Thursday, May 21, 2020

State of the race!

Election '20: The Hill: Biden +1 | RCP Avg: Biden +5.1 | Betting Odds: Trump +8.8

Other than a fairly ridiculous poll by Quinnipiac (showing a Hillary-like double digit lead) the polling for "out of action" Joe has been less than stellar (at least for what he needs). Right now the over/under on polling this far out suggests that anything five and under is pretty bad news for the former Vice President.

First and foremost, he will likely need to win the election by more than the two percent Hillary won to take over the Electoral College vote. Secondly, these early "registered voter polls" are generally skewed a point or two towards Democrats. Lastly, these early polls always seem to skew to the left, election after election.

Trump is maintaining close to a double digit lead right now in the betting odds, and for good reason. Biden is not out there, which is (unfortunately for Biden) not necessarily a bad thing. Much like Clinton, the more people see of Biden, the less they like him. I don't see a scenario where Biden agrees to actually debate Trump face to face. He doesn't have the goods (or the balls) to do so.

Things could change, but right now the Democrats seem to be betting the farm on Covid-19 ruining the President's chances of winning a second term. They are basically "all in" on the idea that early closings and Trump's pushing of the economy will bring about death and carnage that can be blamed directly on the President.

If they are correct, then people will probably just blame Trump and he will lose. If Democrats are wrong, and there is no black plague that works it's way through the early opening red states, then there may be backlash from the rest of the country and they may blame the economic carnage on overzealous shut downs by blue state Governors. If that happens, then Trump will likely roll.



I see the waterboy "pastor" has spammed over a Goddard political_wire CNN article that Trump will only get 35% of the popular vote in the previous thread.

It's MUCH MORE likely he'll get 65%

And we really don't even know who he will be running against.

I mean other than the media.



* political_lire

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Is this FAKE NEWS?
OR, as The Montgomery Advertiser points out,
Alabama Hospitals Are Now Being Overwhelmed with Coronavirus Cases

“Hospitals in Montgomery and Prattville have a total of one ICU bed remaining and are now being forced to send acute care patients to Birmingham for treatment.

“Montgomery Mayor Steven Reed said he called a news conference to reveal the sobering situation at the urging of overwhelmed area doctors, and with the Memorial Day weekend ahead.”

Do you think Alabama has been opening up too soon in accordance with Trump's wishes?

And how do you think THAT will influence Trump's polling?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

(I wonder if ole F'n will roll around on the floor laughing over that?)

Caliphate4vr said...

The Jefferson County Healthcare Coalition shared this statement about patient transfers with WVTM 13:

"While patient transfers between facilities take place on a regular basis within Alabama, involving both COVID -19 patients and non-COVID-19 patients, there were no transfers today of COVID-19 patients from Montgomery to Birmingham hospitals. The Jefferson County Healthcare Coalition has not received any official requests for assistance with the transfer of patients from Montgomery to Birmingham."

As of 9 a.m. Wednesday, UAB Hospital said it was caring for 54 inpatients who have tested positive for coronavirus but it has yet to receive any patients from Montgomery.



Regular readers of this blog know the constant spamming, lying and obsession for that left-wing Taegan Goddard blog by a certain poster. That poster james, also called the "pastor" (which he claims to be even if you can't tell by his actions) is the POS responsible and considers his mindless rude behavior his hobby. Sometimes he credits Taegan Goddard, sometimes he doesn't.

He has descended so far into TDS and desperation he fills every discussion thread with what people have described as an avalanche of spam. If this is being posted today is no different. He even gets his edited news from that site and spams that if he thinks it will hurt Trump. Every day he repeats what that site posts, regardless of topic. It gets so bad he feels the need to even repeat his spam multiple times in a single thread as well as posting in every active thread the very same spam.

He has exhibited the same mental deterioration as Joe Biden and his postings should be given the same consideration. Both their heads will probably explode when it becomes obvious that Trump will win a second term. Biden will not even notice his head did.


the fucking idiot pastor can't for the life of him keep on topic and stop spamming from his GODdard's political_lire. EVER.


Caliphate4vr said...
The Jefferson County Healthcare Coalition shared this statement about patient transfers with WVTM 13:

"While patient transfers between facilities take place on a regular basis within Alabama, involving both COVID -19 patients and non-COVID-19 patients, there were no transfers today of COVID-19 patients from Montgomery to Birmingham hospitals. The Jefferson County Healthcare Coalition has not received any official requests for assistance with the transfer of patients from Montgomery to Birmingham."

Thanks for correcting the lying POS "pastor"

What a tool he is. And will be until he keels over.




38,600,000 Americans have lost their jobs to "prepare the hospitals" that were never overran.


and political_lire has found a 50 bed one which may have to transfer some !!!



Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022 & get the APP

President Trump can’t wait to debate Sleepy Joe Biden!

Biden “doesn’t know the year 9/11 took place, can’t remember how many grandkids he has, thought he was negotiating with world leaders who’ve been dead for decades.” -


Who would have thunk Trump would get to run against a worse candidate than Hillary ?

C.H. Truth said...

Well Reverend...

According to officials in Alabama...

Yeah! It's fake news! They are not aware of any shortages or requests for transfers.

You could go to their website to see that they currently show 673 people hospitalized for Covid-19 for the entire state. That is down from a bit over 700 which was their peak. They have been between 500 and 700 for about three weeks.

