Saturday, May 23, 2020

How ironic...

What 'Jaws' can teach us about our coronavirus response
The story takes place in a resort town called Amity over the July 4th weekend. It begins with a great white shark killing a young woman who is skinny dipping.
While her death was clearly the result of a shark attack, the town's mayor, Larry Vaughn, (played by Murray Hamilton) decides not to shut down the beaches. He's worried about losing the revenue. "Now, if people can't swim here, they'll be glad to swim at the beaches of Cape Cod, the Hamptons, Long Island," he says in the film. Police Chief Martin Brody (played by Roy Scheider) tries to change the mayor's position, convinced that the shark is real. But to no avail.

So, the best way that this person can describe Covid-19 is to compare it to a fictional story where one particular shark kills more people in a single movie scene than sharks kill all together in a year? Isn't it funny how there is no "real life" situations where a beach actually stayed open when it shouldn't because of shark deaths?

The reality is that shark attacks kill about 6-10 people a year and rarely attack anyone unprovoked. In fact generally speaking there are less than 100 attacks (of any sort) across the globe in a given year.

Of course, Covid-19 is probably a little more dangerous than that. A person under the age of 25 skinny dipping with friends has about a 0.00008% chance of catching and dying from Covid-19. Okay, realistically, there really isn't much difference in any practical sense. They'll have a better chance of dying from a sexually transmitted disease, alcohol poisoning, or driving home drunk.

But I digress...

Not only does this person have to use a fictional story, but the subject of the story (sharks) is another great example of something people fear in a very irrational way given the numbers. How many people do you suppose who swim in the ocean, at least at some level are afraid of a shark attack (regardless of how unlikely)?  Is there any manner to clear swimmers from a piece of water faster than to scream "shark".

People have an irrational fear of sharks (likely because of movies like Jaws). But they do not fear mosquitoes (which kill between one to three million people a year globally through the spread of various diseases), mans best friend (dogs kill 25,000 people a year) or the dreaded freshwater snail (that kills about 10,000 a year by passing a parasite).

Why is that?

Well for the same reason we don't shut down the country to avoid the flu, outlaw cigarettes to avoid heart and lung disease, or make the speed limit 20 mph to save lives. Because they are somehow known and accepted risks that people are willing to take in the name of personal freedom. Imagine if some summer, our State governors declared that nobody could be outside, due to a particularly dangerous disease being carried by mosquitoes?  How do you supposed that would go over?

So I find it ironic that this particular person decides to compare the irrational fear of Covid-19 with quite possibly the most irrational fear of any of the creatures of the animal kingdom (sharks). It seems terribly fitting as well as a terrible argument.


anonymous said...

Cold hearted dumb fuck Lil Schitty posting more BULLSHIT to make him feel better....what a sorry human being he is !!!!!! Suggest you do whatever you want without regard for anything!!!! Trump and your old man white party is going off the cliff and 100k dying cannot be swept aside like you want......BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Projecting is all you got!!!!

anonymous said...

At least there is one GOP member who isn't as stupid as our cold hearted Lil SChitty and his minions! of stupidity !!!

Republican governor tearfully asks people to stop politicizing face masks
In a tearful speech, Gov. @DougBurgum (R-ND) asks residents to skip the “ideological and political” debate on face masks.
— The Recount (@therecount) May 22, 2020
North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum (R) grew emotional Friday as he urged citizens to avoid politicizing the use of face masks, a public health measure that’s drawn vocal and even violent opposition in some areas.
Political divisions over the need for stay-at-home measures and other restrictions on day-to-day life amid the coronavirus have spilled for some into choices about face coverings, and Burgum said he hopes his state can “just skip this thing that other parts of the nation are going through” in which mask-wearing takes on an ideological bent.
“This is a — I would say — senseless dividing line, and I would ask people to try to dial up your empathy and your understanding,” Burgum said. “If someone is wearing a mask, they’re not doing it to represent what political party they’re in or what candidate they support. They might be doing it because they’ve got a five year old who’s been going through cancer treatments.”
He began to choke up.
“They might have vulnerable adults in their life who … currently have covid and are fighting,” he continued. “So again, I would just love to see our state, as part of being 'North Dakota smart,’ also be ‘North Dakota kind,’ ‘North Dakota empathetic.’"

