Sunday, May 17, 2020

Colorado finds over one fourth of Covid-19 deaths, not really "due to" Covid-19

Colorado amends coronavirus death count - says fewer have died of COVID-19 than previously reported
Colorado has made a stunning and significant change to the way it counts COVID-19 deaths that reduced the statewide figure from more than 1,000 to 878, according to a report.
Fox News on Friday reported on one of those stories as part of a report that found that the hodgepodge way states counted COVID-19 deaths was a reason why some people believe the U.S. COVID-19 death figure was exaggerated.
The change came after Colorado’s Department of Public Health admitted that its COVID-19 death toll was counting those who tested positive for the coronavirus but had died of other causes, Fox 31 Denver reported late Friday. The department now says 1,150 Coloradoans who died had COVID-19 but only 878 of those deaths were “due to” COVID-19.
The story involved a 35-year-old man from Montezuma County who died May 4 of alcohol poisoning but whose death was counted in Colorado’s COVID-19 death toll.
“The state is reporting that death as a COVID death, but our health department wanted to let people know that even though the person did have the virus, they did not die from it,” the Montezuma County Health Department said about the man's death.

So what happened here, and what has been happening elsewhere is that anyone who dies (of any cause) and has a positive result from Covid-19 is automatically listed as death "due to" Covid-19.

In this case the person would not experiencing any serious Covid-19 symptoms, was not hospitalized due to Covid-19, but rather admitted to the hospital and later died of alcohol poisoning. Upon admission, he was given a mandatory test for Covid-19 which came back positive. Because of that test, Covid-19 was then listed as the "cause of death" in spite Covid-19 symptoms not even being present.

At this point, Colorado has gone back and combed through their listed Covid-19 deaths and found that over a fourth of their reported deaths were not "due to" Covid-19, but just people who died of other causes that tested positive for Covid-19.

Meanwhile, several states are still processing death certificates with Covid-19 listed as the cause of death, without a positive test for Covid-19. In many cases  family members have argued that the cause of death was consistent with preexisting ailments, and not necessarily Covid-19.

In one case, it was said that a Prominent Federal Judge had a family member die and that the cause of death listed Covid-19 on the death certificate (even though the patient tested negative for Covid-19). They ordered a full autopsy (because the family member had other long term ailments consistent with the death) and those autopsy results disputed the death certificate. The doctor who performed that autopsy found no evidence of either the Covid-19 virus itself, or anything that was inconsistent with the decedent passing from their long term preexisting ailments.

Time will tell whether Covid-19 is being over-counted or under-counted. I suspect we will find that there is a little of both going on. But this is the first real tangible empirical evidence of either. So far all of the speculation about under-counting is just that, speculation. At least here in the United States there is no statistical evidence coming from the CDC to back up that speculation.


anonymous said...

So what happened here, and what has been happening elsewhere is that anyone who dies (of any cause) and has a positive result from Covid-19 is automatically listed as death "due to" Covid-19.

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Lil Schitty again proves his stupidity by again applying a maybe adjustment to the universe like the good little fucking idiot he is!!!!!!!1 Again, it is just a number to you and not a life.....go fuck yourself and I sure hope your parents and in laws appreciate what a fucking loser you really are!!!!!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

Sorry Denny... there is nothing "maybe" about it...

this comes from the OFFICIAL Colorado website:

So you might want to take it up with the Colorado Department of Health and Environment and let them know you think that they are idiots who's parents should be ashamed of them.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

They don't count the number of people who died at home by the virus. Faux News stories are propaganda for the President.


so roger thinks LOTS of people living by themselves are going to be discovered dead in their homes. Never noticed they had symptoms, weren't scared, didn't see a doctor, had no support system whatsoever. Uncertain how transmission occurred and no autopsy performed.

This sounds like fake news

may be a few but certainly not many.


Commonsense said...

They don't count the number of people who died at home by the virus.

Because they more likely died of a heart attack or or some other cause because they were afraid of going to the ER and get medical treatment.

Roger's statement is nothing is nothing but Democrat pandemic porn design to create more fear and uncertainty.

It's a law in every state that unattended death must be autopsied to determine the cause of death. If COVID-19 was the cause there is significant damage to the lungs that is peculiar to the virus. And if that's not good enough they could always culture the tissue.

The bottom line, outside actual fraudulent death certificates, we could (and should) a pretty good idea who died of COVID-19 whether they died in hospital or not.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Other views are surely welcomed here.

The Financial Times says that
Trump's America Has Failed Itself and the World

“American leadership in any disaster, whether a tsunami or an Ebola outbreak, has been a truism for decades. The US is renowned for helping others in an emergency.

“In hindsight, Trump’s claim to global leadership leaps out. History will mark Covid-19 as the first time that ceased to be true. US airlifts have been missing in action. America cannot even supply itself.

“South Korea, which has a population density nearly 15 times greater and is next door to China, has lost a total of 259 lives to the disease. There have been days when America has lost 10 times that number. The US death toll is now approaching 90,000.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Washington Post says that
Trump Lets Others Take the Lead

“President Trump has proclaimed the latest phase of pandemic response the ‘transition to greatness.’ But Trump appears poised to preside over the eventual transition more as a salesman and marketer than a decider.

“Many consequential actions are being done by others.
*The nation’s governors are overseeing their states’ plans to reopen their economies.

*Business leaders are making their own choices about how their employees can safely and responsibly return to work.

*Treasury officials are negotiating with Congress the details of financial stimulus packages.

*And scientists and public health officials are leading the race for a vaccine.

“The United States under Trump has also retreated from its historic position of global leadership, declining, for instance, to participate in a coronavirus summit with other nations earlier this month.”
The USA had the misfortune of having Trump in office at this time of great leadership need.

C.H. Truth said...

They don't count the number of people who died at home by the virus.

People who die of Covid-19 generally require hospitalization. If they die at home, they still have to call someone who will do an autopsy and they are testing for Covid-19. Every death has a "cause" listed on a death certificate. My mother died at home, and doctors still provided a cause of death.

