Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The US death rate far better than the rest of the world (excluding Germany)

No question US response with mitigation, testing, and the availability of life saving medical resources has been superior!

CountryDeathsDeaths /
1M pop
New DeathsConfirmed
Confirmed Case
Fatality Rate
United Kingdom2,35235.4+56329,4747.98%
United States4,71314.4+660211,1432.23%

When people tell you that the US response has been lacking, just ask one simple question:
  • Compared to whom?
The reality is that nobody (with the possible exception of Germany) has a statistically better response so far than the United States. Given the vast size of our country (in both geography and population) and the fact that we are a Republic (rather than a single government) we have challenges that other countries simply do not have.

On the flip side, we have resources (such as the best epidemiologists in the world) to help offer a better response. A response that has been delivered with the most testing of any country in the world, offering the best medical talent, with the most ICU units in the world, and the unique ability to call upon many different resources to help us through this. 

What we have are critics out there who are comparing the US response, not with other countries or other epidemic responses, but with some pie in the sky fantasy of how they think things "should" work.  They quite literally have made up fake news about what they think we should be able to do (like doubling the amount of ventilators in a couple of days and shipping them overnight to all of the blue state Governors) and then criticize the real people responsible for not living up to their fantasy. 


Caliphate4vr said...

The only country’s bettering us in outcome are smaller and far more homogeneous..

Shocking what I’ve tried explaining to anyone with a brain about why you can’t compare American healthcare to any other country.

anonymous said...

Someone with a background and expertise in statistics and math should know better about death rates that have only just started to peak here....God you are a dumb fuck at times tying to rationalize your God Trump the magnificent idiot!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I just heard a warning on Public Radio that all this talk about providing ventilators is overlooking the disturbing fact that although we have a really tremendous need for more ventilators, we have an even larger need for trained personnel to operate those ventilators. It is not a simple task, and now we must add to that the fact that some operators are being forced to face the possibility of having to try to make one ventilator work for two or even three people at one time, something that under normal conditions would not even be considered.

Another depressing fact: Many people who are put on ventilators are still on them and later die anyway.

anonymous said...

Another reason I abhor republicans like Lil Schitty, goat fucker, loser salesman and rat hole......They enable and encourage idiots like this to make threats against national treasures to protect the asshole in chief who is bringing this country to its knees !!!!!!

From today's WA Post first page!!!!

Anthony S. Fauci is one of the leading experts of the coronavirus task force. (Taylor Turner/The Washington Post)
Isaac Stanley-Becker,
Yasmeen Abutaleb and
Devlin Barrett
April 1, 2020 at 8:11 p.m. EDT
Anthony S. Fauci, the nation’s top infectious-diseases expert and the face of the U.S. response to the novel coronavirus pandemic, is facing growing threats to his personal safety, prompting the government to step up his security, according to people familiar with the matter.
The concerns include threats as well as unwelcome communications from fervent admirers, according to people with knowledge of deliberations inside the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Justice.
Fauci, 79, is the most outspoken member of the administration in favor of sweeping public health guidelines and is among the few officials willing to correct President Trump’s misstatements. Along with Deborah Birx, the coordinator for the White House’s task force, Fauci has encouraged the president to extend the timeline for social-distancing guidelines, presenting him with grim models about the possible toll of the pandemic.
“Now is the time, whenever you’re having an effect, not to take your foot off the accelerator and on the brake, but to just press it down on the accelerator,” he said Tuesday as the White House’s task force made some of those models public, warning of 100,000 to 240,000 deaths in the United States.
Trump on Dr. Fauci: 'He doesn't need security, everybody loves him'
Anthony S. Fauci declined to comment on April 1 when asked whether he had been assigned a security detail. (The Washington Post)
The exact nature of the threats against him was not clear. Greater exposure has led to more praise for the doctor but also more criticism.
Fauci has become a public target for some right-wing commentators and bloggers, who exercise influence over parts of the president’s base. As they press for the president to ease restrictions to reinvigorate economic activity, some of these figures have assailed Fauci and questioned his expertise.
Sign up for our Coronavirus Updates newsletter to track the outbreak. All stories linked in the newsletter are free to access.