Commonsense said...

To follow up on the analogy:

1. If there were no more shark attack people would have said closing the beaches worked.
2. Amity was indeed on welfare all winter and there would have been 3 or 4 suicides as people lost their business and life savings.
3. Because so may business closed people move away and Amity became a ghost town.

Of course that never made it in the book because it was a shallow thriller. (The movie was actually better) However, both suffer from the simplistic stereotyping of "greedy businessmen wanting the keep the beaches open for profit." And did not deal with the complex issues of the economic (and public health) issues vs. public safety,

anonymous said...

Blogger Commonsense said...
To follow up on the analogy:

A new nadir of stupidity cramps....!!!!! The movie we are currently in is the culmination of the trump lack of leadership and GOP following him off the cliff......100 k victims and you don't give a shit other than getting judges named and fake tax breaks.....BWAAAAAAAA!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Simply put:

The medical experts are warning that we should be very careful and measured in opening up the country.

Trump is encouraging people to go ahead and open up, even defy governors and fill the churches this weekend.

We will see.

Commonsense said...

You're tiresome today Denny.

Commonsense said...

A medical expert said this:

Fauci says extended stay-home orders could cause ‘irreparable damage’

"But now is the time, depending upon where you are and what your situation is, to begin to seriously look at reopening the economy, reopening the country to try to get back to some degree of normal.”

Can't think of anything more normal than being able to goto church on Sunday.

BTW Plisker has exceeded his 30 day emergency authority. He orders are no longer legal.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

BTW Who is Plisker?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

FAUCI: “But now is the time, depending upon where you are and what your situation is, to begin to seriously look at reopening the economy, reopening the country to try to get back to some degree of normal.”

You left out the following from your citation from Fox News:

He warned, however, against reckless reopenings and called for the use of “very significant precautions” as restrictions are lifted.

As I said, I don't think Fauci will say that Trump's threat to override governors and fill the churches with people this weekend is an example of "very significant precautions"
--especially in view of what has already happened elsewhere in churches that defiantly held services.

Anonymous said...

James are you in poverty?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Earlier I said,

Simply put:
The medical experts are warning that we should be very careful and measured in opening up the country.

Trump is encouraging people to go ahead and open up, even defy governors and fill the churches this weekend.

We will see.

Looks like we're already seeing.

24 States Have Uncontrolled Coronavirus Spread

“The coronavirus may still be spreading at epidemic rates in 24 states, particularly in the South and Midwest, according to new research that highlights the risk of a second wave of infections in places that reopen too quickly or without sufficient precautions."

Texas tops the list, followed by Arizona, Illinois, Colorado, Ohio, Minnesota, Indiana, Iowa, Alabama and Wisconsin.


Alex Berenson

@GovRonDeSantis again follows the science and leads the nation:

Ron DeSantis: Florida ‘lifting all restrictions on youth activities’
This includes summer camps.
Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Friday that he was ending all restrictions on youth activities across the state, including camps and youth sports. The declaration was the governor’s latest move to wake Florida from its coronavirus-induced economic slumber.

However, the Republican governor said he would not prevent municipalities from imposing more restrictive rules.

“We believe that this makes sense based on the data and observed experience. We are not going to be instituting a lot of rules, or really any rules,” DeSantis said, noting the Florida Department of Health would likely post guidelines for youth activities on its website. “At the end of the day, we trust parents to be able to make decisions in conjunction with physicians.”
DeSantis also noted that children are much less likely to face serious consequences from the novel coronavirus. In Florida, five in six coronavirus deaths have come from people 65 and over. Zero people under 25 have died from the disease, DeSantis noted.

The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has noted that “relatively few” children have suffered severe health consequences such as hospitalizations due to COVID-19.
Dr. Bonnie White, DeSantis’ family’s pediatrician, sat beside the governor as he made his announcement. She said that MIS-C is “extremely rare.”