Caliphate4vr said...

And this blog has the misfortune of having a stupid old pederast constantly posting drivel

C.H. Truth said...

I see the Reverend... after making such a big deal over the international airport deal, has not yet acknowledged that there is no such correlation between international flights in and out of a city and Covid-19 deaths.

Nope... just goes right back to Cutting and Pasting.

Obviously engaging in his original argument would take real thought process.

anonymous said...

Sorry Denny... there is nothing "maybe" about it...


When the CDC or Johns Hopkins changes it for EVERYONE!!!!!!!! Colorado changing is only interesting and means nothing !!!!! God you are a fucking idiot Lil Schitty......Again your wanton disregard for life is revolting and indicative of the GOP looking for another way to lose!!!!!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

As the morons at the Washington post...

Act as if the fact our basis of Government is a Republican (not a Federation) is somehow something to criticize the President for.

Perhaps they should go back to Government 101 before chastising the idea that States and Governors have ultimate authority to open or close their states. Because (of course) they constitutionally do. Even a hint that they don't would amount to a gross misunderstanding of how our country is run.

Commonsense said...

Why the Lockdown Lost

The nationwide lockdown during the 2020 global COVID-19 crisis will be the debate of historians for decades to come.

On one side, pointy-brained lab coats in ivory towers, some of whom had been less-than-successful physicians, found themselves anointed with the inebriation of power.

Hollywood stars invited them onto their podcasts. News networks fawned at how they seemed so much more enlightened than the orange man. Their nightly appearance on cable news and network-wide daily two-hour press conferences caused more people to know their name than at any time of their career.

With so many trappings their doom was sure, but the price of that failure cost more lives than it should have.

But it wasn’t just Fauci’s fault. Inept governors running huge budget deficits tried to scapegoat their failures in financially upside-down states on the virus and simultaneously skate their way out of jams. California, Illinois, and New York were in ruinous shape prior to COVID-19. By going along with the ivory tower lab coat, by pinning blame on the orange man, and by believing their own press, these disasters in office could improve their personal standing.

But it all blew up.


Where’s the accountability?

Who thought it would be best to only allow treatments for COVID-19 to be applied in hospital settings as opposed to frontline primary care physicians' offices? By doing so we exhausted hospital staffs and actually caused infection to worsen to less curable stages.

Who thought it was a great idea to force nursing homes to take COVID-19 cases when death amongst those aged over 70, with underlying conditions, were the ones we were all locked down to protect? What happened to preventing the “Grandma killers,” public health experts?

Who thought it would be preferable to push for vaccines—that didn’t have a financial conflict of interest involved? When inexpensive treatments were immediately available and a dozen more became available within weeks?

anonymous said...

Trumps shit does not roll very far from the tree as the anointed spawn needs a bitch slapping but since he is privileged he will get a pass just like his asshole father!!!!!

nstagram Post
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s eldest son on Saturday posted a social media message suggesting Joe Biden was a pedophile, an incendiary and baseless charge that illustrates the tactics the president is turning to as he attempts to erase Biden’s early advantage in key state polls.

Donald Trump Jr., who is one of his father’s most prominent campaign surrogates, put on Instagram a picture of Biden saying: “See you later, alligator” alongside an image of an alligator saying: “In a while, pedophile.”

When a reporter shared the Instagram post online, the younger Trump, echoing one of his father’s tactics, wrote on Twitter that he was only “joking around” and noted that he had included emojis of a laughing face.

Yet in the same Twitter post, he also reprised his original insinuation. He accused the former vice president of “unwanted touching” alongside a collage of photographs of Biden showing affection for children. The misleading images were mostly taken from public swearing-in ceremonies at the Capitol, where the former vice president warmly greeted lawmakers and their families.

Biden has been accused by some adult women of inappropriate behavior but he has never faced any suggestion of misconduct with a child. Trump himself faces roughly two dozen accusations of sexual misconduct, and in the “Access Hollywood” tape from 2005 bragged about sexually assaulting women and grabbing them by their private parts.

Trump Jr.’s inflammatory and baseless claim, which he shared with his 2.8 million Instagram followers, comes as his father and the reelection campaign have sought to weaken Biden and attack other perceived enemies with an onslaught of allegations and insinuations rarely seen in modern elections.

C.H. Truth said...

When the CDC or Johns Hopkins changes it for EVERYONE!!!!!!!!

John Hopkins is only gathering information, Denny. They have no actual authority over how the numbers are being reported and they will likely still report the total deaths, not the "due to" deaths.

The CDC will eventually want to get the information accurate (one would assume) so there should be no question that they do not want someone who dies of Alcohol poisoning being listed as a Covi-19 just because he tested positive (and was asymptomatic).

But either way... the ultimate authority here is the State governments. They will decide (and nobody will decide for them). That's how it works in our Government Denny.

C.H. Truth said...

Faux News stories are propaganda for the President.

The story can be confirmed by simply going to the Colorado website (as I did). It's not propaganda if it's true.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

C.H. Truth said...
I see the Reverend... after making such a big deal over the international airport deal, has not yet acknowledged that there is no such correlation between international flights in and out of a city and Covid-19 deaths.

Nope... just goes right back to Cutting and Pasting.

Obviously engaging in his original argument would take real thought process.

From the previous thread:

Remember when James said that Illinois had more deaths from Covid-19 than Florida, Georgia, and other places... because of their big international airport?

US Airports listed by number of international flights

No, I don't remember saying that.
I said that the larger population centers with larger numbers of international passengers passing through have tended to have the worst, largest infection rates:

New York- 16+ million passengers
Los Angeles - 12+ million
Miami - 10+ million
Newark - 6+ million
San Francisco - 6+ million
Chicago - 6+ million
Atlanta - 6 million

Look at the NYT map of states with the largest and smallest numbers of infection rates, signified by larger and smaller red circles.

Ch can only lie like so many others here.

Yep. The largeness of the infection rates follows the list above.

Looks like I "the Reverend" was right... again!

Commonsense said...

