Sunday, April 12, 2020

Some numbers!

Update: It's been an unusually light day in reporting for the Worldometer website with only 1525 deaths reported today. If truly accurate, it would represent about a 300 death drop in one day.

I suspect that this could be due to this being Easter Sunday and not everyone reporting full numbers. We may have to wait till we get Monday's numbers before determining if what we end up seeing if today's decline is good sign or just a circumstantial thing.

So we actually had a small decrease in numbers reported yesterday, with total deaths from the CDC at 1927 and from Worldometer at 1830. The number of new cases were 33,288 from the CDC and 30,003 from Worldometer. This is only the second time since I have been tracking these sites where the CDC has reported larger numbers than the Worldometer site.

This is still in line with what I wrote about yesterday in regards to my belief that we may see these numbers hang around the 1800-2000 range for a few more days. I still hope I am wrong and that we see some real decreases staring this week.

The numbers out of New York have remained consistent. Over the past week  they have reported 731, 779, 799, 777, 783, and 758 today.  Meanwhile New Jersey has reported 229, 272, 196, 232, 251, and 167 so far today. Michigan has reported 118, 114, 117, 205, 111, and has yet to report today. 

Those are the three states that have making up around 60% of the US total number of deaths. New York remains stubbornly high. I keep hoping for something that starts with a number smaller than seven, but I keep being disappointed.  It remains obvious that unless we see a drop in those three states, that we will not see much (if any) overall drop in US deaths.


Myballs said...

Media are working overtime to create the narrative that Trump was a foot dragging, indecisive failure with his virus response. The opposite is true. But here we go again. Repeat a,lie enough times so the ignorant think its true.

Anonymous said...

James you stupid old man. Here is your top trusted source.
🤣"New York Times edits Biden sexual assault coverage, deletes references to past inappropriate 'hugs, kisses and touching'👊

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Someone other than I must be stupid and someone other than I must be lying, because the Times DID investigate and DID specifically mention "hugs, kisses, and touching."

NYT statement:
"We found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Biden, beyond hugs, kisses, and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Media are working overtime to create the narrative that Trump was a foot dragging, indecisive failure with his virus response.

He was. That narrative does not have to be created. It already exists. In factual reality.

And it was not that he was all that foot dragging-ly indecisive. Several times he decided -- WRONGLY.

His on record statements reflect that.

Anonymous said...

James Biden.

🤣'We choose truth over facts'😶

C.H. Truth said...

There shouldn't be anyone...

Not one single solitary person...

intellectually dishonest enough to believe that the United States of America (as a country) would have shut down all essential business, schools, sporting events, and everything else...

When we had 12 reported cases of a virus that was still two weeks away from killing anyone here in the United States... and had not killed a single person ANYWHERE outside of China.

I mean... I get that hindsight is 20-20.

But if there are really Americans biased and partisan enough to believe that sort of nonsense... well then there really is no real hope for this country moving forward.

We can dispense with the idea that we are informed, smart, educated and all that... and just live with the fact that Politics pulls everyone around by their noses.

Anonymous said...

Media are working overtime to create the narrative that Trump was a foot dragging, indecisive failure with his virus response. The opposite is true. But here we go again. Repeat a,lie enough times so the ignorant think its true.

behold the power of TDS.

if there was ever a time when we needed to dispense with the partisan bullshit and just stick to reporting nothing but facts, a pandemic is it.

but our media couldn't rise to the occasion.

Anonymous said...

But if there are really Americans biased and partisan enough to believe that sort of nonsense... well then there really is no real hope for this country moving forward.

We can dispense with the idea that we are informed, smart, educated and all that... and just live with the fact that Politics pulls everyone around by their noses.

i came to this conclusion the day trump was inaugurated.

Anonymous said...

Elite wisdom, which in its allegiance to the scientific method eventually is likely to find an antidote and vaccination against the virus, still fails us in so many other ways in which it should not, in part also because its high priests rarely face the consequences of their own ideological and scientific pronouncements.

Whatever the end result of this crisis, few at the WHO, CDC or the state health directors are going to lose their jobs in a way the small restaurateurs and Uber drivers most certainly will.