Hard to imagine that they are being over run with hospitalizations given they have no real actual increase in reported hospitalizations.

Moreover... cases over the past 14 days have been fairly flat. But given a pretty large increase in testing, more tests (not more real cases) are at least partially responsible for this.


Do you understand the difference between anecdotal evidence and empirical evidence? Anecdotal is largely subjective and in the case of something like this (which is largely political) it tends to be very knee jerk and many times not even any slightly accurate reflection on things.

Steven Reed is a very partisan Democrat.

Moreover, he could have gotten incomplete or inaccurate information. Or even if accurate, it may only mean something very localized. But there seems to be no "Alabama" outbreak.

btw... Alabama still has educational facilities, bars, restaurants, and many other business closed. They still have restrictions on gatherings. All they have done is allowed some businesses to open (as most states have) and ended their house arrest order.

C.H. Truth said...

and as Mayor... good old Steven Reed could keep his own restrictions going on his town if he dared to.

C.H. Truth said...

Also Reverend...

Alabama has at least 6000 hospital beds, nearly 600 ICU units, and more than enough Ventilators.

Can you see how 673 hospitalizations have overrun a hospital system?

Just curious...

Commonsense said...


Whittier election surprise: Republicans now have 4 of 5 council seats

For the first time since George H.W. Bush was president, four of five Whittier City Council members will be Republicans once Jessica Martinez, a school teacher, who won Tuesday in District 1, is sworn into office.

I guess Democrats (and the media) can take some comfort in the Quinnipiac poll but in a real election involving real voters there is some ground shifting they would be disquieting to any Democrat operative.

anonymous said...

Alabama Hospitals Are Now Being Overwhelmed with Coronavirus Cases

That is what is being reported you dumb fuck!!!!!! If you researched any deeper you would have found that there really are 14 k beds in Al with 75% being used at any given time.......So you now question the veracity of the Montgomery reports with your fucking stupid opinion!!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! ESAD!!!

Thanks for being you again asshole!!!!!

Commonsense said...

That is what is being reported you dumb fuck!!!!!!

No, that's not what was reported.


The Jefferson County Healthcare Coalition shared this statement about patient transfers with WVTM 13:

"While patient transfers between facilities take place on a regular basis within Alabama, involving both COVID -19 patients and non-COVID-19 patients, there were no transfers today of COVID-19 patients from Montgomery to Birmingham hospitals. The Jefferson County Healthcare Coalition has not received any official requests for assistance with the transfer of patients from Montgomery to Birmingham."

Anonymous said...

Yeah! It's fake news! They are not aware of any shortages or requests for transfers.

gee, i wonder what would compel the left to lie about this so much?


Alabama Hospitals Are Now Being Overwhelmed with Coronavirus Cases

Who would make up such a FAKE NEWS HEADLINE ?

Oh, Goddard's political_lire.

And spammed here by the POS "pastor" james

uncredited to the source, again.

Who keeps his perfect record of never being correct.

Along with his BUTT BUDDY.

The idiot james said...
(I wonder if ole F'n will roll around on the floor laughing over that?)

YEP !!!

ROFLMFAO at the clueless ass clowns !!!

Commonsense said...

This is why James' spam shit is a waste of everybody's time.

Anonymous said...

Health Commissioner Howard Zucker’s approach to the coronavirus crisis in nursing homes is even worse than we’d thought: It turns out his Department of Health didn’t even try to track deaths in homes for a full month after the state reported its first fatalities.

New York’s first confirmed COVID-19 deaths came March 14, but it wasn’t until April 17 that DOH began comprehensively asking nursing-home administrators how many residents had died of the disease, the Syracuse Post-Standard has revealed.

The department was in contact — sending daily questionnaires asking how many masks and how much hand sanitizer homes had on hand, among other data. But it wasn’t until news broke of growing outrage among residents’ families that the state thought to systematically ask the most crucial question.

And then DOH just flailed: It e-mailed homes on April 17 at 7:03 a.m. to ask, “What is the total number of residents who have died in your nursing home of COVID-19?” It set an 8:45 a.m. deadline for replies.

The next day, it ordered administrators to document every coronavirus death over the prior six weeks — in a noon e-mail with a 2:30 p.m. deadline.

All this, as Zucker mandated on March 25 that homes take in COVID-positive patients. That’s right: He gave that order without having even tried to learn how many residents were dying from the bug. (Then again, this is the guy who ordered EMTs to not bother trying to resuscitate heart-attack victims until The Post exposed that madness.)

Zucker seems to have focused purely on keeping hospitals from becoming overwhelmed, to the point of sending infected patients into the facilities housing those most vulnerable to the bug. Now the virus has taken some 5,600 nursing-home lives, and experts believe the true toll is far higher.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

My posts are not at all a waste of time.
Truth hurts sycophants, but truth is important.

Even Fox News is now refusing to be as sycophantic as Trump wants it to be.

Trump Complains Fox News Isn’t Helping Him
May 21, 2020 at 3:14 pm EDT

President Trump lashed out against Fox News again, complaining that the network “is doing nothing to help Republicans, and me, get re-elected on November 3rd.”

In other words, Fox is beginning to recover a smattering of journalistic dignity and integrity by refusing to serve merely as a compliant propaganda arm of Trump's reelection campaign.