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s eldest son on Saturday posted a social media message suggesting Joe Biden was a pedophile

You mean the "Petting Zoo" one? Yeah, that was funny.

I don't know why the Washington Post is so outraged. After all, there is video.

Caliphate4vr said...

No, I don't remember saying that.
I said that the larger population centers with larger numbers of international passengers passing through have tended to have the worst, largest infection rates:

You’re a liar pederast, this is what you said
Compare the number of flights into GA with the number of flights into our larger airports.

You didn’t mention international flights nor passengers

Who’s the liar, that would be the “pastor”

Commonsense said...

I said that the larger population centers with larger numbers of international passengers

1. You didn't say passengers, you said flights, you blog comments are forever.
2. In your new spin you counted the passengers going through JFK, LGU and NEW combined for New York while you only counted MIA for Miami. You omitted FLX and PBA which is included in Miami's metro area, Combine those airports and Miami has slightly more international passengers. The Miami Metro area has less than a tenth of the cases and deaths that New York has.

Trying to prove someone is a liar by lying is no way to go through life.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Read further down that thread and you will see that I DID clarify that.

Caliphate4vr said...

After having your ass thumped you moved the goalposts, you dishonest hack

Commonsense said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commonsense said...

Read further down that thread and you will see that I DID clarify that.

All that I'm reading says you clearly lied.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I was wrong about one thing:
It's the Governor Kemp thread.

There I clarified:

Blogger James said...
And now someone will show everyone how stupid I am by listing the number of international flight passengers who pass through our top ten airports.
May 15, 2020 at 2:59 PM Delete

Blogger James said...
No, not passengers in general as in 2:54.

May 15, 2020 at 3:01 PM Delete

Caliphate4vr said...

What was your claim, pederast? The busiest airport in the world doesn’t handle the flights.

You got caught making shit up, you’re a hack and fucking stoooopid

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch had listed all flights in his post at 2:54.
But I was talking about international passengers passing through airports.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

LOL Domestic flights didn't bring in the virus.
International flights did.

Caliphate4vr said...

And many of those passengers go to the WORLD’S BUSIEST AIRPORT for their final destination.

You got caught not c&p because you are stupid

Caliphate4vr said...

And this is still an appalling ignorant statement

Compare the number of flights into GA with the number of flights into our larger airports.


Commonsense said...

An Orgy of Plague Death, Deferred

More heartening, the states that have begun to experiment with a phased reopening of public and commercial spaces have benefited doing so. Florida and Georgia, which relied on their publics to abide by guidelines that recommend frequent hand-washing, mask-wearing, and social distancing, have been rewarded for their faith. More than two weeks have passed since these states began cautiously easing their lockdowns, and their respective caseloads continue to decline. “Florida’s new cases have actually declined by 14 [percent] compared to the previous week, and Georgia’s fell by 12 [percent],” Axios reported.

Those declines are in line with harder-hit states like New York, New Jersey, and Michigan, which maintain relatively aggressive lockdown measures—a result that lends credence to the growing number of studies questioning the efficacy of Draconian “stay-at-home” orders. The lack of firm conclusions researchers can draw from these conflicting data patterns should be a source of embarrassment for those who leveraged these re-openings to prosecute a partisan grudge against their respective governors and, broadly, the Republican Party.

Commonsense said...

More on Georgia:

To some, Georgia’s Gov. Brian Kemp and Florida’s Gov. Ron DeSantis’s decisions to begin reopening their states at the end of April was the fulfillment of a demonic pact that would consign their states’ residents to an orgy of death. At least, those were the dispassionate, more-in-sorrow predictions of those who were guided only by “the science.”

In the Atlantic, Amanda Mull’s dispatch anticipating Georgia’s apocalyptic future was entitled simply, “Georgia’s Experiment in Human Sacrifice: The state is about to find out how many people need to lose their lives to shore up the economy.” According to her reporting, though Georgians chafed under lockdown, there was no serious insurrectionary sentiment among the people when Kemp announced his intention to relax restrictions on service industries. “Georgians are now the largely unwilling canaries in an invisible coal mine,” she wrote, “sent to find out just how many individuals need to lose their job or their life for a state to work through a plague.”

“Public health experts fear coronavirus will burn through Georgia like nothing has since William Tecumseh Sherman,” read a florid analogy from the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank. His tongue-in-cheek piece, “Georgia leads the race to become America’s No. 1 Death Destination,” toyed with the notion that Peach State residents were dying to work out at their local gyms including “CrossImmunity” and “Superspreader” boot camp. Cosmetologists could perform a “deep lung-tissue massage.” Restaurant-goers could enjoy “wet-market-to-table restaurants to experience a growing sampling of zoonotic dishes.” This columnist clearly enjoyed the time he spent crafting witty prose around the prospect of plague.

Those who did not strike either an authoritative or flippant tone struck a more somber note. “Mark this day,” Ron Fournier wrote on April 20. “Because two and three weeks from now, the Georgia death toll is blood on his hands. And as Georgians move around the country, they’ll spread more death and economic destruction.”

Commonsense said...

More on Florida:

Florida’s DeSantis was, according to state Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell, “reckless, premature, and irresponsible” to allow municipalities to reopen their coasts in mid-April. When stores began reopening, the Miami Herald editorial board accused the governor of serving up his state’s citizens as a sacrifice in return for some imagined “political favor” from the president. As recently as this week, the Washington Post’s Ben Terris and Josh Dawsey described DeSantis as the prototypical “Florida Man”—a “devil-may-care and slightly oafish, beloved but not admired” cliché of a human being. They at least allowed for the prospect that this “Florida Man” might know what he’s doing. But even as his state’s Democratic opposition continues to rail against their governor, Democrat-led areas of the state like Broward and Miami-Dade counties are also preparing to relax their restrictions on commerce starting next week.

This retrospective is important, in part, because American elected officials are improvising their way through this crisis, and the trajectory of this disease is vexingly unpredictable. It routinely cofounds those who believe themselves capable of assessing its ability to kill and incapacitate. There’s much we do not know, and the myriad human and environmental factors that contribute to modeling the path of this outbreak are simply overwhelming. Prudence alone, to say nothing of decency, should prevent us from issuing unfounded predictions—particularly when those predictions just happen to advance a preferred political objective.