When the corporate lawyer, under 65 and not a health-care worker, rails that the know-nothings wish to endanger him by restarting the economy, despite a 5-in-1,000 chance of dying if infected, his argument is not based on existential need, nor is it part of the lose-lose landscape of his supposed social inferiors who are willing to risk a small chance of severe infection to prevent a very likely chance of going broke and ruining an entire family.

That is, elites who make policy do not necessarily immediately need to plug back into a normal economy to survive. An Ezekiel Emanuel—brother of Rahm (of “never let a crisis go to waste” infamy), advisor to Joe Biden, and of greater infamy for his prior callous pronouncements that those over 75 (e.g., like Joe Biden) more or less are society’s unproductive and enfeebled sponges—claims that we might need to be shut down America for up to another 18 months (but then why not two or three years?).

The subtext of Emanuel’s warning is that even after 72 weeks of such exhausting punditry from a university billet, he will emerge more or less financially secure, maybe our national health czar in a new administration, and without much worry that millions of others will not—or in fact will die or sicken trying to remain solvent.

read the whole thing.

Anonymous said...

The Owner of GE.
"Haier Group Corporation is a multinational home appliances and consumer electronics companyheadquartered in Qingdao, China."

Anonymous said...

huh. well this is interesting. i remember the left's spittle-flecked outrage when trump shut down travel from china to the US on Jan 31st. he was labeled a racist and a bigot and a xenophobe for the 12 trillionth time.

meanwhile in china:

JOHANNESBURG (AP) — African officials are confronting China publicly and in private over racist mistreatment of Africans in the Chinese city of Guangzhou, and the U.S. says African-Americans have been targeted too.

Some Africans in the commercial hub have reported being evicted or discriminated against amid coronavirus fears. And a U.S. Embassy security alert on Saturday said that “police ordered bars and restaurants not to serve clients who appear to be of African origin,” and local officials have launched mandatory testing and self-quarantine for “anyone with ‘African contacts.’”

anonymous said...

Update: It's been an unusually light day in reporting for the Worldometer website with only 1525 deaths reported today

WHAT A STUPID THING TO POST AND SAY ASSHOLE....ONLY 1525 IS GOOD IN YOUR FUCKED UP MIND???? Remember when trump shut down china travel and still allowed 40k in while ignoring the hot spot in Italy????? Keep swallowing jag offs!!!

anonymous said...

asDemocrat said...
The Owner of GE.

I have a stake in GE and will certainly vote my proxy to eliminate the current board.....>BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

And you will retain your China owned Company stock.

Putting profit over Country.

anonymous said...

Nothing to see here except the truth!!!!

Anonymous said...

ABC News.

"Woman broadens claims against Biden to include sexual assault

The Biden campaign says the incident, alleged to have occurred in 1993, "absolutely did not happen."

I believe Joe doesn't remember.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
anonymous said...

I will maintain my holding of GE you fucking asshole....I'd be willing to bet HD has many chinese holding it....!!!!!! You gonna sell asshole????? Profit from GE....should have dumbed it long ago.....BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

China loving silly girl Denise keeping Stock.

Anonymous said...

GE was at $31.60 on Jan 21, 2016

Today it at $7.14.

Denise is being rewarded for siding with Communist China.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


East Coast Owes a Debt to the West

April 13, 2020 at 6:53 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 7 Comments

New York Times:
“The ongoing effort of [Oregon, Washington state and California] to come to the aid of more hard-hit parts of the nation has emerged as the most powerful indication to date that the early intervention of West Coast governors and mayors might have mitigated, at least for now, the medical catastrophe that has befallen New York and parts of the Midwest and South.

