Friday, June 12, 2020

Here is a question?

Out of the 300 plus average daily felonious violent crimes (murder, rape, assault) committed against white people by black people in this country...  does anyone care how many of those white people were unarmed?


Anonymous said...

at this point if white people have not figured out that they need to arm themselves to the fucking teeth, they have no one to blame but themselves if they're hurt or killed.

Anonymous said...

here's your feel good story of the day:

Black Lives Matter “protesters” critically injured one of their own on Wednesday as they toppled a Confederate statue in Portsmouth, Virginia.

The man, who police say is in his 30s, was standing at the base of the statue when it fell and struck him in the head—and it all happened on live TV.

"It came and fully hit him in the head, and we could see that his skull was actually showing," the president of the BLM 757 told NBC affiliate WAVY. "He was convulsing on the ground."

"He lost a great amount of blood," the witness said. "And we ask that everybody pray for that man right now."

play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

anonymous said...

Stupid question from a trump slurping sycophant !!!!!

committed against white people by black people in this country... does anyone care how many of those white people were unarmed?

Does it matter LilSchitty??????

You Lil Schitty and rat fucking asshole are the root problem in this great country.....bigotry and racism personified !!!!! Follow trump please.....he's not going to get any better soon!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden’s video address to George Floyd’s funeral was impressive — but only if you just landed from Mars.

With maudlin soundtrack and husky voice, the former vice president oozed empathy as he churned out empty platitudes about “racial justice” that are at odds with his personal history and the record of the Democratic Party he has represented for 47 years.

“I grew up with Catholic social doctrine which taught me that faith without works is dead,” he said, “and you will know us by what we do.”

OK, I accept the challenge.

Let us know Biden and his party by what they have done for black people in all the decades Dems have enjoyed a firm hold on their vote.

If they really cared about black lives, they would have tried to address the real reasons for black disadvantage. They would worry about fatherlessness, the 70 percent of black children born to single mothers, the illiteracy that holds down black achievement, and drugs that blight black lives.

They would champion school choice, which Attorney General Bill Barr calls the “civil rights issue of our era.”

They would wonder why black disadvantage and violence is ­entrenched in cities they have controlled for decades.

But instead, Democrats blather about “systemic racism” and blame cops and President Trump.

They pander with empty ­gestures such as Mayor de Blasio renaming streets after Black Lives Matter.

No one does pandering better than House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Her genuflecting performance in African garb was nauseating. But when she found herself unable to get off the floor, she did at least provide an inadvertent metaphor for the Democrats’ electoral prospects in November.

Five months out from an election, it is obvious they are stoking black grievance as an electoral ­necessity.

The priority is not “Black Lives Matter.” It’s “Black Votes Matter.”

Anonymous said...

Are the Three Socialist Stooges of CHT, truly WOKE?

Do they really believe they are worthless scum white men?

Anonymous said...

We need The Self Proclaimed Blog Historian to explain this:

"“Even Dr. King’s assassination did not have the worldwide impact that George Floyd’s death did,” Biden said."

Caliphate4vr said...

"World Wars I and II found the North and South fighting for a common cause, and the generalship and military science displayed by these two great men in the War between the States lived on and were applied in the military plans of our nation in Europe and the Pacific areas.

"Today with our nation beset by subversive groups and propaganda which seeks to destroy our national unity, we can look for inspiration to the lives of Lee and Jackson to remind us to be resolute and determined in preserving our sacred institutions.

We must remain steadfast in our determination to preserve freedom, not only for ourselves, but for other liberty-loving nations who are striving to preserve their national unity as free nations. In these days of uncertainty and turmoil, Americans must emulate Jackson's example and stand like a stone wall against aggression in any form that would seek to destroy the liberty of the world."

Baltimore Mayor Thomas D'Alesandro, Jr. father of Nancy Peloshee


She needs to SHUT UP and go sit in the back of the bus

Washington Examiner

Trayvon Martin's mother @SybrinaFulton rejects push to defund police and calls for more officers.

“I want residents to feel safe. I want to bridge the gap between the law enforcement and the community.”


