Friday, April 10, 2020

Recent CNN poll completely fake!

It has been confirmed by a variety of independent sources close to the situation that the recent CNN poll was never actually conducted. Several CNN election journalists (who all wish to remain anonymous) confirm that the powers to be just took an old poll and changed the numbers to make it look like Biden was winning by double digits.

"They were desperate to change the narrative that the Covid-19 crisis was helping Trump." stated one source. "They were hoping that Cuomo interviewing Cuomo day after day would help undercut the President's momentum, but they were not sure it did. Rather than take a chance that a real poll would not provide them with what they wanted, they decided to go with just changing some old numbers and telling people it was a new poll."

A second anonymous source stated that it was also saving CNN money. "With half their viewership gone due to the limited traffic at airports across the country, CNN was not sure they could actually afford to pay someone to conduct a real poll. So this killed two birds with one stone."


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...



Scroll down and look at the chart.



Scroll down and look at the chart.



Scroll down and look at the chart.

Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...

asks the asshat pederast who calls for dropping rasmussen from every polling average.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Oh wait. I actually fell for this. I see Ch has now joined his suppressing of map mistakes to completely making up a thread article.

No one has really just "made up" the CNN polling.



C.H. Truth said...

Oooohhhh Reverend 2 million dead Americans...

All caps! You must really be upset that you didn't understand my post well enough to get why the county map makes more sense than the state map!

I guess my explanation has you... what is it?

"struck speechless"

Anyways... I see a great pattern in the polling. Everything I would expect at this point.

- Large oversampling of Democrats.
- Huge disparity in enthusiasm for Trump voters (enthused) and Dementia Joe voters (not so much).
- Underlying cross tab numbers that are not too surprising.

And the reality that Trump will probably remain President even if he loses by 2-4 percent in the popular vote!

Nice to have that sort of "comfort margin" huh?

Must suck to be Dementia Joe and know you have to win by several percent to actually become President.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Now for some TRUE NEWS (from CNN):

Navarro’s Private Message Different Than His Public One

April 10, 2020 at 11:53 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

“White House trade adviser Peter Navarro publicly said Americans had ‘nothing to worry about’ while he privately warned the White House that the coronavirus pandemic could cost trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of American lives,” CNN reports.

“Navarro circulated two memos at the White House in late January and February warning that a full-blown coronavirus outbreak would leave American lives and the economy vulnerable. But Navarro, a frequent surrogate for President Trump and his administration on television, continued to present a far more optimistic message in public.”
Sort of like LBJ administration leaders promising light at the end of the Vietnam war tunnel when they knew very well they were lying.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch's post 11:52 is NWRT

C.H. Truth said...

Oh... one more trend on the polling.

You are seeing two completely different sets of polls. You will see some that show the race as very close (Fox, ABC/WaPo, Monmouth, etc) and some who see it as Biden winning big (CNN, Quinnipiac, Harris, etc)/

This is exactly what happened in 2016 with Trump and Clinton. There were pollsters who consistently showed a closer race (some even had Trump ahead) and then there were the same pollsters (CNN and Quinnipiac leading the way) that showed Hillary up big (in some cases double digits).

In those scenarios the "average" is really irrelevant.

One of those subsets is going to be right.
One of those subsets is going to be dead wrong.

In 2016... as we got closer to the election the big lead pollsters (for the most part) fell in line with the rest.

I can feel pretty confident at this point in completely tossing aside, not considering, and even laughing at polls such as the one from CNN or Harris showing double digit leads.

No way, no how is Joe Biden going to beat anyone anywhere by double digits.

Nope... we all know that this is going to be very close like it was in 2016 and if anything Trump will have many advantages he didn't have in 2016 and Biden will not have some of the advantages that Clinton did.

Any pollster pretending differently is basically providing a false narrative and they likely know it.

Anonymous said...

...while he privately warned the White House...CNN reports.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Anonymous said...

Any pollster pretending differently is basically providing a false narrative and they likely know it.

liberals are stupid, gullible, suckers for news that can make them feel better about a bad situation, etc.

on the eve of the 2016 election huff po had, at the top of their home page, their poll prediction that had clinton winning 98 - 2.

