Thursday, April 16, 2020

Trump says more testing is required before completely opening the economy!

by Gaegan Toddard

President Trump has declared to his inner circle that more testing will be required before the economy can be completely opened. Sources say that he will soon make this position clear to the general public, putting Democrats in the uncomfortable position of either flip flopping their views or agreeing with the President.

Vice President Pence was said to have been prepping people for the President's position when he stated:  “I think most of America knows that no one wants to reopen America more than President Donald Trump. But the president’s told us we need to do it responsibly, and we’re going to follow the data.”

Meanwhile Sources confirm that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are planning a secret video conference to figure out what the next steps will be in their strategy to completely disagree with the President across the board on the Covid-19 crisis, even in instances where he has said things that they previously were in favor of.

One person close to the situation has said that they are mulling over two options. One that they are talking about is to reverse course and demand that the economy be reopened by the end of this week, with a long term strategy of blaming the President for both the health issues as well as the financial issues of the Covid-19 spread. The second would be to double down and go drastically further than the President. Sources say that this approach will demand every American be tested multiple times, vaccinated, and that the entire country will needs to have gone 90 days with no new Covid-19 cases before letting any Americans go back to work. 


Anonymous said...

The second would be to double down and go drastically further than the President. Sources say that this approach will demand every American be tested multiple times, vaccinated, and that the entire country will needs to have gone 90 days with no new Covid-19 cases before letting any Americans go back to work.

yeah, that ought to just about finish off the economy.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the Red States will be open and working.

And the Blue Bums will not.

Anonymous said...

Ranchers and Farmers are destroying wealth because of the restrictions on movement of meat , fruits and vegetables.

Anonymous said...

This is record high level of stupidity.
""The reason that we're in the crisis that we are today is not because of anything that China did, is not because of anything the WHO did. It's because of what this president did," Murphy told CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360"."
Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn

anonymous said...

The record high of stupidity is you thinking you have a brain!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

tank abrams receives the coveted tank abrams endorsement:

Georgia Democrat Stacey Abrams has said she would accept an offer to be former Vice President Joe Biden's running mate, telling Elle magazine she would be "excellent" for the position.

“Yes. I would be honored,” Abrams said. “I would be an excellent running mate. I have the capacity to attract voters by motivating typically ignored communities. I have a strong history of executive and management experience in the private, public, and nonprofit sectors. I’ve spent 25 years in independent study of foreign policy. I am ready to help advance an agenda of restoring America’s place in the world. If I am selected, I am prepared and excited to serve.”

Abrams, the former minority leader in the Georgia House of Representatives, previously said she would be "honored" to be considered as a running mate for "any" Democratic nominee.

Myballs said...

Schiff threatens impeachment over WHO funding. What chutzpah.

Anonymous said...

🖕Pencil Neck 😂

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

After One Angry Governor Tells Trump To Take a Hike, Trump Tells Governors They Can Call Their Own Shots
April 16, 2020 at 4:12 pm EDT By Gaegan Toddard

President Trump told governors that some could begin reopening their states by May 1 or earlier if they wanted to.

"You're damn tootin' we can," one governor replied, according to an anonymous video recording that is avaialble here. "We not only CAN, but WILL. You better keep yourself straight on that. It's a good thing you finally got that through that swollen head of yours."

"But--but I can't believe you actually think I thought I have absolute power," the President said.

"That's what you SAID," the governor replied. "And by the way, where the hell are all those testing kits you've been promising us? We can't start opening up the nation without adequate testing. Until then, we're not going to risk opening businesses and schools where people and even children could get sick and die! How many times do we have to tell you that, before you finally get it through that thick skull of yours?"

"Well...well just let me assure you that I will not seek to impose my will on you as to when you make those decisions,” the President said, looking shocked. "You're going to call your own shots. You’re going to be calling the shots. We’ll be standing right alongside of you and we’re going to get our country open and get it working. People want to get working.”

"You're damn right they do, and you can either start helping us a lot more with the testing, or just get out of the way and let us do it, which is what we're already doing, not thanks to you," the governor said. "Stop acting like you're our boss or we'll REALLY show you who has total authority when it comes to states' rights."
Rumors that this governor is about to be punished were denied by the other governors present, who insisted they all agreed with her.

Anonymous said...

Fact filled report according to JamesnoBrain.

"You're damn tootin' we can," one governor replied, according to an anonymous video recording that is avaialble here. "We not only CAN, but WILL. You better keep yourself straight on that. It's a good thing you finally got that through that swollen head of yours."

Got the Govenors name?
Got the State ?
Got the Video

Anonymous said...

Suddenly JamesnoBrain is for opening up the state's to conduct Business.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I can't answer for Gaegan Toddard. You'll have to ask him for that information.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

President Trump said he would be telling the governors when to reopen the country, and as president he had the absolute, total authority to do that.

The next day he said he would not be telling the governors when to reopen the country.

Ch is good at explaining things.
He will now explain that.