White backed the governor’s assessment of the current scientific understanding of the coronavirus. She said that many of her patients have shown symptoms of anxiety and depression because of the months of isolation brought about by statewide shutdowns.

“It’s time for our kids to get back to the new normal, and it’s time to safely allow kids to be kids,” White said.
Floridians are thanking God that the Democrat Gillum is not their governor in this trying time. Has he gotten out of rehab since he was found naked with a passed out male escort with openly displayed drugs in a Florida hotel ?



Regular readers of this blog know the constant spamming, lying and obsession for that left-wing Taegan Goddard blog by a certain poster. That poster james, also called the "pastor" (which he claims to be even if you can't tell by his actions) is the POS responsible and considers his mindless rude behavior his hobby. Sometimes he credits Taegan Goddard, sometimes he doesn't.

He has descended so far into TDS and desperation he fills every discussion thread with what people have described as an avalanche of spam. If this is being posted today is no different. He even gets his edited news from that site and spams that if he thinks it will hurt Trump. Every day he repeats what that site posts, regardless of topic. It gets so bad he feels the need to even repeat his spam multiple times in a single thread as well as posting in every active thread the very same spam.

He has exhibited the same mental deterioration as Joe Biden and his postings should be given the same consideration. Both their heads will probably explode when it becomes obvious that Trump will win a second term. Biden will not even notice his head did.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Boring, isn't he?


Justin Hart

The CDC yesterday released an extensive analysis around "Pandemic Planning".

They also estimated the deadliness of #COVID19.
(drumroll please...)

CFR = 0.4

They also noted a 35% asymptomatic rate... which means the IFR is 0.26!

Feeling... vindicated.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Max Boot:
Why Conspiracy Theories Are More Dangerous Than Ever

"Every great disaster of the past century has brought forth conspiracy-mongers… What’s different about this particular moment in conspiracy history?

"Three things, I think.

“First, conspiracy theories spread more efficiently by social media than by previous communications media. The online world is a post-truth space where there are no undisputed facts, only competing narratives, and even the most deranged claims (e.g., QAnon) can aggregate an audience.

“Second, the stakes are higher now. It doesn’t much matter if someone thinks that UFOs landed at Roswell, N.M., or that Elvis is still alive — but it matters greatly if someone thinks that the coronavirus isn’t real or that a vaccine may be more dangerous than the disease. Such beliefs, if they become widespread, pose a danger to public health. Indeed, anti-vaccine activists are already a menace.

“Third, we now have an unhinged conspiracy-monger in the White House.”

Anonymous said...

24 States Have Uncontrolled Coronavirus Spread

hilarious -

Researchers at Imperial College London created a model that incorporates cellphone data showing that people sharply reduced their movements after stay-at-home orders were broadly imposed in March. With restrictions now easing and mobility increasing with the approach of Memorial Day and the unofficial start of summer, the researchers developed an estimate of viral spread as of May 17.


The model, which has not been peer reviewed, shows that in the majority of states, a second wave looms if people abandon efforts to mitigate the viral spread.

imperial college. sound familiar? it should. this is the assclown factory that produced neil ferguson. the shitheel that was banging some guys wife while infected, passing the virus on to the cuckolded husband.

imperial college and ferguson also produced the "model" (LOL) that predicted 500,000 deaths in england and 2.5 MILLION deaths in the US.

when pastor pederast decides to post complete bullshit he certainly reaches for the stars, doesn't he?



Regular readers of this blog know the constant spamming, lying and obsession for that left-wing Taegan Goddard blog by a certain poster. That poster james, also called the "pastor" (which he claims to be even if you can't tell by his actions) is the POS responsible and considers his mindless rude behavior his hobby. Sometimes he credits Taegan Goddard, sometimes he doesn't.

He has descended so far into TDS and desperation he fills every discussion thread with what people have described as an avalanche of spam. If this is being posted today is no different. He even gets his edited news from that site and spams that if he thinks it will hurt Trump. Every day he repeats what that site posts, regardless of topic. It gets so bad he feels the need to even repeat his spam multiple times in a single thread as well as posting in every active thread the very same spam.