Last month, an article depicting him as an agent of the “deep state” gained nearly 25,000 interactions on Facebook — meaning likes, comments and shares — as it was posted to large pro-Trump groups with titles such as “Trump Strong” and “Tampa Bay Trump Club.”

Anonymous said...

The coronavirus may not be as deadly as previously suggested, according to a new study that accounts for cases that were not diagnosed.

The study published Monday in the medical journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases estimated that the death rate will be 0.66%, which is much lower than figures between 2% and 3.4% that have come out of Wuhan, China, according to CNN.

Researchers said the lower coronavirus mortality rate was determined by accounting for cases that went undiagnosed — possibly because they were mild or had no symptoms.

To do this, researchers used modeling based on the number of detected cases among repatriated citizens who were aggressively tested for the virus.

But in line with other studies, the researchers found that the majority of fatalities are among adults who were age 80 or older.

“There might be outlying cases that get a lot of media attention, but our analysis very clearly shows that at aged 50 and over, hospitalization is much more likely than in those under 50, and a greater proportion of cases are likely to be fatal,” Azra Ghani, a professor at Imperial College London and an author of the study, said in a statement.

the current US death count is less than 5K. no distinction is being made between those who died FROM covid and those who died WITH covid.


what to do, what to do...

i know!

let's completely destroy a $20+ TRILLION economy, put tens of millions on the unenjoyment line, and add trillions to the debt by giving away "free" money to mitigate a self-inflicted wound.


Anonymous said...

...according to people familiar with the matter.

more fiction from the bozo's post.

you do have to give these asshats credit for having an extremely vivid imagination.

Commonsense said...

The threats are coming from left-wing, never-Trump lunatics like you Denny.

They're afraid Fauci is making Trump look good and think he is a Trump todie.

All you have to do is watch twitter for a day to see the left's vitriol against both Fauci and Brixet. And they are not just obscure accounts some of them have blue check marks.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Deaths reported in the USA each day according to the
WorldOmeter website

Yesterday the number of reported deaths in our country was
1,049, meaning that the curve became a little less steep
(an increase of 137 is better than the previous two days'
increases of 339 and 210). But it is still too early to tell
whether this may represent the beginning of a flattening
of the curve. Let us HOPE so!

01 5,102 --1,049
31 4,053 --912
30 3,156 --573
29 2,583 --363
28 2,220 --525
27 1,695 --400
26 1,295 --268
25 1,027 --247
24 780 --225
23 555 --141
22 414 --113
21 301 -- 46
20 255 -- 49
19 206 -- 56
18 150 -- 40
17 110 -- 23
16 87 --18
15 69 --12
14 57 --9
13 48 --7
12 41 --3
11 38 --8
10 30 --4
9 26 --4
8 22 --3
7 19 --4
6 15 --3
5 12 --1
4 11 --2
3 9 --3
2 6 --5
1 1 --0
Feb 29 --1

anonymous said...


That was the same dumb ass source that cramps posted opining that the current epidemic would not be soooo bad!!!!!!!!!!! Nice try and I hope it makes you feel better in spite of reality!!!!

Hey cramps....the article specially said right wing idiots.....Dayum your reading skills are just as bad as your science skills....BWAAAAAAAA!!!! From my post that you ignored....

Last month, an article depicting him as an agent of the “deep state” gained nearly 25,000 interactions on Facebook — meaning likes, comments and shares — as it was posted to large pro-Trump groups with titles such as “Trump Strong” and “Tampa Bay Trump Club.”

Anonymous said...

some good news comes out of the corona hysteria:

This year’s United Nations-sponsored climate talks, widely regarded as the most important climate meeting of the past four years, were postponed on Wednesday because of the coronavirus pandemic.

The session, known as the Conference of Parties, had been scheduled to take place in Glasgow for a week and a half in mid-November. It was postponed to 2021, the world body’s climate agency and the host government, Britain, confirmed late Wednesday.

