Thursday, April 9, 2020

This is a classic early Presidential Poll

Biden Maintains Lead 
West Long Branch, NJ – Joe Biden holds a 4 point lead over Donald Trump in the race for president, which is similar to his 3 point lead in last month’s national Monmouth (“Mon-muth”) University Poll. Public opinion is mixed on whether Trump’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak will help or hurt him in November, but the president’s favorability rating has taken a dip while Biden’s has remained stable. The poll, which was conducted before Bernie Sanders suspended his presidential campaign, also finds most voters agreeing that it is time for him to get out of the race.
So we can start with the idea that this is registered voter poll that invariably tilts left. Generally likely voter polls are better for Republicans by one to two percent. So this poll which has shown Biden up three and four points in consecutive months is likely more like a two or three point lead (at best).

 But the other problem with many of these polls are the demographics. I know liberals don't like hearing about it, but one of the major reasons why early polls are so favorable to Democrats (think Hillary having double digit leads, Gore and Kerry leading Bush) is the fact that these Demographics are just poorly managed. In this particular poll, the partisan make up of the poll was overwhelmingly "Independent" which absolutely never happens. 38% Independent, 35% Democrat, and only 26% Republican.

In fact if you look at the last four Presidential elections and average it out, Democrats have held an advantage of 37.5 to 33.50 (four points) over Republicans. Independents come in at 28.75. The fact is that part of being an independent is that you are simply not enthused enough about things to pick a side, which means you are probably not enthusiastic enough to vote as often. More importantly, however, is the skew that comes with a sample that under counts Republican voters by a margin of seven and a half points.

Every year I hear the same thing from liberal pundits defending these god-awful polls. They believe that THIS is the year that Republicans will stop voting or that somehow someway there are just going to mysteriously be less Republicans in THIS upcoming election. Yet if you look at the past four elections, it has been remarkably consistent. In fact, if you toss out the 2008 and 2012 elections (with Obama at the top of the ticket) the average gap between the two Parties is less than three percent.

The reality is that there is no reason to believe that Democrats will do any better demographically than they have done in any of the past elections. If I was a betting man, I might offer that Democratic support will be underwhelming based on the underwhelming enthusiasm for the presumed man at the top of the ticket. I would generally predict something in the vicinity of a 37-33-30 break down (Dem, GOP, IND)... but who knows if the Democrats will even maintain their usual four point margin?

What I do know for a fact is that there is no way that the 2020 election will only have 26% Republicans or that Republicans will be nine points behind Democrats. If this poll had a reasonable sample that was accurately demographically represented, it's likely that the two candidates would be virtually tied, or come back with a small lead for the President.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

A new CNN poll finds Joe Biden leading President Trump, 53% to 42%, among registered voters nationally.

“The nationwide picture shows Biden starts with an edge among voters generally, but national polling cannot address the state-by-state electoral college race which ultimately determines the presidency.”

Biden also leads on the consensus electoral map, which shows five states as Toss Ups.

anonymous said...

The reality is that there is no reason to believe that Democrats will do any better demographically than they have done in any of the past elections

The reality is Lil Schitty.....that you are finally recognizing the inept leadership of trump and are praying to the poll Gods that they fucked up......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!1 Time will tell as the RCP composite is definitely showing a down ward trend to that brief improvement of the last weeks..... The turds are in the punch bowl and they are all trump!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Just like I said above.....trump sucks the big one!!!!!!!

Yahoo News
Apr 8th 2020 4:36PM
With more than 400,000 confirmed coronavirus cases and 14,000 deaths in the United States, a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll shows that Americans are souring on President Trump’s leadership during the pandemic.

After a brief period during which some polls found more Americans approving of Trump's coronavirus response than not, half of them (50 percent) now disapprove, according to the Yahoo News/YouGov survey, compared to only 42 percent who approve. Among registered voters, that gap is even wider: 54 percent disapprove vs. 43 percent approve.

Likewise, only 38 percent of Americans are satisfied the Trump administration is doing everything it can to stop the virus; 47 percent say they are not satisfied. That spread — nine percentage points — has more than doubled over the last two weeks.

The public figure who has earned the highest approval ratings for his work on the pandemic is Dr. Anthony Fauci, the infectious disease expert on the White House coronavirus task force.

Yet as the crisis increasingly hits home for Americans — 72 percent report now living under stay-at-home orders, up 20 points over the last two weeks, and 42 percent now say they have worn a face mask, up 30 points —Trump’s standing has suffered.

