Friday, April 10, 2020

Why this is "really" going to be a red vs blue issue...

We’re Now Living the American Carnage Trump Promised Would End at His Inauguration Trump is not responsible for the virus itself, but he must be held accountable for his horrifying response to it.
Blah, blah, blah, bad orange man, blah, blah, blah... it's all Trumps fault. Blah, blah blah, this is the worst thing ever, blah blah blah... and it's all the bad orange man's fault. Blah, blah, blah!

So how bad is it "really" and who ultimately gets to judge? The reality is that the answer to that question is a matter of perspective and ultimately we all get to judge. The media might be able to shove a talking points memo down the willing throats of the liberal sheep out there, but most people (at least those who don't spend their time spamming message boards and comment threads with media opinions) will make up their own minds.

The truth of the matter is there is really going to be many different opinions based on little more than your reality. What do I mean? Well let's look at Minnesota for example. We have 87 counties. Half our deaths are from one county (Hennepin),  six other counties (besides Hennepin) have had more than one death, four counties have had one death, and there are no Covid-19 casualties in the remaining 76 counties. Nearly half of our counties have either no reported cases or one reported case.

Let me repeat that. We have no casualties in 76 of 87 counties and close to half of our 87 counties have either zero or one reported case.

So while those who live in New York city might be experiencing some sort of "carnage", the bulk of the country is basically playing along and watching it from afar. Given our limited human capacity for empathy of things we have no real understanding for, the best we can offer is sympathy, and how many know (or really care) exactly how real it feels for those who live in areas of the country who have seen basically no effect. It may be little more than reality television for some.

The truth is that our big city coasters have forever discounted and demeaned the people who live in "flyover country". Calls for a national shut down come almost entirely from liberals from big coastal areas most closely affected by the virus. The attacks on red state Governors who have either been slower to close down or have resisted calls all together must be based on the concept of shared suffering more than any real idea that not shutting down Wyoming is somehow dangerous to the rest of the country. Nobody from New York goes to Wyoming, and nobody from Wyoming goes to New York. More to the point, if you are worried about a traveler coming to New York  who might be bringing a disease I doubt it's the person from Wyoming that you will want to avoid.

I would also offer that these calls for a national shut down may be induced by little more than the fact that Trump has resisted them. What the bad orange man supports or does simply must be wrong. Or probably more realistically, liberals are literally looking for things that Trump "hasn't done" so they can find something to criticize him for.

So ultimately if you live in a small rural community that ends up with marginal medical issues from Covid-19, (but very real economic issues) are you going to be upset that some places were slow to shut down? Are you going to wonder out loud how necessary it actually was for remote places with no impact to shut down because large metropolitan areas were being hit?

Fear carries the day. If we make people afraid enough of something, they will react. But fear only lasts so long and then logic will take over. It's like the Geico commercial where the people in the bad slasher horror film decide that getting in the running truck and leaving is a horrible idea, and instead decide to go hide in the shed with all of the chain saws. We do not behave rationally under fear and pressure. But when we look back, hindsight being 20-20, we will see things more rationally than we did.

I suspect that is where we will see a big red vs blue divide. Not only because of the inherent differences of opinions and partisan reactions to the Covid-19 crisis, but also because of what will likely be very distinct differences in how it affected you in real life.


Anonymous said...

I shall hold James to his stated standard.
She any of US ask him a question he must answer.
we hold him to his standard.
"struck speechless"

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Hate to tell you, Ch sport, but your map up there already has Biden winning, with 279 electoral votes.

And that's without winning AZ or NC or FL, which are all toss ups.

And by the way, Texas, which until recently was designated "Likely Republican" has now gone to "Leans Republican" -- as are GA and IA.

C.H. Truth said...

Hate to tell you

Tell me what?

That a site that is pretty much always wrong, never projects any Republicans to win, and that I haven't looked at in years...

has an opinion?

Gee! Do you seriously believe that I have even the slightest inkling of caring?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Because you see, it has NOTHING to do with the 270towin site as such.

It has EVERYTHING to do with the map YOU YOURSELF proudly put RIGHT UP THERE FOR ALL TO SEE.

So THANK YOU for your unintended admission that the blue states are THAT dominant, and TRUMP'S DEFEAT IS ASSURED.

THANKS for giving us YET ANOTHER assurance of that.
How VERY nice of you!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Contrary to what Ch says, 270towin never projects either party to win. It offers an interactive map which anyone can play with and alter to see what the result will be if any given state goes red or blue.

cowardly king obama said...