“Their aggressive imposition of stay-at-home orders has stood in contrast to the relatively slower actions in New York and elsewhere, and drawn widespread praise from epidemiologists.
As of Saturday afternoon, there had been
8,627 Covid-19 related deaths in New York, compared with 598 in California,
483 in Washington and
48 in Oregon.
New York had 44 deaths per 100,000 people.
California had two.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Still Baffled Over How to Get Supplies from Trump
April 13, 2020 at 6:58 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 8 Comments

Politico: “The federal government’s haphazard approach to distributing its limited supplies has left states trying everything — filling out lengthy FEMA applications, calling Trump, contacting Pence, sending messages to Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law, and trade adviser Peter Navarro, who are both leading different efforts to find supplies, according to local and states officials in more than half dozen states. They’re even asking mutual friends to call Trump or sending him signals on TV and Twitter.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Will Voters Want President Who Feels Their Pain?
April 13, 2020 at 7:02 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 8 Comments

Associated Press: “In 1992, Americans ousted an incumbent president in the middle of an economic downturn because his challenger, Bill Clinton, seemed to better feel their pain.”

“Twenty years later, when the nation was still climbing out of another recession, voters stuck with President Barack Obama rather than siding with challenger Mitt Romney, who was caught on tape dismissing half the population as people who ‘believe they are the victims.’ Voters may again be seeking solace, as well as solutions, in this year’s presidential race, one still being reshaped by the unprecedented public health and economic turmoil of the coronavirus pandemic.”

“And if empathy is the question, the contrast is stark and the challenge for President Trump may be steep. Though he has a visceral bond with his most loyal supporters, he’s far more likely to use grievance or even biting humor to make his case. His presumptive Democratic challenger, Joe Biden, meanwhile, is a politician defined by personal grief and loss, who has long had an ability to use his own family tragedies to connect with voters.”

anonymous said...

Like I said asshole...should have dumbed it years ago.....rode my massive holding of shares that were given to me years ago ride down hoping that it may be worth more than the paper it was printed on!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Yep, my 140 buck holding will really break me!!!!! Feel better now you dumb fucking asshole???????

anonymous said...

By the way...hey goat fucker....have I called you a dumb fucking asshole since Easter?????? BWAAAAAAAA!!!!

BTW....I'd bet HD buys lots of shit from china that winds up in their profit and stock price....I guess that means you support a regime that lies to the world to benefit you!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anticipation over United States Attorney John Durham’s investigation is growing as Attorney General William Barr recently hinted he is building the case to prosecute people.

“He is looking to bring to justice people who are engaged in abuses if he can show that they were criminal violations, and that’s what the focus is on,” Barr told Fox News’s Laura Ingraham on Thursday. “He’s diligently pursuing it.”

The comments have heartened those who have long awaited consequences for current and former officials who investigated the Trump campaign on the basis of a discredited dossier put together by ex-British spy Christopher Steele that was funded by the Clinton campaign.

Barr tapped Durham last year to investigate the origins of the Obama administration’s investigation into the Trump campaign, as well as actions taken up through President Trump’s inauguration. Last fall, Durham upgraded his investigation to a criminal one.

according to anonymous sources familiar with and quite close to the investigation, john brennan's asshole is so puckered you couldn't drive a needle up it with a 10 pound sledgehammer.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


anonymous said...

Blogger rrb said...

The fucking ag school drop out living in the past because the trump future looks sooooo bleak....>BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!

anonymous said...

Hilarious.....once again the goat fucker shuts the fuck up after having another 2x4 shoved up his ass about predictable!!!!


Ann Coulter


- The New York Times, 1 month from now

I see the "pastor" spent Easter worshipping GODdard and political_lire.

As always.


Adam Townsend

Danish study w/1500 blood donors found lethality of Covid19 is only 1.6 per thousand, i.e. more than 20x lower than originally assumed by WHO and thus in range of a strong (pandemic) influenza. Denmark is reopening schools and kindergartens next week. (note: that is this week)


Donald J. Trump

If the Fake News Opposition Party is pushing, with all their might, the fact that President Trump “ignored early warnings about the threat,” then why did Media & Dems viciously criticize me when I instituted a Travel Ban on China? They said “early & not necessary.” Corrupt Media!

It's a war and the msm is on the wrong side.

Anonymous said...

It's a war and the msm is on the wrong side.

the fourth estate has morphed into the fifth column.

Anonymous said...

GE was at $31.60 on Jan 21, 2016

Today it at $7.14.

Denise is being rewarded for siding with Communist China.