He has exhibited the same mental deterioration as Joe Biden and his postings should be given the same consideration. Both their heads will probably explode when it becomes obvious that Trump will win a second term. Biden will not even notice his head did.



rrb said:

imperial college. sound familiar? it should. this is the assclown factory that produced neil ferguson. the shitheel that was banging some guys wife while infected, passing the virus on to the cuckolded husband.

imperial college and ferguson also produced the "model" (LOL) that predicted 500,000 deaths in england and 2.5 MILLION deaths in the US.

when pastor pederast decides to post complete bullshit he certainly reaches for the stars, doesn't he?

He's just a challenged waterboy regularly posting lies with his nose in the air.


Daily Caller

Michigan Governor Whitmer Extends Lockdown Until June 12

Michigan will go RED in 2020 because of her total incompetence.

Probably desperate to be kept on short timer Biden's short list.

Commonsense said...

Probably desperate to be kept on short timer Biden's short list.

After Biden's fuck up yesterday, all white women are out of the running.

Anonymous said...

After Biden's fuck up yesterday, all white women are out of the running.

looks like it's the morbidly obese tank abrams then.


Shay Hawkins

From my OpEd: "Here’s my message to Joe Biden: You associate being black with simple minds and broken English. But I am black, I know my own mind, and President Trump has my vote in November – not you."

liberals think they are morally superior, or more correctly, put on that act. Even they must know they are not.

Myballs said...

No. Kampala.


looks like it's the morbidly obese tank abrams then.

Perhaps Dukakis can ride her for a campaign photo op ?


I think the ONLY people who like Kamala are the Obamas and Californians. She would be a great choice for Biden if he wants to get more support there.

Quid Pro Joe and Quid Pro HO

Commonsense said...


NAACP pushes back on Biden’s claim it endorsed him after ‘you ain’t black’ furor

The NAACP on Friday pushed back on a claim by presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden that the civil rights organization had endorsed him “every time I’ve run” -- stating that the group never endorses any political candidate.

“Yesterday, former Vice President Joe Biden made a comment about the NAACP’s endorsement,” the statement by Derrick Johnson, president and CEO of the NAACP, said. “We want to clarify that the NAACP is a non-partisan organization and does not endorse candidates for political office at any level.”

This is somewhat disingenuous of the NAACP. They may have never officially endorse a candidate but they work mightly behind the scenes to get Democrats elected. Including producing the infamous James Byrd ad painting George W. Bush as a racist during the 2000 election.

This is a very public rebuke of Joe Biden, whether they will work as hard behind the scenes for him is an open question.

But it's safe to say their enthusiasm for him has been somewhat tempered.

Anonymous said...

“We want to clarify that the NAACP is a non-partisan organization and does not endorse candidates for political office at any level.”

there it is.

the most hilarious line of bullshit that i will read today.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

COVID-19 cases: (updated Saturday, May 23 a.m.)

Worldwide confirmed, deaths:
Total cases: 5,206,900
Total deaths: 338,240

United States:
Total cases: 1,608,200
Total deaths: 95,971

Northern Plains:
South Dakota: 4,356, 50 dead
Pennington County: 127 positive, 1 new death - male 30-39 range
Roberts County (Sisseton-Wahpeton Reservation): 22 cases, 1 dead
Todd County: 17 (Rosebud Reservation)
Moody (Flandreau): 18 cases
Oglala Lakota (Pine Ridge Reservation: 15 cases
Charles Mix Yankton Reservation) 11 cases
Ziebach/Dewey Counties (Cheyenne River Reservation): 1
Minnehaha County, SD 3,211, 43 dead
Lincoln County 218
Brown County 235

