Friday, May 22, 2020

Breaking News! Biden promises that Biden will defeat Biden!

“I’m prepared to say that I have a record over 40 years, and that I’m going to beat Joe Biden”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

No, what he said was
"...and I'm going to be Joe Biden."

"Be" not "beat."

Slowing the audio down proves that.

Caliphate4vr said...

Oh cute one senile old man trying to defend another

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Lol. The audio recording is neither cute nor old nor senile nor being defensive.

C.H. Truth said...

Sure Reverend...

there is clearly a "T" between Be and Biden?

You can listen to it 1000 times and the "T" will still be there.

But if you insist... then suddenly he is talking nonsense in the third person?

Which either means that he is going senile or going senile. Take your pick!

Caliphate4vr said...


One creepy old senile pedophile, trying to defend another


There's an edited slow motion version put out by some supported.

Guess it's now OK to post the edited drunken Nancy Pelosi video again !!!

Dems keep changing the rules.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Have you heard the slowed down tape, Ch?

There is no "t" after "be."

And Cali, audio recordings are also not creepy or pedophiliac.


Joe Biden tomorrow - I'm a rapist, not a racist.

How long can he hold on ????

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ain't no "t" in there.

Yet another no "there" there.



James said...

Yep “I’m prepared to say that I have a record over 40 years, and that I’m going to beat Joe Biden”

He is right though. He’s helping defeat himself every time he speaks.
That's the unedited version, thanks for once

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

No "t" in any of the versions.


James said...
Ain't no "t" in there.

Yet another no "there" there.

WHAT !!! Even your linked source says he said BEAT with a "T" !!! YOUR SOURCE.

I think he is trying to distract from this mornings racist comment.

stop trying to gaslight like those edited versions. I'll dig up Nancy Pelosi for you if edited slo-mo is now "fair"


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The slowed down version is not altered in any way, yet it even more clearly reveals that there is no "t" sound after the "be" sound. None at all.


James said...
The slowed down version is not altered in any way

So Nancy Pelosi drunk video is real !!!

And get back to us when you get your hearing fixed.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Calls for Churches to Reopen ‘Right Now’

President Trump threatened to “override the governors” to allow churches to open “right now,” Axios reports.

Said Trump:
“The governors need to do the right thing and allow these very important essential places of faith to open right now. For this weekend. If they don’t do it, I will override the governors.”

Of course, Trump doesn’t have the authority to do this, which might be why he left the news conference without taking questions.


Anonymous said...

🤣I’m prepared to say that I have a record over 40 years, and that I’m going to be Joe Biden”

James, how does your version help Basement Biden.



Regular readers of this blog know the constant spamming, lying and obsession for that left-wing Taegan Goddard blog by a certain poster. That poster james, also called the "pastor" (which he claims to be even if you can't tell by his actions) is the POS responsible and considers his mindless rude behavior his hobby. Sometimes he credits Taegan Goddard, sometimes he doesn't.

He has descended so far into TDS and desperation he fills every discussion thread with what people have described as an avalanche of spam. If this is being posted today is no different. He even gets his edited news from that site and spams that if he thinks it will hurt Trump. Every day he repeats what that site posts, regardless of topic. It gets so bad he feels the need to even repeat his spam multiple times in a single thread as well as posting in every active thread the very same spam.

He has exhibited the same mental deterioration as Joe Biden and his postings should be given the same consideration. Both their heads will probably explode when it becomes obvious that Trump will win a second term. Biden will not even notice his head did.


Whenever the POS loses an argument he goes back to spamming from his GODdard and "savior" political_lire.

And that is CONTINUOUSLY !!!



KansasDemocrat said...
🤣I’m prepared to say that I have a record over 40 years, and that I’m going to be Joe Biden”

James, how does your version help Basement Biden.

Well Biden is going to next say I have a record over 40 years, and that I’m going to be Donald Trump.


Anonymous said...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

My goodness. I was not aware of "losing" anything.

That video clearly closes the case.

On to other things,
like Trump now thinking he's the Pope or something.


James said...
My goodness. I was not aware of "losing" anything.

That video clearly closes the case.

Yep, even the link you posted quoted Biden saying he was going to BEAT Biden.

CASE CLOSED like you said.

As to losing something it is clearly your marbles, on that you are WITH JOE !!!

Anonymous said...

Q, Former vice president Joe Biden’s mid-debate promise to pick a female running mate, should he win the Democratic presidential nomination, 

Answer: I'll take Pandering for 400 Alex.

Anonymous said...

James, you link to a. Twitter feed that discredited your hearing impaired opinion.
Why did you choose that Twitter Account?

Commonsense said...

Actually James spamming is kind of low grade today.

I'm sure Goodard is busting a gut trying to figure out a talking point for Biden's latest gaff.

If Biden was a horse, they would put him out of his misery.

C.H. Truth said...

The slowed down version is not altered in any way, yet it even more clearly reveals that there is no "t" sound after the "be" sound. None at all.

If you say so Reverend...

But if you insist then maybe you can explain what the hell "I am going to be Joe Biden" actually means?

At least with "beat" (which is what he actually said) - the sentence makes sense, and it's easy to suggest he just said his own name rather than Trump's... but to suggest that he just came up with a complete nonsensical word salad is probably worse!

Commonsense said...

But if you insist then maybe you can explain what the hell "I am going to be Joe Biden" actually means?

I guess it means that "If you don't vote for me, you're not really black!!" or something.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

LOl You guys are funny.
He was saying I have a long, proud record and the guy Trump will be running against will be me, Joe Biden, that very guy, and I will beat him.

The comment F'n stupidly refers to was made by an enemy. It is the video below that establishes what Biden actually said.

But do rage on.

I just got back from grocery shopping where everyone was wearing masks. And I don't think there will be ca. 1,200 churches with people crowding into them any time soon here in Illinois. Our people have some sense.

Anonymous said...

But if you insist then maybe you can explain what the hell "I am going to be Joe Biden" actually means?"

James, had to go.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Admits Trump Can’t Override the Governors

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany was asked several times by different reporters what authority the president has to “override the governors” to reopen churches and she avoided directly answering the question.

Finally, she admitted “that’s up to the governors.”

Well, at least she didn't turn and run away the way Trump did.

Wonder if he'll now fire HER as well, for admitting can't "overrride the governors"
as he stupidly claimed he could.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

*admitting he can't

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

By claiming he can override the governors and open up the churches "right now," Trump is desperately trying to reverse his deepening decline among conservative Christians.

Politico reports
Trump Loses Support Among Religious Conservatives
May 22, 2020 at 4:01 pm EDTs

“A sudden shift in support for President Trump among religious conservatives is triggering alarm bells inside his reelection campaign.

“The anxiety over Trump’s standing with the Christian right surfaced after a pair of surveys by reputable outfits earlier this month found waning confidence in the administration’s coronavirus response among key religious groups, with a staggering decline in the president’s favorability among white evangelicals and white Catholics. Both are crucial constituencies that supported Trump by wide margins in 2016 and could sink his reelection prospects if their turnout shrinks this fall.

“The polls paint a bleak picture for Trump… One GOP official said the dip in the president’s evangelical support also appeared in internal party polling.”


Good News! The REAL Gospel Chariot's a-comin'!!!



Regular readers of this blog know the constant spamming, lying and obsession for that left-wing Taegan Goddard blog by a certain poster. That poster james, also called the "pastor" (which he claims to be even if you can't tell by his actions) is the POS responsible and considers his mindless rude behavior his hobby. Sometimes he credits Taegan Goddard, sometimes he doesn't.

He has descended so far into TDS and desperation he fills every discussion thread with what people have described as an avalanche of spam. If this is being posted today is no different. He even gets his edited news from that site and spams that if he thinks it will hurt Trump. Every day he repeats what that site posts, regardless of topic. It gets so bad he feels the need to even repeat his spam multiple times in a single thread as well as posting in every active thread the very same spam.

He has exhibited the same mental deterioration as Joe Biden and his postings should be given the same consideration. Both their heads will probably explode when it becomes obvious that Trump will win a second term. Biden will not even notice his head did.


As predicted back to more Goddard spam from the "pastor"

ROFLMFAO at the predictability !!!

C.H. Truth said...

He was saying I have a long, proud record and the guy Trump will be running against will be me, Joe Biden, that very guy, and I will beat him.

If that is what he was "trying to say"...

Then he is way, way further along the dementia path than previously thought.

Because it wasn't even close to that.

It would be much better to suggest he just substituted his own name for Trump and be done with it.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Joe is gaff prone, but not one that big.


Catturd ™

Can you imagine voting for someone for President who hides in their basement during a crisis and can't form a coherent sentence?