“In light of the ongoing, worldwide effects of Covid-19, holding an ambitious, inclusive COP26 in November 2020 is no longer possible,” the British government said in a statement.

The conference venue in Glasgow, an arena where tens of thousands of delegates from around the world were to have gathered, is being turned into a field hospital for people with Covid-19, the disease caused by the virus. Covid patients are also being housed in the convention center in Madrid where the Conference of Parties took place last December; Spain has one of the world’s largest outbreaks.

so the preening, virtue-signalling, warmyl cooling asshats have to stay home. and their snotty little autism brat too.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

There is no valid reason to question the WaPo article cited at 6:30 AM.

"Greater exposure has led to more praise for the doctor but also more criticism. Fauci has become a public target for some right-wing commentators and bloggers, who exercise influence over parts of the president’s base. As they press for the president to ease restrictions to reinvigorate economic activity, some of these figures have assailed Fauci and questioned his expertise."

Anonymous said...

Fauci has become a public target for some right-wing commentators and bloggers,

such as?

for example?

there's your reason not to trust the article. coupled with the ever present 'anonymous sources' and the paper's track record of printing straight up LIES.

no valid reason to question?

more like no valid reason to believe.

bullshit like this speaks to asshats like you, pederast. as is its intent.

anonymous said...

Dumbest fuck rat hole posted....

no distinction is being made between those who died FROM cover and those who died WITH covid. distinction that you have a brain not polluted with trumps obese fat ass stuck in IT!!!! Did you think that all by yourself???? Maybe you can explain how dead is not dead??????? BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! And less than 5k is good??? How is need a new idol.....

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Let's just throw the economy into full gear and to hell with those who die.

anonymous said...

Bullshit is all you got can't find your own ass in the dark.....BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

So much for anonymous sources....From the article if you bothered to read it.....dumb fuck!!!!

“The president was right, and frankly Fauci was wrong,” Lou Dobbs said last week on his show on the Fox Business Network, referring to the use of experimental medicine.

Anonymous said...

Does everyone understand why I call him a fucking stupid old man?" Cali

Yes, we do.

Anonymous said...

Stupid Jamestown Death Cultist said.
He owns this.

"James April 2, 2020 at 7:12 AM

Let's just throw the economy into full gear and to hell with those who die."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


"The immunologist has become an unlikely celebrity, representing the US scientific community facing off against the coronavirus pandemic. The NBA star Stephen Curry has called him “the Goat” – greatest of all time. Fans have plastered his likeness on cupcakes, doughnuts, socks and prayer candles.

"But Fauci has also become a public target for rightwing pundits and bloggers who believe he is undermining the president. An article in the rightwing outlet American Thinker called Fauci a “Deep-State ­Hillary Clinton-loving stooge”, and referred to a seven-year-old email in which he praised Clinton for her stamina through the Benghazi hearings. Tom Fitton, the president of the conservative group Judicial Watch, a conservative group; and Bill Mitchell, host of the far-right online talk show YourVoice America, have also reinforced Fauci criticisms and conspiracy theories.

Your kind of people, Rat, you who also attack a "snotty little autism brat."

Like them, you flunk belonging to the human race.

anonymous said...

Most amusing to note this list of what the jag off rat uses for his opinion are all in the article he did not read from the post but dissed because he is a wantonly lazy trump fellator!!!!!! ASSHOLE!!!!

From the POST

and opinion sites have gone further, launching baseless smears against the doctor that have gained significant traction within pro-Trump communities online.
Outlets such as the Gateway Pundit and American Thinker seized on a 2013 email — released by WikiLeaks as part of a cache of communications hacked by Russian operatives — in which Fauci praised Hillary Clinton’s “stamina and capability” during her testimony as secretary of state before the congressional committee investigating the attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

This video shows why Trump's reelection will be in trouble. Getting rid of Obamacare by not allowing people who have no insurance to sign up for it is a huge political mistake, for which I thank President Trump.

