Sunday, June 14, 2020

Black drunk driver who fell asleep in the Wendy's driver through shot and killed by cop

So the timing of this is bad, but was the action?

Rioters burn down the Wendy's because they "ordered the execution" of Rashard Brooks

First, let's be clear here. This was not an unarmed person shot by the cops. This was a guy who while resisting legitimate arrest started a physical altercation where he took a taser gun from a cop, started to run away, and then turned around and aimed the gun back at the cop chasing him. This was all captured on a variety of video, including body cam. In any other time, with any other suspect, this would have been considered 100% justified police shooting.

No questions asked.

We cannot assume that in this sort of situation that either cop knew exactly what sort of weapon was taken from them in the scuffle, nor could they be sure that Brooks didn't have another weapon on him at the time. While it seems logical in hindsight to just assume that it was the taser gun that the drunken suspect was pointing at them, are cops now required to forfeit their own lives in order to error on the side of caution?

Moreover, I am not sure of the police protocol in this situation, but I am fairly certain that if a cop is imminently threatened with any sort of weapon (gun, taser, knife, machete, crossbow, etc) that they are allowed to shoot to protect themselves, even if the weapon may not be lethal. Who's to say what a criminal suspect might do if they incapacitated a cop with a taser. The cop would be helpless to prevent other weapons he has to be taken and used.

You point a weapon at a cop with intent to use it, I would offer that you should expect to be shot for those efforts.  

Let's also keep in mind that hundreds of cops have been injured, dozens seriously during these riots. Two police officers have lost their own lives in these riots. Rioters and other BLM activists have declared war on the US police force and in Seattle (Chaz) and other places are literally throwing homemade explosives and setting up IUD explosives to injure or kill cops on purpose. 

If not for these recent actions, whose to say that this particular cop might have chosen differently? Then again, whose to say that he should have. The bigger problem here is that this isn't cut and dried like George Floyd. Many people are going to see this as a legitimate police protective measure. Part of what makes these protests so supported is that universal belief that Derek Chauvin was not acting with any good faith when George Floyd was killed. I doubt this one will get that same sort of universal support.

Lastly, we now have protesters burning down a Wendy's because they called the police on a drunk man who fell asleep in their drive through. Since when is it some sort of sin or problem for an establishment like Wendy's to report this sort of behavior to the police? To suggest that the employee who called the police is responsible for the death is asinine to say the least. This sort of "logic" is going to end up losing even more people who currently support this cause. 



Karli Q

I’m dead!
10 sec VIDEO:

Could have gone in either Sunday Funnies or here but I decided here...

Anonymous said...

is it just me, or in virtually all of these cases of some genius getting shot and killed by the cops, if the suspect had just complied with the officer(s) they'd still be alive?

how fucking stupid does one have to be to take on someone who has been trained to hurt you and kill you if you give them a reason?

Caliphate4vr said...

How fucking stupid does one have to be to pass out drunk in the drive through

Anonymous said...

...and setting up IUD explosives to injure or kill cops on purpose.

uh, not for nothing, but i think you meant IED explosives?



4:40 PM · Jun 3, 2020

We’re about putting our money where our mouth is. So here’s our money and here’s our mouth. We are committed to donating $500k to support social justice, the youth and education in the Black community starting with the Thurgood Marshall College Fund and we’ll have receipts.
Our employees and customers have spoken loud and clear. We know we have a lot more to do than a donation. We’re committed to doing the work and we hear you
In the coming days, we’ll be using our Twitter account to amplify Black voices. Because what’s the point of this big platform if we don’t use it for what matters during times like these?

Scott Adams

That worked out.



I had to get this footage cause the media will make it seem like we burned this shit down #AtlantaProtest

White people stoking racial tension. Again.

Sure doesn't look like a white supremist

Caliphate4vr said...

Blogger rrb said...

...and setting up IUD explosives to injure or kill cops on purpose.

uh, not for nothing, but i think you meant IED explosives?