Biden statement on controversy :

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


FBI Orders Probe of Michael Flynn Investigation

“FBI Director Christopher Wray has ordered an internal review into possible misconduct in the investigation of former Trump administration national security adviser Michael Flynn,” the AP reports.

My prediction:
This will not go the way Trump wants it to go.

see the following:

from Wiki on FBI Director Christopher Wray:

'On December 9, 2019, Wray was interviewed by ABC News following the release of the DoJ inspector general's report on the origins of the Russia investigation. In the interview, when asked about characterizations of the FBI and its agents as the "deep state", Wray responded: "I think that's the kind of label that's a disservice to the men and women who work at the FBI who I think tackle their jobs with professionalism, with rigor, with objectivity, with courage. So that's not a term I would ever use to describe our work force and I think it's an affront to them."

'He said he did not believe the Trump campaign was unfairly targeted by the FBI probe.

'He also denied the debunked conspiracy theory that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 presidential elections, stating
"We have no information that indicates that Ukraine interfered with the 2016 presidential election" and "as far as the [2020] election itself goes, we think Russia represents the most significant threat."

'This led Trump to criticize Wray the following day, claiming that Wray would "never be able to fix the FBI."

You see, Trump prefers to have only "yes" men around him everywhere.



Regular readers of this blog know the constant spamming, lying and obsession for that left-wing Taegan Goddard blog by a certain poster. That poster james, also called the "pastor" (which he claims to be even if you can't tell by his actions) is the POS responsible and considers his mindless rude behavior his hobby. Sometimes he credits Taegan Goddard, sometimes he doesn't.

He has descended so far into TDS and desperation he fills every discussion thread with what people have described as an avalanche of spam. If this is being posted today is no different. He even gets his edited news from that site and spams that if he thinks it will hurt Trump. Every day he repeats what that site posts, regardless of topic. It gets so bad he feels the need to even repeat his spam multiple times in a single thread as well as posting in every active thread the very same spam.

He has exhibited the same mental deterioration as Joe Biden and his postings should be given the same consideration. Both their heads will probably explode when it becomes obvious that Trump will win a second term. Biden will not even notice his head did.



Noah Shachtman

@RepSwalwell really lets loose here, saying he no longer trusts ODNI and FBI to deliver the truth about Russian interference in 2020.

Rep. Eric Swalwell
Slight correction on your tweet: I trust FBI & Director Wray. I don’t trust @ODNIgov Directors @RichardGrenell or @RepRatcliffe. They’re the ones with the shovels burying evidence to protect @realDonaldTrump.

Richard Grenell
I’m letting the public see more info. You are the one who worked to hide the information you didn’t like. You listened to multiple people in classified hearings say they had no evidence and yet go on TV and say the opposite. Transparency is now a must!
Dem's can't stand the transparency or transcripts showing their continuous blatant lies. More unredactions and releases PLEASE


btw this is way to late for Wray to start doing his job. He needs to go NOW. He's had this info for years and did nothing. No wonder Swalwell supports him

C.H. Truth said...

“FBI Director Christopher Wray has ordered an internal review into possible misconduct in the investigation of former Trump administration national security adviser Michael Flynn,” the AP reports.

of course he did...

The IG reports already confirm what we already known and Barr and Durham are wandering down the criminal portion of things.

Wray is doing one of two things:

1) getting out ahead of what Durham will release at the right time
2) trying to create some sort of alternate explanation to what Durham has likely come up with.

Commonsense said...

1,200 churches with people crowding into them any time soon here in Illinois. Our people have some sense.

So this is why the mayor of Stalinville is putting concrete barriers around church and putting pastors in jail and fining them.

Ok James.

So I guess you're out of a job again. You should socially distance from little boys.

Anonymous said...

Oh no Joe.

He now says the "you're not black"

Was Just A Joke.
Come on Man.

Commonsense said...

Wray sat on his dead ass for nearly three years trying to protect the FBI rather than hold the rogue political operatives to account.

He should be fired, and Grenell should be hired. He would be every dishonest political agent's worst nightmare.

Commonsense said...

He now says the "you're not black"
Was Just A Joke.
Come on Man.

Yeah, nobody's buying it. Marc Lamont Hill is especially pissed.


Talk about a group of crooks:

Christopher Wray worked on the Enron team along side Mueller, Comey and Weissmann.

Their convictions were overturned 9-0 by the Supreme Court and Weismann was accused of PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT. Somehow he managed to not get fired and go on to lead the efforts against Trump in the Russian Collusion Hoax. Now he is doing Biden fundraisers.

