Monday, April 13, 2020

Opps... Fauci denies any push back from the President

As suspected, Dr Fauci provided a detailed explanation as to why the remarks made yesterday during his CNN interview with Jake Tapper had been "interpreted" to mean something it didn't.

Fauci defends President from media lies! 

Fauci explained that there were only two times when he took specific recommendations to the President regarding mitigation strategy and that both times the President took the medical advice without question.

When asked specifically what he meant by the term "push back",  Fauci stated that this was a poor choice of words. Rather he suggested that the discussions he was referring to would have been back and forth within the task force (rather than anything taking place in front of the President) and that there had been disagreement (even within the medical field) as to what the best strategy would be.

Lastly, when asked if anyone suggested or asked him to clarify what he meant, he provided that particular reporter with a "death stare" and responded with:

"Everything I do is voluntarily. Don't even imply that. Please." 

So basically the Jake Tapper "gotcha" moment was little more than media dishonesty at it's worst. They got a news cycle from their dishonest behavior. More than was actually deserved. But at the end of the day it only served the purpose of Dr Fauci defending the President for like the hundredth time since this whole thing began.

In essence it backfired on them. Again.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Yeah, but could you feel the tension in the room?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"The authority of the President of the United States
is total."

--Donald Trump, acting President of the United States
April 13, 2020 ca. 7:58Pm

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

No, Mr. President, the courts have often said No to Presidents.

Presidents have vast power and great armies under their command. Courts have no soldiers and little money or resources. Yet even when American Presidents have strongly disagreed with court rulings, they have always obeyed. This “rule of law” is invaluable but often taken for granted in America. One need look no further than other countries lacking rule of law to see how easy it is for a president, even an elected one, to amass power to the point where he is no longer subject to checks and balances, and then the precious liberties of the citizens are in peril.

Caliphate4vr said...

Michigan will be red

Recall Governor Whitmer

200k in few hours

Anonymous said...

I grew up just outside of Detroit.
My hHigh School friends and my family there are not happy with Gov. Witless.

Anonymous said...

Like driving over road kill, skipping JamesNEWLeaf posts.


Commonsense said...

Trump's video was troll rated nuclear.

Commonsense said...

Funny how total it was when Obama was president, now not so much.

Looks like some of his minion will finally go to jail for actually abusing that power.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Fauci is now saying that had Trump listened to the medical experts earlier he could've saved more lives.

Fauci was telling people on February 29th that there was nothing to worry about and it posed no threat to the US public at large.

Time to #FireFauci...

Trump retweeted the tweet.

Anonymous said...

We know, Jane and the ugly girl Dennis already posted 12 times.

Anonymous said...

"Study: Coronavirus Fatality Rate Lower than Expected, Close to Flu’s 0.1%"

So they got it dead ads wrong.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

CIA Warns Employees About Drug Trump Touted

“The CIA has privately advised its workforce that taking an anti-malarial drug touted by President Trump and some of his supporters as a promising treatment for the novel coronavirus has potentially dangerous side effects, including sudden death,” the Washington Post reports.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

A Touch of Trump's May Day Ahead of Time--
South Dakota Resisted Shutdown,
Now It’s a HOTSPOT

“As governors across the country fell into line in recent weeks, South Dakota’s top elected leader stood firm: There would be no statewide order to stay home,” the Washington Post reports.

“Such edicts to combat the spread of the novel coronavirus, Gov. Kristi Noem (R) said disparagingly, reflected a ‘herd mentality.’ It was up to individuals — not government — to decide whether ‘to exercise their right to work, to worship and to play. Or to even stay at home.'

“But now South Dakota is home to ONE OF THE LARGEST SINGLE CORONAVIRUS CLUSTERS ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES, with more than 300 workers at a giant ­pork-processing plant falling ill. With the case numbers continuing to spike, the company was forced to announce the indefinite closure of the facility Sunday, threatening the U.S. food supply.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Trump Uses Briefing to Fire Back at Critics

April 13, 2020 at 7:11 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

“President Trump on Monday used the White House briefing room to lash out at critics of his response to the coronavirus outbreak, rattling off a litany of grievances about press coverage and airing a reel of cable news footage that portrayed his actions in a positive light,” The Hill reports.