Loser hold tight to China Owned GE.

Anonymous said...

😅given to me ðŸ˜ƒ

You mooching old broad

C.H. Truth said...

Still Baffled Over How to Get Supplies from Trump

Funny how it's only a handful of blue State Governors who cannot figure out how to get what they need. Most every other states (including California and Washington) have plenty of supplies and have even returned what they are no longer needing.

I figure that they are just either incompetent or using all of this to try to make it political. Either way, they should talk to the adult Governors who are not having troubles and figure out how they are doing it.

C.H. Truth said...

New York Times:
“The ongoing effort of [Oregon, Washington state and California] to come to the aid of more hard-hit parts of the nation has emerged as the most powerful indication to date that the early intervention of West Coast governors and mayors might have mitigated, at least for now, the medical catastrophe that has befallen New York and parts of the Midwest and South.


Washington didn't shut down their state until March 16th. I know, because we went out for Dinner on March 15th the last night before the shut down.

California ordered it on March 19th and it went into affect that same night.

Cuomo announced his shut down on March 20th, one day later. It went into effect that same weekend.

So the difference between California and Washington having about 1200 deaths between the two of them and New York having over 9000 is because Washington and California shut down a handful of days earlier?

Boy oh boy... talk about revisionist history.

anonymous said...

HOW MANY BILLIONS DOES HD SPEND IN CHINA EACH YEAR FOR SHITTY PRODUCT?????.....And the goat fucker is a proud shareholder !!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAA!!! Yeah, china has a stake in GE and the master of stupidity thinks they own GE!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA Yes 2O shares was willed to me....just like your fucking farm!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Dayum you are a worthless pile of steaming dog shit!!!! Keep digging is what you do best!!!!

anonymous said...

Washington didn't shut down their state until March 16th

According to Lil Schitty all those city closures where the outbreak started were useless....don't let facts get in the way of you warped opinion....Like your florida being the same population as NY and should have as many deaths.....BWAAAAAAAA!!!....That was really funny!!!!!

Anonymous said...

old woman Denise is going nuts.

Sorry, not Sorry that I caused that by reading her posts and quoting her.

anonymous said...

Hey Lil keep proving you are dumber than the goat fucker....why with such a sophisticated education in statistics do you keep being stupid?????

and New York having over 9000 is because Washington and California shut down a handful of days earlier?

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Yeah idiot....that's it!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What is the on paper published plan to reopen the US Economy from Pelosi/Schummer.

Anonymous said...

🤣What a dumb old woman"
"anonymousApril 12, 2020 at 8:23 AM

Any American should have been boycotting china shit as long as I have!"

Yep , by owning China owned GE.

Anonymous said...

I figure that they are just either incompetent or using all of this to try to make it political. Either way, they should talk to the adult Governors who are not having troubles and figure out how they are doing it.

well, in the case of NY cuomo is an incompetent clod with an outsized ego who has embraced the opportunity to play mussolini. and he's already on record mentioning June as when he could re-open the state. he needs to choose wisely. the natives are getting restless in upstate, and if he thinks he keeps it shut down for 6 more weeks he could be in for a rude awakening.

up in MI we have a tyrannical twat auditioning to be slow joe's running mate. as if prohibiting the purchase of vegetable seeds and infant car seats is some sort of a prerequisite.

in both cases i think these two assholes are having such a good time playing tyrant and reading their own press clippings, they are oblivious to just how ridiculous and incompetent they actually appear.

anonymous said...

When will you develop a brain goat fucker????? How many billions does HD buy from china each year that you profit from??????

The hundreds of suppliers HD uses tp make money for the goat fucker...!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAA

C.H. Truth said...

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Yeah idiot....that's it!!!!!!!

That is what the Reverend's article suggests...

That by being less than a week behind Washington and California that it caused the sort of "carnage" that is taking place in New York.

The reality here is certain people will not want to address the possibility that places like New York where people live on top of each other, they restrict nothing in or out of the city, and they do almost nothing in terms of monitoring who lives there... makes it ripe for an epidemic to spread.

Instead they are going to want people to believe that it was about a lack of mitigation a few days earlier. It's been four weeks of a complete lock down and they just seem to be getting to the plateau now...

The idea of shutting everything down is to prevent the virus from killing hundreds of people day after day after day.

Maybe it's more how about what New York "is" rather than what New York "did".

anonymous said...

That is what the Reverend's article suggests...

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Only to idiots like you looking for any excuse to defend the guy who never saw it coming!!!!!! BTW....your pontificating out your ass Lil Scotty.....desperation is in the air!!!!!! BTW....Trump did nothing for weeks.....and that could have resulted in many deaths....but the only thing you care about is the fat white ass of donnie looking good!!!!!! You got NOTHING!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

Wow, what I’ve been saying for a month

Epidemiologist Warns Of Unintended Consequences From Lockdowns

Veteran scholar of epidemiology Dr. Knut Wittkowski, formerly the head of the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design at Rockefeller University in New York City, argued in a interview published earlier this month that shelter-in-place policies could actually result in more deaths in the long term.

The general argument made by Dr. Wittkowski is that lockdown orders prolong any efforts in developing so-called herd immunity, which is our only weapon in “exterminating” the novel coronavirus outside of a vaccine, and that could optimistically take longer than 18 months. Focusing on shielding the most vulnerable to the virus (our elderly and folks with comorbidities) while allowing the young and healthy to build up immunity would, in the end, save more lives, Wittkowski argued.

“With all respiratory diseases, the only thing that stops the disease is herd immunity,” the epidemiologist said. “About 80% of the people need to have had contact with the virus, and the majority of them won’t even have recognized that they were infected, or they had very, very mild symptoms, especially if they are children.”

“So, it’s very important to keep the schools open and kids mingling to spread the virus to get herd immunity as fast as possible, and then the elderly people, who should be separated, and the nursing homes should be closed during that time, can come back and meet their children and grandchildren after about 4 weeks when the virus has been exterminated,” he continued.

Herd immunity, Wittkowski argued, would stop a “second wave” headed for the United States in the fall.

“If we had herd immunity now, there couldn’t be a second wave in autumn,” he said. “Herd immunity lasts for a couple of years, typically, and that’s why the last SARS epidemic we had in 2003, it lasted 15 years for enough people to become susceptible again so that a new epidemic could spread of a related virus. Because typically, there is something that requires cross-immunity, so if you were exposed to one of the SARS viruses, you are less likely to fall ill with another SARS virus. So, if we had herd immunity, we wouldn’t have a second wave.”

“However, if we are preventing herd immunity from developing, it is almost guaranteed that we have a second wave as soon as either we stop the social distancing or the climate changes with winter coming or something like that,” added Wittkowski.

anonymous said...

And you use the daily wire for a source?????? BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!....
The Daily Wire
Led by the incomparable Ben Shapiro, The Daily Wire is a hard-hitting, irreverent news and commentary site for a new generation of conservatives.

.hugely funny for the guy who knows everything!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Herd immunity!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

NPR Reports That sTrump’s Promises on Coronavirus Went Largely Unfulfilled
April 13, 2020 at 8:27 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

“One month ago today, President Trump declared a national emergency,” NPR reports.

“In a Rose Garden address, flanked by leaders from giant retailers and medical testing companies, he promised a mobilization of public and private resources to attack the coronavirus…
But few of those promises have come to pass.

“NPR’s Investigations Team dug into each of the claims made from the podium that day.
And rather than
a sweeping national campaign of screening,
drive-through sample collection
and lab testing,
it found a smattering of small pilot projects
and aborted efforts.

“In some cases, no action was taken at all.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Spain is about to relax social distancing.
We will see how well herd immunity goes there.

Anonymous said...