And we saw what Mueller did on his "investigation" and testimony, while he let Weismann run wild.


Commonsense said...

How the hell did James get "be" when Biden clearly said "beat"?

I know the answer. James is a dishonest hack.

Commonsense said...

Kaylee giving the White House press corps homework for the weekend.

With apologies to Sarah and Sean, she's the best press secretary Trump has had.


Statement by Robert L. Johnson, founder of Black Entertainment Television & RLJ Companies.

“VP Biden’s statement today represents the, arrogant and out-of-touch attitude of a paternalistic white candidate who has the audacity to tell Black people, the descendants of slaves that they are not Black unless they vote for him. This proves unequivocally that the Democratic nominee believes that Black people owe him their vote without question; even though, we as Black people know it is exactly the opposite. He should spend the rest of his campaign apologizing to every Black person he meets.”

Wait till Biden calls him a lying dog-faced pony soldier and to sit down until he's asked to speak.

But first go fetch a record for Bidens record player.

And no more malarkey.

Guess his VP running mate is now definitely a woman of color.


Comrade Fudge

Joe Biden is going to be cornered into picking Stacy Abrams for his running mate. No one else wants to be the vp candidate to a fucking trainwreck.

Anonymous said...

Joe was only Joking about them "blacks".

Anonymous said...

Anyone, anyone at all, can you name on Religious thing about James?

I can't.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Anyone, anyone at all, can you name on[e] Religious thing about James?

I can't.


I can.

Like Jesus, I advocate for the poor against the rich.

As Jesus said,
"Woe to you who are rich now,
for you have already received your comfort.

Woe to you who are well fed now,
for you will go hungry.

Woe to you who laugh now,
for you will mourn and weep.

Woe to you when all speak well of you,
for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets.

Blessed are you who are poor,
for yours is the kingdom of God.

Blessed are you who hunger now,
for you will be satisfied.

Blessed are you who weep now,
for you will laugh.

Blessed are you when people hate you
and exclude you
and insult you
and reject your name as evil...
Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy,
for your reward is great in heaven.
For that is how their ancestors treated the real prophets."

Like Jesus, I do not think material things are as important as spiritual things.

Jesus said,
"Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed, for life does not consist in the abundance of your possessions. What good is it for you to gain the whole world, and yet forfeit your very soul?"

Like Jesus, I think that how we treat even the poorest of the poor and the least of the least is how we treat God.

Jesus said, "Whatever you do for one of the least of my brothers or sisters, you do for me, and whatever you do not do for them, you do not do for me."

I never hear any of you talking like that. With you it all greed for wealth and disdain for the poor and less unfortunate, including the stranger and the person who is alien or different.

Jesus said, "I was a stranger* and you did not invite me in."
*stranger = sojourner, foreigner, immigrant, alien.

Commonsense said...

Wanting to keep what you earned is not greed.

Wanting to take other peoples wealth is greed and envy.

It is certainly not Christian (thou shall not steal, thou shall not covet).


Anyone, anyone at all, can you name on[e] Religious thing about James?

I can't.

Neither can I nor anybody else here.

Except the lying POS himself who wraps himself in sheep's clothing.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

This is what Jesus told the rich young man who wanted to know what he must do to be sure he would "inherit eternal life."

Jesus said,
"Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.
Then come,follow me."

The man's face fell "and he went away sad, because he had great wealth."

And apparently he wanted to keep it.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Also, we know from Acts chapters 2 and 4 that the earliest church in Jerusalem literally "had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods they gave to everyone as they had need... No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.... There were no needy persons among them. From time to time those who owned lands or houses sold them, brought the money from the sale... and it was distributed to any who had need."

Does that sound
more Republican than Democratic
more Democratic than Republican?


Some asshole here called Donald a racist and white supremist (blatant lies). Here's just one video of him over 15 years ago hanging out. Looks much more "real" and comfortable than people like Biden.

Woj. Pawelczyk

Flashback (2005): Donald Trump appears on G-Unit Radio with 50 Cent, DJ Whoo Kid and Tony Yayo


You can tell a lot about a person by his actions and Trump has MANY more supporters than the "pastor".

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Does the Donald have more supporters than does the Christ?


Someone recently was bragging about buying a new computer. having 2 homes and a few years ago making more money than he ever had in his life.

And now he is trying to preach about his virtue.