“The president sought to use a briefing ostensibly intended to inform the American public about the latest developments in the battle against the virus to frame his handling of the pandemic as a success. He bristled at any criticism and picked fights with journalists in the room before experts delivered any update on the disease that has killed more than 22,000 in the U.S.”

Said Trump:
“We really have done this right. The problem is the press doesn’t cover it the way it should be.”

IOW, the way HE wants it to be.

Quote of the Day
“When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total and that is the way it’s gonna be. It’s total. It’s total. And the governors know that. When somebody is the President of the United States, the authority is total.”
— Stable Genius Wannabe Dictator President Trump, quoted by the Associated Press, at his daily coronavirus briefing.

Amash ‘Looking Closely’ at Presidential Bid

Rep. Justin Amash (I-MI) said that he’s considering a White House run against President Trump, a move that could pose a challenge to the president’s campaign for a second term, the Washington Post reports.

“Amash, who left the Republican Party last year and is seeking reelection to his Grand Rapids-area House seat as an independent, made the comment in a tweet responding to a statement by Trump on Monday night that as president, his ‘authority is total.'”

Exchange of the Day
Paula Reid of CBS News pressed President Trump on the video he showed during today’s White House coronavirus briefing:

REID: Your video has a complete gap. What did your administration do in February with the time that your travel ban bought you?

TRUMP: A lot. A lot.

REID: The video has a gap.

TRUMP: You know you’re a fake.

Watch the video

Bonus Quote of the Day
“That is the biggest meltdown I have ever seen from a President of the United States in my career.”
— CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta, quoted by CNN, on today’s coronavirus press briefing.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Re 9:44PM
The same Breitbart article that came from tells us that we have had 560,000 cases in the USA resulting in almost 23,000 deaths.

That is more than 4%.

Anonymous said...

George Stephenopolis has Tested Positive for the China Virus.

I hope he doesn't suffer for long.

Anonymous said...

If only the Three Stooges if CHT would attack China as much as they do the USA.

Biden still refuses to take Coronivirus test.

Commonsense said...

Only James could think that press briefing wasn't a win for the President.

A mindless hack James is. I would say he's an ideologue but he's not intelligent enough to have an idea of his own. Like a parrot he mindlessly mimics what ever Goddard told him.

anonymous said...

And only cramps would think that running an infomercial paid by the taxpayers is a win for trump....Nothing like having Fauci fellate trump on camera.....sad such a brilliant mind works for a child!!!!!! Sadder that the goat fucking idiot only posts his own delusions to support trump.....

Anyone notice the trump endorsed Judge in Wi just had his ass kicked in spite of low turnout...???????// BWAAAAAAAAA!!!

anonymous said...

200k in few hours

BWAAAAAAAA!!!!! Proving there are that many assholes like the Ga loser in Mi!!!!!!

anonymous said...

One of those R gov's who proudly did not shut down her state paying the price....!!!!

S.D. became a covid-19 hot spot after governor resisted issuing stay-at-home order

South Dakota Gov. Kristi L. Noem (R) had said it was up to individuals — not government — to decide whether “to exercise their right to work, to worship and to

Sure seems to me that Most R's will ignore science and do whatever trump wants!!!!!

anonymous said...

King of the idiots Trump....needs to be throttled!!!!!

April 14, 2020 at 6:00 a.m. EDT
Donald Trump has a unique understanding of federalism. During Monday night’s White House coronavirus task force briefing, Trump both blamed governors for their lack of ventilators, and asserted that, when it came to the decision to reopen businesses closed by stay-at-home orders issued by governors, “when somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total, and that’s the way it’s gonna be.”
This fits with the Trump administration’s overall response to the pandemic, one that has left frustrated governors fending largely for themselves and pondering a consortium to keep from bidding against one another for essential equipment and to smooth procurement.
Although Trump is now claiming total power in his rhetoric, his abdication of federal leadership has left governors struggling to fill the void. Their predicament has left some observers seeing a situation similar to the country’s earliest days under the Articles of Confederation (1781-1789). The powers of Congress were severely circumscribed and state governments were left to handle disasters alone. In this period, the federal government could claim no responsibility for a public health crisis like the current pandemic.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump 2016: “I alone can fix it.”

Trump, March 13, 2020:
“I don’t take any responsibility at all.”