Tank Abrams IUD might kill a few

Commonsense said...

Shooting looks justified.

1. Don't get shit-faced drunk.
2. If you get shit-faced drunk, don't pass out at a Wendy's Drive-thru.
3. If you pass-out at a Wendy's Drive-thru, don't resist arrest when the cops come.
4. If you resist arrest, don't grab the cop's taser or gun
5. If you grab the taser, don't point it at the cop while you're running.
6. If you point the taser at the cop, you're dead.

End of story,

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I like Wendys. Burning one down because an unfortunate incident took place there is indefensible and should rightly be condemned.

Killing a drunk person trying to use a taser against a policeman is more questionable, however.

But in reply to someone's question: No, in some of the many recent cases the black person killed WAS complying with what the officer asked the person to do.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Still, attitudes are changing:

Trump Loses Allies on Anti-Kneeling Crusade

“President Donald Trump has long had two cherished American institutions standing beside him as he railed against athletes taking a knee during the national anthem: NASCAR and the NFL.

“This week, they both started to walk away. Bending to the cultural moment, NASCAR and the NFL in recent days reversed course on their approach to athletes protesting racial injustice. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said he had been wrong for not listening to protesting players earlier and encouraged “all to speak out and peacefully protest.” Meanwhile, NASCAR relaxed rules barring kneeling during the national anthem and banned Confederate flags from its events. Within days, a NASCAR driver was circling a track in a race car emblazoned with #BlackLivesMatter and a NASCAR official was taking a knee during pre-race ceremonies.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Racial Justice Groups Flooded With Donations

“The killing of George Floyd and the ensuing nationwide wave of protests are generating a record-setting flood of donations to racial justice groups, bail funds and black-led advocacy organizations across America, remaking the financial landscape of black political activism in a matter of weeks

“Money has come in so fast and so unexpectedly that some groups even began to turn away and redirect donors elsewhere. Others said they still could not yet account for how much had arrived. A deluge of online donations has washed over organizations big and small — from legacy civil rights groups to self-declared abolitionists seeking to defund the police.”
-The New York Times

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Barely Leads In Arkansas

A new Hendrix College poll in Arkansas finds Donald Trump leading Joe Biden by just two points, 47% to 45%.

Barely leading even in ARKANSAS!

So for that reason,
Campaign Aides Tell Trump His Polls Are Fine

The Daily Beast says Trump campaign officials spend a lot of time “convincing Trump that the electoral landscape and polling deficits he faces aren’t as dire as he’s been hearing.”

Said a White House official: “This helps keep the president from flying into a rage as much as he otherwise would.”

In the characterization of one source close to the president, a chunk of the re-election team focuses on proving to the president that his “dumpster-fire numbers” aren’t as bad as they seem, or reinforcing Trump’s conviction that pollsters get it wrong “all the time.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Secret Service Used Pepper Spray Against Protesters

“The United States Secret Service said Saturday that one of their agents had used pepper spray to clear protesters from Lafayette Square ahead of President Donald Trump’s photo op, reversing an earlier statement claiming that no one from the agency had done so.

“The Secret Service statement is the LATEST REVERSAL from a law enforcement agency on what happened on the evening of June 1 outside the White House grounds. Statements from law enforcement officials have frequently contradicted what protesters and on-the-ground reporters say happened and what many people witnessed happen on live TV."


DNC War Room
For over a week, the Trump admin said tear gas wasn’t used to clear protestors for Trump’s photo-op.

Now the Secret Service said tear gas was used.

Every Trump associate who repeated Trump’s tear gas lie should immediately correct or retract their erroneous statements.

Tim Murtaugh

The Secret Service, of course, said nothing of the sort. One officer used pepper spray.

Citizens who carry pepper spray for personal protection would be shocked to learn that the DNC thinks it’s tear gas.

USSS also confirmed that the demonstration was not entirely peaceful.