James said...
Does the Donald have more supporters than does the Christ?

What the HELL is wrong with you ?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

No, what is wrong with you?
Would Jesus approve of the kind of language you use almost all the time?


James said...
No, what is wrong with you?
Would Jesus approve of the kind of language you use almost all the time?

I'm not a "pastor", Jesus approved of people the church hated such as whores. I don't think he would have any trouble with descriptive language directed at an individual such as yourself who lies constantly. I do think hw would have trouble with your holier than though attitude and your daily actions here.

But that's a judgement you will face yourself.

And I'm glad I'm not in your shoes.


* he

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

All who seek to follow Jesus are pastors, priests.
The church is a priesthood of all believers, or it is supposed to be.

Someone asked me.
"James have you given all your wealth to the poor?
Yeah, thought not.
You're awfully moral with other people's money."

I answered:
Have you?
Jesus told the rich young ruler to do exactly that.

Have any of you who blog here ever advocated a single political program that would benefit the poor more than the rich?

If so, what?


Govt expands Hydroxychloroquine as prophylactic for healthcare workers

NEW DELHI : After some promising results on the efficacy of prophylactic use of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) against COVID-19 infection, the Central government has expanded the use of the medicine as prophylaxis to healthcare and other frontline workers deployed in non-COVID and COVID area.

The Union Health Ministry on Thursday revised advisory on the use of HCQ as prophylactic for COVID-19 infection.

The decision came after the National Task Force (NTF) for COVID-19 constituted by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) reviewed the use of HCQ for prophylaxis of SARS-CoV-2 infection for high-risk population based on the emerging evidence on its safety and efficacy.

Thus, the Joint Monitoring Group and National Task Force (NTF) have now recommended the prophylactic use of HCQ in the following categories- All asymptomatic healthcare workers involved in containment and treatment of COVID-19 and asymptomatic healthcare workers working in non-COVID hospitals/non-COVID areas of COVID hospitals/blocks, Asymptomatic frontline workers, such as surveillance workers deployed in containment zones and paramilitary/police personnel involved in COVID-19 related activities and Asymptomatic household contacts of laboratory-confirmed cases.

the "pastor" actively roots against such success's. But he will tell you what a good person he is and how bad you are.


Ed Rollins

the pastor is supporting a real racist.


Ed Rollins

Joe Biden:

- Believes black Trump supporters aren't black

- Befriended segregationists

- Against desegregation busing

- Opposed @realDonaldTrump's policies that led to low black unemployment

Biden says he's not racist?

Mine, @greatamericapac, & @ericbeachgop response:

fixed it


Chanel Rion OAN

Joe Biden formally named in criminal case in Ukraine.

Watch this case unfold.

High Treason for Ukrainian officials... Foreign interference for Biden and Kerry.

First aired 5/20/20

Joe's got LOT'S of TROUBLES.


John Hayward

I feel a great swell of pity for anyone who thinks the hacks defending Biden for just telling a harmless little joke are sincere.

WARNING: If YOU dare to tell such a "joke," your life and career will be instantly destroyed and you will be branded a racist forever.

That's what the "tolerant" left does. Exactly what the "pastor" does.


Molly McCann

The Obama administration was breathtakingly corrupt and perpetrated the first clear attempted coup in our nation's history. Not a peep from the media.

The complicit corruption of the mainstream media should be an ongoing scandal.

I'd criticize the "pastor" but he was just too dumb to notice. And he loved to carry their water.

Anonymous said...

In that same interview Joe said:
"Biden had just gone through a rambling monologue on changing the prison system where he said one thing “everybody has in common in jail” is that inmates “can’t read” and awkwardly repeated the phrase “You end up under the bridge.”

What the hell .

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Jesus said,
Woe to you who are rich,
blessed are you who are poor.

(See above.)

Have any of you ever advocated a single political program that reflects his teachings and would benefit the poor more than the rich?

If so, what?

You help the rich by giving them tax breaks both personal and corporate far out of proportion to what they should get, and you hurt the middle class by taxing them too much proportionately.

The problem you have is not with me,
but with the teachings of Jesus
which your political stance in no way reflects.


FAKE POS "pastor" wrapped in sheep's clothing.

20th century capitalism has raised more people out of poverty than any time in history.

America has helped more foreign countries and people than anyone.

Republicans give much more to charities than Democrats.

The lying POS "pastor" james spams, preaches and is a waste of time and *spit*