Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Big May increase in retail spending, following great jobs report!

Ironically, those making a stink about the previous job's report might have been better off not saying anything, as that correction will only work to make next month's job numbers look better by comparison. 

Obviously not everyone believes we are headed for a U or V shaped recovery. Jerome Powell continues to do whatever he can to dampen the spirits for Americans. The stock market generally tailspins shortly after he speaks, but it may just start falling as soon as he schedules his next speech. You know, factoring the negative news "into" the market before the news is delivered.

Currently the DJIA sits in the 26000 point range, which is where it was at in the beginning of 2020. Somewhat of a remarkable achievement considering everything that has happened and is still happening. People are obviously spending money, and businesses are hiring again. Time will tell how this will affect things moving forward. But I have a sneaking suspicion that the tailspin will continue much, much longer in the blue states than it will everywhere else. Maybe even by design.


Commonsense said...

A little off topic.

Sen. Tim Kaine: "The United States didn't inherit slavery from anybody. We created it."

Dear Sen Kaine: There's a whole book in the Bible devoted to slavery. It's called Exodus.

Commonsense said...

Don't need a stimulus package. Just take off the chains.

Anonymous said...

Sen. Tim Kaine: "The United States didn't inherit slavery from anybody. We created it."

and this dumb fuck wanted to be VP.


Commonsense said...

Dodged a bullet.

Anonymous said...

ah, Burisma. It seems like a different, more innocent age when we had such trivial concerns as Joe Biden shaking down foreign governments for bribe money.

Ukrainian officials announced Saturday they intercepted a $6 million bribe offered to stop an investigation into the founder of Burisma Holdings, the energy firm that had Hunter Biden as a board member until 2019.

Artem Sytnyk, the head of Ukraine’s national anti-corruption bureau (NABU), said at a press conference in Kyiv that $6 million in cash was recovered during a sting operation on Friday. He said that three people were detained in the operation, including a Burisma employee and a current and former Ukrainian tax official, according to Reuters.

Sytnyk said that $5 million in bribe money was offered to NABU officials, and another $1 million was reserved for a middleman who brokered the deal.

It is the largest bribe attempt uncovered in Ukraine's history, he said.

The bribe was allegedly offered to end an investigation into Mykola Zlochevsky, a former Ukrainian ecology minister who owns Burisma. Zlochevsky has been under investigation since 2013 for allegedly embezzling funds from a loan from the National Bank of Ukraine.


anonymous said...

Rat WHO GIVES A FUCK!!!!!!!!!!! BI\\We have the biggest boob ever in the oval office who only cares about himself......there is nothing worse than that!!!!

anonymous said...

Great news as 1 month does not connote a recovery.....but it was unexpected and will help the GDP somewhat for the quarter...

“Activity started to recover more quickly than we – and others – had been anticipating. As a result, we now estimate that real consumption and overall GDP both contracted at a 30% annualized pace in the second quarter, rather than the 40% fall we previously expected,” Capital Economics wrote in an email Tuesday.

Still the fed's GDP and labor prediction remain in the doldrums.......

anonymous said...

“Nevertheless, there is still considerable uncertainty over whether spending will continue to recover at this pace over the coming months, particularly given the more recent upturn in new coronavirus cases in a number of states,” the firm cautioned.

ING economist James Knightley agreed that while the strong retail sales bounce in May is news to cheer, the pace of the economic recovery remains to be seen.

“Retail sales bounced back far more vigorously than expected in May ... This is much stronger than the weekly Redbook chain stores sales figures had hinted at, with today’s report clearly boosting hopes of a more V-shaped recovery,” Knightley wrote in a note Tuesday. “The outlook for the coming months remains uncertain and is going to be determined by how quickly the re-opening gathers momentum and how many of the laid-off workers return to their previous jobs.”

Anonymous said...

anonymous said...

Rat WHO GIVES A FUCK!!!!!!!!!!! BI\\

well asshat, i figured all the assholes who impeached trump because of "a threat to national security as it directly related to ukraine" might give a fuck.

unless they were fucking bluffing and full of shit the whole time, because that's what it looked like to me.


James Woods

Quick. Call a social worker.
Short VIDEO: https://twitter.com/RealJamesWoods/status/1272928070333161472

Anonymous said...

Good News For the US is bad news for Socialist running for the White House.

Anonymous said...

National New Emergency Number - 666

Make it easy for Socialist to remember.

anonymous said...

well asshat, i figured all the assholes who impeached trump

Well you again figured wrong....no surprise there!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA