Monday, May 11, 2020

Smaller weekend numbers for Covid-19 again....

I mentioned last week that the number of reported deaths and cases from Covid-19  seems to always dip over the weekend, only to return to the higher reports by midweek. This weekend was no exception with numbers plummeting to under a thousand yesterday.

  • Worldometer came back with only 750 deaths
  • Covid-19 TP came back with only 979 deaths

Last week a similar phenomenon took place, but with a low of 1154 and 1158. So even as the ebb and flow has remained consistent, the numbers are slowly but surely coming down. While the original models had us further into the down side of the curve, I had always been skeptical that there wouldn't be a longer plateau. So far my skepticism has been warranted. 

After some adjustments (to include retroactive numbers that have been being reported over the past week to ten days) the number or projected deaths has risen quite a bit since last weekend. Right now that sits at a little over 93,000 deaths after being just under 80,000 a week ago. Again, this is both because of how many states are reporting previously unrecorded deaths from previous weeks, and because the plateau has been longer than expected. I suspect that based on a variety of ways that these new numbers are being reported, that there may be a little overlap. In other words, if not for states adding old cases to their existing numbers, we may have otherwise been further along on the curve.

The next few days will be important in terms of where this is going. If we start seeing the number increase back up over 2000 a day, then we are still a ways away from this settling down. If, however, we see this thing stay closer to 1500 or so, then we have made real progress. 


anonymous said...

Lil schitty the moron again trivializes pain and suffering with

orldometer came back with only 750 deaths"

Only asshole???? Too bad you or one of your loved ones was only part of the statistic.....Your true colors are showing through that you really don't give a shit about people, only trump and his ruinous regime and money!!!!!! Sick fucking people you GOPer's are......!!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

Well Denny...

As sad as it might be, people die for a variety of reasons every single day. Usually in the thousands. I know that is troublesome for you, but death is not avoidable and it's not "Trump's fault" or because of a Government action. It won't change after this pandemic is over. People will still die.

On the flip side, having 35 million people become unemployed, millions becoming uninsured, and millions more losing hours, pay, benefits, etc...

Is unprecedented and entirely based on Government action.

So with all due respect for your overwhelming sympathy for the Nursing Home residents dying from Covid... it would be a little more worthy of your sympathies if you actually included those losing their life's savings and having their finances completely ruined in your thoughts here.

Anonymous said...

Real, Factual Reporting.
"The German newspaper Der Spiegel published a report this weekend stating German intelligence officials believed Chinese dictator Xi Jinping personally asked the head of the World Health Organization (W.H.O.), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, to delay key warnings about the Chinese coronavirus."

Anonymous said...

What Happened to the National Debt ceiling?

Anonymous said...

Sally Yates, asked to stay for a private meeting, with Obimbo and Creepy Joe.
The Documents and Schiff Interviews released reveals. Topic: The take down of General Flynn.


Liberty University, wrongly declared a virus disaster, now the ‘model’ to follow: Jerry Falwell
by Paul Bedard

Despite some 750 media reports that Liberty University was writing COVID-19 death sentences for some 1,100 students returning after spring break, the Virginia Christian college recorded no cases with students on campus and is now holding itself up as the “model” to follow in the fall.

After the students left for home at the end of the college school year last week, President Jerry Falwell Jr. said, “We finished this year strong — maybe even stronger than ever before because of the hard work of our administration, faculty, staff, and students who pushed through the challenges that this pandemic caused and never quit safely serving our students.”

He added: “Liberty University created the model that other universities should follow for pandemics by protecting its students, faculty, and staff from COVID cases in the local community. We are thankful to God that nobody who lived in a campus residence hall or who worked in a campus office tested positive for the virus.”

The campus's clean bill of health, ignored by the media after hyping the potential for infection, wasn’t a surprise for Falwell and his team.

“It shows how one-sided the American media has become, that they sound the alarm on the false narrative that there are COVID-19 cases at Liberty, and then when they find out that there were none, total silence,” Falwell told Secrets Monday.

While some other schools locked the doors to dorms after spring break and as the pandemic spread, Falwell said he let 1,500 students return to dorms under strict rules of social distancing. Most returned because they had elderly parents at home they wanted to keep safe, or they didn’t have internet, or they were international students.
So alarmed, the New York Times tweeted, “Jerry Falwell Jr., president of Liberty University, reopened the school's campus last week. By Friday, nearly a dozen Liberty students were sick with symptoms that suggest Covid-19.”

But there was no there there, and colleges that also let some students return to dorms were ignored by the critical media that ripped Liberty.

Falwell later told Secrets of his plans to sue those two, the New York Times and ProPublica
. “We’re an easy target, we’re conservative. But it’s sad that they would use something as grave as the virus that’s killing people to push their political agenda, and we decided that enough is enough,” he said.

Now, as he looks to reopening the school for classes in the fall, Falwell said that Liberty should be the model for others.

anonymous said...

Blogger C.H. Truth said...
Well Denny...

Well Lil Schittyl.....maybe you can be a little more disingenuous, but I doubt it!!! As far as I am concerned, you are another worthless pile of trump dung in old white man's clothes who does not give a shit about anything!!!! Too bad you live such a privileged sheltered life and be sooooo cavalier of American's dying because of trumps ineptitude is sickening.....You are a parasite of stupidity and want all the benefits of the US while giving back nothing!!!!!! God you are despicable and loathsome!!!!!