C.H. Truth said...

New York- 16+ million passengers
Los Angeles - 12+ million
Miami - 10+ million
Newark - 6+ million
San Francisco - 6+ million
Chicago - 6+ million
Atlanta - 6 million

And your comparison was Illinois vs Georgia and Florida, Reverend...

Where your suggestion was that the reason Illinois has a larger outbreak is because of international travel.

We all know there are a number of reasons why NY City is at the top of the list. We also know that all of those reasons (more people per square mile, more mass transit, more immigration, more foreign travel, etc) are all the very reasons why so many people (especially liberals) flock to New York.

So you can add to the reasons for the larger outbreak being the very type of community that NY City is. Right, wrong, or indifferent, the east coast population centers are prone to this sort of pandemic to a degree that your "flyover" country is not. Largely because conservatives have no real desire to live on top of each other, deal with the crime, garbage, and other things associated with a city like New York. Nor do they find much use for illegal immigration criminals being protected by the local government.

Either way... according to your own logic - California and Florida should be at the top of the list of Covid-19 casualties, and they simply are not. There is no reason to look at your logic and have it show that Illinois is worse off than Georgia or Texas because of international travel.

Commonsense said...

Top 50 Destination New Yorkers fled to escape Coronavirus/Cuomo/de Blasio

Number one? Miami/Ft Lauderdale/West Palm Beach.

We're so lucky.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

If Ch could find some way of proving that the number of passengers flying in from China and Europe is smaller in the northeast and the far west than it is in the southeast, I guess he would have a case. That NYT map is pretty clear, though.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Commonsense said...
WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s eldest son on Saturday posted a social media message suggesting Joe Biden was a pedophile

You mean the "Petting Zoo" one? Yeah, that was funny.

I don't know why the Washington Post is so outraged. After all, there is video.

Really? Video of Biden molesting a child?

I thought it was Trump, not Biden, who was accused of raping a thirteeen year old girl.
I didn't realize it was Biden.

Oh wait. It WAS Trump.

Commonsense said...

There is no reason to look at your logic and have it show that Illinois is worse off than Georgia or Texas because of international travel.

Illinois is worse off because of a putz of a governor and a loser as the Chicago mayor.

You get the government you voter for. Hopefully there's still enough people in Illinois smart enough to know that come election time.

Caliphate4vr said...

Stupid many of those fliers to the Northeast and far West don’t get home until they connect through the ATL

You always fail to address this, it’s the BUSIEST AIRPORT IN THE WORLD

You’re DUMB

Commonsense said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commonsense said...

Really? Video of Biden molesting a child?

Of him "hugging" (I'll leave it up to others to judge the placement of his hands) a little girl from behind and kissing her hair.

(and yes it's all over the internet so I'm not going to link it for you)

I'm hardly surprise James that you would not find that behavior inappropriate.

Commonsense said...

Stupid many of those fliers to the Northeast and far West don’t get home until they connect through the ATYou always fail to address this, it’s the BUSIEST AIRPORT IN THE WORLD

This is true. I know for sure that you can't get to Tallahassee without going thru ATL. Now even from cities in Florida,

(Not that anybody really wants to go to Tallahassee unless they have to.)

Caliphate4vr said...

The southeast has a population of 97 million and unless you’re in South FL, you’re flying through ATL and I don’t give a damn if it’s to Europe or Asia.

The pederast can’t admit he didn’t know WTF he was talking about

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Commonsense said: There is no reason to look at your logic and have it show that Illinois is worse off than Georgia or Texas because of international travel.

I'm not going to keep indulging you idiots by continuing to argue what seems so clear.

Maybe Illinois is worse off because it is so much more intimately connected with the HUGE northeastern inflights of passengers from China and Europe?

But what MOST matters now is careful monitoring of what the results of cutting back on social distancing brings with it.

Illinois avoided what could have been far worse by the prompt action of its governor.

Caliphate4vr said...

I'm not going to keep indulging you idiots by continuing to argue what seems so clear.

I’d slink away and change the topic as well, you’ve been completely destroyed by your own stupidity


I see the lying POS "pastor" james is bringing up a civil lawsuit brought up by a girl who had accused the president, but later dropped all charges.

Dems are great at bringing false charges then staying with the narrative.

like the lying POS "pastor"

spamming and lying are Boswell's hobby.


YouTube censors epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski for opposing lockdown

Big Tech companies are aggressively tamping down on COVID-19 “misinformation” — opinions and ideas contrary to official pronouncements.

Dr. Knut M. Wittkowski, former head of biostatistics, epidemiology and research design at Rockefeller University, says YouTube removed a video of him talking about the virus which had racked up more than 1.3 million views.

Wittkowski, 65, is a ferocious critic of the nation’s current steps to fight the coronavirus. He has derided social distancing, saying it only prolongs the virus’ existence and has attacked the current lockdown as mostly unnecessary.

Wittkowski, who holds two doctorates in computer science and medical biometry, believes the coronavirus should be allowed to achieve “herd immunity,” and that short of a vaccine the pandemic will only end after it has sufficiently spread through the population.

“With all respiratory diseases, the only thing that stops the disease is herd immunity. About 80% of the people need to have had contact with the virus, and the majority of them won’t even have recognized that they were infected,” he says in the now-deleted video.

“I was just explaining what we had,” Wittkowski told The Post of the video, saying he had no idea why it was removed. The footage was produced by the British film company Journeyman Pictures.

“They don’t tell you. They just say it violates our community standards. There’s no explanation for what those standards are or what standards it violated.”

In articles and interviews across the web, he has likened COVID-19 to a “bad flu.” That likely made him a target for YouTube, which said in April it would be “removing information that is problematic” about the pandemic.

“Anything that goes against [World Health Organization] recommendations would be a violation of our policy and so removal is another really important part of our policy,” CEO Susan Wojcicki told CNN.

