Monday, June 15, 2020

So basically liberal white guilt drives the defund the police movement!

The only group in favor of defunding police? Self described liberals! 
Even blacks oppose by 20%


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch is barking up the wrong tree. No Democratic candidate is going to be calling for "defunding the police."

Biden has made that clear, and Bernie Sanders has explicitly stated that the police should not be defunded.

Anonymous said...

shocker. effete white liberals living in the ivory towers of America are most in favor. and it's no coincidence that they're also the most insulated from the harsh realities of the real world.

Anonymous said...

Ch is barking up the wrong tree. No Democratic candidate is going to be calling for "defunding the police."

Biden has made that clear, and Bernie Sanders has explicitly stated that the police should not be defunded.

well pederast, one must reconcile the public musings of joey stinkfinger and commie bernie with the significant portion of the democrat base who is calling for, no, DEMANDING, the defunding of the police.

you know, the ones who are now being ruled by a lawless warlord in various shithole communes.

have fun squaring THAT circle.

and no, i don't think that a phony double digit lead in the latest presidential election poll is going to get that done.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Who's "most insulated from the harsh realities of the real world?"

The Tulsa World:
‘The Wrong Place for a Trump Rally’

A Tulsa World editorial says Tulsa is a wrong place for a Trump rally.

“We don’t know why he chose Tulsa, but we can’t see any way that his visit will be good for the city.

“Tulsa is still dealing with the challenges created by a pandemic.

"The city and state have authorized reopening, but that doesn’t make a mass indoor gathering of people pressed closely together and cheering a good idea.

"There is no treatment for COVID-19 and no vaccine.

"It will be our health care system that will have to deal with whatever effects follow.”

Trump doesn't care about Tulsa.
Trump only cares about Trump.

Anonymous said...

Trump doesn't care about Tulsa.
Trump only cares about Trump.

blacks don't care about george floyd.

blacks only care about themselves.

oh, and free shit. like flat screen tv's.

saint george of the floyd. the patron saint of free flat screen tv's the world over.

Anonymous said...

and speaking of effete liberals from the academy, it is entertaining to watch them as they destroy one of their own.:

Anyone who still doubts that woke progressives can pose a material threat to the pursuit of truth should consider the case of David Shor. A week ago, as protests over the unjust police killing of George Floyd took place in major cities across the country, Shor—a 28-year-old political scientist at the Democratic consulting firm Civic Analytics—tweeted some observations about the successes and failures of various movements. He shared research by Princeton University's Omar Wasow, who has found that violent protests often backfire whereas nonviolent protests are far more likely to succeed. The impulse behind Shor's tweet was a perfectly liberal one: He feels progressive reforms are more palatable to the public when protesters eschew violence.

But many progressive activists on social media didn't care whether the impulse was liberal, or even whether it reflected reality. They denounced Shor as a racist for daring to scrutinize the protesters, even if his aim was to make them more effective. One activist accused Shor of using his "anxiety and 'intellect' as a vehicle for anti-blackness." Then she tagged Civis Analytics, and invited the company to "come get your boy."

Get him, they did. Civis Analytics promptly fired Shor.

amazing. shor was on THEIR side, trying to help THEM become MORE effective.


Anonymous said...

and just like that, the pederast was gone.

Commonsense said...

Ch is barking up the wrong tree. No Democratic candidate is going to be calling for "defunding the police."

AOC is. So is Ilhan Omar and Rasid Talben, Maxine Waters, hand just about every Democrat lunatic in Congress.

Commonsense said...

Tulsa is still dealing with the challenges created by a pandemic.

Tulsa is practically free of the virus.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Iowa May Be Trump’s Canary in the Coalmine

Trump’s Showmanship Is Now Backfiring

“President’s Trump’s showmanship is failing him as fears mount of a new spike in coronavirus infections and after another shooting of an African American man raised new questions about police brutality,” CNN reports.

“Instead of addressing such questions directly, Trump is grasping for made-for-TV moments designed to enhance his personal aura — a device he has used to some effect in his presidency but that is now emphasizing his disconnect with many Americans and struggles to manage crises besieging the White House.

“The President’s television producer’s eye leads him to seek dramatic tableaus that create his preferred image of himself — strong, defiant, tearing down establishment structures and trampling the normal etiquette of the presidency.”

Biden Holds Wide Lead Nationally

A new Abacus Data poll finds Joe Biden leading Donald Trump by 14 points among registered voters nationally, 49% to 35%.

Among likely voters, Biden leads 51% to 41%.

Coronavirus Cases Spike Across Sun Belt

“The warning has echoed ominously for weeks from epidemiologists, small-town mayors and county health officials: Once states begin to reopen, a surge in coronavirus cases will follow,” the New York Times reports.

“That scenario is now playing out in states across the country, particularly in the Sun Belt and the West, as thousands of Americans have been sickened by the virus in new and alarming outbreaks.

“Hospitals in Arizona have been urged to activate emergency plans to cope with a flood of coronavirus patients.”

C.H. Truth said...

Well Reverend...

Let's just hope that this Tulsa newspaper made their objections to BLM and racial injustice protests plainly made...

Otherwise, they can pretty much roll up their editorials and shove them up their own asses.

And Rat is correct. Oklahoma has no outbreak or issues other than what exists everywhere. They reported no deaths again yesterday and have never had a serous outbreak of the virus.

But if the editors want... they are free to skip the event!

C.H. Truth said...

“Hospitals in Arizona have been urged to activate emergency plans to cope with a flood of coronavirus patients.”

Which is liberalspeak for... there is actually "no emergency" right now or anything imminent... but let's ask for another 40,000 ventilators because, well... any day now!

C.H. Truth said...

I wonder if it would surprise the Arizona "urgers" that they had only 34 new hospitalizations and 3 deaths reported yesterday?

Of course, it's not really the empirical data that is driving these guesses, it's the underlying belief that we had to stay closed forever and ever!

Oh and guess what? According CTP:

As of May 8, Arizona is reporting specimens tested, including both PCR and antibody tests. Because some people may be tested more than once, this number is probably higher than the number of people tested.

So Arizona is another state now reporting their anti-body tests (people that once had it) as new reported cases. But I am sure you knew that, huh Reverend. I am sure that fact was brought up by the stories you read!

Anonymous said...

James, Want to Defund a group that has killed more blacks then any group in History of the USA?

Caliphate4vr said...

Communities will still be 'safe' without cops, says Ilhan Omar - but fails to explain how Americans will be protected or crimes investigated without law enforcement

Chicago has already tried, se Cabrini Green

Anonymous said...

James is paralysed.

His killing cops and has injuries 1200 + Nation wide.
He has to buy masks by the gross.
And is a self hating white.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

blacks don't care about george floyd.

blacks only care about themselves.


Black lives matter to blacks

blacks care about themselves
and Floyd is one of them