical Intelligence does not comment publicly on specific intelligence matters," he said. "However, in the interest of transparency during this current public health crisis, we can confirm that media reporting about the existence/release of a National Center for Medical Intelligence Coronavirus-related product/assessment in November of 2019 is not correct. No such NCMI product exists."

You have to wonder how many times the media is going to get burned by their so-called "sources in the intelligence community" before they get it.

TDS is a terrible thing.

Anonymous said...

You have to wonder how many times the media is going to get burned by their so-called "sources in the intelligence community" before they get it.

not really. the TDS runs so deep at this point this behavior is reflexive.

cBS got caught running film of an italian hospital and calling it footage from NYC. a day ago cBS ran the same italian hospital film saying it was footage from Philly.

these people literally can't help themselves.

look at how they've lost their shit over hexachloroquine. doctors are using it, saving lives with it and attributing the drug for those saving lives. but trump was an advocate. therefore the drug must be denied until years of tests can be performed.

the behavior of the media lately has been borderline criminal.

Anonymous said...

Her Data comes from a 2018 IN Report.
"“Millennials and people, you know, Gen Z and all these folks that will come after us, are looking up, and we’re like: ‘The world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change"
So only ten years left.

Anonymous said...

Change of Heart , both Cuomo and MI Witless, begging Trump to send ever more of it.

"look at how they've lost their shit over hexachloroquine. doctors are using it, saving lives with it and attributing the drug for those saving lives. but trump was an advocate. therefore the drug must be denied until years of tests can be performed."

Anonymous said...

More than a dozen senators are calling for any future stimulus package addressing the economic fallout from the novel coronavirus to include funding for local journalism, saying that communities across the U.S. are at risk of losing their source of news because of the pandemic.

fuck NO.

learn to code, you fucking pathological liars.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

According to the Associated Press:
Trump Cycles Through Targets to Blame

“As he tries to distance his White House from the mounting death toll, Trump has cycled through a long list of possible scapegoats in an attempt to distract from what critics say were his own administration’s missteps in slowing the spread of the coronavirus on American shores.

“First, it was the media that was at fault. Then, Democratic governors came under fire. China, President Barack Obama and federal watchdogs have all had a turn in the crosshairs. And now it’s the World Health Organization that’s to blame,” the AP reports

“President Trump is falling back on a familiar political strategy as he grapples with the coronavirus pandemic: deflect, deny and direct blame elsewhere.”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Wall Street Journal Opinion Piece
Trump’s Wasted Briefings
The sessions have become a boring show of President vs. the press.
A friend of ours who voted for President Trump sent us a note recently saying that she had stopped watching the daily White House briefings of the coronavirus task force. Why? Because they have become less about defeating the virus and more about the many feuds of Donald J. Trump.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Surgeon General Jerome Adams was right: This virus is our Pearl Harbor, a catastrophic failure.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Wall Street Journal editorial:
“The President’s outbursts against his political critics are also notably off key at this moment. This isn’t impeachment, and Covid-19 isn’t shifty Schiff. It’s a once-a-century threat to American life and livelihood.”

In other words, your frantic attempts to shift blame are not working this time, Mr. President. You have cried, Wolf! Wolf! a few times too many.

anonymous said...

The stable genius who can't find his old fat white ass ignoring multiple signs......and the slurpers will swallow to his greatness!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Yahoo News
Apr 9th 2020 5:28AM

As the deadly coronavirus outbreak rapidly spread across America in February and March, President Trump repeatedly asserted that “nobody could have predicted something like this.” But a review of government records shows that repeated warnings were issued to the White House and went unheeded.

U.S. intelligence officials with the National Center for Medical Intelligence issued a report in late November warning that a virus was taking root in China, ABC News reported Wednesday. “Analysts concluded it could be a cataclysmic event,” a source inside the government told ABC, and the report was shared with the White House, the Pentagon’s Joint Staff and the Defense Intelligence Agency. It is unclear whether Trump was ever briefed on the NCMI report, but sources who spoke to ABC described multiple briefings about the report throughout December for “policymakers” as well as officials at the National Security Council and the White House. Late Wednesday, the Defense Department released a statement saying, “No such NCMI product exists,” but ABC News stood by its reporting.