Jim Geraghty

So, anybody want to pull down a statue of an actual "Exalted Cyclops” in the Ku Klux Klan in the West Virginia state capitol, or nah?


too soon ?


And hey lo iq, since you have NO IDEA how twitter or for that matter the internet works you need to stop commenting on anything twitter.

Your stupidity soars as seen in your recent comments.

But it does explain a lot.


Steve Krakauer

Incredible CNN segment. Reporter says how peaceful it is in CHAZ. One of the protesters crashes the shot and tries to organize people to interrupt the report. Reporter then says “no doubt some of these protesters are armed” (contradicting CNN's report):

Anonymous said...

We saw the Peaceful Rioters .

This is what the Socialist DNC is paying for.


And the first thing that happened in Chazland? They walled it off, have their own version of armed ICE agents deporting people and limiting access and have made reports of violent assaults and rapes as well as extortion. And complaints of homeless people eating all their food. And this is really a quite small area. Probably the most violent country in the world already if it is recognized as a country.

Sounds very peaceful there too.

Well maybe Trump can just build a bigger wall around them and let them out after 5 years. Anyone still alive. Though I would make sure they are provided food and water.

Commonsense said...

Nobody cares, we are on our own.


Katrina Pierson

If Democrats want to rename everything in American history that symbolizes racism, what is their timeline on renaming their political party?

Pretty sure it was a bunch of racist Democrats that seceded from the Union to start the Confederacy after all!

How about the Defunders of America?

Or DOA for short.

Commonsense said...

It was the first name they should have start with.


Rep. Steven Smith (R-GA)

And kept it going.!


This could be the new "dems" flag but if not maybe they need to get rid of a library and foundation at the very least. And an initiative.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Telling a black woman to shut up and go to the back of the bus.

Put that among the GOP's campaign planks.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Fauci 'concerned' that Floyd protests could lead to coronavirus spike, but has no comment on Trump rallies
Yahoo News

WASHINGTON—The nation’s most prominent public health official says he is worried that last week’s widespread protests against police brutality could lead to a spike in coronavirus cases. At the same time, he declined to speculate on whether President Trump resuming campaign rallies would result in similar spikes.

“You know, I’m concerned. I am,” Dr. Anthony Fauci told Yahoo News about the protests in a conversation that ranged from the 1918 influenza pandemic to the 79-year-old immunologist’s famous running habit.

Though his official title is director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, millions of Americans have come to trust and revere the blunt Brooklynite, elevating him to celebrity status.

A leading member of the White House coronavirus task force, Fauci has sometimes angered President Trump by straying from the president’s optimistic view on matters. But at least in the case of the protests that followed the killing of George Floyd by police officers in Minneapolis, Fauci appears to be aligned with those in the president’s camp who say that some media outlets, public health officials and politicians have shied from criticizing the protests, even if just weeks ago those same people were quick to condemn sometimes-armed protesters pushing states to end lockdown restrictions.

Without commenting on the protesters, Fauci observed that the demonstrations contravened virtually all of the social distancing guidelines issued by the White House task force in March. “You’re having crowds, and we recommend not to go in crowds. Physical distancing is impossible,” Fauci told Yahoo News, speaking from a National Institutes of Health boardroom (and thereby depriving the public of views into his much-discussed home office in Washington, D.C.)

“When people get animated, they get involved in the demonstration, they start chanting and shouting and screaming, very often they take their mask off,” Fauci said. In some cities, protest organizers distributed face masks and hand sanitizer to attendees; at the largest gatherings, in Washington, D.C., and New York, most did seem to be wearing face coverings, which can greatly reduce the risk of transmission.

Just how much transmission the protests will produce will become evident in the weeks to come, but Fauci says that REPORTED INFECTIONS IN THE D.C. NATIONAL GUARD ARE AN INAUSPICIOUS SIGN.

The immense crowd of protesters taking the Manhattan inbound roadway at the march across the Brooklyn Bridge.(Erik McGregor/LightRocket via Getty Images)
The protests are hardly the only evidence that a lockdowned nation has grown restless. Earlier this week, President Trump announced that he would be holding his first campaign in three months in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on June 19. ATTENDEES WILL HAVE TO SIGN A WAIVER ABDICATING THE RIGHT TO FILE CORONAVIRUS-RELATED SUITS.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

An able politician who has served every president since Ronald Reagan—in whose administration he led the effort to fight HIV/AIDS—Fauci can be forthright and circumspect in the same sentence. A question about Trump’s campaign rallies brought out the latter quality.