Wyoming: 803, 12 dead (32.5% of Wyoming cases are Native Americans, but only 2.7% of population.)
Northern Arapahoe Reservation 4 dead
Fremont County 238 cases, 6 dead
Laramie County: 182, 2 dead
Teton County: 100, 1 dead
North Dakota: 2,317, 52 dead (greatest rise in single day ever)
Standing Rock Reservation: 2
Cass County: 1,442, 41 (Fargo)
Morton County: 64, 2 dead
Grand Forks: 320, 3 dead
Montana: 479, 16 dead
Nebraska: 11,425, 148 dead
Dakota County: 1,579, 17 dead
Douglas County: 2,715, 24 dead (doubled from two days ago)
Scott’s Bluff: 55 cases
Thurston: 20, 0 dead
Knox: 8, 0 dead
Colorado: 23,456, 1,324 dead
Minnesota: 19,014, 851 dead
Iowa: 16,510, 441 dead
Tama 384, 23 dead
Woodbury (Sioux City): 2,468, 23 dead
Polk: 3,525, 125 dead
Black Hawk County: 1,663, 35 dead

Texas: 54,369, 1,498 dead (highest rise in nation)
Florida: 49,443, 2,189 dead
Georgia: 39,734, 1,779 dead
Louisiana: 36,627, 2,629 dead
Arizona: 15,608, 775 dead

New York: 362,991, 28,802 dead
California: 90,801, 3,690 dead
Michigan: 53,865, 5,158 dead
Washington, DC: 7,893, 418 dead
White House: 3+ (Trump wearing mask like the rest of us)

Miscellaneous Statistics:
Navajo Nation: 4,002, 140 dead

Russia: 335,882, 3,388 dead
Brazil: 330,890, 21,048 dead
United Kingdom: 254,195, 36,393 dead
Spain: 234,824, 28,628 dead
Italy: 228,658, 32,628 dead
Lebanon: 1,086, 26 dead
Belize: 18 cases, 2 dead
Syria: 70 cases, 4 dead

C.H. Truth said...

He warned, however, against reckless reopenings and called for the use of “very significant precautions” as restrictions are lifted.

Which is much easier to do in a Church than it is in a fucking Target where about 30 people will wander within two feet of you while you are there and there is much less time to clean and so many more items and things that could conceivably be contaminated.

Since you are so smart, Reverend.

Explain why a church cannot be sanitized and why it could not be allowed to open safely with limited capacity with people sitting apart and wearing appropriate face masks?

Is it your position that people associated with churches are less responsible than those who go to the average Walmart?

Are you projecting your own lack of responsibility on to others associated with these churches?

anonymous said...

The biggest projector here is the coldhearted dumb fuck Lil Schitty!!!!! Funny you shop in Target.....home of the chinese imports you spent your money on!!!! BTW.....I have noticed in the Publix.....people are very vigilant in keeping away from each other....I imagine your straw man about target again is another pile of bullshit you pulled out of your old white ass!!!!! Another BTW....the sites of the largest super spreader events have been in being a choir in Wa and the other in some baptist church in Al......Funny how the atheist is concerned about church goers because trump is for it ....!!!!!!! Sad how deeply you have his dick stuck in your throat!!!!

Commonsense said...

Minneapolis is the home of Target, They're all over the place Denny.

And yeah social distancing is a challenge when have narrow aisles and everybody seems to be getting the same item at once

Commonsense said...

Gov. J.B. Pritzker acknowledges family members have been in Florida and Wisconsin during coronavirus shutdown

Rules for thee but not for me.

C.H. Truth said...

Sorry Denny...

But in Minnesota, not a single healthy person under the age of 60 has died from Covid-19. It's bad enough you cannot walk into a Costco without a mask, but in many places here... people are treating it with the due respect it deserves.

Which is to say, they are not very worried about it.

Sure there are people who are more covered than an Arab in the desert and they avoid people like they are playing tag and everyone else is "it". But we have one of the highest education levels in the country, which is even higher in the south metro where I live. Lots of upper middle class to upper class educated professionals.

anonymous said...

But in Minnesota, not a single healthy person under the age of 60 has died fr

A big pile of cold hearted dumb ass BULLSHIT!!!!!! I am sure you can prove that statement that no healthy person under 60 passed ......!!!!!! Seems to me a ridiculous statement because if you have are not healthy!!!!!!!11 Nice try you dumb fuck!


