Sunday, June 21, 2020

Let's keep things in perspective shall we?

Before Covid-19
After Covid-19


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...




Something you NEVER HEAR at a Biden rally

"Down in front"


C.H. Truth said...

The adults who reside in the Republican Party will never have to stoop to the level of trying to undercut enthusiasm for a Biden rally. Biden does that on his own!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Something not heard at the Tulsa rally:

"Sorry, you can't come in. No more room. Go to the overflow area."


Anonymous said...

the NYT report of that biden rally in the pic was priceless. they didn't even notice when ol' stinkfinger joe entered the room.




If Trump gave that rally speech as a Democrat--he would win an Emmy.


Democrats don't want to host their own rally, but they're sending their goons to terrorize women and children trying to attend Trump's rally.

Pick a side, folks.


LOL. Celebrities dunking on the size of Trump's crowd when their guy had 10 people at his last event.



Look at the crowd shots.

There are NO children.

There are NO families.

Normally there are thousands of families inside. The media scared them with threats of violent protesters.

NAZI tactics by the left. And approved by the "pastor"


Katrina Pierson

I keep seeing FAKE NEWS reporting that there wasn’t an outside audience at the #TulsaRally but from where I sat, you could have fooled me!

but I did read the terrorists blocked one entrance to the center and definitely had an impact on families attending.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Normally there are thousands of families inside. The media scared them with threats of violent protesters.

Some might have gotten scared by the fact that members of Trump's own staff tested positive, and by the fact that Trump required them to sign "I will not sue if I get deathly ill" waivers.

Anonymous said...

Berkeley Law professor: Trump saving the Constitution, 'his greatest service'

“My study of the separation of powers, and my time in the three branches of government, led me to worry that Trump would test, evade, or even violate the Constitution,” he added in his upcoming book, Defender in Chief.

Now, as Trump campaigns for reelection on a platform of tough executive orders, expanding conservative voices on federal courts, and beating back impeachment, Yoo is telling a different story.

“Boy was I wrong. Trump campaigns like a populist but governs like a constitutional conservative,” he wrote in the book due next month and published by All Points Books, an imprint of St. Martin’s Publishing Group. The publisher provided Secrets with an advance copy of the book set for release July 28.

Over the course of 300 pages comparing Trump moves to the wishes of the Founding Fathers, Yoo discovered that despite constant criticism that Trump was destroying the Constitution, he was actually propping it up and using it to defend the presidency.

“Rather than a sword, the Constitution has become Trump’s shield. Even though he had not had any previous government or military office or public policy experience, Trump has defended the constitutional text, structure, and design for an independent, vigorous executive,” writes Yoo.

Anonymous said...

NAZI tactics by the left. And approved by the "pastor"

why is it that you never see trump supporters harassing and threatening the left at their rallies?

curious that.

nazi tactics by the left indeed.


Trump War Room (#TulsaTrumpRally)

It's been 80 days since Joe Biden held a press conference. He's just not up for it.

Biden advisor @SymoneDSanders could not explain why Sleepy Joe refuses to take questions from reporters without the help of paper notes or pre-written answers behind his basement camera.

Dementia doesn't get better with age


Anonymous said...

ALBANY — For the second time in two days, a man was shot and killed in Albany.

Police said the victim, a 24-year-old man whose identity was not yet released, was shot several times in the torso near North Lake Avenue and First Street. The killing occurred at about 10:45 p.m. Saturday.

Firefighters treated the man at the scene before he was taken to Albany Medical Center Hospital and pronounced dead.

While they were investigating the homicide, police said they learned another man was found with a gunshot wound at Clinton Avenue and Quail Street. Police said they found a 30-year-old with a gunshot wound and believe he was injured in the same shooting that left the other man dead.

The second man's injuries were not life-threatening, police said.

Saturday's killing comes after Thursday's death of Dwayne Fenner, 34, who was shot multiple times on Third Street.

and just the other day we were being told that black lives matter.


good thing there were no cops involved in any of these shootings, eh?

Anonymous said...

