Wednesday, April 29, 2020

No media bias?

RCP: Biden vs. Kavanaugh: How the #MeToo Numbers Stack Up 
In September 2018, Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations against Kavanaugh captivated the media’s attention, with CNN mentioning her name 1,898 times, MSNBC 1,878 times and Fox News just 1,066 times.

In contrast, over the past month, mentions of Tara Reade’s name on cable news have been almost nonexistent. Fox News has mentioned her 57 times to CNN’s nine times, while MSNBC has mentioned her name just once the past month.

So to recap this. The Ford allegations were mentioned  3776 times by CNN and MSNBC together, while the Reade allegations have been mentioned a grand whopping total of 10 times? Can anyone come up with any sort of reasonable explanation as to why?

To compare and contrast:

  • Ford's allegations against Kavanaugh dated back to high school, while Reade's allegations were from when Biden was an adult Senator.
  • Ford told nobody at the time that she was assaulted by anyone, only her husband (and supposedly a therapist) after Kavanaugh because a prominent public figure. Reade told multiple people, many of whom have come forward to corroborate that fact.
  • Nobody who knew Kavanaugh and Ford believed that Ford's allegations were real. Many people close to Biden and Reade believe that Reade's story is legitimate.  
  • Kavanaugh had never once been accused of anything similar prior to the Ford allegations. The allegations of Biden making women feel uncomfortable with his overzealous touching and feeling are legendary.  

Yet, we had one situation where this consumed the media (and eventually the public) while we have a situation today where old CNN programs are being deleted out of existence and police reports are being misquoted on purpose to make them less accusatory. Anyone who doesn't see this as an almost criminal use of media for political gain isn't looking very hard. 


Commonsense said...

As Ed Morrissey wrote in his column for Hot Air; "This isn't just media bias, it's media corruption."

cowardly king obama said...

Raheem Kassam

If Tara Reade had accused @realDonaldTrump and not @JoeBiden she’d be on the front page of every magazine, and have a book at #1 in the New York Times bestseller list by now.

And TIME would have made her Person of the Year, CNN would have insisted she was VP ready, and Hollywood would have made a movie about her and her bravery. Her Gofundme account would be overflowing and schools would be named after her.

For starters.