Monday, June 22, 2020

Remember: There are 300-400 violent crimes committed by black people against white people every day...

But it's the white guy who is always to blame?

The man recording this, told his brother that the employee of this Macy's had used the term "nigger" while on the phone. There was no such evidence that the employee used the word, much less used the word in relation to the people in question.

Just an unprovoked attack. Hate crime? You tell me.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch in his desperation is going to give us every individual act of indefensible violence he can find to try to cover up the fact that we DO have systemic violence conducted by too many (but not all!) police officers against blacks.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Also, he wants to draw attention away from this sort of thing:

Trump’s Failed Rally Raises Questions of Chinese Meddling

(You mean his good old friend Xi would do that sort of thing?)

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

When I click on the link, I get
"the media could not be played"

Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...
When I click on the link, I get
"the media could not be played"

well pederast, you have to be smarter than the video clip posted.

if you click on the twitter account of the individual who posted it, it plays.

you're an imbecile.

Anonymous said...

the assailant in the video deserves a 12 ga. to the face at point blank range.

wild animals need to be put down.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

When I was a boy, I had a KKK uncle who would show me drawn pictures of black men choking and about to rape white women in KKK literature.

The pictures were intended to enrage.

Your video, which I saw elsewhere, enrages me. Surely nothing justifies that sort of violent hatred and violence. Just as nothing justified the numerous lynchings of blacks in the old south and often in the north.

C.H. Truth said...

Ch in his desperation is going to give us every individual act of indefensible violence he can find to try to cover up the fact that we DO have systemic violence conducted by too many (but not all!) police officers against blacks.

Do you understand math Reverend?

I know you're a liberal, but bear with me.

What is a larger number?

300-400 a day or 15-30 a year?

You want to shut down society because somewhere between 15-30 unarmed suspects get killed by police each year, generally for good cause.

But you want to excuse 300-400 violent acts of crimes every single day...

Why exactly?

Please explain yourself, Reverend?

Anonymous said...


Dan Ornelas

Let me get this straight... they're removing the statue of the Roosevelt who *didn't* put American citizens into internment camps??

5:57 PM · Jun 21, 2020·Twitter for Android

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Local rapper FT Quay shared the video on Facebook and claimed that he and a 'bro' went to the mall and asked a man on the phone about a shirt size.

The shocking video was filmed at the Macy's store at the Genesee Valley Center in Flint Township and has circulated around social media. The man attacked was a store employee

He said the employee answered them and returned to his phone call, where he allegedly told someone on the phone 'no one just some n****r,' which resulted in the black man pouncing on him.

The moment the employee allegedly used the racial slur is not shown in the short clip.

Macy's has now claimed that the attack was 'unprovoked' and said they are helping authorities in identifying the man shown punching the employee in the video and the man filming it.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

If, as alleged, the n word was used, that still does not justify such violence, but I can understand that a black man would be angered if he was called that for no reason other than asking about a shirt size -- IF that is what happened.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Signals Scorched Earth Campaign

“In Tulsa and in the days beforehand, Trump and his allies signaled the beginning of a scorched earth campaign. Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. has posted memes portraying Biden — baselessly — as a pedophile. Trump’s campaign released an ad on Friday depicting Biden as aged and confused, calling him ‘clearly diminished’ and lacking ‘mental fortitude.’ On Saturday, he continued to suggest without evidence that Biden has health issues, saying ‘There’s something wrong with Biden.'

“The no-boundaries approach is in keeping with Trump’s smashmouth style. Yet it’s also a necessity for an unpopular president facing an electoral landscape that’s tilted against him.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Washington Post:
Trump Doubles-Down on Racial Grievance

President Trump has long used his raucous rallies to road test potential campaign themes and attack lines. And while much attention on his Saturday night appearance in Tulsa focused on the sparse turnout for his first rally since the pandemic ended mass gatherings, Trump’s litany of racially offensive stereotypes sent a clear signal about how he plans to try to revive his flagging reelection effort.

“Even at a moment of national reckoning over race and racism, Trump demonstrated the extent to which the final four months of the 2020 election will build on the darker themes of a previous campaign notable for its attacks on Hispanic immigrants and Muslims.”