“However, if we are preventing herd immunity from developing, it is almost guaranteed that we have a second wave as soon as either we stop the social distancing or the climate changes with winter coming or something like that,” added Wittkowski.


and he's not accounting for the deaths that will come from poverty, despair, and suicide.

and that's probably what's most maddening about this situation. these tyrannical assholes are not only getting it wrong, they're getting it wrong by a wide margin. and since the law of unintended consequences is always in play whenever a decision with wide impact is made by a liberal, you can expect their actions to CAUSE more deaths than they could possibly prevent.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Herd Immunity in Japan

Japan Island Declares Emergency for Second Time
April 13, 2020 at 7:48 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 15 Comments

New York Times:
“In an example of how initial successes of a social distancing campaign can fade once restrictions are relaxed, Hokkaido, Japan’s northernmost island, declared a state of emergency for a second time on Sunday and called on residents to stay at home for all but the most essential outings.”

Anonymous said...

“In some cases, no action was taken at all.”


the evil plot of federalism was allowed to flourish.

hey pederast -

which founding father cried "give me tyranny or give me death?"


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump amplifies discontent with Fauci.

President Trump publicly signaled his frustration on Sunday with Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the federal government’s top infectious disease expert, after the doctor said that more lives could have been saved from the coronavirus if the country had been shut down earlier.

Mr. Trump reposted a tweet that said “Time to #FireFauci” as he rejected criticism of his slow initial response to the pandemic that has now killed more than 22,000 Americans.

Mr. Fauci, during an appearance on CNN on Sunday, was careful to say that many factors went into government decision-making, and he was at pains to stay focused on the science rather than the politics when asked if stay-at-home measures could have prevented deaths had they been put in place in February, instead of mid-March.

“I mean, obviously, you could logically say that if you had a process that was ongoing and you started mitigation earlier, you could have saved lives,” Mr. Fauci said. “Obviously, no one is going to deny that. But what goes into those decisions is complicated.”

“If we had right from the very beginning shut everything down, it may have been a little bit different,” he said. “But there was a lot of pushback about shutting things down back then.”

The president privately has been irritated at times with Dr. Fauci, but the retweet was the most explicit he has been about those feelings.

The original tweet came from a former Republican congressional candidate, DeAnna Lorraine. “Fauci was telling people on February 29th that there was nothing to worry about and it posed no threat to the US at large,” said the tweet by Ms. Lorraine, who got less than 2 percent of the vote in an open primary against Speaker Nancy Pelosi last month.

In reposting the message, Mr. Trump added: “Sorry Fake News, it’s all on tape. I banned China long before people spoke up.”

Anonymous said...

oh look...

the heavily sedated town crier shows up with his daily copy/paste that we've already read hours ago.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

which founding father cried "give me tyranny or give me death?"

which president cried "TIME TO FIRE FAUCI"?

Caliphate4vr said...

Blogger James said...
Herd Immunity in Japan

Hey stupid that isn’t herd immunity, dumbass

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Gee. I thought that after numerous days of social distancing, herd immunity will have developed in such a way that you can then depend on it to keep disaster from happening when you open up society, with only a few deaths resulting.

Isn't working in Japan, apparently.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

See some of the remarks in the Amy Klobuchar thread above.

Caliphate4vr said...

Stupid you don’t shut down for herd immunity

You are an imbecile

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Explain herd immunity, Calphrate. Give us a definition of how it works.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Oh, and while you are defining it, tell us if you think that none of the nations, including ours, should ever have "shut down" at all in practice of social distancing.

Caliphate4vr said...

I have frequently it is naturally occurring

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

So then, we SHOULD have just let the coronavirus
"wash over" us as President Trump suggested to Dr. Fauci?

Caliphate4vr said...

It’s not worth the cure, more old people would die, but we can’t continue opening and shuttering the economy in fits

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

As I said on the next thread up,

"It's a delicate, difficult balance, as Trump himself admits.
Trouble is, he's not very good at delicate, difficult balances. Everything is simple with him, and that is one of his major failings."

That is where we are right now and Trump is at least admitting that he's now facing the most difficult question of his life.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

UPDATE: US Navy sailor assigned to the USS Theodore Roosevelt has died of COVID-19 complications.

anonymous said...

aliphate4vr said...
It’s not worth the cure, more old people would die

Why do you hate your mother???????

anonymous said...

I have frequently it is naturally occurring

Drinking early today sport????? BWAAAAAAAA!!!! Yeah, you are frequently a dumb ass!!!!!!!