All Pence's jabbering just digs the hole deeper.

Anonymous said...

James said...

Let's just throw the economy into full gear and to hell with those who die.

it's called perspective, pederast.

10 years ago we had 60 MILLION H1N1 infections, 400,000 hospitalized and 12,000+ DEAD.

and not a word of criticism of 0linsky because RACISM. dear leader the magic negro could do no wrong.

now, because we have a president that the left simply refuses to accept and tolerate, the US economy and the world economy sit at the edge of a cliff that, if we step off, will leave tens of millions dead, destitute, starving, and could trigger a civil unrest like you'd see in a fucking movie.

our current death toll stands at around 4500, and no distinction has been made between those who died FROM corona, and those who died WITH corona.

the economic damage that we are self inflicting will tower over the damage from the virus.

but that's what happens when a nation of the greatest generation devolves into an enormous assortment of snowflakes, SJW's, intersectionality "professors," and sissies who need a nanny state to feed them, clothe them, and wipe their ass each day. and a TDS-afflicted left & media to constantly drone on about 'orange man bad.'

if our reaction to this virus is to commit mass economic suicide, then we deserve everything we get out of this situation.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Okay, Rat. Sorry that you are so disappointed in your magic orange man for not just going right ahead and OPENING UP THE COUNTRY FOR EASTER.

I guess those people who convinced him that would NOT be a good idea are far dumber than you.

anonymous said...

it's called perspective, pederast.


anonymous said...

10 years ago we had 60 MILLION H1N1 infections, 400,000

And in the 10 years, trump has not done a fucking thing other than talk!!!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

And for the 77th time asshole....The US had a vaccine for the flu and millions did not bother.....go fuck your self since stupidity is your only way of life!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

And in the 10 years, trump has not done a fucking thing other than talk!!!!!!!!!

how many years has trump been president, dumb fuck denny?

you're allowed to use your crayons to noodle it out.

and i'll give you two lifelines - one to the pederast and one to the alky, if his nurse can wake him.

ready, set, go!

anonymous said...

Wonder if that the dumb fuck received his flu vaccine for the flu that year....My guess he as too lazy...My company brought in people and inoculated the entire work people unlike you.......BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Myballs said...

Is there something Trump should have done in the 8 years magic negro was president?

anonymous said...

Hey asshole....rat keeps making the comparison to obama's flu you dumb fuck.....and you second the stupidity.....!!!!!1 Yeah trump should have gone bankrupt and disappeared!!!!!! All he does is congratulate himself!!! I'm sorry that went over your head!!!! Trump flaps his gums and you genuflect......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

Another reason I abhor republicans like Lil Schitty, goat fucker, loser salesman and rat hole......They enable and encourage idiots like this to make threats against national treasures to protect the asshole in chief who is bringing this country to its knees !!!!!!

Nobody gets more death threats than Donald Trump.

Should we blame that on every news outlet or internet troll who bashes him online?

Or does that sort of blame only work one way...

No need to answer. Hypocrisy is the bedrock of liberalism.

Anonymous said...

This Depression deepens.
6.6 Million more lose their jobs.

Anonymous said...

The Three Socialist Stooges of CHT.
Don't attack China.
Is that to protect Joe Biden.

Anonymous said...

This Depression deepens.
6.6 Million more lose their jobs.

we're staring right down the barrel of cloward-piven.

and the left desperately wants us to pull the trigger.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Nobody gets more death threats than Donald Trump.

Probably not. But Obama sure got his share.

That doesn't excuse right wing extremists for threatening an expert just because he levels scientifically and objectively with the president.

Anonymous said...

That doesn't excuse right wing extremists for threatening an expert just because he levels scientifically and objectively with the president.

i'll take "things that never happened" for $1000, alex.

Anonymous said...

"Prosecutors: Engineer deliberately ran train off tracks in attempt to smash the USNS Mercy"


Anonymous said...

"i'll take "things that never happened" for $1000, alex.


James surely Named the Person who made the threat, right?

anonymous said...