Regular readers of this blog know the constant spamming, lying and obsession for that left-wing Taegan Goddard blog by a certain poster. That poster james, also called the "pastor" (which he claims to be even if you can't tell by his actions) is the POS responsible and considers his mindless rude behavior his hobby. Sometimes he credits Taegan Goddard, sometimes he doesn't.

He has descended so far into TDS and desperation he fills every discussion thread with what people have described as an avalanche of spam. If this is being posted today is no different. He even gets his edited news from that site and spams that if he thinks it will hurt Trump. Every day he repeats what that site posts, regardless of topic. It gets so bad he feels the need to even repeat his spam multiple times in a single thread as well as posting in every active thread the very same spam.

He has exhibited the same mental deterioration as Joe Biden and his postings should be given the same consideration. Both their heads will probably explode when it becomes obvious that Trump will win a second term. Biden will not even notice his head did.


lying POS "pastor" is a TOTAL waste of oxygen.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Boring F'n Daddy is SO afraid of the truth.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Michigan Official Says Trump Is Not Welcome

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said President Trump is no longer welcome in the state of Michigan after the President did not wear a mask in public.

Said Nessel:
“He is a petulant child who refuses to follow the rules. This is not a joke.”


Majority of Social Media Users Want Trump Banned,

A new Morning Consult poll of social media users finds 37% believe President Trump should be permanently banned for spreading false information about the coronavirus, while 36% say he should be at least temporarily banned.

[73% are for permanent or temporary banning.]

Just 13% do not want him banned and 14% have no opinion.

Trump Advisers Warn McSally Is In Trouble

“Senior political advisers to President Trump warned Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Thursday that Republican Sen. Martha McSally is falling dangerously behind in the critical swing state of Arizona,” Politico reports.

“Trump’s campaign team was meeting with the president at the White House to discuss the state of play in a handful of battleground states. Toward the end of the meeting, Trump pulled McConnell, who was at the White House to meet with him on another matter, into the Roosevelt Room. The discussion turned to Arizona, where recent polling has shown Trump and McSally trailing.”

Trump Approval Remains Steady and Low

A new AP-NORC poll finds that 41% of Americans approve of President Trump’s job performance, while 58% disapprove.

Trump Again Slams Mail-In Ballots

President Trump lashed out again at states seeking to expand absentee voting options to limit the potential spread of coronavirus at polling places.

Said Trump:
“We don’t want anyone to do mail-in ballots. We don’t want them to do mail-in ballots because it’s going to lead to total election fraud."

He's scared to death people will actually be able to vote.

C.H. Truth said...

That is what is being reported you dumb fuck!

You mean that is what a newspaper reported... based on what a Democratic "Mayor" stated.

But the official Alabama government website on Covid-19 is reporting nothing of the sort. There is no actual wild and crazy numbers officially being reported by any county (including the county in question).

So I guess either this one person jumped the gun a bit...

Or the entire Alabama Department of Public Heath, Division of infectious diseases and outbreaks is mistaken with their official numbers.

Caliphate4vr said...

No one reads your stupid shit pederast

And your life is waste of time

anonymous said...

And no one gives a flying fuck about your inane posts!!!!!!!! Loser

You mean that is what a newspaper reported..

No you dumb fucking asshole...learn to read....that was not the source I provided!!!!! Try again asshole!!!!! BTW,,,,,,all politics are local.....try again!!!!

Commonsense said...

Tell that to the Republicans in Orange county every one of them won by substantial amounts on election night.

And then, all of a sudden, the "mail in ballots" were found.

They were all due to ballot harvesting and review of those ballots show some the the voters have left the area while others have been dead for 20 years.


off-topic but that's all the "pastor" ever does and GREAT NEWS !!!

Sidney Powell Flag of United States⭐⭐⭐

#BREAKING D.C. Circuit has ordered Judge Sullivan to respond to #FLYNN Petition for Writ of Mandamus by June 1.
Judges Henderson, Wilkins, and Rao.

Undercover Huber

—Henderson was first nominated by Reagan and voted against Nadler & the House being able to subpoena WH Counsel Don McGhan
—Rao was nominated by Trump to replace Kavanaugh & also voted against House overreach against Trump
—Wilkins was Obama appointee, Senate Rs filibuster failed

read that Writ of Mandamus is rare and such an expedited one extremely rare. Sullivan is probably shitting in his boots.

anonymous said...

based on what a Democratic "Mayor" stated.

Ah Lil Schitty accusing someone he knows nothing about as a liar....isn't that soooooo trumpian and stupid!!!!!! Did you look at the tape?????? BWAAAAAAAA!!!!!! God you have diarrhea of the mouth today ass wipe!!

Myballs said...

Philadelphia elections judge pleads guilty to taking bribes to inflate vote counts. Yeah, he's a democrat.

But there's no election fraud.

C.H. Truth said...

Sure Reverend...

I take all of your stories as seriously as I take the big breaking Alabama crisis story that you cut and pasted.

I mean what sort of people spend all of their time combing the internet looking for negative things to say?

You don't have to have a major in psychology to understand the underlying mental ramifications of that sort of action.

Pathological actually.

Commonsense said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Washington Post
Important developments in the pandemic.

On Wednesday, Montgomery, Ala., Mayor Steven Reed announced his city was facing a crisis: the hospitals were out of ICU beds.
“Right now, if you’re from Montgomery, and you need an ICU bed, you’re in trouble … our health-care system has been maxed out.” Reed said. The news came as a research team warned that a second wave of coronavirus infections was likely in the South — Dallas, Houston, southeast Florida, the entire state of Alabama — where reopening has happened rapidly, and other counties with cases on the rise.

