Monday, April 6, 2020

What has the Federal Government actually delivered?

Since last Sunday:
  • 300 million gloves
  • 8 million mask
  • 3 million gowns
  • 1000 ventilators to New York
  • 500 ventilators to New Jersey
  • 300 ventilators to Michigan
  • 200 ventilators to Louisiana
  • 600 ventilators are reserved for Illinois
  • 100 ventilators are reserved for Massachusetts
This is just what the FEMA has actually delivered and does not include the massive increase in private industry output of these items that are now available for states to purchase on their own.  


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Government's Own Watchdog Finds Dire Shortages at Hospitals
April 6, 2020 at 8:33 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 26 Comments

NBC News: “Hospitals across the country face dire shortages of vital medical equipment amid the coronavirus outbreak — including testing kits and thermometers — and fear they can’t ensure the safety of health care workers needed to treat patients with COVID-19, according to an internal government watchdog report released Monday.

“The alarming findings, based on interviews conducted from March 23 to March 27, represent the first government assessment of how the country’s hospitals are coping with the outbreak and confirm previous media reports and warnings from health workers that the medical system is under unprecedented strain.
Don't listen to those whining governors, mayors, hospitals, and unnamed doctors and nurses.

Anonymous said...

Americans dying was put this way by James.

"It's called thinning the herd".

He also hoped 1.2 million Americans would die.
Later he said "400,000" .

Anonymous said...

James, my Hospital, KU Medical is fully stock.and has all the Doctors , nurses and support staff they need.

So are you saying that "Some Hospitals don't have enough " ?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

No, K Dimwit. I'm saying an internal government report is saying that.

Poor Kansas Dimwit. He keeps saying I "hoped" multitudes of Americans would die, yet he never supplies a quote.

I DID indeed cite a poll that said as many as 400,000 Americans might die, and said I hoped that would not prove true.

Now even Trump is saying it might be as high as 250,000 deaths, which I also hope does not prove to be true.

But Kansas Dimwit will continue to lie.
It's all he knows how to do.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Blogger James said...
Ousted Commander Called ‘Stupid’ In Address to Crew
April 6, 2020 at 11:04 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 26 Comments

The Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly blasted the now ousted commander of the USS Theodore Roosevelt as “stupid” in an address to the ship’s crew Monday morning, in remarks obtained by CNN.

If you want to define "stupid," take a look at what Modly said to a crew whose ex-commander is a popular hero who cared for them above politics.

Caliphate4vr said...

And took them into harms way by having shore leave in DaNang on March 4

Stupid old man

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

This is from Politico, highlighting the dire situation unfolding in St. John the Baptist Parish, Louisiana, which, right now has the highest per capita coronavirus mortality rate in the nation.

Frantic local officials instituted an overnight curfew just this week and are begging residents to stay home. But in largely rural Southern states like Louisiana — where social distancing has been spotty, widespread testing is unavailable and hospitals are poorer and farther apart — the response may be coming too late to avoid a public health crisis as bad as the one now engulfing New York.

There are no hospitals in St. John’s Parish. None. And many neighboring parishes have no ICU beds. With 322 confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection and 22 deaths, the Parish and its surrounding regions have already filled nearly three-quarters of available ICU beds.

But it is not alone. As Politico reports, “[T]he states that many experts are most concerned with are the ones that have been slow to clamp down on travel and nonessential businesses.”

Those are disproportionately the states in the South.

The virus is also poised to consume the area around Norfolk, Va., a rural county in Tennessee just north of Nashville and parts of southwest Georgia near Albany, according to models assembled by Columbia University epidemiologists. And without the resources of major cities, these areas are poised to see disproportionate suffering, economic hardship and death when cases peak.

Georgia is becoming a textbook example, even as its Governor inexplicably orders beaches to stay open under penalty of fine or imprisonment.

Dougherty County, Ga., home to Albany, has about 90,000 people and more than 500 cases and 30 deaths, according to the state health department. Lee County, just to the north, has 115 cases and eight deaths in a population of 30,000. The state, where Gov. Brian Kemp issued a stay-at-home order on Wednesday, well after many other states, isn’t expected to see a peak for another three weeks, according to the University of Washington model.

