Friday, May 22, 2020

Here is a question!

Will all of the sissy mask wearing liberals in California now be afraid to go door to door and harvest ballots this November? How many of those previously GOP seats that Democrats won in 2018 will they lose back if they are no longer able to go harvesting Democratic votes?

Moreover, how many of those people who were previously "harvested" will refuse to even answer the door and talk to some stranger who is knocking, much less let them in so they can pass paper back and forth and fill out a ballot using a pen and clipboard that 100 other people have used?

Did anyone take into consideration that the lack of ballot harvesting was the reason why the Republican not only won back that seat in the very recent special election, but won it by double digits? That may just be telling us exactly how much difference ballot harvesting can make.


Commonsense said...

I actually posted something like this a little while ago.

Every Republican in Orange county who won on election night in 2016 ultimately lost their race when mail-in ballots were counted. And it wasn't like those leads were within a point or two.

It was all due to ballot harvesting. Congress should make a law outlawing it.

anonymous said...

It was all due to ballot harvesting

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Sure it was you fucking asshole!!!!!

BTW Sissy masks are being worn by 70%+ republicans per a recent poll....So Lil Schitty again makes shit up to prove his cold hearted stupid opinion!!!!!!! To refresh your rat infested memory,......the only case of ballot harvesting prosecuted in 2018 were in NC by R'a......god you are a dumb fuck!!!!

anonymous said...

Funny thing assholes....the only media reporting Orange county Ca harvesting is the Gateway Pundit....the renowned source of fake news and fraud!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!! Suggest you read the hard hitting bullshit in the link below!!!!!! Nothing but opinion and supposition !!!!!!!

hanks to Ballot Harvesting, Orange County Now Has More ...
Aug 07, 2019 · In Texas, New York and Pennsylvania they arrest people for ballot harvesting. Orange County turned all blue after Democrats found hundreds of thousands of votes post election day. Republicans such as Mimi Walters, Dana Rohrabacher and Young Kim were all ahead election night only to lose their races after late ballots were counted.

Commonsense said...

the only media reporting Orange county Ca harvesting is the Gateway Pundit..

Don't think so Maynard. From the Orange County Register:

What is ballot harvesting and how is it affecting Southern California elections?

As housekeepers, maintenance workers and other staff spilled out of the Anaheim Hilton and Sheraton during a lunch break in February, some headed to the parking lot between the hotels, clutching their mail-in ballots for the upcoming March 3 primary.

They were greeted by members of the Democratic Party of Orange County, who were hosting a “ballot party” focused on encouraging the workers to participate in the 2020 elections.

Organizers gave speeches, answered questions and handed out party recommendation pamphlets. Then workers were told that, if they wanted to, they could fill out their mail-in ballots and leave them in a sealed envelope that organizers would turn in on their behalf.

Some version of the same process — where someone can collect absentee or mail-in ballots from voters and then drop them into a mail box or polling place — is legal in most states. But California’s ballot collection rules are among the most permissive in the nation, with no restrictions on who can gather ballots or how many they can pick up.

It should be illegal but it's not in California.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

COVID-19 cases: (updated Friday, May 22, p.m.)

Worldwide confirmed, deaths:
Total cases: 5,098,600
Total deaths: 332,979

United States:
Total cases: 1,598,600
Total deaths: 95,544

Northern Plains:
South Dakota: 4,356, 50 dead
Pennington County: 127 positive, 1 new death - male 30-39 range
Roberts County (Sisseton-Wahpeton Reservation): 22 cases, 1 dead
Todd County: 17 (Rosebud Reservation)
Moody (Flandreau): 18 cases
Oglala Lakota (Pine Ridge Reservation: 15 cases
Charles Mix Yankton Reservation) 11 cases
Ziebach/Dewey Counties (Cheyenne River Reservation): 1
Minnehaha County, SD 3,211, 43 dead
Lincoln County 218
Brown County 235