Sweeping measures to prevent the spread were announced on March 15 — a federal warning against large gatherings, health screenings at airports, states of emergency declared by governors and mayors. But what if they had been announced just a week before? A new study from Columbia University has the possible answer: If social distancing had been in place seven days earlier, the United States could have prevented 36,000 deaths through early May.

Months into the pandemic, physicians keep learning new things about covid-19 and the way it attacks our bodies. The severe, Kawasaki-like inflammatory condition that doctors have recently reported in children APPEARS ALSO TO AFFECT YOUNG ADULTS. More reason for concern: teens and young adults have more of an “overwhelming” response involving the heart and multiple organs, an NYU doctor told The Post.

Ahead of President Trump’s trip this afternoon to a Ford manufacturing plant in Ypsilanti, Mich., the state’s attorney general implored him to wear a face mask on his tour, citing a “legal responsibility” — and said Trump would be asked not to return if he does not do so. Trump appears to have not worn a mask on the tour, though he told reporters he did wear one in another area “where they preferred it." The president said he “didn’t want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it.”

As Trump has urged communities to reopen and cheered on order-defying protesters, places such as Ypsilanti are struggling to contain the virus. Nearly one in 100 residents has tested positive or is presumed positive, but the area didn't get a testing site until early May, after local leaders fought for one. The city's mayor was not invited to the president's event, but she had a message for him: “I would let him know that his dishonesty cost lives,” Lois E. Allen-Richardson said.


Actual Headline:

"Montgomery hospitals are down to 1 ICU bed and sending patients to Birmingham"

Goddard political_lire headline

"Alabama Hospitals Are Now Being Overwhelmed with Coronavirus Cases"

Anybody see any difference ?

See why the lying POS "pastor" didn't attribute political_lire.

Just a little subtle difference.

But his BUTT BUDDY bit.

Commonsense said...

Well we have to worry about the truth from James.

He always post a lie.


C.H. Truth said...
Sure Reverend...

I take all of your stories as seriously as I take the big breaking Alabama crisis story that you cut and pasted.

I mean what sort of people spend all of their time combing the internet looking for negative things to say?

You don't have to have a major in psychology to understand the underlying mental ramifications of that sort of action.

Pathological actually.

To keep it on topic the "pastor" is a lying dog-faced pony soldier.


anonymous said...

Fucking daddy again proves he is a worthless pile of dog shit!!!! Just like the lying cramps!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Sure Lil SChitty....""

"I take all of your stories as seriously as I take" the bullshit stats you pulled out of your ass in saying the story was fake.....It is not just don't like the headline!!!!! Tough shit you big baby.....maybe you can convince your child bride to service you might feel better!!!! bwaaaaaapaaaaaa!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Anybody see any difference?

Only that both "headlines" tell the truth in a slightly different way.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Actually, Ch, I don't have to comb the internet "looking for negative things to say." They come at me from all sides these days.

Warnings and worries from hurting and worrying people.


James said...
Anybody see any difference?

Only that both "headlines" tell the truth in a slightly different way.


Well than you need to answer CHT:


C.H. Truth said...
Also Reverend...

Alabama has at least 6000 hospital beds, nearly 600 ICU units, and more than enough Ventilators.

Can you see how 673 hospitalizations have overrun a hospital system?

Just curious...

I would say one of you is not being truthful and the lying POS is.......

the "pastor"


C.H. Truth said...

Sure Reverend...

Because everyday you read the Montgomery Alabama newspaper!

The reality is that you can post this same story three or four more times and it won't change the fact that the Alabama Department of Public Heath is not showing any sort of big increase in hospitalizations, nor is the state in danger of being overrun by Covid-19 patients.

So while you rely on a Democratic Mayor in one town.

I continue to rely on the empirical data provided by the people in charge of keeping track of it.

Sort of indicative of how all our arguments go.

You know, like suggesting that Illinois has sooooo many cases because of they have a bigger international air travelers than Texas, Florida, and Georgia... when it turns out that it's not the case at all, huh?

Now you are arguing that Alabama is overrun by Covid-19 patients have have no more beds... only problem is that the numbers from Alabama's Division of infectious diseases and outbreaks doesn't show it.

You want to know something?

Well I know you really don't. But I will provide the information anyways.

The entire county of Montgomery has had a total 1028 confirmed cases since the start of this. Not deaths or hospitalizations. Just cases. Not in the past few days or past week or since they lifted the House arrest order.... but since the very beginning.

Sounds like quite the hot spot. Must be proof positive of something... although I am not certain what?

Meanwhile... My state, which has been locked down like a vault now and still has only reopened a limited amount of stuff this Monday reported almost three times as many deaths (albeit almost all nursing home deaths).

Commonsense said...

Actually, Ch, I don't have to comb the internet "looking for negative things to say."

Yeah, James you just trod over the Goodard's site and just copy away. You're too fucking lazy to, you know, do some research.

You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in the ass.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

More than 35,000 lives would have been saved in the U.S. if social distancing measures had begun just a week earlier than they actually did in mid-March, according to a new estimate by researchers at Columbia University.