"I don't really want to comment on that,” he said. “It's not productive." The reticence seems rooted in the recognition that Trump would likely take any warning about rallies as a slight. Some of his more conspiratorial supporters have long pushed him to dismiss Fauci, manufacturing stories about how the revered immunologist is actually a Democratic plant.

Staying in Trump’s good graces may mean having to stay silent on issues like the upcoming rallies, even though the president’s supporters skew older and, like the president himself, may be reluctant to wear face masks in public. Packing those supporters into an arena could be a public health disaster, as Fauci doubtlessly knows.

(On Friday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “strongly” encouraged the wearing of face masks at high-attendance events, a comment that could in part be a reference to forthcoming Trump campaign rallies.)

The president has been less focused on the public health aspect of the coronavirus pandemic than on its economic effects, which are bound to have ramifications for his re-election prospects. Fauci says that he had what he describes as a “nice meeting” with Trump last week. “You don't have to see the president every day for the president to be interested in it," he argues, while at the same time acknowledging that Trump is “getting input” from “other components” of his administration.

Governors of both parties have been eager to reopen, with Republican-led states in the Southeast and Southwest generally moving faster than coastal states led by Democrats. But every state has reopened to some degree, and most are expected to continue to reopen, even as infection rates in many parts show a troubling rise.

Fauci has a message for states seeking to return to normal: "If you do it, don't throw all caution to the wind,” he says, adding that governors should insist on face coverings and social distancing measures.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Bolton Says All Trump Decisions Were Driven By Re-Election

“Former National Security Advisor John Bolton paints an unflattering picture of Donald Trump in his forthcoming memoir, writing that the president’s foreign policy choices were driven primarily by political considerations,” Bloomberg reports.

Writes Bolton: “I am hard-pressed to identify any significant Trump decision during my tenure that wasn’t driven by re-election calculations.”



James said...
Telling a black woman to shut up and go to the back of the bus.

Put that among the GOP's campaign planks.

Trayvon Martin's mother @SybrinaFulton rejects push to defund police and calls for more officers.

Guess that's what the DEMOCRATS are doing


Caliphate4vr said...

Black Sabbath Changes Name To Sabbath Of Colour

U.K.—Amid controversy over British heavy metal band Black Sabbath's insensitive and outdated name, band management has announced that the group will now be referred to as Sabbath of Colour.

While the group stopped touring several years ago when it became awkward to play music while being supported by walkers, all previous records will be re-released with the old name scrubbed, and all merchandise will be changed to the new name.

"Ya, you know, it's really great, really good," said Ozzy Osbourne. "Pancakes, you know? Wait... the, whatever it is... who are you? Where am I? What? Bloody hippopotamus cheesecakes all over the blimey cheerio mate."

"What Ozzy's trying to say," said Tony Iommi, "is that we're trying to be sensitive to persons of color while respecting the band's legacy. Also, we would sort of appreciate it if everyone would re-purchase all the old albums, because, let's be honest here, people aren't exactly buying heavy metal these days. All the kids and their Billy Eyelashes and You Toos and all these newfangled groups."

"This stuff never would have flown in the Dio era; I'm just saying," muttered Geezer Butler while playing a Red Hot Chili Peppers riff on his bass. "All these people are so paranoid."

Caliphate4vr said...

Bolton Says All Trump Decisions Were Driven By Re-Election

Is that shocking to you pederast?

This is my last election ... After my election I have more flexibility,

Fucking stupid old man

C.H. Truth said...

Telling a black woman to shut up and go to the back of the bus.

Exactly what the White Mayor of Seattle and White Governor of Washington told the Black female Police Chief, huh?

Commonsense said...

Writes Bolton: “I am hard-pressed to identify any significant Trump decision during my tenure that wasn’t driven by re-election calculations.”

If this is the big reveal, I think the TDS crowd is going to be mightily disappointed.