A trump supporter nutty????? BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

anonymous said...

i'll take "things that never happened" for $1000, alex.

I'll take double that rat never understood why he is an extremist.....It happened and I posted it!!!!!! you just can't read!!!!

anonymous said...

Nobody gets more death threats than Donald Trump.

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Your opinion don't mean shit you dumb fuck!!!!!!! You don't hold trump accountable for anything while your minions hold Obama responsible for the mess we are in now....God you are dumbing down, Lil Schitty!!!!

Anonymous said...

The rains are here. Perfect as I planted a huge amount of seeds,and home started plants.
I have doubled and thrippled my garden plantings. People have to pay a premium to by my food this year.

anonymous said...


Caliphate4vr said...

REPORT: Obama-Biden Administration Ignored Three Government Reports That Hospitals Lacked Ventilators & Supplies

A 2009 Occupational Safety and Health Administration publication noted: "Healthcare facilities can be overwhelmed, creating a shortage of hospital staff, beds, ventilators and other supplies.

An August 2009 report by the Executive Office to the President related to preparations for a H1N1 outbreak said: "During the peak, 1 or 2 out of every 2,000 Americans might be hospitalized. Cases requiring mechanical ventilation or intensive care could reach 10 to 25 per 100,000 population, requiring 50 to 100 percent or more of the total ICU capacity available in the United States and placing great stress on a system that normally operates at 80 percent of capacity."

A 2015 study by researchers from the Department of Health and Human Services and Center for Disease Control and Prevention modeled the need for ventilators during an influenza outbreak, calculating that "an additional 7000 to 11,000 ventilators will be needed, averting a pandemic total of 35,000 to 55,000 deaths. A 30% CAR [clinical attack rate], high severity scenario, will need approximately 35,000 to 60,500 additional ventilators, averting a pandemic total 178,000 to 308,000 deaths."

anonymous said...

Hey dumb ass.....Obama has not been president for 3 fucking years.....and had the same reports given to them and did nothing!!!!!! God dayum are you stupid!!!!!! Wasn't kushner in charge of that?????? BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Funny stat asshole....during the same time period....the US manufactured 9 million assault riffles which kept assholes on the right very happy while they ignored the report you posted and had the budget control to act on...Yeah loser....Obama's fault all the way BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! The R party diddled away the opportunity to act....they were too busy making Obama care a thing of the past!!!!!! BWAAAAAAA!!!!!

anonymous said...

As usual with the crack pot loser salesman....the story is never as black and white as he makes it out to be....seems the ventilator shortage goes back decades with no one doing a fucking thing except it is Obama's fault for the simple mind of the Ga loser....Yoiur governor had an epiphany yesterday finally realizing the covid can spread from people with no symptoms....Bet he was a UGA graduate like you.....BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

anonymous said...

Federal agencies warned of ventilator shortages for nearly ...
While President Trump has faced criticism for states like New York being in short supply of ventilators, federal agencies have been predicting the need for more ventilators for nearly two decades.

Caliphate4vr said...

Stay safe fatty

U of M's Osterholm says obesity could be deadly factor in U.S. COVID-19 outbreak

anonymous said...

ESAD tiny man.....BWAAAAAAAA!!!! You can never be accused of being funny.......asshole!!!

C.H. Truth said...

I just heard a warning on Public Radio that all this talk about providing ventilators is overlooking the disturbing fact that although we have a really tremendous need for more ventilators, we have an even larger need for trained personnel to operate those ventilators.

Gotta be Trumps fault. He should have known about this six years ago so he could have encouraged more people to spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to get a medical degrees so that the Affordable Care Act can limit how much they get paid.

If only Trump had the correct foresight to know about this, it could have been avoided. Damned orange man!!!

Commonsense said...

Blogger anonymous said...
Hey dumb ass.....Obama has not been president for 3 fucking years....

He was president when he failed to restock the country's reserve of face mask and other PPD items.

All the money he sent to Iran could have bough a face mask for every man, woman, and child in the United States.