98 - 2.

how fucking stupid and/or gullible does one have to be to prominently post nonsense like that, let alone believe it?

and they just can't help themselves. so now we see the process being repeated with respect to biden. the poor bastard doesn't even know what day it is yet he's going to win by double digits.

C.H. Truth said...

...while he privately warned the White House...CNN reports.

Yes Rat...

Because we all know that people close to the President always confide privately with CNN journalists. Why can't you just accept that!

I mean why wouldn't you?

after all... at least a few hundred people still get their news at CNN.

Anonymous said...

LOL @ the 'lincoln' project.

Anonymous said...

without the airport audience i'm trying to understand how cnn is still in business.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Let's give Rat some more to laugh about: NAVARRO DOUBLE TALKS LIKE CHTRUTH:

Navarro publicly said Americans had 'nothing to worry about' while privately warning coronavirus could cost lives and dollars
Updated 11:00 AM ET, Fri April 10, 2020

(CNN)White House trade adviser Peter Navarro publicly said Americans had "nothing to worry about" while he privately warned the White House that the coronavirus pandemic could cost trillions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of American lives.

Navarro circulated two memos at the White House in late January and February warning that a full-blown coronavirus outbreak would leave American lives and the economy vulnerable.

But Navarro, a frequent surrogate for President Donald Trump and his administration on television, continued to present a far more optimistic message in public, CNN's KFile found after reviewing Navarro's interviews, statements and writings.

In the January 29 memo, Navarro wrote that the "increasing probability of a full-blown COVID-19 pandemic" could infect as many as 100 million Americans and kill "as many as 1-2 million souls." That same day -- in which the coronavirus task force was also formed -- Navarro made no mention of the possibility when asked a question about the impact of the coronavirus while appearing on CNBC promoting the USMCA trade agreement.

"Not to jump too quickly to the impact of the coronavirus, but obviously there's the fear that it's going to unwind some of the potential benefits of phase one," CNBC's Carl Quintanilla said. "(Secretary of Agriculture) Sonny Perdue today said he didn't know whether it would affect ag commitments. How much are you worried about that unwind or potential unwind?"

"Well, we have a really strong leadership with (Health and Human Services) Secretary (Alex) Azar and the CDC. We're working very carefully and diligently on this, so, well, let's see how this unfolds. This is not my lane per se, so I'm going to let others come on CNBC and inform that," Navarro said.

But in the memo, Navarro had privately urged the White House to impose a travel ban on China. The White House imposed restrictions on -- but did not ban -- travel from mainland China on January 31, two days after the memo circulated.

In a statement to CNN regarding his CNBC appearance, Navarro said, "A question about agricultural purchase commitments is clearly not my lane."

At the White House coronavirus briefing Tuesday, Trump said he didn't know about Navarro's memos until a few days ago and still hadn't read it.

"He wrote a memo and he was right and I haven't seen the memo," the President said. "I will see it later on, after this. But it didn't matter whether I saw or not, because I acted on my own. I guess I had the same instincts as Peter."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

In Navarro's second memo, dated February 23, he urged for immediate funding to "minimize economic and social disruption."

"Any member of the Task Force who wants to be cautious about appropriating funds for a crisis that could inflict trillions of dollars in economic damage and take millions of lives has come to the wrong administration," Navarro wrote.

But at a press gaggle on February 24, Navarro assured that coronavirus was "nothing to worry about for the American people" under Trump's leadership.

"Since the day that President Trump pulled down the flights from China to the US, he has been actively leading the situation in terms of this crisis with the task force. Nothing to worry about for the American people," Navarro said.

"This country's done a beautiful job under President's leadership [sic] in terms of managing this situation. He's working on a daily basis with the task force and we're taking steps to anticipate -- what I like to say -- where the puck's gonna be. We're skating there in defense of the American people and the American economy. So you can be sure you're that in great hands with the Trump administration."

In a statement to CNN, Navarro defended his February 24 statement.

"'Nothing to worry about' indicates the American people should be confident in the strong leadership of President Trump handling the crisis, NOT the seriousness of the crisis itself. To suggest otherwise is simply mischief and fake news," said Navarro. SURRRE IT IS.

Navarro continued to wave off concern that America's economy would suffer from the virus.

On February 23, while appearing on Fox News' Sunday Morning Futures, Navarro said that the American economy was not "particularly vulnerable to what happens in China" with the virus.