Wittkowski’s argument is a minority opinion among his colleagues, but still well within mainstream thought and currently is the basis for Sweden’s non-lockdown approach to the pandemic.
whole article:

So now it OK to censor people well within mainstream thought but of a minority opinion if you are big tech.

and infringing on other minority rights such as assembly and protesting

Fascism and Totalitarianism by the left, it's what they do

anonymous said...

NY Post......the newspaper of faux news,,,,,,,,BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!! Bad flu with a current fatality rate 10x of the flu you dumb fuck.....some areas running 5% +....which seem to be mostly minorities which makes it OK for assholes like you on the right and Lil Schittty and the right to life moron cramps!!!

anonymous said...

Fake news once again.....Obama gate is a bigger joke than fucking daddy is!!!!

l Morell
Contributing columnist
May 17, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. EDT
There was no wrongdoing on the part of Obama administration officials who, during the presidential transition in 2016 and 2017, “unmasked” the identity of Michael Flynn, who was set to become national security adviser. Indeed, the only wrongdoing is by the Trump administration, which, in releasing last week a list of officials who made the unmasking requests, has yet again politicized the intelligence community.
The Trump administration released the list to promote its claim that officials in the outgoing administration attempted to discredit Flynn and others associated with the incoming administration. But this claim makes absolutely no sense.
To understand why, we need some background on the unmasking procedure. In the course of doing its job to gather information critical to our national security, the intelligence community might discover that a foreign intelligence target has talked about or even to an American. The intelligence community is only interested in the foreign side of the information collected and, in reporting it, will only make reference to the American if it is important to understanding the intelligence. Even then, to protect the privacy of that American, they would refer to him or her simply as “a U.S. person.” This isn’t required by the Constitution, but it has been a long-established protection.

Most recipients of the reports don’t care about the identities of U.S. persons. There are, however, cases in which, to do his or her duty, the official receiving the report does need to know the identity. For example, if a report says that foreign intelligence officers were considering recruiting a U.S. person, it would be irresponsible for the FBI not to ask for the identity of that American, if only to warn them about the recruiting attempt.
That being the case, intelligence rules allow certain recipients of these reports to ask the intelligence community for the true name of a U.S. person. But the rules are clear that the intelligence community can unmask the name only if the requester needs to know it to do their job. If approved, the true name only goes to that requester.

Caliphate4vr said...

There was no wrongdoing on the part of Obama administration officials who, during the presidential transition in 2016 and 2017, “unmasked” the identity of Michael Flynn, who was set to become national security adviser. Indeed, the only wrongdo

An opinion article what are so famous for saying here fatman? Opinions are like assholes

Now eat a pie and keep your old, obese, diabetic ass sheltering in place

C.H. Truth said...

If Ch could find some way of proving that the number of passengers flying in from China and Europe is smaller in the northeast and the far west than it is in the southeast, I guess he would have a case. That NYT map is pretty clear, though.

Sorry Reverend...

This has nothing to do with New York.

You specifically stated that the states would have outbreaks based on how many international flights/passengers or whatever was coming in.

You were arguing that this was the reason Illinois was doing so poorly, because you suggested that O'Hare had more international flights than other states. It's simply not the case.

Now you are looking to amend this by suggesting that there is more flights from China or Europe (without providing any evidence of it) and also ignoring that a majority of flights from China go to the West Coast, not the East Coast... and international flights less often come directly out of the Midwest (which is where Illinois is). Chicago is not "east coast".

The reality is that you still have to argument as to why there are more deaths occurring in Illinois than Texas, Georgia, Florida and other states that are not following the same level of absolute authoritative lock down.

You lost this argument, Reverend. 100% because of fact.

You might garner a little respect by at least admitting it.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch truth lies again
"...because you suggested that O'Hare had more international flights than other states. It's simply not the case."

No, I "suggested" or rather stated, that ALL the states (not just Illinois) that had larger airports with larger shares of the international passenger traffic had the strongest and fastest rises in covid-19 infections and deaths.

Which is true.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

was real and brought down Nixon.

is not, and will accomplish nothing.

Like a loose cannon on the deck, Trump makes numerous accusations that he cannot back up.
See the following.

C.H. Truth said...

No, I "suggested" or rather stated, that ALL the states (not just Illinois) that had larger airports with larger shares of the international passenger traffic had the strongest and fastest rises in covid-19 infections and deaths.

Seems to me that the states involved (New York, California, Texas, Georgia, Florida, Illinois, and New Jersey)...

Are not the states that had the strongest and fastest rise in Covid-19 cases and deaths Some of them are and some of them are not.

Deaths per 1,000,000 pop

Top 12:

New York
New Jersey
Rhode Island

16: Georgia
28: Florida
30: California
41: Texas

Again Reverend... There seems to be zero correlation to international flights. Florida, California, and Texas have considerable international flight traffic (LAX and SFO probably have the most from China along with SEATEC) and are all in the bottom half of states in deaths per million and even Georgia is below the National average.

This isn't about being "critical" of the East Coast liberal blue state reactions to Covid-19.

But it is a push back against all of these East Coast liberals attacking red state Governors for their policies (that these East Coast liberals demanded would lead to massive death and carnage).

Perhaps it would be time to just admit that the "response" has been less important than other factors and that states that responded with early and extended total lock downs have not done better than states that have not.

I am not sure why you keep digging this hole?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I am moving on, Ch. You can rage on.

How Not to Listen to Donald Trump

Until the president comes up with actual evidence for his allegations, we’re under no obligation to pay attention.

BY Jack Shafer, Politico’s senior media writer.
It turns out President Donald Trump’s status as the most accessible person to ever hold the office is more a curse than a blessing. Day after day, he fills the air with the ack-ack of disinformation and misdirection, needlessly alarming the public and sending reporters on wild goose chases to either confirm or disprove his allegations. On Thursday, in an interview with Fox Business’ Maria Bartiromo, Trump repeated his newest figment that Joe Biden and Barack Obama are guilty of some unnamed crimes for which they are deserving of “50-year sentences.”