C.H. Truth said...

A new CNN poll finds Joe Biden leading President Trump, 53% to 42%, among registered voters nationally.

I'll bet Trump is worried about that poll!


Commonsense said...

It's a poll of Mario Cuomo and his brother Fredo.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Maybe Trump should start worrying about all these
RealClearPolitics charts



Scroll down and look at the chart.



Scroll down and look at the chart.



Scroll down and look at the chart.

Commonsense said...

So basically if it was 33% 33% and 33% like the country as a whole than Trump would lead.

I don't pay attention to polls this early because there's no penalty to a pollster's reputation if he gets it wrong.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Here's a message from Dr. Fauci for Fox News dunces:

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Also from Dr. Birx.

Commonsense said...

James I find it rather ironic that the story you linked is one big conspiracy theory.

Myballs said...

Susan Rice has another commentary out bashing Trump. I think she's auditioning for Biden's VP spot. A black female with ties to magic negro to rally the left.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Are the two doctors in on the conspiracy?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Publisher Dismisses Own Study of Drug Touted by Trump


April 9, 2020 at 12:40 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 92 Comments

“President Trump has been a cheerleader for the drug hydroxychloroquine, pointing in a tweet and in person to a French study as evidence that one particular drug combination might be ‘one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine,'” CNN reports.

“But now the medical society that published that French research has issued a statement saying the study ‘does not meet the Society’s expected standard.'”
Oh dear. You mean... you mean Dr. Trump was WRONG?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I see Ch labels the number of worldometer deaths in the USA
reported yesterday -- 1,940, "trending flat."

Well, let us hope so.

But that seems a little optimistic for a decline
of only 31 reported deaths from the day before.

Commonsense said...

“But now the medical society that published that French research has issued a statement saying the study ‘does not meet the Society’s expected standard.'”

When it doesn't name the publisher you should be suspicious.

But as long as it fits James' narrative, he goes with it. That's why he keeps making an ass of himself.

I on the other hand, is suspicious of stories even when I agree with the premise.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Dr. Trump is never wrong per Scott A**hole

Commonsense said...

You just got up from your nap Roger?

Caliphate4vr said...

He has limited time at the communal computer at shady groves

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Publisher of hydroxychloroquine study touted by Trump says the research didn't meet its standards

By Elizabeth Cohen and Dr. Minali Nigam, CNN

Updated 7:19 AM ET, Thu April 9, 2020

Trump's speculation caused some to hoard this drug

(CNN)President Trump has been a cheerleader for the drug hydroxychloroquine, pointing in a tweet and in person to a French study as evidence that one particular drug combination might be "one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine."

But now the medical society that published that French research has issued a statement saying the study "does not meet the Society's expected standard."

Dr. Kevin Tracey, president and CEO of the Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research in New York City, gave an even more pointed assessment of the French research.

"The study was a complete failure," he said.

"It was pathetic," added Art Caplan, head of the division of medical ethics at the New York University School of Medicine.

The small French study of 20 people found that taking hydroxychloroquine was associated with the "viral load reduction/disappearance in COVID-19 patients," noting that the effect was "reinforced" with azithromycin, an antibiotic better known as a Z-pack.

Tracey and Caplan pointed out that several patients who took the drug, and ended up faring poorly, dropped out of the trial, and their outcomes were not factored into the study's final conclusions.

The International Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (ISAC) published the study online in its journal, the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, on March 20.

"Although ISAC recognises it is important to help the scientific community by publishing new data fast, this cannot be at the cost of reducing scientific scrutiny and best practices," according to the April 3 statement by Andreas Voss, the president of the society.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Did you get the name of the publisher, Commensa?

Anonymous said...

great idea.

tell a covid patient that may not live another 24 hours and at this point has absolutely fucking nothing to fucking lose that they can't give the hydroxychloroquine a shot for want of a fucking STUDY.

fucking brilliant.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Doctors are free to administer it.

Myballs said...

Many are hopeful of its effectiveness. Especially since its already on the market. Hope was a good thing in 2008. But apparently not so much now.

Anonymous said...

Doctors are free to administer it.

so, then all the bluster being kicked up by the msm is complete bullshit.

yeah, we knew that.

fuck off, pederast.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I recently saw a video of a woman who received a shot of it and was convinced it helped her greatly. I hope it did.

Dr. Fauci has made it clear that such an experience may be "anecdotal" and that stringent additional testing is still needed.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Maybe you should tell Dr. Fauci to f off.

