Sunday, June 14, 2020

Sunday Funnies


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Fauci Sees ‘Normality’ at Least a Year Away

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top U.S. infectious-disease expert, told the Telegraph that the coronavirus will linger in the country for months and it will be about a year before things return to normal.

Said Fauci: “I would hope to get to some degree of real normality within a year or so. But I don’t think it’s this winter or fall, we’ll be seeing it for a bit more.”

Tulsa Health Director Wants Trump Rally Postponed

Dr. Bruce Dart, the Tulsa City-County Health Department’s director, told Tulsa World he wishes the campaign rally for President Trump on June 20 would be pushed back to a later date.

Dart said Tulsa is seeing a “significant increase in our case trends” that makes a large gathering like the rally dangerous for not only attendees, but the president himself.

Said Dart: “I think it’s an honor for Tulsa to have a sitting president want to come and visit our community, but not during a pandemic. I’m concerned about our ability to protect anyone who attends a large, indoor event, and I’m also concerned about our ability to ensure the president stays safe as well.”

Majority Think Trump Is Racist

A new Yahoo! News/YouGov poll finds 52% of Americans think President Trump is a racist, while only 34% said no — an 18 point spread.

A whopping 54% rated Trump either a “failure” or “below average” president.

Trump Got His Iconic Moment

Washington Post: “The succession of images from Lafayette Square on June 1 has reverberated for nearly two weeks — a harrowing cable news split-screen that now has enduring consequences for Trump and outsize symbolism for a nation broken after yet another black man died in the custody of police.”

“So indelible were the pictures that night outside the White House that Lafayette Square has come to represent Trump’s inability to meet the moment. The layers of black fencing erected to close the park and surrounding streets became Fortress White House — a physical manifestation of the president’s distance from Americans’ cries for racial justice. The bold, yellow ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER’ lettering on 16th Street became a declaration of resistance visible from the sky. And the name Lafayette Square itself became a shorthand for so much of what many see as wrong in America.”

Anonymous said...

Denny you are a fatty.
Height: 6 feet, 2 inches

Weight: 205 pounds

Your BMI is 26.3, indicating your weight is in the Overweight category for adults of your height.

Anonymous said...

Fauci rules James.

Myballs said...

Curious thst yahoo yougov poll, on 231 pages of results, only gives 231 U.S. adults as the sample. No demographics. No political makeup. Hmmm....

Myballs said...

1570 adults

Myballs said...

BMI is an inaccurate measure. How many very fit NFL players are 6 ft 2 in 205 lbs?

Anonymous said...

Criminals stop committing crimes in support of "Defund the Police".

Right, that would work.

Anonymous said...

Fauci Sees ‘Normality’ at Least a Year Away

that's nice pederast.

i, along with most sane, rational people, stopped listening to him over a month ago.

Anonymous said...

NPR: “Mounting Evidence” Suggests COVID Not As Deadly as Thought.

Did the Experts Fail Again?

The social and economic costs of the lockdowns soon became apparent. The US alone has seen 40 million jobs lost, many of which aren’t coming back. Recession looms. Hundreds of thousands of businesses have already been wiped away. The federal debt has surged to $26 trillion.

Unfortunately, the COVID disaster and the aforementioned Iraq War fit a familiar pattern. As the historian Paul Johnson has observed, most of the worst events of the 20th century were perpetrated by experts who used collective power to shape world events in a direction they believed was beneficial.

“One of the principal lessons of our tragic century, which has seen so many millions of innocent lives sacrificed in schemes to improve the lot of humanity, is—beware intellectuals,” Johnson wrote in The Intellectuals. “Not merely should they be kept away from the levers of power, they should also be objects of particular suspicion when they seek to offer collective advice.”

Nobody denies the immense cost of the lockdowns, but what was gained by them remains a subject of contention.

A May report from JP Morgan, as well as other evidence, suggests the lockdowns had little to no impact on the spread of COVID-19.

Marko Kolanovic, a physicist and strategist for JP Morgan, pointed out that a majority of nations saw declines in infection rates after the lockdowns were lifted.

“Unlike rigorous testing of new drugs, lockdowns were administered with little consideration that they might not only cause economic devastation but potentially more deaths than Covid-19 itself,” Kolanoviche said.


Ferguson, who in 2005 said up to 200 million might die from bird flu (about 100 did), was asked by The New York Times in March what the best-case scenario was for the US during the COVID pandemic.