Strong meat! The heinous crimes—to which he has applied the “Obamagate” moniker and calls “the biggest political crime and scandal in the history of the USA, by FAR”—is a relatively new creation of the Trump Disinformation Laboratory. He only started talking about it on May 10 and has yet to specify exactly what Obamagate is aside from telling reporters in a press conference that it’s “obvious” and that he wants Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., to investigate it.

Despite a lack of interest from his minions in Congress (Graham has said he has no plans to grill Obama),
Trump’s foggy demagoguery has mobilized the entire press corps to determine what the hell Trump is talking about. Explainers from Reuters, the Washington Post, the Guardian, CNN, and elsewhere struggle to decipher Trump’s vague but strident accusations with little success. We can say this much with certainty. It appears linked to the counterintelligence operation against Gen. Michael Flynn in late 2016, and the requests from Obama administration officials that his identity be “unmasked” from intelligence reports so they could understand who, exactly, was talking to the Russian ambassador. Flynn lied to the FBI about speaking to the ambassador about sanctions and later pled guilty to lying to the FBI about those conversations. (Unmasking, by the way, is a routine, not nefarious thing, which the Trump administration has requested thousands of times.) But until Trump uses his words to make his charges about Obama more specific, we can only guess at what the actual crime might be.

Why must we fetch every bone that Trump hurls into the high, prickly brush? Well, he’s the president, and he wouldn’t make such an extreme charge if it weren’t true, would he? But he does, and he does all the time. This tidy list from Business Insider demonstrates his historic capacity for making baseless but grotesque claims of criminality and deception: implicating Ted Cruz’s father in the Kennedy assassination;
claiming that Obama wasn’t born in the United States;
surmising that Justice Antonin Scalia did not die of natural causes;
accusing Joe Scarborough of complicity in the death of an intern;
asserting massive voter fraud in the 2016 presidential election;
saying windmills cause cancer;
connecting the Clintons to Jeffrey Epstein’s death;
and the Bidens-in-Ukraine baloney.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Now it could be that Obama did commit the biggest political crime in the history of the USA. If there’s a shred of evidence, I want Obama investigated. If the investigation bears fruit, I want him to have a fair trial. If he’s found guilty, I want him punished. But show me that shred of evidence first or I’m going back to bed.

At the three-and-a-half-year mark of his presidency, we have ample proof that Trump’s barking about the criminality of others—almost always his opponents—is routinely groundless. As many have written, he is a terrible source of investigative leads and he routinely spins nonsense to reset the conversation in hopes that it will deflect the press from his political problems. And he’s doing it again. As a serial and unreliable accuser, Trump is like that cocoa puff who loves to phone reporters with evidence of massive wrong-doing but when interviewed only has a shopping bag full of unrelated, yellowing news clips. The biggest difference between the cocoa puffs and the orange one, of course, is that the cocoa puffs only want to be heard while the orange one hopes his hogwash will get enough play to influence voters in November.

This is where it gets tricky for reporters. But it’s time to establish a new standard for our coverage of the president.

Journalists should still write down what he says, just as we should always listen to the cocoa puffs when they call. But the urgency of our investigations should be informed by what sort of substantiation Trump and his surrogates provide. Does the press have an obligation to debunk every allegation he makes, even the vague and tissue-thin charges he makes on a regular basis? Who made him our assignment editor?

Trump has cried wolf so many times—deliberately wasting journalistic resources by sending reporters off to investigate spurious charges—that it’s now incumbent upon him to invest his charges with some tangible proof if he expects reporters to follow his lead. At the very least, Trump should explain
what law was broken and cite its page number in the legal code,
offer to share with journalists the evidence he has collected,
and present the criminal or civil complaint he has filed.

Unless and until he does that, reporters have no duty to publicize his blabber beyond recording it for posterity in a brief mention inside the A section.

We can expect more, not less of Trump’s wolf-cries as the election approaches, as international affairs professor Tom Nichols tweeted Wednesday. “The Trump people are going to unleash a blizzard of bullshit, including selective releases and declassifications and leaks, and if the media chases every one of these as bombshell, they’re going to end up being a functioning arm of the Trump campaign,” Nichols wrote.

Telling the president to put up or shut up with his accusation—to put the onus on him to show that there is a there there
—is the only way press can declare its independence from his tricks.

Of Trump’s favorite baseless accusations, his favorite must be the charge of treason. He’s uncorked it dozens of times, most recently against Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif. Seeing as treason is narrowly defined in the Constitution, you’d think that if he had a case against Schiff, Trump would have—for the protection of the United States—pressed for serious investigations and arrests in the past three years. Instead, Trump has dropped all of his treason allegations like a toy that no longer interests him. If the past is any guide,

Trump will push “Obamagate” with the same bombast and flummery to keep the press chasing their own tails, leaving less time to report more fruitful stories.

Trump has achieved something no president before him has. By his own energies, he has forfeited the automatic right to our investigative attention. Feel free to listen to his indictments, but don’t be a dupe. Use just one ear.

IOW, Mr. "President," PUT UP OR SHUT UP!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

No one on Earth has a busier airport than ATL pederast, you failed

This is why you get no respect, you make up facts and refuse to accept the truth

Caliphate4vr said...

I am moving on, Ch.