Myballs said...

No need. Fauci has said tbat tbere is so,e evidence of effectiveness but of course, as a scientist he wants more.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Of course.

The World Is In Its Steepest Freefall Ever
April 9, 2020 at 2:09 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 127 Comments

Foreign Policy:
“As the coronavirus lockdown began, the first impulse was to search for historical analogies—1914, 1929, 1941? As the weeks have ground on, what has come ever more to the fore is the historical novelty of the shock that we are living through. As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, America’s economy is now widely expected to shrink by a quarter. That is as much as during the Great Depression. But whereas the contraction after 1929 stretched over a four-year period, the coronavirus implosion will happen over the next three months. There has never been a crash landing like this before. There is something new under the sun. And it is horrifying.

“As recently as five weeks ago, at the beginning of March, U.S. unemployment was at record lows. By the end of March, it had surged to somewhere around 13 percent. That is the highest number recorded since World War II. We don’t know the precise figure because our system of unemployment registration was not built to track an increase at this speed.”

Anonymous said...

Dr. Fauci has made it clear that such an experience may be "anecdotal" and that stringent additional testing is still needed.

so the 'test or not to test' is really a moot point. off-label prescribing is at the doc's discretion.

so then explain to us, numbnuts pederast, why you find this particular issue so compelling?

let the technocrats who fiddle-fuck around with this shit fiddle-fuck around to their heart's content.

as long as docs are free to prescribe, you're just jerking off.

Caliphate4vr said...

He’s stupid

I explained a week ago Fauci would prefer double blind studies with placebos. It’s how he was trained

But the pederast just continues to post stupid shit because he’s fucking dumb

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Actually, I was going to do no more than register the post at 1:15PM and leave it at that.

But when Commensa brilliantly said the post was not to be trusted because the publisher was not named
(FAKE news, in other words),
I simply provided the name of the publisher for his benefit.

You're all welcome.

By the way, "Foreign Policy"
is Foreign Policy – the Global Magazine of News and Ideas
so I suppose you might like to say,

"f off, foreign policy" in lower case. :-)

Anonymous said...

I explained a week ago Fauci would prefer double blind studies with placebos. It’s how he was trained

indeed you did.

this entire topic is by definition fake fucking news.

pure bullshit ginned up by the msm as another gotcha to fuck with trump.

Anonymous said...

Not one Lefist is blaming China.

Commonsense said...

Kind of miss this oart James.

“Despite some suggestions online as to the reliability of the article’s peer review process, the process did adhere to the industry’s peer review rules,” Voss wrote. “Given his role as Editor in Chief of this journal, Jean-Marc Rolain had no involvement in the peer review of the manuscript and has no access to information regarding its peer review.”

The study itself was not rescinded. Sounds like someone is bowing to hateful political pressure.

The facts is that hydrooxychloroquine is saving thousands of lives right now can could be very well the x factor in the reduction of coronavirus hospitalizations.

If James had his way thousands to millions would die in an overloaded healthcare system just so he can see Trump defeated in an election.

He's truly an evil person.

anonymous said...

Anonymous Caliphate4vr said...
He has limited time at the communal computer at shady groves

That UGA loser is about as funny as his Gov's epiphany last week.....very sad!!!!!

anonymous said...

The study itself was not rescinded. Sounds like someone is bowing to hateful political pressure.


The facts is that hydrooxychloroquine is saving thousands of lives right now can could be very

You have any objective proof for that claim or is that another cramps delusion??????

Anonymous said...

So NYC is not going to need the 3,000 or so beds Trump Provided .

Why, Broken Model Syndrome.

Anonymous said...

True Colors
Today's Democrat blocking funding for Small US Businesses.

anonymous said...

Hey asshole....Pelosi wants the small business number doubled......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Broken dumb ass goat fucker caught again!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh too stupid.
Today's vote was in the US Senate.
Do try harder to keep up stupid troll


So I see "pastor" Kevorkian is still appearing to root for millions of deaths and still mindlessly copying his lord and master Goddard's political_lire trash here, using mostly FAKE NEWS sources and adding snarky "headlines" Still a POS.

Well here's something the msm has not noticed:

Rosie memos

Did you know Congress and their staff were getting daily briefings starting in January from @HHSGov @CDCgov @NIH and the @WhiteHouse about #COVID19? Why are so many of them claiming they were left out in the cold? Appreciate your honesty @RepAnnWagner.


How many briefings did @HouseDemocrats miss because they were following their masters @SpeakerPelosi @AdamSchiff down impeachment lane?