Commonsense said...

Killing a drunk person trying to use a taser against a policeman is more questionable, however.

No, it's not. You don't point any weapon at a police officer, ever.

Too many police officers have died because they hesitated one second too long.


I see the lying POS "pastor" OWNER OF THREE CONSECUTIVE LIE of the DAY AWARDS (until I stopped wasting my time fact checking and challenging him) is back to his waterboy spamming from his GODdard political_lire.

spam avalanche, that's his "hobby"

worshipping at the altar of GODdard.

and continuing his PATHOLOGICAL LYING

Commonsense said...

But in reply to someone's question: No, in some of the many recent cases the black person killed WAS complying with what the officer asked the person to do.

Name one outside of the George Floyd incident. Which we all agree was a horrible injustice.

Commonsense said...

Racial Justice Groups Flooded With Donations

Alternate headline: Racist Groups Exploit George Floyd's Death to Incite a Race War.

C.H. Truth said...

Killing a drunk person trying to use a taser against a policeman is more questionable, however.

If pushed too hard, it has the potential to deal a lethal blow to much of the "unity" that the killing of George Floyd produced.

I have been avoiding anything having to do with Facebook. But went on this morning after hearing about the calls for people to post some sort of black rectangle (or be deemed a racist).

I didn't see anything like that. But what I saw (somewhat surprisingly) is that people are really, really, really taking sides. My Facebook friends list is likely 70-30 liberal to conservative. Most of my wife's family, wife's friends, and many of my musician friends tend to be liberal. I have some family on my mother's side who tend to be former lunch pail Democrats turned Republican, and I am largely clueless about many of my co-workers, etc.

But I saw several posts in support of the police. I saw three different pictures (one of building burned down, one of a graveyard defaced with BLM slogans, and another of a historical statue half torn down and filled with BLM slogans) all with a caption to the extend that you should unfriend these people if you agree with these actions. I saw several comparing Antifa with Nazi, and one of my musician friends posted a thing about how our "woke" society mirrors Orwell's 1984.

Certainly the same liberal suspects who are always posting politics have a different opinion, but they were in the minority of who was posting political (much to my surprise).

overall, there seemed to be some agreement about how glad people are to be resuming their lives and put the lock downs behind them. I doubt that people have the stomach for any new lockdowns, even if their "is" a second wave.

Commonsense said...

You begin to really appreciate life after a lockdown. It's almost back to normal.

No, even if their was a legitimate second wave, nobody would believe it. The first causality of the riots was the credibility of the public health experts and elected officials who said the lock-down was necessary but then turn around and publicly supported the protest turned riots as more "important than letting the disease spread".

At that point the people were lied to. They will not tolerate another lockdown, there will be wholesale civil disobedience.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Harry Enten:
State Polls Show Clear Shift Towards Biden

“The latest state polls imply that Biden has a double-digit advantage nationally given that Clinton won the popular vote by 2 points. These state polls are in sync with the national polls that show Biden’s lead at 10 points.

“Importantly, many of these polls have been conducted across states that are the heart of the 2020 battleground. States like Arizona and Wisconsin are included in this group. Polls have also been conducted in states that Biden would like to win, but aren’t must wins for him, such as Ohio and Texas. Crucially, these are demographically distinct states in different regions of the country indicating that Trump is losing ground in a lot of different places.

“All together, it’s the latest evidence that Trump cannot count on the electoral college to save him. The leads that Biden is earning right now are well outside any potential polling miscue like the one that occurred on the state level in 2016. The former vice president, simply put, is well ahead of Trump at this time.”

Caliphate4vr said...

Truth: Democrats Feed Racism to Control Our Black Community

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

GOP Senator Won’t Commit to Wearing Mask at Rally

Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) confirmed on Sunday that he’ll attend President Trump’s upcoming campaign rally in Oklahoma, adding that despite the state’s rising coronavirus cases he has yet to decide if he’ll wear a face mask during the event, the Daily Beast reports.