Dementia doesn't get better with age

the exploitation of biden constitutes elder abuse.

anonymous said...

You assholes projecting about biden crowds is most amusing!!!!! Only 7000 in the arena as he made a 2 hour diatribe of BS and vanity!!!!! His 20 minutes on drinking water and tripping down the WP ramp was the biggest pile of BS evah and the people applauded like the idiots they are!!!! All in all an awful day for trump as his polls will not improve with that performance !!!!

anonymous said...

and just the other day we were being told that black lives matter.

The mater just as much to you as beaners you lying fuck!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Don't call it a comeback: Trump's Tulsa rally was just another sad farce
by Richard Wolffe

Campaign officials should be ready for firings and fury after a pathetic event made worse by wretched attempted excuses

The upper section was partially empty as Donald Trump spoke at the BOK Center in Tulsa.

There have been so many reasons to feel embarrassed about Donald Trump.

There was the time he paid off a porn star. There was the time he lied about the size of his inauguration crowd. The time he talked about the big water around Puerto Rico. The time he thought you could kill the coronavirus by injecting yourself with bleach.

But nothing truly comes close to the embarrassment of his so-called comeback rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on Saturday.

It was so toe-curlingly cringeworthy, such a crushing humiliation. There are 80s pop bands who have enjoyed greater comebacks than Donald Trump.

To understand how much of his insides will always melt at the thought of that Tulsa rally, it’s worth quoting Trump’s fine words just before he boarded Marine One at the White House.

“The event in Oklahoma is unbelievable,” he boasted. “The crowds are unbelievable. They haven’t seen anything like it. And we will go there now. We’ll give a, hopefully, good speech. We’re going to see a lot of great people, a lot of great friends. And pretty much, that’s it. OK?”

We really haven’t seen anything like that. For a man who loves peddling superlatives, this was the worst measure of his oh-so-sad popularity. The lowest point in electoral incompetence. The saddest campaign fiasco.

The event in Oklahoma was literally unbelievable if you believe that the Trump campaign is competent, and that Trump himself is actually popular. That’s the weird thing about our populist president: his approval ratings have never cracked 50% and are now stuck firmly in the low 40s. Perhaps that’s why he’s trailing Joe Biden by double-digits in recent polls.

As Trump likes to say: Pretty much, that’s it. At least it is for everyone grifting at the Trump campaign. Especially Brad Parscale, the Ferrari-driving manager who went from website builder to social media genius in 2016 but who now faces an imminent return to his website-building career, after predicting a monster rally in Tulsa.

Parscale bragged about “over 1 million ticket requests” earlier this week, a number he was so confident about that he built an outdoor event stage for Trump to talk to the massive overflow crowd. That was the day after Parscale tweeted about the “biggest data haul and rally signup of all time by 10x. Saturday is going to be amazing!”

Brad, it was indeed amazing. You got punked by several hundred thousand TikTok users, organized by a grandmother in Fort Dodge, Iowa.

Mary Jo Laupp was apparently so upset by the original date and place of Trump’s rally – the city where one of America’s worst racist massacres took place, in 1921 – that she asked people to sign up for the rally and not show up.

Laupp only joined TikTok earlier this year, but her call connected with thousands of K-Pop fans who are what Trump might call a silent majority.

Trump knows as much about Korean pop as he does about the Tulsa massacre and Juneteenth, the original date of his epic comeback rally. Of course he had to ask a black Secret Service agent to explain the meaning of Juneteenth, the holiday marking the emancipation of enslaved people.

“I did something good: I made Juneteenth very famous,” he told the Wall Street Journal. “It’s actually an important event, an important time. But nobody had ever heard of it.”

As it happened, nobody has ever heard of Trump’s comeback either. That’s in Oklahoma, a state he won by 36 points in 2016. A state no Democratic presidential nominee has won since 1964.

C.H. Truth said...

Btw... Twitter is a buzz with all of the pictures of guess what?

The crowds of people "outside" the arena watching the rally on the big screens. There are pictures from attendees, Trump campaign workers, and all sorts of other people that look to show at least a few thousand people gathered outside.