Trump, April 13, 2020:
“When somebody is president of the United States your authority is total.”

anonymous said...

Gee.....taking absolute power....does it mean he takes absolute responsibility?????? BWAAAAAAAA!!!! Not in trump world.....

Anonymous said...

8 West Coast and East coast States with Democrat Govenors race ahead to put up "Open for Business" signs.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Only James could think that press briefing wasn't a win for the President.
Bonus Quote of the Day
“That is the biggest meltdown I have ever seen from a President of the United States in my career.”
— CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta, quoted by CNN, on today’s coronavirus press briefing.


Only Commensa could think a President that obviously uptight and self defensive and angry and lying and stupid in statements he made scored a win.

As Roger points out at 6:24 above...

Anonymous said...

"South Dakota Total cases 868
Total Deaths 6

"Hot Spot" Ugly fat Broad Denise

Looking at WI.
Have they become a "Hot spot" after last Tuesdays vote?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Governors on the east and west coast have formed alliances who will show this stupidly arrogant President who really is in charge.

Trump claims he has absolute power. Absolute authority. Total authority.

The Constitution does not agree, granting Congress, the states, the courts, and the people powers denied to him.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Re 9:44PM
The same Breitbart article that came from tells us that we have had 560,000 cases in the USA resulting in almost 23,000 deaths.

That is more than 4%.

anonymous said...

Hot spot when you look at the per capita rate you dumb goat fucking asshole BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! But since you are to dumb to do that.....!!!!!! You lose again!!!! Did you see the Smithfield plant in ND now shut down????? guess you don't worry about things like that!!!!!

anonymous said...

The trump endorsed candidate got his ass kicked asshole.....A very bad sign for trumps coat tails as more and more figure out he is more useless than you!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

It’s coming for you fatty

NYU scientists: Largest US study of COVID-19 finds obesity the single biggest 'chronic' factor in New York City's hospitalizations

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

A disproportionate number of blacks die because of underlying contributing factors like malnutrition, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, asthma, kidney disease, etc.

It's coming for you, blacks!

Anonymous said...

Governors on the east and west coast have formed alliances who will show this stupidly arrogant President who really is in charge.

Trump claims he has absolute power. Absolute authority. Total authority.

The Constitution does not agree, granting Congress, the states, the courts, and the people powers denied to him.

well pederast, let's review...

virtually the entire msm, once they subsided from declaring trump a racist, xenophobic bigot for shutting down travel from china, demanded that trump shut down the nation.

and now, thanks to a combination of ashattery, hypocrisy and collective amnesia, the very same media is stating that trump cannot unilaterally re-open what they claim he had the unilateral power to single-handedly shut down...

The Associated Press presented a more detailed argument against the constitutional position the president asserted Monday.

The point is that Trump has maintained the same view throughout, while the media have flip-flopped completely, perhaps changing their view based on whatever they believe is politically most inconvenient for the president.

On Monday, Trump did not cite the text of the Constitution he believes grants him authority over closing or re-opening the national economy, but promised to provide a legal justification for his stance.

One possible constitutional argument would be as follows:

The Interstate Commerce Clause in Article I gives Congress the power to regulate commerce “among the several States”;
a related clause, the No Preference Clause, restricts how states may insulate their economies from those of other states;
the Faithful Execution Clauses in Article II give the President the duty to carry out the laws Congress passes; and
the Supremacy Clause in Article VI makes the Constitution and federal law the “supreme law of the land.”

That supremacy is balanced by the Tenth Amendment, which reserves powers for the states that are not already granted to the federal government. As the AP notes, state powers cover public order and safety.

Vice President Mike Pence, who was put on the spot by a reporter who invited him to contradict the president, argued that the president’s authority during a national emergency is “unquestionably plenary.”

It is possible that these powers are not entirely congruent — that is, the president may have authority to restrict commerce due to a public health emergency, but not to override all lingering state and local restrictions once an emergency has passed. (No one in the White House Briefing Room has yet drawn such subtle distinctions.)

