Friday, May 22, 2020

Biden logic!

Joe Biden: “if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t Black”


Myballs said...

Kanye West has come out forcefully saying that he won't be told who to vote for because of the color of his skin.

I can't believe that dems really want Joe Biden as their president.


2020 Biden US census

RACE: for Trump........ __
........... against Trump. __



Remember when @cthagod predicted this back in September?

@JoeBiden had months to prepare for this and just didn’t.

What does that tell you.



John ‘Murder Hornet’ Cardillo

“I’m prepared to say that I have a record over 40 years, and that I’m going to beat Joe Biden”

He is right though. He’s helping defeat himself every time he speaks.


anonymous said...

Benny Johnson, John cardillo,My ballz. and fucking daddy....useless dumb fucks who think trump is a savior of their lives.....bWAAAAAAAAA!!!!

anonymous said...

15 will soon be zero......Mexico will pay for the wall.......yep and you think Biden is the fool!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

How Fear, Groupthink Drove Unnecessary Global Lockdowns

Reliance on Faulty Models

In the face of a novel virus threat, China clamped down on its citizens. Academics used faulty information to build faulty models. Leaders relied on these faulty models. Dissenting views were suppressed. The media flamed fears and the world panicked.

That is the story of what may eventually be known as one of the biggest medical and economic blunders of all time. The collective failure of every Western nation, except one, to question groupthink will surely be studied by economists, doctors, and psychologists for decades to come.

To put things in perspective, the virus is now known to have an infection fatality rate for most people under 65 that is no more dangerous than driving 13 to 101 miles per day. Even by conservative estimates, the odds of COVID-19 death are roughly in line with existing baseline odds of dying in any given year.

Yet we put billions of young healthy people under house arrest, stopped cancer screenings, and sunk ourselves into the worst level of unemployment since the Great Depression. This from a virus that bears a survival rate of 99.99% if you are a healthy individual under 50 years old (1, 2).

New York City reached over a 25% infection rate and yet 99.98% of all people in the city under 45 survived, making it comparable to death rates by normal accidents.

But of course the whole linchpin of the lockdown argument is that it would have been even worse without such a step. Sweden never closed down borders, primary schools, restaurants, or businesses, and never mandated masks, yet 99.998% of all their people under 60 have survived and their hospitals were never overburdened.

Why did we lock down the majority of the population who were never at significant risk? What will be the collateral damage? That is what this series will explore.

Commonsense said...

Well I have no problem figuring that out and I ain't black.

Commonsense said...

Sounds like he's a little worried about his go to demographic.

He just made it worse for himself.

Sort of like calling the people you need to edge out a victory "deplorable".

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Balls said:
I can't believe that dems really want Joe Biden as their president.

I can't believe that ANYONE, Republican, Democrat, Independent, black, white, Latino, Asian, male, female, Christian, non Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, atheist, scientist, educated, uneducated, etc. etc. etc. wants the DONALD for their president.

Fox News Poll:
“The latest Fox News Poll finds voters trust Biden to do a better job than Trump on health care by 17 points, coronavirus by 9, and relations with China by 6. Trump is trusted more on the economy by a slim 3-point margin.”

And that will be decreasing.

And I guess that poll helps explain my next post.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Tweeting Trump Complains About Fox News Again

President Trump is again complaining about Fox News on Twitter:

“Why doesn’t Fox News put up the CNBC poll or the (believe it or not!) CNN Poll? Hope Roger A is looking down and watching what has happened to this once beautiful creation!”

Oliver Darcy: “Trump is saying the quiet part out loud again. He is making it quite clear that he does not view Fox News as a legitimate news organization. If he did, he would not believe that Fox’s job is to be working to help reelect him and other Republicans. But Trump views the network as his mouthpiece. And given most of the network’s coverage, it’s hard to fault him for the misunderstanding…”

You can sure say that again. And he still has his mouthpieces there...Hannity, Ingraham, etc.

Commonsense said...

Darcy is a clown. Nobody watches CNN unless they are stuck in an airport.

Commonsense said...

Biden makes racist remark.


anonymous said...

Cramps......Mr Negative test was really positive.......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! Look....he's a fucking idiot, like you!!!

anonymous said...

And the UGA loser needed RCP to tell him

Reliance on Faulty Models

All models are faulty to some extent....they are guides of what may occur at best!!! But thanx for the lesson that most people already know!!!!!!! Asshole,

Commonsense said...

Now you know why I'm not worried that "Biden is leading".

Take him out of the basement and "BOOM".

Caliphate4vr said...

Angry fatty, still quivering in place

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAA!!!! Our UGA genius again showing why he and kemp deserve each other!!!!!! How's your lake house coming now that you have no income other than state aid.......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! Gotta suck having 2 mortgages and nothing coming in!!!!!

anonymous said...

Hey cramps....keep up the your fake bravery......maybe the economy will roar back and trump may win.....I sure would not want to take that bet as the probability of that is infinitesimal!!!!!! Gotta really suck when your whole campaign revolves around bashing obama....that will help him get the black vote which he has a solid 8% approval !!!!! LOLOLOLOLOL

Caliphate4vr said...

Doesn’t suck half bad as being incredibly old with diabetes, and scared shitless of the Wu Flu like you, fatman

Anonymous said...

James, attempt to stay on Topic.

anonymous said...

Hey goat fucker.....ESAD!!!!

Hey UGA grad....your inane post is most amusing as you live in your own little world of stupidity.....Drinking does cause brain damage as you constantly exhibit!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAA!!!!

anonymous said...

Fucking daddy,....try a little more can stop your heart which will do the world a favor!!!!!

Antimalarial drug touted by Trump is linked to increased risk of death in virus patients

A study of 96,000 patients shows that those treated with hydroxychloriquine or the closely related drug chloroquine were also more likely to suffer irregular heart rhythms that can lead to sudden cardiac death.

anonymous said...

Hey UGA loser.......funny how all you can do is make up shit to make you feel like a big man.....Well are very big and tough as you slog through life in your fantasy world partying like a frat boy and acting tough.....BWAAAAAAAA Gotta suck to be going through a couple years savings just to keep your shitty homes from being foreclosed!!!!!! God you are a dumb ass!!!!! And I can assure you.....the only thing I am scared of is 4 more years of dumb fuck trump ruining the country.....L

Commonsense said...

.I sure would not want to take that bet as the probability of that is infinitesimal!!!!!!

Actually no. Trump is a 3-2 favorite on the Vegas line.

anonymous said...

Which proves what cramps????? BTW,,, for the mentally odds had nothing to do with the election and had everything to do about the economy roaring back like trump has predicted......Do you think those odds will change when the economy stagnates like I think will happen or will he win with it tanked??????? bWAAAAAAAA!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

I think will happen or will he win with it tanked?

Kind of like, tank Abrams is my governor, Ossof AKA pajama boy is my representative and Michelle Nunn is my Senator?

You’re a complete failure fatman