Said Lankford: “You see actually very few masks in Oklahoma now."

Is that why the number of cases is rising?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Campaign Claims 800K Signed Up for Rally

Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale claimed that 800,000 have signed up for President Trump’s rally in Tulsa next weekend.

The arena holds 19,000.
And how many will be without masks?

C.H. Truth said...

Another interesting thing...

In looking at my facebook feed for the first time in weeks, nobody had any pictures of themselves wearing masks. I saw pictures of t-ball games, hockey is back in play, smaller graduation parties, people camping, a car rally, golfing, at the beach...

There was even a couple of posts showing State Fair Vendors (which was cancelled) setting up in parking lots, with a group of people buying mini-donuts and such... nobody in the crowd wearing a mask.

So I think the whole "liberal shaming" of people not wearing masks is yesterday's news.

But please, Reverend. Continue to make a big deal out of it like it matters!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

But in reply to someone's question: No, in some of the many recent cases the black person killed WAS complying with what the officer asked the person to do.

Name one outside of the George Floyd incident. Which we all agree was a horrible injustice.

Just from memory (without looking up their names), I can name three.

The young man at the service station who was asked for id and when he turned back to his truck to get it, the office immediately started shooting, wounding him in the hip (and perhaps elsewhere.
You yourself called that wrong.)

The man sitting in a car beside his girlfriend with a child in the back who was asked for his driver's license and when he reached to get it from his pocket, was shot.

There was also the woman in her home who was told "hands up" but was shot through a window before she had even a moment to comply.

I saw the video on each of those.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Here in Illinois there is a LOT of wearing of masks. Grocery stores cannot be entered without them. Most businesses that are partially opening require them. The other day when I stood in a very long line to get into a Department of Motor Vehicles office, everyone was wearing them, and I don't think I could have entered without one.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

1:54 The last two of those were killed.

C.H. Truth said...

Here in Illinois there is a LOT of wearing of mask

Costco is the only place here that requires mask wearing. Target and most convenience stores you see people wearing them, but certainly not a majority anymore.

More to the point, people on Facebook are not posting pictures of themselves waiting in line at a government agency. They show themselves around campfires, and their kids playing, or sitting on a beach, etc...

But again.. attempt shame them for not wearing their masks.

That's still your best move. If you cannot be right, at least you can still try to be a bully.

Caliphate4vr said...

Costco is it here as well.

Went Kroger and homedepot today, less than half wearing, those that are, the elderly.

Went out to eat 4 times last week sick of cooking, though I do have a brisket on the green egg, now


Jun 13, 2020

Last night: People drink outside a bar in the East Village neighborhood of New York. Photo by ⁦@JeenahM


Quite a statement they are making, know it or not.


Hotep WithIt

My blackness is FAR from a disability

minute VIDEO:

from the heart statement for the racist citizens of CHAZ

Commonsense said...

Just from memory (without looking up their names), I can name three.

Yeah, just is I figured. Without names, places and dates it's all bullshit lies.

And why I think your theological degree is phony. All theological students, hell all post secondary students have to have at least one basic class in logic, reasoning, and rhetoric.

You fail to show any understanding of those subjects. Including supporting your statements with provable facts.


James Woods

Everybody is sick of this it seems.

Now THATS a message

Anonymous said...

This is the face of a cowardly Socialist.
"Here in Illinois there is a LOT of wearing of masks. Grocery stores cannot be entered without them. Most businesses that are partially opening require them. The other day when I stood in a very long line to get into a Department of Motor Vehicles office, everyone was wearing them, and I don't think I could have entered without one."

Anonymous said...

The Three Socialist Stooges of CHT are always on The wrong side .
😊The survey, taken June 6-7, showed that a greater number of Americans believe Confederate statues should remain standing, 44 percent, as opposed to the 32 percent who say they should be removed. Twenty-three percent expressed no opinion on the matter.😊