"With respect to the economic impacts, Maria, I think what we have learned, with President Trump's tough stand on China, is that the American economy is extremely strong and not particularly vulnerable to what happens in China. So we're going to go about our business and try to get what we need in Trump time."

During an appearance on The Hugh Hewitt Show, Hewitt asked Navarro if he agreed with White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow's assessment that there would not be an economic downside. Navarro said it was "not likely to materially harm this economy."

"I think if we learned anything in the trade negotiations with China, it's that our economy can be very, very strong in the presence of tariffs and reduced imports from China," Navarro said. "So the fact that China is struggling is not likely to materially harm this economy."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Navarro added that the focus should be to address supply chains, including for pharmaceuticals and to develop a vaccine, and suggested in the Fox News appearance on February 23 that "in crises like this, we have no allies."

Navarro also explained to CNN his answers on the economy.
"I was explicitly asked whether a slowdown in the China economy would harm the US economy and clearly responded 'no' because the US economy is not highly dependent on China," Navarro said. "I was NOT asked either explicitly or implicitly about the potential impact of a pandemic on the US economy and any suggestion by CNN that my comments pertained in any way to the possible economic impacts of a possible pandemic is misleading and irresponsible."
Navarro had previously warned of a pandemic in his 2006 book "The Coming China Wars."

"China has become the world's prime breeding ground for new and exotic strains of influenza and other viruses, including both the deadly SARS virus and avian flu," Navarro wrote, without providing links to scientific evidence. "The primary reason, as the preceding excerpt indicates, is that so many different farm animals live in such close proximity to humans and other species."

Navarro also echoed this statement after a Fox News host asked without a factual basis whether China created the virus as a potential biological weapon. Navarro did not address the specific question, but said that China "will have to be held accountable for how that started," pointing to his book.

"The question of how this started ultimately has to be answered. I don't think now is necessarily the time to do that 'cause what we have to do is fight the crisis first. But China will have to be held accountable for how that started," Navarro said on February 10. "Fourteen years ago in a book called the 'Coming China Wars' that I wrote, I actually predicted a pandemic from a virus from China precisely because of the way they run their country in terms of the animal husbandry practices. So whether it was bats or other things, I'm not really sure at this point, but I was very surprised that the Chinese ambassador did not answer that question."

Scientists remain divided on the origins of the coronavirus -- whether it stemmed from wild animals, for example. There is zero evidence that coronavirus was manufactured by a government. New research indicates that the virus came to New York earlier than previously known, and that it was brought by travelers mainly from Europe and not Asia, according to The New York Times.
Navarro reiterated to CNN that the origins of the virus must be determined.

"When I was asked whether the China virus 'started in a research lab,' my response was simply that the question of the origin of the virus would ultimately have to be answered. There is no other possible answer to that question until we know the origins of the virus," Navarro said.

C.H. Truth said...

(CNN)White House trade adviser Peter Navarro

(Made up news that only the gullible would read) White House trade adviser Peter Navarro

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Navarro never said or wrote any of that.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Projections Show Spike In Infections If Lockdown Lifted
April 10, 2020 at 1:27 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard Leave a Comment

New federal government projections obtained by the New York Times find stay-at-home orders, school closures and social distancing greatly reduce infections of the coronavirus, but lifting those restrictions after just 30 days will lead to a dramatic infection spike this summer and death tolls that would rival doing nothing.

The risk they show of easing shelter-in-place orders currently in effect in most of the country undercut recent statements by President Trump that the United States could be ready to reopen “very, very soon.”
Oh well, who wants to listen to "new federal government projections"? The government is the problem,not the solution, as St. Reagan told us.

So open the country up, "very, very soon," as our Stable Genius President says.

We have nothing to fear but a spike.

Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...



the "report" clearly states the meeting was PRIVATE.

if truly private, no one at CNN (or anyone else for that matter) would know about it.

we call this "logic." and logic is elusive to small thinkers like you.

you can post the "report" (LOL) in its entirety, using bold print or CAPS even.

or even BOLD CAPS

that doesn't change the fact that the "report" (LOL) is almost certainly bullshit, as CNN has a proven track record of lying to the American people. and sometimes having to fork over MILLION$ to those they lie about.

their biggest draws are the moron brother of a liberal governor, and a black fairy.

their white house "correspondent" (LOL) is an assclown on stilts. a man so widely mocked he has become a parody... of himself.

so pederast, shove your CNN "report" (LOL) up your ass. deep enough that it protrudes from your nostrils.