Wyoming: 801, 12 dead (32.5% of Wyoming cases are Native Americans, but only 2.7% of population.)
Northern Arapahoe Reservation 4 dead
Fremont County 237 cases, 6 dead
Laramie County: 182, 2 dead
Teton County: 100, 1 dead
North Dakota: 2,229, 51 dead (greatest rise in single day ever)
Standing Rock Reservation: 2
Cass County: 1,370, 40 (Fargo)
Morton County: 64, 2 dead
Grand Forks: 320, 3 dead
Montana: 479, 16 dead
Nebraska: 11,425, 148 dead
Dakota County: 1,579, 17 dead
Douglas County: 2,715, 24 dead (doubled from two days ago)
Scott’s Bluff: 55 cases
Thurston: 20, 0 dead
Knox: 8, 0 dead
Colorado: 23,161, 1,310 dead
Minnesota: 18,209, 818 dead
Iowa: 16,170, 414 dead
Tama 378, 23 dead
Woodbury (Sioux City): 2,448, 23 dead
Polk: 3,381, 91 dead
Black Hawk County: 1,655, 37 dead

Texas: 53,441, 1,480 dead (highest rise in nation)
Florida: 48,667, 2,143 dead
Georgia: 38,969, 1,749 dead
Louisiana: 36,627, 2,629 dead
Arizona: 15,315, 763 dead

New York: 361,313, 28,663 dead
California: 88,499, 3,624 dead
Michigan: 53,468, 5,129 dead
Washington, DC: 7,788, 412 dead
White House: 3+ (Trump wearing mask like the rest of us)

Miscellaneous Statistics:
Navajo Nation: 4,002, 140 dead

Russia: 326,448, 3,249 dead
Brazil: 310,087, 20,047 dead
United Kingdom: 250,908, 36,029 dead
Spain: 233,037, 27,940 dead
Italy: 228,006, 32,486 dead
Lebanon: 1,024, 26 dead
Belize: 18 cases, 2 dead
Syria: 58 cases, 3 dead

Commonsense said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commonsense said...

Does Roger not know we can find the website ourselves?

Anonymous said...

Be nice to formerly 6 figure income Roger.
In a matter of a year , in his own words, he was kicked out, his 2nd wife divorced him, he was homeless, no one would shelter him. And he finally found a place, he called it a new "home" with "everything" including a "private Chef".

So we need to be more caring for a guy that has had this kind of fall.

Anonymous said...

Oh and Roger was "suicidal".

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Kansas Democrat claims to be a Christian, I suppose, but he sure does put a lot of emphasis on wealth and material possessions.

Jesus didn't.
See my most recent post on the next thread down.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And would Jesus approve of gloating over someone's being "suicidal"?

Commonsense said...

James have you given all your wealth to the poor?

Yeah, thought not.

You're awfully moral with other people's money.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Have you? Jesus told the rich young ruler to do exactly that.

Have you ever advocated a single political program that would benefit the poor more than the rich? If so, what?

Anonymous said...

And would Jesus approve of gloating over someone's being "suicidal"?

"gloating" nope, factually repeating what Roger said, yeah, I did that.

Anonymous said...

"but he sure does put a lot of emphasis on wealth and material possessions"James

Roger stated his plan for this year:
1, Become a million are
2, Live in a big House of his dreams
3, Drive the car of his dreams which he identified as an Audi A8 which is a $85,000.

These are Rogers wants.

Anonymous said...

Me I have no wants, for all my needs have been met.

Commonsense said...

Have you ever advocated a single political program that would benefit the poor more than the rich? If so, what?

As far as my personal charity giving, it's none of your business. I'm not the one advocating taking other peoples money and giving it to government bureaucrats under the guise of helping the poor.

I rather help to poor directly giving my money to charities who are worthy and effective. (Most are faith-based). But it's my decision.

Jesus never said "Caesar shall take thy wealth and give it to the poor". But you James are saying exactly that in the name of Jesus (which I find offensive)

No, because it's not either/or unless you make it so. And they never wind up helping the poor.

You're just advocating giving money to beltway elites,

anonymous said...

Blogger KansasDemocrat said...
Me I have no wants, for all my needs have been met.

Left to you from your dead never fucking worked a day in your pathetic life!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Jesus said,
Woe to you who are rich,
blessed are you who are poor.

(See the last thread.)

Have any of you ever advocated a single political program that reflects his teachings and would benefit the poor more than the rich?

If so, what?

You help the rich by giving them tax breaks both personal and corporate far out of proportion to what they should get, and you hurt the middle class by taxing them too much proportionately.

The problem you have is not with me,
but with the teachings of Jesus
which your political stance does not at all reflect.


FAKE POS "pastor" wrapped in sheep's clothing.

20th century capitalism has raised more people out of poverty than any time in history.

America has helped more foreign countries and people than anyone.

Republicans give much more to charities than Democrats.

The lying POS "pastor" james spams, preaches and is a waste of time and *spit*