IOW, You surrender but don’t have the testicular fortitude to admit it

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

COVID-19 cases: (updated Sunday, May 17, evening)

Worldwide confirmed, deaths:
Total cases: 4,628,100
Total deaths: 311,814

United States:
Total cases: 1,484,400
Total deaths: 89,123

Northern Plains:
South Dakota: 3,959, 49 dead.
Todd County: 16 (Rosebud Reservation)
Pennington County 49 positive, 2 Northside Walmart,
Moody (Flandreau): 19 cases.
Oglala Lakota (Pine Ridge Reservation: 9 cases
Charles Mix Yankton Reservation) 8 cases
Ziebach/Dewey Counties (Cheyenne River Reservation): 1
Minnehaha County, SD 3,119, 34 dead
Lincoln County 207
Brown County 194

Wyoming: 741, 7 dead
Northern Arapahoe Reservation 4 dead
Fremont County 220 cases, 4 dead
Laramie County: 181, 1dead
North Dakota: 1,900, 43 dead
Standing Rock Reservation: 2
Cass County: 1137, 33 (Fargo)
Morton County: 40, 2 dead
Grand Forks: 317, 3 dead
Montana: 468, 16 dead
Nebraska: 10,255, 129 dead
Dakota County: 1,453, 7 dead (meatpacking)
Colorado: 21,604, 1,192 dead
Minnesota: 15,677, 731 dead
Iowa: 14,651, 351 dead

Tama 364 (one of hotspots of nation)
Woodbury (Sioux City): 2,157, 14 dead
Polk: 2,767, 76 dead
Dakota County: 1,509

The Early Reopeners:
Texas: 47,989, 1,332 dead (highest rise in nation)
Florida: 45,580, 1,972 dead
Georgia: 36,041, 1,581 dead
Louisiana: 34,432, 2,425 dead
Arizona: 13,937, 680 dead

New York: 355,037, 28,168 dead
California: 79,313 , 3,261 dead
Michigan: 50,416 , 4,880 dead
Washington, DC: 7,123, 383 dead
White House: 3+ (Trump isolating from Pence)

Miscellaneous Statistics:
Navajo Nation: 3,222, 100 dead

Russia: 281,752, dead
Brazil: 233,142, 15,366 dead
Spain: 231,350, 27,650 dead
United Kingdom: 240,161, 34,446 dead
Italy: 224,760, 31,763 dead

Belize: 18 cases, 2 dead
Syria: 51 cases, 3 dead

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Fox News has repeatedly aired the notion that this deadly virus is a hoax, including Trump’s son last night saying it would magically disappear after the election.

So how come their hosts are broadcasting from home?

Caliphate4vr said...

Well considering Fox is broadcast from NY, I’d say you need to ask their shifty governor and mayor.

Go back to hiding in place, liver. You add nothing


Roger Amick said...
Fox News has repeatedly aired the notion that this deadly virus is a hoax

Actually they were the first major network to take it seriously. Beginning during the 24/7 HOAX impeachment hearings on other networks.

But nice try though.

Anonymous said...

James , you were FOR in person voting in Wisconsin and are for in person voting now and in the fall Presidential Election?

Anonymous said...

"As many as 100 Chicago area churches plan to hold in-person Sunday services in defiance of Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s (D) stay-at-home orders."

James , take a stand , with them or against.

I am with them.

Anonymous said...

Well considering Fox is broadcast from NY, I’d say you need to ask their shifty governor and mayor.

Go back to hiding in place, liver. You add nothing

the alky worships this man:

A friend asks: Why aren't we calling this the Cuomovirus?

As you probably know, Andrew Cuomo ordered elderly persons infected with coronavirus back into their nursing homes, where they could -- and did -- infect all the other nursing home residents and kill thousands of them.

He did this deliberately. Why?

It's hard to think of a reason why -- these people could have been isolated in the thousands of unused temporary hospital berths built to... well, to keep coronavirus patients isolated.

Instead he ordered them back into nursing homes, to infect other people of a very high risk of dying from the disease.

And die they did.

By the thousands.

All the while, as thousands were dying, the press just could not pour enough praise on Andrew Cuomo.

He killed them.

If people have "blood on their hands" for permitting businesses to reopen -- how can it be that Andrew Cuomo is not the murderer of 5300 extremely at-risk people by ordering the infected to be crowded together with them?

Andrew Cuomo and New York State realize they have a huge scandal brewing -- if the media ever feels like reporting easily-discovered facts.

It looks like New York State is taking pains to correct its error.

And by correct its error, I mean -- fudge the numbers to hide the numbers killed.

anonymous said...

Blogger KansasDemocrat said...
"As many as 100 Chicago area churches plan to hold in-person Sunday

BWAAAAAAAA!!!!! Proving the religious right have a death wish!!!!!!!!!!! Why don't you pack your tractor and head to chicago and pray with the idiots?????? ASshole

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAA!!!!! Dumber than usual even for you fuck face!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Trump smoothing things over on the world china steps up where trump retreats being the bullheaded asshole hie is!!!!

Xi pushes back against Trump accusations and pledges $2 billion for the W.H.O.

As the World Health Organization’s decision-making body holds a virtual meeting starting on Monday with all 194 member states, a key question is whether the United States and others will call for the W.H.O. to investigate China’s response to the coronavirus.
But China’s leader, Xi Jinping, defended his country’s actions in a video address to the assembly on Monday. He also pledged $2 billion to help fund the global public health body, one month after President Trump halted U.S. funding for the agency.

Anonymous said...

Xi pushes back against Trump accusations and pledges $2 billion for the W.H.O.

well duh, BWAA. seeing as how the WHO is in his pocket, Xi SHOULD fund the fucking thing. only an imbecile like you (or the pederast or the alky) would think this story makes trump look bad.

goddamn, you are a dumb fuck.

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! Fucking loser du jour blows it out his ass again....You should jump on the CDC fucked up bandwagon since all you ever do is mime stupidity that faux tells you to!!!! Your opinion is all yours and you better hope never need help on a globaal scale!!!!! Funny how little you know and sad you still are breathing!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

Fatty why should we fund the Wuhan Health Organization

Fat and stupid

Myballs said...

"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son."

He must've been thinking of dopey.

Caliphate4vr said...

‘We could open up again and forget the whole thing’
Epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski on the deadly consequences of lockdown.

Anonymous said...

James , you were FOR in person voting in Wisconsin and are for in person voting now and in the fall Presidential Election?

cowardly king obama said...

Tim Young

In case you missed it, the Washington Post, in an absolutely propaganda piece, described imaginary Governor of Georgia Stacey Abrams as a "supermodel."

I can't even...

FAKE NEWS is now sounding like Biden talks.

Of course that's still better than lo iq.