The entire question may be moot, as the president suggested, because most of the governors do not want to keep their states closed; they share an interest in re-opening their economies as soon as possible.

rather than acting in 100% opposition to this president every fucking minute of every fucking briefing, perhaps a more constructive conversation can occur.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Breitbart. We see.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden Has Multiple Paths to Victory;
Trump, Not So Much
April 14, 2020 at 8:37 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

“Joe Biden’s resurgence to become the Democrats’ presumptive nominee is opening new paths to defeat President Trump, swing-state polls show,” Axios reports.

“If Biden can keep his current leads over Trump in general-election matchups, it could create opportunities for pickups of three big states — Florida, Arizona and North Carolina.

“That’s without hurting Dems’ chances to take back Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, the key wins that sent Trump to the White House in 2016.”

Explore these two paths — Sun Belt vs. Rust Belt — with an interactive electoral map.

Bloomberg:Key 2020 States Reel Under Twin Blows of Virus, Job Loss
April 14, 2020 at 8:26 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

“The booming economy Trump hoped to ride to a second term is collapsing – with some forecasting a national unemployment rate as high as 30% – and the trifecta of states that delivered him the presidency will likely bear the brunt.

“Michigan, which Trump won in 2016 by 10,704 votes, now ranks just behind New York and New Jersey in the number of coronavirus deaths, with 1,479 fatalities as of Monday. Pennsylvania, which has the fourth-largest number of coronavirus cases, ranked first in the nation in percentage of new unemployment claims in the last two weeks of March. He carried the Keystone State by 44,292 votes in 2016.

“And Wisconsin Democrats won’t soon forget that Republicans in the State Legislature overruled the governor to force the state’s primary to go forward with in-person voting last week, prompting troubling scenes of mask-clad voters gathering to cast their ballots.”

Also important: “The economic damage is falling hardest on a key part of the Trump coalition — blue-collar workers.”


I see the "pastor" uses his GODdard and savior political_lire to quote a FAKE NEWS CNN network to quote a joke FAKE NEWS reporter who wasn't even in the briefing to say the president had the biggest meltdown of a president he had ever seen.

Actually he was pushing back with REAL clips from the news media.

Even they can't stand their reporting.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

...a reporter who wasn't even in the briefing...

You guess he saw it on TV?



Chris Hayes

This is a a very obvious point and has been obvious from the beginning but as the global picture fills in over time, there is *absolutely* no fricking way China only had 3300 fatalities from this virus.

Sean Davis

This is like watching a puppy discover that the puppy he was chasing in the mirror wasn’t another dog.

and now the FAKE NEWS media finally realizes they were reporting FAKE NEWS. Wonder if their minions will ever admit that.


James said...
...a reporter who wasn't even in the briefing...

You guess he saw it on TV?


Yep, I switched to CNN for a second to see how they were covering the clips and they had switched away to a live report between Acosta and Blitzer. Not from within the briefing room.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Gee, I saw it on replay.

anonymous said...

The fucjing idiot daddy is the only one who thought china was truthful posting...

there is *absolutely* no fricking way China only had 3300 fatalities from this virus.

A shocking revelation to the idiots that fellate trump daily!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Quote of the Day
April 14, 2020 at 9:02 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

“If he ordered me to reopen in a way that would endanger the public health of the people of my state, I wouldn’t do it.”
— Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D),
quoted by Reuters, when asked what he would do if President Trump ordered him to relax social distancing restrictions.

anonymous said...

And the fucking idiot rat again shows us he cannot think with trumps dick in his mouth..

, xenophobic bigot for shutting down travel from china, demanded that trump shut down the nation.

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!1 Mutually exclusive acts that the rat hole is too stupid to see!!!!!

anonymous said...

Anonymous Caliphate4vr said...
It’s coming for you fatty

How's it feel to have no income????? BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Fucking idiot trump fat ass sucker......

anonymous said...

And you trump suckers keep bitch about Bidens' kid being not qualified to be on a BOD while saying nothing of this punk ass kids lack of experience to be running the supply chain....the chain that is short of ventilators masks and drugs!!!!!!! THIS IS A BAD DREAM COME TRUE!!!!!!!