Anonymous said...

The Broken Models Believed by "struck speechless" james

Anonymous said...

NY Govenor, over spent the US Tax Dollars.

1000 bed ship has what Less then 100?

Build a Mobile Hospital of 1100 beds, How many are there.

The Javic Center has how many.

C.H. Truth said...

New federal government projections obtained by the New York Times find stay-at-home orders, school closures and social distancing greatly reduce infections of the coronavirus, but lifting those restrictions after just 30 days will lead to a dramatic infection spike this summer and death tolls that would rival doing nothing.

And why would Federal Government Projections have to be "obtained" by the NYT?

and let's be clear... the 91k, 80K, 60K models are not exactly hard science and there is no reason to believe that our Federal Government has just one set of projections.

They probably have a wide range of "projections"

But to say that loosening restrictions might raise the amount of infections is a pretty damned low bar.

Pretty sure anyone could see that... it doesn't take a fake news story by a fake news paper about a fake source regarding a fake guideline.

C.H. Truth said...

Reality is that the City of New York and New York state obviously were failed by local leadership. At this point, none of their "carnage" can be put off on the Federal Government.

The Federal Government has provided them with pretty much everything that they have needed (just not the 30,000 ventilators that the idiot Cuomo demanded he wanted).

This goes back to the misery loves company deal.

While NYC is shut down... they want everyone else in the country to suffer with them, whether they have the same issues or not.

Anonymous said...

"Army field hospital at CenturyLink Field Event Center to be dismantled, returned to FEMA"

Anonymous said...

Oh poor joe.
A majority of Democrats want to nominate New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo for president instead of Joe Biden, according to poll results shared exclusively with The Post.

The national poll found 56 percent of Democrats prefer Cuomo, with 44 percent wanting to stick with presumptive nominee Biden — a 12-point margin well outside the 4.8 percent margin of error for the Democratic sample.

anonymous said...

Blogger C.H. Truth said...
Oooohhhh Reverend 2 million dead Americans...

Too bad one of them is not you with that BS babylon bee bullshit you posted.....God what the fuck is wrong with you??????

anonymous said...

the "report" clearly states the meeting was PRIVATE.

And you rat hole are clearly a moronic idiot!!!!!!!

Commonsense said...

It's ironic that James said other people don't have a sense of humor when he doesn't recognized humor that is directed at him.

Anonymous said...

They don't.

Anonymous said...

Australia Kids going back to classes .

Good for them.
Broken polls in 2016 and broken Death Cult Models today by the so called "experts".

Anonymous said...

And why would Federal Government Projections have to be "obtained" by the NYT?

they wouldn't.

that line was written for effect.

those projections are turning out to be complete bullshit. they're crediting social distancing for the revised lower estimates when social distancing was factored into the original estimate. the estimate that had the virus killing over 2 MILLION people.

at the very least his whole thing is going to turn out to be the biggest over-reaction to a "crisis" in the history of the known universe.

and if you're feeling a little conspiratorial, you can look at it as the latest attempt to destroy this president. trump has thwarted every other attempt to take him out. the left is deranged enough to destroy the economy and in turn the entire nation in their latest attempt to destroy trump.

anonymous said...

that line was written for effect.

The ag school drop out speaks....the world chuckles!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Yeah, your expertise in modeling is only surpassed by your skill at thinking!!!!! yeah 500 thousand ill americans and countless deaths is no big deal for assholes like you and trump....go deep throat your one will care especially your ex family!!!!!

Commonsense said...

Why anyone believes the New York Times is beyond me.

Anonymous said...

yeah 500 thousand ill americans and countless deaths is no big deal for assholes like you and trump


500 thousand sick people are suddenly "a big deal" when merely a decade ago 60 MILLION infected with H1N1 was noticed not at all, and is something that if you ask around, no one can remember.

but 10 years ago the magic negro was in the white house, complete with his perfectly creased trousers that made "conservatives" like the NY Times' david brooks swoon. and if we ever said an unkind word about the great 0linsky about his handling of swine flu or anything else for that matter, that was simply RAY-CISS.

so yeah dumb fuck denny, a half million sick people IS notable. but if we didn't destroy our economy over 60 MILLION, why does it make sense to do so over so many fewer?

could the current occupant of the white house have something to do with it?

it's a question definitely worth asking.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

When Ch and Rattypoo make arguments in their own words,
you can see what a struggle they're having by the length of their argument.