They said simulations based on several models showed that 61 per cent of the U.S. cases of infection as of May 3 -- more than 700,000 -- and 55 per cent of the more than 65,000 recorded deaths could have been averted if social distancing and other safety measures had been in place a week earlier.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Commonsense said...

Full lockdown policies in Western Europe countries have no evident impacts on the COVID-19 epidemic.


This phenomenological study assesses the impacts of full lockdown strategies applied in Italy, France, Spain and United Kingdom, on the slowdown of the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak. Comparing the trajectory of the epidemic before and after the lockdown, we find no evidence of any discontinuity in the growth rate, doubling time, and reproduction number trends. Extrapolating pre-lockdown growth rate trends, we provide estimates of the death toll in the absence of any lockdown policies, and show that these strategies might not have saved any life in western Europe. We also show that neighboring countries applying less restrictive social distancing measures (as opposed to police-enforced home containment) experience a very similar time evolution of the epidemic.

Commonsense said...

Actual numbers vs models Roger,

Myballs said...

Funny how dems slow walked DNI director Ratcliff confirmation until the interim guy started declassifying docs. Then they couldn't make it happen fast enough.


And I think the dems forgot how big a junkyard dog Ratcliff is himself. He destroyed Mueller.

Keep the daylight coming.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden Holds Solid National Lead!!!!

A new FOX NEWS poll

finds Joe Biden
leading Donald Trump in the presidential race nationally,
48% to 40%.


Key takeaway:
Among voters who are EXTREMELY MOTIVATED
ABOUT VOTING this fall,
Biden has a 12-POINT ADVANTAGE,
53% to 41%.


Anonymous said...

Is everyone done waiting on Adam Schiff to produce real evidence against Trump?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Trump Says Country Will Ride Out Any Second Wave

President Trump says he won’t support shutting down the country of a possible second wave of coronavirus cases develops, NBC News reports.

Said Trump: “People say that’s a very distinct possibility. It’s standard. And we’re gonna put out the fires. We’re not gonna close the country.”


Anonymous said...

Hi James. Did you have a good day?


KansasDemocrat said...
Hi James. Did you have a good day?

He spent all day trying to justify the lies he was trying to spread from political_lire via his normal constant mindless spamming.

And got his ass handed to him.

His BUTT BUDDY liked him for that.




THIS is John Ratcliffe.

Our new Director of National Intelligence exposed Robert Mueller as an utter fraud in a four minute savage beat down for the history books. It's worth another look.


Mueller's right hand man is now doing events for Biden fundraising. The Obama Crime Cabal realize their slim chance of avoiding the slammer is with a president Biden and trying to drag things out.

Looks like the Republicans are FINALLY going on offense.

And it's about time. And actually may be perfect timing...

anonymous said...

Because everyday you read the Montgomery Alabama newspaper!

The best our cold hearted dumb fucking asshole can come up with!!!!!!! The difference Lil Schitty, is you just make up your own version of BS that supports what you want....the reverend at least uses real sources unlike you!!!!! bWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! BTW....see that latest fox poll that now has trump down 17 points with voters over 65????? His base of idiots is finally smartening up!!!!!!

anonymous said...

According to our cold hearted dumb fuck Lil Schitty......the current virus is not that serious for him!!!!!

More evidence emerges on why covid-19 is so much worse than the flu
Researchers found blood clots and vessel damage in the autopsied lungs of people killed by the disease.
By Lenny Bernstein

Gee......maybe that is why 100k have passed from it, a number Lil Schitty says is 20% overstated!!!!! Still no change from Johns Hopkins saying they agree with our own idiotic expert!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Scared like a frightened rabbit Dennys.

Common for low IQ Socialist.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Denny how is your lousy lay wife, dead fish fuck.

anonymous said...

And a good fuck to you's your pig doing.....making bacon???????? BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Gotta suck living in your dead mommy's basement with nothing to do but being stupid!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Dumber than a box of rocks....too stupid to care of others who have passed due to the incompetence of trump!!!!! Did you see that fox poll????? That should create a huge tweet storm of stupidity shortly......seems old farts are now abandoning the GOP like I predicted....except for idiots like you!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I guess the following is another "lie" just because it appears at

CBS San Francisco reports that

1,200 California Pastors Vow to Reopen in Defiance

“More than 1,200 California pastors say they will resume in-person services on May 31 in defiance of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s stay-at-home order to slow the spread of the new coronavirus."

Newsom has gradually allowed some businesses to reopen as the state’s number of virus-related hospitalizations has flattened. But churches are still banned, along with hair salons and sporting events.


If what those pastors' decision causes to happen in California is like what happened below, they will wish they hadn't.

Churches Forced to Close Again
May 20, 2020 at 9:31 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

“Churches in states at the forefront of reopening efforts are closing their doors for a second time,” the Washington Post reports.

“Catoosa Baptist Tabernacle in Ringgold, Ga., less than 20 miles away from Chattanooga, Tenn., and Holy Ghost Catholic Church in Houston have indefinitely suspended services after members and leaders tested positive for the coronavirus shortly after reopening.”


And if disaster does strike, who should we should blame most? God? Satan? Those pastors? Trump and his White House?

See the following:

"Guidance for opening houses of worship amid the coronavirus paNdemic has been put on hold after a battle between the CDC and the White House which is resistant to putting limits on religious institutions."


It would be interesting to see a listing of the denominations to which those 1,200 pastors belong, how many of them are fundamentalists.

If their decision results in a spike in infections, the blame should not be on God but on those pastors and all who support Trump.