In the wake of this tragedy there are going to be fingers pointed in every direction. But the ultimate conclusion is going to be inescapable.

President Donald Trump last month suggested that red, primarily rural areas where he enjoys some of his strongest support have largely avoided the pandemic because they’ve had better local leadership than states on both coasts that were slammed early and hard by the virus.

Trump opined these red states should be allowed to return to work sooner than the rest of the country.

But public health experts say they're most worried about those very areas. Arkansas, South Carolina and Texas do not have statewide stay-at-home orders. Florida and Mississippi enacted one only this week. That puts those states in the virus’ crosshairs, said Nirav Shah, a senior scholar at Stanford University’s Clinical Excellence Research Center.

Some tragedies are beyond the capacity of human beings to predict, or to protect against.

This was not one of them.

C.H. Truth said...

There are no hospitals in St. John’s Parish. None. And many neighboring parishes have no ICU beds. With 322 confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection and 22 deaths, the Parish and its surrounding regions have already filled nearly three-quarters of available ICU beds.

Fucking Trump, huh?

It's obviously all his fault that there are no hospitals in St. John’s Parish. He probably personally burned them all down.

Damned it... why did we elect him anyhow!

C.H. Truth said...

President Donald Trump last month suggested that red, primarily rural areas where he enjoys some of his strongest support have largely avoided the pandemic because they’ve had better local leadership than states on both coasts that were slammed early and hard by the virus.

Last time I checked John Edwards (a Democrat) was the Governor of Louisiana. He was the one to failed to cancel Mardi Gras. But most certainly the problems in Louisiana are...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Surely Edwards is wishing now he hadn't listened to Trump.

Caliphate4vr said...

And Edwards has an engineering degree from West Point.


Anonymous said...

"Now even Trump is saying it might be as high as 250,000 deaths, which I also hope does not prove to be true."James added this.

Ok, provide the exact qoute.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Caliphate4vr said...
And Edwards has an engineering degree from West Point.


Caliphate4vr said...

Here a timeline STUPID OLD MAN

January 31, Trump bans foreign nationals from entering US who had recently been in China.
February 2, First death from covid, outside China
February 5, US citizens evacuated from Wuhan.
February 6, death toll in China 563,
February 8, US citizen dies in Wuhan
February 15, Trump declares national emergency
Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., and six other House Democrats who chair subcommittees sign letter to president: “We believe your declaration of an emergency shows a reckless disregard for the separation of powers and your own responsibilities under our constitutional system.”
February 24, 2020 Pelosi tours Chinatown, encouraging people that its safe.
February 25, Mardi Gras
February 29, 2020 First US death from covid-19

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Oh yeah? Take at Look at the Biden-Trump timeline provided HERE:

Biden vs. Trump on the Coronavirus
April 6, 2020 at 10:37 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 67 Comments

Greg Sargent has compiled a detailed timeline comparing public statements about the coronavirus pandemic by Joe Biden with statements by President Trump.

It’s utterly damning to the president.

C.H. Truth said...

Surely Edwards is wishing now he hadn't listened to Trump.

Did Edwards and Trump have some sort of telephone conversation where the Democratic Governor asked for the Republican President's advice on how to run his State?

We had 80K confirmed cases on February 25th when Mardi Gras took place. But the fact of the matter is that nobody at that point in time had cancelled anything. In fact Jay Inslee (the first to do many things) didn't put a halt to "gatherings" till mid-March.

But the fact that a DEMOCRATIC GOVERNOR refused to shut down his state and that a DEMOCRATIC MAYOR refused to shut down New Orleans...

Is TRUMP'S FAULT in your eyes...

Do you realize how astoundingly dumb that sounds?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


White House predicts 100,000 to 240,000 will die in US from coronavirus

Trump on coronavirus: U.S. facing a ‘very, very painful two weeks’
President Donald Trump prepared Americans for a coming surge in coronavirus cases, calling COVID-19 a plague and saying the U.S. is facing a “very, very painful two weeks.

“This could be a hell of a bad two weeks. This is going to be a very bad two, and maybe three weeks. This is going to be three weeks like we’ve never seen before,” Trump said at a White House press conference Tuesday. White House officials are projecting between 100,000 and 240,000 deaths in the U.S. with coronavirus fatalities peaking over the next two weeks.