Trump moves to 4/5 favorite to win 2020 election

last I checked he and Biden were even money.

Somewhat verified here:

President Trump was listed as a slight favorite over Joe Biden in the 2020 U.S. presidential election

The trend is our friend

C.H. Truth said...

Sorry Reverend...

I guess I confused you. That map was not intended to represent election results...

But I put a better map up there so we have a better understanding of how the red vs blue will likely play out.

cowardly king obama said...

Pat Ward

NEW Fox News poll shows @realDonaldTrump and @JoeBiden now tied in General Election head-to-head matchup…

The trend is our friend

C.H. Truth said...

Trump moves to 4/5 favorite to win 2020 election

Biden cannot hide forever...

The more people see him (like in Iowa and New Hampshire) the more they realize he is more equipped for the nursing home than the White House. He has already suggested that there shouldn't be an Presidential debates this year (how embarrassing would that be for him)?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch, if you were honest, which you are not, you would leave up the map you originally put there, and perhaps put up a second one to counter it.

But no, you remove the one you put there, as if it never existed.

Sort of like Trump saying, "I never said that."

cowardly king obama said...

CHT said"
But I put a better map up there so we have a better understanding of how the red vs blue will likely play out.

Are those blue spots some sort of disease ?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Go to 270towin for a better map.

Anonymous said...

"Biden cannot hide forever...

The more people see him (like in Iowa and New Hampshire) the more they realize he is more equipped for the nursing home than the White House."

That is the Stupid Monkey in the room, Jane can't address.
It left him "struck speechless"

C.H. Truth said...

Ch, if you were honest, which you are not, you would leave up the map you originally put there, and perhaps put up a second one to counter it.

If you were mildly interested in actually reading what you comment on, you would understand that the map on the screen now makes more sense.

and the fact that you went off on a tangent is because you cannot pay attention.

But, that's probably why you enjoy Policalwire so much. It's like twitter. He provides you with just a few words that can be easily understood by his followers.

Goddard probably instinctively understands the short attention spans of his followers.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And oh that WONDERFUL Fox News poll!!!


But speaking of trending, go here:

Be sure to scroll down and look at the graph.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch, you originally put up a map that looked VERY red.
It's not my fault that it showed Trump LOSING.
YOU failed to check that out.

Live with it.

C.H. Truth said...

Ch, you originally put up a map that looked VERY red.
It's not my fault that it showed Trump LOSING.

It's your fault Reverend...

That you didn't read the post but pretend you know enough about it to comment.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I know enough about what was on that map to comment.
I guess you didn't.

cowardly king obama said...

James said...
And oh that WONDERFUL Fox News poll!!!


Yep, Trump was down twelve 6 months ago

down nine last month

and is now tied !!!

THAT is a trend.

And wait till the majority of the country who haven't seen Biden in action recently get a peak. And I'm sure Trump's campaign will also give that visibility.

Biden is the BEST Trump campaign ad.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Speaking of trending: post 10:53.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I can well understand why Ch took the map down.

Anyone could do the math and see that the map he provided, although it looked so very, very red, actually showed Trump LOSING the electoral vote.

I can easily understand Ch's embarrassment. I would have been embarrassed myself. But I would not have removed the map. I'm that honest.

Commonsense said...

Funny, I see a map.

anonymous said...

Funny, I see a map.

Like that graph you posted that you claimed showed GDP growth?? BWAAAAAAAA!!!

anonymous said...

counties and close to half of our 87 counties have either zero or one reported case.

Lil Schitty again proves his ability as a statistician is wanting!!!!!! Please tell us how that means something other than those counties are rural with no visitors.....Sad very sad....another useless POS opinion from the trump slurping loser!!!!!!! BTW,,,,,get back to us in a couple of weeks with actual results.....

Commonsense said...

It did show GDP growth as well as you're ignorance.

You're still butt-hurt over it.

That's funny.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Funny. I see a map.

Not the one Ch was so embarrassed about that he took it down.

And be the way, "you're"
always means "you are,"
not "your."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

*by the way

Commonsense said...

Gee James it must suck when you do your snarky grammar corrections and you fuck up.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Gee, Commensa. At least I have intelligence enough to correct my little mistakes. That must really sting you.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

2020 Presidential Election Interactive Map



because it shows Biden winning with 279 electoral votes!!!