Anonymous said...

"We could have a depression because so many people are out of work, and that’s why we have to get the system really energized and working,” 


Anonymous said...


James, have them arrested and jailed, right?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Things could change, but right now the Democrats seem to be betting the farm on Covid-19 ruining the President's chances of winning a second term. They are basically "all in" on the idea that early closings and Trump's pushing of the economy will bring about death and carnage that can be blamed directly on the President.

The main reason many Democratic leaders are "all in" on the idea that early closings is dangerous is because Trump's own medical advisers are "all in" on their scientific conviction that this is the case.

If [the Democrats] are correct, then people will probably just blame Trump and he will lose. If Democrats are wrong, and there is no black plague that works it's way through the early opening red states, then there may be backlash from the rest of the country and they may blame the economic carnage on overzealous shut downs by blue state Governors. If that happens, then Trump will likely roll.

Well, it may not be exactly the "black plague," but it could be serious enough to hurt Trump politically for making so bad a choice for the sake of his own selfish political and egotistical interests.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Axios reports:
The Coronavirus Invades Trump Country

“For the last four weeks, counties newly designated as having a high prevalence of coronavirus cases — meaning at least 100 cases per 100,000 people — were more likely to have voted for President Trump than Hillary Clinton in 2016, according to a recent analysis by the Brookings Institution.”


IOW, more and more it's getting out there in Trumpland.

Anonymous said...

Look at the pure glee in what James wrote.

anonymous said...

The dumb goat fucker posted

"We could have a depression because so many people are out of work, !!!!! BWAAAAAAA!!!! Must be because the D's are out to make trump look bad!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Like that columbia Univ.....article....another hit job from a liberal institution!!!!! Seems to me that excuse is getting rather old and not being believed by anyone else but idiots like the goat fucker and cramps!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Look at the pure stupidity the goat fucker posted again!!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAA!!!! How's the black mold in your mommy's basement doing....I understand that it can create big time breathing problems for idiots like you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

no voter fraud, eh pederast?

A Philadelphia elections judge and Democratic Party official pleaded guilty Thursday to stuffing ballot boxes in favor of Democratic candidates in elections in 2014, 2015 and 2016, while collecting thousands of dollars in cash to make the changes.

Prosecutors hinted at an even broader conspiracy by an unnamed “political consultant” who charged his clients “consulting fees” and then used some of the money to pay off multiple Election Board officials.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Philadelphia won Thursday’s guilty plea from Domenick J. DeMuro, who served as a judge of elections, responsible for overseeing a polling place during voting. DeMuro was also a Democratic Party ward chairman.

He charged up to $5,000 an election to ring up votes for the political consultant’s clients.

Prosecutors said DeMuro stuffed the ballot box in elections for judicial candidates as well as for those running for federal, state and local offices.

“DeMuro fraudulently stuffed the ballot box by literally standing in a voting booth and voting over and over, as fast as he could, while he thought the coast was clear,” said U.S. Attorney William M. McSwain. “Voting is the cornerstone of our democracy. If even one vote is fraudulently rung up, the integrity of that election is compromised.”

Mr. McSwain said the investigation is ongoing.

Anonymous said...

Dopie, Pelosi said this:

""We could have a depression because so many people are out of work, and that’s why we have to get the system really energized and working,” 


haven't and won't read the bunch of obvious spam the POS waterboy "pastor" copied over in his deranged state but I know the following is appropriate yet again


Regular readers of this blog know the constant spamming, lying and obsession for that left-wing Taegan Goddard blog by a certain poster. That poster james, also called the "pastor" (which he claims to be even if you can't tell by his actions) is the POS responsible and considers his mindless rude behavior his hobby. Sometimes he credits Taegan Goddard, sometimes he doesn't.

He has descended so far into TDS and desperation he fills every discussion thread with what people have described as an avalanche of spam. If this is being posted today is no different. He even gets his edited news from that site and spams that if he thinks it will hurt Trump. Every day he repeats what that site posts, regardless of topic. It gets so bad he feels the need to even repeat his spam multiple times in a single thread as well as posting in every active thread the very same spam.

He has exhibited the same mental deterioration as Joe Biden and his postings should be given the same consideration. Both their heads will probably explode when it becomes obvious that Trump will win a second term. Biden will not even notice his head did.


Anonymous said...

Denny put some ice on it.

anonymous said...

Washington times.......BWAAAAAAAAQAAA!!!!!! Get back when he goes to jail!!!!!....The only stuffing has been done by the GOP and got caught in NC.....!!!!!!! Weak you dumb fuck....but that is what you are!!!!!!

The other headlines of the Wa Times!!!!! You need to expand your reading lists rat, you dumb fuck!!!!!!! Poorly covered story to say the least, but that is typical of the reporting that low brow idiots like you can handle!!!!!

Democratic clerk charged with altering nearly 200 midterm elections ballots
Coronavirus hype biggest political hoax in history


David A. Oliver

Heaven help us if they discover (1) there's still no "cure" for flu; and, (2) H1N1 is still killing people 11 years after it began in the Spring of 2009 (including 174 kids this season):

guess those 174 dead kids are on Obama by the "pastor's" logic

anonymous said...

Goat fucker....ESAD you asshole!!!!! Like I originally said has to be the D's fault trying to make trump look bad....god you are stupid!!!!!

anonymous said...