“When you look at night, the kind of death that has been caused by this invisible enemy, it’s incredible.”
That after predicting we would soon be a zero.

Oh, I apologize. I got it wrong. Trump's White House task force predicted as high as 240,000 deaths. I said 250,000.

Caliphate4vr said...

If think he’s so fricking dumb, he doesn’t realize how dumb he truly is

C.H. Truth said...

Greg Sargent


The only people stupider than Greg Sargent are those who take him seriously!

You know... people dumb enough to "pay" to read the propaganda that is WaPo!

C.H. Truth said...

Oh, I apologize. I got it wrong. Trump's White House task force predicted as high as 240,000 deaths. I said 250,000.

You get pretty much everything wrong, Reverend.

For starters, it's the Task force led by Fauci and Birx who are using a model that projects 100-240 deaths... and btw, several of these models have lowered their projections over the past few days.

So try to keep up, ace:

- Models suggest 100-240K

- Fauci and Birx are using these models to guide the response.

- The Administration is listening to the doctors they put in charge of the Task Force.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

There is a direct connection on the Democrat Run States and number of case/deaths.

Anonymous said...

"slurpers" James

What exactly are you saying is being slurped?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"The Administration is listening to the doctors they put in charge of the Task Force."

How long did it take for those two doctors to finally reign Trump in and get him at last to listen and start talking at least some degree of sense?

Look it up in 11:42 above.

Anonymous said...

what clubbing a baby seal looks like, CHT on James.

"So try to keep up, ace:

- Models suggest 100-240K

- Fauci and Birx are using these models to guide the response.

- The Administration is listening to the doctors they put in charge of the Task Force."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The only people stupider than Greg Sargent are those who take him seriously!
You know... people dumb enough to "pay" to read the propaganda that is WaPo!

LOL You Fox News slurpers are knee slappingly hilarious!

Anonymous said...

NY Govenor wanted a Hospital Ship.
Trump delivered it.

Last report the ship has 25 patients.

WTF ???

Commonsense said...


James doesn't deny he's stupid.

Back to the bathroom he goes to look at AOC videos

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"So try to keep up, ace:
- Models suggest 100-240K
- Fauci and Birx are using these models to guide the response.
- The Administration is listening to the doctors they put in charge of the Task Force.

"How long did it take for those two doctors to finally reign Trump in and get him at last to listen and start talking at least some degree of sense?

Look it up in 11:42 above.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Actually, for entertainment I look at Trump videos.

Commonsense said...

In the bathroom James? Really? Figures.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Well, that's just where my wife insists I keep them.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

BTW, here's an excellent AOC video designed just for you.

Commonsense said...

You're one sick puppy James.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

LOL Commensa can give it but he can't take it.

C.H. Truth said...

"How long did it take for those two doctors to finally reign Trump in and get him at last to listen and start talking at least some degree of sense?

Hey Reverend....

Give me one official executive order Trump has provided the country that did not follow the advice of the doctors and task force?

Just one actual order or action taken...

One Reverend.

Can you do that?

Don't change the subject?

An official action.


Can you do it Reverend??

Should be simple... since you posted that same nonsensical story 10 times.

That story has to have one official action where Trump defied the advice of the task force?

C'mon Reverend... you can do it!!

anonymous said...

Give me one official executive order Trump has provided the country

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! By not doing anything in January except telling us it was under control!!!! I am sure Fauci did not agree with that statement you trump apologist asshole!!!!!

anonymous said...

If you all have AXS channel,......the Eagles Hell Freezes Over cancert is on....certainly better than the droning BS trump ego fest that will be on!!!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Hey, Ch,
I am actually laughing at you.
"Come on Reverend, come on."

I don't suppose you regard Trump's continually ridiculous claims that we had nothing to worry about regarding this non pandemic and could easily open the country up for business
-- I don't suppose you regard those as official acts.

Sorry, Ch,
but my "nonsensical story" was not at all "nonsensical":

CNN: How Fauci and Birx got Trump to listen to science

In Other Words, how they FINALLY reigned him in
and FINALLY got him to listen to science.

Until then, his "offical" opinion and actions were headed toward DISASTER.

Did you hear that, Ch?
Did you?
Did you, Ch?
Did you?

C'mon, you can answer!