And blacks.

And Ch is even here in this thread carrying water for him.

Anonymous said...

In her brilliant book Ordinary Vices, published five years before “Liberalism of Fear,” Shklar argued that we need to be afraid not only of physical cruelty committed by officials and police, but of the “moral cruelty” committed by those who claim to hate oppression. Drawing on the ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche -- whom she considered one of the most dangerous enemies of liberal democracy -- Shklar warned that liberalism can degenerate into a cult of victimhood that permits our sadistic desires to be passed off as unimpeachable virtue. As the United States is confronted with (often violent) protests against police violence and an increasingly strident and intolerant political culture of racial “wokeness,” Shklar’s argument that liberalism is endangered by both physical and moral cruelty is of urgent relevance. We have much to fear.


Shklar did not provide present-day examples of moral cruelty, preferring to stay with the safely nonpolitical example of a 19th-century allegory about 17th-century Puritans. We cannot afford such detachment. Everywhere around us, people are acting cruelly in the name of eradicating physical harm and arbitrary power. Anyone working in a university, cultural institution, or large corporation today has spent recent weeks reading emails, attending meetings, and participating in conversations that are theaters of moral cruelty. White people in such contexts are asked -- or required -- to admit that they are culpable, that they lack ethical and epistemic authority, that they must listen to and heed the demands of victims of racism. They humiliate themselves, literally kneeling in propitiation.

Shklar found such acts of self-debasement no less cruel and terrifying than the violence that they are supposedly meant to resist. Healthy minded people, she urged, do not want to suffer in this way -- nor do they want to attain power and self-respect at the cost of presenting themselves as a “model of moral victimhood”.

C.H. Truth said...

If, as alleged, the n word was used, that still does not justify such violence, but I can understand that a black man would be angered if he was called that for no reason other than asking about a shirt size -- IF that is what happened.

Macys is a high end store and their employees are professional and well trained. While I prefer Nordstroms myself as pertains to customer service, most all of these are people trained to deal with people (all sorts of people) and are not prone to make it in upscale retail if they are insensitive or otherwise intolerant... and certainly not if the are racist.

The attacker was not the same person who claimed he heard the "racial slur". The brother (who took the video) was the one who said he heard the slur and then told his brother about it. So the attacker was beating up a Macy's employee on the word of his brother....

if you see fit to believe that. My guess is that this isn't the first time that this guy has gone off on someone and that the brother (who incited the violence and took the video) likes to instigate it. My only question is to the degree that the attacker actually believed his brother or to what degree it's just an excuse to pound on someone.

Caliphate4vr said...

Macy’s has released this

Violence in the workplace of any kind is unacceptable. All the materials from the evening have been reviewed and it is clear that the attack was unprovoked. We are working closely with local authorities on this investigation, and will defer any further comments about the case to them per policy.

Anonymous said...

The attacker was not the same person who claimed he heard the "racial slur". The brother (who took the video) was the one who said he heard the slur and then told his brother about it. So the attacker was beating up a Macy's employee on the word of his brother....

it was a set-up done for affect.

and because they're black they felt immune from any backlash.

C.H. Truth said...

10-1 says the guy working in the mens fashion department was of the alternate lifestyle persuasion as well. So perhaps it was a hate crime against a gay man?

Commonsense said...

If, as alleged, the n word was used, that still does not justify such violence,

The n word was not used and that is exactly what you're trying to do pederest. Justify the violence with moral equivalency.

A man of God you're not.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

rat indicates the word was used.

And why shouldn't a man of God be interested in what really happened?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

rat was quoting Ch who indicates the n word was used

Caliphate4vr said...

They claimed the n word was used

You stupid pederast, there is a difference

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch reported:
The attacker was not the same person who claimed he heard the "racial slur". The brother (who took the video) was the one who said he heard the slur and then told his brother about it. So the attacker was beating up a Macy's employee on the word of his brother....

Caliphate4vr said...

Do you see the word claimed, stupid?

Why do you constantly lie?

Anonymous said...

‘Black Lives Only Matter When Whites Take Them’