The first confirmed case in China of what would later be identified as COVID-19, the disease that can result from exposure to the coronavirus, was reported on Dec. 10. By then, U.S. intelligence officials, using intercepted computer data and satellite imagery, had already detected the impact of the virus on daily life in the city of Wuhan and the surrounding area.

On Dec. 31, the Chinese government publicly confirmed that dozens of people in Wuhan were being treated for pneumonia-like symptoms. Three days later, on Jan. 3, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said he first learned of the spread of the virus in China at a White House briefing attended by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Robert Redfield. Again, it is unclear whether Trump was notified at that time.

But days after the Jan. 3 briefing in the White House, U.S. intelligence warnings about the threat posed by the virus began appearing in the president’s daily brief. Whether Trump read those, or discussed their contents, is not known.

Slideshow preview image
Coronavirus in the United States

Over the following days, the number of cases of COVID-19 rose steadily in China. On Jan. 10, Chinese scientists posted the DNA sequence for the disease online and the next day announced the first death attributed to COVID-19. The United States reported its first case on Jan. 20, and the Chinese government implemented a lockdown of Wuhan on Jan. 22.

On Jan. 24, Trump praised China’s President Xi Jinping for his response to the coronavirus outbreak.

But five days later, on Jan. 29, Trump’s economic adviser Peter Navarro sent the first of two memos that predicted dire consequences from the virus to the U.S. In the memos, whose existence was disclosed on Monday by Axios, Navarro wrote that without an aggressive containment strategy, the White House should expect COVID-19 to kill more than half a million Americans and cost the nation nearly $6 trillion.

anonymous said...

Trumps fuck ups continued....

On Jan. 31, Trump issued restrictions for non-U.S. citizens traveling from China that took effect on Feb. 3. The order came 10 days after the first case was reported in Washington state. Public health officials said that while it likely bought the U.S. time to ready a plan for how to combat the inevitable spread of the virus in the U.S.,it did little to prevent it, and the time was mostly wasted. Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan were not included in the ban.

Since Dec. 31, when China reported that Wuhan residents were being hospitalized due to the then mysterious virus, 430,000 people arrived in the U.S. on direct flights from China, the New York Times reported, including almost 40,000 who made the trip after Trump’s travel ban was promulgated.

With the number of Chinese cases of COVID-19 rising into the thousands, Navarro penned a dire second memo to White House staff on Feb. 27 in which he revised his predictions. As many as 100 million Americans could be infected with the virus, Navarro wrote, and it could end up killing as many as 2 million U.S. citizens.

At Tuesday’s coronavirus task force briefing at the White House, Trump offered a notable explanation for why he had not reacted more forcefully to his own adviser’s warnings.

“I heard he wrote some memos talking about pandemic,” Trump said when asked when he first learned of Navarro’s warnings. “I didn’t see them. I didn’t look for them, either.”

It isn’t known who received Navarro’s report. There has been no explanation of why a memo from one of the president’s top advisers, predicting millions of American deaths, didn’t reach his desk, or why Trump didn’t request a briefing about the impending crisis.

On Jan. 22, two days after the first U.S. case of COVID-19 was reported, Trump was asked on CNBC whether he was worried about a possible coronavirus pandemic.

“Not at all,” he replied. “And we’re, we have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

New research shows that the coronavirus began to circulate in New York in mid-February, and that it was brought to the region via travelers from Europe, not China. Trump expanded his travel restrictions to include much of Europe on March 11.

By March 17, six days after the World Health Organization declared the global outbreak to be a pandemic, Trump updated his own assessment of the rapid spread of the virus.

“I’ve always known this is a — this is real — this is a pandemic,” Trump told reporters at the White House. “I’ve felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic. All you had to do is look at other countries.”

As of Wednesday, more than 400,000 cases of COVID-19 had been confirmed in the U.S. and the virus had killed more than 14,000 Americans.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

History will not be kind to this 'President," and it should not be.
The next election will not be kind, either, if truth triumphs.

Anonymous said...

U.S. intelligence officials with the National Center for Medical Intelligence issued a report in late November warning that a virus was taking root in China, ABC News reported Wednesday.

pay attention dumb fuck -

"As a matter of practice the National Center for Medical Intelligence does not comment publicly on specific intelligence matters," he said. "However, in the interest of transparency during this current public health crisis, we can confirm that media reporting about the existence/release of a National Center for Medical Intelligence Coronavirus-related product/assessment in November of 2019 is not correct. No such NCMI product exists."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

rrb, it seems to me that claim is effectively refuted above in the detailed article at 7:25,26.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

It was very interesting what happened here yesterday.