According to many attendees it was taking forever for people to get into the arena. They did not have all of the entrances open (for security reasons). The entrances that were open had protesters all around. They were actually providing Covid screening for everyone trying to get in.

So while the crowd inside may have been disappointing to many, the idea that that was all that showed up and that nobody was in any of the overflow areas appears to be another media lie.

Unless of course there was another rally at the BOK center where you could see Trump supporters watching large screens outside that very rally. Or, I supposed they could ALL be just photoshopped?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

THE GUARDIAN continued
Perhaps the Secret Service could do Trump another favor by explaining how his official excuse for the miserable crowds is even more laughable than all that bragging about MAGA fans.

“Sadly protesters interfered with supporters, even blocking access to the metal detectors, which prevented people from entering the rally,” said Tim Murtaugh, a campaign spokesman who should urgently seek alternative employment.

CNN reporters estimated there were around 175 protesters in Tulsa, so few, in fact, that the sidewalks were clear. Pool reporters traveling with the presidential motorcade said they saw no protesters or supporters en route.

This is the second time in one week that Trump has blown up his own campaign. If the geniuses running his train-wreck of a re-election had any argument against Biden it was this: Biden was soft on China and too unpopular to build a crowd.

But then came John Bolton’s book, revealing Trump’s bootlicking approach to being tough on China. Trump told Xi Jinping he was the greatest leader in Chinese history, which is quite a long time, according to the Secret Service.

Then the campaign was readying the most awesome contrast between the Tulsa rally and Biden’s socially-distanced campaigning. “Barely There Biden” was supposed to be the sequel to “Beijing Biden”.

There’s something else that’s barely there: Trump supporters.

To be fair, if they weren’t discouraged by the many dozens of protesters, Trump’s multitude of Maga-heads might have been discouraged by the pandemic that is now surging in, um, Tulsa.

The Trump White House and campaign would love its fans to pretend the pandemic has disappeared, like a miracle, just as Trump said it would. Sadly six of their own staffers tested positive for the virus on the day of the Tulsa rally, so this is a miracle that is moving as quickly as a president shuffling down a ramp.

Trump told the crowd at great length why he couldn’t possibly walk down a ramp unaided. He even re-enacted his walk down the deadly incline. He also treated them to a long excuse about why he couldn’t hold a glass of water with one hand. It apparently has something to do with protecting his expensive silk tie. Man of the people, that Trump guy.

Just as well he didn’t try to heal the nation’s racial divide. He might have tried to re-enact something far worse. LOL

For the half-filled arena (capacity, 19,000), it was hardly worth risking infection for this mask-free, fact-free and momentum-free event.

“I wish they would spread out a bit,” said CNN’s doctor-in-chief Sanjay Gupta. “It looks like they have the space to do so.”

Soon there will be even more space freed up at Trump’s campaign headquarters.
don’t bother planning another rally. You are about to lose your job.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

You mean to tell us, Ch, that at least some attendees had sense enough not to enter the building and risk infection and instead chose to wear masks(?) and watch outside?

Caliphate4vr said...

No one reads your spam pederast

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"At least a few thousand" did that? How many thousand? Enough to have added the needed 12,000 to have filled the arena?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

13,000 actually

anonymous said...

According to many attendees it was taking forever for people to get into the arena

And instead ran out of enthusiasm and went home!!!!!! Smart people there Lil was an unmitigated disaster!!!! Millions of requests for tickets and only 7000 showed up to suck on trumps grand fat ass!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mary Jo Laupp was apparently so upset by the original date and place of Trump’s rally – the city where one of America’s worst racist massacres took place, in 1921 – that she asked people to sign up for the rally and not show up.

isn't that sweet.

mary jo getting all worked up into a lather over summer kwanzaa.

meanwhile, in cities across america, blacks are being murdered - by blacks. but that doesn't seem to concern mary jo.

all this virtue signalling sure is entertaining.

Anonymous said...

by Richard Wolffe

i was wondering what had happened to this snarky little troll. he used to be a fixture on MSDNC.

anonymous said...

isn't that sweet.