When I make an argument using my own words, I usually keep it succinct.
I can do that because truth is easier to defend.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

THE GOP is now the VSP (Voter Suppression Party)

Many Wisconsin Absentee Ballots Had No Postmark

April 10, 2020 at 4:44 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

“Hundreds of absentee ballots mailed back to the City of Madison for Tuesday’s election may not be counted, thanks to a missing postmark,” the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports.

“The problem is one that is emerging in communities across Wisconsin as election officials prepare to tally the results of an election conducted during the coronavirus pandemic. Results for the state Supreme Court and other races are to be released Monday.”

Anonymous said...

Denise says that the Models showing 2.2 Million UD Deaths is still valid?

Anonymous said...

James logic, The one that calls James is weak.


Weak James.

Anonymous said...

James just made his case against Vote-by-mail.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

A Sensible Plan Emerges, But Not from the White House
(Why Are We Not Surprised?)

April 10, 2020 at 3:15 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

“A national plan to fight the coronavirus pandemic in the United States and return Americans to jobs and classrooms is emerging — but not from the White House,” the Washington Post reports.

“Instead, a collection of governors, former government officials, disease specialists and nonprofits are pursuing a strategy that relies on the three pillars of disease control:

1) Ramp up testing to identify people who are infected.

2) Find everyone they interact with by deploying contact tracing on a scale America has never attempted before.

3) And focus restrictions more narrowly on the infected and their contacts so the rest of society doesn’t have to stay in permanent lockdown.

“But there is no evidence yet the White House will pursue such a strategy.”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Louisiana Church Expects 2,000 for Easter Service
April 10, 2020 at 6:42 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

A Louisiana pastor says his church near Baton Rouge is expecting a crowd of 2,000 or more despite federal coronavirus guidance advising social distancing, Reuters reports.

Said Rev. Tony Spell:
“Satan and a virus will not stop us. God will shield us from all harm and sickness. We are not afraid. We are called by God to stand against the Antichrist creeping into America’s borders. We will spread the Gospel.”

That's wonderful. Just make sure your people do not later start taking up space in the hospitals: Just be sure to open up that church to any who get sick, for God will surely care for them better there than any of those Satanic hospitals can.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Are immigrants the new Antichrist? It used to be Obama.

Anonymous said...

Answer: Neither .

Anonymous said...

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser announced this week that farmers’ and fish markets are now on the list of  “non-essential” businesses and must shut down operations

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

But according to that pastor, the Antichrist is "creeping into America's borders."

Who or what is this Antichrist?

Anonymous said...

"CNN’s “AC360,” California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) complimented President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus by stating that the president has met every “direct request” that California has made that the president could have met.

Newsom said, “Every single direct request that he was capable of meeting, he has met. We have the USNS Mercy in California because of his direct intervention and support. 2,000 of these federal medical stations because of his direct support. And so, I can only speak for myself, but I have to be complimentary, otherwise, I would be simply lying to you, misleading you. And that is a wonderful thing to be able to say, and I hope that continues.”

Commonsense said...

But according to that pastor, the Antichrist is "creeping into America's borders."
Who or what is this Antichrist?

Just spitballing but I think he means the virus. Satan takes many forms.

And in this case it caused and all out attack on worshipping God.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Commensa believes Satan causes... what? The Black Plague? Polio? Heart disease? Influenza? Obesity? Diabetes? Covid-19? Tuberculosis? VD? Cystic Fibrosis? Malaria? Cerebral Palsy? etc.? etc.? etc.? etc., etc.?

I guess he still lives in the Middle Ages.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

2020 Presidential Election Interactive Map


"Why This Is 'really' going to be a red vs. blue issue"
because it shows Biden winning with 279 electoral votes!!!


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And the other big laugh of this thread is the claim that Navarro did not say and write all the things he said and wrote because that's all just FAKE NEWS.

Early on, Navarro tried to warn Trump about the severity of the coming virus crisis, but Trump only wanted to talk about the vaping issue because it was hurting him politically.