“About 1.1 million deaths,” he responded.

As of June 10, Ferguson is off by about a factor of ten. Why we should continue to listen to schools that have already proven to be so disastrously wrong is anyone’s guess. The “chicken little” story comes to mind.

In 2003, state actors led the world into a bloody, years-long struggle in Iraq to protect the world from nuclear weapons that didn’t exist—only to eventually learn how little US intel experts actually knew about Iraq’s nuclear capabilities.

In 2020, central planners from around the world decided to shut down the global economy to protect people from an invisible, highly contagious virus that will result in no or mild symptoms for up to 90 percent of its carriers.

Some lessons, it seems, are hard to learn.

Myballs said...

Next democrat platform: stop homeless hunger by defunding soup kitchens

Commonsense said...

Ideal weight for a 6' 2" man is 185 lbs so fatty is about 20lbs over.

NFL players work weights daily so it's all muscle mass. And they have to keep their work out regimen even after they retire or the muscle will turn to fat.

Anonymous said...


A systemic defect inseparable from the system requires wholesale replacement of the system. That’s the game with the systemic-racism canard. The goal isn’t civic equality or respect — both widely supported, both fully achievable in-system. The goal, as Matthew Peterson has noted, is regime change.

This is why you see the aggressive delegitimization of state force, police and military alike. The capacity for violence that is properly the monopoly of any functioning state is stripped away through the closing of the necessary political space. You’re seeing it already: police won’t police, prosecutors won’t prosecute, the man in charge of the Army of the United States issues public apologies, the city fathers of Seattle abandon governance of their own urban core, even “Cops” is cancelled. The state writ large, the sole bearer of democratic legitimacy, is enervated and unsure. Solzhenitsyn would have recognized it: it looks like St Petersburg in 1917. The powerful abandon their duties of stewardship, having absorbed and believed their enemies’ critiques of themselves.

When the regime changes, the people in charge will be the same ones conducting ideological purges and smashing statuary now. It will be rule by Americans with the aesthetic ethos of the Taliban and the social ethos of Mao’s China. We aren’t there yet — but we are a long way toward it. Events accelerate, and once everyone is on board — once the nice lady on CNN who worked on Capitol Hill as senior staff gets her wish of stripping you and me of George Washington and the whole Founding — then the network coalesces and they seize the reins. The existing superstructure is too attenuated to use the power at its disposal, neither for its own preservation nor for the protection of the people whom it is supposed to serve.

The new one won’t be.

Yes, this is nothing like a civil rights movement.

C.H. Truth said...

Ideal weight for a 6' 2" man is 185 lbs so fatty is about 20lbs over.

Problem is that Denny is actually 5'9" and 235 lb... with the classic body of someone who lives in their mother's basement and survives off chips, frozen pizza, and convenience store hamburgers.


Sunday funnies winner is Axios, by a landslide.

In an article today:

When the history of the coronavirus pandemic is written, it will be remembered as a time when the strongest leadership had to come from the ground up, given the many failures at the national level.

add topping the list (drum roll)


New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D): He didn't head off the worst outbreak in the nation, and he admitted to Axios’ Jonathan Swan that he wishes he had sounded the alarm sooner. But he still tops the lists for the public health experts we talked to for this piece, because he has led a turnaround and is well regarded for his regular, fact-filled public briefings.

You really can't make this shit up.


in other words he fucked up but was well spoken.

sounds like Obama


what liberals want.

Anonymous said...

Happy Flag Day.


Tim Young

WATCH AND CRINGE: How stupid is the liberal leader of an 'independent police advisory group' in London?

She was asked about removing the Churchill Statue... Her response... "I haven't personally met him."



What's taking Biden so long to name his running mate?


Warning: you won't be able to unsee it.

Anonymous said...


"Problem is that Denny is actually 5'9" and 235 lb... with the classic body of someone who lives in their mother's basement and survives off chips, frozen pizza, and convenience store hamburgers."

Denny said he was 6'2" and 205 lbs.
He again threatened to Kick my assume.
It is a vapid threat.

C.H. Truth said...

Denny might hit you with a slice of pepperoni pizza or throw his X-box controller at you. Other than that...

Anonymous said...

Warning: you won't be able to unsee it.


i just threw up a little in my mouth.

Anonymous said...

😠Warning: you won't be able to unsee it.🤥

Just Damn!