Even better that only 7000 showed up for the fat mans words.....America is learning while you are left behind.....BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Even better that only 7000 showed up for the fat mans words...

only 7000 BWAA?

give it some time.

by tomorrow night XiNN will be reporting only a few dozen showed up.

and you and the pederast will believe them.

C.H. Truth said...

You mean to tell us, Ch, that at least some attendees had sense enough not to enter the building and risk infection and instead chose to wear masks(?) and watch outside?

First and foremost Reverend...

I hate to break it to you, but that 6200 number is complete hoax. All you need to do is look at the crowd and the seating chart to know that for a center stage concert at BOC, the floor, lower level, and the club seats make up 60-70 percent of the overall seating.

Which means, Reverend that in order for there to have been only 6200 people, the floor, lower level, and club level (which looked entirely full on video and pictures) could have only been at half capacity.

Did it look like that lower and floor and club level had only half the seats taken to you?

I would suggest (in my humble layman's opinion that takes zero of what the media states into account) that the arena was closer to 2/3 full than 1/3 full.

I would also judge by what multiple pictures and videos showed from outside the event that at least another few thousand were outside the arena at the time.

I am not sure if the outside crowd would have filled the rest of the arena or not... but I bet it would have been damned close.

Myballs said...

At least we are spared all the media reports that Trump packed people in too tightly and caused more virus spread. They had two stories ready, depending on attendance.

Commonsense said...

You assholes projecting about biden crowds is most amusing!!!!! Only 7000 in the arena

It was actually 17,000.


Melissa Francis

They should change the name to a protest instead of a rally. Then everyone who shows up in Tulsa would be applauded for their bravery not vilified for their recklessness.


Stanford prof: Median infection fatality rate of coronavirus for those under 70 is just 0.04%

No wonder just people easily scared by the MSM or politicians are now scared shitless and others want to get back to living. Those over 70 with other underlying conditions should be the only ones in confinement, not the whole population.

And people are starting to realize this on their own.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I hate to break it to you, [Reverend] but that 6200 number is complete hoax. All you need to do is look at the crowd and the seating chart to know that for a center stage concert at BOC, the floor, lower level, and the club seats make up 60-70 percent of the overall seating.

Commensa says
It was actually 1700 [in the arena]

I hate to break it to both Ch and Commensa, but they should have paid more attention to this:

The Tulsa Fire Marshal told the Washington Post that there were only about 6,100 people in the arena for President Trump’s campaign rally last night, even though the space can hold 19,000.

Sort of like the nonexistent invisible bigger-than-Obama's multitudes at Trump's first inauguration.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Nadler Says Barr Should Be Impeached

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler told CNN that he believes Attorney General William Barr deserves to be impeached, but that pursuing it would be a “waste of time” because of the Republican-controlled Senate.

Said Nader: “I don’t think calls for his impeachment are premature any more than calls for the President’s impeachment were premature, but they are a waste of time at this point.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Trump Allies Worry About Biden’s EVANGELICAL SUPPORT

“Biden, a lifelong Catholic, has performed better in recent polling among white evangelicals — and other religious groups — than Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton did in 2016, and is widely perceived as more religious than the current White House occupant.

"A Pew Research study conducted earlier this year showed that a majority of U.S. adults (63%) think Trump is ‘not at all’ or ‘not too religious,’ versus 55% who said they believed Biden is somewhat or very religious.

“Many conservative evangelical leaders have argued that Biden’s positions on cultural issues — like abortion, judges and religious freedom — are disqualifying. Still, anxiety is growing inside Trump’s orbit [that he may not be able this time] to peel off Christian voters who supported him in 2016, including the 81% of white evangelicals he carried.”

Well now, you see a lot of evangelicals frown on sleeping with porn stars and mistreating the sojourners (foreigners, resident aliens, immigrants--DACA--?) who are among us.

You see, that Bible that Trump held up they take more seriously than he does:

You must treat the foreigner residing among you as your native-born citizen. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.
--attributed to Moses in Leviticus 19:34

C.H. Truth said...