Harrowing tales of Michigan residents escaping the Midland flood: 'A nightmare movie'

The Edenville Dam broke on Tuesday evening, unleashing a violent, catastrophic flood through Midland County. Thousands of houses were damaged. Bridges were knocked down. Cars washed away. Houses vanished. Businesses flooded. A lake disappeared. And, in some places, the destruction was so overwhelming, so unbelievable, that it looked like Godzilla had stomped across the road, leaving behind giant footprints.

Did Michigan Governor Whitmer send law enforcement to make sure stay-at-home orders were being adhered to ?


Gov. J.B. Pritzker acknowledges family members have been in Florida and Wisconsin during coronavirus shutdown

A common theme amongst democrat "leaders"

C.H. Truth said...

I am sure you can prove that statement that no healthy person under 60 passed ......!!!

Sure can Denny...

Here in Minnesota, 82% of the deaths have occurred with people living in Nursing homes and long term health facilities.

Deaths: 852
Deaths among cases that resided in long-term care or assisted living facilities: 697

Only 12 people have died under the age of 50 and they were all listed as having one or more of the preexisting conditions (Obesity, Diabetes, Hypertension, Immunity issues). Another 42 were between 50-59. All had similar conditions. Several of these people were actually housed in medical facilities that provided long term care (even though they were not senior citizens).

currently we have about 750 people dying from Cancer a month. Another 700 or so dying from Heart disease, and another 220 dying from "accidents" like falling down or vehicle crashes.

So it's LITERALLY more likely that a healthy person will die from "falling down" here in Minnesota than actually dying from Covid-19.

But I would guess that Minnesota is not unique to this.

Just that some of choose to inform ourselves, where as some of you... listen to the politicians and media talking heads.

anonymous said...

nesota, 82% of the deaths have occurred with people living in Nursing homes and long term health facilities.

BWAAAAAAAA!!!!!1 And every single had a condition other than being old you dumb fuck?????? My MIL was in long term care at 93 had no problem other than age!!!!! My wife's cousin has an 88 year old in long term care because she is batty with no underlying medical condition...You are a fucking asshole who will go to the end of the world to support the golfing asshole in the WH!!!!!! Yeah he played golf today as another couple hundred died which YOU DON"T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT BECAUSE THEY ARE OLD!!!! Your time will come and I hope your kids treat you the same way!!!!!!!

Only 12 people have died

And there you go again with only 12 died under 50 which is different from your initial statement!!!!!!!! IOW's I caught you again lying like I thought and question your now being an expert forensic examiner!!!!!!! You lied initially and now lie again....YEAH A TYPICAL OLD WHITE GOP ASSHOLE WHO HATES LIFE!!!!!! ESAD!!!! Your new straw man of falling brings you into the depths of stupidity only dumb fucks can achieve and again prove you need help!!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Maybe trump can call our cold hearted dumb fuck to fill in for a forth at his club.......really difficult to figure out who disgusts me more......trump or Lil Schitty!!!!

May 23, 2020 at 5:19 p.m. EDT
Refresh for updates

The Washington Post is providing this important information about the coronavirus for free. For more free coverage of the coronavirus pandemic, sign up for our daily Coronavirus Updates newsletter where all stories are free to read.
As coronavirus deaths in the United States neared 100,000, President Trump went golfing at his privately owned course in Sterling, Va., Saturday morning. The outing comes amid attempts to resume normal activities, even in an area hit hard by the pandemic. Deborah Birx, lead coordinator of the White House coronavirus task force, said Friday that the District and its suburbs have the highest rate in the country of people testing positive for the infection.
It was the first time Trump has golfed at one of his properties since early March when the outbreak intensified and states began issuing stay-home orders.
Here are some significant developments:
Trump’s move to block travel from Europe in March triggered chaos and a surge of passengers from the outbreak’s center.
China reported no new confirmed cases on Saturday, while the number of official infections in Brazil continued to soar.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson faced calls to fire his chief aide, who allegedly flouted social distancing rules.
British researchers warned the pandemic may still be spreading at epidemic rates in 24 states.