Anonymous JAMES'S FUCKING DADDY said...
David A. Oliver

Another pair of idiots blowing smoke out their asses!!!!!!! Difficult to determine who the dumber fuck is!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAA!!!!


Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022)

New @CNBC poll in key electoral states....

5,408 likely voters: AZ, FL, MI, NC, PA, WI.

@realDonaldTrump leads @JoeBiden 48% to 46%

Trump job approval: 50%

Trump is +11% over Biden on the ECONOMY!

amazing how erratic those polls are. This is NBC


Difficult to determine who the dumber fuck is!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAA!!!!

The photo finish photo is in !!!

DEAD HEAT between lo iq and the "pastor"

The BUTT BUDDIES are tried for the BOTTOM !!!

go celebrate in your basement, maybe Joe will wander in.



* tied

C.H. Truth said...

“For the last four weeks, counties newly designated as having a high prevalence of coronavirus cases — meaning at least 100 cases per 100,000 people — were more likely to have voted for President Trump than Hillary Clinton in 2016, according to a recent analysis by the Brookings Institution.”

100 out of 100,000?

That's 1 out of a 1000

Or 0.1% - who have the virus?

Considering how few people die from it... this might actually affect about 0.0001%

and all of those counties put together will probably not suffer the amount of deaths New York had in an average day so far!

This is one of those cases where you can bend the number so far to prove a point that you end up proving the opposite!

Anonymous said...

Stupid troll Dennys so easily trick.

anonymous said...

That's 1 out of a 1000

Wow.....the cold hearted dumb fuck is a genius!!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

And fucking daddy keeps spiraling into the depths of irrelevance !!!!!!!!

I win again!!!!

Anonymous said...

CHT as you have stated and proved, math is hard for Dennys, James and Alky.

anonymous said...

Goat fucker is such an easy target and predictably stupid!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Valdez Venita Demings, Democrat Socialist, yes she has the proper sex organs and dark skin pigmentation to be VP.

Anonymous said...

Sophie Duped.

You disagree with Pelosi statement?

anonymous said...

Goat fucker again proving he is a racist, women hating asshole who supports the racist women hating POTUS......and you wonder why women are fleeing the GOP like old farts.....BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! How's it feel to still be living in mommy's you think she would approve of your misogyny and race baiting ways??????

Anonymous said...

"The United States has secured almost a third of the first one billion doses planned for AstraZeneca’s experimental COVID-19 vaccine by pledging up to $1.2 billion, as world powers scramble for medicines to get their economies back to work.

While not proven to be effective against the coronavirus, vaccines are seen by world leaders as the only real way to restart their stalled economies, and even to get an edge over global competitors.

After President Donald Trump demanded a vaccine, the U.S. Department of Health agreed to provide up to US$1.2 billion to accelerate AstraZeneca’s vaccine development and secure 300 million doses for the United States."

Anonymous said...

Dopie earns his titke every day.

Biden short list includes;

Valdez Venita Demings, Democrat Socialist, yes she has the proper sex organs and dark skin pigmentation to be VP.

Anonymous said...

When I post about Alky, I use facts he provided .

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A new Fox News poll finds former Vice President Joe Biden leading President Trump by 8 points nationally, with the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee opening up wide leads among independents and older voters who broke for Trump in 2016.

The survey released Thursday finds Biden at 48 percent support and Trump at 40 percent, with 11 percent undecided or saying they'll support someone else. Trump and Biden were knotted at 42 percent in the same survey last month.

Biden leads by 17 points among voters aged 65 and older and by 13 points among independents.

Exit polls found older voters going for Trump by 7 points in 2016. Trump also won independents by 4 points.

anonymous said...

And the goat fucking idiot provides another lame post indicating he has 2 brain cells and one is wounded!!!!!!b BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Sad the black mold in his mommy's basement is affecting his mind!!!!!!

anonymous said...

KansasDemocrat said...
"The United States has secured almost a third of the first one billion

And you are still an idiot!!!!! Yet to be proven vaccines are still not a vaccine!!!!!!! And of course, why are you scared like a rabbit to mention this????? Will you be the first on line to get it if it passes??????? BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! God you are a dumb fuck!!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

CHT as you have stated and proved, math is hard for Dennys, James and Alky.

Especially so when you listen to every little bit of nonsense put out there by people trying to "prove" certain points that are irrelevant to anything.

Guess what?

The Blue States will eventually reopen as well. Then the 97% of the population that is not vulnerable to getting hospitalized or dying from this virus will start to catch the virus as well.

Unless, of course, these Blue States decide to wait a few more months (or forever) for a vaccine...

Unless those catching it are in their 70s, 80s, or older or have preexisting conditions... then "catching" the virus is really irrelevant to 9999 out of 10,000 of them.

They will have a better chance of dying in about 1000 ways than dying from Covid-19.

j said...

Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022 & get the APP

This is disgusting.

Joe Biden: "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't Black."


John Burnett

Once again, a ‘White #Liberal’ trying to define ‘Black’— @realDonaldTrump has done more for Blacks in 3 years than Biden has accomplished for Blacks during his entire life. #KAG Flag of United States #Trump

Guess this is why the dem's have locked Joe up in chains in his basement.

Every day Joe gives a gift to the Republicans.




anonymous said...