The Tulsa Fire Marshal told the Washington Post that there were only about 6,100 people in the arena for President Trump’s campaign rally last night, even though the space can hold 19,000.

Sorry Reverend... WaPo is lying to you.

Again... if there was 19,000 capacity. The floor was full, the lower bowl was full, and the club level was full...

That would mean that the upper bowl holds what? 13,000 in order for those other levels to only have 6,000 people?

But yet... the arena seating chart shows that not to be true?

Moreover, the reports approximately 1.5 hours before the rally started was that they had "only" let in about 50% of capacity. In order for that final number to be less than 1/3 people would have had to have "left" rather than continued to come over the last 90 minutes.

Is that what you are arguing reverend?

That the upper level of BOK arena holds 70% of the capacity and that reports that 50% had been in at 90 minutes prior were wrong?

Because WaPo told you so?

but, hey... isn't it just easier for Reverend gullible to take what he is told and believe it without question. After all the media has never lied to anyone about Trump.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And going back to the former:

After raising expectations with claims that a million people had requested tickets for his first campaign rally in more than three months, the vacant seats were the biggest story of the night. It was a bad omen for November, and Trump undoubtedly saw it with his own eyes as he scanned a sea of blue seats devoid of supporters on the top level of the arena that he and his campaign had said would be bursting beyond capacity; so full, they expected, that the campaign planned for a second outdoor speech to bring an additional 40,000 people unable to find a seat indoors.

Instead, the outdoor speech was cancelled, the stage dismantled. The campaign absurdly tried to explain by claiming that protesters blocked the entrances. But every reporter there confirmed that was not true.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Hey, Ch, why not get in touch with the Tulsa fire marshall and ask him/her how many were in the arena?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Andrew Little, the Public Information Officer for the Tulsa Fire Department, confirmed to Forbes on Sunday [today] that a tally taken by the fire marshal clocked the turnout at just under 6,200 people, far fewer attendees than the campaign expected.

anonymous said...

Again... if there was 19,000 capacity. The floor was full, the lower bowl was full, and the club level was full...

And all you are doing Lil Schitty is rationalizing that it wasn't as bad as you think it was!!!!!!!! The only real thing that was full was trump who was full of shit and you with your Pile of opinion!!!!!!

hours before the rally started was that they had "only" let in about 50% of capacity. In order for that final number to be less than

OH BULL SHIT!!!!! The overflow hall was never opened....the upper tier was as empty as your head.....Sad that the trump experience was at best a sputtering dud last night.....!!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

12:56 Trump will now fire the Tulsa fire marshall and the entire department.

Oh wait, he can't do that.

Myballs said...

Not sure why James is repeating the bogus 6200 number. Cht just disproved it.

Myballs said...

Biden has not held a press conference in 80 days. His handlers are hiding him for a reason. He needs to be handled like most other dementia patients.

Commonsense said...

James knows Biden can never approach Trump's rally numbers.

anonymous said...

Blogger Commonsense said...
James knows Biden can never approach Trump's rally numbers.

And I guess that is why trump can't match Biden's polling numbers!!!!! Keep up the good work Joe......trump can make an ass out of himself all by himself!!!!!

anonymous said...

Anonymous Myballs said...
Not sure why James is repeating the bogus 6200 number. Cut just disproved it.

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! The only thing he proved was there were a whole lot of empty seats in the arena the trump claimed a million people wanted tickets.....Numbers reported was 7k......Ch's count....his feeble opinion and shitty observational power!!!!!

Myballs said...

Biden polls high because 4hey are all using the proportionality method that skews 5he results. It weights the sample based on registered voters by state. This over weights CA and NY and under weights the red middle of the country.

C.H. Truth said...

You can believe whatever you need to believe Reverend...

I will believe what I saw on video and in the pictures... those are tied to reality.

anonymous said...

I will believe what I saw on video and in the pictures... those are tied to reality

Knee slapping funny Lil Schitty.....your untrained eye is more believable then that was reported!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! The reality is trump and his fat ass were kicked by lack of a crowd!!!!!!!