I wonder if he sits in a basement with walls covered with pictures of old fat white asses and dicks and mournfully wishes he was there. And bleats.

anonymous said...

Spike online.....BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!

And you should make sure you mingle with lots of people on your sales route.....get back to me in a month and let us know how you make out!!!!!!! Knut is a never lockdown fanatic and a singular voice in the science world.....sorry asshole....about as credible as you and your UGA gov!!!!!!!

cowardly king obama said...

Caliphate4vr said...
‘We could open up again and forget the whole thing’
Epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski on the deadly consequences of lockdown.

And for having a described mainstream though minority opinion he was taken down by facebook and is being censored in twitter and google.

The left wants only one sided views. Very scientific of them.

Anonymous said...

In case you missed it, the Washington Post, in an absolutely propaganda piece, described imaginary Governor of Georgia Stacey Abrams as a "supermodel." a michael strahan look-alike kind of way.

watching her complete dejection on crazy larry o'donnell's show was comedy gold.

anonymous said...

Fatty why should we fund the Wuhan Health Organization

Dumb and georgian.....yep......china created the virus to get back at trump..,...BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Stupid ass!!!!

cowardly king obama said...

lo iq said:
BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Stupid ass!!!!

and lo iq's creepy obsession with asses, dicks and bleating continues.

Caliphate4vr said...

Dumbass the WHO tweet

World Health Organization (WHO)

Verified account

Follow Follow @WHO
Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China🇨🇳.

Go hide in place with your advanced age and diabetes

anonymous said...

he was taken down by Facebook and is being censored in twitter and google.

You forgot You tube!!! Were he championed herd immunity......his opinion not embraced by his peers!!!!! Yep his BS was taken down by social media ,.....good for them!!!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Fatty Dennis said his posting here is better then sex .

anonymous said...

World Health Organization (WHO)

A scientifically sound statement at that time you stupid ass.....Just like Fauci who will not say immunity exists for corona virus until more data is gathered!!!!!! No wonder why you are just a lowly salesman !!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Fatty Dennis said his posting here is better then sex .

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Not quite you fucking liar.....I said fucking with you was more fun than getting laid!!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

No fatman, China knew it was a lie

This really isn’t that hard, unless your fucking dumb

Anonymous said...

That statement is insane even for you Dennis.

Anonymous said...

Neil Ferguson's Imperial model could be the most devastating software mistake of all time

Anonymous said...

A scientifically sound statement at that time...

it was bullshit from the moment it was originally uttered.

you're an imbecile BWAA. and a useful idiot.

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAA!!!!!1 Typical asshole post.... a day late and a buck short......POS opinion piece you dumb fuck....did you read it????? LOLOLOLOL

Anonymous Caliphate4vr said...
No batman, China knew it was a lie

BWAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Your asshole opinion.......God you are a dumb fuck....just like Kemp!!!!

Anonymous said...

The 2.2 Million US Deaths model by so called "science" has been totally discredited.

anonymous said...

Hey wonder why you support trump....too stupid to think on your own!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

US Deaths model by so called "science" has been totally discredited.

The 2.2 million number was the worst case scenario you fucking asshole.....I guess only 90k is a lot better for simpletons like you!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

Hide under your bed fatty

cowardly king obama said...

anonymous said...
he was taken down by Facebook and is being censored in twitter and google.

You forgot You tube!!!

Didn't forget it's just that YouTube is a division of Google

Maybe you will learn something today.


Anonymous said...

The 2.2 million number was the worst case scenario

pay attention, dumb fuck. the "model" that produced that number was the product of piss-poor coding and a flawed algorithm. in other words, the 2.2M number was invalid to begin with.

and the asshole who cooked it up? yeah, he was banging some liberal skank while infected and she ended up passing it on the her cuckold husband.

cowardly king obama said...

Tim Young

When actual tyranny came and rights were taken away, the people who called themselves "the resistance" rolled over, complied, and reported their neighbors to the government.

anonymous said...

Tim Young

Tim has diarrhea of the mouth, typical; of trump sucking assholes!!!!

Hey now an expert on models????? BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! The only model you know is Twiggy!!!!!!!! Your idiot speculation is reminiscent of tim's above!!!!! Too funny and way above your pay grade!!!!

cowardly king obama said...

Katie Hill

So yeah it really hurt to have my old seat flip back to Republican-for a ton of people & also for me. In fact, it was pretty fucking devastating. I went offline & cried for a few days but, as always, getting ready to stand back up & keep fighting. Hope you are too.


Think how much worse it would have been for the Dems without the endorsements of Obama and Hillary.

Or at this point are they the Republicans biggest assets?

anonymous said...

Didn't forget it's just that YouTube is a division of Google

And you keep forgetting how stupid you are!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

anonymous said...


Eric Trump, executive vice president of the Trump Organization, said Saturday that Democrats are "trying to milk" the coronavirus outbreak for political advantage, adding that concern about the outbreak will disappear after the election.

Speaking with Fox News host Jeanine Pirro, Eric Trump said Democrats "are trying to milk this for everything they can and it's sad."

He said the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, former Vice President Joe Biden, "loves" the pandemic because it allows him to avoid the campaign trail.

"Biden can't go on stage without making some horrible blunder. I mean even from his basement he's making awful gaffes every single day. So, his campaign is thrilled that he's not going out there," said Eric Trump.

anonymous said...

Race/Topic (Click to Sort) Poll Results Spread
Florida: Trump vs. Biden Florida Atlantic University Biden 53, Trump 47 Biden +6

Yep.....donnie is winning over those older Fl voters in droves!!!!!

Anonymous said...

pay attention, dumb fuck. the "model" that produced that number was the product of piss-poor coding and a flawed algorithm. in other words, the 2.2M number was invalid to begin with.

and the asshole who cooked it up? yeah, he was banging some liberal skank while infected and she ended up passing it on the her cuckold husband."
Educating Denise.

anonymous said...

her cuckold husband."
Educating Denise.

Dumb and fucking really dumb....tag team of idiots!!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!