Friday, June 19, 2020

How bad is the Atlanta sick strike?

Atlanta PD Officers Continue To Stay Off Job As Off. Garrett Rolfe Is Jailed Without Bond
Interim Atlanta Police Chief Rodney Bryant acknowledged to reporters that sick calls began Wednesday night and continued Thursday. It’s not clear how many officers have failed to report for duty, but Bryant admitted that members of the Atlanta PD are upset that Rolfe has been charged with murder in connection with his efforts to arrest Brooks after it was determined that Brooks had been driving while intoxicated. Brooks admitted to driving where he was found sleeping – with the car running and sitting the drive-thru lane of the Wendy’s. “Some are angry. Some are fearful. Some are confused on what we do in this space. Some may feel abandoned,” Bryant said. “But we are there to assure them that we will continue to move forward and get through this.”
But Vince Champion, southeast regional director for the International Brotherhood of Police Officers told reporters on Thursday, “It’s not clear how many officers have called out, but just one officer showed up for work Thursday morning in Zone 6, which covers much of Atlanta’s east side and which several dozen are assigned to patrol.” There are only 6 patrol zones that encompass the City of Atlanta.

The local authorities are downplaying this publicly but people with police scanners and such are reporting the opposite. Not only are very small portions of cops showing up in some cases, but there are literally many 911 calls going completely unanswered  by any police. This is, quite obviously, a bigger problem than is being admitted and who knows when and how it ends.

At this point in time, there is no legal experts (that ever get anything correct) that believe this is a good charge. While you can question whether or not Derek Chauvin's knee to the neck of George Floyd was considered a felony assault, there is no such act in play here. Officer Garrett Rolfe was punched in the face, had his taser stolen, and then had that taser pointed at him. Authorities are calling that a felony assault (by Rolfe). I am not sure a jury made up of friends and relatives of Tayshard Brooks would even be swayed by that argument.

Meanwhile, Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard is also arguing that Officer Rolfe was never in harm's way (after recently arguing that a taser was a deadly weapon when used by the police). This blatant display of anti-cop and pro-criminal hypocrisy is what plays for political pandering in 2020. Whether or not it "actually" works outside of a small minority is up for grabs, but I suspect that it's not as popular as some people would like to believe.


anonymous said...

Does not enthrall me that so many have protested!!!! They are emotionally reacting instead of embracing the law and the flagrant ignoring of the SOP which says you don't shoot at a fleeing subject... Sad but they are entitled to bitch and moan and should be more sensitive to their own actions.....!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

So if an officer thinks he/she should not be charged under similar circumstances, this permits him/her to withhold protection from the community?

Would there not be some more responsible way to express that opinion?

C.H. Truth said...

Would there not be some more responsible way to express that opinion?

Sure... they could randomly burn stuff down. Perhaps they could just take over a few blocks of some city. They could topple a few old statues. Cause hundreds of millions of dollars in destruction. Kill a few people and injure a few hundred in the process.

I can only assume, Reverend... that you find that behavior to be more acceptable?

Myballs said...

Well, they could throw bricks thru windows and set their cars on fire

Anonymous said...

Would there not be some more responsible way to express that opinion?

not really.

all those APD officers watched as one of their own has been charged with felony murder.

the charge was an abomination brought by a crooked DA looking for a diversion. there are black LEO's who are publicly saying it's bullshit.

so pederast...

ye sow the wind, ye reap the fucking whirlwind.

liberals have enjoyed double standards and having it both ways for far too fucking long. and those chickens need to come home to roost. and roost they shall.

may the entire APD resign, retire, relocate and retaliate.

C.H. Truth said...

It's the classic debate.

Are the criminals the good guys and the cops the bad guys as liberals seem to be arguing?

or is it the other way around as 99% of the people in existence have always seen it?

Anonymous said...

Watch to the end. Judge for yourself.