Especially so when you listen to every little bit of nonsense

YOU MEAN LIKE THE BULLSHIT YOU MAKE UP AND POST AS FACT!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! To you only 97000 deaths is a win for trump!!!!!!1 The latest embarrassment of trump is accepted and swallowed by you!!!!!! While the elderly which you are getting close to be, are expendable because you are a cold hearted dumb fucking tump sucking asshole!!!!!!!! The only thing that is irrelevant will be you and the GOP as you head down the road of the stupid!!!!!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

And fucking daddy keeps spiraling into the depths of irrelevance !!

This idea that having 1 out of 1000 testing positive...

When it is assumed that between 5-15 out of a 100 have already contracted it...

is a completely irrelevant statistic.

I literally feel sorry for anyone dumb enough to think it matters.

Anonymous said...

I literally feel sorry for anyone dumb enough to think it matters.

and it's no coincidence that they're the same dumb fucks who believe the polls showing biden up by 8 points nationally.

there's stupid, and then there's "alky" stupid.


FINALLY! Amy Klobuchar Admits Miracle Drug Hydroxychloroquine Saved Her Husband’s Life (VIDEO)

Well that's it for her chances of being Joe's running mate.

anonymous said...

This idea that having 1 out of 1000 testing positive...

That is like saying you have a working brain.....BWAAAAAAAA!!!! Cold hearted fucking idiot proves again he prefers death to's your elderly inlaws feel about that.....did they embrace you marrying their child?????? LOLOLOLOL!!!!

anonymous said...

The gateway pundit....the fucking idiot daddy's go to source to give him another orgasm like the cold hearted dumb fuck!!!!!!! bWAAAAAAA!!!!!! Amy's success still proves shit....sorry!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

While the elderly which you are getting close to be, are expendable because you are a cold hearted dumb fucking tump sucking asshole!!

The elderly are dying because people like Cuomo were sending Covid-19 positive patients right into the nursing homes.

Shutting down all of the workers has nearly zero effect on the elderly.

Perhaps a better solution would have been to actually target our actions to protect those most vulnerable.

The amount of deaths are the responsibility of the Blue State Governors that simply didn't have a reasonable plan (other than complete shut down that proved to not work any better than what other states did).

Because, Denny... that is where the bulk of these deaths took place.

Blaming Trump because Cuomo, Walz or Whitmer are morons is all you got???


Anonymous said...

While the elderly which you are getting close to be, are expendable...


democrat governors, led by my governor here in NY, have been killing the elderly like it was their fucking JOB. their policies, mostly led by an over-estimation of of the number of hospital beds required thanks to stoopid "models", intentionally and deliberately led to the needless deaths of thousands of seniors.

there is no single human being on the planet more responsible for covid deaths than andrew cuomo.

Anonymous said...

According to economic projections from the Penn Wharton Budget Model, states with Republican governors are forecast to see bigger economic gains by July 24 from reopening compared to states with Democratic ones.

Yahoo Finance analyzed the Wharton Model’s projections of GDP declines for all 50 states and the District of Columbia under each of three scenarios: lockdown, partial reopening, and fully reopening with and without social distancing. The analysis also calculated the percentage boost each state is forecasted to experience if they reopened their state with social distancing in place compared to remaining under lockdown.

Currently, most states have decided to fully or partially reopen, with New Jersey, Illinois, Michigan, and Delaware as the remaining holdouts in lockdown. They all plan to open by June 1.

But even if all states were to reopen, Republican states will find the GDP losses they face as a result of the coronavirus pandemic are less than the ones facing their Democratic counterparts.

The Yahoo Finance analysis found that of the top 10 states projected to have the biggest economic boosts from reopening, 7 have Republican leadership.

anonymous said...

Funny,,,,,,,I am not sure what Amy endursed Typical of right wing assholes posting BS with just a modicum of truth for cover. bWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Nice try lose again!!!

In a radio interview by Michael Smerconish, who asks Amy Klobuchar straight up if her husband received Hydroxychloroquine in the hospital and if that was responsible for his miraculous recovery, the senator did all she could to downplay the miracle drug (Hydroxychloroquine) rather than promote its use as an obvious lifesaving medication.

Amy Klobuchar and the Democrat Party need more sickness and death to hang around the neck of President Trump. They would much rather you die and everyone you love die than to give President Trump a thumbs up for promoting the treatment that appears to be the end of Kung Flu

anonymous said...

projected to have the biggest economic boosts from reopening, 7 have Republican leadership.

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! I am sure they have a model and it ran....get back to me in a year and let me know how it did!!!!!!

anonymous said...


democrat governors, led by my governor here in NY, have been killing

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Too bad you aren't a target you fucking asshole!!!!!



Stelter vs. Trump
A Battle of Wits

VIDEO on Hydroxychloroquine

guess that settles it

Commonsense said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commonsense said...

Perhaps a better solution would have been to actually target our actions to protect those most vulnerable.

While the media was busy snarking DeSantis over spring breakers at the beach, he was busy locking down nursing homes, and assisted living facilities and banning COVID-19 positive patients from returning to them until they were fully recovered.

All and all DeSantis managed the pandemic far better than cue-tip Cuomo. And the media hates him for it.

There is a way to reopen the economy and still protect our most vulnerable. It's not either/or.

James can still go hide under his bed nobody will force him out.

However James can't tell other people to stop living because he has.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Basement Biden .
"Joe Biden: "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't Black."

Anonymous said...

Illinois and California have some of the highest unemployment in the US.