Also should be noted the hearing was titled "The Wuhan Coronavirus: Assessing the Outbreak, the Response, and Regional Implications" so racist. HA.

So why didn't house democrats act and why are they so racist?

Politics over people...

anonymous said...

Trump diddled from day one.....Lil Schitty and cramps applaud!!!!!

Obama administration walked incoming Trump administration officials through a hypothetical scenario in which a pandemic worse than the 1918 Spanish flu shut down cities like Seoul and London in early 2017, Politico reported.

During the briefing, Trump administration officials were told such a pandemic would likely lead to circumstances such as shortages of ventilators and that a coordinated national response would be “paramount,” according to documents obtained by the publication.

Of the Trump administration officials present during the meeting, about 66 percent no longer serve in the White House, according to Politico.

“The advantage we had under Obama was that during the first four years we had the same White House staff, the same Cabinet,” former Deputy Labor Secretary Chris Lu, who was present for the meeting, told the publication. “Just having the continuity makes all the difference in the world.”

"Thirty Trump officials attended the exercise (Cabinet and senior White House staff)," Lu added in a tweet on Monday. "But the vast majority of these officials are no longer in government

"When you're dealing with a crisis like #COVID19, stable and experienced leadership matters."

anonymous said...

Fucking dumb ass daddy once again shows us all why he sucks trumps dick with...

How many briefings did @HouseDemocrats miss because they were following their masters

And the R house was voting for the 77th time to get rid of Obamacare......I would presume they got the same briefings asshole and did nothing but try to pass BS kill bills.....Dayum you are dumber than the goat fucker which is really saying something!!!!


So why did Obama not restock critical stockpile supplies they used ?

Empty shelves is no way to hand off to a new administration after having 2 terms and many years to fix.

And lecturing after failing to act is childish.


hey lo iq,

Trying to explain anything to you is futile. You are always obsessed with sucking someone's dick or fucking a goat. Social distancing is something people do to you naturally.

Maybe you can hook up with the "pastor"


anonymous said...

So why did Obama not restock critical stockpile supplies they used ?

Because of the R congress did nothing idiot!!!!......BWAQAAAAAAAA!!!! BTW....trump had 4 years as a stable genius to recognize the Obama problem and all he did was try to kill Obama care....How'd that work out you dumb fucking asshole!!!

anonymous said...

Puts blame in appropriate laps....asshole....too bad fucking idiot daddy can't read!!!!!


Is Snopes funded by Democrats?

Snopes Exposed--George Soros and Leftists Fund it Snopes receives funding from an undisclosed source. The source is undisclosed because Snopes refuses to disclose that source. The Democratic Alliance, a funding channel for uber-Leftist (Marxist) Billionaires (George Soros etc.), direct funds to an "Internet Propaganda Arm" pushing these views.

Can Snopes really be trusted?

Snopes can no longer be trusted. If there is one strategy the left has used to move our country in their direction it’s this: They find institutions that have built up public trust, often over generations, and they take those institutions over, corrupt them, and put them to work on the leftist agenda.
Snopes can no longer be trusted | Internet Scofflaw…

perfect site for lo iq and those easily manipulated

Anonymous said...

Biden has yet to be Tested for Coroniavirus.

anonymous said...

Anonymous JAMES'S FUCKING DADDY said...
Is Snopes funded by Democrats?

ONLY IF YOU ARE A DUMB FUCKING ASSHOLE LIKE FUCKING DADDY....Internet scofflaw.....comically funny and typical for non thinking idiots who suck trumps dick!!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

Doctors are free to administer it.

The task force (including Fauci) unanimously voted to send it out.

The FDA approved it as safe for use with Covid-19.

It is always a decision between doctor and patient.

I am not sure why anyone would have their panties in a bunch over this.

C.H. Truth said...

During the briefing, Trump administration officials were told such a pandemic would likely lead to circumstances such as shortages of ventilators and that a coordinated national response would be “paramount,” according to documents obtained by the publication.

Turns out that the fake briefing from the fake story was wrong...

We have not only not run out of ventilators, but states are now sending back excess ones.

They can't even "make up a story" that is appears real.

anonymous said...

Turns out that the fake briefing from the fake story was wrong...

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! That is your only hope Lil Schitty......trump and you both suck!!!!!!


anonymous said...

We have not only not run out of ventilators, but states are now sending back excess one


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


Senate Democrats block $250 billion expansion of small business loan program