Luke Darby
April 13, 2020, 10:58 AM EDT
Donald Trump puts a lot of responsibility on his son-in-law&aposs shoulders. Despite Jared Kushner&aposs relative lack of experience with anything beyond managing family real estate, he was tasked with the Trump White House&aposs efforts to negotiate peace between Israel and Palestine, for which he ordered everyone involved "don&apost talk to me about history." Then he was put in charge of Trump&aposs border wall. Now, the president has tapped Kushner for the biggest challenge facing the U.S. in recent history, the COVID-19 outbreak, and he&aposs doing as well as he did on achieving a two-state solution and completing a border wall.

Kushner is in charge of a supply chain unit inside of vice president Mike Pence&aposs coronavirus response task force, meaning he&aposs responsible for ramping up production of essential equipment—like much-needed ventilators for intensive care units and personal protective equipment (PPE) like N95 respirator masks—and distributing them to states. So far, the Trump administration hasn&apost had a great track record on either count. Hospitals across the country are dealing with crippling shortages of PPE, and in a press briefing Kushner bristled at the idea that the federal government should be doing more to help, telling reporters that a federal stockpile of supplies was "ours." In some instances, the federal government is bidding against states for equipment, and there have even been cases of the government seizing supplies from hospitals with no explanation. According to a new NBC News story, that&aposs because the top two priorities for Kushner&aposs task force are protecting "private profit and the ability of the White House to choose where supplies go."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Like so many other governors, my own governor is in effect telling the President to go take a hike. Though Pritzker did it nicely:

Pritzker struck a diplomatic tone when asked about whether it’s his decision or the President’s decision to end stay-home orders:
“Well, I think he’s (Trump’s) going to issue some advice about it, but it is true that it’s up to the governors to make decisions about the executive orders we put in place.

“We want to lift these orders as soon as we can,” he said, noting that it will come in phases but that he’ll rely on data, scientists and doctors “who know more about immunology and all the issues of COVID-19 than an elected official who’s not a doctor.”

President lacks legal standing:
Lawrence Gostin, a Georgetown University legal scholar and public health expert...says if a president tried to override a stay-at-home-order it would go to the courts and the president would lose.

“States have historic police powers, which means ... their primary responsibility is the health, safety and welfare of residents within their states and they have very broad powers," Gostin said, adding: “The president has no power to go to a business within a state and tell that business to violate state law or state directions. The president has no power to command or commandeer a governor or state control over its people and its businesses. And the fact that the president is suggesting or implying that he does, I think is false."

Anonymous said...

China Owned
"Smithfield plant in ND now shut down"

The fat ugly chic,Denise , defends yet another China Owned company.

C.H. Truth said...

And you trump suckers keep bitch about Bidens' kid being not qualified to be on a BOD while saying nothing of this punk ass kids lack of experience to be running the supply chain....

One of them runs multi-billion dollar companies...

The other is in and out of detox centers...

Only a moron would compare the two.

the chain that is short of ventilators masks and drugs!!!!!!! THIS IS A BAD DREAM COME TRUE!!!!!!!

Actually the supply chain is doing so well we will be sending out medical supplies to other countries...

What idiot told you were were "short"?

Anonymous said...

Jane and his stupid ugly sister Denise said everything was great in ranchingbn farming . I live this life. You stupid pavement monkeys.

Caliphate4vr said...

The chain is short...fatty is always wrong

Army's Seattle Field Hospital Closes After 3 Days, Without Treating a Single Patient

The hastily built field hospital set up by the Army in Seattle's pro football stadium is shutting down without ever seeing a patient, so the service can shift resources where they're more urgently needed, Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee said.

Medical equipment at the CenturyLink Field Event Center is being returned to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for use elsewhere, but the governor cautioned against reading too much into the move.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Go look at the video I provided on the next thread.

Anonymous said...

Army's Seattle Field Hospital Closes After 3 Days, Without Treating a Single Patient

gee, i'm SO glad the feds fulfilled asshole cuomo's demand for 30,000 ventilators.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I didn't realize Cuomo was located in Seattle.

Caliphate4vr said...

Learn sarcasm stupid old pederast

Anonymous said...

Governor Cuomo Made great usr of the thousands of ventilators.
As a backdrop at his Photo op presser.

Anonymous said...

Pres. Trump talks about opening up the Economy and 23 Govenors , both Red and Blue, say "Yes".

Commonsense said...

Like so many other governors, my own governor is in effect telling the President to go take a hike.

Yeah. Number 3 in cases, number 3 in deaths.

You got a real winner there.