While the president’s campaign had claimed that more than a million people had sought tickets for the rally, the 19,000-seat BOK Center was at least one-third empty during the rally. A second, outdoor venue was so sparsely attended that he and Vice President Mike Pence both canceled appearances there.

Tim Murtaugh, a spokesman for the Trump campaign, falsely blamed the small numbers on “radical protesters” and the news media who he said had frightened away supporters. But there were few protests in the area and no sizable effort to block entrances, and there was a strong security presence.

Mr. Trump was furious about the unused outdoor stage and the comparatively thin crowd in the stadium, according to two people familiar with his reaction. News broadcasts carried video of the partially empty stadium, and even the Drudge Report, a reliably conservative website, carried an all-caps headline that said “MAGA LESS MEGA” with a picture of rows and rows of empty blue seats.

Commonsense said...

My advise to Donald Trump is to keep having the rallies no matter how much the Democrats and media (i repeat myself) tries to mock them.

Because they know Biden can never approach the numbers Trump attracts and it highlight's Biden's "hide in the bunker" strategy.

C.H. Truth said...

While the president’s campaign had claimed that more than a million people had sought tickets for the rally, the 19,000-seat BOK Center was at least one-third empty during the rally.

Interestingly, the night of the rally most people were saying that the arena looked about 70-75% capacity. This story (you linked) says it was about a third empty which would make it two thirds full.

So somewhere between two thirds and three quarters (66-75) percent capacity appeared to have been the general consensus of people who were there and reporting on it. It also was the first take by those watching the event live on streaming (between 5-6 million).

But all of those estimates appear to be wrong... and not only wrong, but wrong by almost double.

As the "fire marshal" is suggesting that the arena was less than 1/3 full.

If there was only 6000 people there... I would have expected all of the initial reports to suggest that it was 1/3 full... rather than 2/3 to 3/4 that EVERYONE was reporting last night.

Anonymous said...

Has Joe Announced his Rally Schedule?

10 is not a Rally, that is well, idk.

anonymous said...

rump is to keep having the rallies no matter how much the Democrats and media (i repeat myself) tries to mock them.

No one needs to mock the rally....just playing the trump speech and the mocking writes itself!!!!!!!! Maybe he can come up with a better excuse for his drinking problem.....he didn't want to spill water on an expensive silk tie!!!!!!! And people applauded like good little dogs!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!! Then him demonstrating drinking was HILARIOUS!!!!!!! And cramps applauds!!!

anonymous said...

Blogger KansasDemocrat said...
Has Joe Announced his Rally Schedule?

BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!1 Why should he?????? Trumps rallies are now self defeating!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile Slow Joe is Measuring the White House for new Drapes.

Biden wins in a landslide right?

Commonsense said...

But all of those estimates appear to be wrong... and not only wrong, but wrong by almost double.
As the "fire marshal" is suggesting that the arena was less than 1/3 full.

If there was only 6000 people there... I would have expected all of the initial reports to suggest that it was 1/3 full... rather than 2/3 to 3/4 that EVERYONE was reporting last night.

Just out of curiosity did anyone ever asked the fire marshal how he derived his estimate?
Or if he was in fact there at arena?
Or did he even watched it on TV?

Yeah, thought not.

Anonymous said...

So the supports of Joe will go to no Rallies. Ok.

Biden refuses to Debate Trump.

Commonsense said...

Meanwhile Slow Joe is Measuring the White House for new Drapes.

Joe is remodeling his basement into a replica of the Oval Office using old reruns of The West Wing.

Anonymous said...

James Ali was not assassinated as you said he was.

"In the interview published by the New York Post, Muhamad Ali, Jr., said he father would not be a fan of BLM. “My father would have said, ‘They ain’t nothing but devils.’ My father said, ‘all lives matter.’ I don’t think he’d agree (with BLM),” he insisted"

anonymous said...

Joe is remodeling his basement into a replica of the Oval Office using old reruns of The West Wing.

And trump is learning how to drink water, walk down ramps and comb his fake hair at the same time!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Biden refuses to Debate Trump.

You got a link for that you goat fucking liar!!!!!!!!