Caliphrate and Rat tried to blame the Commanding Officer of the USS Theodore Roosevelt of gross negligence of duty by docking in Da Nang, citing an article in STARS AND STRIPES. When I pointed out that the article makes it clear that Captain Crozier was only following Navy policy approved of by at least two Admirals and the US ambassador to Vietnam, and that his men's activities ashore had been pre-approved by top Navy brass, Cali unsuccessfully tried to call me a stupid old man, although it had already become obvious who really was stupid in this case.

Then ChTruth(?) tried to tell me I was a "numbnuts" because I pointed out that Trump's claim that the number of cases and deaths caused by the virus in the USA would soon be at zero. I was wrong, Ch said, because Trump was basing that statement on a model he got from his experts, and shouldn't he listen to and trust his experts?
When I pointed out that there is NO WAY such a model existed to justify Trump's claim on Feb. 26 that we would be down to near zero within a very short time, Ch got all upset and defensive and said it didn't matter anyway, and I was still a numbnuts.

LOL This is not a place where rational discussions are easily pursued.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Surge In Unemployment Claims Continues
April 9, 2020 at 8:33 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 10 Comments

Jobless rolls continued to swell due to the coronavirus shutdown, with 6.6 million Americans filing first-time unemployment claims in the week ended April 4, CNBC reports.

Economists surveyed by the Wall Street Journal had expected the number to be around 5 million Americans.

Washington Post: “Last week’s jobless numbers are on top of the nearly 10 million Americans who had already applied for unemployment the two previous weeks. Economists say the collapse in jobs signals an unemployment rate of 12 percent or more, which would be the highest since the Great Depression.”

Americans Lose Patience with Trump
April 9, 2020 at 8:31 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 14 Comments

A new SurveyUSA poll finds the number of Americans who strongly disapprove of the way in which President Trump is handling coronavirus crisis has jumped from 25% two weeks ago to 38% today.

In addition, Trump’s net approval for handling the crisis has fallen 13 points over this time period.

Also striking: 48% today say they have no confidence in President Trump’s ability to lead the nation through these trying times, while 43% say they do have confidence. This is another 14-point turn for the worse from 2 weeks ago, when 50% had confidence and 41% did not.

The President with his self serving attempts to blame others is blowing it.

Caliphate4vr said...

And you made it clear you are to stupid to understand what a CO even when I posted a Navy Manuel showing the CO is ultimately responsible for his ship.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Yep. And everyone but you understands that Capt. Crozier was entirely correct in putting his responsibility for the safety of his crew first and foremost once the virus began to appear among them.

That's why the man who fired him has now himself been fired.
I guess you meant "too" stupid.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Politico: “Economic forecasts are becoming routine that predict unemployment will exceed its historic 25% peak during the Great Depression,
and the number of jobs lost in a mere three weeks now exceeds the 15 million that it took 18 months for the Great Recession to bulldoze in 2007-2009.”

Who was President just before the Great Depression?
A Republican.
Who was President just before this Great Recession started?
A Republican.

anonymous said...

4vr said...
And you made it clear you are to stupid to understand what a CO even

And you are just a loud mouth asshole who can't fight his way out of a paper bag....Crozier should never have been fired....He did the correct thing to protect his troops....not that you give a shit asshole!!!!!

anonymous said...

es said...
rrb, it seems to me that claim is effectively refuted above in the detailed article at 7:25,26

The dumb ass rat never lets facts get in the way of fox opinions......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Weak James.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump's job approval/disapproval

Oh my goodness. Scroll down and look at the chart.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump's handling of the epidemic -- approval/disapproval

Oh my goodness. Scroll down and look at the chart.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...



Scroll down and look at the chart.



Scroll down and look at the chart.



Scroll down and look at the chart.

Commonsense said...

rrb, it seems to me that claim is effectively refuted above in the detailed article at 7:25,26.

That's not a claim you hack that's a denial the assessment existed in November by an official Defense Departmemt spokesman who when on the record.

As oppose to an article using "sources" who are too cowardly to go on the record.

Guess which one I'll believe. Especially with ABC's reputation for inaccuracy at best and outright lying at worse.